Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2020 Graylog, Inc.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1,
* as published by MongoDB, Inc.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Server Side Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License
* along with this program. If not, see
* .
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import jakarta.inject.Inject;
import jakarta.inject.Singleton;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption;
import java.time.Instant;
* Service for pulling Geo Location Processor ASN and city database files from an S3 bucket and storing them on disk.
* The files will initially be downloaded to a temporary location on disk, then they will be validated by the
* {@link}, and after successful validation they will
* be moved to the active location so that the Geo Location Processor can read them. The on-disk directory location
* for downloaded files is S3_DOWNLOAD_LOCATION in {@link GeoIpProcessorConfig}. The file names are hardcoded to ensure
* that the proper files are always left active.
* This service is called from two places:
* - {@link} will download new files when the Geo
* Location Processor configuration is changed and the new configuration has different S3 objects than the old.
* - {@link} will check to see if new files need to be
* downloaded each time the service runs based on the lastModified times of the S3 objects.
* This class relies on the DefaultCredentialsProvider and not any settings that may be configured in the
* Graylog AWS plugin configuration. See
* for how to configure your environment so that the default provider retrieves credentials properly.
public class S3GeoIpFileService {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(S3GeoIpFileService.class);
public static final String S3_BUCKET_PREFIX = "s3://";
public static final String ACTIVE_ASN_FILE = "asn-from-s3.mmdb";
public static final String ACTIVE_CITY_FILE = "standard_location-from-s3.mmdb";
public static final String TEMP_ASN_FILE = "temp-" + ACTIVE_ASN_FILE;
public static final String TEMP_CITY_FILE = "temp-" + ACTIVE_CITY_FILE;
public static final String NULL_S3_CLIENT_MESSAGE = "Unable to create DefaultCredentialsProvider for the S3 Client. Geo Location Processor S3 file refresh is disabled.";
private S3Client s3Client;
private final Path downloadDir;
private final Path asnPath;
private final Path cityPath;
private final Path tempAsnPath;
private final Path tempCityPath;
private Instant asnFileLastModified = Instant.EPOCH;
private Instant cityFileLastModified = Instant.EPOCH;
private Instant tempAsnFileLastModified = null;
private Instant tempCityFileLastModified = null;
public S3GeoIpFileService(GeoIpProcessorConfig config) {
this.downloadDir = config.getS3DownloadLocation();
this.asnPath = downloadDir.resolve(S3GeoIpFileService.ACTIVE_ASN_FILE);
this.cityPath = downloadDir.resolve(S3GeoIpFileService.ACTIVE_CITY_FILE);
this.tempAsnPath = downloadDir.resolve(S3GeoIpFileService.TEMP_ASN_FILE);
this.tempCityPath = downloadDir.resolve(S3GeoIpFileService.TEMP_CITY_FILE);
if (Files.exists(cityPath)) {
cityFileLastModified = Instant.ofEpochMilli(cityPath.toFile().lastModified());
if (Files.exists(asnPath)) {
asnFileLastModified = Instant.ofEpochMilli(asnPath.toFile().lastModified());
* Downloads the Geo Processor city and ASN database files to a temporary location so that they can be validated
* @param config current Geo Location Processor configuration
* @throws S3DownloadException if the files fail to be downloaded
public void downloadFilesToTempLocation(GeoIpResolverConfig config) throws S3DownloadException {
if (s3ClientIsNull() || !ensureDownloadDirectory()) {
try {
BucketsAndKeys bucketsAndKeys = getBucketsAndKeys(config);
GetObjectResponse cityResponse = getS3Client().getObject(GetObjectRequest.builder()
.key(bucketsAndKeys.cityKey()).build(), tempCityPath);
tempCityFileLastModified = cityResponse.lastModified();
if (!config.asnDbPath().isEmpty()) {
GetObjectResponse asnResponse = getS3Client().getObject(GetObjectRequest.builder()
.key(bucketsAndKeys.asnKey()).build(), tempAsnPath);
tempAsnFileLastModified = asnResponse.lastModified();
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Failed to retrieve S3 files. {}", e.toString());
throw new S3DownloadException(e.getMessage());
* Checks to see if either the database files need to be pulled down from S3
* @param config current Geo Location Processor configuration
* @return true if the files in S3 have been modified since they were last synced
public boolean fileRefreshRequired(GeoIpResolverConfig config) {
if (s3ClientIsNull()) {
return false;
// If either database file doesn't already exist then they need to be downloaded
if (!Files.exists(cityPath) || (!config.asnDbPath().isEmpty() && !Files.exists(asnPath))) {
return true;
BucketsAndKeys bucketsAndKeys = getBucketsAndKeys(config);
S3Object cityObj = getS3Object(bucketsAndKeys.cityBucket(), bucketsAndKeys.cityKey());
if (cityObj == null) {
LOG.warn("No city database file '{}' found in S3 bucket '{}'. Aborting S3 file refresh.",
bucketsAndKeys.cityKey(), bucketsAndKeys.cityBucket());
return false;
boolean asnUpdated = false;
if (!config.asnDbPath().isEmpty()) {
S3Object asnObj = getS3Object(bucketsAndKeys.asnBucket(), bucketsAndKeys.asnKey());
if (asnObj == null) {
LOG.warn("No ASN database file '{}' found in S3 bucket '{}'. Aborting S3 file refresh.",
bucketsAndKeys.asnKey(), bucketsAndKeys.asnBucket());
return false;
asnUpdated = asnObj.lastModified().isAfter(asnFileLastModified);
return cityObj.lastModified().isAfter(cityFileLastModified) || asnUpdated;
* Once the database files have been downloaded from S3 and then validated, move them to a fixed location for the
* Geo Location processor to read and update the last modified variables.
* @throws IOException if the files fail to be moved to the active location
public void moveTempFilesToActive() throws IOException {
Files.move(tempCityPath, cityPath, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);
cityFileLastModified = tempCityFileLastModified;
if (Files.exists(tempAsnPath)) {
Files.move(tempAsnPath, asnPath, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);
asnFileLastModified = tempAsnFileLastModified;
tempAsnFileLastModified = null;
tempCityFileLastModified = null;
* Get the path to where the temporary ASN database file will be stored on disk
* @return temporary ASN database file path
public String getTempAsnFile() {
return tempAsnPath.toString();
* Get the path to where the temporary city database file will be stored on disk
* @return temporary city database file path
public String getTempCityFile() {
return tempCityPath.toString();
* Get the path to where the active ASN database file will be stored on disk. The file here will always be used by
* the Geo Location Processor if the Use S3 config option is enabled.
* @return active ASN database file path
public String getActiveAsnFile() {
return asnPath.toString();
* Get the path to where the active city database file will be stored on disk. The file here will always be used by
* the Geo Location Processor if the Use S3 config option is enabled.
* @return active city database file path
public String getActiveCityFile() {
return cityPath.toString();
* Delete the temporary files if they exist and reset their last modified times
public void cleanupTempFiles() {
try {
if (Files.exists(tempAsnPath)) {
if (Files.exists(tempCityPath)) {
tempAsnFileLastModified = null;
tempCityFileLastModified = null;
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.error("Failed to delete temporary Geo Processor DB files. Manual cleanup of '{}' and '{}' may be necessary",
getTempAsnFile(), getTempCityFile());
public boolean s3ClientIsNull() {
return getS3Client() == null;
private void setFilePermissions(Path filePath) {
File tempFile = filePath.toFile();
if (!(tempFile.setExecutable(true)
&& tempFile.setWritable(true)
&& tempFile.setReadable(true, false))) {
LOG.warn("Failed to set file permissions on newly downloaded Geo Location Processor database file {}. " +
"Geo Location Processing may be unable to function correctly without these file permissions",
// Convert the asnDbPath and cityDbPath to S3 buckets and keys
private BucketsAndKeys getBucketsAndKeys(GeoIpResolverConfig config) {
String cityFile = config.cityDbPath();
int cityLastSlash = cityFile.lastIndexOf("/");
String cityBucket = cityFile.substring(S3_BUCKET_PREFIX.length(), cityLastSlash);
String cityKey = cityFile.substring(cityLastSlash + 1);
LOG.debug("City Bucket = {}, City Key = {}", cityBucket, cityKey);
String asnBucket = "";
String asnKey = "";
if (!config.asnDbPath().isEmpty()) {
String asnFile = config.asnDbPath();
int asnLastSlash = asnFile.lastIndexOf("/");
asnBucket = asnFile.substring(S3_BUCKET_PREFIX.length(), asnLastSlash);
asnKey = asnFile.substring(asnLastSlash + 1);
LOG.debug("ASN Bucket = {}, ASN Key = {}", asnBucket, asnKey);
return BucketsAndKeys.create(asnBucket, asnKey, cityBucket, cityKey);
// Gets the S3 object for the given bucket and key. Since the listObjectsV2 method takes only a prefix to filter
// objects a for loop is used to find the exact key in case there are objects in the S3 bucket with the exact key
// as a prefix.
private S3Object getS3Object(String bucket, String key) {
ListObjectsV2Request listObjectsRequest = ListObjectsV2Request.builder().bucket(bucket).prefix(key).build();
ListObjectsV2Response listObjectsResponse = getS3Client().listObjectsV2(listObjectsRequest);
S3Object obj = null;
for (S3Object o : listObjectsResponse.contents()) {
if (o.key().equals(key)) {
obj = o;
return obj;
private S3Client getS3Client() {
if (s3Client == null) {
try {
s3Client = S3Client.create();
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.debug("If not trying to use the Geo Location Processor S3 file refresh feature, the following error can safely be ignored.\n\tERROR : {}", e.getMessage());
return s3Client;
private boolean ensureDownloadDirectory() {
if (!Files.exists(downloadDir)) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.error("Unable to create S3 download directory at {}. Geo-Location Processor S3 file refresh will be broken on this node.",
return Files.exists(downloadDir);
* Helper class to break the asnDbPath and cityDbPath configuration options into a valid S3 bucket and key to use
* with the S3 client
static abstract class BucketsAndKeys {
public abstract String asnBucket();
public abstract String asnKey();
public abstract String cityBucket();
public abstract String cityKey();
public static BucketsAndKeys create(String asnBucket, String asnKey, String cityBucket, String cityKey) {
return new AutoValue_S3GeoIpFileService_BucketsAndKeys(asnBucket, asnKey, cityBucket, cityKey);
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