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{"version":3,"file":"bb8c8232-3142.e8fbd9db4faf506084f5.js","mappings":"iIAAA,IAAIA,EAAe,UAAY,CAAE,SAASC,EAAiBC,EAAQC,EAAO,CAAE,QAASC,EAAI,EAAGA,EAAID,EAAM,OAAQC,IAAK,CAAE,IAAIC,EAAaF,EAAMC,CAAC,EAAGC,EAAW,WAAaA,EAAW,YAAc,GAAOA,EAAW,aAAe,GAAU,UAAWA,IAAYA,EAAW,SAAW,IAAM,OAAO,eAAeH,EAAQG,EAAW,IAAKA,CAAU,CAAG,CAAE,CAAE,OAAO,SAAUC,EAAaC,EAAYC,EAAa,CAAE,OAAID,GAAYN,EAAiBK,EAAY,UAAWC,CAAU,EAAOC,GAAaP,EAAiBK,EAAaE,CAAW,EAAUF,CAAa,CAAG,EAAE,EAEljB,SAASG,EAAgBC,EAAUJ,EAAa,CAAE,GAAI,EAAEI,aAAoBJ,GAAgB,MAAM,IAAI,UAAU,mCAAmC,CAAK,EAOvJ,UAAY,CAEX,GAAI,OAAO,OAAW,IACpB,OAKF,IAAIK,EAAQ,MAAM,UAAU,MAMxBC,EAAU,QAAQ,UAAU,SAAW,QAAQ,UAAU,kBAGzDC,EAA2B,CAAC,UAAW,aAAc,wBAAyB,yBAA0B,2BAA4B,yBAA0B,UAAW,UAAW,SAAU,SAAU,QAAS,mBAAmB,EAAE,KAAK,GAAG,EAmB9OC,EAAY,UAAY,CAK1B,SAASA,EAAUC,EAAaC,EAAc,CAC5CP,EAAgB,KAAMK,CAAS,EAG/B,KAAK,cAAgBE,EAGrB,KAAK,aAAeD,EAMpB,KAAK,cAAgB,IAAI,IAGrB,KAAK,aAAa,aAAa,aAAa,EAE9C,KAAK,iBAAmB,KAAK,aAAa,aAAa,aAAa,EAEpE,KAAK,iBAAmB,KAE1B,KAAK,aAAa,aAAa,cAAe,MAAM,EAGpD,KAAK,wBAAwB,KAAK,YAAY,EAO9C,KAAK,UAAY,IAAI,iBAAiB,KAAK,YAAY,KAAK,IAAI,CAAC,EACjE,KAAK,UAAU,QAAQ,KAAK,aAAc,CAAE,WAAY,GAAM,UAAW,GAAM,QAAS,EAAK,CAAC,CAChG,CAQA,OAAAf,EAAac,EAAW,CAAC,CACvB,IAAK,aACL,MAAO,UAAsB,CAC3B,KAAK,UAAU,WAAW,EAEtB,KAAK,eACH,KAAK,mBAAqB,KAC5B,KAAK,aAAa,aAAa,cAAe,KAAK,gBAAgB,EAEnE,KAAK,aAAa,gBAAgB,aAAa,GAInD,KAAK,cAAc,QAAQ,SAAUG,EAAW,CAC9C,KAAK,cAAcA,EAAU,IAAI,CACnC,EAAG,IAAI,EAQP,KAAK,UAA4B,KACjC,KAAK,aAA+B,KACpC,KAAK,cAAgC,KACrC,KAAK,cAAgC,IACvC,CAMF,EAAG,CACD,IAAK,0BAML,MAAO,SAAiCC,EAAW,CACjD,IAAIC,EAAS,KAEbC,EAAiBF,EAAW,SAAUG,EAAM,CAC1C,OAAOF,EAAO,WAAWE,CAAI,CAC/B,CAAC,EAED,IAAIC,EAAgB,SAAS,cAE7B,GAAI,CAAC,SAAS,KAAK,SAASJ,CAAS,EAAG,CAKtC,QAHIG,EAAOH,EAEPK,EAAO,OACJF,GAAM,CACX,GAAIA,EAAK,WAAa,KAAK,uBAAwB,CACjDE,EAAiCF,EACjC,KACF,CACAA,EAAOA,EAAK,UACd,CACIE,IACFD,EAAgBC,EAAK,cAEzB,CACIL,EAAU,SAASI,CAAa,IAClCA,EAAc,KAAK,EAIfA,IAAkB,SAAS,eAC7B,SAAS,KAAK,MAAM,EAG1B,CAMF,EAAG,CACD,IAAK,aACL,MAAO,SAAoBD,EAAM,CAC/B,GAAIA,EAAK,WAAa,KAAK,aAG3B,KAAIG,EAAqCH,EAIrCG,IAAY,KAAK,cAAgBA,EAAQ,aAAa,OAAO,GAC/D,KAAK,gBAAgBA,CAAO,GAG1BZ,EAAQ,KAAKY,EAASX,CAAwB,GAAKW,EAAQ,aAAa,UAAU,IACpF,KAAK,YAAYA,CAAO,EAE5B,CAOF,EAAG,CACD,IAAK,cACL,MAAO,SAAqBH,EAAM,CAChC,IAAIJ,EAAY,KAAK,cAAc,SAASI,EAAM,IAAI,EACtD,KAAK,cAAc,IAAIJ,CAAS,CAClC,CAOF,EAAG,CACD,IAAK,gBACL,MAAO,SAAuBI,EAAM,CAClC,IAAIJ,EAAY,KAAK,cAAc,WAAWI,EAAM,IAAI,EACpDJ,GACF,KAAK,cAAc,OAAUA,CAAS,CAE1C,CAOF,EAAG,CACD,IAAK,mBACL,MAAO,SAA0BC,EAAW,CAC1C,IAAIO,EAAS,KAEbL,EAAiBF,EAAW,SAAUG,EAAM,CAC1C,OAAOI,EAAO,cAAcJ,CAAI,CAClC,CAAC,CACH,CAOF,EAAG,CACD,IAAK,kBACL,MAAO,SAAyBA,EAAM,CACpC,IAAIK,EAAe,KAAK,cAAc,aAAaL,CAAI,EAIlDK,IACH,KAAK,cAAc,SAASL,EAAM,EAAI,EACtCK,EAAe,KAAK,cAAc,aAAaL,CAAI,GAGrDK,EAAa,aAAa,QAAQ,SAAUC,EAAgB,CAC1D,KAAK,YAAYA,EAAe,IAAI,CACtC,EAAG,IAAI,CACT,CAQF,EAAG,CACD,IAAK,cACL,MAAO,SAAqBC,EAASC,EAAM,CACzCD,EAAQ,QAAQ,SAAUE,EAAQ,CAChC,IAAI5B,EAAoC4B,EAAO,OAC/C,GAAIA,EAAO,OAAS,YAElBnB,EAAM,KAAKmB,EAAO,UAAU,EAAE,QAAQ,SAAUT,EAAM,CACpD,KAAK,wBAAwBA,CAAI,CACnC,EAAG,IAAI,EAGPV,EAAM,KAAKmB,EAAO,YAAY,EAAE,QAAQ,SAAUT,EAAM,CACtD,KAAK,iBAAiBA,CAAI,CAC5B,EAAG,IAAI,UACES,EAAO,OAAS,cACzB,GAAIA,EAAO,gBAAkB,WAE3B,KAAK,YAAY5B,CAAM,UACdA,IAAW,KAAK,cAAgB4B,EAAO,gBAAkB,SAAW5B,EAAO,aAAa,OAAO,EAAG,CAG3G,KAAK,gBAAgBA,CAAM,EAC3B,IAAIwB,EAAe,KAAK,cAAc,aAAaxB,CAAM,EACzD,KAAK,cAAc,QAAQ,SAAU6B,EAAa,CAC5C7B,EAAO,SAAS6B,EAAY,IAAI,GAClCL,EAAa,YAAYK,EAAY,IAAI,CAE7C,CAAC,CACH,EAEJ,EAAG,IAAI,CACT,CACF,EAAG,CACD,IAAK,eACL,IAAK,UAAe,CAClB,OAAO,IAAI,IAAI,KAAK,aAAa,CACnC,CAIF,EAAG,CACD,IAAK,qBACL,IAAK,UAAe,CAClB,OAAO,KAAK,mBAAqB,IACnC,CAIF,EAAG,CACD,IAAK,kBACL,IAAK,SAAaC,EAAY,CAC5B,KAAK,iBAAmBA,CAC1B,EAIA,IAAK,UAAe,CAClB,OAAO,KAAK,gBACd,CACF,CAAC,CAAC,EAEKlB,CACT,EAAE,EAkBEmB,EAAY,UAAY,CAK1B,SAASA,EAAUZ,EAAMa,EAAW,CAClCzB,EAAgB,KAAMwB,CAAS,EAG/B,KAAK,MAAQZ,EAGb,KAAK,qBAAuB,GAM5B,KAAK,YAAc,IAAI,IAAI,CAACa,CAAS,CAAC,EAGtC,KAAK,eAAiB,KAGtB,KAAK,WAAa,GAGlB,KAAK,iBAAiB,CACxB,CAQA,OAAAlC,EAAaiC,EAAW,CAAC,CACvB,IAAK,aACL,MAAO,UAAsB,CAG3B,GAFA,KAAK,kBAAkB,EAEnB,KAAK,OAAS,KAAK,MAAM,WAAa,KAAK,aAAc,CAC3D,IAAIT,EAAqC,KAAK,MAC1C,KAAK,iBAAmB,KAC1BA,EAAQ,aAAa,WAAY,KAAK,cAAc,EAEpDA,EAAQ,gBAAgB,UAAU,EAIhC,KAAK,sBACP,OAAOA,EAAQ,KAEnB,CAGA,KAAK,MAAwB,KAC7B,KAAK,YAA8B,KACnC,KAAK,WAAa,EACpB,CAOF,EAAG,CACD,IAAK,oBAML,MAAO,UAA6B,CAClC,GAAI,KAAK,UACP,MAAM,IAAI,MAAM,sCAAsC,CAE1D,CAIF,EAAG,CACD,IAAK,mBAIL,MAAO,UAA4B,CACjC,GAAI,KAAK,KAAK,WAAa,KAAK,aAGhC,KAAIA,EAAqC,KAAK,KAC9C,GAAIZ,EAAQ,KAAKY,EAASX,CAAwB,EAAG,CACnD,GAAgCW,EAAQ,WAAa,IAAM,KAAK,iBAC9D,OAGEA,EAAQ,aAAa,UAAU,IACjC,KAAK,eAA4CA,EAAQ,UAE3DA,EAAQ,aAAa,WAAY,IAAI,EACjCA,EAAQ,WAAa,KAAK,eAC5BA,EAAQ,MAAQ,UAAY,CAAC,EAC7B,KAAK,qBAAuB,GAEhC,MAAWA,EAAQ,aAAa,UAAU,IACxC,KAAK,eAA4CA,EAAQ,SACzDA,EAAQ,gBAAgB,UAAU,GAEtC,CAOF,EAAG,CACD,IAAK,eACL,MAAO,SAAsBU,EAAW,CACtC,KAAK,kBAAkB,EACvB,KAAK,YAAY,IAAIA,CAAS,CAChC,CASF,EAAG,CACD,IAAK,kBACL,MAAO,SAAyBA,EAAW,CACzC,KAAK,kBAAkB,EACvB,KAAK,YAAY,OAAUA,CAAS,EAChC,KAAK,YAAY,OAAS,GAC5B,KAAK,WAAW,CAEpB,CACF,EAAG,CACD,IAAK,YACL,IAAK,UAAe,CAClB,OAAiC,KAAK,UAExC,CACF,EAAG,CACD,IAAK,mBACL,IAAK,UAAe,CAClB,OAAO,KAAK,iBAAmB,IACjC,CAIF,EAAG,CACD,IAAK,OACL,IAAK,UAAe,CAClB,YAAK,kBAAkB,EAChB,KAAK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_createClass = function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if (\"value\" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; }();\n\nfunction _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError(\"Cannot call a class as a function\"); } }\n\n/**\n * This work is licensed under the W3C Software and Document License\n * (\n */\n\n(function () {\n  // Return early if we're not running inside of the browser.\n  if (typeof window === 'undefined') {\n    return;\n  }\n\n  // Convenience function for converting NodeLists.\n  /** @type {typeof Array.prototype.slice} */\n  var slice = Array.prototype.slice;\n\n  /**\n   * IE has a non-standard name for \"matches\".\n   * @type {typeof Element.prototype.matches}\n   */\n  var matches = Element.prototype.matches || Element.prototype.msMatchesSelector;\n\n  /** @type {string} */\n  var _focusableElementsString = ['a[href]', 'area[href]', 'input:not([disabled])', 'select:not([disabled])', 'textarea:not([disabled])', 'button:not([disabled])', 'details', 'summary', 'iframe', 'object', 'embed', '[contenteditable]'].join(',');\n\n  /**\n   * `InertRoot` manages a single inert subtree, i.e. a DOM subtree whose root element has an `inert`\n   * attribute.\n   *\n   * Its main functions are:\n   *\n   * - to create and maintain a set of managed `InertNode`s, including when mutations occur in the\n   *   subtree. The `makeSubtreeUnfocusable()` method handles collecting `InertNode`s via registering\n   *   each focusable node in the subtree with the singleton `InertManager` which manages all known\n   *   focusable nodes within inert subtrees. `InertManager` ensures that a single `InertNode`\n   *   instance exists for each focusable node which has at least one inert root as an ancestor.\n   *\n   * - to notify all managed `InertNode`s when this subtree stops being inert (i.e. when the `inert`\n   *   attribute is removed from the root node). This is handled in the destructor, which calls the\n   *   `deregister` method on `InertManager` for each managed inert node.\n   */\n\n  var InertRoot = function () {\n    /**\n     * @param {!HTMLElement} rootElement The HTMLElement at the root of the inert subtree.\n     * @param {!InertManager} inertManager The global singleton InertManager object.\n     */\n    function InertRoot(rootElement, inertManager) {\n      _classCallCheck(this, InertRoot);\n\n      /** @type {!InertManager} */\n      this._inertManager = inertManager;\n\n      /** @type {!HTMLElement} */\n      this._rootElement = rootElement;\n\n      /**\n       * @type {!Set}\n       * All managed focusable nodes in this InertRoot's subtree.\n       */\n      this._managedNodes = new Set();\n\n      // Make the subtree hidden from assistive technology\n      if (this._rootElement.hasAttribute('aria-hidden')) {\n        /** @type {?string} */\n        this._savedAriaHidden = this._rootElement.getAttribute('aria-hidden');\n      } else {\n        this._savedAriaHidden = null;\n      }\n      this._rootElement.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true');\n\n      // Make all focusable elements in the subtree unfocusable and add them to _managedNodes\n      this._makeSubtreeUnfocusable(this._rootElement);\n\n      // Watch for:\n      // - any additions in the subtree: make them unfocusable too\n      // - any removals from the subtree: remove them from this inert root's managed nodes\n      // - attribute changes: if `tabindex` is added, or removed from an intrinsically focusable\n      //   element, make that node a managed node.\n      this._observer = new MutationObserver(this._onMutation.bind(this));\n      this._observer.observe(this._rootElement, { attributes: true, childList: true, subtree: true });\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Call this whenever this object is about to become obsolete.  This unwinds all of the state\n     * stored in this object and updates the state of all of the managed nodes.\n     */\n\n\n    _createClass(InertRoot, [{\n      key: 'destructor',\n      value: function destructor() {\n        this._observer.disconnect();\n\n        if (this._rootElement) {\n          if (this._savedAriaHidden !== null) {\n            this._rootElement.setAttribute('aria-hidden', this._savedAriaHidden);\n          } else {\n            this._rootElement.removeAttribute('aria-hidden');\n          }\n        }\n\n        this._managedNodes.forEach(function (inertNode) {\n          this._unmanageNode(inertNode.node);\n        }, this);\n\n        // Note we cast the nulls to the ANY type here because:\n        // 1) We want the class properties to be declared as non-null, or else we\n        //    need even more casts throughout this code. All bets are off if an\n        //    instance has been destroyed and a method is called.\n        // 2) We don't want to cast \"this\", because we want type-aware optimizations\n        //    to know which properties we're setting.\n        this._observer = /** @type {?} */null;\n        this._rootElement = /** @type {?} */null;\n        this._managedNodes = /** @type {?} */null;\n        this._inertManager = /** @type {?} */null;\n      }\n\n      /**\n       * @return {!Set} A copy of this InertRoot's managed nodes set.\n       */\n\n    }, {\n      key: '_makeSubtreeUnfocusable',\n\n\n      /**\n       * @param {!Node} startNode\n       */\n      value: function _makeSubtreeUnfocusable(startNode) {\n        var _this2 = this;\n\n        composedTreeWalk(startNode, function (node) {\n          return _this2._visitNode(node);\n        });\n\n        var activeElement = document.activeElement;\n\n        if (!document.body.contains(startNode)) {\n          // startNode may be in shadow DOM, so find its nearest shadowRoot to get the activeElement.\n          var node = startNode;\n          /** @type {!ShadowRoot|undefined} */\n          var root = undefined;\n          while (node) {\n            if (node.nodeType === Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) {\n              root = /** @type {!ShadowRoot} */node;\n              break;\n            }\n            node = node.parentNode;\n          }\n          if (root) {\n            activeElement = root.activeElement;\n          }\n        }\n        if (startNode.contains(activeElement)) {\n          activeElement.blur();\n          // In IE11, if an element is already focused, and then set to tabindex=-1\n          // calling blur() will not actually move the focus.\n          // To work around this we call focus() on the body instead.\n          if (activeElement === document.activeElement) {\n            document.body.focus();\n          }\n        }\n      }\n\n      /**\n       * @param {!Node} node\n       */\n\n    }, {\n      key: '_visitNode',\n      value: function _visitNode(node) {\n        if (node.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {\n          return;\n        }\n        var element = /** @type {!HTMLElement} */node;\n\n        // If a descendant inert root becomes un-inert, its descendants will still be inert because of\n        // this inert root, so all of its managed nodes need to be adopted by this InertRoot.\n        if (element !== this._rootElement && element.hasAttribute('inert')) {\n          this._adoptInertRoot(element);\n        }\n\n        if (, _focusableElementsString) || element.hasAttribute('tabindex')) {\n          this._manageNode(element);\n        }\n      }\n\n      /**\n       * Register the given node with this InertRoot and with InertManager.\n       * @param {!Node} node\n       */\n\n    }, {\n      key: '_manageNode',\n      value: function _manageNode(node) {\n        var inertNode = this._inertManager.register(node, this);\n        this._managedNodes.add(inertNode);\n      }\n\n      /**\n       * Unregister the given node with this InertRoot and with InertManager.\n       * @param {!Node} node\n       */\n\n    }, {\n      key: '_unmanageNode',\n      value: function _unmanageNode(node) {\n        var inertNode = this._inertManager.deregister(node, this);\n        if (inertNode) {\n          this._managedNodes['delete'](inertNode);\n        }\n      }\n\n      /**\n       * Unregister the entire subtree starting at `startNode`.\n       * @param {!Node} startNode\n       */\n\n    }, {\n      key: '_unmanageSubtree',\n      value: function _unmanageSubtree(startNode) {\n        var _this3 = this;\n\n        composedTreeWalk(startNode, function (node) {\n          return _this3._unmanageNode(node);\n        });\n      }\n\n      /**\n       * If a descendant node is found with an `inert` attribute, adopt its managed nodes.\n       * @param {!HTMLElement} node\n       */\n\n    }, {\n      key: '_adoptInertRoot',\n      value: function _adoptInertRoot(node) {\n        var inertSubroot = this._inertManager.getInertRoot(node);\n\n        // During initialisation this inert root may not have been registered yet,\n        // so register it now if need be.\n        if (!inertSubroot) {\n          this._inertManager.setInert(node, true);\n          inertSubroot = this._inertManager.getInertRoot(node);\n        }\n\n        inertSubroot.managedNodes.forEach(function (savedInertNode) {\n          this._manageNode(savedInertNode.node);\n        }, this);\n      }\n\n      /**\n       * Callback used when mutation observer detects subtree additions, removals, or attribute changes.\n       * @param {!Array} records\n       * @param {!MutationObserver} self\n       */\n\n    }, {\n      key: '_onMutation',\n      value: function _onMutation(records, self) {\n        records.forEach(function (record) {\n          var target = /** @type {!HTMLElement} */;\n          if (record.type === 'childList') {\n            // Manage added nodes\n   (node) {\n              this._makeSubtreeUnfocusable(node);\n            }, this);\n\n            // Un-manage removed nodes\n   (node) {\n              this._unmanageSubtree(node);\n            }, this);\n          } else if (record.type === 'attributes') {\n            if (record.attributeName === 'tabindex') {\n              // Re-initialise inert node if tabindex changes\n              this._manageNode(target);\n            } else if (target !== this._rootElement && record.attributeName === 'inert' && target.hasAttribute('inert')) {\n              // If a new inert root is added, adopt its managed nodes and make sure it knows about the\n              // already managed nodes from this inert subroot.\n              this._adoptInertRoot(target);\n              var inertSubroot = this._inertManager.getInertRoot(target);\n              this._managedNodes.forEach(function (managedNode) {\n                if (target.contains(managedNode.node)) {\n                  inertSubroot._manageNode(managedNode.node);\n                }\n              });\n            }\n          }\n        }, this);\n      }\n    }, {\n      key: 'managedNodes',\n      get: function get() {\n        return new Set(this._managedNodes);\n      }\n\n      /** @return {boolean} */\n\n    }, {\n      key: 'hasSavedAriaHidden',\n      get: function get() {\n        return this._savedAriaHidden !== null;\n      }\n\n      /** @param {?string} ariaHidden */\n\n    }, {\n      key: 'savedAriaHidden',\n      set: function set(ariaHidden) {\n        this._savedAriaHidden = ariaHidden;\n      }\n\n      /** @return {?string} */\n      ,\n      get: function get() {\n        return this._savedAriaHidden;\n      }\n    }]);\n\n    return InertRoot;\n  }();\n\n  /**\n   * `InertNode` initialises and manages a single inert node.\n   * A node is inert if it is a descendant of one or more inert root elements.\n   *\n   * On construction, `InertNode` saves the existing `tabindex` value for the node, if any, and\n   * either removes the `tabindex` attribute or sets it to `-1`, depending on whether the element\n   * is intrinsically focusable or not.\n   *\n   * `InertNode` maintains a set of `InertRoot`s which are descendants of this `InertNode`. When an\n   * `InertRoot` is destroyed, and calls `InertManager.deregister()`, the `InertManager` notifies the\n   * `InertNode` via `removeInertRoot()`, which in turn destroys the `InertNode` if no `InertRoot`s\n   * remain in the set. On destruction, `InertNode` reinstates the stored `tabindex` if one exists,\n   * or removes the `tabindex` attribute if the element is intrinsically focusable.\n   */\n\n\n  var InertNode = function () {\n    /**\n     * @param {!Node} node A focusable element to be made inert.\n     * @param {!InertRoot} inertRoot The inert root element associated with this inert node.\n     */\n    function InertNode(node, inertRoot) {\n      _classCallCheck(this, InertNode);\n\n      /** @type {!Node} */\n      this._node = node;\n\n      /** @type {boolean} */\n      this._overrodeFocusMethod = false;\n\n      /**\n       * @type {!Set} The set of descendant inert roots.\n       *    If and only if this set becomes empty, this node is no longer inert.\n       */\n      this._inertRoots = new Set([inertRoot]);\n\n      /** @type {?number} */\n      this._savedTabIndex = null;\n\n      /** @type {boolean} */\n      this._destroyed = false;\n\n      // Save any prior tabindex info and make this node untabbable\n      this.ensureUntabbable();\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Call this whenever this object is about to become obsolete.\n     * This makes the managed node focusable again and deletes all of the previously stored state.\n     */\n\n\n    _createClass(InertNode, [{\n      key: 'destructor',\n      value: function destructor() {\n        this._throwIfDestroyed();\n\n        if (this._node && this._node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {\n          var element = /** @type {!HTMLElement} */this._node;\n          if (this._savedTabIndex !== null) {\n            element.setAttribute('tabindex', this._savedTabIndex);\n          } else {\n            element.removeAttribute('tabindex');\n          }\n\n          // Use `delete` to restore native focus method.\n          if (this._overrodeFocusMethod) {\n            delete element.focus;\n          }\n        }\n\n        // See note in InertRoot.destructor for why we cast these nulls to ANY.\n        this._node = /** @type {?} */null;\n        this._inertRoots = /** @type {?} */null;\n        this._destroyed = true;\n      }\n\n      /**\n       * @type {boolean} Whether this object is obsolete because the managed node is no longer inert.\n       * If the object has been destroyed, any attempt to access it will cause an exception.\n       */\n\n    }, {\n      key: '_throwIfDestroyed',\n\n\n      /**\n       * Throw if user tries to access destroyed InertNode.\n       */\n      value: function _throwIfDestroyed() {\n        if (this.destroyed) {\n          throw new Error('Trying to access destroyed InertNode');\n        }\n      }\n\n      /** @return {boolean} */\n\n    }, {\n      key: 'ensureUntabbable',\n\n\n      /** Save the existing tabindex value and make the node untabbable and unfocusable */\n      value: function ensureUntabbable() {\n        if (this.node.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {\n          return;\n        }\n        var element = /** @type {!HTMLElement} */this.node;\n        if (, _focusableElementsString)) {\n          if ( /** @type {!HTMLElement} */element.tabIndex === -1 && this.hasSavedTabIndex) {\n            return;\n          }\n\n          if (element.hasAttribute('tabindex')) {\n            this._savedTabIndex = /** @type {!HTMLElement} */element.tabIndex;\n          }\n          element.setAttribute('tabindex', '-1');\n          if (element.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {\n            element.focus = function () {};\n            this._overrodeFocusMethod = true;\n          }\n        } else if (element.hasAttribute('tabindex')) {\n          this._savedTabIndex = /** @type {!HTMLElement} */element.tabIndex;\n          element.removeAttribute('tabindex');\n        }\n      }\n\n      /**\n       * Add another inert root to this inert node's set of managing inert roots.\n       * @param {!InertRoot} inertRoot\n       */\n\n    }, {\n      key: 'addInertRoot',\n      value: function addInertRoot(inertRoot) {\n        this._throwIfDestroyed();\n        this._inertRoots.add(inertRoot);\n      }\n\n      /**\n       * Remove the given inert root from this inert node's set of managing inert roots.\n       * If the set of managing inert roots becomes empty, this node is no longer inert,\n       * so the object should be destroyed.\n       * @param {!InertRoot} inertRoot\n       */\n\n    }, {\n      key: 'removeInertRoot',\n      value: function removeInertRoot(inertRoot) {\n        this._throwIfDestroyed();\n        this._inertRoots['delete'](inertRoot);\n        if (this._inertRoots.size === 0) {\n          this.destructor();\n        }\n      }\n    }, {\n      key: 'destroyed',\n      get: function get() {\n        return (/** @type {!InertNode} */this._destroyed\n        );\n      }\n    }, {\n      key: 'hasSavedTabIndex',\n      get: function get() {\n        return this._savedTabIndex !== null;\n      }\n\n      /** @return {!Node} */\n\n    }, {\n      key: 'node',\n      get: function get() {\n        this._throwIfDestroyed();\n        return this._node;\n      }\n\n      /** @param {?number} tabIndex */\n\n    }, {\n      key: 'savedTabIndex',\n      set: function set(tabIndex) {\n        this._throwIfDestroyed();\n        this._savedTabIndex = tabIndex;\n      }\n\n      /** @return {?number} */\n      ,\n      get: function get() {\n        this._throwIfDestroyed();\n        return this._savedTabIndex;\n      }\n    }]);\n\n    return InertNode;\n  }();\n\n  /**\n   * InertManager is a per-document singleton object which manages all inert roots and nodes.\n   *\n   * When an element becomes an inert root by having an `inert` attribute set and/or its `inert`\n   * property set to `true`, the `setInert` method creates an `InertRoot` object for the element.\n   * The `InertRoot` in turn registers itself as managing all of the element's focusable descendant\n   * nodes via the `register()` method. The `InertManager` ensures that a single `InertNode` instance\n   * is created for each such node, via the `_managedNodes` map.\n   */\n\n\n  var InertManager = function () {\n    /**\n     * @param {!Document} document\n     */\n    function InertManager(document) {\n      _classCallCheck(this, InertManager);\n\n      if (!document) {\n        throw new Error('Missing required argument; InertManager needs to wrap a document.');\n      }\n\n      /** @type {!Document} */\n      this._document = document;\n\n      /**\n       * All managed nodes known to this InertManager. In a map to allow looking up by Node.\n       * @type {!Map}\n       */\n      this._managedNodes = new Map();\n\n      /**\n       * All inert roots known to this InertManager. In a map to allow looking up by Node.\n       * @type {!Map}\n       */\n      this._inertRoots = new Map();\n\n      /**\n       * Observer for mutations on `document.body`.\n       * @type {!MutationObserver}\n       */\n      this._observer = new MutationObserver(this._watchForInert.bind(this));\n\n      // Add inert style.\n      addInertStyle(document.head || document.body || document.documentElement);\n\n      // Wait for document to be loaded.\n      if (document.readyState === 'loading') {\n        document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', this._onDocumentLoaded.bind(this));\n      } else {\n        this._onDocumentLoaded();\n      }\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Set whether the given element should be an inert root or not.\n     * @param {!HTMLElement} root\n     * @param {boolean} inert\n     */\n\n\n    _createClass(InertManager, [{\n      key: 'setInert',\n      value: function setInert(root, inert) {\n        if (inert) {\n          if (this._inertRoots.has(root)) {\n            // element is already inert\n            return;\n          }\n\n          var inertRoot = new InertRoot(root, this);\n          root.setAttribute('inert', '');\n          this._inertRoots.set(root, inertRoot);\n          // If not contained in the document, it must be in a shadowRoot.\n          // Ensure inert styles are added there.\n          if (!this._document.body.contains(root)) {\n            var parent = root.parentNode;\n            while (parent) {\n              if (parent.nodeType === 11) {\n                addInertStyle(parent);\n              }\n              parent = parent.parentNode;\n            }\n          }\n        } else {\n          if (!this._inertRoots.has(root)) {\n            // element is already non-inert\n            return;\n          }\n\n          var _inertRoot = this._inertRoots.get(root);\n          _inertRoot.destructor();\n          this._inertRoots['delete'](root);\n          root.removeAttribute('inert');\n        }\n      }\n\n      /**\n       * Get the InertRoot object corresponding to the given inert root element, if any.\n       * @param {!Node} element\n       * @return {!InertRoot|undefined}\n       */\n\n    }, {\n      key: 'getInertRoot',\n      value: function getInertRoot(element) {\n        return this._inertRoots.get(element);\n      }\n\n      /**\n       * Register the given InertRoot as managing the given node.\n       * In the case where the node has a previously existing inert root, this inert root will\n       * be added to its set of inert roots.\n       * @param {!Node} node\n       * @param {!InertRoot} inertRoot\n       * @return {!InertNode} inertNode\n       */\n\n    }, {\n      key: 'register',\n      value: function register(node, inertRoot) {\n        var inertNode = this._managedNodes.get(node);\n        if (inertNode !== undefined) {\n          // node was already in an inert subtree\n          inertNode.addInertRoot(inertRoot);\n        } else {\n          inertNode = new InertNode(node, inertRoot);\n        }\n\n        this._managedNodes.set(node, inertNode);\n\n        return inertNode;\n      }\n\n      /**\n       * De-register the given InertRoot as managing the given inert node.\n       * Removes the inert root from the InertNode's set of managing inert roots, and remove the inert\n       * node from the InertManager's set of managed nodes if it is destroyed.\n       * If the node is not currently managed, this is essentially a no-op.\n       * @param {!Node} node\n       * @param {!InertRoot} inertRoot\n       * @return {?InertNode} The potentially destroyed InertNode associated with this node, if any.\n       */\n\n    }, {\n      key: 'deregister',\n      value: function deregister(node, inertRoot) {\n        var inertNode = this._managedNodes.get(node);\n        if (!inertNode) {\n          return null;\n        }\n\n        inertNode.removeInertRoot(inertRoot);\n        if (inertNode.destroyed) {\n          this._managedNodes['delete'](node);\n        }\n\n        return inertNode;\n      }\n\n      /**\n       * Callback used when document has finished loading.\n       */\n\n    }, {\n      key: '_onDocumentLoaded',\n      value: function _onDocumentLoaded() {\n        // Find all inert roots in document and make them actually inert.\n        var inertElements ='[inert]'));\n        inertElements.forEach(function (inertElement) {\n          this.setInert(inertElement, true);\n        }, this);\n\n        // Comment this out to use programmatic API only.\n        this._observer.observe(this._document.body || this._document.documentElement, { attributes: true, subtree: true, childList: true });\n      }\n\n      /**\n       * Callback used when mutation observer detects attribute changes.\n       * @param {!Array} records\n       * @param {!MutationObserver} self\n       */\n\n    }, {\n      key: '_watchForInert',\n      value: function _watchForInert(records, self) {\n        var _this = this;\n        records.forEach(function (record) {\n          switch (record.type) {\n            case 'childList':\n     (node) {\n                if (node.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {\n                  return;\n                }\n                var inertElements ='[inert]'));\n                if (, '[inert]')) {\n                  inertElements.unshift(node);\n                }\n                inertElements.forEach(function (inertElement) {\n                  this.setInert(inertElement, true);\n                }, _this);\n              }, _this);\n              break;\n            case 'attributes':\n              if (record.attributeName !== 'inert') {\n                return;\n              }\n              var target = /** @type {!HTMLElement} */;\n              var inert = target.hasAttribute('inert');\n              _this.setInert(target, inert);\n              break;\n          }\n        }, this);\n      }\n    }]);\n\n    return InertManager;\n  }();\n\n  /**\n   * Recursively walk the composed tree from |node|.\n   * @param {!Node} node\n   * @param {(function (!HTMLElement))=} callback Callback to be called for each element traversed,\n   *     before descending into child nodes.\n   * @param {?ShadowRoot=} shadowRootAncestor The nearest ShadowRoot ancestor, if any.\n   */\n\n\n  function composedTreeWalk(node, callback, shadowRootAncestor) {\n    if (node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {\n      var element = /** @type {!HTMLElement} */node;\n      if (callback) {\n        callback(element);\n      }\n\n      // Descend into node:\n      // If it has a ShadowRoot, ignore all child elements - these will be picked\n      // up by the  or  elements. Descend straight into the\n      // ShadowRoot.\n      var shadowRoot = /** @type {!HTMLElement} */element.shadowRoot;\n      if (shadowRoot) {\n        composedTreeWalk(shadowRoot, callback, shadowRoot);\n        return;\n      }\n\n      // If it is a  element, descend into distributed elements - these\n      // are elements from outside the shadow root which are rendered inside the\n      // shadow DOM.\n      if (element.localName == 'content') {\n        var content = /** @type {!HTMLContentElement} */element;\n        // Verifies if ShadowDom v0 is supported.\n        var distributedNodes = content.getDistributedNodes ? content.getDistributedNodes() : [];\n        for (var i = 0; i < distributedNodes.length; i++) {\n          composedTreeWalk(distributedNodes[i], callback, shadowRootAncestor);\n        }\n        return;\n      }\n\n      // If it is a  element, descend into assigned nodes - these\n      // are elements from outside the shadow root which are rendered inside the\n      // shadow DOM.\n      if (element.localName == 'slot') {\n        var slot = /** @type {!HTMLSlotElement} */element;\n        // Verify if ShadowDom v1 is supported.\n        var _distributedNodes = slot.assignedNodes ? slot.assignedNodes({ flatten: true }) : [];\n        for (var _i = 0; _i < _distributedNodes.length; _i++) {\n          composedTreeWalk(_distributedNodes[_i], callback, shadowRootAncestor);\n        }\n        return;\n      }\n    }\n\n    // If it is neither the parent of a ShadowRoot, a  element, a \n    // element, nor a  element recurse normally.\n    var child = node.firstChild;\n    while (child != null) {\n      composedTreeWalk(child, callback, shadowRootAncestor);\n      child = child.nextSibling;\n    }\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Adds a style element to the node containing the inert specific styles\n   * @param {!Node} node\n   */\n  function addInertStyle(node) {\n    if (node.querySelector('style#inert-style, link#inert-style')) {\n      return;\n    }\n    var style = document.createElement('style');\n    style.setAttribute('id', 'inert-style');\n    style.textContent = '\\n' + '[inert] {\\n' + '  pointer-events: none;\\n' + '  cursor: default;\\n' + '}\\n' + '\\n' + '[inert], [inert] * {\\n' + '  -webkit-user-select: none;\\n' + '  -moz-user-select: none;\\n' + '  -ms-user-select: none;\\n' + '  user-select: none;\\n' + '}\\n';\n    node.appendChild(style);\n  }\n\n  if (!HTMLElement.prototype.hasOwnProperty('inert')) {\n    /** @type {!InertManager} */\n    var inertManager = new InertManager(document);\n\n    Object.defineProperty(HTMLElement.prototype, 'inert', {\n      enumerable: true,\n      /** @this {!HTMLElement} */\n      get: function get() {\n        return this.hasAttribute('inert');\n      },\n      /** @this {!HTMLElement} */\n      set: function set(inert) {\n        inertManager.setInert(this, inert);\n      }\n    });\n  }\n})();\n"],"names":["_createClass","defineProperties","target","props","i","descriptor","Constructor","protoProps","staticProps","_classCallCheck","instance","slice","matches","_focusableElementsString","InertRoot","rootElement","inertManager","inertNode","startNode","_this2","composedTreeWalk","node","activeElement","root","element","_this3","inertSubroot","savedInertNode","records","self","record","managedNode","ariaHidden","InertNode","inertRoot","tabIndex","InertManager","document","addInertStyle","inert","parent","_inertRoot","inertElements","inertElement","_this","callback","shadowRootAncestor","shadowRoot","content","distributedNodes","slot","_distributedNodes","_i","child","style"],"sourceRoot":""}

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