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org.greenrobot.greendao.query.QueryBuilder Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2011-2016 Markus Junginger, greenrobot (
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.greenrobot.greendao.query;
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase;
import org.greenrobot.greendao.AbstractDao;
import org.greenrobot.greendao.AbstractDaoSession;
import org.greenrobot.greendao.DaoException;
import org.greenrobot.greendao.DaoLog;
import org.greenrobot.greendao.Property;
import org.greenrobot.greendao.annotation.apihint.Experimental;
import org.greenrobot.greendao.internal.SqlUtils;
import org.greenrobot.greendao.rx.RxQuery;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* Builds custom entity queries using constraints and parameters and without SQL (QueryBuilder creates SQL for you). To
* acquire an QueryBuilder, use {@link AbstractDao#queryBuilder()} or {@link AbstractDaoSession#queryBuilder(Class)}.
* Entity properties are referenced by Fields in the "Properties" inner class of the generated DAOs. This approach
* allows compile time checks and prevents typo errors occuring at build time.
* Example: Query for all users with the first name "Joe" ordered by their last name. (The class Properties is an inner
* class of UserDao and should be imported before.)
* List joes = dao.queryBuilder().where(Properties.FirstName.eq("Joe")).orderAsc(Properties.LastName).list();
* @param Entity class to create an query for.
* @author Markus
public class QueryBuilder {
/** Set to true to debug the SQL. */
public static boolean LOG_SQL;
/** Set to see the given values. */
public static boolean LOG_VALUES;
private final WhereCollector whereCollector;
private StringBuilder orderBuilder;
private final List values;
private final List> joins;
private final AbstractDao dao;
private final String tablePrefix;
private Integer limit;
private Integer offset;
private boolean distinct;
/** stored with a leading space */
private String stringOrderCollation;
/** For internal use by greenDAO only. */
public static QueryBuilder internalCreate(AbstractDao dao) {
return new QueryBuilder(dao);
protected QueryBuilder(AbstractDao dao) {
this(dao, "T");
protected QueryBuilder(AbstractDao dao, String tablePrefix) {
this.dao = dao;
this.tablePrefix = tablePrefix;
values = new ArrayList();
joins = new ArrayList>();
whereCollector = new WhereCollector(dao, tablePrefix);
stringOrderCollation = " COLLATE NOCASE";
private void checkOrderBuilder() {
if (orderBuilder == null) {
orderBuilder = new StringBuilder();
} else if (orderBuilder.length() > 0) {
/** Use a SELECT DISTINCT to avoid duplicate entities returned, e.g. when doing joins. */
public QueryBuilder distinct() {
distinct = true;
return this;
* If using Android's embedded SQLite, this enables localized ordering of strings
* (see {@link #orderAsc(Property...)} and {@link #orderDesc(Property...)}). This uses "COLLATE LOCALIZED", which
* is unavailable in SQLCipher (in that case, the ordering is unchanged).
* @see #stringOrderCollation
public QueryBuilder preferLocalizedStringOrder() {
// SQLCipher 3.5.0+ does not understand "COLLATE LOCALIZED"
if (dao.getDatabase().getRawDatabase() instanceof SQLiteDatabase) {
stringOrderCollation = " COLLATE LOCALIZED";
return this;
* Customizes the ordering of strings used by {@link #orderAsc(Property...)} and {@link #orderDesc(Property...)}.
* Default is "COLLATE NOCASE".
* @see #preferLocalizedStringOrder
public QueryBuilder stringOrderCollation(String stringOrderCollation) {
// SQLCipher 3.5.0+ does not understand "COLLATE LOCALIZED"
if (dao.getDatabase().getRawDatabase() instanceof SQLiteDatabase) {
this.stringOrderCollation = stringOrderCollation == null || stringOrderCollation.startsWith(" ") ?
stringOrderCollation : " " + stringOrderCollation;
return this;
* Adds the given conditions to the where clause using an logical AND. To create new conditions, use the properties
* given in the generated dao classes.
public QueryBuilder where(WhereCondition cond, WhereCondition... condMore) {
whereCollector.add(cond, condMore);
return this;
* Adds the given conditions to the where clause using an logical OR. To create new conditions, use the properties
* given in the generated dao classes.
public QueryBuilder whereOr(WhereCondition cond1, WhereCondition cond2, WhereCondition... condMore) {
whereCollector.add(or(cond1, cond2, condMore));
return this;
* Creates a WhereCondition by combining the given conditions using OR. The returned WhereCondition must be used
* inside {@link #where(WhereCondition, WhereCondition...)} or
* {@link #whereOr(WhereCondition, WhereCondition, WhereCondition...)}.
public WhereCondition or(WhereCondition cond1, WhereCondition cond2, WhereCondition... condMore) {
return whereCollector.combineWhereConditions(" OR ", cond1, cond2, condMore);
* Creates a WhereCondition by combining the given conditions using AND. The returned WhereCondition must be used
* inside {@link #where(WhereCondition, WhereCondition...)} or
* {@link #whereOr(WhereCondition, WhereCondition, WhereCondition...)}.
public WhereCondition and(WhereCondition cond1, WhereCondition cond2, WhereCondition... condMore) {
return whereCollector.combineWhereConditions(" AND ", cond1, cond2, condMore);
* Expands the query to another entity type by using a JOIN. The primary key property of the primary entity for
* this QueryBuilder is used to match the given destinationProperty.
public Join join(Class destinationEntityClass, Property destinationProperty) {
return join(dao.getPkProperty(), destinationEntityClass, destinationProperty);
* Expands the query to another entity type by using a JOIN. The given sourceProperty is used to match the primary
* key property of the given destinationEntity.
public Join join(Property sourceProperty, Class destinationEntityClass) {
AbstractDao destinationDao = (AbstractDao) dao.getSession().getDao(destinationEntityClass);
Property destinationProperty = destinationDao.getPkProperty();
return addJoin(tablePrefix, sourceProperty, destinationDao, destinationProperty);
* Expands the query to another entity type by using a JOIN. The given sourceProperty is used to match the given
* destinationProperty of the given destinationEntity.
public Join join(Property sourceProperty, Class destinationEntityClass, Property destinationProperty) {
AbstractDao destinationDao = (AbstractDao) dao.getSession().getDao(destinationEntityClass);
return addJoin(tablePrefix, sourceProperty, destinationDao, destinationProperty);
* Expands the query to another entity type by using a JOIN. The given sourceJoin's property is used to match the
* given destinationProperty of the given destinationEntity. Note that destination entity of the given join is used
* as the source for the new join to add. In this way, it is possible to compose complex "join of joins" across
* several entities if required.
public Join join(Join, T> sourceJoin, Property sourceProperty, Class destinationEntityClass,
Property destinationProperty) {
AbstractDao destinationDao = (AbstractDao) dao.getSession().getDao(destinationEntityClass);
return addJoin(sourceJoin.tablePrefix, sourceProperty, destinationDao, destinationProperty);
private Join addJoin(String sourceTablePrefix, Property sourceProperty, AbstractDao destinationDao,
Property destinationProperty) {
String joinTablePrefix = "J" + (joins.size() + 1);
Join join = new Join(sourceTablePrefix, sourceProperty, destinationDao, destinationProperty,
return join;
/** Adds the given properties to the ORDER BY section using ascending order. */
public QueryBuilder orderAsc(Property... properties) {
orderAscOrDesc(" ASC", properties);
return this;
/** Adds the given properties to the ORDER BY section using descending order. */
public QueryBuilder orderDesc(Property... properties) {
orderAscOrDesc(" DESC", properties);
return this;
private void orderAscOrDesc(String ascOrDescWithLeadingSpace, Property... properties) {
for (Property property : properties) {
append(orderBuilder, property);
if (String.class.equals(property.type) && stringOrderCollation != null) {
/** Adds the given properties to the ORDER BY section using the given custom order. */
public QueryBuilder orderCustom(Property property, String customOrderForProperty) {
append(orderBuilder, property).append(' ');
return this;
* Adds the given raw SQL string to the ORDER BY section. Do not use this for standard properties: orderAsc and
* orderDesc are preferred.
public QueryBuilder orderRaw(String rawOrder) {
return this;
protected StringBuilder append(StringBuilder builder, Property property) {
return builder;
/** Limits the number of results returned by queries. */
public QueryBuilder limit(int limit) {
this.limit = limit;
return this;
* Sets the offset for query results in combination with {@link #limit(int)}. The first {@code limit} results are
* skipped and the total number of results will be limited by {@code limit}. You cannot use offset without limit.
public QueryBuilder offset(int offset) {
this.offset = offset;
return this;
* Builds a reusable query object (Query objects can be executed more efficiently than creating a QueryBuilder for
* each execution.
public Query build() {
StringBuilder builder = createSelectBuilder();
int limitPosition = checkAddLimit(builder);
int offsetPosition = checkAddOffset(builder);
String sql = builder.toString();
return Query.create(dao, sql, values.toArray(), limitPosition, offsetPosition);
* Builds a reusable query object for low level android.database.Cursor access.
* (Query objects can be executed more efficiently than creating a QueryBuilder for each execution.
public CursorQuery buildCursor() {
StringBuilder builder = createSelectBuilder();
int limitPosition = checkAddLimit(builder);
int offsetPosition = checkAddOffset(builder);
String sql = builder.toString();
return CursorQuery.create(dao, sql, values.toArray(), limitPosition, offsetPosition);
private StringBuilder createSelectBuilder() {
String select = SqlUtils.createSqlSelect(dao.getTablename(), tablePrefix, dao.getAllColumns(), distinct);
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(select);
appendJoinsAndWheres(builder, tablePrefix);
if (orderBuilder != null && orderBuilder.length() > 0) {
builder.append(" ORDER BY ").append(orderBuilder);
return builder;
private int checkAddLimit(StringBuilder builder) {
int limitPosition = -1;
if (limit != null) {
builder.append(" LIMIT ?");
limitPosition = values.size() - 1;
return limitPosition;
private int checkAddOffset(StringBuilder builder) {
int offsetPosition = -1;
if (offset != null) {
if (limit == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Offset cannot be set without limit");
builder.append(" OFFSET ?");
offsetPosition = values.size() - 1;
return offsetPosition;
* Builds a reusable query object for deletion (Query objects can be executed more efficiently than creating a
* QueryBuilder for each execution.
public DeleteQuery buildDelete() {
if (!joins.isEmpty()) {
throw new DaoException("JOINs are not supported for DELETE queries");
String tablename = dao.getTablename();
String baseSql = SqlUtils.createSqlDelete(tablename, null);
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(baseSql);
// tablePrefix gets replaced by table name below. Don't use tableName here because it causes trouble when
// table name ends with tablePrefix.
appendJoinsAndWheres(builder, tablePrefix);
String sql = builder.toString();
// Remove table aliases, not supported for DELETE queries.
// TODO(?): don't create table aliases in the first place.
sql = sql.replace(tablePrefix + ".\"", '"' + tablename + "\".\"");
return DeleteQuery.create(dao, sql, values.toArray());
* Builds a reusable query object for counting rows (Query objects can be executed more efficiently than creating a
* QueryBuilder for each execution.
public CountQuery buildCount() {
String tablename = dao.getTablename();
String baseSql = SqlUtils.createSqlSelectCountStar(tablename, tablePrefix);
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(baseSql);
appendJoinsAndWheres(builder, tablePrefix);
String sql = builder.toString();
return CountQuery.create(dao, sql, values.toArray());
private void checkLog(String sql) {
if (LOG_SQL) {
DaoLog.d("Built SQL for query: " + sql);
DaoLog.d("Values for query: " + values);
private void appendJoinsAndWheres(StringBuilder builder, String tablePrefixOrNull) {
for (Join join : joins) {
builder.append(" JOIN ").append(join.daoDestination.getTablename()).append(' ');
builder.append(join.tablePrefix).append(" ON ");
SqlUtils.appendProperty(builder, join.sourceTablePrefix, join.joinPropertySource).append('=');
SqlUtils.appendProperty(builder, join.tablePrefix, join.joinPropertyDestination);
boolean whereAppended = !whereCollector.isEmpty();
if (whereAppended) {
builder.append(" WHERE ");
whereCollector.appendWhereClause(builder, tablePrefixOrNull, values);
for (Join join : joins) {
if (!join.whereCollector.isEmpty()) {
if (!whereAppended) {
builder.append(" WHERE ");
whereAppended = true;
} else {
builder.append(" AND ");
join.whereCollector.appendWhereClause(builder, join.tablePrefix, values);
* Shorthand for {@link QueryBuilder#build() build()}.{@link Query#list() list()}; see {@link Query#list()} for
* details. To execute a query more than once, you should build the query and keep the {@link Query} object for
* efficiency reasons.
public List list() {
return build().list();
* Shorthand for {@link QueryBuilder#build() build()}.{@link Query#__InternalRx()}.
public RxQuery rx() {
return build().__InternalRx();
* Shorthand for {@link QueryBuilder#build() build()}.{@link Query#__internalRxPlain()}.
public RxQuery rxPlain() {
return build().__internalRxPlain();
* Shorthand for {@link QueryBuilder#build() build()}.{@link Query#listLazy() listLazy()}; see
* {@link Query#listLazy()} for details. To execute a query more than once, you should build the query and keep the
* {@link Query} object for efficiency reasons.
public LazyList listLazy() {
return build().listLazy();
* Shorthand for {@link QueryBuilder#build() build()}.{@link Query#listLazyUncached() listLazyUncached()}; see
* {@link Query#listLazyUncached()} for details. To execute a query more than once, you should build the query and
* keep the {@link Query} object for efficiency reasons.
public LazyList listLazyUncached() {
return build().listLazyUncached();
* Shorthand for {@link QueryBuilder#build() build()}.{@link Query#listIterator() listIterator()}; see
* {@link Query#listIterator()} for details. To execute a query more than once, you should build the query and keep
* the {@link Query} object for efficiency reasons.
public CloseableListIterator listIterator() {
return build().listIterator();
* Shorthand for {@link QueryBuilder#build() build()}.{@link Query#unique() unique()}; see {@link Query#unique()}
* for details. To execute a query more than once, you should build the query and keep the {@link Query} object for
* efficiency reasons.
public T unique() {
return build().unique();
* Shorthand for {@link QueryBuilder#build() build()}.{@link Query#uniqueOrThrow() uniqueOrThrow()}; see
* {@link Query#uniqueOrThrow()} for details. To execute a query more than once, you should build the query and
* keep
* the {@link Query} object for efficiency reasons.
public T uniqueOrThrow() {
return build().uniqueOrThrow();
* Shorthand for {@link QueryBuilder#buildCount() buildCount()}.{@link CountQuery#count() count()}; see
* {@link CountQuery#count()} for details. To execute a query more than once, you should build the query and keep
* the {@link CountQuery} object for efficiency reasons.
public long count() {
return buildCount().count();