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org.gridgain.scalar.pimps.ScalarCacheProjectionPimp.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 Copyright (C) GridGain Systems. All Rights Reserved.
 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 You may obtain a copy of the License at
 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 limitations under the License.

 * ________               ______                    ______   _______
 * __  ___/_____________ ____  /______ _________    __/__ \  __  __ \
 * _____ \ _  ___/_  __ `/__  / _  __ `/__  ___/    ____/ /  _  / / /
 * ____/ / / /__  / /_/ / _  /  / /_/ / _  /        _  __/___/ /_/ /
 * /____/  \___/  \__,_/  /_/   \__,_/  /_/         /____/_(_)____/

package org.gridgain.scalar.pimps

import collection._
import collection.JavaConversions._
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable
import org.gridgain.grid._
import org.gridgain.grid.cache._
import org.gridgain.grid.lang._
import org.gridgain.grid.util.lang.{GridFunc => F}
import org.gridgain.grid.util.scala.impl
import org.gridgain.scalar._
import scalar._

 * Companion object.
object ScalarCacheProjectionPimp {
     * Creates new Scalar cache projection pimp with given Java-side implementation.
     * @param impl Java-side implementation.
    def apply[K, V](impl: GridCacheProjection[K, V]) = {
        if (impl == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("impl")

        val pimp = new ScalarCacheProjectionPimp[K, V]

        pimp.impl = impl


 * ==Overview==
 * Defines Scalar "pimp" for `GridCacheProjection` on Java side.
 * Essentially this class extends Java `GridCacheProjection` interface with Scala specific
 * API adapters using primarily implicit conversions defined in `ScalarConversions` object. What
 * it means is that you can use functions defined in this class on object
 * of Java `GridCacheProjection` type. Scala will automatically (implicitly) convert it into
 * Scalar's pimp and replace the original call with a call on that pimp.
 * Note that Scalar provide extensive library of implicit conversion between Java and
 * Scala GridGain counterparts in `ScalarConversions` object
 * ==Suffix '$' In Names==
 * Symbol `$` is used in names when they conflict with the names in the base Java class
 * that Scala pimp is shadowing or with Java package name that your Scala code is importing.
 * Instead of giving two different names to the same function we've decided to simply mark
 * Scala's side method with `$` suffix.
class ScalarCacheProjectionPimp[@specialized K, @specialized V] extends PimpedType[GridCacheProjection[K, V]]
    with Iterable[GridCacheEntry[K, V]] {
    /** */
    lazy val value: GridCacheProjection[K, V] = impl

    /** */
    protected var impl: GridCacheProjection[K, V] = _

    /** Type alias. */
    protected type EntryPred = (GridCacheEntry[K, V]) => Boolean

    /** Type alias. */
    protected type KvPred = (K, V) => Boolean

     * Gets iterator for cache entries.
    def iterator =

     * Unwraps sequence of functions to sequence of GridGain predicates.
    private def unwrap(@Nullable p: Seq[EntryPred]): Seq[GridPredicate[GridCacheEntry[K, V]]] =
        if (p == null)
            p map ((f: EntryPred) => toPredicate(f))

     * Converts reduce function to Grid Reducer that takes map entries.
     * @param rdc Reduce function.
     * @return Entry reducer.
    private def toEntryReducer[R](rdc: Iterable[(K, V)] => R): GridReducer[java.util.Map.Entry[K, V], R] = {
        new GridReducer[java.util.Map.Entry[K, V], R] {
            private var seq = Seq.empty[(K, V)]

            def collect(e: java.util.Map.Entry[K, V]): Boolean = {
                seq +:= (e.getKey, e.getValue)


            def reduce(): R = {

    private def toRemoteTransformer[K, V, T](trans: V => T):
        GridClosure[java.util.Map.Entry[K, V], java.util.Map.Entry[K, T]] = {
        new GridClosure[java.util.Map.Entry[K, V], java.util.Map.Entry[K, T]] {
            @impl def apply(e: java.util.Map.Entry[K, V]): java.util.Map.Entry[K, T] = {
                new GridBiTuple[K, T](e.getKey, trans(e.getValue))

     * Retrieves value mapped to the specified key from cache. The return value of `null`
     * means entry did not pass the provided filter or cache has no mapping for the key.
     * @param k Key to retrieve the value for.
     * @return Value for the given key.
    def apply(k: K): V =

     * Returns the value associated with a key, or a default value if the key is not contained in the map.
     * @param k The key.
     * @param default A computation that yields a default value in case key is not in cache.
     * @return The cache value associated with `key` if it exists, otherwise the result
     *      of the `default` computation.
    def getOrElse(k: K, default: => V) = {
        opt(k) match {
            case Some(v) => v
            case None => default

     * Retrieves value mapped to the specified key from cache as an option. The return value
     * of `null` means entry did not pass the provided filter or cache has no mapping for the key.
     * @param k Key to retrieve the value for.
     * @param p Filter to check prior to getting the value. Note that filter check
     *      together with getting the value is an atomic operation.
     * @return Value for the given key.
     * @see `org.gridgain.grid.cache.GridCacheProjection.get(...)`
    def opt(k: K, p: EntryPred = null): Option[V] =

     * Gets cache projection based on given key-value predicate. Whenever makes sense,
     * this predicate will be used to pre-filter cache operations. If
     * operation passed pre-filtering, this filter will be passed through
     * to cache operations as well.
     * @param p Key-value predicate for this projection. If `null`, then the
     *      same projection is returned.
     * @return Projection for given key-value predicate.
     * @see `org.gridgain.grid.cache.GridCacheProjection.projection(...)`
    def viewByKv(@Nullable p: ((K, V) => Boolean)): GridCacheProjection[K, V] =
        if (p == null)

     * Gets cache projection based on given entry filter. This filter will be simply passed through
     * to all cache operations on this projection. Unlike `viewByKv` function, this filter
     * will '''not''' be used for pre-filtering.
     * @param p Filter to be passed through to all cache operations. If `null`, then the
     *      same projection is returned.  If cache operation receives its own filter, then filters
     *      will be `anded`.
     * @return Projection based on given filter.
     * @see `org.gridgain.grid.cache.GridCacheProjection.projection(...)`
    def viewByEntry(@Nullable p: EntryPred): GridCacheProjection[K, V] =
        if (p == null)

     * Gets cache projection only for given key and value type. Only `non-null` key-value
     * pairs that have matching key and value pairs will be used in this projection.
     * Note that this method should be used instead of `projection(...)` on Java side as
     * it properly converts types from Scala counterparts to Java ones.
     * ===Cache Flags===
     * The resulting projection will have flag `GridCacheFlag#STRICT` set on it.
     * @param k Key type.
     * @param v Value type.
     * @return Cache projection for given key and value types.
     * @see `org.gridgain.grid.cache.GridCacheProjection.projection(...)`
    def viewByType[A, B](k: Class[A], v: Class[B]): GridCacheProjection[A, B] = {
        assert(k != null && v != null)

        value.projection(toJavaType(k), toJavaType(v)).asInstanceOf[GridCacheProjection[A, B]]

     * Converts given type of corresponding Java type, if Scala does
     * auto-conversion for a given type. Only primitive types and Strings
     * are supported.
     * @param c Type to convert.
    private def toJavaType(c: Class[_]) = {
        assert(c != null)

        // Hopefully if-else is faster here than a normal matching.
        if (c == classOf[Int])
        else if (c == classOf[Boolean])
        else if (c == classOf[String])
        else if (c == classOf[Char])
        else if (c == classOf[Long])
        else if (c == classOf[Double])
        else if (c == classOf[Float])
        else if (c == classOf[Short])
        else if (c == classOf[Byte])
        else if (c == classOf[Symbol])
            throw new GridException("Cache type projeciton on 'scala.Symbol' are not supported.")

     * Stores given key-value pair in cache. If filters are provided, then entries will
     * be stored in cache only if they pass the filter. Note that filter check is atomic,
     * so value stored in cache is guaranteed to be consistent with the filters.

* If write-through is enabled, the stored value will be persisted to `GridCacheStore` * via `GridCacheStore#put(String, GridCacheTx, Object, Object)` method. * * ===Transactions=== * This method is transactional and will enlist the entry into ongoing transaction * if there is one. * * ===Cache Flags=== * This method is not available if any of the following flags are set on projection: * `GridCacheFlag#LOCAL`, `GridCacheFlag#READ`. * * @param kv Key-Value pair to store in cache. * @param p Optional filter to check prior to putting value in cache. Note * that filter check is atomic with put operation. * @return `True` if value was stored in cache, `false` otherwise. * @see `org.gridgain.grid.cache.GridCacheProjection#putx(...)` */ def putx$(kv: (K, V), @Nullable p: EntryPred*): Boolean = value.putx(kv._1, kv._2, unwrap(p): _*) /** * Stores given key-value pair in cache. If filters are provided, then entries will * be stored in cache only if they pass the filter. Note that filter check is atomic, * so value stored in cache is guaranteed to be consistent with the filters. *

* If write-through is enabled, the stored value will be persisted to `GridCacheStore` * via `GridCacheStore#put(String, GridCacheTx, Object, Object)` method. * * ===Transactions=== * This method is transactional and will enlist the entry into ongoing transaction * if there is one. * * ===Cache Flags=== * This method is not available if any of the following flags are set on projection: * `GridCacheFlag#LOCAL`, `GridCacheFlag#READ`. * * @param kv Key-Value pair to store in cache. * @param p Optional filter to check prior to putting value in cache. Note * that filter check is atomic with put operation. * @return Previous value associated with specified key, or `null` * if entry did not pass the filter, or if there was no mapping for the key in swap * or in persistent storage. * @see `org.gridgain.grid.cache.GridCacheProjection#put(...)` */ def put$(kv: (K, V), @Nullable p: EntryPred*): V = value.put(kv._1, kv._2, unwrap(p): _*) /** * Stores given key-value pair in cache. If filters are provided, then entries will * be stored in cache only if they pass the filter. Note that filter check is atomic, * so value stored in cache is guaranteed to be consistent with the filters. *

* If write-through is enabled, the stored value will be persisted to `GridCacheStore` * via `GridCacheStore#put(String, GridCacheTx, Object, Object)` method. * * ===Transactions=== * This method is transactional and will enlist the entry into ongoing transaction * if there is one. * * ===Cache Flags=== * This method is not available if any of the following flags are set on projection: * `GridCacheFlag#LOCAL`, `GridCacheFlag#READ`. * * @param kv Key-Value pair to store in cache. * @param p Optional filter to check prior to putting value in cache. Note * that filter check is atomic with put operation. * @return Previous value associated with specified key as an option. * @see `org.gridgain.grid.cache.GridCacheProjection#put(...)` */ def putOpt$(kv: (K, V), @Nullable p: EntryPred*): Option[V] = Option(value.put(kv._1, kv._2, unwrap(p): _*)) /** * Operator alias for the same function `putx$`. * * @param kv Key-Value pair to store in cache. * @param p Optional filter to check prior to putting value in cache. Note * that filter check is atomic with put operation. * @return `True` if value was stored in cache, `false` otherwise. * @see `org.gridgain.grid.cache.GridCacheProjection#putx(...)` */ def +=(kv: (K, V), @Nullable p: EntryPred*): Boolean = putx$(kv, p: _*) /** * Stores given key-value pairs in cache. * * If write-through is enabled, the stored values will be persisted to `GridCacheStore` * via `GridCacheStore#putAll(String, GridCacheTx, Map)` method. * * ===Transactions=== * This method is transactional and will enlist the entry into ongoing transaction * if there is one. * * ===Cache Flags=== * This method is not available if any of the following flags are set on projection: * `GridCacheFlag#LOCAL`, `GridCacheFlag#READ`. * * @param kv1 Key-value pair to store in cache. * @param kv2 Key-value pair to store in cache. * @param kvs Optional key-value pairs to store in cache. * @see `org.gridgain.grid.cache.GridCacheProjection#putAll(...)` */ def putAll$(kv1: (K, V), kv2: (K, V), @Nullable kvs: (K, V)*) { var m = mutable.Map.empty[K, V] m += (kv1, kv2) if (kvs != null) kvs foreach (m += _) value.putAll(m) } /** * Stores given key-value pairs from the sequence in cache. * * If write-through is enabled, the stored values will be persisted to `GridCacheStore` * via `GridCacheStore#putAll(String, GridCacheTx, Map)` method. * * ===Transactions=== * This method is transactional and will enlist the entry into ongoing transaction * if there is one. * * ===Cache Flags=== * This method is not available if any of the following flags are set on projection: * `GridCacheFlag#LOCAL`, `GridCacheFlag#READ`. * * @param kvs Key-value pairs to store in cache. If `null` this function is no-op. * @see `org.gridgain.grid.cache.GridCacheProjection#putAll(...)` */ def putAll$(@Nullable kvs: Seq[(K, V)]) { if (kvs != null) value.putAll(mutable.Map(kvs: _*)) } /** * Removes given key mappings from cache. * * If write-through is enabled, the values will be removed from `GridCacheStore` * via `GridCacheStore#removeAll(String, GridCacheTx, Collection)` method. * * ===Transactions=== * This method is transactional and will enlist the entry into ongoing transaction * if there is one. * * ===Cache Flags=== * This method is not available if any of the following flags are set on projection: * `GridCacheFlag#LOCAL`, `GridCacheFlag#READ`. * * @param ks Sequence of additional keys to remove. If `null` - this function is no-op. * @see `org.gridgain.grid.cache.GridCacheProjection#removeAll(...)` */ def removeAll$(@Nullable ks: Seq[K]) { if (ks != null) value.removeAll(ks) } /** * Operator alias for the same function `putAll$`. * * @param kv1 Key-value pair to store in cache. * @param kv2 Key-value pair to store in cache. * @param kvs Optional key-value pairs to store in cache. * @see `org.gridgain.grid.cache.GridCacheProjection#putAll(...)` */ def +=(kv1: (K, V), kv2: (K, V), @Nullable kvs: (K, V)*) { putAll$(kv1, kv2, kvs: _*) } /** * Removes given key mapping from cache. If cache previously contained value for the given key, * then this value is returned. Otherwise, in case of `GridCacheMode#REPLICATED` caches, * the value will be loaded from swap and, if it's not there, and read-through is allowed, * from the underlying `GridCacheStore` storage. In case of `GridCacheMode#PARTITIONED` * caches, the value will be loaded from the primary node, which in its turn may load the value * from the swap storage, and consecutively, if it's not in swap and read-through is allowed, * from the underlying persistent storage. If value has to be loaded from persistent * storage, `GridCacheStore#load(String, GridCacheTx, Object)` method will be used. * * If the returned value is not needed, method `removex$(...)` should * always be used instead of this one to avoid the overhead associated with returning of the * previous value. * * If write-through is enabled, the value will be removed from 'GridCacheStore' * via `GridCacheStore#remove(String, GridCacheTx, Object)` method. * * ===Transactions=== * This method is transactional and will enlist the entry into ongoing transaction * if there is one. * * ===Cache Flags=== * This method is not available if any of the following flags are set on projection: * `GridCacheFlag#LOCAL`, `GridCacheFlag#READ`. * * @param k Key whose mapping is to be removed from cache. * @param p Optional filters to check prior to removing value form cache. Note * that filter is checked atomically together with remove operation. * @return Previous value associated with specified key, or `null` * if there was no value for this key. * @see `org.gridgain.grid.cache.GridCacheProjection#remove(...)` */ def remove$(k: K, @Nullable p: EntryPred*): V = value.remove(k, unwrap(p): _*) /** * Removes given key mapping from cache. If cache previously contained value for the given key, * then this value is returned. Otherwise, in case of `GridCacheMode#REPLICATED` caches, * the value will be loaded from swap and, if it's not there, and read-through is allowed, * from the underlying `GridCacheStore` storage. In case of `GridCacheMode#PARTITIONED` * caches, the value will be loaded from the primary node, which in its turn may load the value * from the swap storage, and consecutively, if it's not in swap and read-through is allowed, * from the underlying persistent storage. If value has to be loaded from persistent * storage, `GridCacheStore#load(String, GridCacheTx, Object)` method will be used. * * If the returned value is not needed, method `removex$(...)` should * always be used instead of this one to avoid the overhead associated with returning of the * previous value. * * If write-through is enabled, the value will be removed from 'GridCacheStore' * via `GridCacheStore#remove(String, GridCacheTx, Object)` method. * * ===Transactions=== * This method is transactional and will enlist the entry into ongoing transaction * if there is one. * * ===Cache Flags=== * This method is not available if any of the following flags are set on projection: * `GridCacheFlag#LOCAL`, `GridCacheFlag#READ`. * * @param k Key whose mapping is to be removed from cache. * @param p Optional filters to check prior to removing value form cache. Note * that filter is checked atomically together with remove operation. * @return Previous value associated with specified key as an option. * @see `org.gridgain.grid.cache.GridCacheProjection#remove(...)` */ def removeOpt$(k: K, @Nullable p: EntryPred*): Option[V] = Option(value.remove(k, unwrap(p): _*)) /** * Operator alias for the same function `remove$`. * * @param k Key whose mapping is to be removed from cache. * @param p Optional filters to check prior to removing value form cache. Note * that filter is checked atomically together with remove operation. * @return Previous value associated with specified key, or `null` * if there was no value for this key. * @see `org.gridgain.grid.cache.GridCacheProjection#remove(...)` */ def -=(k: K, @Nullable p: EntryPred*): V = remove$(k, p: _*) /** * Removes given key mappings from cache. * * If write-through is enabled, the values will be removed from `GridCacheStore` * via `GridCacheStore#removeAll(String, GridCacheTx, Collection)` method. * * ===Transactions=== * This method is transactional and will enlist the entry into ongoing transaction * if there is one. * * ===Cache Flags=== * This method is not available if any of the following flags are set on projection: * `GridCacheFlag#LOCAL`, `GridCacheFlag#READ`. * * @param k1 1st key to remove. * @param k2 2nd key to remove. * @param ks Optional sequence of additional keys to remove. * @see `org.gridgain.grid.cache.GridCacheProjection#removeAll(...)` */ def removeAll$(k1: K, k2: K, @Nullable ks: K*) { val s = new mutable.ArrayBuffer[K](2 + (if (ks == null) 0 else ks.length)) s += k1 s += k2 if (ks != null) ks foreach (s += _) value.removeAll(s) } /** * Operator alias for the same function `remove$`. * * @param k1 1st key to remove. * @param k2 2nd key to remove. * @param ks Optional sequence of additional keys to remove. * @see `org.gridgain.grid.cache.GridCacheProjection#removeAll(...)` */ def -=(k1: K, k2: K, @Nullable ks: K*) { removeAll$(k1, k2, ks: _*) } /** * Creates and executes ad-hoc `SCAN` query on given projection returning its result. * * Note that if query is executed more than once (potentially with different * arguments) it is more performant to create query via standard mechanism * and execute it multiple times with different arguments. The analogy is * similar to JDBC `PreparedStatement`. Note also that this function will return * all results at once without pagination and therefore memory limits should be * taken into account. * * @param grid Grid projection on which this query will be executed. If `null` the * global projection will be used. * @param cls Query values class. Since cache can, in general, contain values of any subtype of `V` * query needs to know the exact type it should operate on. * @param kvp Filter to be used prior to returning key-value pairs to user. See `GridCacheQuery` for more details. * @return Collection of cache key-value pairs. */ def scan(@Nullable grid: GridProjection = null, cls: Class[_ <: V], kvp: KvPred): Iterable[(K, V)] = { assert(cls != null) assert(kvp != null) val q = value.cache[K, V]().queries().createScanQuery(kvp) (if (grid != null) q.projection(grid) else q).execute() => (e.getKey, e.getValue)) } /** * Creates and executes ad-hoc `SCAN` query on given projection returning its result. * * Note that if query is executed more than once (potentially with different * arguments) it is more performant to create query via standard mechanism * and execute it multiple times with different arguments. The analogy is * similar to JDBC `PreparedStatement`. Note also that this function will return * all results at once without pagination and therefore memory limits should be * taken into account. * * Note that query value class will be taken implicitly as exact type `V` of this * cache projection. * * @param grid Grid projection on which this query will be executed. If `null` the * global projection will be used. * @param kvp Filter to be used prior to returning key-value pairs to user. See `GridCacheQuery` for more details. * @return Collection of cache key-value pairs. */ def scan(@Nullable grid: GridProjection, kvp: KvPred) (implicit m: Manifest[V]): Iterable[(K, V)] = { assert(kvp != null) scan(grid, m.erasure.asInstanceOf[Class[V]], kvp) } /** * Creates and executes ad-hoc `SCAN` query on global projection returning its result. * * Note that if query is executed more than once (potentially with different * arguments) it is more performant to create query via standard mechanism * and execute it multiple times with different arguments. The analogy is * similar to JDBC `PreparedStatement`. Note also that this function will return * all results at once without pagination and therefore memory limits should be * taken into account. * * @param cls Query values class. Since cache can, in general, contain values of any subtype of `V` * query needs to know the exact type it should operate on. * @param kvp Filter to be used prior to returning key-value pairs to user. See `GridCacheQuery` for more details. * @return Collection of cache key-value pairs. */ def scan(cls: Class[_ <: V], kvp: KvPred): Iterable[(K, V)] = { assert(cls != null) assert(kvp != null) scan(null, cls, kvp) } /** * Creates and executes ad-hoc `SCAN` query on global projection returning its result. * * Note that if query is executed more than once (potentially with different * arguments) it is more performant to create query via standard mechanism * and execute it multiple times with different arguments. The analogy is * similar to JDBC `PreparedStatement`. Note also that this function will return * all results at once without pagination and therefore memory limits should be * taken into account. * * Note that query value class will be taken implicitly as exact type `V` of this * cache projection. * * @param kvp Filter to be used prior to returning key-value pairs to user. See `GridCacheQuery` for more details. * @return Collection of cache key-value pairs. */ def scan(kvp: KvPred)(implicit m: Manifest[V]): Iterable[(K, V)] = { assert(kvp != null) scan(m.erasure.asInstanceOf[Class[V]], kvp) } /** * Creates and executes ad-hoc `SQL` query on given projection returning its result. * * Note that if query is executed more than once (potentially with different * arguments) it is more performant to create query via standard mechanism * and execute it multiple times with different arguments. The analogy is * similar to JDBC `PreparedStatement`. Note also that this function will return * all results at once without pagination and therefore memory limits should be * taken into account. * * @param grid Grid projection on which this query will be executed. If `null` the * global projection will be used. * @param cls Query values class. Since cache can, in general, contain values of any subtype of `V` * query needs to know the exact type it should operate on. * @param clause Query SQL clause. See `GridCacheQuery` for more details. * @param args Optional list of query arguments. * @return Collection of cache key-value pairs. */ def sql(@Nullable grid: GridProjection, cls: Class[_ <: V], clause: String, args: Any*): Iterable[(K, V)] = { assert(cls != null) assert(clause != null) assert(args != null) val q = value.cache().queries().createSqlQuery(cls, clause) (if (grid != null) q.projection(grid) else q) .execute(args.asInstanceOf[Seq[Object]]: _*) => (e.getKey, e.getValue)) } /** * Creates and executes ad-hoc `SQL` query on given projection returning its result. * * Note that if query is executed more than once (potentially with different * arguments) it is more performant to create query via standard mechanism * and execute it multiple times with different arguments. The analogy is * similar to JDBC `PreparedStatement`. Note also that this function will return * all results at once without pagination and therefore memory limits should be * taken into account. * * @param grid Grid projection on which this query will be executed. If `null` the * global projection will be used. * @param cls Query values class. Since cache can, in general, contain values of any subtype of `V` * query needs to know the exact type it should operate on. * @param clause Query SQL clause. See `GridCacheQuery` for more details. * @return Collection of cache key-value pairs. */ def sql(@Nullable grid: GridProjection = null, cls: Class[_ <: V], clause: String): Iterable[(K, V)] = { assert(cls != null) assert(clause != null) sql(grid, cls, clause, Nil: _*) } /** * Creates and executes ad-hoc `SQL` query on given projection returning its result. * * Note that if query is executed more than once (potentially with different * arguments) it is more performant to create query via standard mechanism * and execute it multiple times with different arguments. The analogy is * similar to JDBC `PreparedStatement`. Note also that this function will return * all results at once without pagination and therefore memory limits should be * taken into account. * * Note that query value class will be taken implicitly as exact type `V` of this * cache projection. * * @param grid Grid projection on which this query will be executed. If `null` the * global projection will be used. * @param clause Query SQL clause. See `GridCacheQuery` for more details. * @param args Optional list of query arguments. * @return Collection of cache key-value pairs. */ def sql(@Nullable grid: GridProjection, clause: String, args: Any*) (implicit m: Manifest[V]): Iterable[(K, V)] = { assert(clause != null) assert(args != null) sql(grid, m.erasure.asInstanceOf[Class[V]], clause, args: _*) } /** * Creates and executes ad-hoc `SQL` query on global projection returning its result. * * Note that if query is executed more than once (potentially with different * arguments) it is more performant to create query via standard mechanism * and execute it multiple times with different arguments. The analogy is * similar to JDBC `PreparedStatement`. Note also that this function will return * all results at once without pagination and therefore memory limits should be * taken into account. * * @param cls Query values class. Since cache can, in general, contain values of any subtype of `V` * query needs to know the exact type it should operate on. * @param clause Query SQL clause. See `GridCacheQuery` for more details. * @param args Optional list of query arguments. * @return Collection of cache key-value pairs. */ def sql(cls: Class[_ <: V], clause: String, args: Any*): Iterable[(K, V)] = { assert(cls != null) assert(clause != null) sql(null.asInstanceOf[GridProjection], cls, clause, args: _*) } /** * Creates and executes ad-hoc `SQL` query on global projection returning its result. * * Note that if query is executed more than once (potentially with different * arguments) it is more performant to create query via standard mechanism * and execute it multiple times with different arguments. The analogy is * similar to JDBC `PreparedStatement`. Note also that this function will return * all results at once without pagination and therefore memory limits should be * taken into account. * * Note that query value class will be taken implicitly as exact type `V` of this * cache projection. * * @param clause Query SQL clause. See `GridCacheQuery` for more details. * @param args Optional list of query arguments. * @return Collection of cache key-value pairs. */ def sql(clause: String, args: Any*)(implicit m: Manifest[V]): Iterable[(K, V)] = { assert(clause != null) sql(m.erasure.asInstanceOf[Class[V]], clause, args: _*) } /** * Creates and executes ad-hoc `TEXT` query on given projection returning its result. * * Note that if query is executed more than once (potentially with different * arguments) it is more performant to create query via standard mechanism * and execute it multiple times with different arguments. The analogy is * similar to JDBC `PreparedStatement`. Note also that this function will return * all results at once without pagination and therefore memory limits should be * taken into account. * * @param grid Grid projection on which this query will be executed. If `null` the * global projection will be used. * @param cls Query values class. Since cache can, in general, contain values of any subtype of `V` * query needs to know the exact type it should operate on. * @param clause Query text clause. See `GridCacheQuery` for more details. * @return Collection of cache key-value pairs. */ def text(@Nullable grid: GridProjection = null, cls: Class[_ <: V], clause: String): Iterable[(K, V)] = { assert(cls != null) assert(clause != null) val q = value.cache().queries().createFullTextQuery(cls, clause) (if (grid != null) q.projection(grid) else q).execute() => (e.getKey, e.getValue)) } /** * Creates and executes ad-hoc `TEXT` query on given projection returning its result. * * Note that if query is executed more than once (potentially with different * arguments) it is more performant to create query via standard mechanism * and execute it multiple times with different arguments. The analogy is * similar to JDBC `PreparedStatement`. Note also that this function will return * all results at once without pagination and therefore memory limits should be * taken into account. * * Note that query value class will be taken implicitly as exact type `V` of this * cache projection. * * @param grid Grid projection on which this query will be executed. If `null` the * global projection will be used. * @param clause Query text clause. See `GridCacheQuery` for more details. * @return Collection of cache key-value pairs. */ def text(@Nullable grid: GridProjection, clause: String)(implicit m: Manifest[V]): Iterable[(K, V)] = { assert(clause != null) text(grid, m.erasure.asInstanceOf[Class[V]], clause) } /** * Creates and executes ad-hoc `TEXT` query on global projection returning its result. * * Note that if query is executed more than once (potentially with different * arguments) it is more performant to create query via standard mechanism * and execute it multiple times with different arguments. The analogy is * similar to JDBC `PreparedStatement`. Note also that this function will return * all results at once without pagination and therefore memory limits should be * taken into account. * * @param cls Query values class. Since cache can, in general, contain values of any subtype of `V` * query needs to know the exact type it should operate on. * @param clause Query text clause. See `GridCacheQuery` for more details. * @return Collection of cache key-value pairs. */ def text(cls: Class[_ <: V], clause: String): Iterable[(K, V)] = { assert(cls != null) assert(clause != null) text(null, cls, clause) } /** * Creates and executes ad-hoc `TEXT` query on global projection returning its result. * * Note that if query is executed more than once (potentially with different * arguments) it is more performant to create query via standard mechanism * and execute it multiple times with different arguments. The analogy is * similar to JDBC `PreparedStatement`. Note also that this function will return * all results at once without pagination and therefore memory limits should be * taken into account. * * Note that query value class will be taken implicitly as exact type `V` of this * cache projection. * * @param clause Query text clause. See `GridCacheQuery` for more details. * @return Collection of cache key-value pairs. */ def text(clause: String)(implicit m: Manifest[V]): Iterable[(K, V)] = { assert(clause != null) text(m.erasure.asInstanceOf[Class[V]], clause) } /** * Creates and executes ad-hoc `SCAN` transform query on given projection returning its result. * * Note that if query is executed more than once (potentially with different * arguments) it is more performant to create query via standard mechanism * and execute it multiple times with different arguments. The analogy is * similar to JDBC `PreparedStatement`. Note also that this function will return * all results at once without pagination and therefore memory limits should be * taken into account. * * @param grid Grid projection on which this query will be executed. If `null` the * global projection will be used. * @param cls Query values class. Since cache can, in general, contain values of any subtype of `V` * query needs to know the exact type it should operate on. * @param kvp Filter to be used prior to returning key-value pairs to user. See `GridCacheQuery` for more details. * @param trans Transform function that will be applied to each returned value. * @return Collection of cache key-value pairs. */ def scanTransform[T](@Nullable grid: GridProjection = null, cls: Class[_ <: V], kvp: KvPred, trans: V => T): Iterable[(K, T)] = { assert(cls != null) assert(kvp != null) assert(trans != null) val q = value.cache[K, V]().queries().createScanQuery(kvp) toScalaItr[K, T]((if (grid != null) q.projection(grid) else q).execute(toRemoteTransformer[K, V, T](trans)).get) } /** * Creates and executes ad-hoc `SCAN` transform query on given projection returning its result. * * Note that if query is executed more than once (potentially with different * arguments) it is more performant to create query via standard mechanism * and execute it multiple times with different arguments. The analogy is * similar to JDBC `PreparedStatement`. Note also that this function will return * all results at once without pagination and therefore memory limits should be * taken into account. * * Note that query value class will be taken implicitly as exact type `V` of this * cache projection. * * @param grid Grid projection on which this query will be executed. If `null` the global projection will be used. * @param kvp Filter to be used prior to returning key-value pairs to user. See `GridCacheQuery` for more details. * @param trans Transform function that will be applied to each returned value. * @return Collection of cache key-value pairs. */ def scanTransform[T](@Nullable grid: GridProjection, kvp: KvPred, trans: V => T)(implicit m: Manifest[V]): Iterable[(K, T)] = { assert(kvp != null) assert(trans != null) scanTransform(grid, m.erasure.asInstanceOf[Class[V]], kvp, trans) } /** * Creates and executes ad-hoc `SCAN` transform query on global projection returning its result. * * Note that if query is executed more than once (potentially with different * arguments) it is more performant to create query via standard mechanism * and execute it multiple times with different arguments. The analogy is * similar to JDBC `PreparedStatement`. Note also that this function will return * all results at once without pagination and therefore memory limits should be * taken into account. * * @param cls Query values class. Since cache can, in general, contain values of any subtype of `V` * query needs to know the exact type it should operate on. * @param kvp Filter to be used prior to returning key-value pairs to user. See `GridCacheQuery` for more details. * @param trans Transform function that will be applied to each returned value. * @return Collection of cache key-value pairs. */ def scanTransform[T](cls: Class[_ <: V], kvp: KvPred, trans: V => T): Iterable[(K, T)] = { assert(cls != null) assert(kvp != null) assert(trans != null) scanTransform(null, cls, kvp, trans) } /** * Creates and executes ad-hoc `SCAN` transform query on global projection returning its result. * * Note that if query is executed more than once (potentially with different * arguments) it is more performant to create query via standard mechanism * and execute it multiple times with different arguments. The analogy is * similar to JDBC `PreparedStatement`. Note also that this function will return * all results at once without pagination and therefore memory limits should be * taken into account. * * Note that query value class will be taken implicitly as exact type `V` of this * cache projection. * * @param kvp Filter to be used prior to returning key-value pairs to user. See `GridCacheQuery` for more details. * @param trans Transform function that will be applied to each returned value. * @return Collection of cache key-value pairs. */ def scanTransform[T](kvp: KvPred, trans: V => T) (implicit m: Manifest[V]): Iterable[(K, T)] = { assert(kvp != null) assert(trans != null) scanTransform(m.erasure.asInstanceOf[Class[V]], kvp, trans) } /** * Creates and executes ad-hoc `SQL` transform query on given projection returning its result. * * Note that if query is executed more than once (potentially with different * arguments) it is more performant to create query via standard mechanism * and execute it multiple times with different arguments. The analogy is * similar to JDBC `PreparedStatement`. Note also that this function will return * all results at once without pagination and therefore memory limits should be * taken into account. * * @param grid Grid projection on which this query will be executed. If `null` the * global projection will be used. * @param cls Query values class. Since cache can, in general, contain values of any subtype of `V` * query needs to know the exact type it should operate on. * @param clause Query SQL clause. See `GridCacheQuery` for more details. * @param trans Transform function that will be applied to each returned value. * @param args Optional list of query arguments. * @return Collection of cache key-value pairs. */ def sqlTransform[T](@Nullable grid: GridProjection, cls: Class[_ <: V], clause: String, trans: V => T, args: Any*): Iterable[(K, T)] = { assert(cls != null) assert(clause != null) assert(trans != null) assert(args != null) val q = value.cache[K, V]().queries().createSqlQuery(cls, clause) toScalaItr((if (grid != null) q.projection(grid) else q) .execute(toRemoteTransformer[K, V, T](trans), args.asInstanceOf[Seq[Object]]: _*).get) } /** * Creates and executes ad-hoc `SQL` transform query on given projection returning its result. * * Note that if query is executed more than once (potentially with different * arguments) it is more performant to create query via standard mechanism * and execute it multiple times with different arguments. The analogy is * similar to JDBC `PreparedStatement`. Note also that this function will return * all results at once without pagination and therefore memory limits should be * taken into account. * * @param grid Grid projection on which this query will be executed. If `null` the * global projection will be used. * @param cls Query values class. Since cache can, in general, contain values of any subtype of `V` * query needs to know the exact type it should operate on. * @param clause Query SQL clause. See `GridCacheQuery` for more details. * @param trans Transform function that will be applied to each returned value. * @return Collection of cache key-value pairs. */ def sqlTransform[T](@Nullable grid: GridProjection = null, cls: Class[_ <: V], clause: String, trans: V => T): Iterable[(K, T)] = { assert(cls != null) assert(clause != null) assert(trans != null) sqlTransform(grid, cls, clause, trans, Nil: _*) } /** * Creates and executes ad-hoc `SQL` transform query on given projection returning its result. * * Note that if query is executed more than once (potentially with different * arguments) it is more performant to create query via standard mechanism * and execute it multiple times with different arguments. The analogy is * similar to JDBC `PreparedStatement`. Note also that this function will return * all results at once without pagination and therefore memory limits should be * taken into account. * * Note that query value class will be taken implicitly as exact type `V` of this * cache projection. * * @param grid Grid projection on which this query will be executed. If `null` the * global projection will be used. * @param clause Query SQL clause. See `GridCacheQuery` for more details. * @param trans Transform function that will be applied to each returned value. * @param args Optional list of query arguments. * @return Collection of cache key-value pairs. */ def sqlTransform[T](@Nullable grid: GridProjection, clause: String, trans: V => T, args: Any*) (implicit m: Manifest[V]): Iterable[(K, T)] = { assert(clause != null) assert(trans != null) assert(args != null) sqlTransform(grid, m.erasure.asInstanceOf[Class[V]], clause, trans, args: _*) } /** * Creates and executes ad-hoc `SQL` transform query on global projection returning its result. * * Note that if query is executed more than once (potentially with different * arguments) it is more performant to create query via standard mechanism * and execute it multiple times with different arguments. The analogy is * similar to JDBC `PreparedStatement`. Note also that this function will return * all results at once without pagination and therefore memory limits should be * taken into account. * * @param cls Query values class. Since cache can, in general, contain values of any subtype of `V` * query needs to know the exact type it should operate on. * @param clause Query SQL clause. See `GridCacheQuery` for more details. * @param trans Transform function that will be applied to each returned value. * @param args Optional list of query arguments. * @return Collection of cache key-value pairs. */ def sqlTransform[T](cls: Class[_ <: V], clause: String, trans: V => T, args: Any*): Iterable[(K, T)] = { assert(cls != null) assert(clause != null) assert(trans != null) assert(args != null) sqlTransform(null, cls, clause, trans, args: _*) } /** * Creates and executes ad-hoc `SQL` transform query on global projection returning its result. * * Note that if query is executed more than once (potentially with different * arguments) it is more performant to create query via standard mechanism * and execute it multiple times with different arguments. The analogy is * similar to JDBC `PreparedStatement`. Note also that this function will return * all results at once without pagination and therefore memory limits should be * taken into account. * * Note that query value class will be taken implicitly as exact type `V` of this * cache projection. * * @param clause Query SQL clause. See `GridCacheQuery` for more details. * @param trans Transform function that will be applied to each returned value. * @param args Optional list of query arguments. * @return Collection of cache key-value pairs. */ def sqlTransform[T](clause: String, trans: V => T, args: Any*) (implicit m: Manifest[V]): Iterable[(K, T)] = { assert(clause != null) assert(trans != null) assert(args != null) sqlTransform(m.erasure.asInstanceOf[Class[V]], clause, trans, args: _*) } /** * Creates and executes ad-hoc `TEXT` transform query on given projection returning its result. * * Note that if query is executed more than once (potentially with different * arguments) it is more performant to create query via standard mechanism * and execute it multiple times with different arguments. The analogy is * similar to JDBC `PreparedStatement`. Note also that this function will return * all results at once without pagination and therefore memory limits should be * taken into account. * * @param grid Grid projection on which this query will be executed. If `null` the * global projection will be used. * @param cls Query values class. Since cache can, in general, contain values of any subtype of `V` * query needs to know the exact type it should operate on. * @param clause Query text clause. See `GridCacheQuery` for more details. * @param trans Transform function that will be applied to each returned value. * @return Collection of cache key-value pairs. */ def textTransform[T](@Nullable grid: GridProjection = null, cls: Class[_ <: V], clause: String, trans: V => T): Iterable[(K, T)] = { assert(cls != null) assert(clause != null) assert(trans != null) val q = value.cache[K, V]().queries().createFullTextQuery(cls, clause) toScalaItr((if (grid != null) q.projection(grid) else q).execute(toRemoteTransformer[K, V, T](trans)).get) } /** * Creates and executes ad-hoc `TEXT` transform query on given projection returning its result. * * Note that if query is executed more than once (potentially with different * arguments) it is more performant to create query via standard mechanism * and execute it multiple times with different arguments. The analogy is * similar to JDBC `PreparedStatement`. Note also that this function will return * all results at once without pagination and therefore memory limits should be * taken into account. * * Note that query value class will be taken implicitly as exact type `V` of this * cache projection. * * @param grid Grid projection on which this query will be executed. If `null` the * global projection will be used. * @param clause Query text clause. See `GridCacheQuery` for more details. * @param trans Transform function that will be applied to each returned value. * @return Collection of cache key-value pairs. */ def textTransform[T](@Nullable grid: GridProjection, clause: String, trans: V => T) (implicit m: Manifest[V]): Iterable[(K, T)] = { assert(clause != null) assert(trans != null) textTransform(grid, m.erasure.asInstanceOf[Class[V]], clause, trans) } /** * Creates and executes ad-hoc `TEXT` transform query on global projection returning its result. * * Note that if query is executed more than once (potentially with different * arguments) it is more performant to create query via standard mechanism * and execute it multiple times with different arguments. The analogy is * similar to JDBC `PreparedStatement`. Note also that this function will return * all results at once without pagination and therefore memory limits should be * taken into account. * * @param cls Query values class. Since cache can, in general, contain values of any subtype of `V` * query needs to know the exact type it should operate on. * @param clause Query text clause. See `GridCacheQuery` for more details. * @param trans Transform function that will be applied to each returned value. * @return Collection of cache key-value pairs. */ def textTransform[T](cls: Class[_ <: V], clause: String, trans: V => T): Iterable[(K, T)] = { assert(cls != null) assert(clause != null) assert(trans != null) textTransform(null, cls, clause, trans) } /** * Creates and executes ad-hoc `TEXT` transform query on global projection returning its result. * * Note that if query is executed more than once (potentially with different * arguments) it is more performant to create query via standard mechanism * and execute it multiple times with different arguments. The analogy is * similar to JDBC `PreparedStatement`. Note also that this function will return * all results at once without pagination and therefore memory limits should be * taken into account. * * Note that query value class will be taken implicitly as exact type `V` of this * cache projection. * * @param clause Query text clause. See `GridCacheQuery` for more details. * @param trans Transform function that will be applied to each returned value. * @return Collection of cache key-value pairs. */ def textTransform[T](clause: String, trans: V => T) (implicit m: Manifest[V]): Iterable[(K, T)] = { assert(clause != null) assert(trans != null) textTransform(m.erasure.asInstanceOf[Class[V]], clause, trans) } /** * Creates and executes ad-hoc `SCAN` reduce query on given projection returning its result. * * Note that if query is executed more than once (potentially with different * arguments) it is more performant to create query via standard mechanism * and execute it multiple times with different arguments. The analogy is * similar to JDBC `PreparedStatement`. Note also that this function will return * all results at once without pagination and therefore memory limits should be * taken into account. * * @param grid Grid projection on which this query will be executed. If `null` the * global projection will be used. * @param cls Query values class. Since cache can, in general, contain values of any subtype of `V` * query needs to know the exact type it should operate on. * @param kvp Filter to be used prior to returning key-value pairs to user. See `GridCacheQuery` for more details. * @param rmtRdc Reduce function that will be called on each remote node. * @param locRdc Reduce function that will be called on local node. * @return Reduced value. */ def scanReduce[R1, R2](@Nullable grid: GridProjection = null, cls: Class[_ <: V], kvp: KvPred, rmtRdc: Iterable[(K, V)] => R1, locRdc: Iterable[R1] => R2): R2 = { assert(cls != null) assert(kvp != null) assert(rmtRdc != null) assert(locRdc != null) val q = value.cache[K, V]().queries().createScanQuery(kvp) locRdc((if (grid != null) q.projection(grid) else q).execute(toEntryReducer(rmtRdc)).get) } /** * Creates and executes ad-hoc `SCAN` reduce query on given projection returning its result. * * Note that if query is executed more than once (potentially with different * arguments) it is more performant to create query via standard mechanism * and execute it multiple times with different arguments. The analogy is * similar to JDBC `PreparedStatement`. Note also that this function will return * all results at once without pagination and therefore memory limits should be * taken into account. * * Note that query value class will be taken implicitly as exact type `V` of this * cache projection. * * @param grid Grid projection on which this query will be executed. If `null` the * global projection will be used. * @param kvp Filter to be used prior to returning key-value pairs to user. See `GridCacheQuery` for more details. * @param rmtRdc Reduce function that will be called on each remote node. * @param locRdc Reduce function that will be called on local node. * @return Reduced value. */ def scanReduce[R1, R2](@Nullable grid: GridProjection, kvp: KvPred, rmtRdc: Iterable[(K, V)] => R1, locRdc: Iterable[R1] => R2)(implicit m: Manifest[V]): R2 = { assert(kvp != null) assert(rmtRdc != null) assert(locRdc != null) scanReduce(grid, m.erasure.asInstanceOf[Class[V]], kvp, rmtRdc, locRdc) } /** * Creates and executes ad-hoc `SCAN` reduce query on global projection returning its result. * * Note that if query is executed more than once (potentially with different * arguments) it is more performant to create query via standard mechanism * and execute it multiple times with different arguments. The analogy is * similar to JDBC `PreparedStatement`. Note also that this function will return * all results at once without pagination and therefore memory limits should be * taken into account. * * @param cls Query values class. Since cache can, in general, contain values of any subtype of `V` * query needs to know the exact type it should operate on. * @param kvp Filter to be used prior to returning key-value pairs to user. See `GridCacheQuery` for more details. * @param rmtRdc Reduce function that will be called on each remote node. * @param locRdc Reduce function that will be called on local node. * @return Reduced value. */ def scanReduce[R1, R2](cls: Class[_ <: V], kvp: KvPred, rmtRdc: Iterable[(K, V)] => R1, locRdc: Iterable[R1] => R2): R2 = { assert(cls != null) assert(kvp != null) assert(rmtRdc != null) assert(locRdc != null) scanReduce(null, cls, kvp, rmtRdc, locRdc) } /** * Creates and executes ad-hoc `SCAN` reduce query on global projection returning its result. * * Note that if query is executed more than once (potentially with different * arguments) it is more performant to create query via standard mechanism * and execute it multiple times with different arguments. The analogy is * similar to JDBC `PreparedStatement`. Note also that this function will return * all results at once without pagination and therefore memory limits should be * taken into account. * * Note that query value class will be taken implicitly as exact type `V` of this * cache projection. * * @param kvp Filter to be used prior to returning key-value pairs to user. See `GridCacheQuery` for more details. * @param rmtRdc Reduce function that will be called on each remote node. * @param locRdc Reduce function that will be called on local node. * @return Reduced value. */ def scanReduce[R1, R2](kvp: KvPred, rmtRdc: Iterable[(K, V)] => R1, locRdc: Iterable[R1] => R2)(implicit m: Manifest[V]): R2 = { assert(kvp != null) assert(rmtRdc != null) assert(locRdc != null) scanReduce(m.erasure.asInstanceOf[Class[V]], kvp, rmtRdc, locRdc) } /** * Creates and executes ad-hoc `SQL` reduce query on given projection returning its result. * * Note that if query is executed more than once (potentially with different * arguments) it is more performant to create query via standard mechanism * and execute it multiple times with different arguments. The analogy is * similar to JDBC `PreparedStatement`. Note also that this function will return * all results at once without pagination and therefore memory limits should be * taken into account. * * @param grid Grid projection on which this query will be executed. If `null` the * global projection will be used. * @param cls Query values class. Since cache can, in general, contain values of any subtype of `V` * query needs to know the exact type it should operate on. * @param clause Query SQL clause. See `GridCacheQuery` for more details. * @param rmtRdc Reduce function that will be called on each remote node. * @param locRdc Reduce function that will be called on local node. * @param args Optional list of query arguments. * @return Reduced value. */ def sqlReduce[R1, R2](@Nullable grid: GridProjection, cls: Class[_ <: V], clause: String, rmtRdc: Iterable[(K, V)] => R1, locRdc: Iterable[R1] => R2, args: Any*): R2 = { assert(cls != null) assert(clause != null) assert(rmtRdc != null) assert(locRdc != null) assert(args != null) val q = value.cache[K, V]().queries().createSqlQuery(cls, clause) locRdc((if (grid != null) q.projection(grid) else q) .execute(toEntryReducer(rmtRdc), args.asInstanceOf[Seq[Object]]: _*).get) } /** * Creates and executes ad-hoc `SQL` reduce query on given projection returning its result. * * Note that if query is executed more than once (potentially with different * arguments) it is more performant to create query via standard mechanism * and execute it multiple times with different arguments. The analogy is * similar to JDBC `PreparedStatement`. Note also that this function will return * all results at once without pagination and therefore memory limits should be * taken into account. * * @param grid Grid projection on which this query will be executed. If `null` the * global projection will be used. * @param cls Query values class. Since cache can, in general, contain values of any subtype of `V` * query needs to know the exact type it should operate on. * @param clause Query SQL clause. See `GridCacheQuery` for more details. * @param rmtRdc Reduce function that will be called on each remote node. * @param locRdc Reduce function that will be called on local node. * @return Reduced value. */ def sqlReduce[R1, R2](@Nullable grid: GridProjection = null, cls: Class[_ <: V], clause: String, rmtRdc: Iterable[(K, V)] => R1, locRdc: Iterable[R1] => R2): R2 = { assert(cls != null) assert(clause != null) assert(rmtRdc != null) assert(locRdc != null) sqlReduce(grid, cls, clause, rmtRdc, locRdc, Nil: _*) } /** * Creates and executes ad-hoc `SQL` reduce query on given projection returning its result. * * Note that if query is executed more than once (potentially with different * arguments) it is more performant to create query via standard mechanism * and execute it multiple times with different arguments. The analogy is * similar to JDBC `PreparedStatement`. Note also that this function will return * all results at once without pagination and therefore memory limits should be * taken into account. * * Note that query value class will be taken implicitly as exact type `V` of this * cache projection. * * @param grid Grid projection on which this query will be executed. If `null` the * global projection will be used. * @param clause Query SQL clause. See `GridCacheQuery` for more details. * @param rmtRdc Reduce function that will be called on each remote node. * @param locRdc Reduce function that will be called on local node. * @param args Optional list of query arguments. * @return Reduced value. */ def sqlReduce[R1, R2](@Nullable grid: GridProjection, clause: String, rmtRdc: Iterable[(K, V)] => R1, locRdc: Iterable[R1] => R2, args: Any*)(implicit m: Manifest[V]): R2 = { assert(clause != null) assert(rmtRdc != null) assert(locRdc != null) assert(args != null) sqlReduce(grid, m.erasure.asInstanceOf[Class[V]], clause, rmtRdc, locRdc, args: _*) } /** * Creates and executes ad-hoc `SQL` reduce query on global projection returning its result. * * Note that if query is executed more than once (potentially with different * arguments) it is more performant to create query via standard mechanism * and execute it multiple times with different arguments. The analogy is * similar to JDBC `PreparedStatement`. Note also that this function will return * all results at once without pagination and therefore memory limits should be * taken into account. * * @param cls Query values class. Since cache can, in general, contain values of any subtype of `V` * query needs to know the exact type it should operate on. * @param clause Query SQL clause. See `GridCacheQuery` for more details. * @param rmtRdc Reduce function that will be called on each remote node. * @param locRdc Reduce function that will be called on local node. * @param args Optional list of query arguments. * @return Reduced value. */ def sqlReduce[R1, R2](cls: Class[_ <: V], clause: String, rmtRdc: Iterable[(K, V)] => R1, locRdc: Iterable[R1] => R2, args: Any*): R2 = { assert(cls != null) assert(clause != null) assert(rmtRdc != null) assert(locRdc != null) assert(args != null) sqlReduce(null, cls, clause, rmtRdc, locRdc, args: _*) } /** * Creates and executes ad-hoc `SQL` reduce query on global projection returning its result. * * Note that if query is executed more than once (potentially with different * arguments) it is more performant to create query via standard mechanism * and execute it multiple times with different arguments. The analogy is * similar to JDBC `PreparedStatement`. Note also that this function will return * all results at once without pagination and therefore memory limits should be * taken into account. * * Note that query value class will be taken implicitly as exact type `V` of this * cache projection. * * @param clause Query SQL clause. See `GridCacheQuery` for more details. * @param rmtRdc Reduce function that will be called on each remote node. * @param locRdc Reduce function that will be called on local node. * @param args Optional list of query arguments. * @return Reduced value. */ def sqlReduce[R1, R2](clause: String, rmtRdc: Iterable[(K, V)] => R1, locRdc: Iterable[R1] => R2, args: Any*)(implicit m: Manifest[V]): R2 = { assert(clause != null) assert(rmtRdc != null) assert(locRdc != null) assert(args != null) sqlReduce(m.erasure.asInstanceOf[Class[V]], clause, rmtRdc, locRdc, args: _*) } /** * Creates and executes ad-hoc `TEXT` reduce query on given projection returning its result. * * Note that if query is executed more than once (potentially with different * arguments) it is more performant to create query via standard mechanism * and execute it multiple times with different arguments. The analogy is * similar to JDBC `PreparedStatement`. Note also that this function will return * all results at once without pagination and therefore memory limits should be * taken into account. * * @param grid Grid projection on which this query will be executed. If `null` the * global projection will be used. * @param cls Query values class. Since cache can, in general, contain values of any subtype of `V` * query needs to know the exact type it should operate on. * @param clause Query text clause. See `GridCacheQuery` for more details. * @param rmtRdc Reduce function that will be called on each remote node. * @param locRdc Reduce function that will be called on local node. * @return Reduced value. */ def textReduce[R1, R2](@Nullable grid: GridProjection = null, cls: Class[_ <: V], clause: String, rmtRdc: Iterable[(K, V)] => R1, locRdc: Iterable[R1] => R2): R2 = { assert(cls != null) assert(clause != null) assert(rmtRdc != null) assert(locRdc != null) val q = value.cache[K, V]().queries().createFullTextQuery(cls, clause) locRdc((if (grid != null) q.projection(grid) else q).execute(toEntryReducer(rmtRdc)).get) } /** * Creates and executes ad-hoc `TEXT` reduce query on given projection returning its result. * * Note that if query is executed more than once (potentially with different * arguments) it is more performant to create query via standard mechanism * and execute it multiple times with different arguments. The analogy is * similar to JDBC `PreparedStatement`. Note also that this function will return * all results at once without pagination and therefore memory limits should be * taken into account. * * Note that query value class will be taken implicitly as exact type `V` of this * cache projection. * * @param grid Grid projection on which this query will be executed. If `null` the * global projection will be used. * @param clause Query text clause. See `GridCacheQuery` for more details. * @param rmtRdc Reduce function that will be called on each remote node. * @param locRdc Reduce function that will be called on local node. * @return Reduced value. */ def textReduce[R1, R2](@Nullable grid: GridProjection, clause: String, rmtRdc: Iterable[(K, V)] => R1, locRdc: Iterable[R1] => R2)(implicit m: Manifest[V]): R2 = { assert(clause != null) assert(rmtRdc != null) assert(locRdc != null) textReduce(grid, m.erasure.asInstanceOf[Class[V]], clause, rmtRdc, locRdc) } /** * Creates and executes ad-hoc `TEXT` reduce query on global projection returning its result. * * Note that if query is executed more than once (potentially with different * arguments) it is more performant to create query via standard mechanism * and execute it multiple times with different arguments. The analogy is * similar to JDBC `PreparedStatement`. Note also that this function will return * all results at once without pagination and therefore memory limits should be * taken into account. * * @param cls Query values class. Since cache can, in general, contain values of any subtype of `V` * query needs to know the exact type it should operate on. * @param clause Query text clause. See `GridCacheQuery` for more details. * @param rmtRdc Reduce function that will be called on each remote node. * @param locRdc Reduce function that will be called on local node. * @return Reduced value. */ def textReduce[R1, R2](cls: Class[_ <: V], clause: String, rmtRdc: Iterable[(K, V)] => R1, locRdc: Iterable[R1] => R2): R2 = { assert(cls != null) assert(clause != null) assert(rmtRdc != null) assert(locRdc != null) textReduce(null, cls, clause, rmtRdc, locRdc) } /** * Creates and executes ad-hoc `TEXT` reduce query on global projection returning its result. * * Note that if query is executed more than once (potentially with different * arguments) it is more performant to create query via standard mechanism * and execute it multiple times with different arguments. The analogy is * similar to JDBC `PreparedStatement`. Note also that this function will return * all results at once without pagination and therefore memory limits should be * taken into account. * * Note that query value class will be taken implicitly as exact type `V` of this * cache projection. * * @param clause Query text clause. See `GridCacheQuery` for more details. * @param rmtRdc Reduce function that will be called on each remote node. * @param locRdc Reduce function that will be called on local node. * @return Reduced value. */ def textReduce[R1, R2](clause: String, rmtRdc: Iterable[(K, V)] => R1, locRdc: Iterable[R1] => R2)(implicit m: Manifest[V]): R2 = { assert(clause != null) assert(rmtRdc != null) assert(locRdc != null) textReduce(m.erasure.asInstanceOf[Class[V]], clause, rmtRdc, locRdc) } /** * Creates and executes ad-hoc `SCAN` reduce query on given projection returning its result. * * Note that if query is executed more than once (potentially with different * arguments) it is more performant to create query via standard mechanism * and execute it multiple times with different arguments. The analogy is * similar to JDBC `PreparedStatement`. Note also that this function will return * all results at once without pagination and therefore memory limits should be * taken into account. * * @param grid Grid projection on which this query will be executed. If `null` the * global projection will be used. * @param cls Query values class. Since cache can, in general, contain values of any subtype of `V` * query needs to know the exact type it should operate on. * @param kvp Filter to be used prior to returning key-value pairs to user. See `GridCacheQuery` for more details. * @param rmtRdc Reduce function that will be called on each remote node. * @return Collection of reduced values. */ def scanReduceRemote[R](@Nullable grid: GridProjection = null, cls: Class[_ <: V], kvp: KvPred, rmtRdc: Iterable[(K, V)] => R): Iterable[R] = { assert(cls != null) assert(kvp != null) assert(rmtRdc != null) val q = value.cache[K, V]().queries().createScanQuery(kvp) (if (grid != null) q.projection(grid) else q).execute(toEntryReducer(rmtRdc)).get } /** * Creates and executes ad-hoc `SCAN` reduce query on given projection returning its result. * * Note that if query is executed more than once (potentially with different * arguments) it is more performant to create query via standard mechanism * and execute it multiple times with different arguments. The analogy is * similar to JDBC `PreparedStatement`. Note also that this function will return * all results at once without pagination and therefore memory limits should be * taken into account. * * Note that query value class will be taken implicitly as exact type `V` of this * cache projection. * * @param grid Grid projection on which this query will be executed. If `null` the global projection will be used. * @param kvp Filter to be used prior to returning key-value pairs to user. See `GridCacheQuery` for more details. * @param rmtRdc Reduce function that will be called on each remote node. * @return Collection of reduced values. */ def scanReduceRemote[R](@Nullable grid: GridProjection, kvp: KvPred, rmtRdc: Iterable[(K, V)] => R)(implicit m: Manifest[V]): Iterable[R] = { assert(kvp != null) assert(rmtRdc != null) scanReduceRemote(grid, m.erasure.asInstanceOf[Class[V]], kvp, rmtRdc) } /** * Creates and executes ad-hoc `SCAN` reduce query on global projection returning its result. * * Note that if query is executed more than once (potentially with different * arguments) it is more performant to create query via standard mechanism * and execute it multiple times with different arguments. The analogy is * similar to JDBC `PreparedStatement`. Note also that this function will return * all results at once without pagination and therefore memory limits should be * taken into account. * * @param cls Query values class. Since cache can, in general, contain values of any subtype of `V` * query needs to know the exact type it should operate on. * @param kvp Filter to be used prior to returning key-value pairs to user. See `GridCacheQuery` for more details. * @param rmtRdc Reduce function that will be called on each remote node. * @return Collection of reduced values. */ def scanReduceRemote[R](cls: Class[_ <: V], kvp: KvPred, rmtRdc: Iterable[(K, V)] => R): Iterable[R] = { assert(cls != null) assert(kvp != null) assert(rmtRdc != null) scanReduceRemote(null, cls, kvp, rmtRdc) } /** * Creates and executes ad-hoc `SCAN` reduce query on global projection returning its result. * * Note that if query is executed more than once (potentially with different * arguments) it is more performant to create query via standard mechanism * and execute it multiple times with different arguments. The analogy is * similar to JDBC `PreparedStatement`. Note also that this function will return * all results at once without pagination and therefore memory limits should be * taken into account. * * Note that query value class will be taken implicitly as exact type `V` of this * cache projection. * * @param kvp Filter to be used prior to returning key-value pairs to user. See `GridCacheQuery` for more details. * @param rmtRdc Reduce function that will be called on each remote node. * @return Collection of reduced values. */ def scanReduceRemote[R](kvp: KvPred, rmtRdc: Iterable[(K, V)] => R)(implicit m: Manifest[V]): Iterable[R] = { assert(kvp != null) assert(rmtRdc != null) scanReduceRemote(m.erasure.asInstanceOf[Class[V]], kvp, rmtRdc) } /** * Creates and executes ad-hoc `SQL` reduce query on given projection returning its result. * * Note that if query is executed more than once (potentially with different * arguments) it is more performant to create query via standard mechanism * and execute it multiple times with different arguments. The analogy is * similar to JDBC `PreparedStatement`. Note also that this function will return * all results at once without pagination and therefore memory limits should be * taken into account. * * @param grid Grid projection on which this query will be executed. If `null` the * global projection will be used. * @param cls Query values class. Since cache can, in general, contain values of any subtype of `V` * query needs to know the exact type it should operate on. * @param clause Query SQL clause. See `GridCacheQuery` for more details. * @param rmtRdc Reduce function that will be called on each remote node. * @param args Optional list of query arguments. * @return Collection of reduced values. */ def sqlReduceRemote[R](@Nullable grid: GridProjection, cls: Class[_ <: V], clause: String, rmtRdc: Iterable[(K, V)] => R, args: Any*): Iterable[R] = { assert(cls != null) assert(clause != null) assert(rmtRdc != null) assert(args != null) val q = value.cache[K, V]().queries().createSqlQuery(cls, clause) (if (grid != null) q.projection(grid) else q) .execute(toEntryReducer(rmtRdc), args.asInstanceOf[Seq[Object]]: _*).get } /** * Creates and executes ad-hoc `SQL` reduce query on given projection returning its result. * * Note that if query is executed more than once (potentially with different * arguments) it is more performant to create query via standard mechanism * and execute it multiple times with different arguments. The analogy is * similar to JDBC `PreparedStatement`. Note also that this function will return * all results at once without pagination and therefore memory limits should be * taken into account. * * @param grid Grid projection on which this query will be executed. If `null` the * global projection will be used. * @param cls Query values class. Since cache can, in general, contain values of any subtype of `V` * query needs to know the exact type it should operate on. * @param clause Query SQL clause. See `GridCacheQuery` for more details. * @param rmtRdc Reduce function that will be called on each remote node. * @return Collection of reduced values. */ def sqlReduceRemote[R](@Nullable grid: GridProjection = null, cls: Class[_ <: V], clause: String, rmtRdc: Iterable[(K, V)] => R): Iterable[R] = { assert(cls != null) assert(clause != null) assert(rmtRdc != null) sqlReduceRemote(grid, cls, clause, rmtRdc, Nil: _*) } /** * Creates and executes ad-hoc `SQL` reduce query on given projection returning its result. * * Note that if query is executed more than once (potentially with different * arguments) it is more performant to create query via standard mechanism * and execute it multiple times with different arguments. The analogy is * similar to JDBC `PreparedStatement`. Note also that this function will return * all results at once without pagination and therefore memory limits should be * taken into account. * * Note that query value class will be taken implicitly as exact type `V` of this * cache projection. * * @param grid Grid projection on which this query will be executed. If `null` the * global projection will be used. * @param clause Query SQL clause. See `GridCacheQuery` for more details. * @param rmtRdc Reduce function that will be called on each remote node. * @param args Optional list of query arguments. * @return Collection of reduced values. */ def sqlReduceRemote[R](@Nullable grid: GridProjection, clause: String, rmtRdc: Iterable[(K, V)] => R, args: Any*)(implicit m: Manifest[V]): Iterable[R] = { assert(clause != null) assert(rmtRdc != null) assert(args != null) sqlReduceRemote(grid, m.erasure.asInstanceOf[Class[V]], clause, rmtRdc, args: _*) } /** * Creates and executes ad-hoc `SQL` reduce query on global projection returning its result. * * Note that if query is executed more than once (potentially with different * arguments) it is more performant to create query via standard mechanism * and execute it multiple times with different arguments. The analogy is * similar to JDBC `PreparedStatement`. Note also that this function will return * all results at once without pagination and therefore memory limits should be * taken into account. * * @param cls Query values class. Since cache can, in general, contain values of any subtype of `V` * query needs to know the exact type it should operate on. * @param clause Query SQL clause. See `GridCacheQuery` for more details. * @param rmtRdc Reduce function that will be called on each remote node. * @param args Optional list of query arguments. * @return Collection of reduced values. */ def sqlReduceRemote[R](cls: Class[_ <: V], clause: String, rmtRdc: Iterable[(K, V)] => R, args: Any*): Iterable[R] = { assert(cls != null) assert(clause != null) assert(rmtRdc != null) assert(args != null) sqlReduceRemote(null, cls, clause, rmtRdc, args: _*) } /** * Creates and executes ad-hoc `SQL` reduce query on global projection returning its result. * * Note that if query is executed more than once (potentially with different * arguments) it is more performant to create query via standard mechanism * and execute it multiple times with different arguments. The analogy is * similar to JDBC `PreparedStatement`. Note also that this function will return * all results at once without pagination and therefore memory limits should be * taken into account. * * Note that query value class will be taken implicitly as exact type `V` of this * cache projection. * * @param clause Query SQL clause. See `GridCacheQuery` for more details. * @param rmtRdc Reduce function that will be called on each remote node. * @param args Optional list of query arguments. * @return Collection of reduced values. */ def sqlReduceRemote[R](clause: String, rmtRdc: Iterable[(K, V)] => R, args: Any*) (implicit m: Manifest[V]): Iterable[R] = { assert(clause != null) assert(rmtRdc != null) assert(args != null) sqlReduceRemote(m.erasure.asInstanceOf[Class[V]], clause, rmtRdc, args: _*) } /** * Creates and executes ad-hoc `TEXT` reduce query on given projection returning its result. * * Note that if query is executed more than once (potentially with different * arguments) it is more performant to create query via standard mechanism * and execute it multiple times with different arguments. The analogy is * similar to JDBC `PreparedStatement`. Note also that this function will return * all results at once without pagination and therefore memory limits should be * taken into account. * * @param grid Grid projection on which this query will be executed. If `null` the * global projection will be used. * @param cls Query values class. Since cache can, in general, contain values of any subtype of `V` * query needs to know the exact type it should operate on. * @param clause Query text clause. See `GridCacheQuery` for more details. * @param rmtRdc Reduce function that will be called on each remote node. * @return Collection of reduced values. */ def textReduceRemote[R](@Nullable grid: GridProjection = null, cls: Class[_ <: V], clause: String, rmtRdc: Iterable[(K, V)] => R): Iterable[R] = { assert(cls != null) assert(clause != null) assert(rmtRdc != null) val q = value.cache[K, V]().queries().createFullTextQuery(cls, clause) (if (grid != null) q.projection(grid) else q).execute(toEntryReducer(rmtRdc)).get } /** * Creates and executes ad-hoc `TEXT` reduce query on given projection returning its result. * * Note that if query is executed more than once (potentially with different * arguments) it is more performant to create query via standard mechanism * and execute it multiple times with different arguments. The analogy is * similar to JDBC `PreparedStatement`. Note also that this function will return * all results at once without pagination and therefore memory limits should be * taken into account. * * Note that query value class will be taken implicitly as exact type `V` of this * cache projection. * * @param grid Grid projection on which this query will be executed. If `null` the * global projection will be used. * @param clause Query text clause. See `GridCacheQuery` for more details. * @param rmtRdc Reduce function that will be called on each remote node. * @return Collection of reduced values. */ def textReduceRemote[R](@Nullable grid: GridProjection, clause: String, rmtRdc: Iterable[(K, V)] => R) (implicit m: Manifest[V]): Iterable[R] = { assert(clause != null) assert(rmtRdc != null) textReduceRemote(grid, m.erasure.asInstanceOf[Class[V]], clause, rmtRdc) } /** * Creates and executes ad-hoc `TEXT` reduce query on global projection returning its result. * * Note that if query is executed more than once (potentially with different * arguments) it is more performant to create query via standard mechanism * and execute it multiple times with different arguments. The analogy is * similar to JDBC `PreparedStatement`. Note also that this function will return * all results at once without pagination and therefore memory limits should be * taken into account. * * @param cls Query values class. Since cache can, in general, contain values of any subtype of `V` * query needs to know the exact type it should operate on. * @param clause Query text clause. See `GridCacheQuery` for more details. * @param rmtRdc Reduce function that will be called on each remote node. * @return Collection of reduced values. */ def textReduceRemote[R](cls: Class[_ <: V], clause: String, rmtRdc: Iterable[(K, V)] => R): Iterable[R] = { assert(cls != null) assert(clause != null) assert(rmtRdc != null) textReduceRemote(null, cls, clause, rmtRdc) } /** * Creates and executes ad-hoc `TEXT` reduce query on global projection returning its result. * * Note that if query is executed more than once (potentially with different * arguments) it is more performant to create query via standard mechanism * and execute it multiple times with different arguments. The analogy is * similar to JDBC `PreparedStatement`. Note also that this function will return * all results at once without pagination and therefore memory limits should be * taken into account. * * Note that query value class will be taken implicitly as exact type `V` of this * cache projection. * * @param clause Query text clause. See `GridCacheQuery` for more details. * @param rmtRdc Reduce function that will be called on each remote node. * @return Collection of reduced values. */ def textReduceRemote[R](clause: String, rmtRdc: Iterable[(K, V)] => R) (implicit m: Manifest[V]): Iterable[R] = { assert(clause != null) assert(rmtRdc != null) textReduceRemote(m.erasure.asInstanceOf[Class[V]], clause, rmtRdc) } /** * Creates and executes ad-hoc `SQL` fields query on given projection returning its result. * * Note that if query is executed more than once (potentially with different * arguments) it is more performant to create query via standard mechanism * and execute it multiple times with different arguments. The analogy is * similar to JDBC `PreparedStatement`. Note also that this function will return * all results at once without pagination and therefore memory limits should be * taken into account. * * @param grid Optional grid projection on which this query will be executed. If `null` the * global projection will be used. * @param clause Query SQL clause. See `GridCacheQuery` for more details. * @param args Optional list of query arguments. * @return Sequence of sequences of field values. */ def sqlFields(@Nullable grid: GridProjection, clause: String, args: Any*): IndexedSeq[IndexedSeq[Any]] = { assert(clause != null) assert(args != null) val q = value.cache[K, V]().queries().createSqlFieldsQuery(clause) (if (grid != null) q.projection(grid) else q).execute(args.asInstanceOf[Seq[Object]]: _*) java.util.List[_]) => s.toIndexedSeq) } /** * Creates and executes ad-hoc `SQL` no-arg fields query on given projection returning its result. * * Note that if query is executed more than once (potentially with different * arguments) it is more performant to create query via standard mechanism * and execute it multiple times with different arguments. The analogy is * similar to JDBC `PreparedStatement`. Note also that this function will return * all results at once without pagination and therefore memory limits should be * taken into account. * * @param grid Optional grid projection on which this query will be executed. If `null` the * global projection will be used. * @param clause Query SQL clause. See `GridCacheQuery` for more details. * @return Sequence of sequences of field values. */ def sqlFields(@Nullable grid: GridProjection = null, clause: String): IndexedSeq[IndexedSeq[Any]] = { assert(clause != null) sqlFields(grid, clause, Nil: _*) } }

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