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package org.grlea.log.rollover;

// $Id:,v 1.7 2006/07/21 11:57:31 grlea Exp $
// Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Graham Lea. All rights reserved.

// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

import java.nio.channels.Channels;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.text.Format;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Timer;
import java.util.TimerTask;


The RolloverManager is a {@link Writer} implementation used by Simple Log to enable periodic * log-rolling functionality. It is a writer which writes to an "active" log file and, when told by * its {@link RolloverStrategy} that the file is due to be rolled over, moves the content of the * active log file into a new rollover log file. Sufficient mechanics are employed to ensure that * no log content is lost while the roll over is being conducted.

* * @author Graham Lea * @version $Revision: 1.7 $ */ public class RolloverManager extends Writer { /** The prefix for all special properties keys. */ private static final String KEY_PREFIX = "simplelog."; /** The property key for the rollover strategy. */ private static final String KEY_ROLLOVER_STRATEGY = KEY_PREFIX + "rollover"; /** The rollover strategy alias for FileSizeRolloverStrategy. */ private static final String ROLLOVER_STRATEGY_FILESIZE = "fileSize"; /** The rollover strategy alias for TimeOfDayRolloverStrategy. */ private static final String ROLLOVER_STRATEGY_TIMEOFDAY = "timeOfDay"; /** The property key for the active log file name. */ private static final String KEY_ACTIVE_LOG_FILE = KEY_PREFIX + "logFile"; /** The property key for rolled log file names. */ private static final String KEY_ROLLOVER_LOG_FILE = KEY_PREFIX + "rollover.filename"; /** The property key for rolled log file names. */ private static final String KEY_ROLLOVER_DIRECTORY = KEY_PREFIX + ""; /** The property key for the log rollover check period. */ private static final String KEY_ROLLOVER_PERIOD = KEY_PREFIX + "rollover.period"; /** The default rollover period. */ private static final String DEFAULT_ROLLOVER_PERIOD = "60"; /** * A semaphore lock which, in concert which {@link #printerCount} is used to monitor the number * of printing threads and to notify a thread waiting to change the writer. */ private final Object PRINTERS_SEMAPHORE = new Object(); /** The number of threads currently executing a printing operation. */ private int printerCount = 0; /** * Lock object used as a gate to prevent new printing threads from acquiring a printing semaphore * when another thread is waiting to change the writer. Basically, it is used to ensure priority * for the writer-changing thread. */ private final Object WRITER_CHANGE_GATE = new Object(); /** The current writer. */ private Writer writer; /** The temporary writer, used while the rollover is occurring. */ private StringWriter tempWriter = new StringWriter(1024); /** The rollover strategy in use. */ private RolloverStrategy strategy; /** The name used to create the rollover strategy currently in use. */ private String currentRolloverStrategyName; /** The active log file currently in use. */ private File currentActiveLogFile; /** The directory of the current active log file. */ private File currentActiveLogFileDirectory; /** The directory where rolled log files will be stored. */ private File rolloverDirectory; /** The format used to construct rolled log file names. */ private MessageFormat rolloverLogFileFormat; /** The read/write stream for the active log file. */ private RandomAccessFile fileOut; /** Indicates whether the strategy currently in use was set programatically. */ private boolean strategySetProgramatically = false; /** The time (in seconds) between checks for rollover. */ private long rolloverPeriod; /** The timer used to prompt rollover to occur. */ private Timer timer; /** The current unique file ID */ private int uniqueFileId = 0; /** An object to which errors should be reported. */ private ErrorReporter errorReporter; /** * Creates a new RolloverManager, configuring it with provided properties. The given * {@link ErrorReporter} object is retained and used to report errors for the life of the new * RolloverManager instance. * * @param properties properties to be used to configure the new RolloverManager * * @param errorReporter and object to which errors that occur while the * RolloverManager is running will be reported. May be null. * * @throws IOException if an error occurs while configuring the RolloverManager or * opening the files it will be logging to. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if properties is null. */ public RolloverManager(Properties properties, ErrorReporter errorReporter) throws IOException { if (properties == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("properties cannot be null."); this.errorReporter = errorReporter; configure(properties); } /** * Configures this RolloverManager using the given properties. * * @param properties properties to be used to configure this RolloverManager * * @throws IOException if an error occurs while configuring the RolloverManager or * opening the files it will be logging to. */ public void configure(Properties properties) throws IOException { configureStrategy(properties); configureWriter(properties); } /** * Configures the strategy of this RolloverManager. */ private void configureStrategy(Properties properties) throws IOException { if (strategySetProgramatically) { return; } // Get the name. String rolloverStrategyString = properties.getProperty(KEY_ROLLOVER_STRATEGY); if (rolloverStrategyString == null) { throw new IOException("RolloverManger created, but rollover property not specified."); } rolloverStrategyString = rolloverStrategyString.trim(); if (rolloverStrategyString.length() == 0) { throw new IOException("RolloverManger created, but rollover property not specified."); } boolean strategyChanged = !rolloverStrategyString.equals(currentRolloverStrategyName); RolloverStrategy newStrategy; if (strategyChanged) { try { if (ROLLOVER_STRATEGY_FILESIZE.equals(rolloverStrategyString)) { newStrategy = new FileSizeRolloverStrategy(); } else if (ROLLOVER_STRATEGY_TIMEOFDAY.equals(rolloverStrategyString)) { newStrategy = new TimeOfDayRolloverStrategy(); } else { try { Class strategyClass = Class.forName(rolloverStrategyString); Object strategyObject = strategyClass.newInstance(); if (!(strategyObject instanceof RolloverStrategy)) { throw new IOException(strategyClass.getName() + " is not a RolloverStrategy"); } newStrategy = (RolloverStrategy) strategyObject; } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new IOException("Class '" + rolloverStrategyString + "' not found: " + e); } catch (InstantiationException e) { throw new IOException("Failed to create an instance of " + rolloverStrategyString + ": " + e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new IOException("Failed to create an instance of " + rolloverStrategyString + ": " + e); } } } catch (IOException e) { throw new IOException("Error creating RolloverStrategy: " + e); } } else { newStrategy = strategy; } try { newStrategy.configure(Collections.unmodifiableMap(properties)); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IOException("Error configuring RolloverStrategy: " + e); } this.strategy = newStrategy; currentRolloverStrategyName = rolloverStrategyString; } /** * Configures the writer of this RolloverManager. */ private void configureWriter(Properties properties) throws IOException { // Active log file String newActiveLogFileName = properties.getProperty(KEY_ACTIVE_LOG_FILE); if (newActiveLogFileName == null) throw new IOException("RolloverManager created but no active log file name specified."); // Create active log file's directory File newActiveLogFile = new File(newActiveLogFileName.trim()).getAbsoluteFile(); if (newActiveLogFile.isDirectory()) throw new IOException("The specified active log file name already exists as a directory."); File newActiveLogFileDirectory = newActiveLogFile.getParentFile(); if (newActiveLogFileDirectory != null) newActiveLogFileDirectory.mkdirs(); else throw new IOException("Caanot access the active log file's parent directory."); // Rollover log file name pattern String newRolloverLogFileNamePattern = properties.getProperty(KEY_ROLLOVER_LOG_FILE); if (newRolloverLogFileNamePattern == null) newRolloverLogFileNamePattern = "{1}-" + newActiveLogFile.getName(); newRolloverLogFileNamePattern = newRolloverLogFileNamePattern.trim(); // Ensure rollover log fille name pattern compiles MessageFormat newRolloverLogFileNameFormat; try { newRolloverLogFileNameFormat = new MessageFormat(newRolloverLogFileNamePattern); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new IOException("Illegal pattern provided for rollover log file name: " + e.getMessage()); } // Rollover log file directory String newRolloverDirectoryName = properties.getProperty(KEY_ROLLOVER_DIRECTORY); File newRolloverDirectory; if (newRolloverDirectoryName != null) newRolloverDirectory = new File(newRolloverDirectoryName.trim()).getAbsoluteFile(); else newRolloverDirectory = newActiveLogFileDirectory; if (newRolloverDirectory.exists() && !newRolloverDirectory.isDirectory()) { throw new IOException( "The location specified for storing rolled log files is not a directory: " + newRolloverDirectory); } // Rollover period String rolloverPeriodString = (String) properties.get(KEY_ROLLOVER_PERIOD); if (rolloverPeriodString == null) rolloverPeriodString = DEFAULT_ROLLOVER_PERIOD; rolloverPeriodString = rolloverPeriodString.trim(); if (rolloverPeriodString.length() == 0) rolloverPeriodString = DEFAULT_ROLLOVER_PERIOD; long newRolloverPeriod; try { newRolloverPeriod = Long.parseLong(rolloverPeriodString); if (newRolloverPeriod < 1) throw new NumberFormatException("Must be greater than 0"); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new IOException("Invalid rollover period specified: " + rolloverPeriodString + " (" + e.getMessage() + ")"); } // Determine the current unique ID if one is required Format[] formats = newRolloverLogFileNameFormat.getFormatsByArgumentIndex(); boolean uniqueIdUsedInPattern = formats.length > 1; if (uniqueIdUsedInPattern) { String[] filenames = newRolloverDirectory.list(); int maximumFileId = 0; for (int i = 0; filenames != null && i < filenames.length; i++) { String filename = filenames[i]; try { Object[] parameters = newRolloverLogFileNameFormat.parse(filename); if (parameters.length > 1 && parameters[1] != null) { String uniqueFileIdString = (String) parameters[1]; int parsedFileId = Integer.parseInt(uniqueFileIdString, 16); if (parsedFileId > maximumFileId) maximumFileId = parsedFileId; } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // This will happen for any filenames that appear to match the pattern but don't // e.g. 'old-application.log' matches {1}-application.log, but 'old' isn't a number } catch (ParseException e) { // This will happen for any filenames that don't match the pattern } } uniqueFileId = maximumFileId + 1; } rolloverDirectory = newRolloverDirectory; rolloverLogFileFormat = newRolloverLogFileNameFormat; // Create/Open standard log file if (!newActiveLogFile.equals(currentActiveLogFile)) { openWriter(newActiveLogFile, newActiveLogFileDirectory); currentActiveLogFile = newActiveLogFile; currentActiveLogFileDirectory = newActiveLogFileDirectory; } // Setup the timer if (timer == null || newRolloverPeriod != rolloverPeriod) { if (timer != null) timer.cancel(); timer = new Timer(true); timer.schedule(new RolloverTask(), 0, newRolloverPeriod * 1000L); rolloverPeriod = newRolloverPeriod; } } /** * Opens the specified file as an active log file for this RolloverManager. This * will also result in the creation of a "creation date" file if necessary. * * @param newActiveLogFile the file that will be opened as the active log file * * @param activeLogFileDirectory the directory in which the active log file resides */ private void openWriter(File newActiveLogFile, File activeLogFileDirectory) throws IOException { synchronized (WRITER_CHANGE_GATE) { synchronized (PRINTERS_SEMAPHORE) { if (printerCount != 0) { try { PRINTERS_SEMAPHORE.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Interrupted while attempting to configure writer"); } } if (writer != tempWriter) { if (writer != null) { try { writer.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IOException("Failed to close open file: " + e); } } RandomAccessFile newFileOut = new RandomAccessFile(newActiveLogFile, "rws"); FileChannel channel = newFileOut.getChannel(); long initialChannelSize = channel.size();; Writer newFileWriter = Channels.newWriter(newFileOut.getChannel(), "UTF-8"); // Record the time the file was created if it is new storeFileCreationTimeIfNecessary(activeLogFileDirectory, newActiveLogFile); fileOut = newFileOut; writer = newFileWriter; } } } } /** * Writes the creation time (which is the current time) of the active log file to a new file if * necessary (i.e. if the creation file doesn't already exist). * * @param newActiveLogFile the file that will be opened as the active log file * * @param activeLogFileDirectory the directory in which the active log file resides */ private void storeFileCreationTimeIfNecessary(File activeLogFileDirectory, File newActiveLogFile) throws IOException { long creationTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { File creationTimeFile = getCreationTimeFile(activeLogFileDirectory, newActiveLogFile); // The active log file being new is determined by whether the creation time file exists boolean recordCreationTime = !creationTimeFile.exists(); if (recordCreationTime) { FileWriter creationTimeFileOut = new FileWriter(creationTimeFile); creationTimeFileOut.write(String.valueOf(creationTime)); creationTimeFileOut.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new IOException("Failed to write file creation time: " + e); } } /** * Reads and returns the time (in milliseconds since the 1970 epoch) that the active log file was * created, according to its associated creation date file. * * @return the time the active log file was created (in millis since the epoch) or -1 if the * creation date file is not available. * * @throws IOException if any error occurs opening or reading and interpreting the contents of * the file */ private long readCreationTime() throws IOException { try { File creationTimeFile = getCreationTimeFile(currentActiveLogFileDirectory, currentActiveLogFile); if (!creationTimeFile.exists()) storeFileCreationTimeIfNecessary(currentActiveLogFileDirectory, currentActiveLogFile); FileReader fileIn = new FileReader(creationTimeFile); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(fileIn); String firstLine = in.readLine(); in.close(); return Long.parseLong(firstLine); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IOException("Error reading creation time file: " + e); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new IOException("Error reading creation time: " + e); } } /** * Returns the name of the creation date file associated with the specified active log file. * * @param newActiveLogFile the file that will be opened as the active log file * * @param activeLogFileDirectory the directory in which the active log file resides * * @return the file used to store the creation date of the active log file. It doesn't * necessarily exist when this method returns. */ private File getCreationTimeFile(File activeLogFileDirectory, File newActiveLogFile) { return new File(activeLogFileDirectory, newActiveLogFile.getName() + "-CREATED"); } /** * Closes the file resources associated with this RolloverManager and releases any * other resources used by it. Any errors occurring during this operation are captured and * reported to the error reporter. */ public void close() { synchronized (WRITER_CHANGE_GATE) { synchronized (PRINTERS_SEMAPHORE) { if (printerCount != 0) { try { PRINTERS_SEMAPHORE.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Interrupted while attempting to configure writer"); } } writer = tempWriter; } timer.cancel(); try { writer.close(); } catch (IOException e) { reportError("Error closing RolloverManager's writer", e, true); } try { fileOut.close(); } catch (IOException e) { reportError("Error closing RolloverManager's file", e, true); } } } /** * Reports the given error to the error reporter, if there is one. * * @param description a description of the error * * @param e the exception that indicates the error * * @param printExceptionType a flag indicating whether the type of the exception should be * printed. */ private void reportError(String description, IOException e, boolean printExceptionType) { if (errorReporter != null) errorReporter.error(description, e, printExceptionType); } /** * Does nothing, as the RolloverManager auto-flushes after every write() */ public void flush() { } /** * Writes the output to the current writer and flushes it. * * @throws IOException if an error occurs writing to the current writer. */ public void write(char cbuf[], int off, int len) throws IOException { // Writer priority: // Waiting for this lock prevents new printers from starting once a Writer Change starts synchronized (WRITER_CHANGE_GATE) {} // Increment the printers semaphore synchronized (PRINTERS_SEMAPHORE) { printerCount++; } try { writer.write(cbuf, off, len); writer.flush(); } finally { // Decrement the printers semaphore and notify if we are last out synchronized (PRINTERS_SEMAPHORE) { printerCount--; if (printerCount == 0) { PRINTERS_SEMAPHORE.notifyAll(); } } } } /** * Prompts the RolloverManager to check whether the log file needs to be rolled and * to perform that rolling if necessary. * * @throws IOException if an error occurs while rolling the log file. */ public void rolloverIfNecessary() throws IOException { long creationTime = readCreationTime(); FileChannel activeFileChannel = fileOut.getChannel(); long fileLength = activeFileChannel.size(); Date creationDate = new Date(creationTime); boolean rolloverNow = strategy.rolloverNow(creationDate, fileLength); if (rolloverNow) { // Switch to the temporary writer synchronized (WRITER_CHANGE_GATE) { synchronized (PRINTERS_SEMAPHORE) { if (printerCount != 0) { try { PRINTERS_SEMAPHORE.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Interrupted while attempting to configure writer"); } } writer = tempWriter; } } // Create the rollover file int fileIdNumber = uniqueFileId++; StringBuffer fileIdString = new StringBuffer(); fileIdString.append(Integer.toHexString(fileIdNumber).toUpperCase()); char[] zeroes = new char[8 - fileIdString.length()]; Arrays.fill(zeroes, '0'); fileIdString.insert(0, zeroes); String rolloverFileName = rolloverLogFileFormat.format(new Object[] {new Date(), fileIdString.toString()}); if (!rolloverDirectory.exists()) rolloverDirectory.mkdirs(); File rolloverFile = new File(rolloverDirectory, rolloverFileName); FileOutputStream rolloverOut = new FileOutputStream(rolloverFile, false); // Copy all the contents of the real file over to the rollover file FileChannel rolloverChannel = rolloverOut.getChannel(); activeFileChannel.transferTo(0, activeFileChannel.size(), rolloverChannel); // Close the rollover file rolloverOut.close(); // Truncate the real file and create a new writer activeFileChannel.truncate(0);; Writer newFileWriter = Channels.newWriter(activeFileChannel, "UTF-8"); //Write the active file creation time File creationTimeFile = getCreationTimeFile(currentActiveLogFileDirectory, currentActiveLogFile); creationTimeFile.delete(); storeFileCreationTimeIfNecessary(currentActiveLogFileDirectory, currentActiveLogFile); // Switch back to the active file writer synchronized (WRITER_CHANGE_GATE) { synchronized (PRINTERS_SEMAPHORE) { if (printerCount != 0) { try { PRINTERS_SEMAPHORE.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Interrupted while attempting to configure writer"); } } // Switch back to a real file writer. writer = newFileWriter; // Write the temporary contents to the file writer and clear it StringBuffer tempBuffer = tempWriter.getBuffer(); newFileWriter.write(tempBuffer.toString()); tempBuffer.delete(0, tempBuffer.length()); } } } } /** * Returns the {@link RolloverStrategy} object currently in use by this * RolloverManager. */ public RolloverStrategy getStrategy() { return strategy; } /** * Sets the {@link RolloverStrategy} to be used by this RolloverManager. Once the * strategy has been set using this method, it will never be changed by calls to * {@link #configure}, which includes auto-reloading of the properties. * * @param strategy the new strategy implementation to be used * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if strategy is null. */ public void setStrategy(RolloverStrategy strategy) { if (strategy == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("strategy cannot be null."); } this.strategy = strategy; strategySetProgramatically = true; } /** * A {@link TimerTask} used to initiate {@link RolloverManager#rolloverIfNecessary}. */ private final class RolloverTask extends TimerTask { public void run() { try { rolloverIfNecessary(); } catch (IOException e) { reportError("SimpleLog ERROR: Failed to check or attempt rollover", e, true); } } } public static Writer createRolloverManager(Properties properties, ErrorReporter errorReporter) throws IOException { return new RolloverManager(properties, errorReporter); } /** * An interface for objects wishing to be notified of errors occurring in a * {@link RolloverManager} while it is running. */ public static interface ErrorReporter { public void error(String description, Throwable t, boolean printExceptionType); } }

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