gwen.web.WebElementLocator.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Web automation engine for Gwen
* Copyright 2014-2017 Branko Juric, Brady Wood
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package gwen.web
import java.util
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import org.openqa.selenium.{By, NoSuchElementException, WebElement}
import gwen.web.errors.{WaitTimeoutException, locatorBindingError}
import gwen.Predefs.Kestrel
import com.typesafe.scalalogging.LazyLogging
import org.apache.commons.text.StringEscapeUtils
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
* Locates web elements using the selenium web driver.
* @author Branko Juric, Brady Wood
trait WebElementLocator extends LazyLogging {
webContext: WebContext =>
* Locates a bound web element.
* @param elementBinding the web element locator binding
* @return the found element (or an error if not found)
private[web] def locate(elementBinding: LocatorBinding): WebElement = {
val elementName = elementBinding.element
val locators = elementBinding.locators
var result: Try[WebElement] = Failure(new NoSuchElementException(s"Could not locate $elementName by ${locators.mkString(" or ")}"))
if (locators.size == 1) {
val locator = locators.head
try {
findElementByLocator(elementName, locator) foreach { webElement =>
result = Success(webElement)
} catch {
case _: org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException =>
} else {
// multiple locators: return first one that resolves to an element
withWebDriver { driver =>
// override implicit wait for each locator to configured throttle time (or 200 msecs if that is zero)
val wait = WebSettings.`gwen.web.throttle.msecs`
driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(if (wait > 0) wait else 200, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
try {
// keep trying all locators until one of them resolves or timeout happens
try {
waitUntil(s"locating element by ${locators.mkString(" or ")}") {
val iter = locators.iterator.flatMap(loc => Try(findElementByLocator(elementName, loc)).getOrElse(None))
if (iter.hasNext) result = Success(
} catch {
case _: WaitTimeoutException =>
} finally {
// restore implicit waits
driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(WebSettings.`gwen.web.locator.wait.seconds`, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
result match {
case Success(webElement) => webElement
case Failure(e) => throw e
* Locates a collection of web elements.
* @param elementBinding the web element collection locator binding
* @return a list of elements or an empty list if none found
private[web] def locateAll(elementBinding: LocatorBinding): List[WebElement] = {
val elementName = elementBinding.element
logger.debug(s"Locating all $elementName")
findAllElementsByLocator(elementName, elementBinding.locators.head)
/** Finds an element by the given locator expression. */
private def findElementByLocator(elementName: String, locator: Locator): Option[WebElement] = {
val locatorType = locator.locatorType
val expression = locator.expression
logger.debug(s"Locating $elementName by $locator")
try {
// override implicit wait for locator if overridden
locator.timeout foreach { _ =>
val wait = locator.timeoutMilliseconds
withWebDriver { driver =>
driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(if (wait > 0) wait else 200, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
(locatorType match {
case "id" => getElement(, locator)
case "name" => getElement(, locator)
case "tag name" => getElement(By.tagName(expression), locator)
case "css selector" => getElement(By.cssSelector(expression), locator)
case "xpath" => getElement(By.xpath(expression), locator)
case "class name" => getElement(By.className(expression), locator)
case "link text" => getElement(By.linkText(expression), locator)
case "partial link text" => getElement(By.partialLinkText(expression), locator)
case "javascript" => getElementByJavaScript(s"$expression", locator)
case "cache" => webContext.getCachedWebElement(elementName)
case _ => locatorBindingError(elementName, s"unsupported locator: $locator")
}) tap { optWebElement =>
optWebElement foreach { webElement =>
if (!webElement.isDisplayed) {
if (!locator.isContainer) {
} finally {
// restore default implicit wait if overriden
locator.timeout foreach { _ =>
withWebDriver { driver =>
driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(WebSettings.`gwen.web.locator.wait.seconds`, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
* Gets a web element using the given by locator.
* @param by the by locator
* @param locator the locator binding
private def getElement(by: By, locator: Locator): Option[WebElement] =
webContext.withWebDriver { driver =>
val handle = driver.getWindowHandle
try {
locator.container.fold(driver.findElement(by)) { containerName =>
val binding = webContext.getLocatorBinding(containerName)
val containerBinding =
binding.element, => Locator(loc.locatorType, loc.expression, loc.container, isContainer = true, loc.timeout)))
getContainerElement(containerBinding) match {
case Some(containerElem) =>
case _ =>
} catch {
case e: Throwable =>
throw e
* Gets container web element using the given by locator.
* @param containerBinding the container binding
private def getContainerElement(containerBinding: LocatorBinding): Option[WebElement] = {
val container = locate(containerBinding)
container.getTagName match {
case "iframe" | "frame" =>
case _ =>
* Gets a web element by the given javascript expression. If the web element is not
* visible in the browser, then the element is brought into view by scrolling to it.
* @param javascript the javascript expression for returning the element
* @param locator the locator binding
private def getElementByJavaScript(javascript: String, locator: Locator): Option[WebElement] = {
var element: Option[WebElement] = None
webContext.waitUntil(s"locating element by javascript: $javascript", locator.timeoutSeconds) {
val result = locator.container.fold(webContext.executeJS(s"return $javascript")) { containerName =>
getContainerElement(webContext.getLocatorBinding(containerName)) match {
case Some(containerElem) =>
webContext.executeJS(s"return (function(containerElem) { return $javascript })(arguments[0])", containerElem)
case _ =>
webContext.executeJS(s"return $javascript")
element = result match {
case elems: util.ArrayList[_] =>
if (!elems.isEmpty) Option(elems.get(0).asInstanceOf[WebElement])
else None
case elem => Option(elem) match {
case Some(e) => Option(e.asInstanceOf[WebElement])
case None => None
/** Finds all elements bound by the given locator expression. */
private def findAllElementsByLocator(elementName: String, locator: Locator): List[WebElement] = {
val expression = locator.expression
val locatorType = locator.locatorType
try {
// override implicit wait for locator if overridden
locator.timeout foreach { _ =>
val wait = locator.timeoutMilliseconds
withWebDriver { driver =>
driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(if (wait > 0) wait else 200, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
(locatorType match {
case "id" => getAllElements(, locator)
case "name" => getAllElements(, locator)
case "tag name" => getAllElements(By.tagName(expression), locator)
case "css selector" => getAllElements(By.cssSelector(expression), locator)
case "xpath" => getAllElements(By.xpath(expression), locator)
case "class name" => getAllElements(By.className(expression), locator)
case "link text" => getAllElements(By.linkText(expression), locator)
case "partial link text" => getAllElements(By.partialLinkText(expression), locator)
case "javascript" => getAllElementsByJavaScript(s"$expression", locator)
case _ => locatorBindingError(elementName, s"unsupported locator: $locator")
}) tap { webElements =>
webElements.headOption foreach { webElement =>
if (!webElement.isDisplayed) {
if (!locator.isContainer) {
} finally {
// restore default implicit wait if overriden
locator.timeout foreach { _ =>
withWebDriver { driver =>
driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(WebSettings.`gwen.web.locator.wait.seconds`, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
* Gets all web elements using the given by locator.
* @param by the by locator
private def getAllElements(by: By, locator: Locator): List[WebElement] =
webContext.withWebDriver { driver =>
val handle = driver.getWindowHandle
try {
Option(locator.container.fold(driver.findElements(by)) { containerName =>
getContainerElement(webContext.getLocatorBinding(containerName)) match {
case Some(containerElem) => containerElem.findElements(by)
case _ => driver.findElements(by)
} catch {
case e: Throwable =>
throw e
} getOrElse Nil
* Gets all web elements by the given javascript expression. If the first web element is not
* visible in the browser, then the element is brought into view by scrolling to it.
* @param javascript the javascript expression for returning the element
private def getAllElementsByJavaScript(javascript: String, locator: Locator): List[WebElement] = {
var elements: List[WebElement] = Nil
webContext.waitUntil(s"locating elements by javascript: $javascript", locator.timeoutSeconds) {
elements = webContext.executeJS(s"return $javascript") match {
case elems: util.ArrayList[_] =>[WebElement])
case elem => Option(elem) match {
case Some(e) => List(e.asInstanceOf[WebElement])
case None => Nil
* Captures a web element locator binding. A binding can have one or more locators.
* @param element the web element name
* @param locators the locators
case class LocatorBinding(element: String, locators: List[Locator]) {
/** Gets the javascript equivalent of this locator binding (used as fallback on stale element reference). */
def jsEquivalent: LocatorBinding = {
val jsLocators = { loc =>
val isListLocator = element.endsWith("/list")
val jsExpression = loc.locatorType match {
case "id" =>
if (!isListLocator) s"document.getElementById('${loc.expression}')"
else s"document.querySelectorAll('#${loc.expression}')"
case "css selector" =>
s"document.querySelector${if (isListLocator) "All" else ""}('${StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(loc.expression)}')"
case "xpath" =>
s"document.evaluate('${StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(loc.expression)}', document, null, XPathResult.${if (isListLocator) "ORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE" else "FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE"}, null)${if (isListLocator) "" else ".singleNodeValue"}"
case "name" =>
s"document.getElementsByName('${loc.expression}')${if (isListLocator) "" else "[0]"}"
case "class name" =>
s"document.getElementsByClassName('${loc.expression}')${if (isListLocator) "" else "[0]"}"
case "tag name" =>
s"document.getElementsByTagName('${loc.expression}')${if (isListLocator) "" else "[0]"}"
case "link text" =>
s"""document.evaluate('//a[text()="${StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(loc.expression)}"]', document, null, XPathResult.${if (isListLocator) "ORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE" else "FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE"}, null)${if (isListLocator) "" else ".singleNodeValue"}"""
case "partial link text" =>
s"""document.evaluate('//a[contains(text(), "${StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(loc.expression)}")]', document, null, XPathResult.${if (isListLocator) "ORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE" else "FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE"}, null)${if (isListLocator) "" else ".singleNodeValue"}"""
case _ => loc.expression
Locator("javascript", jsExpression, loc.container, loc.timeout)
LocatorBinding(element, jsLocators)
/** Locator binding factory companion. */
object LocatorBinding {
def apply(element: String, locatorType: String, expression: String, container: Option[String], timeout: Option[Duration]): LocatorBinding =
LocatorBinding(element, List(Locator(locatorType, expression, container, timeout)))
def apply(element: String, locatorType: String, expression: String, container: Option[String]): LocatorBinding =
LocatorBinding(element, List(Locator(locatorType, expression, container, None)))
def apply(binding: LocatorBinding, locator: Locator): LocatorBinding =
LocatorBinding(binding.element, List(locator))
* Captures a web locator.
* @param locatorType the locator type
* @param expression the locator expression
* @param container optional parent container name
* @param isContainer true if this is a locaotr for a container element, false otherwise
* @param timeout optional timeout (defaults to `gwen.web.locator.wait.seconds` if not provided)
case class Locator(locatorType: String, expression: String, container: Option[String], isContainer: Boolean, timeout: Option[Duration]) {
override def toString: String =
s"($locatorType: $expression)${ => s" in $c").getOrElse("")}"
lazy val timeoutSeconds =`gwen.web.locator.wait.seconds`)
lazy val timeoutMilliseconds = timeoutSeconds * 1000
/** Locator factory companion. */
object Locator {
def apply(locatorType: String, expression: String, container: Option[String], timeout: Option[Duration]): Locator =
Locator(locatorType, expression, container, isContainer = false, timeout)
def apply(locatorType: String, expression: String): Locator =
Locator(locatorType, expression, None, isContainer = false, None)
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