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gwen.web.eval.WebContext.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

There is a newer version: 4.1.1
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 * Copyright 2015-2021 Brady Wood, Branko Juric
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package gwen.web.eval

import WebErrors._
import gwen.web.eval.binding._
import gwen.web.eval.driver.DriverManager
import gwen.web.eval.driver.event.WebSessionEventListener

import gwen.core._
import gwen.core.Errors._
import gwen.core.eval.ComparisonOperator
import gwen.core.eval.EvalContext
import gwen.core.eval.binding.BindingType
import gwen.core.eval.binding.JavaScriptBinding
import gwen.core.eval.binding.TextBinding
import gwen.core.node.gherkin.Step
import gwen.core.state.StateLevel
import gwen.core.state.EnvState
import gwen.core.state.SensitiveData
import gwen.core.status.Failed

import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
import scala.util.chaining._

import com.typesafe.scalalogging.LazyLogging
import org.openqa.selenium._
import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Actions

import org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebDriver
import gwen.web.eval.driver.event.WebSessionEvent

  * The web evaluatioin context.
class WebContext(options: GwenOptions, envState: EnvState, driverManager: DriverManager) extends EvalContext(options, envState) with LazyLogging with WebSessionEventListener {

  Try("GWEN_CLASSPATH = ${sys.env("GWEN_CLASSPATH")}"))
  Try("SELENIUM_HOME = ${sys.env("SELENIUM_HOME")}"))

  private val locatorBindingResolver = new LocatorBindingResolver(this)
  private var lastScreenshotSize: Option[Long] = None


  override def sessionOpened(event: WebSessionEvent): Unit = { 
    val videoEnabled = Settings.getOpt("gwen.web.capability.enableVideo").map(_.toBoolean).getOrElse(false)
    if (videoEnabled) {
      driverManager.getSessionId(event.driver) foreach { sessionId =>
        addVideo(new File(GwenSettings.``, s"$sessionId.mp4"))

  def locator = new WebElementLocator(this)

  /** Resets the driver context. */
  def reset(): Unit = {
    lastScreenshotSize = None

  /** Resets the context for the given state level. */
  override def reset(level: StateLevel): Unit = {

  /** Closes the context and all browsers and associated web drivers (if any have loaded). */
  override def close(): Unit = {

  /** Closes a named browser and associated web driver. */
  def close(name: String): Unit = {

  private def closeDriverSession(name: Option[String]): Unit = {
    perform {
      name match {
        case Some(n) => driverManager.quit(n)
        case _ => driverManager.quit()

   * Adds web engine dsl steps to super implementation. The entries
   * returned by this method are used for tab completion in the REPL.
  override def dsl: List[String] =
    Source.fromInputStream(getClass.getResourceAsStream("/gwen-web.dsl")).getLines().toList ++ super.dsl

    * Appends a return keyword in front of the given javascript expression in preparation for execute-with-return
    * (since web driver requires return prefix).
    * @param javascript the javascript function
  override def formatJSReturn(javascript: String) = s"return $javascript"

    * Executes a javascript expression on the current page through the web driver.
    * @param javascript the script expression to execute
    * @param params optional parameters to the script
  override def evaluateJS(javascript: String, params: Any*): Any =

    * Gets a bound value from memory. A search for the value is made in
    * the following order and the first value found is returned:
    *  - Web element text on the current page
    *  - Currently active page scope
    *  - The top scope
    *  - Settings
    * @param name the name of the bound value to find
  override def getBoundReferenceValue(name: String): String = {
    if (name == "the current URL") {
      val url = captureCurrentUrl
      topScope.set(name, url)
    (getLocatorBinding(name, optional = true) match {
      case Some(binding) =>
        Try(getElementText(binding)) match {
          case Success(text) => text.getOrElse(getAttribute(name))
          case Failure(e) => throw e
      case _ => getAttribute(name)
    }) tap { value =>

    * Resolves a bound attribute value from the visible scope.
    * @param name the name of the bound attribute to find
  def getAttribute(name: String): String = {
    getCachedWebElement(s"${JavaScriptBinding.key(name)}/param/webElement") map { webElement =>
      val javascript = interpolate(scopes.get(JavaScriptBinding.key(name)))
      val jsFunction = s"return (function(element) { return $javascript })(arguments[0])"
      Option(executeJS(jsFunction, webElement)).map(_.toString).getOrElse("")
    } getOrElse {
      Try(super.getBoundReferenceValue(name)) match {
        case Success(value) => value
        case Failure(e) => e match {
          case _: UnboundAttributeException =>
          case _ => throw e

  def boundAttributeOrSelection(element: String, selection: Option[DropdownSelection]): () => String = () => {
    selection match {
      case None => getBoundReferenceValue(element)
      case Some(sel) =>
        try {
          getBoundReferenceValue(s"$element $sel")
        } catch {
          case _: UnboundAttributeException =>
            getElementSelection(element, sel).getOrElse(getBoundReferenceValue(element))
          case e: Throwable => throw e

    * Gets a named locator binding.
    * @param name the name of the web element
  def getLocatorBinding(name: String): LocatorBinding = {
    locatorBindingResolver.getBinding(name, optional = false).get

   * Gets a named locator binding.
   * @param name the name of the web element
   * @param optional true to return None if not found; false to throw error
  def getLocatorBinding(name: String, optional: Boolean): Option[LocatorBinding] = {
    locatorBindingResolver.getBinding(name, optional)

    * Add a list of error attachments to the given step including the current
    * screenshot and all current error attachments.
    * @param failure the failed status
  override def addErrorAttachments(step: Step, failure: Failed): Step = {
    (if (failure.isTechError) {
      super.addErrorAttachments(step, failure)
    } else {
    }) tap { _ =>
      if (!failure.isLicenseError) {

    * Binds the given element and value to a given action (element/action=value)
    * and then waits for any bound post conditions to be satisfied.
    * @param element the element to bind the value to
    * @param action the action to bind the value to
    * @param value the value to bind
  def bindAndWait(element: String, action: String, value: String): Unit = {
    scopes.set(s"$element/$action", value)

    // sleep if wait time is configured for this action
    scopes.getOpt(s"$element/$action/wait") foreach { secs =>"Waiting for $secs second(s) (post-$action wait)")
      Thread.sleep(secs.toLong * 1000)

    // wait for javascript post condition if one is configured for this action
    scopes.getOpt(s"$element/$action/condition") foreach { condition =>
      val javascript = scopes.get(JavaScriptBinding.key(condition))"waiting until $condition (post-$action condition)")
      logger.debug(s"Waiting for script to return true: $javascript")
      waitUntil(s"waiting for true return from javascript: $javascript") {

    * Gets the actual value of an attribute and compares it with an expected value or condition.
    * @param name the name of the attribute being compared
    * @param expected the expected value, regex, xpath, or json path
    * @param actual the actual value of the element
    * @param operator the comparison operator
    * @param negate true to negate the result
    * @param nameSuffix optional name suffix
    * @param message optional error message to use
    * @return true if the actual value matches the expected value
  def compare(name: String, expected: String, actual: () => String, operator: ComparisonOperator, negate: Boolean, nameSuffix: Option[String], message: Option[String]): Unit = {
    var result = false
    var error: Option[String] = None
    var actualValue = actual()
    var polled = false
    try {
      waitUntil(s"waiting for $name to ${if(negate) "not " else ""}$operator '$expected'") {
        if (polled) {
          actualValue = actual()
        polled = true
        result = if (actualValue != null) {
, expected, actualValue, operator, negate) match {
            case Success(condition) => condition
            case Failure(e) =>
              error = Some(e.getMessage)
        } else false
    } catch {
      case _: WaitTimeoutException => result = false
    error match {
      case Some(msg) =>
        assert(assertion = false, message getOrElse msg)
      case None =>
        if (!polled) {
          result =, expected, actualValue, operator, negate).getOrElse(result)
        val binding = Try(
          getLocatorBinding(name.substring(0, name.length -, optional = true) getOrElse {
        assert(result, message getOrElse s"Expected $binding to ${if(negate) "not " else ""}$operator '$expected' but got '$actualValue'")


    * Invokes a function that performs an operation on the current web driver
    * session and conditionally captures the current screenshot if the specified
    * takeScreenShot is true.
    * @param function the function to perform
    * @param takeScreenShot true to take screenshot after performing the function
  def withWebDriver[T](function: WebDriver => T)(implicit takeScreenShot: Boolean = false): Option[T] = {
    evaluate(None.asInstanceOf[Option[T]]) {
      driverManager.withWebDriver { driver =>
        Option(function(driver)) tap { _ =>
          if (takeScreenShot) {

    * Gets a cached web element.
    * @param element the name of the web element
    * @return the cached web element
  def getCachedWebElement(element: String): Option[WebElement] = topScope.getObject(element) match {
    case Some(we: WebElement) =>
    case _ => None

    * Locates a web element and highlights it.
    * @param binding the locator binding
  def locateAndHighlight(binding: LocatorBinding): Unit = {
    withDriverAndElement(binding, s"trying to locate $binding") { (driver, webElement) =>

    * Locates a web element and performs an operation on it.
    * @param binding the locator binding
    * @param reason a description of what action is being performed
    * @param operation the operation to perform on the element
  private def withWebElement[T](binding: LocatorBinding, reason: String)(operation: WebElement => T): Option[T] =
    evaluate(None.asInstanceOf[Option[T]]) {
      val selector = binding.selectors.head
      val wHandle = selector.relative.flatMap(_ => withWebDriver(_.getWindowHandle))
      try {
        var result: Option[Try[T]] = None
        val start = System.nanoTime()
        try {
          var lapsed = 0L
          waitUntil(reason) {
            try {
              val webElement = binding.resolve()
              if (!selector.isContainer) {
              val res = operation(webElement)
              result = Some(Success(res))
            } catch {
              case e: Throwable =>
                lapsed = Duration.fromNanos(System.nanoTime() - start).toSeconds
                if (e.isInstanceOf[InvalidElementStateException] || e.isInstanceOf[NoSuchElementException] || e.isInstanceOf[NotFoundOrInteractableException]) {
                  if (lapsed >= binding.timeoutSeconds) {
                    result =  if (e.isInstanceOf[WebElementNotFoundException]) {
                    } else {
                      Some(Try(elementNotInteractableError(binding, e)))
                  } else {
                    result = Some(Failure(e))
                } else {
                  result = Some(Failure(e))
        } catch {
          case _: WaitTimeoutException if result.exists(_.isFailure) =>
            waitTimeoutError(WebSettings.`gwen.web.wait.seconds`, reason, result.get.failed.get)
        } {
          case Success(res) =>
            res tap { _ =>
              if (WebSettings.`gwen.web.capture.screenshots.enabled`) {
          case Failure(e) =>
            throw e
      } finally {
        wHandle foreach { handle =>
          withWebDriver { driver =>

  def tryMoveTo(webElement: WebElement): Unit = {
    if (WebSettings.`gwen.web.implicit.element.moveTo` || (!webElement.isDisplayed && !isInViewport(webElement))) {
      withWebDriver { driver =>

  /** Captures the current screenshot and adds it to the attachments list. */
  def captureScreenshot(unconditional: Boolean, name: String = "Screenshot"): Option[File] = {
    evaluate(Option(new File("$[dryRun:screenshotFile]"))) {
        driverManager.withWebDriver { driver =>
          Thread.sleep(150) // give browser time to render
      ) match { 
        case Success(screenshot) =>
          val keep = unconditional || WebSettings.`gwen.web.capture.screenshots.duplicates` || lastScreenshotSize.fold(true) { _ != screenshot.length}
          if (keep) {
            if (!WebSettings.`gwen.web.capture.screenshots.duplicates`) lastScreenshotSize = Some(screenshot.length())
            addAttachment(name, screenshot)
          } else {
        case Failure(_) => None

  /** Captures an element screenshot and adds it to the attachments list. */
  def captureElementScreenshot(binding: LocatorBinding, name: String = "Element Screenshot"): Option[File] = {
    evaluate(Option(new File("$[dryRun:elementScreenshotFile]"))) {
      withWebElement(binding, s"trying to capture element screenshot of $binding") { webElement =>
        Thread.sleep(150) // give element time to render
        webElement.getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE) tap { elementshot =>
          addAttachment(name, elementshot)

    * Injects and executes a javascript on the current page through web driver.
    * @param javascript the script expression to execute
    * @param params optional parameters to the script
    * @param takeScreenShot true to take screenshot after performing the function
  def executeJS(javascript: String, params: Any*)(implicit takeScreenShot: Boolean = false): Any =
    withWebDriver { webDriver =>
      try {
        webDriver.asInstanceOf[JavascriptExecutor].executeScript(javascript,[AnyRef])*) tap { result =>
          if (takeScreenShot && WebSettings.`gwen.web.capture.screenshots.enabled`) {
          logger.debug(s"Evaluated javascript: $javascript, result='$result'")
          if (result.isInstanceOf[Boolean] && result.asInstanceOf[Boolean]) {
            Thread.sleep(150) // observed volatile results for booleans without wait
      } catch {
        case e: Throwable => javaScriptError(javascript, e)
    } getOrElse {
      if (options.dryRun) s"$$[${BindingType.javascript}:$javascript]"
      else null  //js returned null

    * Waits for a given condition to be true. Errors on time out
    * after "gwen.web.wait.seconds" (default is 10 seconds)
    * @param reason a description of what is being waited on
    * @param condition the boolean condition to wait for (until true)
  def waitUntil(reason: String)(condition: => Boolean): Unit = {
    waitUntil(WebSettings.`gwen.web.wait.seconds`, reason) { condition }

    * Waits until a given condition is ready for an optional number of seconds.
    * Errors on given timeout out seconds.
    * @param timeoutSecs optional number of seconds to wait before timing out
    * @param reason a description of what is being waited on
    * @param condition the boolean condition to wait for (until true)
  def waitUntil(timeoutSecs: Option[Long], reason: String)(condition: => Boolean): Unit = {
    timeoutSecs match {
      case (Some(secs)) => waitUntil(secs, reason) { condition }
      case _ => waitUntil(reason) { condition }

    * Waits until a given condition is ready for a given number of seconds.
    * Errors on given timeout out seconds.
    * @param timeoutSecs the number of seconds to wait before timing out
    * @param reason a description of what is being waited on
    * @param condition the boolean condition to wait for (until true)
  override def waitUntil(timeoutSecs: Long, reason: String)(condition: => Boolean): Unit = {
    waitUntil(None, Some(timeoutSecs), reason)(condition)

    * Waits until a given condition is ready for a given number of seconds using a given polling delay.
    * Errors on given timeout out seconds.
    * @param delayMsecs the polling delay (milliseconds)
    * @param timeoutSecs the number of seconds to wait before timing out
    * @param reason a description of what is being waited on
    * @param condition the boolean condition to wait for (until true)
  def waitUntil(delayMsecs: Option[Long], timeoutSecs: Option[Long], reason: String)(condition: => Boolean): Unit = {
    val timeout = timeoutSecs.getOrElse(WebSettings.`gwen.web.wait.seconds`)
    try {
      withWebDriver { webDriver =>
        delayMsecs match {
          case Some(delay) =>
            new FluentWait(webDriver)
              .until { driver => condition }
          case _ =>
            new FluentWait(webDriver)
              .until { driver => condition }
    } catch {
      case e: TimeoutException =>
        waitTimeoutError(timeout, reason, e)

  def waitUntil[T](reason: String, condition: ExpectedCondition[T]): Unit = {
    val timeout = WebSettings.`gwen.web.wait.seconds`
    try {
      withWebDriver { webDriver =>
        new FluentWait(webDriver)
    } catch {
      case e: TimeoutException =>
        waitTimeoutError(timeout, reason, e)

    * Highlights and then un-highlights a browser element.
    * Uses pure javascript, as suggested by
    * The duration of the highlight lasts for `gwen.web.throttle.msecs`.
    * The look and feel of the highlight is controlled by the
    * `` setting.
    * @param element the element to highlight
  def highlightElement(element: WebElement): Unit = {
    perform {
      val msecs = WebSettings`gwen.web.throttle.msecs`; // need semi-colon (compiler bug?)
      if (msecs > 0) {
        val style = WebSettings.``
        val origStyle = executeJS(s"element = arguments[0]; type = element.getAttribute('type'); if (('radio' == type || 'checkbox' == type) && element.parentElement.getElementsByTagName('input').length == 1) { element = element.parentElement; } original_style = element.getAttribute('style'); element.setAttribute('style', original_style + '; $style'); return original_style;", element)(WebSettings.`gwen.web.capture.screenshots.highlighting`)
        try {
          if (!WebSettings.`gwen.web.capture.screenshots.highlighting` || !WebSettings.`gwen.web.capture.screenshots.enabled`) {
        } finally {
          executeJS(s"element = arguments[0]; type = element.getAttribute('type'); if (('radio' == type || 'checkbox' == type) && element.parentElement.getElementsByTagName('input').length == 1) { element = element.parentElement; } element.setAttribute('style', '$origStyle');", element)(false)

    * Checks the current state of an element.
    * @param binding the locator binding of the element
    * @param state the state to check
    * @param negate whether or not to negate the check
    * @param message optional assertion error message
  def checkElementState(binding: LocatorBinding, state: ElementState, negate: Boolean, message: Option[String]): Unit = {
    perform {
      val result = isElementState(binding.jsEquivalent, state, negate)
      assert(result, message getOrElse s"$binding should${if(negate) " not" else ""} be $state")

    * Checks the current state of an element.
    * @param binding the locator binding of the element
    * @param state the state to check
    * @param negate whether or not to negate the check
  private def isElementState(binding: LocatorBinding, state: ElementState, negate: Boolean): Boolean = {
    var result = false
    perform {
      // use fast binding selector if checking for element absence so we don't have to wait for timeout
      val parsedBinding = state match {
        case ElementState.displayed if negate =>
        case ElementState.hidden if !negate =>
        case _ =>
      try {  
        withWebElement(parsedBinding, s"waiting for $binding to${if (negate) " not" else ""} be $state") { webElement =>
          result = state match {
            case ElementState.displayed => 
              if (!negate) isDisplayed(webElement)
              else !isDisplayed(webElement)
            case ElementState.hidden =>
              if (!negate) !isDisplayed(webElement)
              else isDisplayed(webElement)
            case ElementState.checked =>
              if (!negate) webElement.isSelected
              else !webElement.isSelected
            case ElementState.ticked =>
              if (!negate) webElement.isSelected
              else !webElement.isSelected
            case ElementState.unchecked =>
              if (!negate) !webElement.isSelected
              else webElement.isSelected
            case ElementState.unticked =>
              if (!negate) !webElement.isSelected
              else webElement.isSelected
            case ElementState.enabled =>
              if (!negate) webElement.isEnabled
            case ElementState.disabled =>
              if (!negate) !webElement.isEnabled
              else webElement.isEnabled
      } catch {
        case e @ (_ :  NoSuchElementException | _ : NotFoundOrInteractableException | _ : WaitTimeoutException) =>
          if (state == ElementState.displayed) result = negate
          else if (state == ElementState.hidden) result = !negate
          else throw e

    * Waits the state of an element.
    * @param binding the locator binding of the element
    * @param state the state to wait for
    * @param negate whether or not to negate the check
  def waitForElementState(binding: LocatorBinding, state: ElementState, negate: Boolean): Unit =
    waitUntil(s"waiting for $binding to${if (negate) " not" else""} be $state") {
      isElementState(binding, state, negate)

  /** Gets the title of the current page in the browser.*/
  def getTitle: String =
    withWebDriver { driver =>
      driver.getTitle tap { title =>
        bindAndWait("page", "title", title)

    * Sends a value to a web element.
    * @param binding the locator binding
    * @param value the value to send
    * @param clickFirst true to click field first (if element is a text field)
    * @param clearFirst true to clear field first (if element is a text field)
    * @param sendEnterKey true to send the Enter key after sending the value
  def sendValue(binding: LocatorBinding, value: String, clearFirst: Boolean, clickFirst: Boolean, sendEnterKey: Boolean): Unit = {
    val element =
    withDriverAndElement(binding, s"trying to send value to $element") { (driver, webElement) =>
      if (clickFirst) {
      if (clearFirst) {
      SensitiveData.withValue(value) { plainValue =>
        if ("file" == webElement.getAttribute("type")) {
        } else {
      bindAndWait(element, ElementAction.`type`.toString, value)
      if (sendEnterKey) {
        createActions(driver).sendKeys(webElement, Keys.RETURN).perform()
        bindAndWait(element, ElementAction.enter.toString, "true")

  private [eval] def createSelect(webElement: WebElement): Select = new Select(webElement)

    * Selects a value in a dropdown (select control) by visible text.
    * @param binding the locator binding
    * @param value the value to select
  def selectByVisibleText(binding: LocatorBinding, value: String): Unit = {
    withWebElement(binding, s"trying to select option in $binding by visible text") { webElement =>
      logger.debug(s"Selecting '$value' in ${} by text")
      bindAndWait(,, value)

    * Selects a value in a dropdown (select control) by value.
    * @param binding the locator binding
    * @param value the value to select
  def selectByValue(binding: LocatorBinding, value: String): Unit = {
    withWebElement(binding, s"trying to select option in $binding by value") { webElement =>
      logger.debug(s"Selecting '$value' in ${} by value")
      bindAndWait(,, value)

    * Selects a value in a dropdown (select control) by index.
    * @param binding the locator binding
    * @param index the index to select (first index is 0)
  def selectByIndex(binding: LocatorBinding, index: Int): Unit = {
    withWebElement(binding, s"trying to select option in $binding at index $index") { webElement =>
      logger.debug(s"Selecting option in ${} by index: $index")
      val select = createSelect(webElement)
      bindAndWait(,, select.getOptions.get(index).getText)

    * Deselects a value in a dropdown (select control) by visible text.
    * @param binding the locator binding
    * @param value the value to select
  def deselectByVisibleText(binding: LocatorBinding, value: String): Unit = {
    withWebElement(binding, s"trying to deselect option in $binding by visible text") { webElement =>
      logger.debug(s"Deselecting '$value' in ${} by text")
      bindAndWait(, ElementAction.deselect.toString, value)

    * Deselects a value in a dropdown (select control) by value.
    * @param binding the locator binding
    * @param value the value to select
  def deselectByValue(binding: LocatorBinding, value: String): Unit = {
    withWebElement(binding, s"trying to deselect option in $binding by value") { webElement =>
      logger.debug(s"Deselecting '$value' in ${} by value")
      bindAndWait(, ElementAction.deselect.toString, value)

    * Deselects a value in a dropdown (select control) by index.
    * @param binding the locator binding
    * @param index the index to select (first index is 0)
  def deselectByIndex(binding: LocatorBinding, index: Int): Unit = {
    withWebElement(binding, s"trying to deselect option in $binding at index $index") { webElement =>
      logger.debug(s"Deselecting option in ${} by index: $index")
      val select = createSelect(webElement)
      bindAndWait(, ElementAction.deselect.toString, select.getOptions.get(index).getText)

  private [web] def createActions(driver: WebDriver): Actions = new Actions(driver)

  def performAction(action: ElementAction, binding: LocatorBinding): Unit = {
    val actionBinding = scopes.getOpt(JavaScriptBinding.key(s"${}/action/$action"))
    actionBinding match {
      case Some(javascript) =>
        performScriptAction(action, javascript, binding, s"trying to $action $binding")
      case None =>
        withDriverAndElement(binding, s"trying to $action $binding") { (driver, webElement) =>
          if (action != ElementAction.`move to`) {
            moveToAndCapture(driver, webElement)
          action match {
            case =>
            case ElementAction.`right click` =>
            case ElementAction.`double click` =>
            case ElementAction.`move to` =>
              moveToAndCapture(driver, webElement)
            case ElementAction.submit => webElement.submit()
            case ElementAction.check | ElementAction.tick =>
              if (!webElement.isSelected)
              if (!webElement.isSelected)
                createActions(driver).sendKeys(webElement, Keys.SPACE).perform()
            case ElementAction.uncheck | ElementAction.untick =>
              if (webElement.isSelected)
              if (webElement.isSelected)
                createActions(driver).sendKeys(webElement, Keys.SPACE).perform()
            case ElementAction.clear =>
            case _ => WebErrors.invalidActionError(action)
        bindAndWait(, action.toString, "true")

  def moveToAndCapture(driver: WebDriver, webElement: WebElement): Unit = {
    if (WebSettings.`gwen.web.capture.screenshots.enabled`) {

  def dragAndDrop(sourceBinding: LocatorBinding, targetBinding: LocatorBinding): Unit = {
    withWebDriver { driver =>
      withWebElement(sourceBinding, s"trying to drag $sourceBinding to $targetBinding") { source =>
        withWebElement(targetBinding, s"trying to drag $sourceBinding to $targetBinding") { target =>

  def holdAndClick(modifierKeys: Array[String], clickAction: ElementAction, binding: LocatorBinding): Unit = {
    val keys = => Try(Keys.valueOf(key.toUpperCase)).getOrElse(unsupportedModifierKeyError(key)))
    withDriverAndElement(binding, s"trying to $clickAction $binding") { (driver, webElement) =>
      moveToAndCapture(driver, webElement)
      var actions = createActions(driver)
      keys.foreach { key => actions = actions.keyDown(key) }
      actions = clickAction match {
        case =>
        case ElementAction.`right click` => actions.contextClick(webElement)
        case ElementAction.`double click` => actions.doubleClick(webElement)
        case _ => WebErrors.invalidClickActionError(clickAction)
      keys.reverse.foreach { key => actions = actions.keyUp(key) }
    bindAndWait(, clickAction.toString, "true")

  def sendKeys(keysToSend: Array[String]): Unit = {
    sendKeys(None, keysToSend)

  def sendKeys(binding: LocatorBinding, keysToSend: Array[String]): Unit = {
    sendKeys(Some(binding), keysToSend)

  def sendKeys(elementBindingOpt: Option[LocatorBinding], keysToSend: Array[String]): Unit = {
    val keys = => Try(Keys.valueOf(key.toUpperCase)).getOrElse(key))
    elementBindingOpt match {
      case Some(binding) =>
        withDriverAndElement(binding, s"trying to send key(s) to $binding") { (driver, webElement) =>
          if (keys.size > 1) {
            webElement.sendKeys(Keys.chord(keys: _*))
          } else {
            var actions = createActions(driver).moveToElement(webElement)
            keys.foreach { key => actions = actions.sendKeys(webElement, key) }
      case None =>
        withWebDriver { driver =>
          var actions = createActions(driver)
          if (keys.size > 1) {
            actions = actions.sendKeys(Keys.chord(keys: _*))
          } else {
            keys.foreach { key => actions = actions.sendKeys(key) }


  private def withDriverAndElement(binding: LocatorBinding, reason: String)(doActions: (WebDriver, WebElement) => Unit): Unit = {
    withWebDriver { driver =>
      withWebElement(binding, reason) { webElement =>
        if (WebSettings.`gwen.web.implicit.element.focus`) {
          executeJS("(function(element){element.focus();})(arguments[0]);", webElement)
        doActions(driver, webElement)

  private def performScriptAction(action: ElementAction, javascript: String, binding: LocatorBinding, reason: String): Unit = {
    withDriverAndElement(binding, reason) { (driver, webElement) =>
      if (action != ElementAction.`move to`) {
        moveToAndCapture(driver, webElement)
      executeJS(s"(function(element) { $javascript })(arguments[0])", webElement)
      bindAndWait(, action.toString, "true")

    * Performs and action on a web element in the context of another element.
    * @param action description of the action
    * @param element the name of the element to perform the action on
    * @param context the name of the context element binding to find the element in
  def performActionInContext(action: ElementAction, element: String, context: String): Unit = {
    try {
        val contextBinding = getLocatorBinding(context)
        val binding = getLocatorBinding(element)
        performActionIn(action, binding, contextBinding)
      } catch {
        case e1: LocatorBindingException =>
          try {
            val binding = getLocatorBinding(s"$element of $context")
            performAction(action, binding)
          } catch {
            case e2: LocatorBindingException =>
              throw new LocatorBindingException(s"${e1.getMessage}. ${e2.getMessage}.")

  private def performActionIn(action: ElementAction, binding: LocatorBinding, contextBinding: LocatorBinding): Unit = {
    def perform(webElement: WebElement, contextElement: WebElement)(buildAction: Actions => Actions): Unit = {
      withWebDriver { driver =>
        val moveTo = createActions(driver).moveToElement(contextElement).moveToElement(webElement)
        if (WebSettings.`gwen.web.capture.screenshots.enabled`) {
    val reason = s"trying to $action $binding"
    withWebElement(contextBinding, reason) { contextElement =>
      withWebElement(binding, reason) { webElement =>
        action match {
          case => perform(webElement, contextElement) { }
          case ElementAction.`right click` => perform(webElement, contextElement) { _.contextClick() }
          case ElementAction.`double click` => perform(webElement, contextElement) { _.doubleClick() }
          case ElementAction.check | ElementAction.tick =>
            if (!webElement.isSelected) perform(webElement, contextElement) { }
            if (!webElement.isSelected) perform(webElement, contextElement) { _.sendKeys(Keys.SPACE) }
          case ElementAction.uncheck | ElementAction.untick =>
            if (webElement.isSelected) perform(webElement, contextElement) { }
            if (webElement.isSelected) perform(webElement, contextElement) { _.sendKeys(Keys.SPACE) }
          case ElementAction.`move to` => perform(webElement, contextElement) { action => action }
          case _ => WebErrors.invalidContextActionError(action)
        bindAndWait(, action.toString, "true")

    * Waits for text to appear in the given web element.
    * @param binding the locator binding
  def waitForText(binding: LocatorBinding): Boolean =
    getElementText(binding).map(_.length()).getOrElse {
      scopes.set(TextBinding.key(, BindingType.text.toString)
    } > 0

   * Scrolls an element into view.
   * @param binding the locator binding
   * @param scrollTo scroll element into view, options are: top or bottom
  def scrollIntoView(binding: LocatorBinding, scrollTo: ScrollTo): Unit = {
    withWebElement(binding, s"trying to scroll to $scrollTo of $binding") { scrollIntoView(_, scrollTo) }

   * Scrolls the given web element into view.
   * @param webElement the web element to scroll to
   * @param scrollTo scroll element into view, options are: top or bottom
  def scrollIntoView(webElement: WebElement, scrollTo: ScrollTo): Unit = {
    executeJS(s"var elem = arguments[0]; if (typeof elem !== 'undefined' && elem != null) { elem.scrollIntoView(${scrollTo ==}); }", webElement)

    * Resizes the browser window to the given dimensions.
    * @param width the width
    * @param height the height
  def resizeWindow(width: Int, height: Int): Unit = {
    withWebDriver { driver =>"Resizing browser window to width $width and height $height")
      driver.manage().window().setSize(new Dimension(width, height))

    * Maximizes the browser window.
  def maximizeWindow(): Unit = {
    withWebDriver { driver =>"Maximising browser window")

  def captureCurrentUrl: String = {
    withWebDriver { driver =>
    } getOrElse {

    * Gets the text value of a web element on the current page.
    * A search for the text is made in the following order and the first value
    * found is returned:
    *  - Web element text
    *  - Web element text attribute
    *  - Web element value attribute
    * If a value is found, its value is bound to the current page
    * scope as `name/text`.
    * @param binding the locator binding
  def getElementText(binding: LocatorBinding): Option[String] =
    withWebElement(binding, s"trying to get text of $binding") { webElement =>
      (Option(webElement.getText) match {
        case None | Some("") =>
          Option(webElement.getAttribute("text")) match {
            case None | Some("") =>
              Option(webElement.getAttribute("value")) match {
                case None | Some("") =>
                  val value = executeJS("return (function(element){return element.innerText || element.textContent || ''})(arguments[0]);", webElement).asInstanceOf[String]
                  if (value != null) value else ""
                case Some(value) => value
            case Some(value) => value
        case Some(value) => value
      }) tap { text =>
        bindAndWait(, BindingType.text.toString, text)
    } tap { value =>

    * Gets the selected text of a dropdown web element on the current page.
    * If a value is found, its value is bound to the current page
    * scope as `name/selectedText`.
    * @param name the web element name
  private def getSelectedElementText(name: String): Option[String] = {
    val binding = getLocatorBinding(name)
    withWebElement(binding, s"trying to get selected text of $binding") { webElement =>
      (getElementSelectionByJS(webElement, DropdownSelection.text) match {
        case None =>
          Try(createSelect(webElement)) map { select =>
            Option(",")) match {
              case None | Some("") =>
              case Some(value) => value
          } getOrElse null
        case Some(value) => value
      }) tap { text =>
        bindAndWait(, "selectedText", text)
    } tap { value =>

    * Gets the selected value of a dropdown web element on the current page.
    * If a value is found, its value is bound to the current page
    * scope as `name/selectedValue`.
    * @param name the web element name
  private def getSelectedElementValue(name: String): Option[String] = {
    val binding = getLocatorBinding(name)
    withWebElement(binding, s"trying to get selected value of $binding") { webElement =>
      getElementSelectionByJS(webElement, DropdownSelection.value) match {
        case None =>
          Try(createSelect(webElement)) map { select =>
  "value")).mkString(",") tap { value =>
              bindAndWait(, "selectedValue", value)
          } getOrElse null
        case Some(value) => value
    } tap { value =>

  private def getElementSelectionByJS(webElement: WebElement, by: DropdownSelection): Option[String] = {
    Option(executeJS(s"""return (function(select){try{var byText=${by == DropdownSelection.text};var result='';var options=select && select.options;if(!!options){var opt;for(var i=0,iLen=options.length;i0){result=result+',';}if(byText){result=result+opt.text;}else{result=result+opt.value;}}}return result;}else{return null;}}catch(e){return null;}})(arguments[0])""", webElement).asInstanceOf[String])

   * Gets an element's selected value(s).
   * @param name the name of the element
   * @param selection `text` to get selected option text, `value` to get
   *        selected option value
   * @return the selected value or a comma seprated string containing all
   * the selected values if multiple values are selected.
  def getElementSelection(name: String, selection: DropdownSelection): Option[String] = {
    if (selection == DropdownSelection.text) {
    } else {

    * Switches the web driver session
    * @param session the name of the session to switch to
  def switchToSession(session: String): Unit = {
    perform {

    * Starts and switches to a new tab or window.
    * @param winType tab or window
  def switchToNewWindow(winType: WindowType): Unit = {
    perform {

    * Starts a new session if there isn't one or stays in the current one.
  def newOrCurrentSession(): Unit = {
    perform {

  /** Gets the number of open sesions. */
  def noOfSessions(): Int = driverManager.noOfSessions()

  /** Gets the number of open windows. */
  def noOfWindows(): Int = driverManager.noOfWindows()

    * Switches to the first child window if one was just opened.
  def switchToChild(): Unit = {

    * Switches to a tab or window occurrence.
    * @param occurrence the tag or window occurrence to switch to (primary is 0, first opened is occurrence 1, 2nd is 2, ..)
  def switchToWindow(occurrence: Int): Unit = {
    waitUntil(s"trying to switch to tab/window occurrence $occurrence") {

    * Closes the last child window.
  def closeChild(): Unit = {
    perform {

    * Closes the tab or window occurrence.
    * @param occurrence the tag or window occurrence to close (primary is 0, first opened is occurrence 1, 2nd is 2, ..)
  def closeWindow(occurrence: Int): Unit = {
    perform {

  /** Switches to the parent window. */
  def switchToParent(): Unit = {
    perform {

  /** Switches to the top window / first frame */
  def switchToDefaultContent(): Unit = {
    perform {

  /** Refreshes the current page.*/
  def refreshPage(): Unit = {
    withWebDriver { driver =>

    * Handles an alert (pop-up)
    * @param accept true to accept; false to dismiss
  def handleAlert(accept: Boolean): Unit = {
    withWebDriver { driver =>
      waitUntil("waiting for alert popup", ExpectedConditions.alertIsPresent())
      if (accept) {
      } else {

    * Navigates the browser the given URL
    * @param url the URL to navigate to
  def navigateTo(url: String): Unit = {
    withWebDriver { driver =>
    } (WebSettings.`gwen.web.capture.screenshots.enabled`)

    * Gets the message of an alert of confirmation popup.
    * @return the alert or confirmation message
  def getPopupMessage: String = {
    withWebDriver { driver =>
      waitUntil("waiting for alert popup", ExpectedConditions.alertIsPresent())
    } getOrElse "$[dryRun:popupMessage]"

  /** Checks if an element is displayed. */
  def isDisplayed(webElement: WebElement): Boolean = {
    if (!isDisplayedAndInViewport(webElement)) {
        withWebDriver { driver =>
      ) match {
        case Success(_) => isDisplayedAndInViewport(webElement)
        case Failure(_) => false
    } else {

  private def isDisplayedAndInViewport(webElement: WebElement): Boolean = {
    webElement.isDisplayed && isInViewport(webElement)

  /** Checks if an element is not in the view port. */
  private def isInViewport(webElement: WebElement): Boolean = {
    executeJS("return (function(elem){var b=elem.getBoundingClientRect(); return>=0 && b.left>=0 && b.bottom<=(window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight) && b.right<=(window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth);})(arguments[0])", webElement).asInstanceOf[Boolean]


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