gwen.core.node.gherkin.Step.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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A Given-When-Then interpreter for Gherkin
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* Copyright 2014-2024 Branko Juric, Brady Wood
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package gwen.core.node.gherkin
import gwen.core._
import gwen.core.Formatting.DurationFormatter
import gwen.core.node.GwenNode
import gwen.core.node.NodeType
import gwen.core.node.RecurringNode
import gwen.core.node.SourceRef
import gwen.core.state.EnvState
import gwen.core.status._
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
import scala.jdk.OptionConverters._
import io.cucumber.messages.{ types => cucumber }
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
* Captures a gherkin step.
* @param sourceRef the location in source
* @param keyword keyword identifier (Given, When, Then, etc..)
* @param name the step name (that is: the text following the step keyword)
* @param status optional evaluation status (default = Pending)
* @param attachments file attachments as name-file pairs (default = Nil)
* @param stepDef optional evaluated step def
* @param table data table (List of tuples of line position and rows of data)
* @param docString optional tuple of line, content, and content type
* @param evalStatus the evaluation status of the step
* @param params optional step parameters
* @param callerParams optional caller parameters
* @param tags list of optional tags/annotations
* @param message: optional overriding error message
* @param dryValues optional dry values
case class Step(
sourceRef: Option[SourceRef],
keyword: String,
name: String,
attachments: List[(String, File)],
stepDef: Option[Scenario],
table: List[(Long, List[String])],
docString: Option[(Long, String, Option[String])],
override val evalStatus: EvalStatus,
override val params: List[(String, String)],
override val callerParams: List[(String, String)],
tags: List[Tag],
message: Option[String],
dryValues: List[(String, String)]) extends GherkinNode with RecurringNode with ImplicitValueKeys {
override val nodeType: NodeType = NodeType.Step
override def siblingsIn(parent: GwenNode): List[GwenNode] = {
parent match {
case background: Background => background.steps
case scenario: Scenario => scenario.steps
case _ => Nil
def isExpanded(parent: GwenNode) = parent match {
case scenario: Scenario => scenario.isExpanded
case _ => false
def expression: String = docString map { case (_, content, _) =>
val lines = content.split("""\r?\n""")
s"""$name "${lines(0)}${if (lines.length > 1) "..." else ""}""""
} getOrElse(name)
def deepSteps: List[Step] = {
List(this) ++ (stepDef map { sd =>
} getOrElse Nil)
def deepAttachments: List[(String, File)] = deepAttachments { _ => true }
def deepAttachments(includeFilter: String => Boolean): List[(String, File)] = {
val dSteps = deepSteps
if (deepSteps.size > 1) filterAttachments(deepSteps, includeFilter) else this.attachments
def childAttachments(includeFilter: String => Boolean): List[(String, File)] = {
val childSteps = deepSteps.filter(_ != this)
filterAttachments(childSteps, includeFilter)
private def filterAttachments(steps: List[Step], includeFilter: String => Boolean): List[(String, File)] = {
steps.filter(!_.evalStatus.isIgnored).flatMap(s => s.attachments.filter(nf => includeFilter(nf._1)))
/** Returns the given value if the step has no docString or the docString content otherwise. */
def orDocString(value: String): String =
/** If step expression ends with a quoted parameter or property, move that into a docstring to
* support mutliline interpolation. */
def docStringify: Option[Step] = {
name match {
case r"""^(?s)(.*)$prefix"\$$<(.+?)$param>"$$""" if docString.isEmpty =>
withName = prefix.trim,
withDocString = Some((0, s"$$<$param>", None))
case r"""^(?s)(.*)$prefix"\$$\{(.+?)$property\}"$$""" if docString.isEmpty =>
withName = prefix.trim,
withDocString = Some((0, s"$${$property}", None))
case _ => None
def hasDualColumnTable: Boolean = table.nonEmpty && table.head._2.size == 2
def isHorizontalForEachTable = table.nonEmpty && stepDef.exists(_.isHorizontalTable) && stepDef.exists(_.isForEach)
def printableTags: List[Tag] = tags.filter( != Annotations.Breakpoint.toString.toLowerCase)
/** Returns a string representation of this step. */
override def toString: String = s"$keyword ${expression}"
def copy(
withSourceRef: Option[SourceRef] = sourceRef,
withKeyword: String = keyword,
withName: String = name,
withAttachments: List[(String, File)] = attachments,
withStepDef: Option[Scenario] = stepDef,
withTable: List[(Long, List[String])] = table,
withDocString: Option[(Long, String, Option[String])] = docString,
withEvalStatus: EvalStatus = evalStatus,
withParams: List[(String, String)] = params,
withCallerParams: List[(String, String)] = callerParams,
withTags: List[Tag] = tags,
withMessage: Option[String] = message,
withDryValues: List[(String, String)] = dryValues): Step = {
Step(withSourceRef, withKeyword, withName, withAttachments, withStepDef, withTable, withDocString, withEvalStatus, withParams, withCallerParams, withTags, withMessage, withDryValues)
* Add an attachment.
* @param name the attachment name
* @param extension the filename extension
* @param content the content to write to the file
def addAttachment(name: String, extension: String, content: String): Step = {
val file = File.createTempFile(s"${Formatting.padWithZeroes(EnvState.nextAttachmentNo())}-", s".$extension")
Option(content) foreach { file.writeText }
addAttachment((name, file))
* Add a file attachment.
* @param name the attachment name
* @param file the file to attach
def addAttachment(name: String, file: File): Step = {
addAttachment(EnvState.nextAttachmentNo(), name, file)
* Add a file attachment.
* @param attachmentNo the attachment number
* @param name the attachment name
* @param file the file to attach
def addAttachment(attachmentNo: Int, name: String, file: File): Step = {
val fileCopy = file.copyToFile(File.createTempFile(s"${Formatting.padWithZeroes(attachmentNo)}-${file.simpleName}-", s".${file.extension}"))
addAttachment((name, fileCopy))
def addAttachments(attachments: List[(Int, String, File)]): Step = {
attachments.foldLeft(this) { case (accStep, (attachmentNo, name, file)) =>
accStep.addAttachment(attachmentNo, name, file)
* Adds an attachment
* @param attachment the attachment (name-file pair) to add
private def addAttachment(attachment: (String, File)): Step = {
withAttachments = (attachment :: this.attachments) sortBy { case (_, file) => file.getName }
lazy val errorTrails: List[List[Step]] = {
if (evalStatus.isError) {
stepDef map { sd =>
sd.allSteps.filter(step => step.evalStatus.isError).flatMap { step =>
step.errorTrails map { trace =>
this :: trace
} getOrElse List(List(this))
} else Nil
def withCallerParams(caller: GwenNode): Step = {
val names = callerParams map { case (n, _) => n }
caller match {
case scenario: Scenario =>
scenario.cumulativeParams filter { case (name, _) =>
} match {
case Nil => this
case sParams => copy(withCallerParams = callerParams ++ sParams)
case _ => this
def cumulativeParams: List[(String, String)] = {
val names = params map { case (n, _) => n }
params ++ (
callerParams filter { case (name, _) =>
def isBreakpoint: Boolean = hasTag(Annotations.Breakpoint)
def isFinally: Boolean = hasTag(Annotations.Finally)
def loadStrategy: Option[LoadStrategy] = {
if (isEager) Some(LoadStrategy.Eager)
else if (isLazy) Some(LoadStrategy.Lazy)
else None
def isEager: Boolean = hasTag(Annotations.Eager)
def isLazy: Boolean = hasTag(Annotations.Lazy)
def isTry: Boolean = hasTag(Annotations.Try)
def isData: Boolean = hasTag(Annotations.Data)
def isNoData: Boolean = hasTag(Annotations.NoData)
def isIgnoreCase: Boolean = hasTag(Annotations.IgnoreCase)
def isTrim: Boolean = hasTag(Annotations.Trim)
def isMasked: Boolean = hasTag(Annotations.Masked)
def timeoutOpt: Option[Duration] = parseDurationInAnnotation(Annotations.Timeout)
def delayOpt: Option[Duration] = parseDurationInAnnotation(Annotations.Delay)
private def parseDurationInAnnotation(annotation: Annotations): Option[Duration] = {
val name = annotation.toString
tags.find(t => flatMap { annot =>
Option(annot).filter( == name).flatMap(_.value).map(DurationFormatter.parse) getOrElse {
Errors.illegalDurationAnnotationError(name, annot.toString)
def assertionMode: AssertionMode = {
AssertionMode.values find { mode =>
} getOrElse GwenSettings.`gwen.assertion.mode`
private def hasTag(tag: Annotations) = tags.exists( == tag.toString.toLowerCase)
* Interpolate placeholder references in this step.
* @param interpolator the interpolator to use
* @return the interpolated step
override def interpolate(interpolator: String => String): Step = {
if (isData || isNoData) this else {
val iTags = tags map { tag =>
Tag(tag.sourceRef, interpolator.apply(tag.toString))
val iName = interpolator.apply(name)
val iTable = table map { case (line, record) =>
(line, => interpolator.apply(cell)))
val iDocString = docString map { case (line, content, contentType) =>
(line, interpolator.apply(content), contentType)
val iParams = params map { (name, value) => (name, interpolator.apply(value)) }
val iStep = if (iTags.diff(tags).nonEmpty || iName != name || iTable != table || iDocString != docString || iParams.mkString != params.mkString) {
withTags = iTags,
withName = iName,
withTable = iTable,
withDocString = iDocString,
withParams = iParams,
} else this
/* if the interplotion resulted in multi line step expression and the step has a trailing and quoted parameter
or property, then move that into a docString and interpolate again, otherwise report illegal substitution */
if (Source.fromString( > 1) { getOrElse {
Errors.multilineSubstitutionError("Illegal multiline placeholder substitution detected")
} else iStep
def interpolateMessage(interpolator: String => String): Step = {
if (isData || isNoData) this else {
message map { msg =>
val iMessage = interpolator.apply(msg)
if (iMessage != msg) copy(withMessage = Some(iMessage)) else this
} getOrElse (this)
def dryValue(name: String): Option[String] = dryValues.find(_._1 == name).map(_._2)
override val occurrence: Option[Occurrence] = None
override def occurrenceNo: Option[Int] = params.find(_._1 == `gwen.iteration.number`).orElse( params.find(_._1 == `gwen.table.record.number`)).map(_._2.toInt)
object Step {
def apply(file: Option[File], step: cucumber.Step): Step = {
val sourceRef = Option(step.getLocation).map(loc => SourceRef(file, loc))
val dataTable = step.getDataTable.toScala map { dt =>
dt.getRows.asScala.toList map { row =>
(Long2long(row.getLocation.getLine), => Formatting.escapeNewLineChars(c.getValue)))
} getOrElse Nil
val docString = step.getDocString.toScala.filter(_.getContent().trim.length > 0) map { ds =>
(Long2long(ds.getLocation.getLine), ds.getContent, ds.getMediaType.toScala.filter(_.trim.length > 0))
val (name, tagList, message, dryValues): (String, List[Tag], Option[String], List[(String, String)]) = {
val (n, t) = Formatting.escapeNewLineChars(step.getText.trim) match {
case r"""((?:@\w+(?:\(\S+\))?\s+)+)$ts(.*)$name""" =>
(name, ts.split("\\s+") => Tag(n.trim)))
case _ => (Formatting.escapeNewLineChars(step.getText), Nil)
n match {
case r"""(.+)$s1\s+@Message\((.+)$message\)\s*(.*)?$s2""" =>
val msg = Tag.parseSingleValue(sourceRef, Annotations.Message, None, message)
(s"${s1.trim} ${Option(s2).map(_.trim).getOrElse("")}", t, Some(msg), Nil)
case r""".+\@Message.*""" =>
Errors.illegalStepAnnotationError(sourceRef, """Invalid @Message annotation syntax. Expected @Message('') or @Message("")""")
case r"""(.+)$s1\s+@DryRun\(\s*name\s*=(.+)$name\s*,\s*value\s*=(.+)$value\)\s*(.*)?$s2""" =>
val dvName = Tag.parseSingleValue(sourceRef, Annotations.DryRun, Some("name"), name)
val values = Tag.parseListValue(sourceRef, Annotations.DryRun, Some("value"), value)
val dvs = values map { v => (dvName, v) }
(s"${s1.trim} ${Option(s2).map(_.trim).getOrElse("")}", t, None, dvs)
case r""".+@DryRun.*""" =>
Errors.illegalStepAnnotationError(sourceRef, "Invalid @DryRun annotation syntax. Expected @DryRun(name = '', value = '') or @DryRun(name = '', value = ['', '', ''])")
case _ =>
(n, t, None, Nil)
def errorTrails(node: GwenNode): List[List[Step]] = node match {
case s: Spec => s.steps.flatMap(_.errorTrails)
case b: Background => b.steps.flatMap(_.errorTrails)
case s: Scenario => s.allSteps.flatMap(_.errorTrails)
case e: Examples => e.allSteps.flatMap(_.errorTrails)
case r: Rule => r.allSteps.flatMap(_.errorTrails)
case s: Step => s.errorTrails
case _ => Nil
def validate(steps: List[Step]): List[Step] = {
steps.lastOption foreach { lastStep =>
steps.filter(_.isFinally) foreach { step =>
if (step != lastStep) {
Errors.illegalStepAnnotationError(step.sourceRef, "@Finally permitted only in last step of parent node")
steps.filter(s => s.isEager || s.isLazy) foreach { step =>
if (!".+ is defined .*by .+")) {
val annotation = {
if (step.isEager) Annotations.Eager
else if (step.isLazy) Annotations.Lazy
else Annotations.Deferred
Errors.illegalStepAnnotationError(step.sourceRef, s"@$annotation annotation permitted only for ' defined by ' DSL steps")
} else {
val annotations = {
(if (step.isEager) List(Annotations.Eager) else Nil) ++
(if (step.isLazy) List(Annotations.Lazy) else Nil)
if (annotations.size > 1) {
Errors.illegalStepAnnotationError(step.sourceRef, s"Only one of ${ => s"@$a").mkString(", ")} annotation permitted for step")
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