org.hawkular.wildfly.agent.installer.AgentInstaller Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2015-2016 Red Hat, Inc. and/or its affiliates
* and other contributors as indicated by the @author tags.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.hawkular.wildfly.agent.installer;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.hawkular.wildfly.module.installer.DeploymentConfiguration;
import org.hawkular.wildfly.module.installer.DeploymentConfiguration.Builder;
import org.hawkular.wildfly.module.installer.ExtensionDeployer;
import org.hawkular.wildfly.module.installer.XmlEdit;
import org.jboss.logging.Logger;
public class AgentInstaller {
private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(AgentInstaller.class);
private static final String SECURITY_REALM_NAME = "HawkularRealm";
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
ProcessedCommand> options = null;
ArrayList filesToDelete = new ArrayList<>();
try {
options = InstallerConfiguration.buildCommandLineOptions();
CommandLineParser> parser = new CommandLineParserBuilder().processedCommand(options).create();
StringBuilder argLine = new StringBuilder(InstallerConfiguration.COMMAND_NAME);
for (String str : args) {
argLine.append(' ').append(str);
CommandLine> commandLine = parser.parse(argLine.toString());
InstallerConfiguration installerConfig = new InstallerConfiguration(commandLine);
// IF we were told the passwords were encrypted THEN
// IF we were given the key on the command line THEN
// Use the key given on the command line for decoding
// Use the key the user gives us over stdin for decoding
// IF we were given the salt on the command line THEN
// Use the salt given on the command line for decoding
// Use the salt the user gives us over stdin for decoding
// Decode using the key and salt.
boolean passwordsEncrypted = commandLine.hasOption(InstallerConfiguration.OPTION_ENCRYPTION_KEY);
if (passwordsEncrypted) {
String key = commandLine.getOptionValue(InstallerConfiguration.OPTION_ENCRYPTION_KEY, null);
String saltAsString = commandLine.getOptionValue(InstallerConfiguration.OPTION_ENCRYPTION_SALT, null);
if (key == null || key.isEmpty()) {
key = readPasswordFromStdin("Encryption key:");
boolean saltSpecified = commandLine.hasOption(InstallerConfiguration.OPTION_ENCRYPTION_SALT);
if (!saltSpecified) {
saltAsString = key;
if (saltAsString == null || saltAsString.isEmpty()) {
saltAsString = readPasswordFromStdin("Salt:");
assert saltAsString != null;
assert key != null;
byte[] salt = saltAsString.getBytes("UTF-8");
installerConfig.decodeProperties(key, salt);
String jbossHome = installerConfig.getTargetLocation();
if (jbossHome == null) {
// user did not provide us with a wildfly home - let's see if we are sitting in a wildfly home already
File jbossHomeFile = new File(".").getCanonicalFile();
if (!(jbossHomeFile.exists() &&
jbossHomeFile.isDirectory() &&
jbossHomeFile.canRead() &&
new File(jbossHomeFile, "modules").isDirectory())) {
throw new Exception(InstallerConfiguration.OPTION_TARGET_LOCATION + " must be specified");
// looks like our current working directory is a WildFly home - use that
jbossHome = jbossHomeFile.getCanonicalPath();
if ((installerConfig.getUsername() == null || installerConfig.getPassword() == null)
&& (installerConfig.getSecurityKey() == null || installerConfig.getSecuritySecret() == null)) {
throw new Exception(
"You must provide credentials (username/password or key/secret) in installer configuration");
String hawkularServerProtocol;
String hawkularServerHost;
String hawkularServerPort;
if (installerConfig.getServerUrl() == null) {
throw new Exception("You must provide the Hawkular Server URL");
try {
URL hawkularServerUrl = new URL(installerConfig.getServerUrl());
hawkularServerProtocol = hawkularServerUrl.getProtocol();
hawkularServerHost = hawkularServerUrl.getHost();
hawkularServerPort = String.valueOf(hawkularServerUrl.getPort());
if ("-1".equals(hawkularServerPort)) {
hawkularServerPort = "80";
} catch (MalformedURLException mue) {
// its possible the user passed a URL with a WildFly expression like
// "http://${jboss.bind.address:localhost}:8080". Try to parse something like that.
Matcher m = Pattern.compile("(https?)://(.*):(\\d+)").matcher(installerConfig.getServerUrl());
if (!m.matches()) {
throw mue;
try {
hawkularServerProtocol =;
hawkularServerHost =;
hawkularServerPort =;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw mue;
String moduleZip = installerConfig.getModuleDistribution();
URL moduleZipUrl;
if (moduleZip == null) {
// --module is not supplied so try to download agent module from server
File moduleTempFile = downloadModuleZip(getHawkularServerAgentDownloadUrl(installerConfig));
if (moduleTempFile == null) {
throw new IOException("Failed to retrieve module dist from server, You can use option ["
+ "] to supply your own");
moduleZipUrl = moduleTempFile.toURI().toURL();
} else if (moduleZip.startsWith("classpath:")) {
// This special protocol tells us to read module zip as resource from classpath.
// This is in case the module zip is bundled directly in the installer.
String resourceUrl = moduleZip.substring(10);
if (!resourceUrl.startsWith("/")) {
resourceUrl = "/" + resourceUrl;
moduleZipUrl = AgentInstaller.class.getResource(resourceUrl);
if (moduleZipUrl == null) {
throw new IOException("Unable to load from classpath [" + resourceUrl + "]");
} else if (moduleZip.matches("(http|https|file):.*")){
// the module is specified as a URL - we'll download it
File moduleTempFile = downloadModuleZip(new URL(moduleZip));
if (moduleTempFile == null) {
throw new IOException("Failed to retrieve agent module from server, option ["
+ "] is now required but it was not supplied");
moduleZipUrl = moduleTempFile.toURI().toURL();
} else {
// the module is specified as a file path
moduleZipUrl = new File(moduleZip).toURI().toURL();
// deploy given module into given app server home directory and
// set it up the way it talks to hawkular server on hawkularServerUrl
File socketBindingSnippetFile = createSocketBindingSnippet(hawkularServerHost, hawkularServerPort);
Builder configurationBldr = DeploymentConfiguration.builder()
.jbossHome(new File(jbossHome))
// let the user override the default subsystem snippet that is found in the module zip
// can be specified as a URL or a file path
if (installerConfig.getSubsystemSnippet() != null) {
try {
configurationBldr.subsystem(new URL(installerConfig.getSubsystemSnippet()));
} catch (MalformedURLException mue) {
File file = new File(installerConfig.getSubsystemSnippet());
if (file.exists()) {
} else {
throw new FileNotFoundException("Subsystem snippet not found at ["
+ installerConfig.getSubsystemSnippet() + "]");
String targetConfig = installerConfig.getTargetConfig();
if (targetConfig != null) {
} else {
targetConfig = DeploymentConfiguration.DEFAULT_SERVER_CONFIG;
// we'll use this in case of https to resolve server configuration directory
// some xpaths are different depending on which config we are installing in (standalone, domain, host)
TargetConfigInfo targetConfigInfo;
if (targetConfig.matches(".*standalone[^/]*.xml")) {
targetConfigInfo = new StandaloneTargetConfigInfo();
} else if (targetConfig.matches(".*host[^/]*.xml")) {
targetConfigInfo = new HostTargetConfigInfo();
} else if (targetConfig.matches(".*domain[^/]*.xml")) {
targetConfigInfo = new DomainTargetConfigInfo();
} else {
log.warnf("Don't know the kind of config this is, will assume standalone: [%s]", targetConfig);
targetConfigInfo = new StandaloneTargetConfigInfo();
// If we are to talk to the Hawkular Server over HTTPS, we need to set up some additional things
if (hawkularServerProtocol.equals("https")) {
String keystorePath = installerConfig.getKeystorePath();
String keystorePass = installerConfig.getKeystorePassword();
String keyPass = installerConfig.getKeyPassword();
String keyAlias = installerConfig.getKeyAlias();
if (keystorePath == null || keyAlias == null) {
throw new Exception(String.format("When using https protocol, the following keystore "
+ "command line options are required: %s, %s",
InstallerConfiguration.OPTION_KEYSTORE_PATH, InstallerConfiguration.OPTION_KEY_ALIAS));
// password fields are not required, but if not supplied we'll ask user
if (keystorePass == null) {
keystorePass = readPasswordFromStdin("Keystore password:");
if (keystorePass == null || keystorePass.isEmpty()) {
keystorePass = "";
+ " was not provided; using empty password");
if (keyPass == null) {
keyPass = readPasswordFromStdin("Key password:");
if (keyPass == null || keyPass.isEmpty()) {
keyPass = "";
+ " was not provided; using empty password");
// if given keystore path is not already present within server-config directory, copy it
File keystoreSrcFile = new File(keystorePath);
if (!(keystoreSrcFile.isFile() && keystoreSrcFile.canRead())) {
throw new FileNotFoundException("Cannot read " + keystoreSrcFile.getAbsolutePath());
File targetConfigDir;
if (new File(targetConfig).isAbsolute()) {
targetConfigDir = new File(targetConfig).getParentFile();
} else {
targetConfigDir = new File(jbossHome, targetConfig).getParentFile();
Path keystoreDst = Paths.get(targetConfigDir.getAbsolutePath()).resolve(keystoreSrcFile.getName());
// never overwrite target keystore
if (!keystoreDst.toFile().exists()) {"Copy [" + keystoreSrcFile.getAbsolutePath() + "] to [" + keystoreDst.toString() + "]");
Files.copy(Paths.get(keystoreSrcFile.getAbsolutePath()), keystoreDst);
// setup security-realm and storage-adapter (within hawkular-wildfly-agent subsystem)
String securityRealm = createSecurityRealm(keystoreSrcFile.getName(), keystorePass, keyPass, keyAlias);
configurationBldr.addXmlEdit(new XmlEdit(targetConfigInfo.getSecurityRealmsXPath(), securityRealm));
configurationBldr.addXmlEdit(createStorageAdapter(targetConfigInfo, true, installerConfig));
else {
// just going over non-secure HTTP
configurationBldr.addXmlEdit(createStorageAdapter(targetConfigInfo, false, installerConfig));
configurationBldr.addXmlEdit(createManagedServers(targetConfigInfo, installerConfig));
configurationBldr.addXmlEdit(setEnableFlag(targetConfigInfo, installerConfig));
new ExtensionDeployer().install(;
} catch (CommandLineParserException pe) {
if (Boolean.getBoolean("org.hawkular.wildfly.agent.installer.throw-exception-on-error")) {
throw pe;
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (Boolean.getBoolean("org.hawkular.wildfly.agent.installer.throw-exception-on-error")) {
throw ex;
} finally {
for (File fileToDelete : filesToDelete) {
if (!fileToDelete.delete()) {
log.warn("Failed to delete temporary file: " + fileToDelete);
* Reads password from the console (stdin).
* @param message to present before reading
* @return password or null if console is not available
private static String readPasswordFromStdin(String message) {
Console console = System.console();
if (console == null) {
return null;
return String.valueOf(console.readPassword());
* Creates xml snippet which sets up security-realm.
* @param keystoreFile location of the keystore file
* @param keystorePass the password to access the keystore file
* @param keyPass the password to access the data for the given alias
* @param keyAlias the alias specifying the identifying security information
* @return XML snippet
private static String createSecurityRealm(String keystoreFile, String keystorePass,
String keyPass, String keyAlias) {
return new StringBuilder("")
.append(" ").toString();
* Creates XML edit which sets up storage-adapter configuration, creates a reference
* to the security-realm and enables SSL, if appropriate.
* @param targetConfigInfo info on the xml config file being edited
* @param withHttps if the storage adapter will be accessed via HTTPS
* @return object that can be used to edit some xml content
private static XmlEdit createStorageAdapter(TargetConfigInfo targetConfigInfo, boolean withHttps,
InstallerConfiguration installerConfig) {
String select = targetConfigInfo.getProfileXPath() + "/*[namespace-uri()='urn:org.hawkular.agent:agent:1.0']/";
StringBuilder xml = new StringBuilder(" ");
// replaces under urn:org.hawkular.agent:agent:1.0 subsystem with above content
// we ignore whether the original storage-adapter has type of HAWKULAR or METRICS
return new XmlEdit(select, xml.toString()).withAttribute("type").withIsIgnoreAttributeValue(true);
* Creates a (outbound) socket-binding snippet XML file
* @param host the host where the hawkular server is running
* @param port the port where the hawkular server is listening
* @return file to the temporary socket binding snippet file (this should be cleaned up by the caller)
* @throws IOException on error
private static File createSocketBindingSnippet(String host, String port) throws IOException {
StringBuilder xml = new StringBuilder("\n")
.append(" \n")
.append(" ");
Path tempFile = Files.createTempFile("hawkular-wildfly-module-installer-outbound-socket-binding", ".xml");
Files.write(tempFile, xml.toString().getBytes());
return tempFile.toFile();
private static XmlEdit createManagedServers(TargetConfigInfo targetConfigInfo, InstallerConfiguration config) {
String select = targetConfigInfo.getProfileXPath()
+ "/*[namespace-uri()='urn:org.hawkular.agent:agent:1.0']/";
String managedServerName = config.getManagedServerName();
if (managedServerName == null || managedServerName.trim().isEmpty()) {
managedServerName = "Local"; // just make sure its something
StringBuilder xml = new StringBuilder("")
.append(" ")
.append(" ");
// replaces under urn:org.hawkular.agent:agent:1.0 subsystem with above content
return new XmlEdit(select, xml.toString());
private static XmlEdit setEnableFlag(TargetConfigInfo targetConfigInfo, InstallerConfiguration config) {
String select = targetConfigInfo.getProfileXPath()
+ "/*[namespace-uri()='urn:org.hawkular.agent:agent:1.0'][@enabled]";
String isEnabled = String.valueOf(config.isEnabled());
return new XmlEdit(select, isEnabled).withIsAttributeContent(true).withAttribute("enabled");
private static URL getHawkularServerAgentDownloadUrl(InstallerConfiguration config) throws MalformedURLException {
String serverUrl = String.format("%s/hawkular/wildfly-agent/download", config.getServerUrl());
return new URL(serverUrl);
* Downloads the Hawkular WildFly Agent ZIP file from a URL
* @param url where the agent zip is
* @return absolute path to module downloaded locally or null if it could not be retrieved;
* this is a temporary file that should be cleaned once it is used
private static File downloadModuleZip(URL url) {
File tempFile;
try {
tempFile = File.createTempFile("hawkular-wildfly-agent", ".zip");
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Cannot create temp file to hold module zip", e);
try (FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(tempFile);
InputStream ios = url.openStream()) {
IOUtils.copyLarge(ios, fos);
return tempFile;
} catch (Exception e) {
log.warn("Unable to download hawkular wildfly agent ZIP: " + url, e);
return null;
private static void printHelp(ProcessedCommand> options) {
if (options == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Cannot print help - options is null");
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