org.hawkular.alerts.actions.email.PluginMessageDescription Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2015-2016 Red Hat, Inc. and/or its affiliates
* and other contributors as indicated by the @author tags.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.hawkular.alerts.actions.email;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.hawkular.alerts.actions.api.ActionMessage;
import org.hawkular.alerts.api.model.condition.AvailabilityCondition;
import org.hawkular.alerts.api.model.condition.AvailabilityConditionEval;
import org.hawkular.alerts.api.model.condition.CompareCondition;
import org.hawkular.alerts.api.model.condition.CompareConditionEval;
import org.hawkular.alerts.api.model.condition.Condition;
import org.hawkular.alerts.api.model.condition.ConditionEval;
import org.hawkular.alerts.api.model.condition.EventCondition;
import org.hawkular.alerts.api.model.condition.EventConditionEval;
import org.hawkular.alerts.api.model.condition.ExternalCondition;
import org.hawkular.alerts.api.model.condition.ExternalConditionEval;
import org.hawkular.alerts.api.model.condition.StringCondition;
import org.hawkular.alerts.api.model.condition.StringConditionEval;
import org.hawkular.alerts.api.model.condition.ThresholdCondition;
import org.hawkular.alerts.api.model.condition.ThresholdConditionEval;
import org.hawkular.alerts.api.model.condition.ThresholdRangeCondition;
import org.hawkular.alerts.api.model.condition.ThresholdRangeConditionEval;
import org.hawkular.alerts.api.model.dampening.Dampening;
import org.hawkular.alerts.api.model.event.Alert;
import org.hawkular.alerts.api.model.event.Event;
import org.hawkular.alerts.api.model.trigger.Trigger;
* Helper class to store Alert data and related descriptions and average data to be used into email freemarker
* templates.
* This class unwraps PluginMessage fields to be located at root level for freemarker template.
* @author Jay Shaughnessy
* @author Lucas Ponce
public class PluginMessageDescription {
/** Context property "resourceType". Supported at Trigger.getContext() level */
public static final String CONTEXT_PROPERTY_RESOURCE_TYPE = "resourceType";
/** Context property "resourceName". Supported at Trigger.getContext() level */
public static final String CONTEXT_PROPERTY_RESOURCE_NAME = "resourceName";
/** Context property "unit". Supported at Condition.getContext() level */
public static final String CONTEXT_PROPERTY_UNIT = "unit";
/** Context property "description". Supported at Condition.getContext() level */
public static final String CONTEXT_PROPERTY_DESCRIPTION = "description";
/** Context property "description". Supported at Condition.getContext() level with CompareCondition classes */
public static final String CONTEXT_PROPERTY_DESCRIPTION2 = "description2";
/** Shortcut for PluginMessage.getAction().event */
private Event event;
/** Shortcut for PluginMessage.getAction().alert */
private Alert alert;
/** Shortcut for PluginMessage.getAction().alert.getStatus().name().toLowercase() */
private String status;
/** Shortcut for PluginMessage.getAction().alert.trigger */
private Trigger trigger;
* Long description for Trigger.
* Description is based on Trigger.getContext() properties:
* - "resourceType": Type of the resource which this trigger is linked
* i.e. "resourceType": "App Server"
* - "resourceName": Name of the resource
* i.e. "resourceName": "Localhost"
* if Trigger.getContext is not present Trigger.getName() is used instead.
* */
private String triggerDescription;
/** Shortcut for PluginMessage.getAction().alert.dampening */
private Dampening dampening;
/** Long description for Dampening */
private String dampeningDescription;
/** Shortcut for PluginMessage.getProperties() */
private Map props;
/** Email subject based on PluginMEssage.getAction().alert content */
private String emailSubject;
/** Number of firing conditions for PluginMessage.getAction().alert */
private int numConditions;
/** Base URL to be used on templates to build links into main UI */
private String baseUrl;
private DecimalFormat decimalFormat = new DecimalFormat("####0.0", new DecimalFormatSymbols(Locale.ENGLISH));
* Helper inner class to store a Condition with a calculated description.
* It stores a list of data of Firing ConditionEval for Threshold and ThresholdRange conditions types.
* It calculates the average of Firing ConditionEval data for Threshold and ThresholdRange condition types.
public static class ConditionDescription {
/** The Condition being stored */
protected Condition condition;
/** Description based on the Condition being stored */
protected String description;
/** List of numeric data if Condition is ThresholdCondition or ThresholdRangeCondition types, 0 otherwise */
protected List data = new ArrayList<>();
/** Average of numeric data. Only used for ThresholdCondition or ThresholdRangeCondition types, 0 otherwise */
protected Double average;
/** Average formatted with units */
protected String averageDescription;
public Condition getCondition() {
return condition;
public void setCondition(Condition condition) {
this.condition = condition;
public String getDescription() {
return description;
public void setDescription(String description) {
this.description = description;
public List getData() {
return data;
public void setData(List data) {
this.data = data;
public Double getAverage() {
return average;
public void setAverage(Double average) {
this.average = average;
public String getAverageDescription() {
return averageDescription;
public void setAverageDescription(String averageDescription) {
this.averageDescription = averageDescription;
/** A list of conditions stored with ConditionDescription wrapper class */
public ConditionDescription[] conditions;
* Unwraps a PluginMessage object as a helper for freemaker templates.
* It creates description and calculated data for all conditions attached into ConditionEvals inside an alert.
* It uses Trigger data to generate an email subject description.
* It support Trigger.context properties:
* - "resourceType": Description of the type or resource where this trigger is defined
* i.e. "resourceType": "App Server"
* - "resourceName": Name of the resource where this trigger is defined
* i.e. "resourceName": "Localhost"
* If not Trigger.context properties found, Trigger.name will be used in the email subject description.
* @param pm the PluginMessage
public PluginMessageDescription(ActionMessage pm) {
if (pm == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("PluginMessage cannot be null");
if (pm.getAction() == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Action cannot be null on PluginMessage");
if (pm.getAction().getProperties() == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Properties cannot be null on PluginMessage");
event = pm.getAction().getEvent();
if (event instanceof Alert) {
alert = (Alert)event;
props = pm.getAction().getProperties();
if (event != null && event instanceof Alert) {
Alert alert = (Alert) event;
if (alert.getStatus() != null) {
status = alert.getStatus().name().toLowerCase();
emailSubject = "Alert [" + status + "] message";
} else {
emailSubject = "Alert message";
} else {
emailSubject = "Event message";
if (event != null && event.getTrigger() != null) {
trigger = event.getTrigger();
if (trigger.getContext() != null &&
!trigger.getContext().isEmpty() &&
trigger.getContext().containsKey(CONTEXT_PROPERTY_RESOURCE_TYPE) &&
trigger.getContext().containsKey(CONTEXT_PROPERTY_RESOURCE_NAME)) {
triggerDescription = trigger.getContext().get(CONTEXT_PROPERTY_RESOURCE_TYPE) + " " +
} else {
triggerDescription = trigger.getName();
if (event != null && event.getDampening() != null) {
dampening = event.getDampening();
dampeningDescription = dampeningDescription(dampening);
if (numConditions == 1) {
emailSubject += ": " + conditions[0].description + " ";
if (triggerDescription != null) {
emailSubject += "for " + triggerDescription;
} else {
if (triggerDescription != null) {
emailSubject += "for " + triggerDescription;
baseUrl = props != null ? props.get(EmailPlugin.PROP_TEMPLATE_HAWKULAR_URL) : null;
baseUrl = baseUrl == null ? System.getenv(EmailPlugin.HAWKULAR_BASE_URL) : baseUrl;
private String dampeningDescription(Dampening d) {
if (d == null)
return null;
String description = "Alert triggered ";
switch (d.getType()) {
case STRICT:
description += "after " + d.getEvalTrueSetting() + " consecutive evaluations";
description += "after " + d.getEvalTrueSetting() + " of " + d.getEvalTotalSetting() + " evaluations";
description += "after" + d.getEvalTrueSetting() + " evaluations in " + (d.getEvalTimeSetting() / 1000)
+ " s";
description += "after " + (d.getEvalTimeSetting() / 1000) + " s";
throw new IllegalArgumentException(d.getType().name());
return description;
private void initConditions(Event event) {
numConditions = 0;
if (event == null)
if (event.getEvalSets() == null || event.getEvalSets().isEmpty())
Map mapConditions = new HashMap<>();
int listEvals = event.getEvalSets().size();
for (int i = 0; i < listEvals; i++) {
Set iEvalSet = event.getEvalSets().get(i);
for (ConditionEval condEval : iEvalSet) {
Condition condition = extractCondition(condEval);
if (!mapConditions.containsKey(condition.getConditionId())) {
ConditionDescription condDesc = new ConditionDescription();
condDesc.condition = condition;
condDesc.description = description(condition);
mapConditions.put(condition.getConditionId(), condDesc);
ConditionDescription condDesc = mapConditions.get(condition.getConditionId());
Collection values = mapConditions.values();
conditions = values.toArray(new ConditionDescription[values.size()]);
numConditions = conditions.length;
for (int i = 0; i < numConditions; i++) {
ConditionDescription condDesc = conditions[i];
condDesc.average = (condDesc.data.stream().reduce(0.0, (j, k) -> j + k)) / condDesc.data.size();
if (condDesc.condition.getContext().containsKey(CONTEXT_PROPERTY_UNIT)) {
condDesc.averageDescription = decimalFormat.format(condDesc.average) + " " +
private Condition extractCondition(ConditionEval conditionEval) {
if (conditionEval == null)
return null;
switch (conditionEval.getType()) {
return ((AvailabilityConditionEval) conditionEval).getCondition();
return ((CompareConditionEval) conditionEval).getCondition();
return ((ExternalConditionEval) conditionEval).getCondition();
case EVENT:
return ((EventConditionEval) conditionEval).getCondition();
case STRING:
return ((StringConditionEval) conditionEval).getCondition();
return ((ThresholdConditionEval) conditionEval).getCondition();
case RANGE:
return ((ThresholdRangeConditionEval) conditionEval).getCondition();
return null;
private Double extractValue(ConditionEval conditionEval) {
if (conditionEval == null)
return 0d;
switch (conditionEval.getType()) {
return ((ThresholdConditionEval) conditionEval).getValue();
case RANGE:
return ((ThresholdRangeConditionEval) conditionEval).getValue();
return 0d;
private String description(Condition condition) {
if (condition == null)
return null;
switch (condition.getType()) {
return availability((AvailabilityCondition) condition);
return compare((CompareCondition) condition);
return external((ExternalCondition) condition);
case EVENT:
return events((EventCondition) condition);
case STRING:
return string((StringCondition) condition);
return threshold((ThresholdCondition) condition);
case RANGE:
return range((ThresholdRangeCondition) condition);
return null;
* Create a description for an AvailabilityCondition object.
* It supports Condition.context properties:
* - "description": Description of the dataId used for this condition, if not present, description will use
* dataId literal
* i.e. "description": "Response Time"
* @param condition the condition
* @return a description to be used on email templates
public String availability(AvailabilityCondition condition) {
String description;
if (condition.getContext() != null && condition.getContext().get(CONTEXT_PROPERTY_DESCRIPTION) != null) {
description = condition.getContext().get(CONTEXT_PROPERTY_DESCRIPTION);
} else {
description = condition.getDataId();
AvailabilityCondition.Operator operator = condition.getOperator();
switch (operator) {
case DOWN:
description += " is down";
case NOT_UP:
description += " is not up";
case UP:
description += " is up";
throw new IllegalArgumentException(operator.name());
return description;
* Create a description for an CompareCondition object.
* It supports Condition.context properties:
* - "description": Description of the dataId used for this condition, if not present, description will use
* dataId literal
* i.e. "description": "Response Time"
* - "description2": Description of the data2Id used for this comparition, if not present, description will use
* data2Id literal
* i.e. "description2": "Response Time 2"
* @param condition the condition
* @return a description to be used on email templates
public String compare(CompareCondition condition) {
String description;
if (condition.getContext() != null && condition.getContext().get(CONTEXT_PROPERTY_DESCRIPTION) != null) {
description = condition.getContext().get(CONTEXT_PROPERTY_DESCRIPTION);
} else {
description = condition.getDataId();
CompareCondition.Operator operator = condition.getOperator();
switch (operator) {
case LT:
description += " less than ";
case LTE:
description += " less or equals than ";
case GT:
description += " greater than ";
case GTE:
description += " greater or equals than ";
throw new IllegalArgumentException(operator.name());
if (condition.getData2Multiplier() != 1.0) {
description += "( " + decimalFormat.format(condition.getData2Multiplier()) + " ";
if (condition.getContext() != null && condition.getContext().get(CONTEXT_PROPERTY_DESCRIPTION2) != null) {
description += condition.getContext().get(CONTEXT_PROPERTY_DESCRIPTION2);
} else {
description += condition.getData2Id();
if (condition.getData2Multiplier() != 1.0) {
description += " )";
return description;
* Create a description for an ExternalCondition object.
* @param condition the condition
* @return a description to be used on email templates
public String external(ExternalCondition condition) {
String description = "AlerterId: " + condition.getAlerterId();
description += " DataId: " + condition.getDataId();
description += " Expression: " + condition.getExpression();
return description;
* Create a description for an EventCondition object.
* @param condition the condition
* @return a description to be used on email templates
public String events(EventCondition condition) {
String description = "Event on: " + condition.getDataId();
if (condition.getExpression() != null) {
description += " [" + condition.getExpression() + "]";
return description;
* Create a description for an StringCondition object.
* It supports Condition.context properties:
* - "description": Description of the dataId used for this condition, if not present, description will use
* dataId literal
* i.e. "description": "Response Time"
* @param condition the condition
* @return a description to be used on email templates
public String string(StringCondition condition) {
String description;
if (condition.getContext() != null && condition.getContext().get(CONTEXT_PROPERTY_DESCRIPTION) != null) {
description = condition.getContext().get(CONTEXT_PROPERTY_DESCRIPTION);
} else {
description = condition.getDataId();
StringCondition.Operator operator = condition.getOperator();
switch (operator) {
description += "starts with ";
description += "contains ";
description += "ends with ";
case EQUAL:
description += "is equal to ";
description += "is not equal to ";
case MATCH:
description += "matches to ";
throw new IllegalArgumentException(operator.name());
description += condition.getPattern();
if (condition.isIgnoreCase()) {
description += " (ignore case)";
return description;
* Create a description for an ThresholdCondition object.
* It supports Condition.context properties:
* - "description": Description of the dataId used for this condition, if not present, description will use
* dataId literal
* i.e. "description": "Response Time"
* - "unit": Description of the unit used for the threshold, if not present, description will be "threshold"
* i.e. "unit": "milliseconds"
* @param condition the condition
* @return a description to be used on email templates
public String threshold(ThresholdCondition condition) {
String description;
if (condition.getContext() != null && condition.getContext().get(CONTEXT_PROPERTY_DESCRIPTION) != null) {
description = condition.getContext().get(CONTEXT_PROPERTY_DESCRIPTION);
} else {
description = condition.getDataId();
switch (condition.getOperator()) {
case GT:
description += " greater than ";
case GTE:
description += " greater or equal than ";
case LT:
description += " less than ";
case LTE:
description += " less or equal than ";
throw new IllegalArgumentException(condition.getOperator().name());
description += decimalFormat.format(condition.getThreshold());
if (condition.getContext() != null && condition.getContext().get(CONTEXT_PROPERTY_UNIT) != null) {
description += " " + condition.getContext().get(CONTEXT_PROPERTY_UNIT);
} else {
description += " (threshold)";
return description;
* Create a description for an ThresholdRangeCondition object.
* It supports Condition.context properties:
* - "description": Description of the dataId used for this condition, if not present, description will use
* dataId literal
* i.e. "description": "Response Time"
* - "unit": Description of the unit used for the range, if not present, description will be "range"
* i.e. "unit": "milliseconds"
* @param condition the condition
* @return a description to be used on email templates
public String range(ThresholdRangeCondition condition) {
String description;
if (condition.getContext() != null && condition.getContext().get(CONTEXT_PROPERTY_DESCRIPTION) != null) {
description = condition.getContext().get(CONTEXT_PROPERTY_DESCRIPTION);
} else {
description = condition.getDataId();
if (condition.isInRange()) {
description += " in ";
} else {
description += " out of ";
ThresholdRangeCondition.Operator operatorLow = condition.getOperatorLow();
ThresholdRangeCondition.Operator operatorHigh = condition.getOperatorHigh();
if (operatorLow.equals(ThresholdRangeCondition.Operator.INCLUSIVE)) {
description += "[";
} else {
description += "(";
description += decimalFormat.format(condition.getThresholdLow());
description += ", ";
description += decimalFormat.format(condition.getThresholdHigh());
if (operatorHigh.equals(ThresholdRangeCondition.Operator.INCLUSIVE)) {
description += "]";
} else {
description += ")";
if (condition.getContext() != null && condition.getContext().get(CONTEXT_PROPERTY_UNIT) != null) {
description += " " + condition.getContext().get(CONTEXT_PROPERTY_UNIT);
} else {
description += " (range)";
return description;
public String getEmailSubject() {
return emailSubject;
public void setEmailSubject(String emailSubject) {
this.emailSubject = emailSubject;
public Event getEvent() {
return event;
public void setEvent(Event event) {
this.event = event;
public Alert getAlert() {
return alert;
public void setAlert(Alert alert) {
this.alert = alert;
public String getStatus() {
return status;
public void setStatus(String status) {
this.status = status;
public Trigger getTrigger() {
return trigger;
public void setTrigger(Trigger trigger) {
this.trigger = trigger;
public Dampening getDampening() {
return dampening;
public void setDampening(Dampening dampening) {
this.dampening = dampening;
public String getDampeningDescription() {
return dampeningDescription;
public void setDampeningDescription(String dampeningDescription) {
this.dampeningDescription = dampeningDescription;
public Map getProps() {
return props;
public void setProps(Map props) {
this.props = props;
public int getNumConditions() {
return numConditions;
public void setNumConditions(int numConditions) {
this.numConditions = numConditions;
public String getBaseUrl() {
return baseUrl;
public void setBaseUrl(String baseUrl) {
this.baseUrl = baseUrl;
public ConditionDescription[] getConditions() {
return conditions;
public void setConditions(
ConditionDescription[] conditions) {
this.conditions = conditions;
public String getTriggerDescription() {
return triggerDescription;
public void setTriggerDescription(String triggerDescription) {
this.triggerDescription = triggerDescription;
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