org.heigit.ohsome.ohsomeapi.inputprocessing.InputProcessingUtils Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package org.heigit.ohsome.ohsomeapi.inputprocessing;
import java.time.ZonedDateTime;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import java.time.temporal.ChronoField;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.heigit.bigspatialdata.oshdb.api.mapreducer.MapReducer;
import org.heigit.bigspatialdata.oshdb.api.object.OSHDBMapReducible;
import org.heigit.bigspatialdata.oshdb.osm.OSMType;
import org.heigit.bigspatialdata.oshdb.util.OSHDBTag;
import org.heigit.bigspatialdata.oshdb.util.tagtranslator.TagTranslator;
import org.heigit.bigspatialdata.oshdb.util.time.IsoDateTimeParser;
import org.heigit.bigspatialdata.oshdb.util.time.OSHDBTimestamps;
import org.heigit.bigspatialdata.oshdb.util.time.TimestampFormatter;
import org.heigit.ohsome.filter.FilterExpression;
import org.heigit.ohsome.filter.FilterParser;
import org.heigit.ohsome.ohsomeapi.exception.BadRequestException;
import org.heigit.ohsome.ohsomeapi.exception.ExceptionMessages;
import org.heigit.ohsome.ohsomeapi.exception.NotFoundException;
import org.heigit.ohsome.ohsomeapi.oshdb.DbConnData;
import org.heigit.ohsome.ohsomeapi.oshdb.ExtractMetadata;
import org.jparsec.error.ParserException;
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry;
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Lineal;
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Polygonal;
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Puntal;
/** Holds utility methods that are used by the input processing and executor classes. */
public class InputProcessingUtils {
private static final String GEOMCOLLTYPE = "GeometryCollection";
private Object[] boundaryIds;
private String[] toTimestamps = null;
* Finds and returns the EPSG code of the given point, which is needed for
* {@link org.heigit.ohsome.ohsomeapi.inputprocessing.GeometryBuilder#createCircularPolygons(String[] bcircles)
* createCircularPolygons}.
* Adapted code from class in the osmatrix project (© by Michael Auer)
* @param lon Longitude coordinate of the point.
* @param lat Latitude coordinate of the point.
* @return String
representing the corresponding EPSG code.
public String findEpsg(double lon, double lat) {
if (lat >= 84) {
return "EPSG:32661"; // UPS North
if (lat < -80) {
return "EPSG:32761"; // UPS South
int zoneNumber = (int) (Math.floor((lon + 180) / 6) + 1);
if (lat >= 56.0 && lat < 64.0 && lon >= 3.0 && lon < 12.0) {
zoneNumber = 32;
// Special zones for Svalbard
if (lat >= 72.0 && lat < 84.0) {
if (lon >= 0.0 && lon < 9.0) {
zoneNumber = 31;
} else if (lon >= 9.0 && lon < 21.0) {
zoneNumber = 33;
} else if (lon >= 21.0 && lon < 33.0) {
zoneNumber = 35;
} else if (lon >= 33.0 && lon < 42.0) {
zoneNumber = 37;
String isNorth = lat > 0 ? "6" : "7";
String zone = zoneNumber < 10 ? "0" + zoneNumber : "" + zoneNumber;
return "EPSG:32" + isNorth + zone;
* Splits the given bounding boxes and returns them in a List
* @param bboxes contains the given bounding boxes
* @return List
containing the splitted bounding boxes
* @throws BadRequestException if the bboxes parameter has an invalid format
public List splitBboxes(String bboxes) {
String[] bboxesArray = splitOnHyphen(bboxes);
List boundaryParamValues = new ArrayList<>();
boundaryIds = new Object[bboxesArray.length];
try {
if (bboxesArray[0].contains(":")) {
boundaryParamValues = splitBboxesWithIds(bboxesArray);
} else {
boundaryParamValues = splitBoundariesWithoutIds(bboxesArray, BoundaryType.BBOXES);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (e.getClass() == BadRequestException.class) {
throw e;
throw new BadRequestException(ExceptionMessages.BOUNDARY_PARAM_FORMAT);
return boundaryParamValues;
* Splits the given bounding circles and returns them in a List
* @param bcircles contains the given bounding circles
* @return List
containing the splitted bounding circles
* @throws BadRequestException if the bcircles parameter has an invalid format
public List splitBcircles(String bcircles) {
String[] bcirclesArray = splitOnHyphen(bcircles);
List boundaryParamValues = new ArrayList<>();
boundaryIds = new Object[bcirclesArray.length];
try {
if (bcirclesArray[0].contains(":")) {
boundaryParamValues = splitBcirclesWithIds(bcirclesArray);
} else {
boundaryParamValues = splitBoundariesWithoutIds(bcirclesArray, BoundaryType.BCIRCLES);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (e.getClass() == BadRequestException.class) {
throw e;
throw new BadRequestException(ExceptionMessages.BOUNDARY_PARAM_FORMAT);
return boundaryParamValues;
* Splits the given bounding polygons and returns them in a List
* @param bpolys contains the given bounding polygons
* @return List
containing the splitted bounding polygons
* @throws BadRequestException if the bpolys parameter has an invalid format
public List splitBpolys(String bpolys) {
String[] bpolysArray = splitOnHyphen(bpolys);
List boundaryParamValues = new ArrayList<>();
boundaryIds = new Object[bpolysArray.length];
try {
if (bpolysArray[0].contains(":")) {
boundaryParamValues = splitBpolysWithIds(bpolysArray);
} else if (bpolysArray[0].contains(",")) {
boundaryParamValues = splitBoundariesWithoutIds(bpolysArray, BoundaryType.BPOLYS);
} else {
throw new BadRequestException(ExceptionMessages.BOUNDARY_PARAM_FORMAT);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (e.getClass() == BadRequestException.class) {
throw e;
throw new BadRequestException(ExceptionMessages.BOUNDARY_PARAM_FORMAT);
return boundaryParamValues;
* Defines the toTimestamps for the result json object for /users responses.
* @param timeData contains the requested time
* @return array having only the toTimestamps
public String[] defineToTimestamps(String[] timeData) {
OSHDBTimestamps timestamps;
if (timeData.length == 3 && timeData[2] != null) {
// needed to check for interval
if (timeData[2].startsWith("P")) {
timestamps = new OSHDBTimestamps(timeData[0], timeData[1], timeData[2]);
toTimestamps = timestamps.get().stream()
.map(oshdbTimestamp -> TimestampFormatter.getInstance().isoDateTime(oshdbTimestamp))
} else {
// list of timestamps
toTimestamps = getToTimestampsFromTimestamplist(timeData);
} else {
// list of timestamps
toTimestamps = getToTimestampsFromTimestamplist(timeData);
return toTimestamps;
* Extracts the time information out of the time parameter and checks the content on its format,
* as well as ISO-8601 conformity. This
* method is used if one datetimestring is given. Following time formats are allowed:
* - YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss: When a timestamp
* includes 'T', hh:mm must also be given. This applies for all time formats, which use
* timestamps. If -MM-DD or only -DD is missing, '01' is used as default for month and day.
* - YYYY-MM-DD/YYYY-MM-DD: start/end timestamps
* - YYYY-MM-DD/YYYY-MM-DD/PnYnMnD: start/end/period where n refers to the size
* of the respective period
* - /YYYY-MM-DD: #/end where # equals the earliest timestamp
* - /YYYY-MM-DD/PnYnMnD: #/end/period
* - YYYY-MM-DD/: start/# where # equals the latest timestamp
* - YYYY-MM-DD//PnYnMnD: start/#/period
* - /: #/# where # equals the earliest and latest timestamp
* - //PnYnMnD: #/#/period
* - invalid: throws BadRequestException
* For clarification: the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss can be applied to any format, where a
* timestamp is used and # is a replacement holder for "no value". Note that the positioning and
* using of the forward slash '/' is very important.
* @param time String
holding the unparsed time information.
* @return String
array containing the startTime at [0], the endTime at [1] and the
* period at [2].
* @throws BadRequestException if the given time parameter is not ISO-8601 conform
public String[] extractIsoTime(String time) {
String[] split = time.split("/");
if (split.length == 0 && !"/".equals(time)) {
// invalid time parameter
throw new BadRequestException(ExceptionMessages.TIME_FORMAT);
String[] timeVals = new String[3];
if (time.startsWith("/")) {
if (time.length() == 1) {
// only /
timeVals[0] = ExtractMetadata.fromTstamp;
timeVals[1] = ExtractMetadata.toTstamp;
return timeVals;
if (split[0].length() == 0 && split.length == 2) {
timeVals[1] = split[1];
} else if (split.length == 3 && split[0].length() == 0 && split[1].length() == 0) {
// //PnYnMnD
timeVals[1] = ExtractMetadata.toTstamp;
timeVals[2] = split[2];
} else if (split.length == 3 && split[1].length() != 0) {
timeVals[1] = split[1];
timeVals[2] = split[2];
} else {
// invalid time parameter
throw new BadRequestException(ExceptionMessages.TIME_FORMAT);
timeVals[0] = ExtractMetadata.fromTstamp;
} else if (time.endsWith("/")) {
if (split.length != 1) {
// invalid time parameter
throw new BadRequestException(ExceptionMessages.TIME_FORMAT);
timeVals[0] = split[0];
timeVals[1] = ExtractMetadata.toTstamp;
} else if (split.length == 3) {
if (split[1].length() == 0) {
timeVals[1] = ExtractMetadata.toTstamp;
timeVals[2] = split[2];
} else {
checkTimestampsOnIsoConformity(split[0], split[1]);
checkTemporalExtend(split[0], split[1]);
timeVals[1] = split[1];
timeVals[0] = split[0];
timeVals[2] = split[2];
} else if (split.length == 2) {
checkTimestampsOnIsoConformity(split[0], split[1]);
checkTemporalExtend(split[0], split[1]);
timeVals[0] = split[0];
timeVals[1] = split[1];
} else if (split.length == 1) {
timeVals[0] = split[0];
return timeVals;
} else {
// invalid time parameter
throw new BadRequestException(ExceptionMessages.TIME_FORMAT);
String[] sortedTimestamps = sortTimestamps(new String[] {timeVals[0], timeVals[1]});
timeVals[0] = sortedTimestamps[0];
timeVals[1] = sortedTimestamps[1];
return timeVals;
* Sorts the given timestamps from oldest to newest.
* @throws BadRequestException if the given time parameter is not ISO-8601 conform
public String[] sortTimestamps(String[] timestamps) {
List timeStringList = new ArrayList<>();
for (String timestamp : timestamps) {
try {
ZonedDateTime zdt = IsoDateTimeParser.parseIsoDateTime(timestamp);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new BadRequestException(ExceptionMessages.TIME_FORMAT);
return timeStringList.toArray(timestamps);
* Checks the given custom boundary id. At the moment only used if output format = csv.
* @throws BadRequestException if the custom ids contain semicolons
public void checkCustomBoundaryId(String id) {
if (id.contains(";")) {
throw new BadRequestException("The given custom ids cannot contain semicolons, "
+ "if you want to use csv as output format.");
* Checks if the given geometry is within the underlying data-polygon. Returns also true if no
* data-polygon is given.
* @param geom Geometry
, which is tested against the data-polygon
* @return true
- if inside
* false
- if not inside
public boolean isWithin(Geometry geom) {
if (ExtractMetadata.dataPoly != null) {
return geom.within(ExtractMetadata.dataPoly);
return true;
/** Checks if the given String is one of the simple feature types (point, line, polygon). */
public boolean isSimpleFeatureType(String type) {
return "point".equalsIgnoreCase(type) || "line".equalsIgnoreCase(type)
|| "polygon".equalsIgnoreCase(type) || "other".equalsIgnoreCase(type);
* Applies an entity filter using only planar relations (relations with an area) on the given
* MapReducer object. It uses the tags "type=multipolygon" and "type=boundary".
public MapReducer filterOnPlanarRelations(MapReducer mapRed) {
// further filtering to not look at all relations
TagTranslator tt = DbConnData.tagTranslator;
OSHDBTag typeMultipolygon = tt.getOSHDBTagOf("type", "multipolygon");
OSHDBTag typeBoundary = tt.getOSHDBTagOf("type", "boundary");
mapRed.osmEntityFilter(entity -> !entity.getType().equals(OSMType.RELATION)
|| entity.hasTagValue(typeMultipolygon.getKey(), typeMultipolygon.getValue())
|| entity.hasTagValue(typeBoundary.getKey(), typeBoundary.getValue()));
return mapRed;
* Checks whether a geometry is of given feature type (Puntal|Lineal|Polygonal).
* @param simpleFeatureTypes a set of feature types
* @return true if the geometry matches the given simpleFeatureTypes, otherwise false
public boolean checkGeometryOnSimpleFeatures(Geometry geom,
Set simpleFeatureTypes) {
return simpleFeatureTypes.contains(SimpleFeatureType.POLYGON) && geom instanceof Polygonal
|| simpleFeatureTypes.contains(SimpleFeatureType.POINT) && geom instanceof Puntal
|| simpleFeatureTypes.contains(SimpleFeatureType.LINE) && geom instanceof Lineal
|| simpleFeatureTypes.contains(SimpleFeatureType.OTHER)
&& GEOMCOLLTYPE.equalsIgnoreCase(geom.getGeometryType());
* Tries to parse the given filter using the given parser.
* @throws BadRequestException if the filter contains wrong syntax.
public FilterExpression parseFilter(FilterParser fp, String filter) {
try {
return fp.parse(filter);
} catch (ParserException ex) {
throw new BadRequestException(ExceptionMessages.FILTER_SYNTAX + " Detailed error message: "
+ ex.getMessage().replace("\n", " "));
* Checks the provided time info on its temporal extent.
* @param timeInfo time information to check
* @throws NotFoundException if the given time is not completely within the timerange of the
* underlying data
* @throws BadRequestException if the timestamps are not ISO-8601 conform
* @throws RuntimeException if the Date or DateTime Format are not supported
protected void checkTemporalExtend(String... timeInfo) {
long start = 0;
long end = 0;
long timestampLong = 0;
try {
start = IsoDateTimeParser.parseIsoDateTime(ExtractMetadata.fromTstamp).toEpochSecond();
end = IsoDateTimeParser.parseIsoDateTime(ExtractMetadata.toTstamp).toEpochSecond();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"The ISO 8601 Date or the combined Date-Time String cannot be converted into a UTC based ZonedDateTime Object");
for (String timestamp : timeInfo) {
try {
ZonedDateTime zdt = IsoDateTimeParser.parseIsoDateTime(timestamp);
timestampLong =
if (timestampLong < start || timestampLong > end) {
throw new NotFoundException(
"The given time parameter is not completely within the timeframe ("
+ ExtractMetadata.fromTstamp + " to " + ExtractMetadata.toTstamp
+ ") of the underlying osh-data.");
} catch (NotFoundException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new BadRequestException(ExceptionMessages.TIME_FORMAT);
* Checks the provided time info on its ISO conformity.
* @param timeInfo time information to check
* @throws BadRequestException if the timestamps are not ISO-8601 conform.
protected void checkTimestampsOnIsoConformity(String... timeInfo) {
for (String timestamp : timeInfo) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new BadRequestException(ExceptionMessages.TIME_FORMAT);
* Checks the provided period on its ISO conformity.
* @throws BadRequestException if the interval is not ISO-8601 conform.
protected void checkPeriodOnIsoConformity(String period) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new BadRequestException(
"The interval (period) of the provided time parameter is not ISO-8601 conform.");
* Splits the given boundary parameter (bboxes, bcircles, or bpolys) on '|' to seperate the
* different bounding objects.
* @param boundaryParam String
that contains the boundary parameter(s)
* @return splitted boundaries
private String[] splitOnHyphen(String boundaryParam) {
if (boundaryParam.contains("|")) {
return boundaryParam.split("\\|");
return new String[] {boundaryParam};
* Splits the coordinates from the given boundaries array.
* @param boundariesArray contains the boundaries without a custom id
* @return List
containing the splitted boundaries
private List splitBoundariesWithoutIds(String[] boundariesArray,
BoundaryType boundaryType) {
List boundaryParamValues = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < boundariesArray.length; i++) {
String[] coords = boundariesArray[i].split("\\,");
for (String coord : coords) {
boundaryIds[i] = "boundary" + (i + 1);
checkBoundaryParamLength(boundaryParamValues, boundaryType);
return boundaryParamValues;
* Splits the ids and the coordinates from the given bounding boxes array.
* @param bboxesArray contains the bounding boxes having a custom id
* @return List
containing the splitted bounding boxes
* @throws BadRequestException if the bboxes have invalid format
private List splitBboxesWithIds(String[] bboxesArray) {
List boundaryParamValues = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < bboxesArray.length; i++) {
String[] coords = bboxesArray[i].split("\\,");
if (coords.length != 4) {
throw new BadRequestException(ExceptionMessages.BOUNDARY_PARAM_FORMAT);
if (coords[0].contains(":")) {
String[] idAndCoordinate = coords[0].split(":");
// extract the id
boundaryIds[i] = idAndCoordinate[0];
// extract the coordinates
} else {
throw new BadRequestException(ExceptionMessages.BOUNDARY_IDS_FORMAT);
checkBoundaryParamLength(boundaryParamValues, BoundaryType.BBOXES);
return boundaryParamValues;
* Splits the ids and the coordinates from the given bounding circles array.
* @param bcirclesArray contains the bounding circles having a custom id
* @return List
containing the splitted bounding circles
* @throws BadRequestException if the bcircles have invalid format
private List splitBcirclesWithIds(String[] bcirclesArray) {
List boundaryParamValues = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < bcirclesArray.length; i++) {
String[] coords = bcirclesArray[i].split("\\,");
if (coords.length != 3) {
throw new BadRequestException(ExceptionMessages.BOUNDARY_PARAM_FORMAT);
String[] idAndCoordinate = coords[0].split(":");
boundaryIds[i] = idAndCoordinate[0];
// extract the coordinate
// extract the radius
checkBoundaryParamLength(boundaryParamValues, BoundaryType.BCIRCLES);
return boundaryParamValues;
* Splits the ids and the coordinates from the given bounding polygons array.
* @param bpolysArray contains the bounding polygons having a custom id
* @return List
containing the splitted bounding polygons
* @throws BadRequestException if the bpolys have invalid format
private List splitBpolysWithIds(String[] bpolysArray) {
List boundaryParamValues = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < bpolysArray.length; i++) {
String[] coords = bpolysArray[i].split("\\,");
String[] idAndCoordinate = coords[0].split(":");
// extract the id and the first coordinate
boundaryIds[i] = idAndCoordinate[0];
// extract the other coordinates
for (int j = 1; j < coords.length; j++) {
if (coords[j].contains(":")) {
throw new BadRequestException(ExceptionMessages.BOUNDARY_PARAM_FORMAT);
checkBoundaryParamLength(boundaryParamValues, BoundaryType.BPOLYS);
return boundaryParamValues;
* Checks the given boundaries list on their length. Bounding box and polygon list must be even,
* bounding circle list must be divisable by three.
* @param boundaries parameter to check the length
* @throws BadRequestException if the length is not even or divisible by three
private void checkBoundaryParamLength(List boundaries, BoundaryType boundaryType) {
if ((boundaryType.equals(BoundaryType.BBOXES) || boundaryType.equals(BoundaryType.BPOLYS))
&& boundaries.size() % 2 != 0) {
throw new BadRequestException(ExceptionMessages.BOUNDARY_PARAM_FORMAT);
if (boundaryType.equals(BoundaryType.BCIRCLES) && boundaries.size() % 3 != 0) {
throw new BadRequestException(ExceptionMessages.BOUNDARY_PARAM_FORMAT);
/** Internal helper method to get the toTimestamps from a timestampList. */
private String[] getToTimestampsFromTimestamplist(String[] timeData) {
toTimestamps = new String[timeData.length];
for (int i = 0; i < timeData.length; i++) {
try {
toTimestamps[i] =
} catch (Exception e) {
// time gets checked earlier already, so no exception should appear here
return toTimestamps;
public Object[] getBoundaryIds() {
return boundaryIds;
public String[] getToTimestamps() {
return toTimestamps;
public void setBoundaryIds(Object[] boundaryIds) {
this.boundaryIds = boundaryIds;
public void setToTimestamps(String[] toTimestamps) {
this.toTimestamps = toTimestamps;