org.heigit.ohsome.oshdb.helpers.db.OSHDBDriver Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package org.heigit.ohsome.oshdb.helpers.db;
import static org.heigit.ohsome.oshdb.helpers.db.Util.getInterpolated;
import com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariConfig;
import com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource;
import java.util.Properties;
import org.apache.ignite.Ignite;
import org.apache.ignite.Ignition;
import org.heigit.ohsome.oshdb.api.db.OSHDBH2;
import org.heigit.ohsome.oshdb.api.db.OSHDBIgnite;
* A basic OSHDBDriver class for connecting to h2 or ignite oshdb instances.
* {@code
* OSHDBDriver.connect(props, (oshdb) -> {
* oshdb.getSnapshotView()
* .areaOfInterest((Geometry & Polygonal) areaOfInterest)
* .timestamps(tstamps)
* .osmTag(key)
* ...
* });
* }
public class OSHDBDriver {
public static final String OSHDB_PROPERTY_NAME = "oshdb";
public static final String KEYTABLES_PROPERTY_NAME = "keytables";
public static final String PREFIX_PROPERTY_NAME = "prefix";
public static final String MULTITHREADING_PROPERTY_NAME = "multithreading";
public static final String IGNITE_URI_PREFIX = "ignite:";
private OSHDBDriver() {
throw new IllegalStateException("Driver class");
* open connection to oshdb instance.
* @param props
* props example:
* {@code
* oshdb="ignite:Path_To_Config" \ "h2:Path_To_Database"
* keytables="jdbc:postgresql://IP_OR_URL/keytables\${prefix}?user=ohsome&password=secret"
* #multithreading default false, only used by h2 connections
* multithreading=true
* }
* @param connect A Consumer for a OSHDBConnection e.g. a lambda
* @return exit code
* @throws Exception when an Exception is thrown in the underlying classes
public static int connect(Properties props, Execute connect) throws Exception {
var oshdb = getInterpolated(props, OSHDBDriver.OSHDB_PROPERTY_NAME)
.orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalArgumentException("need to have to specify oshdb!"));
if (oshdb.toLowerCase().startsWith(IGNITE_URI_PREFIX)) {
return connectToIgnite(props, connect);
} else if (oshdb.toLowerCase().startsWith("h2:")) {
return connectToH2(props, connect);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown oshdb value! " + oshdb);
private static int connectToH2(Properties props, Execute connect)
throws Exception {
var prefix = getInterpolated(props, PREFIX_PROPERTY_NAME).orElse("");
props.put(PREFIX_PROPERTY_NAME, prefix);
var h2 =
getInterpolated(props, OSHDB_PROPERTY_NAME)
.map(value -> value.substring("h2:".length())).orElseThrow();
var multithreading =
getInterpolated(props, MULTITHREADING_PROPERTY_NAME).filter("true"::equalsIgnoreCase)
return connectToH2(h2, multithreading, connect);
// OSHDBJdbc throws "Exception"
private static int connectToH2(String h2, boolean multithreading,
Execute connect) throws Exception {
try (final var oshdb = new OSHDBH2(h2)) {
var props = new Properties();
props.setProperty(OSHDBDriver.OSHDB_PROPERTY_NAME, h2);
final var connection = new OSHDBConnection(props, oshdb);
return connect.apply(connection);
// OSHDBJdbc throws "Exception"
private static int connectToIgnite(Properties props, Execute connect)
throws Exception {
var cfg = getInterpolated(props, OSHDB_PROPERTY_NAME)
.filter(value -> value.toLowerCase().startsWith(IGNITE_URI_PREFIX))
.map(value -> value.substring(IGNITE_URI_PREFIX.length()))
// start ignite
try (var ignite = Ignition.start(cfg)) {
var prefix = getInterpolated(props, PREFIX_PROPERTY_NAME).orElseGet(() -> getActive(ignite));
props.put(PREFIX_PROPERTY_NAME, prefix);
var keyTablesUrl = getInterpolated(props, OSHDBDriver.KEYTABLES_PROPERTY_NAME)
.orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalArgumentException("missing keytables"));
props.put(OSHDBDriver.KEYTABLES_PROPERTY_NAME, keyTablesUrl);
// initialize data source for keytables
var hcKeytables = new HikariConfig();
try (var dsKeytables = new HikariDataSource(hcKeytables);
var oshdb = new OSHDBIgnite(ignite, prefix, dsKeytables)) {
var connection = new OSHDBConnection(props, oshdb);
return connect.apply(connection);
private static String getActive(Ignite ignite) {
// TODO: extract "ohsome" string
// one possible solution:
return ignite.cache("ohsome").get("active");
* Internally used execute interface that applies the given connection.
public interface Execute {
int apply(OSHDBConnection oshdb) throws Exception;