* Copyright (C) 2015-2016 The Helenus Driver Project Authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.helenus.driver.junit;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.net.ServerSocket;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import java.util.stream.Stream;
import org.apache.commons.collections4.CollectionUtils;
import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils;
import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.MutablePair;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Level;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import com.datastax.driver.core.Cluster;
import com.datastax.driver.core.ConsistencyLevel;
import com.datastax.driver.core.KeyspaceMetadata;
import com.datastax.driver.core.QueryOptions;
import com.datastax.driver.core.ResultSetFuture;
import com.datastax.driver.core.SimpleStatement;
import com.datastax.driver.core.WriteType;
import com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.NoHostAvailableException;
import com.datastax.driver.core.policies.LoggingRetryPolicy;
import com.datastax.driver.core.policies.RetryPolicy;
import org.apache.cassandra.config.DatabaseDescriptor;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.SystemKeyspace;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.commitlog.CommitLog;
import org.apache.cassandra.service.CassandraDaemon;
import org.apache.cassandra.service.StorageService;
import org.helenus.commons.collections.iterators.CombinationIterator;
import org.helenus.commons.lang3.reflect.ReflectionUtils;
import org.helenus.driver.AlterSchema;
import org.helenus.driver.AlterSchemas;
import org.helenus.driver.CreateIndex;
import org.helenus.driver.CreateKeyspace;
import org.helenus.driver.CreateSchema;
import org.helenus.driver.CreateSchemas;
import org.helenus.driver.CreateTable;
import org.helenus.driver.CreateType;
import org.helenus.driver.Delete;
import org.helenus.driver.ExcludedKeyspaceKeyException;
import org.helenus.driver.GenericStatement;
import org.helenus.driver.Group;
import org.helenus.driver.Insert;
import org.helenus.driver.Select;
import org.helenus.driver.Sequence;
import org.helenus.driver.StatementBuilder;
import org.helenus.driver.StatementManager;
import org.helenus.driver.Truncate;
import org.helenus.driver.Update;
import org.helenus.driver.impl.ClassInfoImpl;
import org.helenus.driver.impl.CreateSchemaImpl;
import org.helenus.driver.impl.GroupImpl;
import org.helenus.driver.impl.RootClassInfoImpl;
import org.helenus.driver.impl.StatementImpl;
import org.helenus.driver.impl.StatementManagerImpl;
import org.helenus.driver.impl.TypeClassInfoImpl;
import org.helenus.driver.impl.UDTClassInfoImpl;
import org.helenus.driver.impl.UDTRootClassInfoImpl;
import org.helenus.driver.impl.UDTTypeClassInfoImpl;
import org.helenus.driver.info.ClassInfo;
import org.helenus.driver.info.FieldInfo;
import org.helenus.driver.info.TableInfo;
import org.helenus.driver.info.TypeClassInfo;
import org.helenus.driver.junit.util.ReflectionJUnitUtils;
import org.helenus.driver.junit.util.Strings;
import org.helenus.driver.persistence.Keyspace;
import org.helenus.driver.persistence.Table;
import org.helenus.util.function.ERunnable;
import org.junit.rules.MethodRule;
import org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod;
import org.junit.runners.model.Statement;
import org.yaml.snakeyaml.reader.UnicodeReader;
* The HelenusJUnit
class provides the JUnit 4 definition for a
* @Rule
service that will take care of initializing an embedded
* Cassandra server and the Helenus driver.
* Note: This file is largely based on cassandra-unit.
* @copyright 2015-2016 The Helenus Driver Project Authors
* @author The Helenus Driver Project Authors
* @version 1 - Jun 27, 2015 - paouelle - Creation
* @since 1.0
public class HelenusJUnit implements MethodRule {
* Holds the logger.
* @author paouelle
final static Logger logger = LogManager.getFormatterLogger(HelenusJUnit.class);
* Holds a trace prefix for all CQL statements traced.
* @author paouelle
final static String TRACE_PREFIX = "HELENUS-JUNIT ";
* Constant for the default timeout to wait for the Cassandra daemon to start
* before failing.
* @author paouelle
public final static long DEFAULT_STARTUP_TIMEOUT = 60000L;
* Constant for the default Cassandra configuration file which starts the
* Cassandra daemon on a random free port.
* @author paouelle
public final static String DEFAULT_CFG_FILE = "cassandra.yaml";
* Constant for the default runtime directory used by the embedded Cassandra
* daemon.
* @author paouelle
private final static String RUNTIME_DIR = "target/helenus-junit";
* Holds the regex pattern used to parse the Cassandra yaml configuration
* file in search of ports.
* @author paouelle
private static Pattern portPattern = Pattern.compile(
"^([a-z_]+_port:\\s*)([0-9]+)\\s*$", Pattern.MULTILINE
* Holds the regex pattern used to parse the Cassandra yaml configuration
* file in search of target directories.
* @author paouelle
private static Pattern targetPattern = Pattern.compile(
"^([a-z_]+:[\\s-]*)(target/helenus-junit)(.*)$", Pattern.MULTILINE
* Holds the thread group used to combine all Cassandra daemon threads
* together.
* @author paouelle
private static volatile ThreadGroup group = null;
* Holds the Cassandra config file name used to start the Cassandra daemon.
* @author paouelle
private static String config = null;
* Holds the optional fork number which can be used to run multiple JVMs in
* parallel to test. When specified, the directory used to store Cassandra's
* files will have the forkNumber appended to it.
* This can be used with the maven-surefire-plugin when using a fork count
* greater than 1 by setting the system property "fork" with
* "${surefire.forkNumber}".
* Maven Example:
* <argLine>-Dfork=${surefire.forkNumber}</argLine>
* @author paouelle
private static String fork = System.getProperty("fork", "");
* Holds the Cassandra daemon when started.
* @author paouelle
private static volatile CassandraDaemon daemon = null;
* Holds the Helenus statement manager when started.
* @author paouelle
private static StatementManagerUnitImpl manager = null;
* Holds the number of times to retry a read operation that timed out.
* Note: Defaults to none.
* @author paouelle
static volatile int numReadRetries = 0;
* Holds the number of times to retry a write operation that timed out.
* Note: Defaults to none.
* @author paouelle
static volatile int numWriteRetries = 0;
* Holds a flag to control whether to trace the full statement or part of it
* when it exceeds 2K in size.
* @author paouelle
private static volatile boolean fullTraces = false;
* Holds a flag indicating if all statements should be traced regardless of
* the statement tracing setting
* (see {@link org.helenus.driver.Statement#isTracing}).
* @author paouelle
private static volatile boolean allStatementTraces = false;
* Holds the keyspaces created so far via create schema statements.
* @author paouelle
private static final Set> keyspaces
= ConcurrentHashMap.newKeySet();
* Holds the tables created so far via create schema statements.
* @author paouelle
private static final Map, Set> tables
= new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
* Hold a set of pojo class for which we have loaded the schema definition
* onto the embedded cassandra database along with the complete set of initial
* objects to re-insert when resetting the schema. The value corresponds to a
* future's representation of the schema creation for the corresponding class.
* @author paouelle
static final Map, SchemaFuture> schemas = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
* Hold the complete set of initial objects to re-insert when resetting the
* schema along with the groups to do so.
* @author paouelle
static final Map, MutablePair, Group>> initials
= new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
* Holds a cache of class info structures created by previous test cases.
* @author paouelle
static final Map, ClassInfoImpl>> fromPreviousTestsCacheInfoCache
= new ConcurrentHashMap<>(64);
* Holds the test method currently running.
* @author paouelle
private static volatile FrameworkMethod method = null;
* Holds the test object on which the test method is currently running
* @author paouelle
private static volatile Object target = null;
* Holds the keyspace key values for the current test method keyed by keyspace
* key types.
* @author paouelle
private static volatile Map> keyspaceKeyValues = null;
* Holds the capture lists. Use a concurrent list.
* @author paouelle
static final List> captures
= new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();
* Holds the sent lists. Use a concurrent list.
* @author paouelle
static final List>> sent
= new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();
* Holds a depth counter indicating if capturing is enabled or not when greater
* than 0.
* @author paouelle
static final AtomicInteger capturing = new AtomicInteger(0);
* Holds a depth counter indicating if we are recursing within helenus-junit
* or not when greater than 0.
* @author paouelle
static final AtomicInteger recursing = new AtomicInteger(0);
* Holds a flag indicating if internal CQL statements should be traced or not.
* @author paouelle
static volatile boolean traceInternalCQL = false;
* Initializes tracing for the specified statement.
* @author paouelle
* @param s the statement to initializes traces for
* @return the same statement
private static > S initTrace(S s) {
if (HelenusJUnit.traceInternalCQL) {
return s;
* Gets the caller's information. This would be the information about the
* method that called this class first.
* @author paouelle
* @return the corresponding non-null
stack trace element
* @throws IllegalStateException if no outside method called this class
private static StackTraceElement getCallerInfo() {
final Exception e = new Exception();
for (final StackTraceElement ste: e.getStackTrace()) {
if (!HelenusJUnit.class.getName().equals(ste.getClassName())) {
return ste;
throw new IllegalStateException("missing caller's information");
* Reads the specified file fully based on the appropriate encoding.
* @author paouelle
* @param file the non-null
file to read
* @return a non-null
string of the complete content of the
* specified file
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs while reading the file
private static String readFully(File file) throws IOException {
try (
final FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file);
final UnicodeReader ur = new UnicodeReader(fis);
) {
return IOUtils.toString(ur);
* Updates the specified yaml config file by searching for ports configured
* with the value 0 and finding a free port to use instead.
* @author paouelle
* @param cfgfile the non-null
config file to update
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs while updating the config file
private static void update(File cfgfile) throws IOException {
final String yaml = HelenusJUnit.readFully(cfgfile);
final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(yaml.length() + 40);
final Matcher pm = HelenusJUnit.portPattern.matcher(yaml);
boolean updated = false; // until proven otherwise
while (pm.find()) {
final String pname = pm.group(1);
final int port = Integer.parseInt(pm.group(2));
if (port == 0) {
try (
final ServerSocket socket = new ServerSocket(0);
) {
pm.appendReplacement(sb, pname + socket.getLocalPort());
updated = true;
logger.info("Allocated free %s%d", pname, socket.getLocalPort());
} else {
pm.appendReplacement(sb, pm.group());
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(HelenusJUnit.fork)) {
final Matcher tm = HelenusJUnit.targetPattern.matcher(sb.toString());
while (tm.find()) {
final String pname = tm.group(1);
final String tname = tm.group(2);
final String rest = tm.group(3);
tm.appendReplacement(sb, pname + tname + '/' + HelenusJUnit.fork + rest);
updated = true;
if (updated) { // update the config file with the updated ports and/or target dirs
FileUtils.writeStringToFile(cfgfile, sb.toString(), "utf-8");
* Cleans up the Cassandra runtime directories if they exist and creates
* them if they do not exists.
* @author paouelle
private static void cleanupAndCreateCassandraDirectories() {
try {
DatabaseDescriptor.createAllDirectories(); // make sure they exist before cleanup up to avoid failures
final File dir = new File(DatabaseDescriptor.getCommitLogLocation());
if (!dir.exists()) {
throw new FileNotFoundException(
"missing cassandra commit directory: " + dir.getAbsolutePath()
for (final String dname: DatabaseDescriptor.getAllDataFileLocations()) {
final File d = new File(dname);
if (!d.exists()) {
throw new FileNotFoundException(
"missing cassandra data directory: " + d.getAbsolutePath()
CommitLog.instance.getContext(); // wait for commit log allocator instantiation to avoid hanging on a race condition
CommitLog.instance.resetUnsafe(true); // cleanup screws with CommitLog, this brings it back to safe state
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new AssertionError(e);
* Find the keyspace key values from the specified test definition that matches
* the specified pojo class.
* @author paouelle
* @param cinfo the non-null
pojo class information
* @return a non-null
collection of all keyspace key values keyed by
* their names based on the specified class info (each entry in the main
* collection provides another collection of all possible values for a
* given keyspace key)
private static Collection> getKeyspaceKeyValues(
ClassInfo> cinfo
) {
final Map> skvss = HelenusJUnit.keyspaceKeyValues;
if (skvss == null) {
return Collections.emptyList();
return skvss.entrySet().stream()
.map(e -> {
final FieldInfo> finfo = cinfo.getKeyspaceKeyByType(e.getKey());
if (finfo != null) { // pojo defines this keyspace key type
return e.getValue().stream()
.map(v -> new Strings(finfo.getKeyspaceKeyName(), v))
return null;
.filter(p -> p != null)
* Processes the {@link BeforeObjects} annotated methods by calling it and
* inserting all returned pojo objects into the database.
* @author paouelle
* @param group the non-null
group to insert the objects to
* create in
* @param m the non-null
method to invoke to get the initial objects
* @param bo the non-null
annotation for the method
* @param target the test object for which we are calling the method
* @param method the test method
* @param kkeys the map of keyspace keys to pass to the method
* @param onlyIfRequiresKeyspaceKeys true
if the method should
* not be called if it doesn't require keyspace keys
private static void processBeforeObjects(
Group group,
Method m,
BeforeObjects bo,
Object target,
FrameworkMethod method,
Map kkeys,
boolean onlyIfRequiresKeyspaceKeys
) {
if (!ArrayUtils.isEmpty(bo.value())
&& !ArrayUtils.contains(bo.value(), method.getName())) {
try {
final Class>[] cparms = m.getParameterTypes();
final Object ret;
// check if the method expects a map of keyspace keys
if (cparms.length == 0) { // doesn't care about keyspace keys
if (!onlyIfRequiresKeyspaceKeys) {
ret = m.invoke(target);
} else {
ret = null;
} else {
final Type[] tparms = m.getGenericParameterTypes();
if ((cparms.length != 1)
|| !Map.class.isAssignableFrom(cparms[0])
|| (tparms.length != 1)
|| !(tparms[0] instanceof ParameterizedType)) {
throw new AssertionError(
"expecting one Map parameter for @BeforeObjects method "
+ m.getName()
+ "("
+ m.getDeclaringClass().getName()
+ ")"
final ParameterizedType ptype = (ParameterizedType)tparms[0];
// maps will always have 2 arguments
for (final Type atype: ptype.getActualTypeArguments()) {
final Class> aclazz = ReflectionUtils.getRawClass(atype);
if (String.class != aclazz) {
throw new AssertionError(
"expecting one Map parameter for @BeforeObjects method "
+ m.getName()
+ "("
+ m.getDeclaringClass().getName()
+ ")"
ret = m.invoke(target, kkeys);
HelenusJUnit.processObjects(group, ret);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) { // should not happen
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
final Throwable t = e.getTargetException();
if (t instanceof Error) {
throw (Error)t;
} else if (t instanceof RuntimeException) {
throw (RuntimeException)t;
} else { // we don't expect any of those
throw new IllegalStateException(t);
* Processes the returned object as a {@link Collection}, {@link Stream},
* {@link Iterator}, {@link Enumeration}, {@link Iterable}, or a single object
* and insert the object(s) in the specified batch.
* @author paouelle
* @param group the non-null
group to insert the objects to
* create in
* @param ret the return object to process
private static void processObjects(Group group, Object ret) {
if (ret == null) { // nothing to do
// validate the return type is either an array, a collection, or a stream
final Class> type = ret.getClass();
if (type.isArray()) {
final int l = Array.getLength(ret);
for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) {
StatementBuilder.insert(Array.get(ret, i)).intoAll()
} else if (ret instanceof Collection) {
((Collection)ret).forEach(o -> {
} else if (ret instanceof Stream) {
((Stream)ret).forEach(o -> StatementBuilder.insert(o).intoAll());
} else if (ret instanceof Iterator) {
for (final Iterator> i = (Iterator>)ret; i.hasNext(); ) {
} else if (ret instanceof Enumeration>) {
for (final Enumeration> e = (Enumeration>)ret; e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
} else if (ret instanceof Iterable) {
for (final Iterator> i = ((Iterable>)ret).iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
} else {
* Processes all methods annotated with @BeforeObjects for the current test
* target object.
* @author paouelle
private static void processBeforeObjects() {
final Object target = HelenusJUnit.target;
final FrameworkMethod method = HelenusJUnit.method;
if ((target == null) || (method == null)) {
final Map> kkeys = HelenusJUnit.keyspaceKeyValues;
final Collection> keyspaceKeysByTypes;
if (kkeys != null) {
keyspaceKeysByTypes = kkeys.entrySet().stream()
.map(e -> e.getValue().stream()
.map(v -> new Strings(e.getKey(), v))
} else {
keyspaceKeysByTypes = Collections.emptyList();
final Map methods = ReflectionUtils.getAllAnnotationsForMethodsAnnotatedWith(
target.getClass(), BeforeObjects.class, true
final Group group = HelenusJUnit.initTrace(StatementBuilder.group());
if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(keyspaceKeysByTypes)) {
// no keyspace keys so call with empty map of keyspace keys
(m, bos) -> HelenusJUnit.processBeforeObjects(
group, m, bos[0], target, method, Collections.emptyMap(), false // BeforeObjects is not repeatable so only 1 in array
} else {
boolean keyspace = false; // only the first time we call them
for (final Iterator> i = new CombinationIterator<>(Strings.class, keyspaceKeysByTypes); i.hasNext(); ) {
final List ikkeys = i.next();
final Map kkeyvalues = new HashMap<>(ikkeys.size() * 3 / 2);
final boolean oirs = keyspace;
ikkeys.forEach(ss -> kkeyvalues.put(ss.key, ss.value));
(m, bos) -> HelenusJUnit.processBeforeObjects(
group, m, bos[0], target, method, kkeyvalues, oirs // BeforeObjects is not repeatable so only 1 in array
keyspace = true; // from now on, only call those that requires keyspace keys
* Starts the embedded Cassandra daemon and the Helenus statement manager.
* @author paouelle
* @param cfgname the non-null
cassandra config resource name
* @param timeout the timeout to wait for the Cassandra daemon to start
* before failing
* @throws AssertionError if an error occurs while starting everything
private static synchronized void start0(String cfgname, long timeout) {
if (HelenusJUnit.config != null) {
// check if we are starting it with the same config
if (HelenusJUnit.config.equals(cfgname)) {
// logger.debug("Helenus already started using configuration '%s'", cfgname);
throw new AssertionError(
"Helenus cannot be started again with a different configuration"
try {
HelenusJUnit.config = cfgname;
final File dir;
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(HelenusJUnit.fork)) {
logger.info("Starting Helenus...");
dir = new File(HelenusJUnit.RUNTIME_DIR);
} else {
logger.info("Starting Helenus fork #%s...", HelenusJUnit.fork);
dir = new File(HelenusJUnit.RUNTIME_DIR + File.separatorChar + HelenusJUnit.fork);
// make sure the config resource is absolute
cfgname = StringUtils.prependIfMissing(cfgname, "/");
final File cfgfile = new File(
dir, cfgname.substring(cfgname.lastIndexOf('/'))
// cleanup the runtime directory
// create the runtime directory
// copy the resource config to the runtime directory
final InputStream cfgis = HelenusJUnit.class.getResourceAsStream(cfgname);
if (cfgis == null) {
throw new AssertionError("failed to locate config resource: " + cfgname);
FileUtils.copyInputStreamToFile(cfgis, cfgfile);
// now update the config with appropriate port numbers if random ports are requested
// and to update the runtime directory if forking
// update system properties for cassandra
System.setProperty("cassandra.config", "file:" + cfgfile.getAbsolutePath());
System.setProperty("cassandra-foreground", "true");
System.setProperty("cassandra.native.epoll.enabled", "false"); // JNA doesn't cope with relocated netty
// create a thread group for all Cassandra threads to be able to detect them
HelenusJUnit.group = new ThreadGroup("Cassandra Daemon Group") {
public void uncaughtException(Thread t, Throwable e) {
logger.error("uncaught exception from cassandra daemon thread '" + t.getName() + "': ", e);
super.uncaughtException(t, e);
// startup the cassandra daemon
final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
final AtomicReference failed = new AtomicReference<>(); // until proven otherwise
final Thread thread = new Thread(
new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
// make sure the Cassandra runtime directories exists and are cleaned up
HelenusJUnit.daemon = new CassandraDaemon();
} catch (RuntimeException|Error e) {
HelenusJUnit.daemon = null;
throw e;
} finally {
// wait for the Cassandra daemon to start properly
try {
if (!latch.await(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) {
"Cassandra daemon failed to start within "
+ timeout
+ "ms; increase the timeout"
Thread.getAllStackTraces().forEach((t, se) -> {
if (HelenusJUnit.isCassandraDaemonThread(t)) {
for (final StackTraceElement te: se) {
logger.error("\tat %s", te);
logger.error("Cassandra daemon failed to start within timeout");
throw new AssertionError(
"cassandra daemon failed to start within timeout"
final Throwable t = failed.get();
if (t != null) {
logger.error("Cassandra daemon failed to start; %s", t);
throw new AssertionError(
"cassandra daemon failed to start", t
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
logger.error("interrupted waiting for cassandra daemon to start", e);
throw new AssertionError(e);
} finally {
final String host = DatabaseDescriptor.getRpcAddress().getHostName();
final int port = DatabaseDescriptor.getNativeTransportPort();
logger.info("Cassandra started on '%s:%d'", host, port);
// finally initializes helenus
try {
HelenusJUnit.manager = new StatementManagerUnitImpl(
.withQueryOptions(new QueryOptions().setRefreshSchemaIntervalMillis(0)) // disable debouncing schema updates since we are unit testing!
.withRetryPolicy(new LoggingRetryPolicy(new RetryPolicy() {
public RetryDecision onReadTimeout(
com.datastax.driver.core.Statement statement,
ConsistencyLevel cl,
int requiredResponses,
int receivedResponses,
boolean dataRetrieved,
int nbRetry
) {
if (nbRetry < HelenusJUnit.numReadRetries) {
return RetryDecision.rethrow();
return RetryDecision.retry(cl);
public RetryDecision onWriteTimeout(
com.datastax.driver.core.Statement statement,
ConsistencyLevel cl,
WriteType writeType,
int requiredAcks,
int receivedAcks,
int nbRetry
) {
if (nbRetry < HelenusJUnit.numWriteRetries) {
return RetryDecision.rethrow();
return RetryDecision.retry(cl);
public RetryDecision onUnavailable(
com.datastax.driver.core.Statement statement,
ConsistencyLevel cl,
int requiredReplica,
int aliveReplica,
int nbRetry
) {
return RetryDecision.rethrow();
if (HelenusJUnit.fullTraces) {
} else {
if (HelenusJUnit.allStatementTraces) {
} else {
} catch (SecurityException e) {
// this shouldn't happen unless someone mocked the StatementManager class
// or registered a manager of their own
logger.error("Failed to install Helenus statement manager as one is already registered (maybe through mocking)");
// use reflection to dump info about it
try {
final Field f = StatementManager.class.getDeclaredField("manager");
final Object mgr = f.get(null);
logger.error("*** manager: %s", mgr);
Class> c = mgr.getClass();
while (c != null) {
logger.debug("*** class: %s", c);
c = c.getSuperclass();
for (final Class> ci: mgr.getClass().getInterfaces()) {
logger.debug("*** interface: %s", ci);
for (final Field cf: mgr.getClass().getDeclaredFields()) {
logger.debug("*** field(%s): %s", cf.getName(), cf.get(mgr));
} catch (Throwable t) {} // ignore
throw new AssertionError("failed to install Helenus statement manager", e);
} catch(ThreadDeath|StackOverflowError|OutOfMemoryError e) {
HelenusJUnit.config = null;
HelenusJUnit.group = null;
HelenusJUnit.daemon = null;
HelenusJUnit.manager = null;
throw e;
} catch (AssertionError e) {
HelenusJUnit.config = null;
HelenusJUnit.group = null;
HelenusJUnit.manager = null;
if (HelenusJUnit.daemon != null) {
try {
} catch (ThreadDeath|StackOverflowError|OutOfMemoryError ee) {
throw ee;
} catch (Throwable tt) { // ignore
} finally {
HelenusJUnit.daemon = null;
throw e;
} catch (Throwable t) {
HelenusJUnit.config = null;
HelenusJUnit.group = null;
HelenusJUnit.manager = null;
if (HelenusJUnit.daemon != null) {
try {
} catch (ThreadDeath|StackOverflowError|OutOfMemoryError ee) {
throw ee;
} catch (Throwable tt) { // ignore
} finally {
HelenusJUnit.daemon = null;
throw new AssertionError("failed to start Cassandra daemon", t);
* Clears the schema for the specified class info.
* @author paouelle
* @param the type of pojo being cleared
* @param cinfo the class info to clear the schema
* @param group the group to record all statements
* @throws AssertionError if a failure occurs while clearing the schema
private static void clearSchema0(ClassInfoImpl cinfo, Group group) {
if (cinfo instanceof UDTClassInfoImpl) { // nothing to reset but we want the above trace
try {
HelenusJUnit.capturing.incrementAndGet(); // disable temporarily capturing
HelenusJUnit.recursing.incrementAndGet(); // enable temporarily recursing
// find all keyspace keys that are defined for this classes
final Collection> kkeys = ((target != null)
? HelenusJUnit.getKeyspaceKeyValues(cinfo)
: null
// since we already created the schema, we should have the right number of keyspace keys
// now generate as many insert statements for each initial object as
// required by the combination of all keyspace key values
if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(kkeys)) {
// no keyspace keys so just the one truncate
} else {
for (final Iterator> i = new CombinationIterator<>(Strings.class, kkeys); i.hasNext(); ) {
final Truncate truncate = HelenusJUnit.initTrace(
// pass all required keyspace keys
for (final Strings ss: i.next()) {
// register the keyspace key value with the corresponding keyspace key name
try {
truncate.where(StatementBuilder.eq(ss.key, ss.value));
} catch (ExcludedKeyspaceKeyException e) {// ignore this combination
continue next_combination;
} catch (AssertionError|ThreadDeath|StackOverflowError|OutOfMemoryError e) {
throw e;
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw new AssertionError(
"failed to clear schema for "
+ cinfo.getObjectClass().getSimpleName(),
} finally {
HelenusJUnit.recursing.decrementAndGet(); // restore previous recursing setting
HelenusJUnit.capturing.decrementAndGet(); // restore previous capturing setting
* Clears the database and the Helenus driver by completely resetting them to
* the same state they was before the previous test case.
* @author paouelle
* @throws AssertionError if a failure occurs while cleanup
private static synchronized void fullClear0() {
final StatementManagerUnitImpl mgr = HelenusJUnit.manager;
if (mgr != null) {
try {
// first drop all non-system keyspaces
for (final KeyspaceMetadata keyspace: HelenusJUnit.manager.getCluster().getMetadata().getKeyspaces()) {
final String kname = keyspace.getName();
if (!"system".equals(kname)
&& !"system_auth".equals(kname)
&& !"system_traces".equals(kname)) {
mgr.getSession().execute("DROP KEYSPACE " + kname);
// make sure to also clear the pojo class info in order to force the dependencies
// to other pojos to be re-created when they are referenced
} catch (AssertionError|ThreadDeath|StackOverflowError|OutOfMemoryError e) {
throw e;
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw new AssertionError("failed to clean Cassandra database", t);
// clear the cache of schemas
// clear anything we remembered from the previous test cases
// clear all initials objects
* Clears the database and the Helenus driver by partially resetting them to a
* similar state they were before the previous test case.
* @author paouelle
* @throws AssertionError if a failure occurs while cleanup
private static synchronized void clear0() {
final StatementManagerUnitImpl mgr = HelenusJUnit.manager;
if (mgr != null) {
try {
// start by truncating all loaded pojo tables
final Group group = HelenusJUnit.initTrace(StatementBuilder.group());
.filter(c -> !(c instanceof TypeClassInfo))
.collect(Collectors.toSet()) // force a snapshot
.forEach(c -> HelenusJUnit.clearSchema0(c, group));
// next preserve all class infos already cached
.forEach(c -> HelenusJUnit.fromPreviousTestsCacheInfoCache.put(
c.getObjectClass(), c
// make sure to also clear the pojo class info in order to force the dependencies
// to other pojos to be re-created when they are referenced
// force a flush and a compaction of all keyspaces
for (final String ks: StorageService.instance.getKeyspaces()) {
if (!ks.startsWith(SystemKeyspace.NAME)) { // skip system keyspaces
logger.debug("Flushing and compacting keyspace: %s", ks);
StorageService.instance.forceKeyspaceCompaction(false, ks);
} catch (AssertionError|ThreadDeath|StackOverflowError|OutOfMemoryError e) {
throw e;
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw new AssertionError("failed to clean Cassandra database", t);
// clear the cache of schemas
* Creates the schema for the specified pojo class onto the embedded Cassandra
* database.
* @author paouelle
* @param the class of POJO to have the schema created
* @param cinfo the class info already defined by the manager
* @return cinfo
* @throws NullPointerException if cinfo
is null
* @throws AssertionError if a failure occurs while creating the schema
static ClassInfoImpl createSchema0(ClassInfoImpl cinfo) {
org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate.notNull(cinfo, "invalid null class info");
final Class clazz = cinfo.getObjectClass();
// check whether the schema for this pojo has already been loaded
final SchemaFuture result = new SchemaFuture(true, clazz);
final SchemaFuture future = HelenusJUnit.schemas.putIfAbsent(cinfo.getObjectClass(), result);
if (future != null) { // another thread is creating this schema so wait for it to complete
return cinfo; // done
} // else - we are in charge of creating the schema!!!
try {
logger.debug("Creating schema for %s", clazz.getSimpleName());
HelenusJUnit.capturing.incrementAndGet(); // disable temporarily capturing
HelenusJUnit.recursing.incrementAndGet(); // enable temporarily recursing
// find all keyspace keys that are defined for this classes
final Collection> kkeys = ((target != null)
? HelenusJUnit.getKeyspaceKeyValues(cinfo)
: null
// now check if we have the right number of keyspace keys as if we don't, we
// cannot create this schema
if (cinfo.getNumKeyspaceKeys() != CollectionUtils.size(kkeys)) {
throw new AssertionError(
"unable to create schema for '"
+ clazz.getSimpleName()
+ "'; missing required keyspace keys"
// now generate as many create schemas statement as required by the combination
// of all keyspace key values, at the same time compile separately the complete
// list of initial objects so we have it already computed the next time
// we reset the schema for this clazz
final boolean initialsOnly = ((cinfo instanceof TypeClassInfoImpl) && !((TypeClassInfoImpl>)cinfo).isDynamic());
final List initials = new ArrayList<>();
final Sequence sequence = StatementBuilder.sequence();
// create one group to aggregate all create table, index, type, and initial objects
// create groups to aggregate all create keyspaces, table, create index, and initial objects
final GroupImpl kgroup = HelenusJUnit.initTrace((GroupImpl)StatementBuilder.group());
final GroupImpl tgroup = HelenusJUnit.initTrace((GroupImpl)StatementBuilder.group());
final GroupImpl igroup = HelenusJUnit.initTrace((GroupImpl)StatementBuilder.group());
final GroupImpl ygroup = HelenusJUnit.initTrace((GroupImpl)StatementBuilder.group());
final GroupImpl group = HelenusJUnit.initTrace((GroupImpl)StatementBuilder.group());
if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(kkeys)) {
if (initialsOnly) {
// no need to create the schema as it would have already been created
// by the root, we only need to insert initial objects, done later
} else {
// no keyspace keys so just the one create schema required
final CreateSchemaImpl> cs = HelenusJUnit.initTrace(
if (!initialsOnly) {
// safe to combine types since we are creating only one type anyway
HelenusJUnit.keyspaces, HelenusJUnit.tables, kgroup, tgroup, igroup, ygroup, group
} else {
for (final Iterator> i = new CombinationIterator<>(Strings.class, kkeys); i.hasNext(); ) {
final CreateSchemaImpl> cs = HelenusJUnit.initTrace(
// pass all required keyspace keys
for (final Strings ss: i.next()) {
// register the keyspace key value with the corresponding keyspace key name
try {
cs.where(StatementBuilder.eq(ss.key, ss.value));
} catch (ExcludedKeyspaceKeyException e) { // ignore this combination
continue next_combination;
if (!initialsOnly) {
// safe to combine types since we are creating only one type anyway
// for multiple keyspaces
HelenusJUnit.keyspaces, HelenusJUnit.tables, kgroup, tgroup, igroup, ygroup, group
HelenusJUnit.initials.put(clazz, MutablePair.of(initials, null)); // cache all initials objects for next time
if (initialsOnly) {
// no need to create the schema as it would have already been created
// by the root, we only need to insert initial objects now that we have
// cached the set of initial objects, reset the schema to get them
// inserted which is done for Type POJOs only
resetSchema0(cinfo, result);
} else {
if (!kgroup.isEmpty()) {
if (!ygroup.isEmpty()) {
if (!tgroup.isEmpty()) {
if (!igroup.isEmpty()) {
if (!group.isEmpty()) {
result.completed(); // done with creating the schema
return cinfo;
} catch (AssertionError|ThreadDeath|StackOverflowError|OutOfMemoryError e) {
// make sure to remove cached schema indicator
throw result.failed(e); // failed creating the schema
} catch (Throwable t) {
// make sure to remove cached schema indicator
throw result.failed(t); // failed creating the schema
} finally {
HelenusJUnit.recursing.decrementAndGet(); // restore previous recursing setting
HelenusJUnit.capturing.decrementAndGet(); // restore previous capturing setting
* Resets the schema for the specified class info.
* @author paouelle
* @param the type of pojo being reset
* @param cinfo the class info to reset the schema
* @param result the result where to record the completion or null
* to check if it is in progress and update our own result
* @throws NullPointerException if cinfo
is null
* @throws AssertionError if a failure occurs while reseting the schema
static void resetSchema0(
ClassInfoImpl cinfo, SchemaFuture result
) {
org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate.notNull(cinfo, "invalid null class info");
final Class clazz = cinfo.getObjectClass();
if (result == null) {
final SchemaFuture myresult = new SchemaFuture(false, clazz);
final SchemaFuture future = HelenusJUnit.schemas.putIfAbsent(
cinfo.getObjectClass(), myresult
if (future != null) { // another thread is resetting this schema so wait for it to complete
return; // done
} // else - we are in charge of resetting the schema!!!
logger.debug("Resetting schema for %s", clazz.getSimpleName());
result = myresult; // continue with our results
} // else - we are in charge of resetting the schema!!!
try {
HelenusJUnit.capturing.incrementAndGet(); // disable temporarily capturing
HelenusJUnit.recursing.incrementAndGet(); // enable temporarily recursing
MutablePair, Group> p = HelenusJUnit.initials.get(clazz);
final Group group;
if (p == null) {
// hum! it means that somehow the schema was created but we didn't
// have time to compute the initial objects - so let's do it here
// find all keyspace keys that are defined for this classes
final Collection> kkeys = ((target != null)
? HelenusJUnit.getKeyspaceKeyValues(cinfo)
: null
final boolean initialsOnly = ((cinfo instanceof TypeClassInfoImpl) && !((TypeClassInfoImpl>)cinfo).isDynamic());
final List initials = new ArrayList<>();
if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(kkeys)) {
if (!initialsOnly) {
// no keyspace keys so just the one schema required
final CreateSchemaImpl> cs = HelenusJUnit.initTrace(
} else {
for (final Iterator> i = new CombinationIterator<>(Strings.class, kkeys); i.hasNext(); ) {
final CreateSchemaImpl> cs = HelenusJUnit.initTrace(
// pass all required keyspace keys
for (final Strings ss: i.next()) {
// register the keyspace key value with the corresponding keyspace key name
try {
cs.where(StatementBuilder.eq(ss.key, ss.value));
} catch (ExcludedKeyspaceKeyException e) { // ignore this combination
continue next_combination;
p = MutablePair.of(initials, null);
HelenusJUnit.initials.put(clazz, p); // cache all initials objects for next time
if (p.getRight() != null) {
group = p.getRight();
} else {
group = HelenusJUnit.initTrace(StatementBuilder.group());
for (final Object io: p.getLeft()) {
p.setRight(group); // cache the group for next time
result.completed(); // done with resetting the schema
} catch (AssertionError|ThreadDeath|StackOverflowError|OutOfMemoryError e) {
// make sure to remove cached schema indicator
throw result.failed(e); // failed resetting the schema
} catch (Throwable t) {
// make sure to remove cached schema indicator
throw result.failed(t); // failed resetting the schema
} finally {
HelenusJUnit.recursing.decrementAndGet(); // restore previous recursing setting
HelenusJUnit.capturing.decrementAndGet(); // restore previous capturing setting
* Checks if the specified thread is a Cassandra daemon thread.
* @author paouelle
* @param thread the thread to check if it is a Cassandra daemon thread
* @return true
if the specified is a Cassandra daemon thread;
* false
if it is not
public static boolean isCassandraDaemonThread(Thread thread) {
if (thread != null) {
ThreadGroup group = thread.getThreadGroup();
while (group != null) {
if (group == HelenusJUnit.group) {
return true;
group = group.getParent();
return false;
* Holds the Cassandra config file name.
* @author paouelle
private final String cfgname;
* Holds the startup timeout to wait for the Cassandra daemon to start before
* failing.
* @author paouelle
private final long timeout;
* Instantiates a new HelenusJUnit
* Note: Defaults to 60 seconds timeout to wait for the Cassandra
* daemon to start on a free port before failing.
* @author paouelle
public HelenusJUnit() {
* Instantiates a new HelenusJUnit
* Note: Starts the Cassandra daemon on a free port before failing.
* @author paouelle
* @param timeout the maximum amount of time in milliseconds to wait for
* Cassandra daemon to start before failing
public HelenusJUnit(long timeout) {
this(HelenusJUnit.DEFAULT_CFG_FILE, timeout);
* Instantiates a new HelenusJUnit
* @author paouelle
* @param cfgname the config file resource name to use to initialize the
* Cassandra daemon
* @param timeout the maximum amount of time in milliseconds to wait for
* Cassandra daemon to start before failing
* @throws NullPointerException if cfgname
is null
public HelenusJUnit(String cfgname, long timeout) {
org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate.notNull(cfgname, "invalid null config file");
this.cfgname = cfgname;
this.timeout = timeout;
* Called to initialize the Helenus/Cassandra environment.
* @author paouelle
* @param method the test method to be run
* @param target the test object on which the method will be run
* @throws AssertionError if an error occurs while initializing the cassandra
* daemon or the helenus statement manager
protected void before(FrameworkMethod method, Object target) {
final Map> kkeys = new LinkedHashMap<>(12);
synchronized (HelenusJUnit.class) {
// make sure we are not running another test case
if (HelenusJUnit.method != null) {
throw logger.throwing(new AssertionError(
"already running test case "
+ method.getName()
+ "("
+ method.getDeclaringClass().getName()
+ ")"
try {
// start embedded cassandra daemon
HelenusJUnit.start0(cfgname, timeout);
HelenusJUnit.method = method;
HelenusJUnit.target = target;
for (final PartitionKeyValues skvs: ReflectionJUnitUtils.getAnnotationsByType(
method.getMethod(), PartitionKeyValues.class
)) {
skvs.type(), (t, s) -> {
if (s == null) {
s = new LinkedHashSet<>(Math.max(1, skvs.values().length) * 3 / 2);
for (final String v: skvs.values()) {
return s;
HelenusJUnit.keyspaceKeyValues = kkeys;
// finally cleanup the database for this new test
} catch (AssertionError|ThreadDeath|StackOverflowError|OutOfMemoryError e) {
// make sure to cleanup
HelenusJUnit.method = null;
HelenusJUnit.target = null;
logger.error("Failed to start Cassandra daemon", e);
// System.exit(200); // force an exit!!!
throw e;
} catch (Throwable t) {
// make sure to cleanup
HelenusJUnit.method = null;
HelenusJUnit.target = null;
logger.error("Failed to start Cassandra daemon", t);
// System.exit(200); // force an exit!!!
throw new AssertionError("failed to start Cassandra daemon", t);
} finally {
try {
HelenusJUnit.capturing.incrementAndGet(); // disable temporarily capturing (also used for recursion detection)
HelenusJUnit.recursing.incrementAndGet(); // enable temporarily recursing
// Process all @BeforeObjects methods found
} catch (AssertionError|ThreadDeath|StackOverflowError|OutOfMemoryError e) {
// make sure to cleanup
HelenusJUnit.method = null;
HelenusJUnit.target = null;
throw e;
} catch (Throwable t) {
// make sure to cleanup
HelenusJUnit.method = null;
HelenusJUnit.target = null;
throw new AssertionError("failed to install @BeforeObjects objects into Cassandra", t);
} finally {
* Called to tear down the Helenus/Cassandra environment.
* @author paouelle
* @param method the test method to be run
* @param target the test object on which the method will be run
protected void after(FrameworkMethod method, Object target) {
// clear the current test description
synchronized (HelenusJUnit.class) {
if ((HelenusJUnit.method == method)
&& (HelenusJUnit.target == target)) { // should always be true
HelenusJUnit.method = null;
HelenusJUnit.target = null;
* Sets the number of times to retry a read or write operation that timed out.
* Note: Defaults to none.
* @author paouelle
* @param retries the number of times to retry a read or write operation that
* timed out
public void setNumberRetries(int retries) {
HelenusJUnit.numReadRetries = retries;
HelenusJUnit.numWriteRetries = retries;
* Sets the number of times to retry a read operation that timed out.
* Note: Defaults to none.
* @author paouelle
* @param retries the number of times to retry a read operation that timed out
public void setNumberReadRetries(int retries) {
HelenusJUnit.numReadRetries = retries;
* Sets the number of times to retry a write operation that timed out.
* Note: Defaults to none.
* @author paouelle
* @param retries the number of times to retry a write operation that timed out
public void setNumberWriteRetries(int retries) {
HelenusJUnit.numWriteRetries = retries;
* Enables internal CQL statements tracing.
* @author paouelle
public void enableInternalCQLTracing() {
HelenusJUnit.traceInternalCQL = true;
* Disables internal CQL statements tracing.
* @author paouelle
public void disableInternalCQLTracing() {
HelenusJUnit.traceInternalCQL = false;
* Enables tracing large statements beyond 2K.
* @author paouelle
public void enableFullTraces() {
HelenusJUnit.fullTraces = true;
if (HelenusJUnit.manager != null) {
* Disables tracing large statements beyond 2K.
* @author paouelle
public void disableFullTraces() {
HelenusJUnit.fullTraces = false;
if (HelenusJUnit.manager != null) {
* Enables all statements to be traced regardless of the statement tracing
* setting (see {@link org.helenus.driver.Statement#isTracing}).
* @author paouelle
public void enableAllStatementsTraces() {
HelenusJUnit.allStatementTraces = true;
if (HelenusJUnit.manager != null) {
* Disables all statements to be traced automatically regardless of the
* statement tracing setting (see {@link org.helenus.driver.Statement#isTracing}).
* @author paouelle
public void disableAllStatementsTraces() {
HelenusJUnit.allStatementTraces = false;
if (HelenusJUnit.manager != null) {
* {@inheritDoc}
* @author paouelle
* @see org.junit.rules.MethodRule#apply(org.junit.runners.model.Statement, org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod, java.lang.Object)
public Statement apply(Statement base, FrameworkMethod method, Object target) {
return new Statement() {
public void evaluate() throws Throwable {
before(method, target);
try {
} finally {
after(method, target);
* Clears the database and the Helenus layer by resetting them to the same
* state they were before the previous test case.
* @author paouelle
* @return this for chaining
* @throws AssertionError if a failure occurs while cleanup
public HelenusJUnit clear() {
logger.debug("Clearing all schemas");
return this;
* Creates the schema for the specified pojo class onto the embedded Cassandra
* database.
* @author paouelle
* @param clazz the pojo class for which to create the schema
* @throws NullPointerException if clazz
is null
* @return this for chaining
* @throws AssertionError if a failure occurs while creating the schema
public HelenusJUnit createSchema(Class> clazz) {
return this;
* Populates the database with objects returned by the specified supplier.
* Note: The supplier can return an array, a {@link Collection},
* an {@link Iterable}, an {@link Iterator}, an {@link Enumeration}, or a
* {@link Stream} of pojo objects or a single object to insert in the database.
* @author paouelle
* @param objs the supplier of objects to populate the database with
* @return this for chaining
* @throws AssertionError if any error occurs
public HelenusJUnit populate(Supplier super Object> objs) {
if (objs == null) {
return this;
try {
HelenusJUnit.capturing.incrementAndGet(); // disable temporarily capturing
final Group group = HelenusJUnit.initTrace(StatementBuilder.group());
HelenusJUnit.processObjects(group, objs.get());
} catch (AssertionError|ThreadDeath|StackOverflowError|OutOfMemoryError e) {
throw e;
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw new AssertionError("failed to populate objects", t);
} finally {
HelenusJUnit.capturing.decrementAndGet(); // restore previous capturing setting
return this;
* Populates the database with objects returned by the specified function. This
* version of the populate()
allows one to receive a map of all
* keyspace key values defined in the test environment using the
* {@link PartitionKeyValues} annotations. As such, the function might be called
* multiple times with each combination of keyspace key values.
* Note: The function can return an array, a {@link Collection},
* an {@link Iterable}, an {@link Iterator}, an {@link Enumeration}, or a
* {@link Stream} of pojo objects or a single object to insert in the database.
* @author paouelle
* @param objs the function to receive a map of keyspace key values and return
* objects to populate the database with
* @return this for chaining
* @throws AssertionError if any error occurs
public HelenusJUnit populate(Function, ? super Object> objs) {
if (objs == null) {
return this;
try {
HelenusJUnit.capturing.incrementAndGet(); // disable temporarily capturing
final Map> kkeysValues = HelenusJUnit.keyspaceKeyValues;
final Collection> kkeysByTypes;
if (kkeysValues != null) {
kkeysByTypes = kkeysValues.entrySet().stream()
.map(e -> e.getValue().stream()
.map(v -> new Strings(e.getKey(), v))
} else {
kkeysByTypes = Collections.emptyList();
final Group group = HelenusJUnit.initTrace(StatementBuilder.group());
if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(kkeysByTypes)) {
// no keyspace keys so call with empty map of keyspace keys
HelenusJUnit.processObjects(group, objs.apply(Collections.emptyMap()));
} else {
for (final Iterator> i = new CombinationIterator<>(Strings.class, kkeysByTypes); i.hasNext(); ) {
final List ikkeys = i.next();
final Map kkeys = new HashMap<>(ikkeys.size() * 3 / 2);
ikkeys.forEach(ss -> kkeys.put(ss.key, ss.value));
HelenusJUnit.processObjects(group, objs.apply(kkeys));
} catch (AssertionError|ThreadDeath|StackOverflowError|OutOfMemoryError e) {
throw e;
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw new AssertionError("failed to populate objects", t);
} finally {
HelenusJUnit.capturing.decrementAndGet(); // restore previous capturing setting
return this;
* Populates the database with the specified objects.
* @author paouelle
* @param objs the objects to populate the database with
* @return this for chaining
* @throws AssertionError if any error occurs
public HelenusJUnit populate(Object... objs) {
if (objs == null) {
return this;
return populate(Stream.of(objs));
* Populates the database with the specified objects.
* @author paouelle
* @param objs the objects to populate the database with
* @return this for chaining
* @throws AssertionError if any error occurs
public HelenusJUnit populate(Iterable super Object> objs) {
if (objs == null) {
return this;
return populate(objs.iterator());
* Populates the database with the specified objects.
* @author paouelle
* @param objs the objects to populate the database with
* @return this for chaining
* @throws AssertionError if any error occurs
public HelenusJUnit populate(Iterator super Object> objs) {
if (objs == null) {
return this;
try {
HelenusJUnit.capturing.incrementAndGet(); // disable temporarily capturing
final Group group = HelenusJUnit.initTrace(StatementBuilder.group());
while (objs.hasNext()) {
} catch (AssertionError|ThreadDeath|StackOverflowError|OutOfMemoryError e) {
throw e;
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw new AssertionError("failed to populate objects", t);
} finally {
HelenusJUnit.capturing.decrementAndGet(); // restore previous capturing setting
return this;
* Populates the database with the specified objects.
* @author paouelle
* @param objs the objects to populate the database with
* @return this for chaining
* @throws AssertionError if any error occurs
public HelenusJUnit populate(Stream super Object> objs) {
if (objs == null) {
return this;
try {
HelenusJUnit.capturing.incrementAndGet(); // disable temporarily capturing
final Group group = HelenusJUnit.initTrace(StatementBuilder.group());
objs.forEachOrdered(o -> group.add(HelenusJUnit.initTrace(
} catch (AssertionError|ThreadDeath|StackOverflowError|OutOfMemoryError e) {
throw e;
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw new AssertionError("failed to populate objects", t);
} finally {
HelenusJUnit.capturing.decrementAndGet(); // restore previous capturing setting
return this;
* Truncates all tables for the specified pojo classes from the database.
* @author paouelle
* @param classes the pojo classes for which to truncate all the tables
* content
* @return this for chaining
* @throws AssertionError if any error occurs
public HelenusJUnit truncate(Class>... classes) {
if (classes == null) {
return this;
return truncate(Stream.of(classes));
* Truncates all tables for the specified pojo classes from the database.
* @author paouelle
* @param classes the pojo classes for which to truncate all the tables
* content
* @return this for chaining
* @throws AssertionError if any error occurs
public HelenusJUnit truncate(Iterable> classes) {
if (classes == null) {
return this;
return truncate(classes.iterator());
* Truncates all tables for the specified pojo classes from the database.
* @author paouelle
* @param classes the pojo classes for which to truncate all the tables
* content
* @return this for chaining
* @throws AssertionError if any error occurs
public HelenusJUnit truncate(Iterator> classes) {
if (classes == null) {
return this;
try {
HelenusJUnit.capturing.incrementAndGet(); // disable temporarily capturing
final Group group = HelenusJUnit.initTrace(StatementBuilder.group());
while (classes.hasNext()) {
} catch (AssertionError|ThreadDeath|StackOverflowError|OutOfMemoryError e) {
throw e;
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw new AssertionError("failed to truncate classes", t);
} finally {
HelenusJUnit.capturing.decrementAndGet(); // restore previous capturing setting
return this;
* Truncates all tables for the specified pojo classes from the database.
* @author paouelle
* @param classes the pojo classes for which to truncate all the tables
* content
* @return this for chaining
* @throws AssertionError if any error occurs
public HelenusJUnit truncate(Stream> classes) {
if (classes == null) {
return this;
try {
HelenusJUnit.capturing.incrementAndGet(); // disable temporarily capturing
final Group group = HelenusJUnit.initTrace(StatementBuilder.group());
classes.forEach(c -> {
final ClassInfo> cinfo = StatementBuilder.getClassInfo(c);
// find all keyspace keys that are defined for this classes
final Collection> kkeys = ((target != null)
? HelenusJUnit.getKeyspaceKeyValues(cinfo)
: null
// since we already created the schema, we should have the right number of keyspace keys
// now generate as many insert statements for each initial object as
// required by the combination of all keyspace key values
if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(kkeys)) {
// no keyspace keys so just the one truncate
} else {
for (final Iterator> i = new CombinationIterator<>(Strings.class, kkeys); i.hasNext(); ) {
final Truncate> truncate = HelenusJUnit.initTrace(
// pass all required keyspace keys
for (final Strings ss: i.next()) {
try {
// register the keyspace key value with the corresponding keyspace key name
truncate.where(StatementBuilder.eq(ss.key, ss.value));
} catch (ExcludedKeyspaceKeyException e) {// ignore this combination
continue next_combination;
} catch (AssertionError|ThreadDeath|StackOverflowError|OutOfMemoryError e) {
throw e;
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw new AssertionError("failed to truncate classes", t);
} finally {
HelenusJUnit.capturing.decrementAndGet(); // restore previous capturing setting
return this;
* Executes the specified simple statements.
* @author paouelle
* @param statements the simple statements to execute
* @return this for chaining
* @throws AssertionError if any error occurs
public HelenusJUnit execute(String... statements) {
if (statements == null) {
return this;
return execute(Stream.of(statements));
* Executes the specified simple statements.
* @author paouelle
* @param statements the simple statements to execute
* @return this for chaining
* @throws AssertionError if any error occurs
public HelenusJUnit execute(Iterable statements) {
if (statements == null) {
return this;
return execute(statements.iterator());
* Execute the specified simple statements in sequence.
* @author paouelle
* @param statements the simple statements to execute
* @return this for chaining
* @throws AssertionError if any error occurs
public HelenusJUnit execute(Iterator statements) {
if (statements == null) {
return this;
try {
HelenusJUnit.capturing.incrementAndGet(); // disable temporarily capturing
final Sequence sequence = HelenusJUnit.initTrace(
while (statements.hasNext()) {
sequence.add(new SimpleStatement(statements.next()));
} catch (AssertionError|ThreadDeath|StackOverflowError|OutOfMemoryError e) {
throw e;
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw new AssertionError("failed to execute statements", t);
} finally {
HelenusJUnit.capturing.decrementAndGet(); // restore previous capturing setting
return this;
* Executes the specified simple statements in sequence.
* @author paouelle
* @param statements the simple statements to execute
* @return this for chaining
* @throws AssertionError if any error occurs
public HelenusJUnit execute(Stream statements) {
if (statements == null) {
return this;
try {
HelenusJUnit.capturing.incrementAndGet(); // disable temporarily capturing
final Sequence sequence = HelenusJUnit.initTrace(
statements.forEach(s -> sequence.add(new SimpleStatement(s)));
} catch (AssertionError|ThreadDeath|StackOverflowError|OutOfMemoryError e) {
throw e;
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw new AssertionError("failed to execute statements", t);
} finally {
HelenusJUnit.capturing.decrementAndGet(); // restore previous capturing setting
return this;
* Initializes the schema for the specified pojo classes in the database.
* @author paouelle
* @param classes the pojo classes for which to initialize the schema
* @return this for chaining
* @throws AssertionError if any error occurs
public HelenusJUnit schema(Class>... classes) {
if (classes == null) {
return this;
return schema(Stream.of(classes));
* Initializes the schema for the specified pojo classes in the database.
* @author paouelle
* @param classes the pojo classes for which to initialize the schema
* @return this for chaining
* @throws AssertionError if any error occurs
public HelenusJUnit schema(Iterable> classes) {
if (classes == null) {
return this;
return schema(classes.iterator());
* Initializes the schema for the specified pojo classes in the database.
* @author paouelle
* @param classes the pojo classes for which to initialize the schema
* @return this for chaining
* @throws AssertionError if any error occurs
public HelenusJUnit schema(Iterator> classes) {
if (classes == null) {
return this;
try {
HelenusJUnit.capturing.incrementAndGet(); // disable temporarily capturing
while (classes.hasNext()) {
} catch (AssertionError|ThreadDeath|StackOverflowError|OutOfMemoryError e) {
throw e;
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw new AssertionError("failed to initialize schemas", t);
} finally {
HelenusJUnit.capturing.decrementAndGet(); // restore previous capturing setting
return this;
* Initializes the schema for the specified pojo classes in the database.
* @author paouelle
* @param classes the pojo classes for which to initialize the schema
* @return this for chaining
* @throws AssertionError if any error occurs
public HelenusJUnit schema(Stream> classes) {
if (classes == null) {
return this;
try {
HelenusJUnit.capturing.incrementAndGet(); // disable temporarily capturing
classes.forEach(c -> StatementBuilder.getClassInfo(c));
} catch (AssertionError|ThreadDeath|StackOverflowError|OutOfMemoryError e) {
throw e;
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw new AssertionError("failed to initialize schemas", t);
} finally {
HelenusJUnit.capturing.decrementAndGet(); // restore previous capturing setting
return this;
* Starts capturing all object statements that have had their executions
* requested with the Helenus statement manager in the order they are occurring
* to the returned list. Capture lists are automatically removed at the end
* of and right before a test execution.
* Note: In the case of {@link Group}-based statements, all grouped
* statements will be captured individually.
* @author paouelle
* @return a non-null
statements capture list where the statements
* will be recorded
public StatementCaptureList withCapture() {
return withCapture(GenericStatement.class);
* Starts capturing all statements of the specified class that have had their
* executions requested with the Helenus statement manager in the order they
* are occurring to the returned list. Capture lists are automatically removed
* at the end of and right before a test execution.
* Note: In the case of {@link Group}-based statements, all grouped
* statements will be captured individually.
* @author paouelle
* @param the type of statements to capture
* @param clazz the class of object statements to capture
* @return a non-null
statements capture list where the statements
* will be recorded
* @throws NullPointerException if clazz
is null
public StatementCaptureList withCapture(
Class clazz
) {
org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate.notNull(clazz, "invalid null class");
final StatementCaptureList cl
= new StatementCaptureList<>(HelenusJUnit.getCallerInfo(), clazz);
return cl;
* Stops capturing object statements with all capture lists.
* @author paouelle
* @return this for chaining
public HelenusJUnit withoutCapture() {
HelenusJUnit.captures.forEach(cl -> cl.stop());
return this;
* Executes a command while disabling all capture lists.
* @author paouelle
* @param the type of exceptions that can be thrown out
* @param cmd the command to execute while capturing is inhibited
* @return this for chaining
* @throws E if thrown by the command
public HelenusJUnit inhibitCapturing(ERunnable cmd)
throws E {
try {
HelenusJUnit.capturing.incrementAndGet(); // disable temporarily capturing
} finally {
HelenusJUnit.capturing.decrementAndGet(); // restore previous capturing setting
return this;
* Dumps the content of all the capture lists.
* @author paouelle
* @param logger the logger where to dump the content of the capture lists
* @param level the log level to use when dumping
* @return true
if anything was dumped; false
public boolean dumpCaptures(Logger logger, Level level) {
if (!HelenusJUnit.captures.isEmpty() && logger.isEnabled(level)) {
logger.log(level, "StatementCaptureLists:");
HelenusJUnit.captures.forEach(cl -> cl.dump(logger, level));
return true;
return false;
* Registers a callback to be notified when a statement is sent to Cassandra.
* @author paouelle
* @param consumer the consumer to register to be notified every time a
* statement is sent to Cassandra
* @return this for chaining
public HelenusJUnit whenSent(Consumer> consumer) {
return this;
* The StatementManagerUnitImpl
class extends the Helenus one
* in order to hook the Helenus unit engine in it.
* @copyright 2015-2015 The Helenus Driver Project Authors
* @author The Helenus Driver Project Authors
* @version 1 - Jun 28, 2015 - paouelle - Creation
* @since 1.0
private static class StatementManagerUnitImpl extends StatementManagerImpl {
* Instantiates a new StatementManagerImpl
* @author paouelle
* @param initializer the cluster initializer to use to initialize Cassandra's
* cluster
* @throws NullPointerException if initializer
is null
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the list of contact points provided
* by initializer
is empty or if not all those contact
* points have the same port.
* @throws NoHostAvailableException if no Cassandra host amongst the contact
* points can be reached
* @throws SecurityException if the statement manager reference has already
* been set
StatementManagerUnitImpl(Cluster.Initializer initializer) {
// force default replication factor to 1
super(initializer, 1, true);
* Handles requests to a root or type entity defined as a base class for
* other type entities by forcing all sub-types to be cached properly so
* that all required initial objects be inserted in the DB prior to
* processing a request to the root.
* @author paouelle
* @param cinfo the non-null
class info to check if it is
* represents a base class of type entities
private void handleBaseClassInfo(ClassInfo cinfo) {
if (HelenusJUnit.recursing.get() > 0) {
// don't bother if we are recursing from within HelenusJUnit
if (cinfo instanceof RootClassInfoImpl) {
.forEachOrdered(t -> getClassInfoImpl(t.getObjectClass()));
} else if (cinfo instanceof TypeClassInfoImpl) {
// make sure to cache all sub-types if any
final TypeClassInfoImpl tcinfo = (TypeClassInfoImpl)cinfo;
.filter(t -> !cinfo.getObjectClass().equals(t.getObjectClass())) // skip us
.filter(t -> cinfo.getObjectClass().isAssignableFrom(t.getObjectClass()))
.forEachOrdered(t -> getClassInfoImpl(t.getObjectClass()));
} else if (cinfo instanceof UDTRootClassInfoImpl) {
.forEachOrdered(t -> getClassInfoImpl(t.getObjectClass()));
} else if (cinfo instanceof UDTTypeClassInfoImpl) {
// make sure to cache all sub-types if any
final UDTTypeClassInfoImpl tcinfo = (UDTTypeClassInfoImpl)cinfo;
.filter(t -> !cinfo.getObjectClass().equals(t.getObjectClass())) // skip us
.filter(t -> cinfo.getObjectClass().isAssignableFrom(t.getObjectClass()))
.forEachOrdered(t -> getClassInfoImpl(t.getObjectClass()));
* Clears the cache of pojo class info.
* @author paouelle
protected void clearCache() {
* {@inheritDoc}
* @author paouelle
* @see org.helenus.driver.impl.StatementManagerImpl#executing(org.helenus.driver.impl.StatementImpl)
protected void executing(StatementImpl, ?, ?> statement) {
if (statement.isEnabled()) {
if ((HelenusJUnit.capturing.get() == 0)
|| HelenusJUnit.captures.isEmpty()) { // capturing
HelenusJUnit.captures.forEach(l -> l.executing(statement));
* {@inheritDoc}
* @author paouelle
* @see org.helenus.driver.impl.StatementManagerImpl#sent(org.helenus.driver.impl.StatementImpl, com.datastax.driver.core.ResultSetFuture)
protected ResultSetFuture sent(
StatementImpl, ?, ?> statement, ResultSetFuture future
) {
if (HelenusJUnit.capturing.get() == 0) { // capturing
HelenusJUnit.sent.forEach(c -> c.accept(statement));
return future;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @author paouelle
* @see org.helenus.driver.impl.StatementManagerImpl#insert(java.lang.Object)
protected Insert.Builder insert(T object) {
if (object != null) {
try {
HelenusJUnit.recursing.incrementAndGet(); // enable temporarily recursing
return super.insert(object);
} finally {
HelenusJUnit.recursing.decrementAndGet(); // restore recursing previous setting
* {@inheritDoc}
* @author paouelle
* @see org.helenus.driver.impl.StatementManagerImpl#update(java.lang.Object)
protected Update update(T object) {
if (object != null) {
try {
HelenusJUnit.recursing.incrementAndGet(); // enable temporarily recursing
return super.update(object);
} finally {
HelenusJUnit.recursing.decrementAndGet(); // restore recursing previous setting
* {@inheritDoc}
* @author paouelle
* @see org.helenus.driver.impl.StatementManagerImpl#update(java.lang.Object, java.lang.String[])
protected Update update(T object, String... tables) {
if (object != null) {
try {
HelenusJUnit.recursing.incrementAndGet(); // enable temporarily recursing
return super.update(object, tables);
} finally {
HelenusJUnit.recursing.decrementAndGet(); // restore recursing previous setting
* {@inheritDoc}
* @author paouelle
* @see org.helenus.driver.impl.StatementManagerImpl#delete(java.lang.Object, java.lang.String[])
protected Delete.Builder delete(
T object, String... columns
) {
if (object != null) {
try {
HelenusJUnit.recursing.incrementAndGet(); // enable temporarily recursing
return super.delete(object, columns);
} finally {
HelenusJUnit.recursing.decrementAndGet(); // restore recursing previous setting
* {@inheritDoc}
* @author paouelle
* @see org.helenus.driver.impl.StatementManagerImpl#delete(java.lang.Object)
protected Delete.Selection delete(T object) {
if (object != null) {
try {
HelenusJUnit.recursing.incrementAndGet(); // enable temporarily recursing
return super.delete(object);
} finally {
HelenusJUnit.recursing.decrementAndGet(); // restore recursing previous setting
* {@inheritDoc}
* @author paouelle
* @see org.helenus.driver.impl.StatementManagerImpl#delete(java.lang.Class, java.lang.String[])
protected Delete.Builder delete(
Class clazz, String... columns
) {
if (clazz != null) {
try {
HelenusJUnit.recursing.incrementAndGet(); // enable temporarily recursing
return super.delete(clazz, columns);
} finally {
HelenusJUnit.recursing.decrementAndGet(); // restore recursing previous setting
* {@inheritDoc}
* @author paouelle
* @see org.helenus.driver.impl.StatementManagerImpl#delete(java.lang.Class)
protected Delete.Selection delete(Class clazz) {
if (clazz != null) {
try {
HelenusJUnit.recursing.incrementAndGet(); // enable temporarily recursing
return super.delete(clazz);
} finally {
HelenusJUnit.recursing.decrementAndGet(); // restore recursing previous setting
* {@inheritDoc}
* @author paouelle
* @see org.helenus.driver.impl.StatementManagerImpl#createKeyspace(java.lang.Class)
protected CreateKeyspace createKeyspace(Class clazz) {
if (clazz != null) {
try {
HelenusJUnit.recursing.incrementAndGet(); // enable temporarily recursing
return super.createKeyspace(clazz);
} finally {
HelenusJUnit.recursing.decrementAndGet(); // restore recursing previous setting
* {@inheritDoc}
* @author paouelle
* @see org.helenus.driver.impl.StatementManagerImpl#createType(java.lang.Class)
protected CreateType createType(Class clazz) {
if (clazz != null) {
try {
HelenusJUnit.recursing.incrementAndGet(); // enable temporarily recursing
return super.createType(clazz);
} finally {
HelenusJUnit.recursing.decrementAndGet(); // restore recursing previous setting
* {@inheritDoc}
* @author paouelle
* @see org.helenus.driver.impl.StatementManagerImpl#createTable(java.lang.Class)
protected CreateTable createTable(Class clazz) {
if (clazz != null) {
try {
HelenusJUnit.recursing.incrementAndGet(); // enable temporarily recursing
return super.createTable(clazz);
} finally {
HelenusJUnit.recursing.decrementAndGet(); // restore recursing previous setting
* {@inheritDoc}
* @author paouelle
* @see org.helenus.driver.impl.StatementManagerImpl#createTable(java.lang.Class, java.lang.String[])
protected CreateTable createTable(Class clazz, String... tables) {
if (clazz != null) {
try {
HelenusJUnit.recursing.incrementAndGet(); // enable temporarily recursing
return super.createTable(clazz, tables);
} finally {
HelenusJUnit.recursing.decrementAndGet(); // restore recursing previous setting
* {@inheritDoc}
* @author paouelle
* @see org.helenus.driver.impl.StatementManagerImpl#createIndex(java.lang.Class)
protected CreateIndex.Builder createIndex(Class clazz) {
if (clazz != null) {
try {
HelenusJUnit.recursing.incrementAndGet(); // enable temporarily recursing
return super.createIndex(clazz);
} finally {
HelenusJUnit.recursing.decrementAndGet(); // restore recursing previous setting
* {@inheritDoc}
* @author paouelle
* @see org.helenus.driver.impl.StatementManagerImpl#createSchema(java.lang.Class)
protected CreateSchema createSchema(Class clazz) {
if (clazz != null) {
try {
HelenusJUnit.recursing.incrementAndGet(); // enable temporarily recursing
return super.createSchema(clazz);
} finally {
HelenusJUnit.recursing.decrementAndGet(); // restore recursing previous setting
* {@inheritDoc}
* @author paouelle
* @see org.helenus.driver.impl.StatementManagerImpl#createSchemas(java.lang.String[])
protected CreateSchemas createSchemas(String[] pkgs) {
final CreateSchemas c;
try {
HelenusJUnit.recursing.incrementAndGet(); // enable temporarily recursing
c = super.createSchemas(pkgs);
} finally {
HelenusJUnit.recursing.decrementAndGet(); // restore recursing previous setting
c.classInfos().forEachOrdered(cinfo -> handleBaseClassInfo(cinfo));
return c;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @author paouelle
* @see org.helenus.driver.impl.StatementManagerImpl#createMatchingSchemas(java.lang.String[])
protected CreateSchemas createMatchingSchemas(String[] pkgs) {
final CreateSchemas c;
try {
HelenusJUnit.recursing.incrementAndGet(); // enable temporarily recursing
c = super.createMatchingSchemas(pkgs);
} finally {
HelenusJUnit.recursing.decrementAndGet(); // restore recursing previous setting
c.classInfos().forEachOrdered(cinfo -> handleBaseClassInfo(cinfo));
return c;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @author paouelle
* @see org.helenus.driver.impl.StatementManagerImpl#alterSchema(java.lang.Class)
protected AlterSchema alterSchema(Class clazz) {
if (clazz != null) {
try {
HelenusJUnit.recursing.incrementAndGet(); // enable temporarily recursing
return super.alterSchema(clazz);
} finally {
HelenusJUnit.recursing.decrementAndGet(); // restore recursing previous setting
* {@inheritDoc}
* @author paouelle
* @see org.helenus.driver.impl.StatementManagerImpl#alterSchemas(java.lang.String[])
protected AlterSchemas alterSchemas(String[] pkgs) {
final AlterSchemas a;
try {
HelenusJUnit.recursing.incrementAndGet(); // enable temporarily recursing
a = super.alterSchemas(pkgs);
} finally {
HelenusJUnit.recursing.decrementAndGet(); // restore recursing previous setting
a.classInfos().forEachOrdered(cinfo -> handleBaseClassInfo(cinfo));
return a;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @author paouelle
* @see org.helenus.driver.impl.StatementManagerImpl#alterMatchingSchemas(java.lang.String[])
protected AlterSchemas alterMatchingSchemas(String[] pkgs) {
final AlterSchemas a;
try {
HelenusJUnit.recursing.incrementAndGet(); // enable temporarily recursing
a = super.alterMatchingSchemas(pkgs);
} finally {
HelenusJUnit.recursing.decrementAndGet(); // restore recursing previous setting
a.classInfos().forEachOrdered(cinfo -> handleBaseClassInfo(cinfo));
return a;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @author paouelle
* @see org.helenus.driver.impl.StatementManagerImpl#truncate(java.lang.Class)
protected Truncate truncate(Class clazz) {
if (clazz != null) {
try {
HelenusJUnit.recursing.incrementAndGet(); // enable temporarily recursing
return super.truncate(clazz);
} finally {
HelenusJUnit.recursing.decrementAndGet(); // restore recursing previous setting
* {@inheritDoc}
* @author paouelle
* @see org.helenus.driver.impl.StatementManagerImpl#truncate(java.lang.Class, java.lang.String[])
protected Truncate truncate(Class clazz, String... tables) {
if (clazz != null) {
try {
HelenusJUnit.recursing.incrementAndGet(); // enable temporarily recursing
return super.truncate(clazz, tables);
} finally {
HelenusJUnit.recursing.decrementAndGet(); // restore recursing previous setting
* {@inheritDoc}
* @author paouelle
* @see org.helenus.driver.impl.StatementManagerImpl#select(java.lang.Class, java.lang.CharSequence[])
protected Select.Builder select(Class clazz, CharSequence... columns) {
if (clazz != null) {
try {
HelenusJUnit.recursing.incrementAndGet(); // enable temporarily recursing
return super.select(clazz, columns);
} finally {
HelenusJUnit.recursing.decrementAndGet(); // restore recursing previous setting
* {@inheritDoc}
* @author paouelle
* @see org.helenus.driver.impl.StatementManagerImpl#select(java.lang.Class)
protected Select.Selection select(Class clazz) {
if (clazz != null) {
try {
HelenusJUnit.recursing.incrementAndGet(); // enable temporarily recursing
return super.select(clazz);
} finally {
HelenusJUnit.recursing.decrementAndGet(); // restore recursing previous setting
* {@inheritDoc}
* @author paouelle
* @see org.helenus.driver.impl.StatementManagerImpl#selectFrom(org.helenus.driver.info.TableInfo, java.lang.CharSequence[])
protected Select selectFrom(
TableInfo table, CharSequence... columns
) {
if (table != null) {
try {
HelenusJUnit.recursing.incrementAndGet(); // enable temporarily recursing
return super.selectFrom(table, columns);
} finally {
HelenusJUnit.recursing.decrementAndGet(); // restore recursing previous setting
* {@inheritDoc}
* @author paouelle
* @see org.helenus.driver.impl.StatementManagerImpl#selectFrom(org.helenus.driver.info.TableInfo)
protected Select.TableSelection selectFrom(TableInfo table) {
if (table != null) {
try {
HelenusJUnit.recursing.incrementAndGet(); // enable temporarily recursing
return super.selectFrom(table);
} finally {
HelenusJUnit.recursing.decrementAndGet(); // restore recursing previous setting
* {@inheritDoc}
* Overridden to automatically load the schemas of referenced pojos.
* @author paouelle
* @see org.helenus.driver.impl.StatementManagerImpl#getClassInfoImpl(java.lang.Class)
public ClassInfoImpl getClassInfoImpl(Class clazz) {
try {
HelenusJUnit.recursing.incrementAndGet(); // enable temporarily recursing
// first check if we have already loaded it in previous test cases and if so, reset the schema for it
ClassInfoImpl cinfo
= (ClassInfoImpl)HelenusJUnit.fromPreviousTestsCacheInfoCache.remove(clazz);
if (cinfo != null) {
if (cinfo instanceof TypeClassInfoImpl) {
// force root to be re-cached first
// first truncate all loaded pojo tables and re-insert any schema defined
// initial objects
HelenusJUnit.resetSchema0(cinfo, null);
return cinfo;
} // else - check if it is already cached
cinfo = (ClassInfoImpl)super.classInfoCache.get(clazz);
if (cinfo != null) {
// this will be the case if we already retrieved another sub-type for
// a root in which case we would have already retrieved the root and
// removed it from the previous tests cache
return cinfo;
// if we get here then the cinfo was not loaded in previous tests
// go to the super's implementation which will take care of calling back
// this method for the root if this is for a type entity
// load the schemas for the pojo if required
return HelenusJUnit.createSchema0(
super.getClassInfoImpl(clazz) // force generation of the class info if needed
} finally {
HelenusJUnit.recursing.decrementAndGet(); // restore recursing previous setting
* The SchemaFuture
class defines a specific future used when
* creating or resetting schemas. It is reentrant from the owner's thread.
* @copyright 2016-2016 The Helenus Driver Project Authors
* @author The Helenus Driver Project Authors
* @version 1 - Feb 1, 2016 - paouelle - Creation
* @since 1.0
class SchemaFuture {
* Holds the the reference to the thread that owns this future.
* @author paouelle
private final Thread owner;
* Holds a flag indicating if we are creating or reseting the schema.
* @author paouelle
private final boolean creating;
* Holds the class of the POJO we are creating or reseting the schema for.
* @author paouelle
private final Class> clazz;
* Holds a flag indicating if the schema was created or reseted.
* @author paouelle
private volatile boolean done = false;
* Holds the error that occurred if the schema creation/reset failed.
* @author paouelle
private Throwable error = null;
* Instantiates a new SchemaFuture
* @author paouelle
* @param creating true
if we are creating the schema;
* false
if we are reseting it
* @param clazz the non-null
POJO class we are creating or
* reseting the schema for
SchemaFuture(boolean creating, Class> clazz) {
this.owner = Thread.currentThread();
this.creating = creating;
this.clazz = clazz;
* Waits for the completion of this task.
* Note: This method will return right away before the completion of
* the schema creation/reset if the current thread is the owner of this future.
* This allows recursive calls to succeed knowing the schema will be properly
* created/reset upon finishing the recursion.
* @author paouelle
* @throws Error if the schema creation/reset failed
public void waitForCompletion() {
if (owner != Thread.currentThread()) {
synchronized (this) {
boolean interrupted = false;
try {
while (!done) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
interrupted = true;
} finally {
if (interrupted) { // propagate interruptions
if (error instanceof Error) {
throw (Error)error;
} else if (error instanceof RuntimeException) {
throw (RuntimeException)error;
} else {
throw new AssertionError(
"failed to "
+ (creating ? "create" : "reset")
+ " for "
+ clazz.getSimpleName(),
} // else - the current thread is the owner, therefore assumes it is done!
* Notifies of the completion of the schema creation or reset.
* @author paouelle
public void completed() {
if (!done) {
synchronized (this) {
this.done = true;
this.notifyAll(); // wake everybody!
* Notifies of the completion of the schema creation or reset with error.
* @author paouelle
* @param t the error that occurred
* @return never returns anything
* @throws Error t
if it is an error otherwise AssertionError
* with t
as the cause
public Error failed(Throwable t) throws Error {
if (!done) {
synchronized (this) {
this.done = true;
this.error = t;
this.notifyAll(); // wake everybody!
if (t instanceof Error) {
throw (Error)t;
throw new AssertionError(
"failed to "
+ (creating ? "create" : "reset")
+ " for "
+ clazz.getSimpleName(),