org.hibernate.jpamodelgen.xml.XmlMetaEntity Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
* License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1 or later.
* See the lgpl.txt file in the root directory or .
package org.hibernate.jpamodelgen.xml;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.lang.model.element.Element;
import javax.lang.model.element.ElementKind;
import javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement;
import javax.lang.model.type.DeclaredType;
import javax.lang.model.type.ExecutableType;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror;
import javax.tools.Diagnostic;
import org.hibernate.jpamodelgen.Context;
import org.hibernate.jpamodelgen.ImportContextImpl;
import org.hibernate.jpamodelgen.MetaModelGenerationException;
import org.hibernate.jpamodelgen.model.ImportContext;
import org.hibernate.jpamodelgen.model.MetaAttribute;
import org.hibernate.jpamodelgen.model.MetaEntity;
import org.hibernate.jpamodelgen.util.AccessTypeInformation;
import org.hibernate.jpamodelgen.util.StringUtil;
import org.hibernate.jpamodelgen.util.TypeUtils;
import org.hibernate.jpamodelgen.xml.jaxb.Attributes;
import org.hibernate.jpamodelgen.xml.jaxb.Basic;
import org.hibernate.jpamodelgen.xml.jaxb.ElementCollection;
import org.hibernate.jpamodelgen.xml.jaxb.Embeddable;
import org.hibernate.jpamodelgen.xml.jaxb.EmbeddableAttributes;
import org.hibernate.jpamodelgen.xml.jaxb.Embedded;
import org.hibernate.jpamodelgen.xml.jaxb.EmbeddedId;
import org.hibernate.jpamodelgen.xml.jaxb.Entity;
import org.hibernate.jpamodelgen.xml.jaxb.Id;
import org.hibernate.jpamodelgen.xml.jaxb.ManyToMany;
import org.hibernate.jpamodelgen.xml.jaxb.ManyToOne;
import org.hibernate.jpamodelgen.xml.jaxb.MapKeyClass;
import org.hibernate.jpamodelgen.xml.jaxb.MappedSuperclass;
import org.hibernate.jpamodelgen.xml.jaxb.OneToMany;
import org.hibernate.jpamodelgen.xml.jaxb.OneToOne;
* Collects XML-based meta information about an annotated type (entity, embeddable or mapped superclass).
* @author Hardy Ferentschik
public class XmlMetaEntity implements MetaEntity {
static final Map COLLECTIONS = new HashMap();
static {
COLLECTIONS.put( "java.util.Collection", "jakarta.persistence.metamodel.CollectionAttribute" );
COLLECTIONS.put( "java.util.Set", "jakarta.persistence.metamodel.SetAttribute" );
COLLECTIONS.put( "java.util.List", "jakarta.persistence.metamodel.ListAttribute" );
COLLECTIONS.put( "java.util.Map", "jakarta.persistence.metamodel.MapAttribute" );
private final String clazzName;
private final String packageName;
private final String defaultPackageName;
private final ImportContext importContext;
private final List members = new ArrayList();
private final TypeElement element;
private final Context context;
private final boolean isMetaComplete;
private Attributes attributes;
private EmbeddableAttributes embeddableAttributes;
private AccessTypeInformation accessTypeInfo;
* Whether the members of this type have already been initialized or not.
* Embeddables and mapped super-classes need to be lazily initialized since the access type may be determined by
* the class which is embedding or sub-classing the entity or super-class. This might not be known until
* annotations are processed.
* Also note, that if two different classes with different access types embed this entity or extend this mapped
* super-class, the access type of the embeddable/super-class will be the one of the last embedding/sub-classing
* entity processed. The result is not determined (that's ok according to the spec).
private boolean initialized;
XmlMetaEntity(Entity ormEntity, String defaultPackageName, TypeElement element, Context context) {
this( ormEntity.getClazz(), defaultPackageName, element, context, ormEntity.isMetadataComplete() );
this.attributes = ormEntity.getAttributes();
this.embeddableAttributes = null;
// entities can be directly initialised
XmlMetaEntity(MappedSuperclass mappedSuperclass, String defaultPackageName, TypeElement element, Context context) {
this.attributes = mappedSuperclass.getAttributes();
this.embeddableAttributes = null;
XmlMetaEntity(Embeddable embeddable, String defaultPackageName, TypeElement element, Context context) {
this( embeddable.getClazz(), defaultPackageName, element, context, embeddable.isMetadataComplete() );
this.attributes = null;
this.embeddableAttributes = embeddable.getAttributes();
private XmlMetaEntity(String clazz, String defaultPackageName, TypeElement element, Context context, Boolean metaComplete) {
this.defaultPackageName = defaultPackageName;
String className = clazz;
String pkg = defaultPackageName;
if ( StringUtil.isFullyQualified( className ) ) {
// if the class name is fully qualified we have to extract the package name from the fqcn.
// default package name gets ignored
pkg = StringUtil.packageNameFromFqcn( className );
className = StringUtil.classNameFromFqcn( clazz );
this.clazzName = className;
this.packageName = pkg;
this.context = context;
this.importContext = new ImportContextImpl( getPackageName() );
this.element = element;
this.isMetaComplete = initIsMetaComplete( metaComplete );
private final void init() {
context.logMessage( Diagnostic.Kind.OTHER, "Initializing type " + getQualifiedName() + "." );
this.accessTypeInfo = context.getAccessTypeInfo( getQualifiedName() );
if ( attributes != null ) {
parseAttributes( attributes );
else {
parseEmbeddableAttributes( embeddableAttributes );
initialized = true;
public String getSimpleName() {
return clazzName;
public String getQualifiedName() {
return packageName + "." + getSimpleName();
public String getPackageName() {
return packageName;
public List getMembers() {
if ( !initialized ) {
return members;
public String generateImports() {
return importContext.generateImports();
public String importType(String fqcn) {
return importContext.importType( fqcn );
public String staticImport(String fqcn, String member) {
return importContext.staticImport( fqcn, member );
public TypeElement getTypeElement() {
return element;
public boolean isMetaComplete() {
return isMetaComplete;
public String toString() {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append( "XmlMetaEntity" );
sb.append( "{accessTypeInfo=" ).append( accessTypeInfo );
sb.append( ", clazzName='" ).append( clazzName ).append( '\'' );
sb.append( ", members=" ).append( members );
sb.append( ", isMetaComplete=" ).append( isMetaComplete );
sb.append( '}' );
return sb.toString();
private boolean initIsMetaComplete(Boolean metadataComplete) {
return context.isFullyXmlConfigured() || Boolean.TRUE.equals( metadataComplete );
private String[] getCollectionTypes(String propertyName, String explicitTargetEntity, String explicitMapKeyClass, ElementKind expectedElementKind) {
for ( Element elem : element.getEnclosedElements() ) {
if ( !expectedElementKind.equals( elem.getKind() ) ) {
String elementPropertyName = elem.getSimpleName().toString();
if ( elem.getKind().equals( ElementKind.METHOD ) ) {
elementPropertyName = StringUtil.getPropertyName( elementPropertyName );
if ( !propertyName.equals( elementPropertyName ) ) {
DeclaredType type = determineDeclaredType( elem );
if ( type == null ) {
return determineTypes( propertyName, explicitTargetEntity, explicitMapKeyClass, type );
return null;
private DeclaredType determineDeclaredType(Element elem) {
DeclaredType type = null;
if ( elem.asType() instanceof DeclaredType ) {
type = ( (DeclaredType) elem.asType() );
else if ( elem.asType() instanceof ExecutableType ) {
ExecutableType executableType = (ExecutableType) elem.asType();
if ( executableType.getReturnType() instanceof DeclaredType ) {
type = (DeclaredType) executableType.getReturnType();
return type;
private String[] determineTypes(String propertyName, String explicitTargetEntity, String explicitMapKeyClass, DeclaredType type) {
String[] types = new String[3];
determineTargetType( type, propertyName, explicitTargetEntity, types );
determineCollectionType( type, types );
if ( types[1].equals( "jakarta.persistence.metamodel.MapAttribute" ) ) {
determineMapType( type, explicitMapKeyClass, types );
return types;
private void determineMapType(DeclaredType type, String explicitMapKeyClass, String[] types) {
if ( explicitMapKeyClass != null ) {
types[2] = explicitMapKeyClass;
else {
types[2] = TypeUtils.getKeyType( type, context );
private void determineCollectionType(DeclaredType type, String[] types) {
types[1] = COLLECTIONS.get( type.asElement().toString() );
private void determineTargetType(DeclaredType type, String propertyName, String explicitTargetEntity, String[] types) {
List extends TypeMirror> typeArguments = type.getTypeArguments();
if ( typeArguments.size() == 0 && explicitTargetEntity == null ) {
throw new MetaModelGenerationException( "Unable to determine target entity type for " + clazzName + "." + propertyName + "." );
if ( explicitTargetEntity == null ) {
types[0] = TypeUtils.extractClosestRealTypeAsString( typeArguments.get( 0 ), context );
else {
types[0] = explicitTargetEntity;
* Returns the entity type for a property.
* @param propertyName The property name
* @param explicitTargetEntity The explicitly specified target entity type or {@code null}.
* @param expectedElementKind Determines property vs field access type
* @return The entity type for this property or {@code null} if the property with the name and the matching access
* type does not exist.
private String getType(String propertyName, String explicitTargetEntity, ElementKind expectedElementKind) {
for ( Element elem : element.getEnclosedElements() ) {
if ( !expectedElementKind.equals( elem.getKind() ) ) {
TypeMirror mirror;
String name = elem.getSimpleName().toString();
if ( ElementKind.METHOD.equals( elem.getKind() ) ) {
name = StringUtil.getPropertyName( name );
mirror = ( (ExecutableElement) elem ).getReturnType();
else {
mirror = elem.asType();
if ( name == null || !name.equals( propertyName ) ) {
if ( explicitTargetEntity != null ) {
// TODO should there be a check of the target entity class and if it is loadable?
return explicitTargetEntity;
switch ( mirror.getKind() ) {
case INT: {
return "java.lang.Integer";
case LONG: {
return "java.lang.Long";
case BOOLEAN: {
return "java.lang.Boolean";
case BYTE: {
return "java.lang.Byte";
case SHORT: {
return "java.lang.Short";
case CHAR: {
return "java.lang.Char";
case FLOAT: {
return "java.lang.Float";
case DOUBLE: {
return "java.lang.Double";
case DECLARED: {
return ((DeclaredType)mirror).asElement().asType().toString();
case TYPEVAR: {
return mirror.toString();
default: {
"Unable to determine type for property " + propertyName + " of class " + getQualifiedName()
+ " using access type " + accessTypeInfo.getDefaultAccessType()
return null;
private void parseAttributes(Attributes attributes) {
XmlMetaSingleAttribute attribute;
for ( Id id : attributes.getId() ) {
ElementKind elementKind = getElementKind( id.getAccess() );
String type = getType( id.getName(), null, elementKind );
if ( type != null ) {
attribute = new XmlMetaSingleAttribute( this, id.getName(), type );
members.add( attribute );
if ( attributes.getEmbeddedId() != null ) {
EmbeddedId embeddedId = attributes.getEmbeddedId();
ElementKind elementKind = getElementKind( embeddedId.getAccess() );
String type = getType( embeddedId.getName(), null, elementKind );
if ( type != null ) {
attribute = new XmlMetaSingleAttribute( this, embeddedId.getName(), type );
members.add( attribute );
for ( Basic basic : attributes.getBasic() ) {
parseBasic( basic );
for ( ManyToOne manyToOne : attributes.getManyToOne() ) {
parseManyToOne( manyToOne );
for ( OneToOne oneToOne : attributes.getOneToOne() ) {
parseOneToOne( oneToOne );
for ( ManyToMany manyToMany : attributes.getManyToMany() ) {
if ( parseManyToMany( manyToMany ) ) {
for ( OneToMany oneToMany : attributes.getOneToMany() ) {
if ( parseOneToMany( oneToMany ) ) {
for ( ElementCollection collection : attributes.getElementCollection() ) {
if ( parseElementCollection( collection ) ) {
for ( Embedded embedded : attributes.getEmbedded() ) {
parseEmbedded( embedded );
private void parseEmbeddableAttributes(EmbeddableAttributes attributes) {
if ( attributes == null ) {
for ( Basic basic : attributes.getBasic() ) {
parseBasic( basic );
for ( ManyToOne manyToOne : attributes.getManyToOne() ) {
parseManyToOne( manyToOne );
for ( OneToOne oneToOne : attributes.getOneToOne() ) {
parseOneToOne( oneToOne );
for ( ManyToMany manyToMany : attributes.getManyToMany() ) {
if ( parseManyToMany( manyToMany ) ) {
for ( OneToMany oneToMany : attributes.getOneToMany() ) {
if ( parseOneToMany( oneToMany ) ) {
for ( ElementCollection collection : attributes.getElementCollection() ) {
if ( parseElementCollection( collection ) ) {
private boolean parseElementCollection(ElementCollection collection) {
String[] types;
XmlMetaCollection metaCollection;
ElementKind elementKind = getElementKind( collection.getAccess() );
String explicitTargetClass = determineExplicitTargetEntity( collection.getTargetClass() );
String explicitMapKey = determineExplicitMapKeyClass( collection.getMapKeyClass() );
try {
types = getCollectionTypes(
collection.getName(), explicitTargetClass, explicitMapKey, elementKind
catch ( MetaModelGenerationException e ) {
logMetaModelException( collection.getName(), e );
return true;
if ( types != null ) {
if ( types[2] == null ) {
metaCollection = new XmlMetaCollection( this, collection.getName(), types[0], types[1] );
else {
metaCollection = new XmlMetaMap( this, collection.getName(), types[0], types[1], types[2] );
members.add( metaCollection );
return false;
private void parseEmbedded(Embedded embedded) {
XmlMetaSingleAttribute attribute;
ElementKind elementKind = getElementKind( embedded.getAccess() );
String type = getType( embedded.getName(), null, elementKind );
if ( type != null ) {
attribute = new XmlMetaSingleAttribute( this, embedded.getName(), type );
members.add( attribute );
private String determineExplicitTargetEntity(String targetClass) {
String explicitTargetClass = targetClass;
if ( explicitTargetClass != null ) {
explicitTargetClass = StringUtil.determineFullyQualifiedClassName(
defaultPackageName, targetClass
return explicitTargetClass;
private String determineExplicitMapKeyClass(MapKeyClass mapKeyClass) {
String explicitMapKey = null;
if ( mapKeyClass != null ) {
explicitMapKey = StringUtil.determineFullyQualifiedClassName( defaultPackageName, mapKeyClass.getClazz() );
return explicitMapKey;
private boolean parseOneToMany(OneToMany oneToMany) {
String[] types;
XmlMetaCollection metaCollection;
ElementKind elementKind = getElementKind( oneToMany.getAccess() );
String explicitTargetClass = determineExplicitTargetEntity( oneToMany.getTargetEntity() );
String explicitMapKey = determineExplicitMapKeyClass( oneToMany.getMapKeyClass() );
try {
types = getCollectionTypes( oneToMany.getName(), explicitTargetClass, explicitMapKey, elementKind );
catch ( MetaModelGenerationException e ) {
logMetaModelException( oneToMany.getName(), e );
return true;
if ( types != null ) {
if ( types[2] == null ) {
metaCollection = new XmlMetaCollection( this, oneToMany.getName(), types[0], types[1] );
else {
metaCollection = new XmlMetaMap( this, oneToMany.getName(), types[0], types[1], types[2] );
members.add( metaCollection );
return false;
private boolean parseManyToMany(ManyToMany manyToMany) {
String[] types;
XmlMetaCollection metaCollection;
ElementKind elementKind = getElementKind( manyToMany.getAccess() );
String explicitTargetClass = determineExplicitTargetEntity( manyToMany.getTargetEntity() );
String explicitMapKey = determineExplicitMapKeyClass( manyToMany.getMapKeyClass() );
try {
types = getCollectionTypes(
manyToMany.getName(), explicitTargetClass, explicitMapKey, elementKind
catch ( MetaModelGenerationException e ) {
logMetaModelException( manyToMany.getName(), e );
return true;
if ( types != null ) {
if ( types[2] == null ) {
metaCollection = new XmlMetaCollection( this, manyToMany.getName(), types[0], types[1] );
else {
metaCollection = new XmlMetaMap( this, manyToMany.getName(), types[0], types[1], types[2] );
members.add( metaCollection );
return false;
private void parseOneToOne(OneToOne oneToOne) {
XmlMetaSingleAttribute attribute;
ElementKind elementKind = getElementKind( oneToOne.getAccess() );
String type = getType( oneToOne.getName(), oneToOne.getTargetEntity(), elementKind );
if ( type != null ) {
attribute = new XmlMetaSingleAttribute( this, oneToOne.getName(), type );
members.add( attribute );
private void parseManyToOne(ManyToOne manyToOne) {
XmlMetaSingleAttribute attribute;
ElementKind elementKind = getElementKind( manyToOne.getAccess() );
String type = getType( manyToOne.getName(), manyToOne.getTargetEntity(), elementKind );
if ( type != null ) {
attribute = new XmlMetaSingleAttribute( this, manyToOne.getName(), type );
members.add( attribute );
private void parseBasic(Basic basic) {
XmlMetaSingleAttribute attribute;
ElementKind elementKind = getElementKind( basic.getAccess() );
String type = getType( basic.getName(), null, elementKind );
if ( type != null ) {
attribute = new XmlMetaSingleAttribute( this, basic.getName(), type );
members.add( attribute );
private void logMetaModelException(String name, MetaModelGenerationException e) {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.append( "Error processing xml for " );
builder.append( clazzName );
builder.append( "." );
builder.append( name );
builder.append( ". Error message: " );
builder.append( e.getMessage() );
private ElementKind getElementKind(org.hibernate.jpamodelgen.xml.jaxb.AccessType accessType) {
// if no explicit access type was specified in xml we use the entity access type
if ( accessType == null ) {
return TypeUtils.getElementKindForAccessType( accessTypeInfo.getAccessType() );
if ( org.hibernate.jpamodelgen.xml.jaxb.AccessType.FIELD.equals( accessType ) ) {
return ElementKind.FIELD;
else {
return ElementKind.METHOD;