org.hibernate.jpamodelgen.xml.jaxb.Persistence Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package org.hibernate.jpamodelgen.xml.jaxb;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import jakarta.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessType;
import jakarta.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessorType;
import jakarta.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAttribute;
import jakarta.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElement;
import jakarta.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement;
import jakarta.xml.bind.annotation.XmlSchemaType;
import jakarta.xml.bind.annotation.XmlType;
import jakarta.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.CollapsedStringAdapter;
import jakarta.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlJavaTypeAdapter;
* Java class for anonymous complex type.
The following schema fragment specifies the expected content contained within this class.
* }
@XmlType(name = "", propOrder = {
@XmlRootElement(name = "persistence", namespace = "https://jakarta.ee/xml/ns/persistence")
public class Persistence {
@XmlElement(name = "persistence-unit", namespace = "https://jakarta.ee/xml/ns/persistence", required = true)
protected List persistenceUnit;
@XmlAttribute(name = "version", required = true)
protected String version;
* Gets the value of the persistenceUnit property.
* This accessor method returns a reference to the live list,
* not a snapshot. Therefore any modification you make to the
* returned list will be present inside the Jakarta XML Binding object.
* This is why there is not a {@code set} method for the persistenceUnit property.
* For example, to add a new item, do as follows:
* getPersistenceUnit().add(newItem);
* Objects of the following type(s) are allowed in the list
* {@link Persistence.PersistenceUnit }
* @return
* The value of the persistenceUnit property.
public List getPersistenceUnit() {
if (persistenceUnit == null) {
persistenceUnit = new ArrayList<>();
return this.persistenceUnit;
* Gets the value of the version property.
* @return
* possible object is
* {@link String }
public String getVersion() {
if (version == null) {
return "3.0";
} else {
return version;
* Sets the value of the version property.
* @param value
* allowed object is
* {@link String }
public void setVersion(String value) {
this.version = value;
* Configuration of a persistence unit.
* Java class for anonymous complex type.
The following schema fragment specifies the expected content contained within this class.
* }
@XmlType(name = "", propOrder = {
public static class PersistenceUnit {
@XmlElement(namespace = "https://jakarta.ee/xml/ns/persistence")
protected String description;
@XmlElement(namespace = "https://jakarta.ee/xml/ns/persistence")
protected String provider;
@XmlElement(name = "jta-data-source", namespace = "https://jakarta.ee/xml/ns/persistence")
protected String jtaDataSource;
@XmlElement(name = "non-jta-data-source", namespace = "https://jakarta.ee/xml/ns/persistence")
protected String nonJtaDataSource;
@XmlElement(name = "mapping-file", namespace = "https://jakarta.ee/xml/ns/persistence")
protected List mappingFile;
@XmlElement(name = "jar-file", namespace = "https://jakarta.ee/xml/ns/persistence")
protected List jarFile;
@XmlElement(name = "class", namespace = "https://jakarta.ee/xml/ns/persistence")
protected List clazz;
@XmlElement(name = "exclude-unlisted-classes", namespace = "https://jakarta.ee/xml/ns/persistence", defaultValue = "true")
protected Boolean excludeUnlistedClasses;
@XmlElement(name = "shared-cache-mode", namespace = "https://jakarta.ee/xml/ns/persistence")
@XmlSchemaType(name = "token")
protected PersistenceUnitCachingType sharedCacheMode;
@XmlElement(name = "validation-mode", namespace = "https://jakarta.ee/xml/ns/persistence")
@XmlSchemaType(name = "token")
protected PersistenceUnitValidationModeType validationMode;
@XmlElement(namespace = "https://jakarta.ee/xml/ns/persistence")
protected Persistence.PersistenceUnit.Properties properties;
@XmlAttribute(name = "name", required = true)
protected String name;
@XmlAttribute(name = "transaction-type")
protected PersistenceUnitTransactionType transactionType;
* Gets the value of the description property.
* @return
* possible object is
* {@link String }
public String getDescription() {
return description;
* Sets the value of the description property.
* @param value
* allowed object is
* {@link String }
public void setDescription(String value) {
this.description = value;
* Gets the value of the provider property.
* @return
* possible object is
* {@link String }
public String getProvider() {
return provider;
* Sets the value of the provider property.
* @param value
* allowed object is
* {@link String }
public void setProvider(String value) {
this.provider = value;
* Gets the value of the jtaDataSource property.
* @return
* possible object is
* {@link String }
public String getJtaDataSource() {
return jtaDataSource;
* Sets the value of the jtaDataSource property.
* @param value
* allowed object is
* {@link String }
public void setJtaDataSource(String value) {
this.jtaDataSource = value;
* Gets the value of the nonJtaDataSource property.
* @return
* possible object is
* {@link String }
public String getNonJtaDataSource() {
return nonJtaDataSource;
* Sets the value of the nonJtaDataSource property.
* @param value
* allowed object is
* {@link String }
public void setNonJtaDataSource(String value) {
this.nonJtaDataSource = value;
* Gets the value of the mappingFile property.
* This accessor method returns a reference to the live list,
* not a snapshot. Therefore any modification you make to the
* returned list will be present inside the Jakarta XML Binding object.
* This is why there is not a {@code set} method for the mappingFile property.
* For example, to add a new item, do as follows:
* getMappingFile().add(newItem);
* Objects of the following type(s) are allowed in the list
* {@link String }
* @return
* The value of the mappingFile property.
public List getMappingFile() {
if (mappingFile == null) {
mappingFile = new ArrayList<>();
return this.mappingFile;
* Gets the value of the jarFile property.
* This accessor method returns a reference to the live list,
* not a snapshot. Therefore any modification you make to the
* returned list will be present inside the Jakarta XML Binding object.
* This is why there is not a {@code set} method for the jarFile property.
* For example, to add a new item, do as follows:
* getJarFile().add(newItem);
* Objects of the following type(s) are allowed in the list
* {@link String }
* @return
* The value of the jarFile property.
public List getJarFile() {
if (jarFile == null) {
jarFile = new ArrayList<>();
return this.jarFile;
* Gets the value of the clazz property.
* This accessor method returns a reference to the live list,
* not a snapshot. Therefore any modification you make to the
* returned list will be present inside the Jakarta XML Binding object.
* This is why there is not a {@code set} method for the clazz property.
* For example, to add a new item, do as follows:
* getClazz().add(newItem);
* Objects of the following type(s) are allowed in the list
* {@link String }
* @return
* The value of the clazz property.
public List getClazz() {
if (clazz == null) {
clazz = new ArrayList<>();
return this.clazz;
* Gets the value of the excludeUnlistedClasses property.
* @return
* possible object is
* {@link Boolean }
public Boolean isExcludeUnlistedClasses() {
return excludeUnlistedClasses;
* Sets the value of the excludeUnlistedClasses property.
* @param value
* allowed object is
* {@link Boolean }
public void setExcludeUnlistedClasses(Boolean value) {
this.excludeUnlistedClasses = value;
* Gets the value of the sharedCacheMode property.
* @return
* possible object is
* {@link PersistenceUnitCachingType }
public PersistenceUnitCachingType getSharedCacheMode() {
return sharedCacheMode;
* Sets the value of the sharedCacheMode property.
* @param value
* allowed object is
* {@link PersistenceUnitCachingType }
public void setSharedCacheMode(PersistenceUnitCachingType value) {
this.sharedCacheMode = value;
* Gets the value of the validationMode property.
* @return
* possible object is
* {@link PersistenceUnitValidationModeType }
public PersistenceUnitValidationModeType getValidationMode() {
return validationMode;
* Sets the value of the validationMode property.
* @param value
* allowed object is
* {@link PersistenceUnitValidationModeType }
public void setValidationMode(PersistenceUnitValidationModeType value) {
this.validationMode = value;
* Gets the value of the properties property.
* @return
* possible object is
* {@link Persistence.PersistenceUnit.Properties }
public Persistence.PersistenceUnit.Properties getProperties() {
return properties;
* Sets the value of the properties property.
* @param value
* allowed object is
* {@link Persistence.PersistenceUnit.Properties }
public void setProperties(Persistence.PersistenceUnit.Properties value) {
this.properties = value;
* Gets the value of the name property.
* @return
* possible object is
* {@link String }
public String getName() {
return name;
* Sets the value of the name property.
* @param value
* allowed object is
* {@link String }
public void setName(String value) {
this.name = value;
* Gets the value of the transactionType property.
* @return
* possible object is
* {@link PersistenceUnitTransactionType }
public PersistenceUnitTransactionType getTransactionType() {
return transactionType;
* Sets the value of the transactionType property.
* @param value
* allowed object is
* {@link PersistenceUnitTransactionType }
public void setTransactionType(PersistenceUnitTransactionType value) {
this.transactionType = value;
* Java class for anonymous complex type.
The following schema fragment specifies the expected content contained within this class.
* }
@XmlType(name = "", propOrder = {
public static class Properties {
@XmlElement(namespace = "https://jakarta.ee/xml/ns/persistence")
protected List property;
* Gets the value of the property property.
* This accessor method returns a reference to the live list,
* not a snapshot. Therefore any modification you make to the
* returned list will be present inside the Jakarta XML Binding object.
* This is why there is not a {@code set} method for the property property.
* For example, to add a new item, do as follows:
* getProperty().add(newItem);
* Objects of the following type(s) are allowed in the list
* {@link Persistence.PersistenceUnit.Properties.Property }
* @return
* The value of the property property.
public List getProperty() {
if (property == null) {
property = new ArrayList<>();
return this.property;
* Java class for anonymous complex type.
The following schema fragment specifies the expected content contained within this class.
* }
@XmlType(name = "")
public static class Property {
@XmlAttribute(name = "name", required = true)
protected String name;
@XmlAttribute(name = "value", required = true)
protected String value;
* Gets the value of the name property.
* @return
* possible object is
* {@link String }
public String getName() {
return name;
* Sets the value of the name property.
* @param value
* allowed object is
* {@link String }
public void setName(String value) {
this.name = value;
* Gets the value of the value property.
* @return
* possible object is
* {@link String }
public String getValue() {
return value;
* Sets the value of the value property.
* @param value
* allowed object is
* {@link String }
public void setValue(String value) {
this.value = value;