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org.hibernate.impl.SessionFactoryImpl Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
 * Copyright (c) 2008, Red Hat Middleware LLC or third-party contributors as
 * indicated by the @author tags or express copyright attribution
 * statements applied by the authors.  All third-party contributions are
 * distributed under license by Red Hat Middleware LLC.
 * This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, modify,
 * copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU
 * Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
 * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with this distribution; if not, write to:
 * Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor
 * Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
package org.hibernate.impl;

import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
import javax.naming.Reference;
import javax.naming.StringRefAddr;
import javax.transaction.TransactionManager;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import org.hibernate.AssertionFailure;
import org.hibernate.ConnectionReleaseMode;
import org.hibernate.EntityMode;
import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
import org.hibernate.Interceptor;
import org.hibernate.MappingException;
import org.hibernate.ObjectNotFoundException;
import org.hibernate.QueryException;
import org.hibernate.SessionFactory;
import org.hibernate.StatelessSession;
import org.hibernate.SessionFactoryObserver;
import org.hibernate.EntityNameResolver;
import org.hibernate.Cache;
import org.hibernate.tuple.entity.EntityTuplizer;
import org.hibernate.cache.CacheKey;
import org.hibernate.cache.CollectionRegion;
import org.hibernate.cache.EntityRegion;
import org.hibernate.cache.QueryCache;
import org.hibernate.cache.Region;
import org.hibernate.cache.UpdateTimestampsCache;
import org.hibernate.cache.access.AccessType;
import org.hibernate.cache.access.CollectionRegionAccessStrategy;
import org.hibernate.cache.access.EntityRegionAccessStrategy;
import org.hibernate.cache.impl.CacheDataDescriptionImpl;
import org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration;
import org.hibernate.cfg.Environment;
import org.hibernate.cfg.Settings;
import org.hibernate.connection.ConnectionProvider;
import org.hibernate.context.CurrentSessionContext;
import org.hibernate.context.JTASessionContext;
import org.hibernate.context.ManagedSessionContext;
import org.hibernate.context.ThreadLocalSessionContext;
import org.hibernate.dialect.Dialect;
import org.hibernate.dialect.function.SQLFunctionRegistry;
import org.hibernate.engine.FilterDefinition;
import org.hibernate.engine.Mapping;
import org.hibernate.engine.NamedQueryDefinition;
import org.hibernate.engine.NamedSQLQueryDefinition;
import org.hibernate.engine.ResultSetMappingDefinition;
import org.hibernate.engine.SessionFactoryImplementor;
import org.hibernate.engine.profile.FetchProfile;
import org.hibernate.engine.profile.Fetch;
import org.hibernate.engine.profile.Association;
import org.hibernate.engine.query.QueryPlanCache;
import org.hibernate.engine.query.sql.NativeSQLQuerySpecification;
import org.hibernate.event.EventListeners;
import org.hibernate.exception.SQLExceptionConverter;
import org.hibernate.jdbc.BatcherFactory;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Collection;
import org.hibernate.mapping.PersistentClass;
import org.hibernate.mapping.RootClass;
import org.hibernate.metadata.ClassMetadata;
import org.hibernate.metadata.CollectionMetadata;
import org.hibernate.persister.PersisterFactory;
import org.hibernate.persister.collection.CollectionPersister;
import org.hibernate.persister.entity.EntityPersister;
import org.hibernate.persister.entity.Queryable;
import org.hibernate.persister.entity.Loadable;
import org.hibernate.pretty.MessageHelper;
import org.hibernate.proxy.EntityNotFoundDelegate;
import org.hibernate.stat.Statistics;
import org.hibernate.stat.StatisticsImpl;
import org.hibernate.stat.ConcurrentStatisticsImpl;
import org.hibernate.stat.StatisticsImplementor;
import org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport;
import org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaUpdate;
import org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaValidator;
import org.hibernate.transaction.TransactionFactory;
import org.hibernate.type.AssociationType;
import org.hibernate.type.Type;
import org.hibernate.util.CollectionHelper;
import org.hibernate.util.ReflectHelper;
import org.hibernate.util.EmptyIterator;

 * Concrete implementation of the SessionFactory interface. Has the following
 * responsibilites
  • caches configuration settings (immutably) *
  • caches "compiled" mappings ie. EntityPersisters and * CollectionPersisters (immutable) *
  • caches "compiled" queries (memory sensitive cache) *
  • manages PreparedStatements *
  • delegates JDBC Connection management to the ConnectionProvider *
  • factory for instances of SessionImpl *
* This class must appear immutable to clients, even if it does all kinds of caching * and pooling under the covers. It is crucial that the class is not only thread * safe, but also highly concurrent. Synchronization must be used extremely sparingly. * * @see org.hibernate.connection.ConnectionProvider * @see org.hibernate.classic.Session * @see org.hibernate.hql.QueryTranslator * @see org.hibernate.persister.entity.EntityPersister * @see org.hibernate.persister.collection.CollectionPersister * @author Gavin King */ public final class SessionFactoryImpl implements SessionFactory, SessionFactoryImplementor { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SessionFactoryImpl.class); private static final IdentifierGenerator UUID_GENERATOR = new UUIDHexGenerator(); private final String name; private final String uuid; private final transient Map entityPersisters; private final transient Map classMetadata; private final transient Map collectionPersisters; private final transient Map collectionMetadata; private final transient Map collectionRolesByEntityParticipant; private final transient Map identifierGenerators; private final transient Map namedQueries; private final transient Map namedSqlQueries; private final transient Map sqlResultSetMappings; private final transient Map filters; private final transient Map fetchProfiles; private final transient Map imports; private final transient Interceptor interceptor; private final transient Settings settings; private final transient Properties properties; private transient SchemaExport schemaExport; private final transient TransactionManager transactionManager; private final transient QueryCache queryCache; private final transient UpdateTimestampsCache updateTimestampsCache; private final transient Map queryCaches; private final transient Map allCacheRegions = new HashMap(); private final transient Statistics statistics; private final transient EventListeners eventListeners; private final transient CurrentSessionContext currentSessionContext; private final transient EntityNotFoundDelegate entityNotFoundDelegate; private final transient SQLFunctionRegistry sqlFunctionRegistry; private final transient SessionFactoryObserver observer; private final transient HashMap entityNameResolvers = new HashMap(); private final transient QueryPlanCache queryPlanCache = new QueryPlanCache( this ); private final transient Cache cacheAccess = new CacheImpl(); private transient boolean isClosed = false; public SessionFactoryImpl( Configuration cfg, Mapping mapping, Settings settings, EventListeners listeners, SessionFactoryObserver observer) throws HibernateException {"building session factory"); Statistics concurrentStatistics = null; try { Class concurrentStatsClass = ReflectHelper.classForName("org.hibernate.stat.ConcurrentStatisticsImpl"); Constructor constructor = concurrentStatsClass.getConstructor(new Class[]{SessionFactoryImplementor.class}); concurrentStatistics = (Statistics) constructor.newInstance(new Object[]{this}); log.trace("JDK 1.5 concurrent classes present"); } catch ( NoClassDefFoundError noJava5 ) { log.trace("JDK 1.5 concurrent classes missing"); } catch (Exception noJava5) { log.trace("JDK 1.5 concurrent classes missing"); } if (concurrentStatistics != null) { this.statistics = concurrentStatistics; } else { this.statistics = new StatisticsImpl(this); } if ( log.isTraceEnabled() ) { log.trace("Statistics initialized with " + statistics.getClass().getName()); } = new Properties(); cfg.getProperties() ); this.interceptor = cfg.getInterceptor(); this.settings = settings; this.sqlFunctionRegistry = new SQLFunctionRegistry(settings.getDialect(), cfg.getSqlFunctions()); this.eventListeners = listeners; = observer != null ? observer : new SessionFactoryObserver() { public void sessionFactoryCreated(SessionFactory factory) { } public void sessionFactoryClosed(SessionFactory factory) { } }; this.filters = new HashMap(); this.filters.putAll( cfg.getFilterDefinitions() ); if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) { log.debug("Session factory constructed with filter configurations : " + filters); } if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) { log.debug( "instantiating session factory with properties: " + properties ); } // Caches settings.getRegionFactory().start( settings, properties ); //Generators: identifierGenerators = new HashMap(); Iterator classes = cfg.getClassMappings(); while ( classes.hasNext() ) { PersistentClass model = (PersistentClass); if ( !model.isInherited() ) { IdentifierGenerator generator = model.getIdentifier().createIdentifierGenerator( cfg.getIdentifierGeneratorFactory(), settings.getDialect(), settings.getDefaultCatalogName(), settings.getDefaultSchemaName(), (RootClass) model ); identifierGenerators.put( model.getEntityName(), generator ); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Prepare persisters and link them up with their cache // region/access-strategy final String cacheRegionPrefix = settings.getCacheRegionPrefix() == null ? "" : settings.getCacheRegionPrefix() + "."; entityPersisters = new HashMap(); Map entityAccessStrategies = new HashMap(); Map classMeta = new HashMap(); classes = cfg.getClassMappings(); while ( classes.hasNext() ) { final PersistentClass model = (PersistentClass); model.prepareTemporaryTables( mapping, settings.getDialect() ); final String cacheRegionName = cacheRegionPrefix + model.getRootClass().getCacheRegionName(); // cache region is defined by the root-class in the hierarchy... EntityRegionAccessStrategy accessStrategy = ( EntityRegionAccessStrategy ) entityAccessStrategies.get( cacheRegionName ); if ( accessStrategy == null && settings.isSecondLevelCacheEnabled() ) { final AccessType accessType = AccessType.parse( model.getCacheConcurrencyStrategy() ); if ( accessType != null ) { log.trace( "Building cache for entity data [" + model.getEntityName() + "]" ); EntityRegion entityRegion = settings.getRegionFactory().buildEntityRegion( cacheRegionName, properties, CacheDataDescriptionImpl.decode( model ) ); accessStrategy = entityRegion.buildAccessStrategy( accessType ); entityAccessStrategies.put( cacheRegionName, accessStrategy ); allCacheRegions.put( cacheRegionName, entityRegion ); } } EntityPersister cp = PersisterFactory.createClassPersister( model, accessStrategy, this, mapping ); entityPersisters.put( model.getEntityName(), cp ); classMeta.put( model.getEntityName(), cp.getClassMetadata() ); } classMetadata = Collections.unmodifiableMap(classMeta); Map tmpEntityToCollectionRoleMap = new HashMap(); collectionPersisters = new HashMap(); Iterator collections = cfg.getCollectionMappings(); while ( collections.hasNext() ) { Collection model = (Collection); final String cacheRegionName = cacheRegionPrefix + model.getCacheRegionName(); final AccessType accessType = AccessType.parse( model.getCacheConcurrencyStrategy() ); CollectionRegionAccessStrategy accessStrategy = null; if ( accessType != null && settings.isSecondLevelCacheEnabled() ) { log.trace( "Building cache for collection data [" + model.getRole() + "]" ); CollectionRegion collectionRegion = settings.getRegionFactory().buildCollectionRegion( cacheRegionName, properties, CacheDataDescriptionImpl.decode( model ) ); accessStrategy = collectionRegion.buildAccessStrategy( accessType ); entityAccessStrategies.put( cacheRegionName, accessStrategy ); allCacheRegions.put( cacheRegionName, collectionRegion ); } CollectionPersister persister = PersisterFactory.createCollectionPersister( cfg, model, accessStrategy, this) ; collectionPersisters.put( model.getRole(), persister.getCollectionMetadata() ); Type indexType = persister.getIndexType(); if ( indexType != null && indexType.isAssociationType() && !indexType.isAnyType() ) { String entityName = ( ( AssociationType ) indexType ).getAssociatedEntityName( this ); Set roles = ( Set ) tmpEntityToCollectionRoleMap.get( entityName ); if ( roles == null ) { roles = new HashSet(); tmpEntityToCollectionRoleMap.put( entityName, roles ); } roles.add( persister.getRole() ); } Type elementType = persister.getElementType(); if ( elementType.isAssociationType() && !elementType.isAnyType() ) { String entityName = ( ( AssociationType ) elementType ).getAssociatedEntityName( this ); Set roles = ( Set ) tmpEntityToCollectionRoleMap.get( entityName ); if ( roles == null ) { roles = new HashSet(); tmpEntityToCollectionRoleMap.put( entityName, roles ); } roles.add( persister.getRole() ); } } collectionMetadata = Collections.unmodifiableMap(collectionPersisters); Iterator itr = tmpEntityToCollectionRoleMap.entrySet().iterator(); while ( itr.hasNext() ) { final Map.Entry entry = ( Map.Entry ); entry.setValue( Collections.unmodifiableSet( ( Set ) entry.getValue() ) ); } collectionRolesByEntityParticipant = Collections.unmodifiableMap( tmpEntityToCollectionRoleMap ); //Named Queries: namedQueries = new HashMap( cfg.getNamedQueries() ); namedSqlQueries = new HashMap( cfg.getNamedSQLQueries() ); sqlResultSetMappings = new HashMap( cfg.getSqlResultSetMappings() ); imports = new HashMap( cfg.getImports() ); // after *all* persisters and named queries are registered Iterator iter = entityPersisters.values().iterator(); while ( iter.hasNext() ) { final EntityPersister persister = ( ( EntityPersister ) ); persister.postInstantiate(); registerEntityNameResolvers( persister ); } iter = collectionPersisters.values().iterator(); while ( iter.hasNext() ) { final CollectionPersister persister = ( ( CollectionPersister ) ); persister.postInstantiate(); } //JNDI + Serialization: name = settings.getSessionFactoryName(); try { uuid = (String) UUID_GENERATOR.generate(null, null); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AssertionFailure("Could not generate UUID"); } SessionFactoryObjectFactory.addInstance(uuid, name, this, properties); log.debug("instantiated session factory"); if ( settings.isAutoCreateSchema() ) { new SchemaExport( cfg, settings ).create( false, true ); } if ( settings.isAutoUpdateSchema() ) { new SchemaUpdate( cfg, settings ).execute( false, true ); } if ( settings.isAutoValidateSchema() ) { new SchemaValidator( cfg, settings ).validate(); } if ( settings.isAutoDropSchema() ) { schemaExport = new SchemaExport( cfg, settings ); } if ( settings.getTransactionManagerLookup()!=null ) { log.debug("obtaining JTA TransactionManager"); transactionManager = settings.getTransactionManagerLookup().getTransactionManager(properties); } else { if ( settings.getTransactionFactory().isTransactionManagerRequired() ) { throw new HibernateException("The chosen transaction strategy requires access to the JTA TransactionManager"); } transactionManager = null; } currentSessionContext = buildCurrentSessionContext(); if ( settings.isQueryCacheEnabled() ) { updateTimestampsCache = new UpdateTimestampsCache(settings, properties); queryCache = settings.getQueryCacheFactory() .getQueryCache(null, updateTimestampsCache, settings, properties); queryCaches = new HashMap(); allCacheRegions.put( updateTimestampsCache.getRegion().getName(), updateTimestampsCache.getRegion() ); allCacheRegions.put( queryCache.getRegion().getName(), queryCache.getRegion() ); } else { updateTimestampsCache = null; queryCache = null; queryCaches = null; } //checking for named queries if ( settings.isNamedQueryStartupCheckingEnabled() ) { Map errors = checkNamedQueries(); if ( !errors.isEmpty() ) { Set keys = errors.keySet(); StringBuffer failingQueries = new StringBuffer( "Errors in named queries: " ); for ( Iterator iterator = keys.iterator() ; iterator.hasNext() ; ) { String queryName = ( String ); HibernateException e = ( HibernateException ) errors.get( queryName ); failingQueries.append( queryName ); if ( iterator.hasNext() ) { failingQueries.append( ", " ); } log.error( "Error in named query: " + queryName, e ); } throw new HibernateException( failingQueries.toString() ); } } //stats getStatistics().setStatisticsEnabled( settings.isStatisticsEnabled() ); // EntityNotFoundDelegate EntityNotFoundDelegate entityNotFoundDelegate = cfg.getEntityNotFoundDelegate(); if ( entityNotFoundDelegate == null ) { entityNotFoundDelegate = new EntityNotFoundDelegate() { public void handleEntityNotFound(String entityName, Serializable id) { throw new ObjectNotFoundException( id, entityName ); } public boolean isEntityNotFoundException(RuntimeException exception) { return ObjectNotFoundException.class.isInstance( exception ); } }; } this.entityNotFoundDelegate = entityNotFoundDelegate; // this needs to happen after persisters are all ready to go... this.fetchProfiles = new HashMap(); itr = cfg.iterateFetchProfiles(); while ( itr.hasNext() ) { final org.hibernate.mapping.FetchProfile mappingProfile = ( org.hibernate.mapping.FetchProfile ); final FetchProfile fetchProfile = new FetchProfile( mappingProfile.getName() ); Iterator fetches = mappingProfile.getFetches().iterator(); while ( fetches.hasNext() ) { final org.hibernate.mapping.FetchProfile.Fetch mappingFetch = ( org.hibernate.mapping.FetchProfile.Fetch ); // resolve the persister owning the fetch final String entityName = getImportedClassName( mappingFetch.getEntity() ); final EntityPersister owner = ( EntityPersister ) ( entityName == null ? null : entityPersisters.get( entityName ) ); if ( owner == null ) { throw new HibernateException( "Unable to resolve entity reference [" + mappingFetch.getEntity() + "] in fetch profile [" + fetchProfile.getName() + "]" ); } // validate the specified association fetch Type associationType = owner.getPropertyType( mappingFetch.getAssociation() ); if ( associationType == null || !associationType.isAssociationType() ) { throw new HibernateException( "Fetch profile [" + fetchProfile.getName() + "] specified an invalid association" ); } // resolve the style final Fetch.Style fetchStyle = Fetch.Style.parse( mappingFetch.getStyle() ); // then construct the fetch instance... fetchProfile.addFetch( new Association( owner, mappingFetch.getAssociation() ), fetchStyle ); ( ( Loadable ) owner ).registerAffectingFetchProfile( fetchProfile.getName() ); } fetchProfiles.put( fetchProfile.getName(), fetchProfile ); } this ); } public Properties getProperties() { return properties; } public IdentifierGeneratorFactory getIdentifierGeneratorFactory() { return null; } private void registerEntityNameResolvers(EntityPersister persister) { if ( persister.getEntityMetamodel() == null || persister.getEntityMetamodel().getTuplizerMapping() == null ) { return; } Iterator itr = persister.getEntityMetamodel().getTuplizerMapping().iterateTuplizers(); while ( itr.hasNext() ) { final EntityTuplizer tuplizer = ( EntityTuplizer ); registerEntityNameResolvers( tuplizer ); } } private void registerEntityNameResolvers(EntityTuplizer tuplizer) { EntityNameResolver[] resolvers = tuplizer.getEntityNameResolvers(); if ( resolvers == null ) { return; } for ( int i = 0; i < resolvers.length; i++ ) { registerEntityNameResolver( resolvers[i], tuplizer.getEntityMode() ); } } public void registerEntityNameResolver(EntityNameResolver resolver, EntityMode entityMode) { LinkedHashSet resolversForMode = ( LinkedHashSet ) entityNameResolvers.get( entityMode ); if ( resolversForMode == null ) { resolversForMode = new LinkedHashSet(); entityNameResolvers.put( entityMode, resolversForMode ); } resolversForMode.add( resolver ); } public Iterator iterateEntityNameResolvers(EntityMode entityMode) { Set actualEntityNameResolvers = ( Set ) entityNameResolvers.get( entityMode ); return actualEntityNameResolvers == null ? EmptyIterator.INSTANCE : actualEntityNameResolvers.iterator(); } public QueryPlanCache getQueryPlanCache() { return queryPlanCache; } private Map checkNamedQueries() throws HibernateException { Map errors = new HashMap(); // Check named HQL queries log.debug("Checking " + namedQueries.size() + " named HQL queries"); Iterator itr = namedQueries.entrySet().iterator(); while ( itr.hasNext() ) { final Map.Entry entry = ( Map.Entry ); final String queryName = ( String ) entry.getKey(); final NamedQueryDefinition qd = ( NamedQueryDefinition ) entry.getValue(); // this will throw an error if there's something wrong. try { log.debug("Checking named query: " + queryName); //TODO: BUG! this currently fails for named queries for non-POJO entities queryPlanCache.getHQLQueryPlan( qd.getQueryString(), false, CollectionHelper.EMPTY_MAP ); } catch ( QueryException e ) { errors.put( queryName, e ); } catch ( MappingException e ) { errors.put( queryName, e ); } } log.debug("Checking " + namedSqlQueries.size() + " named SQL queries"); itr = namedSqlQueries.entrySet().iterator(); while ( itr.hasNext() ) { final Map.Entry entry = ( Map.Entry ); final String queryName = ( String ) entry.getKey(); final NamedSQLQueryDefinition qd = ( NamedSQLQueryDefinition ) entry.getValue(); // this will throw an error if there's something wrong. try { log.debug("Checking named SQL query: " + queryName); // TODO : would be really nice to cache the spec on the query-def so as to not have to re-calc the hash; // currently not doable though because of the resultset-ref stuff... NativeSQLQuerySpecification spec; if ( qd.getResultSetRef() != null ) { ResultSetMappingDefinition definition = ( ResultSetMappingDefinition ) sqlResultSetMappings.get( qd.getResultSetRef() ); if ( definition == null ) { throw new MappingException( "Unable to find resultset-ref definition: " + qd.getResultSetRef() ); } spec = new NativeSQLQuerySpecification( qd.getQueryString(), definition.getQueryReturns(), qd.getQuerySpaces() ); } else { spec = new NativeSQLQuerySpecification( qd.getQueryString(), qd.getQueryReturns(), qd.getQuerySpaces() ); } queryPlanCache.getNativeSQLQueryPlan( spec ); } catch ( QueryException e ) { errors.put( queryName, e ); } catch ( MappingException e ) { errors.put( queryName, e ); } } return errors; } public StatelessSession openStatelessSession() { return new StatelessSessionImpl( null, this ); } public StatelessSession openStatelessSession(Connection connection) { return new StatelessSessionImpl( connection, this ); } private SessionImpl openSession( Connection connection, boolean autoClose, long timestamp, Interceptor sessionLocalInterceptor ) { return new SessionImpl( connection, this, autoClose, timestamp, sessionLocalInterceptor == null ? interceptor : sessionLocalInterceptor, settings.getDefaultEntityMode(), settings.isFlushBeforeCompletionEnabled(), settings.isAutoCloseSessionEnabled(), settings.getConnectionReleaseMode() ); } public org.hibernate.classic.Session openSession(Connection connection, Interceptor sessionLocalInterceptor) { return openSession(connection, false, Long.MIN_VALUE, sessionLocalInterceptor); } public org.hibernate.classic.Session openSession(Interceptor sessionLocalInterceptor) throws HibernateException { // note that this timestamp is not correct if the connection provider // returns an older JDBC connection that was associated with a // transaction that was already begun before openSession() was called // (don't know any possible solution to this!) long timestamp = settings.getRegionFactory().nextTimestamp(); return openSession( null, true, timestamp, sessionLocalInterceptor ); } public org.hibernate.classic.Session openSession(Connection connection) { return openSession(connection, interceptor); //prevents this session from adding things to cache } public org.hibernate.classic.Session openSession() throws HibernateException { return openSession(interceptor); } public org.hibernate.classic.Session openTemporarySession() throws HibernateException { return new SessionImpl( null, this, true, settings.getRegionFactory().nextTimestamp(), interceptor, settings.getDefaultEntityMode(), false, false, ConnectionReleaseMode.AFTER_STATEMENT ); } public org.hibernate.classic.Session openSession( final Connection connection, final boolean flushBeforeCompletionEnabled, final boolean autoCloseSessionEnabled, final ConnectionReleaseMode connectionReleaseMode) throws HibernateException { return new SessionImpl( connection, this, true, settings.getRegionFactory().nextTimestamp(), interceptor, settings.getDefaultEntityMode(), flushBeforeCompletionEnabled, autoCloseSessionEnabled, connectionReleaseMode ); } public org.hibernate.classic.Session getCurrentSession() throws HibernateException { if ( currentSessionContext == null ) { throw new HibernateException( "No CurrentSessionContext configured!" ); } return currentSessionContext.currentSession(); } public EntityPersister getEntityPersister(String entityName) throws MappingException { EntityPersister result = (EntityPersister) entityPersisters.get(entityName); if (result==null) { throw new MappingException( "Unknown entity: " + entityName ); } return result; } public CollectionPersister getCollectionPersister(String role) throws MappingException { CollectionPersister result = (CollectionPersister) collectionPersisters.get(role); if (result==null) { throw new MappingException( "Unknown collection role: " + role ); } return result; } public Settings getSettings() { return settings; } public Dialect getDialect() { return settings.getDialect(); } public Interceptor getInterceptor() { return interceptor; } public TransactionFactory getTransactionFactory() { return settings.getTransactionFactory(); } public TransactionManager getTransactionManager() { return transactionManager; } public SQLExceptionConverter getSQLExceptionConverter() { return settings.getSQLExceptionConverter(); } public Set getCollectionRolesByEntityParticipant(String entityName) { return ( Set ) collectionRolesByEntityParticipant.get( entityName ); } // from javax.naming.Referenceable public Reference getReference() throws NamingException { log.debug("Returning a Reference to the SessionFactory"); return new Reference( SessionFactoryImpl.class.getName(), new StringRefAddr("uuid", uuid), SessionFactoryObjectFactory.class.getName(), null ); } private Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException { log.trace("Resolving serialized SessionFactory"); // look for the instance by uuid Object result = SessionFactoryObjectFactory.getInstance(uuid); if (result==null) { // in case we were deserialized in a different JVM, look for an instance with the same name // (alternatively we could do an actual JNDI lookup here....) result = SessionFactoryObjectFactory.getNamedInstance(name); if (result==null) { throw new InvalidObjectException("Could not find a SessionFactory named: " + name); } else { log.debug("resolved SessionFactory by name"); } } else { log.debug("resolved SessionFactory by uid"); } return result; } public NamedQueryDefinition getNamedQuery(String queryName) { return (NamedQueryDefinition) namedQueries.get(queryName); } public NamedSQLQueryDefinition getNamedSQLQuery(String queryName) { return (NamedSQLQueryDefinition) namedSqlQueries.get(queryName); } public ResultSetMappingDefinition getResultSetMapping(String resultSetName) { return (ResultSetMappingDefinition) sqlResultSetMappings.get(resultSetName); } public Type getIdentifierType(String className) throws MappingException { return getEntityPersister(className).getIdentifierType(); } public String getIdentifierPropertyName(String className) throws MappingException { return getEntityPersister(className).getIdentifierPropertyName(); } private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { log.trace("deserializing"); in.defaultReadObject(); log.debug("deserialized: " + uuid); } private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException { log.debug("serializing: " + uuid); out.defaultWriteObject(); log.trace("serialized"); } public Type[] getReturnTypes(String queryString) throws HibernateException { return queryPlanCache.getHQLQueryPlan( queryString, false, CollectionHelper.EMPTY_MAP ).getReturnMetadata().getReturnTypes(); } public String[] getReturnAliases(String queryString) throws HibernateException { return queryPlanCache.getHQLQueryPlan( queryString, false, CollectionHelper.EMPTY_MAP ).getReturnMetadata().getReturnAliases(); } public ClassMetadata getClassMetadata(Class persistentClass) throws HibernateException { return getClassMetadata( persistentClass.getName() ); } public CollectionMetadata getCollectionMetadata(String roleName) throws HibernateException { return (CollectionMetadata) collectionMetadata.get(roleName); } public ClassMetadata getClassMetadata(String entityName) throws HibernateException { return (ClassMetadata) classMetadata.get(entityName); } /** * Return the names of all persistent (mapped) classes that extend or implement the * given class or interface, accounting for implicit/explicit polymorphism settings * and excluding mapped subclasses/joined-subclasses of other classes in the result. */ public String[] getImplementors(String className) throws MappingException { final Class clazz; try { clazz = ReflectHelper.classForName(className); } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { return new String[] { className }; //for a dynamic-class } ArrayList results = new ArrayList(); Iterator iter = entityPersisters.values().iterator(); while ( iter.hasNext() ) { //test this entity to see if we must query it EntityPersister testPersister = (EntityPersister); if ( testPersister instanceof Queryable ) { Queryable testQueryable = (Queryable) testPersister; String testClassName = testQueryable.getEntityName(); boolean isMappedClass = className.equals(testClassName); if ( testQueryable.isExplicitPolymorphism() ) { if ( isMappedClass ) { return new String[] {className}; //NOTE EARLY EXIT } } else { if (isMappedClass) { results.add(testClassName); } else { final Class mappedClass = testQueryable.getMappedClass( EntityMode.POJO ); if ( mappedClass!=null && clazz.isAssignableFrom( mappedClass ) ) { final boolean assignableSuperclass; if ( testQueryable.isInherited() ) { Class mappedSuperclass = getEntityPersister( testQueryable.getMappedSuperclass() ).getMappedClass( EntityMode.POJO); assignableSuperclass = clazz.isAssignableFrom(mappedSuperclass); } else { assignableSuperclass = false; } if ( !assignableSuperclass ) { results.add( testClassName ); } } } } } } return (String[]) results.toArray( new String[ results.size() ] ); } public String getImportedClassName(String className) { String result = (String) imports.get(className); if (result==null) { try { ReflectHelper.classForName(className); return className; } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { return null; } } else { return result; } } public Map getAllClassMetadata() throws HibernateException { return classMetadata; } public Map getAllCollectionMetadata() throws HibernateException { return collectionMetadata; } public Type getReferencedPropertyType(String className, String propertyName) throws MappingException { return getEntityPersister(className).getPropertyType(propertyName); } public ConnectionProvider getConnectionProvider() { return settings.getConnectionProvider(); } /** * Closes the session factory, releasing all held resources. * *
  1. cleans up used cache regions and "stops" the cache provider. *
  2. close the JDBC connection *
  3. remove the JNDI binding *
* * Note: Be aware that the sessionfactory instance still can * be a "heavy" object memory wise after close() has been called. Thus * it is important to not keep referencing the instance to let the garbage * collector release the memory. */ public void close() throws HibernateException { if ( isClosed ) { log.trace( "already closed" ); return; }"closing"); isClosed = true; Iterator iter = entityPersisters.values().iterator(); while ( iter.hasNext() ) { EntityPersister p = (EntityPersister); if ( p.hasCache() ) { p.getCacheAccessStrategy().getRegion().destroy(); } } iter = collectionPersisters.values().iterator(); while ( iter.hasNext() ) { CollectionPersister p = (CollectionPersister); if ( p.hasCache() ) { p.getCacheAccessStrategy().getRegion().destroy(); } } if ( settings.isQueryCacheEnabled() ) { queryCache.destroy(); iter = queryCaches.values().iterator(); while ( iter.hasNext() ) { QueryCache cache = (QueryCache); cache.destroy(); } updateTimestampsCache.destroy(); } settings.getRegionFactory().stop(); if ( settings.isAutoDropSchema() ) { schemaExport.drop( false, true ); } try { settings.getConnectionProvider().close(); } finally { SessionFactoryObjectFactory.removeInstance(uuid, name, properties); } observer.sessionFactoryClosed( this ); eventListeners.destroyListeners(); } private class CacheImpl implements Cache { public boolean containsEntity(Class entityClass, Serializable identifier) { return containsEntity( entityClass.getName(), identifier ); } public boolean containsEntity(String entityName, Serializable identifier) { EntityPersister p = getEntityPersister( entityName ); return p.hasCache() && p.getCacheAccessStrategy().getRegion().contains( buildCacheKey( identifier, p ) ); } public void evictEntity(Class entityClass, Serializable identifier) { evictEntity( entityClass.getName(), identifier ); } public void evictEntity(String entityName, Serializable identifier) { EntityPersister p = getEntityPersister( entityName ); if ( p.hasCache() ) { if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) { log.debug( "evicting second-level cache: " + MessageHelper.infoString( p, identifier, SessionFactoryImpl.this ) ); } p.getCacheAccessStrategy().evict( buildCacheKey( identifier, p ) ); } } private CacheKey buildCacheKey(Serializable identifier, EntityPersister p) { return new CacheKey( identifier, p.getIdentifierType(), p.getRootEntityName(), EntityMode.POJO, SessionFactoryImpl.this ); } public void evictEntityRegion(Class entityClass) { evictEntityRegion( entityClass.getName() ); } public void evictEntityRegion(String entityName) { EntityPersister p = getEntityPersister( entityName ); if ( p.hasCache() ) { if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) { log.debug( "evicting second-level cache: " + p.getEntityName() ); } p.getCacheAccessStrategy().evictAll(); } } public void evictEntityRegions() { Iterator entityNames = entityPersisters.keySet().iterator(); while ( entityNames.hasNext() ) { evictEntityRegion( ( String ) ); } } public boolean containsCollection(String role, Serializable ownerIdentifier) { CollectionPersister p = getCollectionPersister( role ); return p.hasCache() && p.getCacheAccessStrategy().getRegion().contains( buildCacheKey( ownerIdentifier, p ) ); } public void evictCollection(String role, Serializable ownerIdentifier) { CollectionPersister p = getCollectionPersister( role ); if ( p.hasCache() ) { if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) { log.debug( "evicting second-level cache: " + MessageHelper.collectionInfoString(p, ownerIdentifier, SessionFactoryImpl.this) ); } CacheKey cacheKey = buildCacheKey( ownerIdentifier, p ); p.getCacheAccessStrategy().evict( cacheKey ); } } private CacheKey buildCacheKey(Serializable ownerIdentifier, CollectionPersister p) { return new CacheKey( ownerIdentifier, p.getKeyType(), p.getRole(), EntityMode.POJO, SessionFactoryImpl.this ); } public void evictCollectionRegion(String role) { CollectionPersister p = getCollectionPersister( role ); if ( p.hasCache() ) { if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) { log.debug( "evicting second-level cache: " + p.getRole() ); } p.getCacheAccessStrategy().evictAll(); } } public void evictCollectionRegions() { Iterator collectionRoles = collectionPersisters.keySet().iterator(); while ( collectionRoles.hasNext() ) { evictCollectionRegion( ( String ) ); } } public boolean containsQuery(String regionName) { return queryCaches.get( regionName ) != null; } public void evictDefaultQueryRegion() { if ( settings.isQueryCacheEnabled() ) { queryCache.clear(); } } public void evictQueryRegion(String regionName) { if ( regionName == null ) { throw new NullPointerException( "Region-name cannot be null (use Cache#evictDefaultQueryRegion to evict the default query cache)" ); } else { synchronized ( allCacheRegions ) { if ( settings.isQueryCacheEnabled() ) { QueryCache namedQueryCache = ( QueryCache ) queryCaches.get( regionName ); if ( namedQueryCache != null ) { namedQueryCache.clear(); // TODO : cleanup entries in queryCaches + allCacheRegions ? } } } } } public void evictQueryRegions() { synchronized ( allCacheRegions ) { Iterator regions = queryCaches.values().iterator(); while ( regions.hasNext() ) { QueryCache cache = ( QueryCache ); cache.clear(); // TODO : cleanup entries in queryCaches + allCacheRegions ? } } } } public Cache getCache() { return cacheAccess; } public void evictEntity(String entityName, Serializable id) throws HibernateException { getCache().evictEntity( entityName, id ); } public void evictEntity(String entityName) throws HibernateException { getCache().evictEntityRegion( entityName ); } public void evict(Class persistentClass, Serializable id) throws HibernateException { getCache().evictEntity( persistentClass, id ); } public void evict(Class persistentClass) throws HibernateException { getCache().evictEntityRegion( persistentClass ); } public void evictCollection(String roleName, Serializable id) throws HibernateException { getCache().evictCollection( roleName, id ); } public void evictCollection(String roleName) throws HibernateException { getCache().evictCollectionRegion( roleName ); } public void evictQueries() throws HibernateException { if ( settings.isQueryCacheEnabled() ) { queryCache.clear(); } } public void evictQueries(String regionName) throws HibernateException { getCache().evictQueryRegion( regionName ); } public UpdateTimestampsCache getUpdateTimestampsCache() { return updateTimestampsCache; } public QueryCache getQueryCache() { return queryCache; } public QueryCache getQueryCache(String regionName) throws HibernateException { if ( regionName == null ) { return getQueryCache(); } if ( !settings.isQueryCacheEnabled() ) { return null; } synchronized ( allCacheRegions ) { QueryCache currentQueryCache = ( QueryCache ) queryCaches.get( regionName ); if ( currentQueryCache == null ) { currentQueryCache = settings.getQueryCacheFactory().getQueryCache( regionName, updateTimestampsCache, settings, properties ); queryCaches.put( regionName, currentQueryCache ); allCacheRegions.put( currentQueryCache.getRegion().getName(), currentQueryCache.getRegion() ); } return currentQueryCache; } } public Region getSecondLevelCacheRegion(String regionName) { synchronized ( allCacheRegions ) { return ( Region ) allCacheRegions.get( regionName ); } } public Map getAllSecondLevelCacheRegions() { synchronized ( allCacheRegions ) { return new HashMap( allCacheRegions ); } } public boolean isClosed() { return isClosed; } public Statistics getStatistics() { return statistics; } public StatisticsImplementor getStatisticsImplementor() { return (StatisticsImplementor) statistics; } public FilterDefinition getFilterDefinition(String filterName) throws HibernateException { FilterDefinition def = ( FilterDefinition ) filters.get( filterName ); if ( def == null ) { throw new HibernateException( "No such filter configured [" + filterName + "]" ); } return def; } public boolean containsFetchProfileDefinition(String name) { return fetchProfiles.containsKey( name ); } public Set getDefinedFilterNames() { return filters.keySet(); } public BatcherFactory getBatcherFactory() { return settings.getBatcherFactory(); } public IdentifierGenerator getIdentifierGenerator(String rootEntityName) { return (IdentifierGenerator) identifierGenerators.get(rootEntityName); } private CurrentSessionContext buildCurrentSessionContext() { String impl = properties.getProperty( Environment.CURRENT_SESSION_CONTEXT_CLASS ); // for backward-compatability if ( impl == null && transactionManager != null ) { impl = "jta"; } if ( impl == null ) { return null; } else if ( "jta".equals( impl ) ) { if ( settings.getTransactionFactory().areCallbacksLocalToHibernateTransactions() ) { log.warn( "JTASessionContext being used with JDBCTransactionFactory; auto-flush will not operate correctly with getCurrentSession()" ); } return new JTASessionContext( this ); } else if ( "thread".equals( impl ) ) { return new ThreadLocalSessionContext( this ); } else if ( "managed".equals( impl ) ) { return new ManagedSessionContext( this ); } else { try { Class implClass = ReflectHelper.classForName( impl ); return ( CurrentSessionContext ) implClass .getConstructor( new Class[] { SessionFactoryImplementor.class } ) .newInstance( new Object[] { this } ); } catch( Throwable t ) { log.error( "Unable to construct current session context [" + impl + "]", t ); return null; } } } public EventListeners getEventListeners() { return eventListeners; } public EntityNotFoundDelegate getEntityNotFoundDelegate() { return entityNotFoundDelegate; } public SQLFunctionRegistry getSqlFunctionRegistry() { return sqlFunctionRegistry; } public FetchProfile getFetchProfile(String name) { return ( FetchProfile ) fetchProfiles.get( name ); } /** * Custom serialization hook used during Session serialization. * * @param oos The stream to which to write the factory * @throws IOException Indicates problems writing out the serial data stream */ void serialize(ObjectOutputStream oos) throws IOException { oos.writeUTF( uuid ); oos.writeBoolean( name != null ); if ( name != null ) { oos.writeUTF( name ); } } /** * Custom deserialization hook used during Session deserialization. * * @param ois The stream from which to "read" the factory * @return The deserialized factory * @throws IOException indicates problems reading back serial data stream * @throws ClassNotFoundException indicates problems reading back serial data stream */ static SessionFactoryImpl deserialize(ObjectInputStream ois) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { String uuid = ois.readUTF(); boolean isNamed = ois.readBoolean(); String name = null; if ( isNamed ) { name = ois.readUTF(); } Object result = SessionFactoryObjectFactory.getInstance( uuid ); if ( result == null ) { log.trace( "could not locate session factory by uuid [" + uuid + "] during session deserialization; trying name" ); if ( isNamed ) { result = SessionFactoryObjectFactory.getNamedInstance( name ); } if ( result == null ) { throw new InvalidObjectException( "could not resolve session factory during session deserialization [uuid=" + uuid + ", name=" + name + "]" ); } } return ( SessionFactoryImpl ) result; } }

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