org.hibernate.Cache Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2009, Red Hat Middleware LLC or third-party contributors as
* indicated by the @author tags or express copyright attribution
* statements applied by the authors. All third-party contributions are
* distributed under license by Red Hat Middleware LLC.
* This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, modify,
* copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU
* Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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package org.hibernate;
* Provides an API for querying/managing the second level cache regions.
* CAUTION: None of these methods respect any isolation or transactional
* semantics associated with the underlying caches. Specifically, evictions
* perform an immediate "hard" removal outside any transactions and/or locking
* scheme(s).
* @author Steve Ebersole
public interface Cache {
* Determine whether the cache contains data for the given entity "instance".
* The semantic here is whether the cache contains data visible for the
* current call context.
* @param entityClass The entity class.
* @param identifier The entity identifier
* @return True if the underlying cache contains corresponding data; false
* otherwise.
public boolean containsEntity(Class entityClass, Serializable identifier);
* Determine whether the cache contains data for the given entity "instance".
* The semantic here is whether the cache contains data visible for the
* current call context.
* @param entityName The entity name.
* @param identifier The entity identifier
* @return True if the underlying cache contains corresponding data; false otherwise.
public boolean containsEntity(String entityName, Serializable identifier);
* Evicts the entity data for a particular entity "instance".
* @param entityClass The entity class.
* @param identifier The entity identifier
public void evictEntity(Class entityClass, Serializable identifier);
* Evicts the entity data for a particular entity "instance".
* @param entityName The entity name.
* @param identifier The entity identifier
public void evictEntity(String entityName, Serializable identifier);
* Evicts all entity data from the given region (i.e. for all entities of
* type).
* @param entityClass The entity class.
public void evictEntityRegion(Class entityClass);
* Evicts all entity data from the given region (i.e. for all entities of
* type).
* @param entityName The entity name.
public void evictEntityRegion(String entityName);
* Evict data from all entity regions.
public void evictEntityRegions();
* Determine whether the cache contains data for the given collection.
* The semantic here is whether the cache contains data visible for the
* current call context.
* @param role The name of the collection role (in form
* [owner-entity-name].[collection-property-name]) whose regions should be
* evicted.
* @param ownerIdentifier The identifier of the owning entity
* @return True if the underlying cache contains corresponding data; false otherwise.
public boolean containsCollection(String role, Serializable ownerIdentifier);
* Evicts the cache data for the given identified collection instance.
* @param role The "collection role" (in form [owner-entity-name].[collection-property-name]).
* @param ownerIdentifier The identifier of the owning entity
public void evictCollection(String role, Serializable ownerIdentifier);
* Evicts all entity data from the given region (i.e. evicts cached data
* for all of the specified c9ollection role).
* @param role The "collection role" (in form [owner-entity-name].[collection-property-name]).
public void evictCollectionRegion(String role);
* Evict data from all collection regions.
public void evictCollectionRegions();
* Determine whether the cache contains data for the given query.
* The semantic here is whether the cache contains any data for the given
* region name since query result caches are not transactionally isolated.
* @param regionName The cache name given to the query.
* @return True if the underlying cache contains corresponding data; false otherwise.
public boolean containsQuery(String regionName);
* Evicts all cached query results from the default region.
public void evictDefaultQueryRegion();
* Evicts all cached query results under the given name.
* @param regionName The cache name associated to the queries being cached.
public void evictQueryRegion(String regionName);
* Evict data from all query regions.
public void evictQueryRegions();