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org.hibernate.internal.CoreMessageLogger_$logger Maven / Gradle / Ivy

There is a newer version: 7.0.0.Alpha1
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package org.hibernate.internal;

import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.sql.SQLWarning;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import javax.annotation.Generated;
import javax.naming.NameNotFoundException;
import javax.transaction.SystemException;
import org.hibernate.LockMode;
import org.hibernate.cache.CacheException;
import org.hibernate.dialect.Dialect;
import org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.dialect.spi.DialectResolver;
import org.hibernate.engine.jndi.JndiNameException;
import org.hibernate.engine.loading.internal.CollectionLoadContext;
import org.hibernate.engine.loading.internal.EntityLoadContext;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.CollectionKey;
import org.hibernate.type.BasicType;
import org.hibernate.type.SerializationException;
import org.hibernate.type.Type;
import org.jboss.logging.BasicLogger;
import org.jboss.logging.DelegatingBasicLogger;
import org.jboss.logging.Logger;

 * Warning this class consists of generated code.
@Generated(value = "org.jboss.logging.processor.generator.model.MessageLoggerImplementor", date = "2014-07-16T16:28:07-0700")
public class CoreMessageLogger_$logger
    extends DelegatingBasicLogger
    implements Serializable, CoreMessageLogger, BasicLogger

    private final static long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    private final static java.lang.String FQCN = CoreMessageLogger_$logger.class.getName();
    private final static java.lang.String configuringFromFile = "HHH000042: Configuring from file: %s";
    private final static java.lang.String expired = "HHH000092: An item was expired by the cache while it was locked (increase your cache timeout): %s";
    private final static java.lang.String unableToLocateConfigFile = "HHH000330: Unable to locate config file: %s";
    private final static java.lang.String writeLocksNotSupported = "HHH000416: Write locks via update not supported for non-versioned entities [%s]";
    private final static java.lang.String logicalConnectionReleasingPhysicalConnection = "HHH000163: Logical connection releasing its physical connection";
    private final static java.lang.String logicalConnectionClosed = "HHH000162: *** Logical connection closed ***";
    private final static java.lang.String unableToCloseJar = "HHH000290: Could not close jar: %s";
    private final static java.lang.String invalidEditOfReadOnlyItem = "HHH000134: Application attempted to edit read only item: %s";
    private final static java.lang.String sessionsClosed = "HHH000241: Sessions closed: %s";
    private final static java.lang.String typeRegistrationOverridesPrevious = "HHH000270: Type registration [%s] overrides previous : %s";
    private final static java.lang.String unsupportedProperty = "HHH000395: Usage of obsolete property: %s no longer supported, use: %s";
    private final static java.lang.String unregisteredStatement = "HHH000387: ResultSet's statement was not registered";
    private final static java.lang.String bytecodeProvider = "HHH000021: Bytecode provider name : %s";
    private final static java.lang.String cleaningUpConnectionPool = "HHH000030: Cleaning up connection pool [%s]";
    private final static java.lang.String rollbackFromBackgroundThread = "HHH000451: Transaction afterCompletion called by a background thread; delaying afterCompletion processing until the original thread can handle it. [status=%s]";
    private final static java.lang.String unsupportedInitialValue = "HHH000392: Hibernate does not support SequenceGenerator.initialValue() unless '%s' set";
    private final static java.lang.String unableToSetTransactionToRollbackOnly = "HHH000367: Could not set transaction to rollback only";
    private final static java.lang.String unableToCreateProxyFactory = "HHH000305: Could not create proxy factory for:%s";
    private final static java.lang.String usingDriver = "HHH000401: using driver [%s] at URL [%s]";
    private final static java.lang.String recognizedObsoleteHibernateNamespace = "HHH000223: Recognized obsolete hibernate namespace %s. Use namespace %s instead. Refer to Hibernate 3.6 Migration Guide!";
    private final static java.lang.String secondLevelCacheHits = "HHH000237: Second level cache hits: %s";
    private final static java.lang.String serviceProperties = "HHH000240: Service properties: %s";
    private final static java.lang.String deprecatedOracle9Dialect = "HHH000063: The Oracle9Dialect dialect has been deprecated; use either Oracle9iDialect or Oracle10gDialect instead";
    private final static java.lang.String disablingContextualLOBCreationSinceOldJdbcVersion = "HHH000423: Disabling contextual LOB creation as JDBC driver reported JDBC version [%s] less than 4";
    private final static java.lang.String disablingContextualLOBCreationSinceConnectionNull = "HHH000422: Disabling contextual LOB creation as connection was null";
    private final static java.lang.String schemaUpdateComplete = "HHH000232: Schema update complete";
    private final static java.lang.String invalidArrayElementType = "HHH000132: Array element type error\n%s";
    private final static java.lang.String usingStreams = "HHH000407: Using streams to persist binary types";
    private final static java.lang.String alreadySessionBound = "HHH000002: Already session bound on call to bind(); make sure you clean up your sessions!";
    private final static java.lang.String unableToDropTemporaryIdTable = "HHH000314: Unable to drop temporary id table after use [%s]";
    private final static java.lang.String disallowingInsertStatementComment = "HHH000067: Disallowing insert statement comment for select-identity due to Oracle driver bug";
    private final static java.lang.String loggingStatistics = "HHH000161: Logging statistics....";
    private final static java.lang.String unableToUpdateQueryHiValue = "HHH000376: Could not updateQuery hi value in: %s";
    private final static java.lang.String resolvedSqlTypeDescriptorForDifferentSqlCode = "HHH000419: Resolved SqlTypeDescriptor is for a different SQL code. %s has sqlCode=%s; type override %s has sqlCode=%s";
    private final static java.lang.String legacyTransactionManagerStrategy = "HHH000428: Encountered legacy TransactionManagerLookup specified; convert to newer %s contract specified via %s setting";
    private final static java.lang.String unableToWrapResultSet = "HHH000377: Error wrapping result set";
    private final static java.lang.String unableToCloseOutputStream = "HHH000292: IOException occurred closing output stream";
    private final static java.lang.String entitiesUpdated = "HHH000080: Entities updated: %s";
    private final static java.lang.String entityIdentifierValueBindingExists = "HHH000429: Setting entity-identifier value binding where one already existed : %s.";
    private final static java.lang.String instantiatingExplicitConnectionProvider = "HHH000130: Instantiating explicit connection provider: %s";
    private final static java.lang.String preparedStatementAlreadyInBatch = "HHH000202: PreparedStatement was already in the batch, [%s].";
    private final static java.lang.String duplicateMetadata = "HHH000074: Found more than one , subsequent ignored";
    private final static java.lang.String unableToRollbackConnection = "HHH000363: Unable to rollback connection on exception [%s]";
    private final static java.lang.String configuringFromResource = "HHH000043: Configuring from resource: %s";
    private final static java.lang.String connectionProperties = "HHH000046: Connection properties: %s";
    private final static java.lang.String orderByAnnotationIndexedCollection = "HHH000189: @OrderBy not allowed for an indexed collection, annotation ignored.";
    private final static java.lang.String collectionsRecreated = "HHH000034: Collections recreated: %s";
    private final static java.lang.String settersOfLazyClassesCannotBeFinal = "HHH000243: Setters of lazy classes cannot be final: %s.%s";
    private final static java.lang.String schemaExportComplete = "HHH000230: Schema export complete";
    private final static java.lang.String unableToResolveMappingFile = "HHH000360: Unable to resolve mapping file [%s]";
    private final static java.lang.String honoringOptimizerSetting = "HHH000116: Config specified explicit optimizer of [%s], but [%s=%s; honoring optimizer setting";
    private final static java.lang.String unableToCleanupTemporaryIdTable = "HHH000283: Unable to cleanup temporary id table after use [%s]";
    private final static java.lang.String unableToCloseStreamError = "HHH000297: Could not close stream on %s";
    private final static java.lang.String collectionsRemoved = "HHH000035: Collections removed: %s";
    private final static java.lang.String deprecatedManyToManyOuterJoin = "HHH000454: The outer-join attribute on  has been deprecated. Instead of outer-join=\"false\", use lazy=\"extra\" with , , , , or , which will only initialize entities (not as a proxy) as needed.";
    private final static java.lang.String naturalIdMaxQueryTime = "HHH000441: Max NaturalId query time: %sms";
    private final static java.lang.String startingUpdateTimestampsCache = "HHH000250: Starting update timestamps cache at region: %s";
    private final static java.lang.String transactionStrategy = "HHH000268: Transaction strategy: %s";
    private final static java.lang.String unknownIngresVersion = "HHH000383: Unknown Ingres major version [%s]; using Ingres 9.2 dialect";
    private final static java.lang.String applyingExplicitDiscriminatorColumnForJoined = "HHH000457: Joined inheritance hierarchy [%1$s] defined explicit @DiscriminatorColumn.  Legacy Hibernate behavior was to ignore the @DiscriminatorColumn.  However, as part of issue HHH-6911 we now apply the explicit @DiscriminatorColumn.  If you would prefer the legacy behavior, enable the `%2$s` setting (%2$s=true)";
    private final static java.lang.String unableToDiscoverOsgiService = "HHH000453: Exception while discovering OSGi service implementations : %s";
    private final static java.lang.String unableToLoadDerbyDriver = "HHH000328: Unable to load/access derby driver class sysinfo to check versions : %s";
    private final static java.lang.String usingUuidHexGenerator = "HHH000409: Using %s which does not generate IETF RFC 4122 compliant UUID values; consider using %s instead";
    private final static java.lang.String overridingTransactionStrategyDangerous = "HHH000193: Overriding %s is dangerous, this might break the EJB3 specification implementation";
    private final static java.lang.String unableToCleanUpCallableStatement = "HHH000281: Unable to clean up callable statement";
    private final static java.lang.String duplicateGeneratorTable = "HHH000070: Duplicate generator table: %s";
    private final static java.lang.String usingDefaultIdGeneratorSegmentValue = "HHH000398: Explicit segment value for id generator [%s.%s] suggested; using default [%s]";
    private final static java.lang.String duplicateJoins = "HHH000072: Duplicate joins for class: %s";
    private final static java.lang.String unableToUnbindFactoryFromJndi = "HHH000374: Could not unbind factory from JNDI";
    private final static java.lang.String unableToPerformJdbcCommit = "HHH000345: JDBC commit failed";
    private final static java.lang.String multipleValidationModes = "HHH000448: 'javax.persistence.validation.mode' named multiple values : %s";
    private final static java.lang.String jndiInitialContextProperties = "HHH000154: JNDI InitialContext properties:%s";
    private final static java.lang.String unableToLocateCustomOptimizerClass = "HHH000321: Unable to interpret specified optimizer [%s], falling back to noop";
    private final static java.lang.String pooledOptimizerReportedInitialValue = "HHH000201: Pooled optimizer source reported [%s] as the initial value; use of 1 or greater highly recommended";
    private final static java.lang.String cachedFileNotFound = "HHH000023: I/O reported cached file could not be found : %s : %s";
    private final static java.lang.String unableToResolveAggregateFunction = "HHH000359: Could not resolve aggregate function [%s]; using standard definition";
    private final static java.lang.String noDefaultConstructor = "HHH000182: No default (no-argument) constructor for class: %s (class must be instantiated by Interceptor)";
    private final static java.lang.String columns = "HHH000037: Columns: %s";
    private final static java.lang.String hibernateConnectionPoolSize = "HHH000115: Hibernate connection pool size: %s (min=%s)";
    private final static java.lang.String unregisteredResultSetWithoutStatement = "HHH000386: ResultSet had no statement associated with it, but was not yet registered";
    private final static java.lang.String unableToCleanUpPreparedStatement = "HHH000282: Unable to clean up prepared statement";
    private final static java.lang.String forcingTableUse = "HHH000107: Forcing table use for sequence-style generator due to pooled optimizer selection where db does not support pooled sequences";
    private final static java.lang.String unableToReleaseBatchStatement = "HHH000352: Unable to release batch statement...";
    private final static java.lang.String unableToCompleteSchemaValidation = "HHH000300: Could not complete schema validation";
    private final static java.lang.String unableToLoadScannedClassOrResource = "HHH000452: Exception while loading a class or resource found during scanning";
    private final static java.lang.String unableToReadColumnValueFromResultSet = "HHH000349: Could not read column value from result set: %s; %s";
    private final static java.lang.String unableToAccessTypeInfoResultSet = "HHH000273: Error accessing type info result set : %s";
    private final static java.lang.String unexpectedRowCounts = "HHH000381: JDBC driver did not return the expected number of row counts";
    private final static java.lang.String collectionsLoaded = "HHH000033: Collections loaded: %s";
    private final static java.lang.String stoppingService = "HHH000255: Stopping service";
    private final static java.lang.String unableToBuildEnhancementMetamodel = "HHH000279: Unable to build enhancement metamodel for %s";
    private final static java.lang.String unableToStopHibernateService = "HHH000368: Exception while stopping service";
    private final static java.lang.String secondLevelCachePuts = "HHH000239: Second level cache puts: %s";
    private final static java.lang.String unsupportedMultiTableBulkHqlJpaql = "HHH000393: The %s.%s.%s version of H2 implements temporary table creation such that it commits current transaction; multi-table, bulk hql/jpaql will not work properly";
    private final static java.lang.String unableToReadOrInitHiValue = "HHH000351: Could not read or init a hi value";
    private final static java.lang.String unableToDetermineLockModeValue = "HHH000311: Unable to determine lock mode value : %s -> %s";
    private final static java.lang.String successfulTransactions = "HHH000258: Successful transactions: %s";
    private final static java.lang.String unableToLocateConfiguredSchemaNameResolver = "HHH000331: Unable to locate configured schema name resolver class [%s] %s";
    private final static java.lang.String unableToObtainConnectionMetadata = "HHH000341: Could not obtain connection metadata : %s";
    private final static java.lang.String deprecatedForceDescriminatorAnnotation = "HHH000062: @ForceDiscriminator is deprecated use @DiscriminatorOptions instead.";
    private final static java.lang.String setManagerLookupClass = "HHH000426: You should set hibernate.transaction.jta.platform if cache is enabled";
    private final static java.lang.String unableToQueryDatabaseMetadata = "HHH000347: Unable to query java.sql.DatabaseMetaData";
    private final static java.lang.String maxQueryTime = "HHH000173: Max query time: %sms";
    private final static java.lang.String unableToPerformManagedFlush = "HHH000346: Error during managed flush [%s]";
    private final static java.lang.String noAppropriateConnectionProvider = "HHH000181: No appropriate connection provider encountered, assuming application will be supplying connections";
    private final static java.lang.String scopingTypesToSessionFactoryAfterAlreadyScoped = "HHH000233: Scoping types to session factory %s after already scoped %s";
    private final static java.lang.String illegalPropertyGetterArgument = "HHH000122: IllegalArgumentException in class: %s, getter method of property: %s";
    private final static java.lang.String hsqldbSupportsOnlyReadCommittedIsolation = "HHH000118: HSQLDB supports only READ_UNCOMMITTED isolation";
    private final static java.lang.String startTime = "HHH000251: Start time: %s";
    private final static java.lang.String entityAnnotationOnNonRoot = "HHH000081: @org.hibernate.annotations.Entity used on a non root entity: ignored for %s";
    private final static java.lang.String unableToStopService = "HHH000369: Error stopping service [%s] : %s";
    private final static java.lang.String configuringFromUrl = "HHH000044: Configuring from URL: %s";
    private final static java.lang.String deprecatedManyToManyFetch = "HHH000455: The fetch attribute on  has been deprecated. Instead of fetch=\"select\", use lazy=\"extra\" with , , , , or , which will only initialize entities (not as a proxy) as needed.";
    private final static java.lang.String unableToCloseSessionButSwallowingError = "HHH000425: Could not close session; swallowing exception[%s] as transaction completed";
    private final static java.lang.String runningSchemaValidator = "HHH000229: Running schema validator";
    private final static java.lang.String duplicateGeneratorName = "HHH000069: Duplicate generator name %s";
    private final static java.lang.String unableToUpdateHiValue = "HHH000375: Could not update hi value in: %s";
    private final static java.lang.String jdbcRollbackFailed = "HHH000151: JDBC rollback failed";
    private final static java.lang.String renamedProperty = "HHH000225: Property [%s] has been renamed to [%s]; update your properties appropriately";
    private final static java.lang.String runningHbm2ddlSchemaExport = "HHH000227: Running hbm2ddl schema export";
    private final static java.lang.String unableToConfigureSqlExceptionConverter = "HHH000301: Unable to configure SQLExceptionConverter : %s";
    private final static java.lang.String noPersistentClassesFound = "HHH000183: no persistent classes found for query class: %s";
    private final static java.lang.String unableToLocateMBeanServer = "HHH000332: Unable to locate MBeanServer on JMX service shutdown";
    private final static java.lang.String entitiesInserted = "HHH000078: Entities inserted: %s";
    private final static java.lang.String unableToClosePooledConnection = "HHH000293: Problem closing pooled connection";
    private final static java.lang.String readingMappingsFromFile = "HHH000220: Reading mappings from file: %s";
    private final static java.lang.String unableToSwitchToMethodUsingColumnIndex = "HHH000370: Exception switching from method: [%s] to a method using the column index. Reverting to using: [%

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