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org.hibernate.cache.ehcache.EhCacheMessageLogger_$logger Maven / Gradle / Ivy

package org.hibernate.cache.ehcache;

import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.SQLWarning;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.annotation.Generated;
import javax.naming.NameNotFoundException;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
import javax.transaction.SystemException;
import org.hibernate.LockMode;
import org.hibernate.cache.CacheException;
import org.hibernate.dialect.Dialect;
import org.hibernate.engine.loading.internal.CollectionLoadContext;
import org.hibernate.engine.loading.internal.EntityLoadContext;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.CollectionKey;
import org.hibernate.internal.CoreMessageLogger;
import org.hibernate.service.jdbc.dialect.internal.AbstractDialectResolver;
import org.hibernate.service.jndi.JndiNameException;
import org.hibernate.type.BasicType;
import org.hibernate.type.SerializationException;
import org.hibernate.type.Type;
import org.jboss.logging.BasicLogger;
import org.jboss.logging.Logger;

 * Warning this class consists of generated code.
@Generated(value = "org.jboss.logging.processor.model.MessageLoggerImplementor", date = "2013-03-18T12:16:21-0400")
public class EhCacheMessageLogger_$logger
    implements Serializable, EhCacheMessageLogger, CoreMessageLogger, BasicLogger

    private final static long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    private final static String projectCode = "HHH";
    private final static String FQCN = EhCacheMessageLogger_$logger.class.getName();
    protected final Logger log;
    private final static String tableFound = "Table found: %s";
    private final static String duplicateListener = "entity-listener duplication, first event definition will be used: %s";
    private final static String parameterPositionOccurredAsBothJpaAndHibernatePositionalParameter = "Parameter position [%s] occurred as both JPA and Hibernate positional parameter";
    private final static String naturalIdCacheHits = "NaturalId cache hits: %s";
    private final static String settersOfLazyClassesCannotBeFinal = "Setters of lazy classes cannot be final: %s.%s";
    private final static String logicalConnectionReleasingPhysicalConnection = "Logical connection releasing its physical connection";
    private final static String unableToParseMetadata = "Could not parse the package-level metadata [%s]";
    private final static String logicalConnectionClosed = "*** Logical connection closed ***";
    private final static String parsingXmlWarning = "Warning parsing XML (%s) : %s";
    private final static String unregisteredStatement = "ResultSet's statement was not registered";
    private final static String unableToConstructCurrentSessionContext = "Unable to construct current session context [%s]";
    private final static String unableToGetDatabaseMetadata = "Could not get database metadata";
    private final static String unableToStopService = "Error stopping service [%s] : %s";
    private final static String queriesExecuted = "Queries executed to database: %s";
    private final static String expectedType = "Expected type: %s, actual value: %s";
    private final static String unableToLogWarnings = "Could not log warnings";
    private final static String unableToInstantiateOptimizer = "Unable to instantiate specified optimizer [%s], falling back to noop";
    private final static String collectionsRemoved = "Collections removed: %s";
    private final static String unableToBindFactoryToJndi = "Could not bind factory to JNDI";
    private final static String unableToCloseInitialContext = "Error closing InitialContext [%s]";
    private final static String exceptionInSubResolver = "Sub-resolver threw unexpected exception, continuing to next : %s";
    private final static String deprecatedOracle9Dialect = "The Oracle9Dialect dialect has been deprecated; use either Oracle9iDialect or Oracle10gDialect instead";
    private final static String noDefaultConstructor = "No default (no-argument) constructor for class: %s (class must be instantiated by Interceptor)";
    private final static String missingArguments = "Function template anticipated %s arguments, but %s arguments encountered";
    private final static String disablingContextualLOBCreationSinceConnectionNull = "Disabling contextual LOB creation as connection was null";
    private final static String version = "Hibernate Core {%s}";
    private final static String schemaUpdateComplete = "Schema update complete";
    private final static String synchronizationAlreadyRegistered = "Synchronization [%s] was already registered";
    private final static String usingStreams = "Using streams to persist binary types";
    private final static String typeRegistrationOverridesPrevious = "Type registration [%s] overrides previous : %s";
    private final static String alreadySessionBound = "Already session bound on call to bind(); make sure you clean up your sessions!";
    private final static String unableToRollbackConnection = "Unable to rollback connection on exception [%s]";
    private final static String unableToUpdateQueryHiValue = "Could not updateQuery hi value in: %s";
    private final static String disallowingInsertStatementComment = "Disallowing insert statement comment for select-identity due to Oracle driver bug";
    private final static String unableToDetermineLockModeValue = "Unable to determine lock mode value : %s -> %s";
    private final static String loggingStatistics = "Logging statistics....";
    private final static String usingUuidHexGenerator = "Using %s which does not generate IETF RFC 4122 compliant UUID values; consider using %s instead";
    private final static String unableToWrapResultSet = "Error wrapping result set";
    private final static String unableToCleanUpPreparedStatement = "Unable to clean up prepared statement";
    private final static String javassistEnhancementFailed = "Javassist Enhancement failed: %s";
    private final static String tableNotFound = "Table not found: %s";
    private final static String factoryUnboundFromName = "A factory was unbound from name: %s";
    private final static String jaccContextId = "JACC contextID: %s";
    private final static String maxQueryTime = "Max query time: %sms";
    private final static String legacyTransactionManagerStrategy = "Encountered legacy TransactionManagerLookup specified; convert to newer %s contract specified via %s setting";
    private final static String warningsCreatingTempTable = "Warnings creating temp table : %s";
    private final static String duplicateMetadata = "Found more than one , subsequent ignored";
    private final static String orderByAnnotationIndexedCollection = "@OrderBy not allowed for an indexed collection, annotation ignored.";
    private final static String unableToObtainConnectionToQueryMetadata = "Could not obtain connection to query metadata : %s";
    private final static String schemaExportComplete = "Schema export complete";
    private final static String unableToLoadCommand = "Error performing load command : %s";
    private final static String invalidArrayElementType = "Array element type error\n%s";
    private final static String optimisticLockFailures = "Optimistic lock failures: %s";
    private final static String unableToBindValueToParameter = "Could not bind value '%s' to parameter: %s; %s";
    private final static String noSessionFactoryWithJndiName = "No session factory with JNDI name %s";
    private final static String startingQueryCache = "Starting query cache at region: %s";
    private final static String columns = "Columns: %s";
    private final static String sessionsClosed = "Sessions closed: %s";
    private final static String unableToUpdateHiValue = "Could not update hi value in: %s";
    private final static String duplicateGeneratorName = "Duplicate generator name %s";
    private final static String scopingTypesToSessionFactoryAfterAlreadyScoped = "Scoping types to session factory %s after already scoped %s";
    private final static String parsingXmlError = "Error parsing XML (%s) : %s";
    private final static String namingExceptionAccessingFactory = "Naming exception occurred accessing factory: %s";
    private final static String factoryBoundToJndiName = "Bound factory to JNDI name: %s";
    private final static String unableToRunSchemaUpdate = "Error running schema update";
    private final static String unableToSwitchToMethodUsingColumnIndex = "Exception switching from method: [%s] to a method using the column index. Reverting to using: [%

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