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org.hibernate.cache.ehcache.EhCacheMessageLogger_$logger Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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Integration for Ehcache into Hibernate as a second-level caching service

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package org.hibernate.cache.ehcache;

import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.SQLWarning;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.annotation.Generated;
import javax.naming.NameNotFoundException;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
import javax.transaction.SystemException;
import org.hibernate.cache.CacheException;
import org.hibernate.dialect.Dialect;
import org.hibernate.engine.loading.internal.CollectionLoadContext;
import org.hibernate.engine.loading.internal.EntityLoadContext;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.CollectionKey;
import org.hibernate.internal.CoreMessageLogger;
import org.hibernate.service.jdbc.dialect.internal.AbstractDialectResolver;
import org.hibernate.service.jndi.JndiNameException;
import org.hibernate.type.BasicType;
import org.hibernate.type.SerializationException;
import org.hibernate.type.Type;
import org.jboss.logging.BasicLogger;
import org.jboss.logging.Logger;

 * Warning this class consists of generated code.
@Generated(value = "org.jboss.logging.processor.model.MessageLoggerImplementor", date = "2012-04-05T13:56:14-0500")
public class EhCacheMessageLogger_$logger
    implements Serializable, EhCacheMessageLogger, CoreMessageLogger, BasicLogger

    private final static long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    private final static String projectCode = "HHH";
    private final static String FQCN = EhCacheMessageLogger_$logger.class.getName();
    protected final Logger log;
    private final static String timestampCacheMisses = "update timestamps cache misses: %s";
    private final static String unableToLocateCustomOptimizerClass = "Unable to interpret specified optimizer [%s], falling back to noop";
    private final static String columns = "Columns: %s";
    private final static String logicalConnectionReleasingPhysicalConnection = "Logical connection releasing its physical connection";
    private final static String illegalPropertyGetterArgument = "IllegalArgumentException in class: %s, getter method of property: %s";
    private final static String logicalConnectionClosed = "*** Logical connection closed ***";
    private final static String unableToGetDatabaseMetadata = "Could not get database metadata";
    private final static String entitiesDeleted = "Entities deleted: %s";
    private final static String collectionsUpdated = "Collections updated: %s";
    private final static String preparedStatementAlreadyInBatch = "PreparedStatement was already in the batch, [%s].";
    private final static String unregisteredStatement = "ResultSet's statement was not registered";
    private final static String statementsClosed = "Statements closed: %s";
    private final static String unsuccessfulCreate = "Unsuccessful: %s";
    private final static String unableToCleanUpCallableStatement = "Unable to clean up callable statement";
    private final static String propertyNotFound = "Property %s not found in class but described in  (possible typo error)";
    private final static String renamedProperty = "Property [%s] has been renamed to [%s]; update your properties appropriately";
    private final static String unableToCloseInputStream = "Could not close input stream";
    private final static String subResolverException = "sub-resolver threw unexpected exception, continuing to next : %s";
    private final static String naturalIdQueriesExecuted = "NaturalId queries executed to database: %s";
    private final static String unableToExecuteResolver = "Error executing resolver [%s] : %s";
    private final static String unableToObtainConnectionMetadata = "Could not obtain connection metadata : %s";
    private final static String deprecatedOracle9Dialect = "The Oracle9Dialect dialect has been deprecated; use either Oracle9iDialect or Oracle10gDialect instead";
    private final static String entitiesFetched = "Entities fetched (minimize this): %s";
    private final static String disablingContextualLOBCreationSinceConnectionNull = "Disabling contextual LOB creation as connection was null";
    private final static String schemaUpdateComplete = "Schema update complete";
    private final static String duplicateListener = "entity-listener duplication, first event definition will be used: %s";
    private final static String usingStreams = "Using streams to persist binary types";
    private final static String alreadySessionBound = "Already session bound on call to bind(); make sure you clean up your sessions!";
    private final static String unableToJoinTransaction = "Cannot join transaction: do not override %s";
    private final static String disallowingInsertStatementComment = "Disallowing insert statement comment for select-identity due to Oracle driver bug";
    private final static String localLoadingCollectionKeysCount = "On CollectionLoadContext#cleanup, localLoadingCollectionKeys contained [%s] entries";
    private final static String loggingStatistics = "Logging statistics....";
    private final static String factoryUnboundFromName = "A factory was unbound from name: %s";
    private final static String unableToToggleAutoCommit = "Could not toggle autocommit";
    private final static String unableToUpdateHiValue = "Could not update hi value in: %s";
    private final static String unableToCompleteSchemaUpdate = "Could not complete schema update";
    private final static String unableToAccessTypeInfoResultSet = "Error accessing type info result set : %s";
    private final static String unableToCloseInputStreamForResource = "Could not close input stream for %s";
    private final static String configurationResource = "Configuration resource: %s";
    private final static String duplicateMetadata = "Found more than one , subsequent ignored";
    private final static String writeLocksNotSupported = "Write locks via update not supported for non-versioned entities [%s]";
    private final static String orderByAnnotationIndexedCollection = "@OrderBy not allowed for an indexed collection, annotation ignored.";
    private final static String bytecodeProvider = "Bytecode provider name : %s";
    private final static String schemaExportComplete = "Schema export complete";
    private final static String disablingContextualLOBCreation = "Disabling contextual LOB creation as %s is true";
    private final static String unableToInstantiateUuidGenerationStrategy = "Unable to instantiate UUID generation strategy class : %s";
    private final static String exceptionInBeforeTransactionCompletionInterceptor = "Exception in interceptor beforeTransactionCompletion()";
    private final static String unknownSqlServerVersion = "Unknown Microsoft SQL Server major version [%s] using SQL Server 2000 dialect";
    private final static String unableToSetTransactionToRollbackOnly = "Could not set transaction to rollback only";
    private final static String javassistEnhancementFailed = "Javassist Enhancement failed: %s";
    private final static String unableToReadOrInitHiValue = "Could not read or init a hi value";
    private final static String unableToCloseOutputStream = "IOException occurred closing output stream";
    private final static String unableToCloseConnection = "Error closing connection";
    private final static String unsupportedInitialValue = "Hibernate does not support SequenceGenerator.initialValue() unless '%s' set";
    private final static String ignoringUnrecognizedQueryHint = "Ignoring unrecognized query hint [%s]";
    private final static String failSafeEntitiesCleanup = "Fail-safe cleanup (entities) : %s";
    private final static String unableToCloseIterator = "Unable to close iterator";
    private final static String invalidJndiName = "Invalid JNDI name: %s";
    private final static String jaccContextId = "JACC contextID: %s";
    private final static String unableToDetermineLockModeValue = "Unable to determine lock mode value : %s -> %s";
    private final static String unableToPerformJdbcCommit = "JDBC commit failed";
    private final static String unableToResolveMappingFile = "Unable to resolve mapping file [%s]";
    private final static String addingOverrideFor = "Adding override for %s: %s";
    private final static String collectionsFetched = "Collections fetched (minimize this): %s";
    private final static String compositeIdClassDoesNotOverrideEquals = "Composite-id class does not override equals(): %s";
    private final static String naturalIdCachePuts = "NaturalId cache puts: %s";
    private final static String optimisticLockFailures = "Optimistic lock failures: %s";
    private final static String queriesExecuted = "Queries executed to database: %s";
    private final static String unableToCreateProxyFactory = "Could not create proxy factory for:%s";
    private final static String factoryBoundToJndiName = "Bound factory to JNDI name: %s";
    private final static String unableToPerformManagedFlush = "Error during managed flush [%s]";
    private final static String unableToLocateConfigFile = "Unable to locate config file: %s";
    private final static String expectedType = "Expected type: %s, actual value: %s";
    private final static String usingDialect = "Using dialect: %s";
    private final static String unregisteredResultSetWithoutStatement = "ResultSet had no statement associated with it, but was not yet registered";
    private final static String unableToReadClass = "Unable to read class: %s";
    private final static String unableToDestroyCache = "Unable to destroy cache: %s";
    private final static String timestampCachePuts = "update timestamps cache puts: %s";
    private final static String forcingTableUse = "Forcing table use for sequence-style generator due to pooled optimizer selection where db does not support pooled sequences";
    private final static String unableToDestroyQueryCache = "Unable to destroy query cache: %s: %s";
    private final static String unableToReleaseBatchStatement = "Unable to release batch statement...";
    private final static String narrowingProxy = "Narrowing proxy to %s - this operation breaks ==";
    private final static String unexpectedRowCounts = "JDBC driver did not return the expected number of row counts";
    private final static String providerClassDeprecated = "%s has been deprecated in favor of %s; that provider will be used instead.";
    private final static String stoppingService = "Stopping service";
    private final static String configuringFromResource = "Configuring from resource: %s";
    private final static String unableToRollbackIsolatedTransaction = "Unable to rollback isolated transaction on error [%s] : [%s]";
    private final static String unsuccessful = "Unsuccessful: %s";
    private final static String searchingForMappingDocuments = "Searching for mapping documents in jar: %s";
    private final static String resolvedSqlTypeDescriptorForDifferentSqlCode = "Resolved SqlTypeDescriptor is for a different SQL code. %s has sqlCode=%s; type override %s has sqlCode=%s";
    private final static String unableToLogSqlWarnings = "Unable to log SQLWarnings : %s";
    private final static String deprecatedForceDescriminatorAnnotation = "@ForceDiscriminator is deprecated use @DiscriminatorOptions instead.";
    private final static String configuringFromFile = "Configuring from file: %s";
    private final static String unableToCloseJar = "Could not close jar: %s";
    private final static String noColumnsSpecifiedForIndex = "There were not column names specified for index %s on table %s";
    private final static String setManagerLookupClass = "You should set hibernate.transaction.manager_lookup_class if cache is enabled";
    private final static String entityManagerFactoryAlreadyRegistered = "Entity manager factory name (%s) is already registered.  If entity manager will be clustered or passivated, specify a unique value for property '%s'";
    private final static String unableToQueryDatabaseMetadata = "Unable to query java.sql.DatabaseMetaData";
    private final static String entityManagerClosedBySomeoneElse = "Entity Manager closed by someone else (%s must not be used)";
    private final static String definingFlushBeforeCompletionIgnoredInHem = "Defining %s=true ignored in HEM";
    private final static String noAppropriateConnectionProvider = "No appropriate connection provider encountered, assuming application will be supplying connections";
    private final static String hsqldbSupportsOnlyReadCommittedIsolation = "HSQLDB supports only READ_UNCOMMITTED isolation";
    private final static String unableToObtainInitialContext = "Could not obtain initial context";
    private final static String unableToLoadCommand = "Error performing load command : %s";
    private final static String readingCachedMappings = "Reading mappings from cache file: %s";
    private final static String immutableAnnotationOnNonRoot = "@Immutable used on a non root entity: ignored for %s";
    private final static String autoCommitMode = "Autocommit mode: %s";
    private final static String unableToInstantiateOptimizer = "Unable to instantiate specified optimizer [%s], falling back to noop";
    private final static String unableToFindConfiguration = "Could not find configuration [%s]; using defaults.";
    private final static String unableToObtainConnectionToQueryMetadata = "Could not obtain connection to query metadata : %s";
    private final static String exceptionInAfterTransactionCompletionInterceptor = "Exception in interceptor afterTransactionCompletion()";
    private final static String namingExceptionAccessingFactory = "Naming exception occurred accessing factory: %s";
    private final static String runningSchemaValidator = "Running schema validator";
    private final static String duplicateImport = "Duplicate import: %s -> %s";
    private final static String jdbcIsolationLevel = "JDBC isolation level: %s";
    private final static String jdbcRollbackFailed = "JDBC rollback failed";
    private final static String runningHbm2ddlSchemaExport = "Running hbm2ddl schema export";
    private final static String unableToReleaseCreatedMBeanServer = "Unable to release created MBeanServer : %s";
    private final static String unableToLocateMBeanServer = "Unable to locate MBeanServer on JMX service shutdown";
    private final static String entitiesUpdated = "Entities updated: %s";
    private final static String gettersOfLazyClassesCannotBeFinal = "Getters of lazy classes cannot be final: %s.%s";
    private final static String batchContainedStatementsOnRelease = "On release of batch it still contained JDBC statements";
    private final static String unableToCloseSessionButSwallowingError = "Could not close session; swallowing exception[%s] as transaction completed";
    private final static String usingUuidHexGenerator = "Using %s which does not generate IETF RFC 4122 compliant UUID values; consider using %s instead";
    private final static String foundMappingDocument = "Found mapping document in jar: %s";
    private final static String usingReflectionOptimizer = "Using bytecode reflection optimizer";
    private final static String callingJoinTransactionOnNonJtaEntityManager = "Calling joinTransaction() on a non JTA EntityManager";
    private final static String unableToRetrieveTypeInfoResultSet = "Unable to retrieve type info result set : %s";
    private final static String cleaningUpConnectionPool = "Cleaning up connection pool [%s]";
    private final static String attemptToRestartAlreadyStartedEhCacheProvider = "Attempt to restart an already started EhCacheProvider. Use sessionFactory.close() between repeated calls to buildSessionFactory. Using previously created EhCacheProvider. If this behaviour is required, consider using net.sf.ehcache.hibernate.SingletonEhCacheProvider.";
    private final static String queryCacheHits = "Query cache hits: %s";
    private final static String unableToResolveAggregateFunction = "Could not resolve aggregate function [%s]; using standard definition";
    private final static String timestampCacheHits = "update timestamps cache hits: %s";
    private final static String parsingXmlErrorForFile = "Error parsing XML: %s(%s) %s";
    private final static String lazyPropertyFetchingAvailable = "Lazy property fetching available for: %s";
    private final static String firstOrMaxResultsSpecifiedWithCollectionFetch = "firstResult/maxResults specified with collection fetch; applying in memory!";
    private final static String typeDefinedNoRegistrationKeys = "Type [%s] defined no registration keys; ignoring";
    private final static String duplicateGeneratorTable = "Duplicate generator table: %s";
    private final static String connectionProperties = "Connection properties: %s";
    private final static String settersOfLazyClassesCannotBeFinal = "Setters of lazy classes cannot be final: %s.%s";
    private final static String unableToLocateConfiguredSchemaNameResolver = "Unable to locate configured schema name resolver class [%s] %s";
    private final static String proxoolProviderClassNotFound = "proxool properties were encountered, but the %s provider class was not found on the classpath; these properties are going to be ignored.";
    private final static String deprecatedUuidGenerator = "DEPRECATED : use [%s] instead with custom [%s] implementation";
    private final static String unableToDeserializeCache = "Could not deserialize cache file: %s : %s";
    private final static String exceptionHeaderFound = "%s %s found";
    private final static String secondLevelCacheHits = "Second level cache hits: %s";
    private final static String unknownBytecodeProvider = "unrecognized bytecode provider [%s], using javassist by default";
    private final static String usingDefaultIdGeneratorSegmentValue = "Explicit segment value for id generator [%s.%s] suggested; using default [%s]";
    private final static String unsupportedAfterStatement = "Overriding release mode as connection provider does not support 'after_statement'";
    private final static String disablingContextualLOBCreationSinceOldJdbcVersion = "Disabling contextual LOB creation as JDBC driver reported JDBC version [%s] less than 4";
    private final static String unableToUnbindFactoryFromJndi = "Could not unbind factory from JNDI";
    private final static String incompatibleCacheValueModePerCache = "The value mode for the cache[%s] is \"identity\". This is incompatible with clustered Hibernate caching - the value mode has therefore been switched to \"serialization\"";
    private final static String containerProvidingNullPersistenceUnitRootUrl = "Container is providing a null PersistenceUnitRootUrl: discovery impossible";
    private final static String noPersistentClassesFound = "no persistent classes found for query class: %s";
    private final static String factoryUnboundFromJndiName = "Unbound factory from JNDI name: %s";
    private final static String illegalPropertySetterArgument = "IllegalArgumentException in class: %s, setter method of property: %s";
    private final static String connectionsObtained = "Connections obtained: %s";
    private final static String unableToInstantiateConfiguredSchemaNameResolver = "Unable to instantiate configured schema name resolver [%s] %s";
    private final static String unableToCloseInputFiles = "Error closing input files: %s";
    private final static String exceptionHeaderNotFound = "%s No %s found";
    private final static String runningHbm2ddlSchemaUpdate = "Running hbm2ddl schema update";
    private final static String unableToCloseOutputFile = "Error closing output file: %s";
    private final static String unableToObjectConnectionMetadata = "Could not obtain connection metadata: %s";
    private final static String unableToLogWarnings = "Could not log warnings";
    private final static String guidGenerated = "GUID identifier generated: %s";
    private final static String legacyTransactionManagerStrategy = "Encountered legacy TransactionManagerLookup specified; convert to newer %s contract specified via %s setting";
    private final static String unsupportedProperty = "Usage of obsolete property: %s no longer supported, use: %s";
    private final static String tableNotFound = "Table not found: %s";
    private final static String autoFlushWillNotWork = "JTASessionContext being used with JDBCTransactionFactory; auto-flush will not operate correctly with getCurrentSession()";
    private final static String unableToLoadConfiguration = "A configurationResourceName was set to %s but the resource could not be loaded from the classpath. Ehcache will configure itself using defaults.";
    private final static String usingTimestampWorkaround = "Using workaround for JVM bug in java.sql.Timestamp";
    private final static String processEqualityExpression = "processEqualityExpression() : No expression to process!";
    private final static String unableToReleaseTypeInfoResultSet = "Unable to release type info result set";
    private final static String honoringOptimizerSetting = "Config specified explicit optimizer of [%s], but [%s=%s; honoring optimizer setting";
    private final static String rdmsOs2200Dialect = "RDMSOS2200Dialect version: 1.0";
    private final static String unableToAccessEjb3Configuration = "Naming exception occurred accessing Ejb3Configuration";
    private final static String serviceProperties = "Service properties: %s";
    private final static String unableToDetermineTransactionStatus = "Could not determine transaction status";
    private final static String configuredSessionFactory = "Configured SessionFactory: %s";
    private final static String sortAnnotationIndexedCollection = "@Sort not allowed for an indexed collection, annotation ignored.";
    private final static String propertiesLoaded = "Loaded properties from resource %s";
    private final static String collectionsRemoved = "Collections removed: %s";
    private final static String JavaSqlTypesMappedSameCodeMultipleTimes = "java.sql.Types mapped the same code [%s] multiple times; was [%s]; now [%s]";
    private final static String sessionsOpened = "Sessions opened: %s";
    private final static String unableToCreateSchema = "Error creating schema ";
    private final static String ignoringTableGeneratorConstraints = "Ignoring unique constraints specified on table generator [%s]";
    private final static String entityMappedAsNonAbstract = "Entity [%s] is abstract-class/interface explicitly mapped as non-abstract; be sure to supply entity-names";
    private final static String persistenceProviderCallerDoesNotImplementEjb3SpecCorrectly = "Persistence provider caller does not implement the EJB3 spec correctly.PersistenceUnitInfo.getNewTempClassLoader() is null.";
    private final static String sqlWarning = "SQL Error: %s, SQLState: %s";
    private final static String unableToApplyConstraints = "Unable to apply constraints on DDL for %s";
    private final static String readingMappingsFromResource = "Reading mappings from resource: %s";
    private final static String unableToStopService = "Error stopping service [%s] : %s";
    private final static String unableToBindValueToParameter = "Could not bind value '%s' to parameter: %s; %s";
    private final static String secondLevelCacheMisses = "Second level cache misses: %s";
    private final static String incompleteMappingMetadataCacheProcessing = "Mapping metadata cache was not completely processed";
    private final static String unableToRollbackConnection = "Unable to rollback connection on exception [%s]";
    private final static String jdbcUrlNotSpecified = "JDBC URL was not specified by property %s";
    private final static String undeterminedH2Version = "Unable to determine H2 database version, certain features may not work";
    private final static String unableToReadColumnValueFromResultSet = "Could not read column value from result set: %s; %s";
    private final static String deprecatedOracleDialect = "The OracleDialect dialect has been deprecated; use Oracle8iDialect instead";
    private final static String secondLevelCachePuts = "Second level cache puts: %s";
    private final static String pooledOptimizerReportedInitialValue = "Pooled optimizer source reported [%s] as the initial value; use of 1 or greater highly recommended";
    private final static String closing = "Closing";
    private final static String sessionsClosed = "Sessions closed: %s";
    private final static String scopingTypesToSessionFactoryAfterAlreadyScoped = "Scoping types to session factory %s after already scoped %s";
    private final static String warningsCreatingTempTable = "Warnings creating temp table : %s";
    private final static String unableToLocateUuidGenerationStrategy = "Unable to locate requested UUID generation strategy class : %s";
    private final static String unableToDetermineTransactionStatusAfterCommit = "Could not determine transaction status after commit";
    private final static String unableToRollbackJta = "JTA rollback failed";
    private final static String jdbcDriverNotSpecified = "No JDBC Driver class was specified by property %s";
    private final static String foreignKeys = "Foreign keys: %s";
    private final static String unableToConstructSqlExceptionConverter = "Unable to construct instance of specified SQLExceptionConverter : %s";
    private final static String exceptionInSubResolver = "Sub-resolver threw unexpected exception, continuing to next : %s";
    private final static String flushes = "Flushes: %s";
    private final static String typeRegistrationOverridesPrevious = "Type registration [%s] overrides previous : %s";
    private final static String unableToBindEjb3ConfigurationToJndi = "Could not bind Ejb3Configuration to JNDI";
    private final static String jdbcAutoCommitFalseBreaksEjb3Spec = "%s = false breaks the EJB3 specification";
    private final static String transactionStartedOnNonRootSession = "Transaction started on non-root session";
    private final static String unableToReadHiValue = "Could not read a hi value - you need to populate the table: %s";
    private final static String entitiesLoaded = "Entities loaded: %s";
    private final static String cachedFileNotFound = "I/O reported cached file could not be found : %s : %s";
    private final static String compositeIdClassDoesNotOverrideHashCode = "Composite-id class does not override hashCode(): %s";
    private final static String readingMappingsFromFile = "Reading mappings from file: %s";
    private final static String unableToCloseSessionDuringRollback = "Could not close session during rollback";
    private final static String unsupportedMultiTableBulkHqlJpaql = "The %s.%s.%s version of H2 implements temporary table creation such that it commits current transaction; multi-table, bulk hql/jpaql will not work properly";
    private final static String unableToRetrieveCache = "Unable to retreive cache from JNDI [%s]: %s";
    private final static String unableToObjectConnectionToQueryMetadata = "Could not obtain connection to query metadata: %s";
    private final static String unableToConfigureSqlExceptionConverter = "Unable to configure SQLExceptionConverter : %s";
    private final static String unsupportedOracleVersion = "Oracle 11g is not yet fully supported; using Oracle 10g dialect";
    private final static String unableToWriteCachedFile = "I/O reported error writing cached file : %s: %s";
    private final static String unableToReleaseIsolatedConnection = "Unable to release isolated connection [%s]";
    private final static String maxQueryTime = "Max query time: %sms";
    private final static String entitiesInserted = "Entities inserted: %s";
    private final static String startingUpdateTimestampsCache = "Starting update timestamps cache at region: %s";
    private final static String invalidArrayElementType = "Array element type error\n%s";
    private final static String unableToSwitchToMethodUsingColumnIndex = "Exception switching from method: [%s] to a method using the column index. Reverting to using: [%

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