doc.reference.en.modules.ant.xml Maven / Gradle / Ivy
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <chapter id="ant"> <title>Ant Tools</title> <section> <title>Introduction</title> <para>The hibernate-tools.jar contains the core for the Hibernate Tools. It is used as the basis for both the Ant tasks described in this document and the eclipse plugins both available from The hibernate-tools.jar is located in your eclipse plugins directory at <literallayout>/plugins/org.hibernate.eclipse.x.x.x/lib/tools/hibernate-tools.jar</literallayout>. This jar is 100% independent from the eclipse platform.</para> <section> <title>The <literal><hibernatetool></literal> ant Task</title> <para>To use the ant tasks you ned to have the hibernatetool task defined. That is done in your build.xml by inserting the following xml: <programlisting><![CDATA[ <taskdef name="hibernatetool" classname="org.hibernate.tool.ant.HibernateToolTask" classpath="[location of hibernate-tools.jar, velocity.jar, velocity-tools-generic.jar, jtidy.jar, hibernate3.jar & jdbc drivers]"/> ]]></programlisting></para> <para>This <literal><taskdef></literal> defines a Ant task called <literal><hibernatetool></literal> which now can be used anywhere in your ant build.xml files. It is important to include all the hibernate tools dependencies as well as the jdbc driver.</para> <para>Notice that to use the annotation based Configuration you must get a release from <link linkend="???"></link>. When using the <literal><hibernatetool> </literal>task you have to specify one or more of the following:</para> <para><programlistingco> <areaspec> <area coords="2 55" id="ht1" /> <area coords="3 55" id="ht2" /> <area coords="5 55" id="ht3" /> <area coords="6 55" id="ht4" /> </areaspec> <programlisting><![CDATA[<hibernatetool destdir="defaultDestinationDirectory" templatepath="defaultTemplatePath" > <classpath ...> <property name="propertyName" value="value"/> <propertyset ...> (<configuration ...>|<annotationconfiguration ...>|<jdbcconfiguration ...>) (<hbm2java>,<hbm2cfgxml>,...*) </hibernatetool>]]></programlisting> <calloutlist> <callout arearefs="ht1"> <para><literal>destdir</literal> (requiredl): destination directory for files generated with exporters.</para> </callout> <callout arearefs="ht2"> <para><literal>templatepath</literal> (optional): A path to be used to look up user-edited templates.</para> </callout> <callout arearefs="ht3"> <para><literal>classpath</literal> (optional): A classpath to be used to resolve resources, such as mappings and usertypes. Optional, but very often required.</para> </callout> <callout arearefs="ht4"> <para><literal>property</literal> and <property>propertyset</property> (optional): Used to set properties to control the exporters. Mostly relevant for providing custom properties to user defined templates.</para> </callout> </calloutlist> </programlistingco></para> </section> <section> <title>Hibernate Configurations</title> <para><literal>hibernatetool</literal> supports three different Hibernate configurations: A standard Hibernate configuration (<literal><configuration></literal>), Annotation based configuration (<literal><annotationconfiguratioin></literal>) and a JDBC based configuration (<literal><jdbcconfiguration></literal>) for use when reverse engineering.</para> <para>Each have in common that they are able to build up a Hibernate <literal>Configuration</literal> object from which a set of exporters can be run to generate various output.</para> <section> <title>Standard Hibernate Configuration (<configuration>)</title> <para>A <configuration> is used to define a standard Hibernate configuration. A standard Hibernate configuration reads the mappings from the optional hbm.xml and the fileset.</para> <para><programlistingco> <areaspec> <area coords="2 55" id="cfg1" /> <area coords="3 55" id="cfg2" /> <area coords="4 55" id="cfg3" /> <area coords="5 55" id="cfg4" /> <area coords="6 55" id="cfg5" /> </areaspec> <programlisting><![CDATA[<configuration configurationfile="hibernate.cfg.xml" propertyfile="" entityresolver="EntityResolver classname" namingstrategy="NamingStrategy classname" > <fileset...> </configuration>]]></programlisting> <calloutlist> <callout arearefs="cfg1"> <para><literal>configurationfile</literal> (optional): The name of a Hibernate configuration file, e.g. "hibernate.cfg.xml"</para> </callout> <callout arearefs="cfg2"> <para><literal>propertyfile</literal> (optional): The name of a property file, e.g. ""</para> </callout> <callout arearefs="cfg3"> <para><literal>entity-resolver</literal> (optional): name of a class that implements org.xml.sax.EntityResolver. Used if the mapping files require custom entity resolver.</para> </callout> <callout arearefs="cfg4"> <para><literal>namingstrategy</literal> (optional): name of a class that implements org.hibernate.cfg.NamingStrategy. Used for setting up the naming strategy in Hibernate which controls the automatic naming of tables and columns.</para> </callout> <callout arearefs="cfg5"> <para>A standard Ant fileset. Used to include hibernate mapping files.Remember that if mappings are already specified in the hibernate.cfg.xml then it should not be included via the fileset as it will result in duplicate import exceptions.</para> </callout> </calloutlist> </programlistingco></para> </section> <section> <title>Annotation based Configuration (<annotationconfiguration>)</title> <para>An <literal><annotationconfiguration></literal> is used when you want to read the metamodel from EJB3/Hibernate Annotations based POJO's. To use it remember to put the jars file needed for using hibernate annotations in the classpath of the <literal><taskdef></literal>.</para> <para>The <annotationconfiguration> has the same attributes as an <configuration> except that the configurationfile attribute is now required as that is from where an AnnotationConfiguration gets the list of classes/packages it should load.</para> <para>Thus the minimal usage is:</para> <para><programlisting><![CDATA[<annotationconfiguration configurationfile="hibernate.cfg.xml"/> ]]></programlisting></para> </section> <section> <title>JDBC Configuration for reverse engineering (<jdbcconfiguration>)</title> <para>A <jdbcconfiguration> is used to perform reverse engineering of the database from a JDBC connection. The <jdbcconfiguration> has the same attributes as a <configuration> plus the following additional attributes:</para> <para><programlisting><![CDATA[<jdbcconfiguration ... packagename="" reversestrategy="ReverseEngineeringStrategy classname" revengfile="hibernate.reveng.xml" > ... </jdbcconfiguration>]]></programlisting></para> </section> </section> <section> <title>Code Exporters</title> <para>Code exporters is the parts that does the actual job of converting the hibernate metamodel into various code artifacts. The following section describes the current supported set of exporters in the Hibernate Tool distribution. It is also possible for userdefined exporters, that is done through the <literal><hbmtemplate></literal> exporter.</para> <section> <title>Database schema exporter (<literal><hbm2ddl></literal>)</title> <para><hbm2ddl> lets you run schemaexport and schemaupdate which generates the appropriate SQL DDL and allow you to store the result in a file or export it directly to the database.</para> <programlisting><![CDATA[<hbm2ddl drop="true|false" create="true|false" export="true|false" update="true|false" outputfilename="filename.ddl" delimiter=";" format="true|false" >]]></programlisting> <para></para> </section> <section> <title>POJO java code exporter (<literal><hbm2java></literal>)</title> <para><hbm2java> is a java codegenerator. Options for controlling wether JDK 5 syntax can be used and wether the POJO should be annotated with EJB3/Hibernate Annotations.</para> <programlisting><![CDATA[<hbm2java jdk5="true|false" ejb3="true|false" >]]></programlisting> <para></para> </section> <section> <title>Hibernate Mapping files exporter (<literal><hbm2hbmxml></literal>)</title> <para><hbm2hbmxml> generates a set of .hbm files. Intended to be used together with a <jdbcconfiguration> when performing reverse engineering, but can be used with any kind of configuration. e.g. to convert from annotation based pojo's to hbm.xml. Note that not every possible mapping transformation is possible/implemented so some hand editing might be necessary.</para> <programlisting><![CDATA[<hbm2hbmxml/>]]></programlisting> <para></para> </section> <section> <title>Hibernate Configuration file exporter (<literal><hbm2cfgxml></literal>)</title> <para><hbm2cfgxml> generates a hibernate.cfg.xml. Intended to be used together with a <jdbcconfiguration> when performing reverse engineering, but can be used with any kind of configuration. The <hbm2cfgxml> will contain the properties used and adds mapping entriies for each mapped class.</para> <programlisting><![CDATA[<hbm2cfgxml ejb3="true|false" /> ]]></programlisting> <para></para> </section> <section> <title>Documentation exporter (<literal><hbm2doc></literal>)</title> <para><hbm2doc> generates html documentation a'la javadoc for the database schema</para> <programlisting><![CDATA[<hbm2doc/>]]></programlisting> <para></para> </section> <section id="hbmtemplate"> <title>Generic Hibernate metamodel exporter (<literal><hbmtemplate></literal>)</title> <para>Generic exporter that can be controlled by a user provided template or class.</para> <programlisting><![CDATA[<hbmtemplate filepattern="{package-name}/{class-name}.vm" template="somename.vm" exporterclass="Exporter classname" />]]></programlisting> <para>NOTICE: This release uses Velocity for the templates. The next release might move to an alternative template engine.</para> <section> <title>Seam Exporter via <literal><hbmtemplate></literal></title> <para>The following is an example of reverse engineering via <literal><jdbcconfiguration></literal> and use the SeamExporter via the <literal><hbmtemplate></literal> to generate a Seam application skeleton.</para> <para><programlisting><![CDATA[ <hibernatetool destdir="${destdir}"> <jdbcconfiguration configurationfile="hibernate.cfg.xml" packagename="x.y.z.seam.crud"/> <!-- setup properties --> <property key="seam_appname" value="Registration"/> <property key="seam_shortname" value="crud"/> <hbmtemplate exporterclass="org.hibernate.tool.hbm2x.seam.SeamExporter" filepattern="."/> </hibernatetool> ]]></programlisting></para> </section> </section> </section> <section> <title>Using properties to configure Exporters</title> <para>Exporters can be controlled by user properties. The user properties is specificed via <literal><property></literal> or <literal><propertyset></literal> and each exporter will have access to them directly in the templates and via <literal>Exporter.setProperties()</literal>.</para> <para></para> <section> <title><literal><property></literal> and <literal><propertyset></literal></title> <para>The <property> allows you bind a string value to a key. The value will be available in the templates via $<key>. The following example will assign the string value "true" to the variable <literal>$descriptors</literal></para> <programlisting><![CDATA[<property key="descriptors" value="true"/>]]></programlisting> <para>Most times using <literal><property></literal> is enough for specifying the properties needed for the exporters. Still the ant tools supports the notion of <literal><propertyset></literal>. The functionallity of <literal><propertyset></literal> is explained in detail in the Ant task manual.</para> </section> <section> <title>Getting access to user specific classes</title> <para>If the templates need to access some user class it is possible by specifying a "toolclass" in the properties.</para> <programlisting><![CDATA[<property key="sometool.toolclass" value="x.y.z.NameOfToolClass"/> ]]></programlisting> <para>Placing the above <literal><property></literal> tag in <literal><hibernatetool></literal> or inside any exporter will automatically create an instance of <literal>x.y.z.NameOfToolClass</literal> and it will be available in the templates as <literal>$sometool</literal>. This is usefull to delegate logic and code generation to java code instead of placing such logic in the templates.</para> <para></para> </section> </section> </section> </chapter>