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package org.hotrod.metadata;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.hotrod.config.DaosTag;
import org.hotrod.config.EnumTag;
import org.hotrod.config.EnumTag.EnumConstant;
import org.hotrod.config.ExecutorTag;
import org.hotrod.config.HotRodConfigTag;
import org.hotrod.config.MyBatisSpringTag;
import org.hotrod.config.TableTag;
import org.hotrod.config.ViewTag;
import org.hotrod.database.DatabaseAdapter;
import org.hotrod.exceptions.ControlledException;
import org.hotrod.exceptions.InvalidConfigurationFileException;
import org.hotrod.exceptions.InvalidIdentifierException;
import org.hotrod.exceptions.UncontrolledException;
import org.hotrod.exceptions.UnresolvableDataTypeException;
import org.hotrod.generator.ColumnsRetriever;
import org.hotrod.generator.DAONamespace;
import org.hotrod.generator.DAONamespace.DuplicateDAOClassException;
import org.hotrod.generator.DAONamespace.DuplicateDAOClassMethodException;
import org.hotrod.generator.SelectMetadataCache;
import org.hotrod.generator.mybatisspring.DataSetLayout;
import org.hotrod.identifiers.ObjectId;
import org.hotrod.metadata.VORegistry.EntityVOClass;
import org.hotrod.metadata.VORegistry.StructuredVOAlreadyExistsException;
import org.hotrod.metadata.VORegistry.VOAlreadyExistsException;
import org.hotrod.utils.ClassPackage;
import org.hotrod.utils.JdbcTypes;
public class Metadata {
private static final Logger log = LogManager.getLogger(Metadata.class);
private JdbcDatabase db;
private DatabaseAdapter adapter;
private DatabaseLocation dloc;
private LinkedHashSet tables = null;
private LinkedHashSet views = null;
private LinkedHashSet enums = null;
private LinkedHashSet executors = null;
private VORegistry voRegistry = null;
public Metadata(final JdbcDatabase db, final DatabaseAdapter adapter, final DatabaseLocation dloc) {
this.db = db;
this.adapter = adapter;
this.dloc = dloc;
// Load metadata
public void load(final HotRodConfigTag config, final DatabaseLocation dloc, final Connection conn)
throws ControlledException, InvalidConfigurationFileException, UncontrolledException {
this.voRegistry = new VORegistry();
ColumnsRetriever cr = null;
MyBatisSpringTag mst = (MyBatisSpringTag) config.getGenerators().getSelectedGeneratorTag();
boolean autoDiscovery = mst.getDiscover() != null;
try {
// Prepare tables meta data
DataSetLayout layout = new DataSetLayout(config);
DaosTag daosTag = (DaosTag) config.getGenerators().getSelectedGeneratorTag().getDaos();
this.tables = new LinkedHashSet();
for (JdbcTable t : this.db.getTables()) {
try {
//"t.getName()=" + t.getName() + " fks[" + t.getImportedFks().size() + "]");
boolean isFromCurrentCatalog = t.getCatalog() == null
|| t.getCatalog().equals(this.dloc.getCatalogSchema().getCatalog());
boolean isFromCurrentSchema = t.getSchema() == null
|| t.getSchema().equals(this.dloc.getCatalogSchema().getSchema());
TableDataSetMetadata tm = DataSetMetadataFactory.getMetadata(t, true, autoDiscovery, this.adapter, config,
layout, isFromCurrentCatalog, isFromCurrentSchema);
log.debug("*** tm=" + tm);
ClassPackage fragmentPackage = tm.getFragmentConfig() != null
&& tm.getFragmentConfig().getFragmentPackage() != null ? tm.getFragmentConfig().getFragmentPackage()
: null;
ClassPackage classPackage = layout.getDAOPackage(fragmentPackage);
String voName = daosTag.generateVOName(tm.getId());
EntityVOClass vo = new EntityVOClass(tm, classPackage, voName, tm.getColumns(), tm.getDaoTag());
} catch (UnresolvableDataTypeException e) {
ColumnMetadata m = e.getColumnMetadata();
String typeName = JdbcTypes.codeToName(m.getDataType());
throw new ControlledException(
"Unrecognized column data type (reported as '" + m.getTypeName() + "', JDBC type " + m.getDataType() + " "
+ (typeName == null ? "(non-standard JDBC type)" : "'" + typeName + "'") + ") on column '"
+ m.getColumnName() + "' of table/view/select '" + m.getTableName()
+ (e.getMessage() == null ? "" : ": " + e.getMessage()));
} catch (VOAlreadyExistsException e) {
throw new ControlledException("Duplicate table with name '" + t.getName() + "'.");
} catch (StructuredVOAlreadyExistsException e) {
throw new ControlledException("Duplicate table with name '" + t.getName() + "'.");
// Link table meta data by foreign keys
for (TableDataSetMetadata tm : this.tables) {
// Validate there are no 1-many FK relationships with enums on the many
// side.
for (TableDataSetMetadata tm : this.tables) {
for (ForeignKeyMetadata efk : tm.getExportedFKs()) {
try {
EnumDataSetMetadata em = (EnumDataSetMetadata) efk.getRemote().getTableMetadata();
// it's an enum! An enum cannot be used as the children table
throw new ControlledException(em.getDaoTag().getSourceLocation(), "Cannot specify the enum '"
+ em.getId().getRenderedSQLName() + "' on the 'many' side of a 1-to-many relationship.");
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
// It's a table, not an enum - it's valid.
// Separate enums metadata from tables'
log.debug("Prepare enums metadata.");
this.enums = new LinkedHashSet();
for (Iterator it = this.tables.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
TableDataSetMetadata tm =;
try {
EnumDataSetMetadata em = (EnumDataSetMetadata) tm;
// It's an enum - move it to the enum set.
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
// Not an enum - nothing to do.
// Link EnumMetadata to ColumnMetadata
for (TableDataSetMetadata ds : this.tables) {
// Check tables and enums duplicate names
Set tablesAndEnumsCanonicalNames = new HashSet();
log.debug("player tables="
+ config.getFacetTables().stream().filter(t -> t.getDatabaseObject().getName().equals("player")).count());
for (TableTag tt : config.getFacetTables()) {
String canonicalName = tt.getId().getCanonicalSQLName();
log.debug("t: " + tt.getId());
if (tablesAndEnumsCanonicalNames.contains(canonicalName)) {
throw new ControlledException(tt.getSourceLocation(), "Duplicate database
name '" + canonicalName
+ "'. This table is already defined in the configuration file(s).");
for (EnumTag et : config.getFacetEnums()) {
String canonicalName = et.getId().getCanonicalSQLName();
if (tablesAndEnumsCanonicalNames.contains(canonicalName)) {
throw new ControlledException(et.getSourceLocation(), "Duplicate database name '" + canonicalName
+ "'. This enum is already defined in the configuration file(s), as a
or .");
Set viewsCanonicalNames = new HashSet();
for (ViewTag vt : config.getFacetViews()) {
String canonicalName = vt.getId().getCanonicalSQLName();
if (viewsCanonicalNames.contains(canonicalName)) {
throw new ControlledException(vt.getSourceLocation(), "Duplicate database name '" + canonicalName
+ "'. This enum is already defined in the configuration file(s).");
// Prepare views meta data
log.debug("Prepare views metadata.");
this.views = new LinkedHashSet();
TableDataSetMetadata vmd = null;
for (JdbcTable v : this.db.getViews()) {
try {
boolean isFromCurrentCatalog = v.getCatalog() == null
|| v.getCatalog().equals(this.dloc.getCatalogSchema().getCatalog());
boolean isFromCurrentSchema = v.getSchema() == null
|| v.getSchema().equals(this.dloc.getCatalogSchema().getSchema());
vmd = DataSetMetadataFactory.getMetadata(v, false, autoDiscovery, this.adapter, config, layout,
isFromCurrentCatalog, isFromCurrentSchema);
ClassPackage fragmentPackage = vmd.getFragmentConfig() != null
&& vmd.getFragmentConfig().getFragmentPackage() != null ? vmd.getFragmentConfig().getFragmentPackage()
: null;
ClassPackage classPackage = layout.getDAOPackage(fragmentPackage);
String voName = daosTag.generateVOName(vmd.getId());
EntityVOClass vo = new EntityVOClass(vmd, classPackage, voName, vmd.getColumns(), vmd.getDaoTag());
} catch (UnresolvableDataTypeException e) {
throw new ControlledException(e.getMessage());
} catch (VOAlreadyExistsException e) {
throw new ControlledException(vmd.getDaoTag().getSourceLocation(),
"Duplicate view with name '" + v.getName() + "'.");
} catch (StructuredVOAlreadyExistsException e) {
throw new ControlledException(vmd.getDaoTag().getSourceLocation(),
"Duplicate view with name '" + v.getName() + "'.");
// Prepare executor DAOs meta data
this.executors = new LinkedHashSet();
for (ExecutorTag tag : config.getFacetExecutors()) {
ExecutorDAOMetadata dm;
try {
dm = new ExecutorDAOMetadata(tag, adapter, config, tag.getFragmentConfig());
} catch (InvalidIdentifierException e) {
throw new ControlledException(tag.getSourceLocation(),
"Invalid DAO with namename '" + tag.getJavaClassName() + "': " + e.getMessage());
// Validate against the database
cr = ColumnsRetriever.getInstance(config, dloc, adapter, db, conn);
log.debug("ColumnsRetriever: " + cr);
// TODO: make sure the cache includes enum values from table rows.
// if (retrieveFreshDatabaseObjects) {
try {
config.validateAgainstDatabase(this, conn, adapter);
} catch (InvalidConfigurationFileException e) {
throw new ControlledException(e.getTag().getSourceLocation(), e.getMessage());
// }
// Prepare