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org.hpccsystems.commons.ecl.RecordDefinitionTranslator Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * HPCC SYSTEMS software Copyright (C) 2018 HPCC Systems®.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on
 * an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
package org.hpccsystems.commons.ecl;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import org.json.JSONArray;

import org.hpccsystems.commons.ecl.FieldDef;
import org.hpccsystems.commons.ecl.FieldType;
import org.hpccsystems.commons.ecl.HpccSrcType;
import org.hpccsystems.commons.errors.UnparsableContentException;

public class RecordDefinitionTranslator
    private static final String FIELDS_KEY            = "fields";
    private static final String FIELD_TYPE_KEY        = "fieldType";
    private static final String LENGTH_KEY            = "length";
    private static final String NAME_KEY              = "name";
    private static final String TYPE_KEY              = "type";
    private static final String CHILD_KEY             = "child";
    private static final String FLAGS_KEY             = "flags";

    private static final int    FLAG_UNSIGNED         = 256;
    private static final int    FLAG_UNKNOWN_SIZE     = 1024;
    private static final int    TYPE_ID_MASK          = 0xff;       // 0x7fff & ~FLAG_UNKNOWN_SIZE & ~FLAG_UNSIGNED;
    final private static int    type_boolean          = 0;
    final private static int    type_int              = 1;
    final private static int    type_real             = 2;
    final private static int    type_decimal          = 3;
    final private static int    type_string           = 4;
    final private static int    type_biasedswapint    = 8;          // Convert to integer
    final private static int    type_keyedint         = 10;         // Convert to integer
    final private static int    type_record           = 13;
    final private static int    type_varstring        = 14;
    final private static int    type_data             = 16;
    final private static int    type_table            = 20;
    final private static int    type_set              = 21;
    final private static int    type_swapint          = 26;         // Convert to integer
    final private static int    type_filepos          = 29;
    final private static int    type_unicode          = 31;
    final private static int    type_varunicode       = 33;
    final private static int    type_utf8             = 41;

    // FNoInitializer,                 // 0 means no initialiser - not a special virtual initialiser
    // FVirtualFilePosition,
    // FVirtualLocalFilePosition,
    // FVirtualFilename,
    // FVirtualRowSize,
    // FVirtualLimit = 25

    final private static int    FVirtualLocalFilePosition = 2;

    // These types need to be revised
    final private static int    type_char             = 11;         // Convert to string
    final private static int    type_qstring          = 30;         // Convert to string

    // Additional retained flags
    final private static int    FLAG_IS_PAYLOAD_FIELD = 0x00010000;

     * Gets the field type.
     * @param typeID
     *            the type ID
     * @return the field type
    private static FieldType getFieldType(int typeID)
        int type = typeID & TYPE_ID_MASK;
        switch (type)
            case type_boolean:
                return FieldType.BOOLEAN;
            case type_swapint:
            case type_biasedswapint:
            case type_keyedint:
            case type_int:
                return FieldType.INTEGER;
            case type_filepos:
                return FieldType.FILEPOS;
            case type_real:
                return FieldType.REAL;
            case type_decimal:
                return FieldType.DECIMAL;
            case type_data:
                return FieldType.BINARY;
            case type_char:
                return FieldType.CHAR;
            case type_utf8:
            case type_string:
            case type_qstring:
            case type_unicode:
                return FieldType.STRING;
            case type_varstring:
            case type_varunicode:
                return FieldType.VAR_STRING;
            case type_set:
                return FieldType.SET;
            case type_record:
                return FieldType.RECORD;
            case type_table:
                return FieldType.DATASET;
                return FieldType.UNKNOWN;

     * Gets the source type.
     * @param typeID
     *            the type ID
     * @return the source type
    private static HpccSrcType getSourceType(int typeID)
        int type = typeID & TYPE_ID_MASK;
        switch (type)
            case type_int:
            case type_real:
                return HpccSrcType.LITTLE_ENDIAN;
            case type_swapint:
            case type_biasedswapint:
            case type_keyedint:
            case type_filepos:
                return HpccSrcType.BIG_ENDIAN;
            case type_utf8:
                return HpccSrcType.UTF8;
            case type_char:
            case type_string:
            case type_varstring:
                return HpccSrcType.SINGLE_BYTE_CHAR;
            case type_qstring:
                return HpccSrcType.QSTRING;
            case type_unicode:
            case type_varunicode:
                return HpccSrcType.UTF16LE;
                return HpccSrcType.UNKNOWN;

     * Checks if is fixed length.
     * @param typeID
     *            the type ID
     * @return true, if is fixed length
    private static boolean isFixedLength(int typeID)
        return (typeID & FLAG_UNKNOWN_SIZE) == 0;

     * Checks if is unsigned.
     * @param typeID
     *            the type ID
     * @return true, if is unsigned
    private static boolean isUnsigned(int typeID)
        return (typeID & FLAG_UNSIGNED) != 0;

     * Gets the additional flags.
     * @param flags
     *            the flags
     * @return the additional flags
    private static int getAdditionalFlags(int flags)
        final int additionalFlagsMask = ~0x7FFF;
        return (flags & additionalFlagsMask);

     * toECL Converts the provided FieldDef into an ECL record definition.
     * @param field
     *            the FieldDef to convert
     * @return ECL Record defintion as a String
     * @throws Exception
     *             the exception
    public static String toECLRecord(FieldDef field) throws Exception
        if (field.getFieldType() != FieldType.RECORD)
            throw new Exception("Invalid record structure. Root object must of type Record");

        // Recurse through the tree structure and generate record defintions
        // LinkedHashMap to retain insertion order
        HashMap recordDefinitionMap = new LinkedHashMap();
        String rootRecordName = getEClTypeDefinition(field, recordDefinitionMap);

        // Get root record definition and remove it from the map
        String rootDefinition = recordDefinitionMap.get(rootRecordName);
        rootDefinition = rootDefinition.replace(rootRecordName, "RD");

        // Combine the type definitions into a single ECL defintion
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(8192);
        for (HashMap.Entry entry : recordDefinitionMap.entrySet())
            sb.append(" := ");

        String definition = sb.toString();

        // Replace the temporary hash key
        int numRecordDefinitions = 1;
        for (HashMap.Entry entry : recordDefinitionMap.entrySet())
            definition = definition.replace(entry.getKey(), "RD" + numRecordDefinitions);

        return definition;

     * Gets the e cl type definition.
     * @param field
     *            the field
     * @param recordDefinitionMap
     *            the record definition map
     * @return the e cl type definition
     * @throws Exception
     *             the exception
    private static String getEClTypeDefinition(FieldDef field, HashMap recordDefinitionMap) throws Exception
        switch (field.getFieldType())
            case SET:
                return "SET OF " + getEClTypeDefinition(field.getDef(0), recordDefinitionMap);
            case DATASET:
                return "DATASET(" + getEClTypeDefinition(field.getDef(0), recordDefinitionMap) + ")";
            case BINARY:
                if (field.isFixed())
                    return "DATA" + field.getDataLen();
                return "DATA";
            case BOOLEAN:
                return "BOOLEAN";
            case INTEGER:
                String root = "INTEGER";
                if (field.isUnsigned())
                    root = "UNSIGNED";

                if (field.getDataLen() < 1 || field.getDataLen() > 8)
                    throw new Exception("Error: Unsupported integer size: " + field.getDataLen() + " must 1-8.");

                return root + field.getDataLen();
            case FILEPOS:
                if (field.isUnsigned() == false)
                    throw new Exception("Error: Filepos must be unsigned"); 

                if (field.getDataLen() != 8)
                    throw new Exception("Error: Unsupported filepos size: " + field.getDataLen() + " must be 8.");

                return "UNSIGNED8";
            case DECIMAL:
                String root = "DECIMAL";
                if (field.isUnsigned())
                    root = "U" + root;
                return root + field.getPrecision() + "_" + field.getScale();
            case REAL:
                if (field.getDataLen() == 4)
                    return "REAL4";
                else if (field.getDataLen() == 8)
                    return "REAL8";

                throw new Exception("Error: Unsupported real size: " + field.getDataLen() + " must 4 or 8.");
            case CHAR:
                return "STRING1";
            case STRING:
                String type = "";
                HpccSrcType srcType = field.getSourceType();
                if (srcType == HpccSrcType.SINGLE_BYTE_CHAR)
                    type = "STRING";
                else if (srcType == HpccSrcType.UTF16LE || srcType == HpccSrcType.UTF16BE)
                    type = "UNICODE";
                else if (srcType == HpccSrcType.UTF8)
                    type = "UTF8";
                else if (srcType == HpccSrcType.QSTRING)
                    type = "QSTRING";
                    throw new Exception("Unable to convert type to ECL string. Encountered unexpected string source type: " + srcType);

                if (field.isFixed())
                    type += field.getDataLen();
                return type;
            case VAR_STRING:
                String type = "";
                HpccSrcType srcType = field.getSourceType();
                if (srcType == HpccSrcType.SINGLE_BYTE_CHAR)
                    type = "VARSTRING";
                else if (srcType == HpccSrcType.UTF16LE || srcType == HpccSrcType.UTF16BE)
                    type = "VARUNICODE";
                    throw new Exception("Unable to convert type to varstring. Encountered unexpected string source type: " + srcType);

                if (field.isFixed())
                    type += field.getDataLen();
                return type;
            case RECORD:
                String definition = "RECORD\n";
                for (int i = 0; i < field.getNumDefs(); i++)
                    FieldDef childField = field.getDef(i);
                    definition += "\t" + getEClTypeDefinition(childField, recordDefinitionMap) + " " + childField.getFieldName();
                    if (childField.getFieldType() == FieldType.FILEPOS)
                        definition += " {virtual(fileposition)}";

                    definition += ";\n";
                definition += "END;\n";

                int hash = definition.hashCode();
                String recordDefnName = "##" + hash + "##";

                recordDefinitionMap.put(recordDefnName, definition);
                return recordDefnName;
                throw new Exception("Unable to generate ECL unknown field type: " + field.getFieldType().description());

     * toJson Converts the provided FieldDef into a json record definition.
     * @param field
     *            the FieldDef to convert
     * @return Record as a JSONObject
     * @throws Exception
     *             the exception
    public static JSONObject toJsonRecord(FieldDef field) throws Exception
        if (field.getFieldType() != FieldType.RECORD)
            throw new Exception("Invalid record structure. Root object must of type Record");

        // Recurse through the tree structure and generate type defintions

        // Type Hash -> Type Index
        HashMap typeDefinitionMap = new HashMap();
        ArrayList typeDefinitions = new ArrayList();
        Integer rootRecordHash = getJsonTypeDefinition(field, typeDefinitionMap, typeDefinitions);

        // Get root record definition and remove it from the map
        Integer rootDefinitionIndex = typeDefinitionMap.get(rootRecordHash);
        JSONObject rootDefinition = typeDefinitions.get(rootDefinitionIndex);
        typeDefinitions.set(rootDefinitionIndex, null);

        // Add types to root definition
        for (int i = 0; i < typeDefinitions.size(); i++)
            JSONObject typeDefinition = typeDefinitions.get(i);
            if (typeDefinition == null)

            rootDefinition.put("ty" + (i + 1), typeDefinition);

        return rootDefinition;

     * Gets the type ID.
     * @param field
     *            the field
     * @return the type ID
     * @throws Exception
     *             the exception
    private static int getTypeID(FieldDef field) throws Exception
        int typeID = 0;
        switch (field.getFieldType())
            case SET:
                typeID = type_set;
                if (field.isFixed() == false)
                    typeID |= FLAG_UNKNOWN_SIZE;
            case DATASET:
                typeID = type_table;
                if (field.isFixed() == false)
                    typeID |= FLAG_UNKNOWN_SIZE;
            case BINARY:
                typeID = type_data;
                if (field.isFixed() == false)
                    typeID |= FLAG_UNKNOWN_SIZE;
            case BOOLEAN:
                typeID = type_boolean;
            case FILEPOS:
                typeID = type_filepos | FLAG_UNSIGNED;
            case INTEGER:
                typeID = type_int;
                if (field.isUnsigned())
                    typeID |= FLAG_UNSIGNED;
            case DECIMAL:
                typeID = type_decimal;
                if (field.isUnsigned())
                    typeID |= FLAG_UNSIGNED;
            case REAL:
                typeID = type_real;
            case CHAR:
                typeID = type_string;
            case STRING:
                typeID = -1;
                HpccSrcType srcType = field.getSourceType();
                if (srcType == HpccSrcType.SINGLE_BYTE_CHAR)
                    typeID = type_string;
                else if (srcType == HpccSrcType.UTF16LE || srcType == HpccSrcType.UTF16BE)
                    typeID = type_unicode;
                else if (srcType == HpccSrcType.UTF8)
                    typeID = type_utf8;
                else if (srcType == HpccSrcType.QSTRING)
                    typeID = type_qstring;
                    throw new Exception("Unable to convert type to json. Encountered unexpected string source type: " + srcType);

                if (field.isFixed() == false)
                    typeID |= FLAG_UNKNOWN_SIZE;

            case VAR_STRING:
                typeID = -1;
                HpccSrcType srcType = field.getSourceType();
                if (srcType == HpccSrcType.SINGLE_BYTE_CHAR)
                    typeID = type_varstring;
                else if (srcType == HpccSrcType.UTF16LE || srcType == HpccSrcType.UTF16BE)
                    typeID = type_varunicode;
                    throw new Exception("Unable to convert type to json. Encountered unexpected varstring source type: " + srcType);

                if (field.isFixed() == false)
                    typeID |= FLAG_UNKNOWN_SIZE;

            case RECORD:
                typeID = type_record;
                if (field.isFixed() == false)
                    typeID |= FLAG_UNKNOWN_SIZE;
                throw new Exception(
                        "Unable to generate JSON for field : " + field.getFieldName() + " with unknown type: " + field.getFieldType().description());

        return typeID;

     * Gets the type hash.
     * @param field
     *            the field
     * @return the type hash
     * @throws Exception
     *             the exception
    private static int getTypeHash(FieldDef field) throws Exception
        int numHashComponents = 2 + field.getNumDefs();
        if (field.getFieldType() == FieldType.DECIMAL)
            numHashComponents += 2;

        long[] hashComponents = new long[numHashComponents];
        hashComponents[0] = getTypeID(field);
        hashComponents[1] = field.getDataLen();

        int hashCompIndex = 2;
        for (int i = 0; i < field.getNumDefs(); i++, hashCompIndex++)
            hashComponents[hashCompIndex] = getTypeHash(field.getDef(i));

        if (field.getFieldType() == FieldType.DECIMAL)
            hashComponents[hashCompIndex] = field.getPrecision();
            hashComponents[hashCompIndex + 1] = field.getScale();

        return Arrays.hashCode(hashComponents);

     * Gets the json type definition.
     * @param field
     *            the field
     * @param typeDefinitionMap
     *            the type definition map
     * @param typeDefinitions
     *            the type definitions
     * @return the json type definition
     * @throws Exception
     *             the exception
    private static int getJsonTypeDefinition(FieldDef field, HashMap typeDefinitionMap, ArrayList typeDefinitions)
            throws Exception
        int typeHash = getTypeHash(field);
        Integer typeIndex = typeDefinitionMap.get(typeHash);
        if (typeIndex != null)
            return typeHash;

        JSONObject typeDef = new JSONObject();
        int typeID = getTypeID(field);
        switch (field.getFieldType())
            case DATASET:
            case SET:
                typeDef.put("fieldType", typeID);
                typeDef.put("length", field.getDataLen());

                int childTypeHash = getJsonTypeDefinition(field.getDef(0), typeDefinitionMap, typeDefinitions);
                int childTypeIndex = typeDefinitionMap.get(childTypeHash);
                String childTypeName = "ty" + (childTypeIndex + 1);
                typeDef.put("child", childTypeName);
            case FILEPOS:
                typeDef.put("fieldType", typeID);
                typeDef.put("length", field.getDataLen());
                typeDef.put("vinit", FVirtualLocalFilePosition);
            case BOOLEAN:
            case BINARY:
            case INTEGER:
            case REAL:
            case CHAR:
            case STRING:
            case VAR_STRING:
                typeDef.put("fieldType", typeID);
                typeDef.put("length", field.getDataLen());
            case DECIMAL:
                typeDef.put("fieldType", typeID);
                int len = field.getScale() << 16 | field.getPrecision();
                typeDef.put("length", len);
            case RECORD:
                typeDef.put("fieldType", typeID);
                typeDef.put("length", field.getDataLen());

                JSONArray fields = new JSONArray();
                for (int i = 0; i < field.getNumDefs(); i++)
                    FieldDef childField = field.getDef(i);

                    int childTypeHash = getJsonTypeDefinition(childField, typeDefinitionMap, typeDefinitions);
                    int childTypeIndex = typeDefinitionMap.get(childTypeHash);
                    String childTypeName = "ty" + (childTypeIndex + 1);
                    int childTypeID = getTypeID(childField);

                    JSONObject childJson = new JSONObject();
                    childJson.put("name", childField.getFieldName());
                    childJson.put("type", childTypeName);
                    if (childTypeID > 0)
                        int flags = childTypeID | childField.getAdditionalFlags();
                        childJson.put("flags", flags);

                    if (childField.getFieldType() == FieldType.DATASET)
                        char delim = 0x0001;
                        childJson.put("xpath", childField.getFieldName() + delim + "Row");


                typeDef.put("fields", fields);
                throw new Exception(
                        "Unable to generate JSON for field : " + field.getFieldName() + " with unknown type: " + field.getFieldType().description());

        int newTypeIndex = typeDefinitions.size();
        typeDefinitionMap.put(typeHash, newTypeIndex);

        return typeHash;

     * Parses the json record definition.
     * @param recordDefinition
     *            the record definition
     * @return the field def
     * @throws UnparsableContentException
     *             the unparsable content exception
    public static FieldDef parseJsonRecordDefinition(JSONObject recordDefinition) throws UnparsableContentException
        HashMap typeDefinitions = new HashMap();
        return parseJsonRecordDefinition(recordDefinition, typeDefinitions, recordDefinition);

     * Parses the json record definition.
     * @param jsonTypeDefinitions
     *            the json type definitions
     * @param protoTypeDefs
     *            the proto type defs
     * @param recordDefinition
     *            the record definition
     * @return the field def
     * @throws UnparsableContentException
     *             the unparsable content exception
    private static FieldDef parseJsonRecordDefinition(JSONObject jsonTypeDefinitions, HashMap protoTypeDefs,
            JSONObject recordDefinition) throws UnparsableContentException
        int typeID = recordDefinition.getInt(FIELD_TYPE_KEY);
        long length = recordDefinition.getLong(LENGTH_KEY);

        FieldType fieldType = getFieldType(typeID);
        if (fieldType != FieldType.RECORD)
            throw new UnparsableContentException("Expected top-level field to be of type Record. Found: " + fieldType.description());

        JSONArray fields = recordDefinition.getJSONArray(FIELDS_KEY);
        ArrayList childDefs = new ArrayList();

        for (int i = 0; i < fields.length(); i++)
            JSONObject value = fields.getJSONObject(i);
            if (value == null)

            JSONObject jsonFieldDefinition = (JSONObject) value;
            FieldDef childFieldDef = parseFieldDefinition(jsonTypeDefinitions, protoTypeDefs, jsonFieldDefinition);

        boolean isFixedLength = isFixedLength(typeID);
        boolean isUnsigned = isUnsigned(typeID);
        HpccSrcType srcType = getSourceType(typeID);
        return new FieldDef("RootRecord", fieldType, fieldType.description(), length, isFixedLength, isUnsigned, srcType,
                childDefs.toArray(new FieldDef[0]));

     * Parses the field definition.
     * @param jsonTypeDefinitions
     *            the json type definitions
     * @param protoTypeDefs
     *            the proto type defs
     * @param jsonFieldDefinition
     *            the json field definition
     * @return the field def
     * @throws UnparsableContentException
     *             the unparsable content exception
    private static FieldDef parseFieldDefinition(JSONObject jsonTypeDefinitions, HashMap protoTypeDefs,
            JSONObject jsonFieldDefinition) throws UnparsableContentException
        String name = jsonFieldDefinition.getString(NAME_KEY);
        String type = jsonFieldDefinition.getString(TYPE_KEY);

        int flags = 0;
            flags = jsonFieldDefinition.getInt(FLAGS_KEY);
        catch (Exception e)

        FieldDef protoTypeDef = getOrParseJsonTypeDefintion(type, jsonTypeDefinitions, protoTypeDefs);
        FieldDef ret = new FieldDef(protoTypeDef);
        return ret;

     * Gets the or parse json type defintion.
     * @param type
     *            the type
     * @param jsonTypeDefinitions
     *            the json type definitions
     * @param protoTypeDefs
     *            the proto type defs
     * @return the or parse json type defintion
     * @throws UnparsableContentException
     *             the unparsable content exception
    private static FieldDef getOrParseJsonTypeDefintion(String type, JSONObject jsonTypeDefinitions, HashMap protoTypeDefs)
            throws UnparsableContentException
        FieldDef protoTypeDef = protoTypeDefs.get(type);
        if (protoTypeDef == null)
            JSONObject typeDefnJson = jsonTypeDefinitions.getJSONObject(type);
            if (typeDefnJson == null)
                throw new UnparsableContentException("Unable to find type defintion for type: " + type);

            protoTypeDef = parseJsonTypeDefinition(jsonTypeDefinitions, protoTypeDefs, typeDefnJson);
            protoTypeDefs.put(type, protoTypeDef);

        return protoTypeDef;

     * Parses the json type definition.
     * @param jsonTypeDefinitions
     *            the json type definitions
     * @param protoTypeDefs
     *            the proto type defs
     * @param typeDef
     *            the type def
     * @return the field def
     * @throws UnparsableContentException
     *             the unparsable content exception
    private static FieldDef parseJsonTypeDefinition(JSONObject jsonTypeDefinitions, HashMap protoTypeDefs, JSONObject typeDef)
            throws UnparsableContentException
        int typeID = typeDef.getInt(FIELD_TYPE_KEY);
        long length = typeDef.getLong(LENGTH_KEY);

        FieldType fieldType = getFieldType(typeID);
        switch (fieldType)
            case RECORD:
                return parseJsonRecordDefinition(jsonTypeDefinitions, protoTypeDefs, typeDef);
            case SET:
            case DATASET:
                String childType = typeDef.getString(CHILD_KEY);
                FieldDef childProtoTypeDef = getOrParseJsonTypeDefintion(childType, jsonTypeDefinitions, protoTypeDefs);

                FieldDef[] childDefs = { childProtoTypeDef };
                return new FieldDef("", fieldType, fieldType.description(), length, isFixedLength(typeID), isUnsigned(typeID), getSourceType(typeID),
                FieldDef fd = new FieldDef("", fieldType, fieldType.description(), length,
                        isFixedLength(typeID), isUnsigned(typeID), getSourceType(typeID), new FieldDef[0]);
                if ((typeID & TYPE_ID_MASK) == type_keyedint)
                return fd;

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