org.hsqldb.jdbc.JDBCBlob Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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/* Copyright (c) 2001-2017, The HSQL Development Group
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
* list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
* and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* Neither the name of the HSQL Development Group nor the names of its
* contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
* software without specific prior written permission.
package org.hsqldb.jdbc;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.sql.Blob;
import java.sql.SQLException;
//#ifdef JAVA6
import java.sql.SQLFeatureNotSupportedException;
//#endif JAVA6
import org.hsqldb.error.ErrorCode;
import org.hsqldb.lib.KMPSearchAlgorithm;
import org.hsqldb.lib.java.JavaSystem;
// campbell-burnet@users 2004-04-xx - patch 1.7.2 - position and truncate methods
// implemented; minor changes for moderate thread
// safety and optimal performance
// campbell-burnet@users 2004-04-xx - doc 1.7.2 - javadocs updated; methods put in
// correct (historical, interface declared) order
// campbell-burnet@users 2005-12-07 - patch 1.8.0.x - initial JDBC 4.0 support work
// campbell-burnet@users 2006-05-22 - doc 1.9.0 - full synch up to Mustang Build 84
// - patch 1.9.0 - setBinaryStream improvement
// patch 1.9.0
// - fixed invalid reference to new BinaryStream(...) in getBinaryStream
// patch 1.9.0 - full synch up to Mustang b90
// - better bounds checking
// - added support for clients to decide whether getBinaryStream
// uses copy of internal byte buffer
* The representation (mapping) in
* the Java™ programming language of an SQL
value. An SQL BLOB
is a built-in type
* that stores a Binary Large Object as a column value in a row of
* a database table. By default drivers implement Blob
* an SQL locator(BLOB)
, which means that a
* Blob
object contains a logical pointer to the
data rather than the data itself.
* A Blob
object is valid for the duration of the
* transaction in which is was created.
* Methods in the interfaces {@link java.sql.ResultSet},
* {@link java.sql.CallableStatement}, and {@link java.sql.PreparedStatement}, such as
* getBlob
and setBlob
allow a programmer to
* access an SQL BLOB
* The Blob
interface provides methods for getting the
* length of an SQL BLOB
(Binary Large Object) value,
* for materializing a BLOB
value on the client, and for
* determining the position of a pattern of bytes within a
value. In addition, this interface has methods for updating
* a BLOB
* All methods on the Blob
interface must be fully implemented if the
* JDBC driver supports the data type.
* HSQLDB-Specific Information:
* Previous to 2.0, the HSQLDB driver did not implement Blob using an SQL
* locator(BLOB). That is, an HSQLDB Blob object did not contain a logical
* pointer to SQL BLOB data; rather it directly contained a representation of
* the data (a byte array). As a result, an HSQLDB Blob object was itself
* valid beyond the duration of the transaction in which is was created,
* although it did not necessarily represent a corresponding value
* on the database. Also, the interface methods for updating a BLOB value
* were unsupported, with the exception of the truncate method,
* in that it could be used to truncate the local value.
* Starting with 2.0, the HSQLDB driver fully supports both local and remote
* SQL BLOB data implementations, meaning that an HSQLDB Blob object may
* contain a logical pointer to remote SQL BLOB data (see {@link JDBCBlobClient
* JDBCBlobClient}) or it may directly contain a local representation of the
* data (as implemented in this class). In particular, when the product is built
* under JDK 1.6+ and the Blob instance is constructed as a result of calling
* JDBCConnection.createBlob(), then the resulting Blob instance is initially
* disconnected (is not bound to the transaction scope of the vending Connection
* object), the data is contained directly and all interface methods for
* updating the BLOB value are supported for local use until the first
* invocation of free(); otherwise, an HSQLDB Blob's implementation is
* determined at runtime by the driver, it is typically not valid beyond the
* duration of the transaction in which is was created, and there no
* standard way to query whether it represents a local or remote
* value.
* @author james house [email protected]
* @author campbell-burnet@users
* @version 2.4.0
* @since JDK 1.2, HSQLDB 1.7.2
public class JDBCBlob implements Blob {
* Returns the number of bytes in the BLOB
* designated by this Blob
* @return length of the BLOB
in bytes
* @exception SQLException if there is an error accessing the
* length of the BLOB
* @exception SQLFeatureNotSupportedException if the JDBC driver does not support
* this method
* @since JDK 1.2, HSQLDB 1.7.2
public long length() throws SQLException {
return getData().length;
* Retrieves all or part of the BLOB
* value that this Blob
object represents, as an array of
* bytes. This byte
array contains up to length
* consecutive bytes starting at position pos
* HSQLDB-Specific Information:
* The official specification above is ambiguous in that it does not
* precisely indicate the policy to be observed when
* {@code pos > this.length() - length}. One policy would be to retrieve the
* octets from pos to this.length(). Another would be to throw an
* exception. HSQLDB observes the second policy.
* @param pos the ordinal position of the first byte in the
value to be extracted; the first byte is at
* position 1
* @param length the number of consecutive bytes to be copied; JDBC 4.1[the value
* for length must be 0 or greater]
* @return a byte array containing up to length
* consecutive bytes from the BLOB
value designated
* by this Blob
object, starting with the
* byte at position pos
* @exception SQLException if there is an error accessing the
value; if pos is less than 1 or length is
* less than 0
* @exception SQLFeatureNotSupportedException if the JDBC driver does not support
* this method
* @see #setBytes
* @since JDK 1.2, HSQLDB 1.7.2
public byte[] getBytes(long pos, final int length) throws SQLException {
final byte[] data = getData();
final int dlen = data.length;
if (pos < MIN_POS || pos - MIN_POS > dlen) {
throw JDBCUtil.outOfRangeArgument("pos: " + pos);
final int index = (int) pos - 1;
if (length < 0 || length > dlen - index) {
throw JDBCUtil.outOfRangeArgument("length: " + length);
final byte[] result = new byte[length];
System.arraycopy(data, index, result, 0, length);
return result;
* Retrieves the BLOB
value designated by this
* Blob
instance as a stream.
* @return a stream containing the BLOB
* @exception SQLException if there is an error accessing the
* @exception SQLFeatureNotSupportedException if the JDBC driver does not support
* this method
* @see #setBinaryStream
* @since JDK 1.2, HSQLDB 1.7.2
public InputStream getBinaryStream() throws SQLException {
return new ByteArrayInputStream(getData());
* Retrieves the byte position at which the specified byte array
* pattern
begins within the BLOB
* value that this Blob
object represents. The
* search for pattern
begins at position
* start
* @param pattern the byte array for which to search
* @param start the position at which to begin searching; the
* first position is 1
* @return the position at which the pattern appears, else -1
* @exception SQLException if there is an error accessing the
or if start is less than 1
* @exception SQLFeatureNotSupportedException if the JDBC driver does not support
* this method
* @since JDK 1.2, HSQLDB 1.7.2
public long position(final byte[] pattern,
final long start) throws SQLException {
final byte[] data = getData();
final int dlen = data.length;
if (start < MIN_POS) {
throw JDBCUtil.outOfRangeArgument("start: " + start);
} else if (start > dlen || pattern == null) {
return -1L;
// by now, we know start <= Integer.MAX_VALUE;
final int startIndex = (int) start - 1;
final int plen = pattern.length;
if (plen == 0 || startIndex > dlen - plen) {
return -1L;
final int result = KMPSearchAlgorithm.search(data, pattern,
KMPSearchAlgorithm.computeTable(pattern), startIndex);
return (result == -1) ? -1
: result + 1;
* Retrieves the byte position in the BLOB
* designated by this Blob
object at which
* pattern
begins. The search begins at position
* start
* @param pattern the Blob
object designating
* the BLOB
value for which to search
* @param start the position in the BLOB
* at which to begin searching; the first position is 1
* @return the position at which the pattern begins, else -1
* @exception SQLException if there is an error accessing the
value or if start is less than 1
* @exception SQLFeatureNotSupportedException if the JDBC driver does not support
* this method
* @since JDK 1.2, HSQLDB 1.7.2
public long position(final Blob pattern, long start) throws SQLException {
final byte[] data = getData();
final int dlen = data.length;
if (start < MIN_POS) {
throw JDBCUtil.outOfRangeArgument("start: " + start);
} else if (start > dlen || pattern == null) {
return -1L;
// by now, we know start <= Integer.MAX_VALUE;
final int startIndex = (int) (start - MIN_POS);
final long plen = pattern.length();
if (plen == 0 || startIndex > ((long) dlen) - plen) {
return -1L;
// by now, we know plen <= Integer.MAX_VALUE
final int iplen = (int) plen;
byte[] bytePattern;
if (pattern instanceof JDBCBlob) {
bytePattern = ((JDBCBlob) pattern).data();
} else {
bytePattern = pattern.getBytes(1L, iplen);
final int result = KMPSearchAlgorithm.search(data, bytePattern,
KMPSearchAlgorithm.computeTable(bytePattern), startIndex);
return (result == -1) ? -1
: result + 1;
// -------------------------- JDBC 3.0 -----------------------------------
* Writes the given array of bytes to the BLOB
value that
* this Blob
object represents, starting at position
* pos
, and returns the number of bytes written.
* The array of bytes will overwrite the existing bytes
* in the Blob
object starting at the position
* pos
. If the end of the Blob
value is reached
* while writing the array of bytes, then the length of the Blob
* value will be increased to accommodate the extra bytes.
* Note: If the value specified for pos
* is greater then the length+1 of the BLOB
value then the
* behavior is undefined. Some JDBC drivers may throw a
* SQLException
while other drivers may support this
* operation.
* HSQLDB-Specific Information:
* Starting with HSQLDB 2.0 this feature is supported.
* When built under JDK 1.6+ and the Blob instance is constructed as a
* result of calling JDBCConnection.createBlob(), this operation affects
* only the client-side value; it has no effect upon a value stored in a
* database because JDBCConnection.createBlob() constructs disconnected,
* initially empty Blob instances. To propagate the Blob value to a database
* in this case, it is required to supply the Blob instance to an updating
* or inserting setXXX method of a Prepared or Callable Statement, or to
* supply the Blob instance to an updateXXX method of an updatable
* ResultSet.
* Implementation Notes:
* Starting with HSQLDB 2.1, JDBCBlob no longer utilizes volatile fields
* and is effectively thread safe, but still uses local variable
* snapshot isolation.
* As such, the synchronization policy still does not strictly enforce
* serialized read/write access to the underlying data
* So, if an application may perform concurrent JDBCBlob modifications and
* the integrity of the application depends on total order Blob modification
* semantics, then such operations should be synchronized on an appropriate
* monitor.
* @param pos the position in the BLOB
object at which
* to start writing; the first position is 1
* @param bytes the array of bytes to be written to the BLOB
* value that this Blob
object represents
* @return the number of bytes written
* @exception SQLException if there is an error accessing the
value or if pos is less than 1
* @exception SQLFeatureNotSupportedException if the JDBC driver does not support
* this method
* @see #getBytes
* @since JDK 1.4, HSQLDB 1.7.2
public int setBytes(long pos, byte[] bytes) throws SQLException {
return setBytes(pos, bytes, 0, bytes == null ? 0 : bytes.length);
* Writes all or part of the given byte
array to the
value that this Blob
object represents
* and returns the number of bytes written.
* Writing starts at position pos
in the BLOB
* value; len
bytes from the given byte array are written.
* The array of bytes will overwrite the existing bytes
* in the Blob
object starting at the position
* pos
. If the end of the Blob
value is reached
* while writing the array of bytes, then the length of the Blob
* value will be increased to accommodate the extra bytes.
* Note: If the value specified for pos
* is greater then the length+1 of the BLOB
value then the
* behavior is undefined. Some JDBC drivers may throw a
* SQLException
while other drivers may support this
* operation.
* HSQLDB-Specific Information:
* Starting with HSQLDB 2.0 this feature is supported.
* When built under JDK 1.6+ and the Blob instance is constructed as a
* result of calling JDBCConnection.createBlob(), this operation affects
* only the client-side value; it has no effect upon a value stored in a
* database because JDBCConnection.createBlob() constructs disconnected,
* initially empty Blob instances. To propagate the Blob value to a database
* in this case, it is required to supply the Blob instance to an updating
* or inserting setXXX method of a Prepared or Callable Statement, or to
* supply the Blob instance to an updateXXX method of an updatable
* ResultSet.
* Implementation Notes:
* If the value specified for pos
* is greater than the length of the BLOB
value, then
* the BLOB
value is extended in length to accept the
* written octets and the undefined region up to pos
* filled with (byte)0.
* Starting with HSQLDB 2.1, JDBCBlob no longer utilizes volatile fields
* and is effectively thread safe, but still uses local variable
* snapshot isolation.
* As such, the synchronization policy still does not strictly enforce
* serialized read/write access to the underlying data
* So, if an application may perform concurrent JDBCBlob modifications and
* the integrity of the application depends on total order Blob modification
* semantics, then such operations should be synchronized on an appropriate
* monitor.
* @param pos the position in the BLOB
object at which
* to start writing; the first position is 1
* @param bytes the array of bytes to be written to this BLOB
* object
* @param offset the offset into the array bytes
at which
* to start reading the bytes to be set
* @param len the number of bytes to be written to the BLOB
* value from the array of bytes bytes
* @return the number of bytes written
* @exception SQLException if there is an error accessing the
value or if pos is less than 1
* @exception SQLFeatureNotSupportedException if the JDBC driver does not support
* this method
* @see #getBytes
* @since JDK 1.4, HSQLDB 1.7.2
public int setBytes(long pos, byte[] bytes, int offset,
int len) throws SQLException {
if (bytes == null) {
throw JDBCUtil.nullArgument("bytes");
if (offset < 0 || offset > bytes.length) {
throw JDBCUtil.outOfRangeArgument("offset: " + offset);
if (len > bytes.length - offset) {
throw JDBCUtil.outOfRangeArgument("len: " + len);
if (pos < MIN_POS || (pos - MIN_POS) > (Integer.MAX_VALUE - len)) {
throw JDBCUtil.outOfRangeArgument("pos: " + pos);
final int index = (int) (pos - MIN_POS);
byte[] data = getData();
final int dlen = data.length;
if (index > dlen - len) {
byte[] temp = new byte[index + len];
System.arraycopy(data, 0, temp, 0, dlen);
data = temp;
temp = null;
System.arraycopy(bytes, offset, data, index, len);
return len;
* Retrieves a stream that can be used to write to the BLOB
* value that this Blob
object represents. The stream begins
* at position pos
* The bytes written to the stream will overwrite the existing bytes
* in the Blob
object starting at the position
* pos
. If the end of the Blob
value is reached
* while writing to the stream, then the length of the Blob
* value will be increased to accommodate the extra bytes.
* Note: If the value specified for pos
* is greater then the length+1 of the BLOB
value then the
* behavior is undefined. Some JDBC drivers may throw a
* SQLException
while other drivers may support this
* operation.
* HSQLDB-Specific Information:
* Starting with HSQLDB 2.0 this feature is supported.
* When built under JDK 1.6+ and the Blob instance is constructed as a
* result of calling JDBCConnection.createBlob(), this operation affects
* only the client-side value; it has no effect upon a value stored in a
* database because JDBCConnection.createBlob() constructs disconnected,
* initially empty Blob instances. To propagate the Blob value to a database
* in this case, it is required to supply the Blob instance to an updating
* or inserting setXXX method of a Prepared or Callable Statement, or to
* supply the Blob instance to an updateXXX method of an updatable
* ResultSet.
* Implementation Notes:
* The data written to the stream does not appear in this
* Blob until the stream is closed
* When the stream is closed, if the value specified for pos
* is greater than the length of the BLOB
value, then
* the BLOB
value is extended in length to accept the
* written octets and the undefined region up to pos
* filled with (byte)0.
* Starting with HSQLDB 2.1, JDBCBlob no longer utilizes volatile fields
* and is effectively thread safe, but still uses local variable
* snapshot isolation.
* As such, the synchronization policy still does not strictly enforce
* serialized read/write access to the underlying data
* So, if an application may perform concurrent JDBCBlob modifications and
* the integrity of the application depends on total order Blob modification
* semantics, then such operations should be synchronized on an appropriate
* monitor.
* @param pos the position in the BLOB
value at which
* to start writing; the first position is 1
* @return a java.io.OutputStream
object to which data can
* be written
* @exception SQLException if there is an error accessing the
value or if pos is less than 1
* @exception SQLFeatureNotSupportedException if the JDBC driver does not support
* this method
* @see #getBinaryStream
* @since JDK 1.4, HSQLDB 1.7.2
public OutputStream setBinaryStream(final long pos) throws SQLException {
if (pos < MIN_POS || pos > MAX_POS) {
throw JDBCUtil.outOfRangeArgument("pos: " + pos);
return new java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream() {
private boolean closed;
public synchronized void close() throws java.io.IOException {
if (closed) {
closed = true;
byte[] bytes = super.buf;
int length = super.count;
super.buf = NO_BYTES;
super.count = 0;
try {
JDBCBlob.this.setBytes(pos, bytes, 0, length);
} catch (SQLException se) {
throw JavaSystem.toIOException(se);
} finally {
* Truncates the BLOB
value that this Blob
* object represents to be len
bytes in length.
* Note: If the value specified for pos
* is greater then the length+1 of the BLOB
value then the
* behavior is undefined. Some JDBC drivers may throw a
* SQLException
while other drivers may support this
* operation.
* HSQLDB-Specific Information:
* Starting with HSQLDB 2.0 this feature is fully supported.
* When built under JDK 1.6+ and the Blob instance is constructed as a
* result of calling JDBCConnection.createBlob(), this operation affects
* only the client-side value; it has no effect upon a value stored in a
* database because JDBCConnection.createBlob() constructs disconnected,
* initially empty Blob instances. To propagate the truncated Blob value to
* a database in this case, it is required to supply the Blob instance to
* an updating or inserting setXXX method of a Prepared or Callable
* Statement, or to supply the Blob instance to an updateXXX method of an
* updateable ResultSet.
* @param len the length, in bytes, to which the BLOB
* that this Blob
object represents should be truncated
* @exception SQLException if there is an error accessing the
value or if len is less than 0
* @exception SQLFeatureNotSupportedException if the JDBC driver does not support
* this method
* @since JDK 1.4, HSQLDB 1.7.2
public void truncate(final long len) throws SQLException {
final byte[] data = getData();
if (len < 0 || len > data.length) {
throw JDBCUtil.outOfRangeArgument("len: " + len);
} else if (len == data.length) {
byte[] newData = new byte[(int) len];
System.arraycopy(data, 0, newData, 0, (int) len);
//------------------------- JDBC 4.0 -----------------------------------
* This method frees the Blob
object and releases the resources that
* it holds. The object is invalid once the free
* method is called.
* After free
has been called, any attempt to invoke a
* method other than free
will result in a SQLException
* being thrown. If free
is called multiple times, the subsequent
* calls to free
are treated as a no-op.
* @throws SQLException if an error occurs releasing
* the Blob's resources
* @exception SQLFeatureNotSupportedException if the JDBC driver does not support
* this method
* @since JDK 1.6, HSQLDB 2.0
public synchronized void free() throws SQLException {
m_closed = true;
m_data = null;
* Returns an InputStream
object that contains a partial Blob
* starting with the byte specified by pos, which is length bytes in length.
* @param pos the offset to the first byte of the partial value to be retrieved.
* The first byte in the Blob
is at position 1
* @param length the length in bytes of the partial value to be retrieved
* @return InputStream
through which the partial Blob
value can be read.
* @throws SQLException if pos is less than 1 or if pos is greater than the number of bytes
* in the Blob
or if pos + length is greater than the number of bytes
* in the Blob
* @exception SQLFeatureNotSupportedException if the JDBC driver does not support
* this method
* @since JDK 1.6, HSQLDB 2.0
public InputStream getBinaryStream(long pos,
long length) throws SQLException {
final byte[] data = getData();
final int dlen = data.length;
if (pos < MIN_POS || pos > dlen) {
throw JDBCUtil.outOfRangeArgument("pos: " + pos);
int index = (int) (pos - MIN_POS);
if (length < 0 || length > dlen - index) {
throw JDBCUtil.outOfRangeArgument("length: " + length);
if (index == 0 && length == dlen) {
return new ByteArrayInputStream(data);
final int ilength = (int) length;
final byte[] result = new byte[ilength];
System.arraycopy(data, index, result, 0, ilength);
return new ByteArrayInputStream(result);
// ---------------------- internal implementation --------------------------
public static final long MIN_POS = 1L;
public static final long MAX_POS = MIN_POS + (long) Integer.MAX_VALUE;
private static final byte[] NO_BYTES = new byte[0];
private boolean m_closed;
private byte[] m_data;
private final boolean m_createdByConnection;
* Constructs a new JDBCBlob instance wrapping the given octet sequence.
* This constructor is used internally to retrieve result set values as
* Blob objects, yet it must be public to allow access from other packages.
* As such (in the interest of efficiency) this object maintains a reference
* to the given octet sequence rather than making a copy; special care
* should be taken by external clients never to use this constructor with a
* byte array object that may later be modified externally.
* @param data the octet sequence representing the Blob value
* @throws SQLException if the argument is null
public JDBCBlob(final byte[] data) throws SQLException {
if (data == null) {
throw JDBCUtil.nullArgument("data");
m_data = data;
m_createdByConnection = false;
protected JDBCBlob() {
m_data = new byte[0];
m_createdByConnection = true;
protected void checkReadonly() throws SQLException {
if (!m_createdByConnection) {
throw JDBCUtil.sqlException(ErrorCode.X_25006, "Blob is read-only");
protected synchronized void checkClosed() throws SQLException {
if (m_closed) {
throw JDBCUtil.sqlException(ErrorCode.X_07501);
protected byte[] data() throws SQLException {
return getData();
private synchronized byte[] getData() throws SQLException {
return m_data;
private synchronized void setData(byte[] data) throws SQLException {
m_data = data;