org.http4s.blaze.client.Http1Connection.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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blaze implementation for http4s clients
* Copyright 2014
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.http4s
package blaze
package client
import cats.effect.implicits._
import cats.effect.kernel.Async
import cats.effect.kernel.Deferred
import cats.effect.kernel.Outcome
import cats.effect.kernel.Resource
import cats.effect.std.Dispatcher
import cats.syntax.all._
import fs2._
import org.http4s.Uri.Authority
import org.http4s.Uri.RegName
import org.http4s.blaze.pipeline.Command.EOF
import org.http4s.blazecore.Http1Stage
import org.http4s.blazecore.IdleTimeoutStage
import org.http4s.blazecore.util.Http1Writer
import org.http4s.client.RequestKey
import org.http4s.headers.Host
import org.http4s.headers.`Content-Length`
import org.http4s.headers.`User-Agent`
import org.http4s.headers.{Connection => HConnection}
import org.http4s.internal.CharPredicate
import org.http4s.util.StringWriter
import org.http4s.util.Writer
import org.typelevel.vault._
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.util.Failure
import scala.util.Success
private final class Http1Connection[F[_]](
val requestKey: RequestKey,
override protected val executionContext: ExecutionContext,
maxResponseLineSize: Int,
maxHeaderLength: Int,
maxChunkSize: Int,
override val chunkBufferMaxSize: Int,
parserMode: ParserMode,
userAgent: Option[`User-Agent`],
idleTimeoutStage: Option[IdleTimeoutStage[ByteBuffer]],
override val dispatcher: Dispatcher[F],
)(implicit protected val F: Async[F])
extends Http1Stage[F]
with BlazeConnection[F] {
import Http1Connection._
import Resource.ExitCase
override def name: String = getClass.getName
private val parser =
new BlazeHttp1ClientParser(maxResponseLineSize, maxHeaderLength, maxChunkSize, parserMode)
private val stageState = new AtomicReference[State](ReadIdle(None))
private val closed = Deferred.unsafe[F, Unit]
override def isClosed: Boolean =
stageState.get match {
case Error(_) => true
case _ => false
override def isRecyclable: F[Boolean] =
F.delay(stageState.get match {
case ReadIdle(_) => true
case _ => false
override def shutdown(): Unit = stageShutdown()
override def stageShutdown(): Unit = shutdownWithError(EOF)
override protected def fatalError(t: Throwable, msg: String): Unit = {
val realErr = t match {
case _: TimeoutException => EOF
case EOF => EOF
case t =>
logger.error(t)(s"Fatal Error: $msg")
private def shutdownWithError(t: Throwable): Unit =
stageState.get match {
// If we have a real error, lets put it here.
case st @ Error(EOF) if t != EOF =>
if (!stageState.compareAndSet(st, Error(t))) shutdownWithError(t)
else {
case Error(_) => // NOOP: already shut down
case x =>
if (!stageState.compareAndSet(x, Error(t))) shutdownWithError(t)
else {
val cmd = t match {
case EOF => None
case _ => Some(t)
def resetRead(): Unit = {
val state = stageState.get()
val nextState = state match {
case ReadActive =>
// idleTimeout is activated when entering ReadWrite state, remains active throughout Read and Write and is deactivated when entering the Idle state
case _ => None
nextState match {
case Some(n) => if (stageState.compareAndSet(state, n)) parser.reset() else resetRead()
case None => ()
// #4798 We read from the channel while the connection is idle, in order to receive an EOF when the connection gets closed.
private def startIdleRead(): Future[ByteBuffer] = {
val f = channelRead()
f.onComplete {
case Failure(t) => shutdownWithError(t)
case _ =>
def runRequest(req: Request[F], cancellation: F[TimeoutException]): F[Resource[F, Response[F]]] =
F.defer[Resource[F, Response[F]]] {
stageState.get match {
case i @ ReadIdle(idleRead) =>
if (stageState.compareAndSet(i, ReadActive)) {
logger.debug(s"Connection was idle. Running.")
executeRequest(req, cancellation, idleRead)
} else {
logger.debug(s"Connection changed state since checking it was idle. Looping.")
runRequest(req, cancellation)
case ReadActive =>
logger.error(s"Tried to run a request already in running state.")
case Error(e) =>
logger.debug(s"Tried to run a request in closed/error state: $e")
override protected def doParseContent(buffer: ByteBuffer): Option[ByteBuffer] =
override protected def contentComplete(): Boolean = parser.contentComplete()
private def executeRequest(
req: Request[F],
cancellation: F[TimeoutException],
idleRead: Option[Future[ByteBuffer]],
): F[Resource[F, Response[F]]] = {
logger.debug(s"Beginning request: ${req.method} ${req.uri}")
validateRequest(req) match {
case Left(e) =>
case Right(req) =>
F.defer[Resource[F, Response[F]]] {
val initWriterSize: Int = 512
val rr: StringWriter = new StringWriter(initWriterSize)
val isServer: Boolean = false
// Side Effecting Code
encodeRequestLine(req, rr)
Http1Stage.encodeHeaders(req.headers.headers, rr, isServer)
if (userAgent.nonEmpty && req.headers.get[`User-Agent`].isEmpty)
rr << userAgent.get << "\r\n"
val mustClose: Boolean = req.headers.get[HConnection] match {
case Some(conn) => checkCloseConnection(conn, rr)
case None => getHttpMinor(req) == 0
val writeRequest: F[Boolean] = getChunkEncoder(req, mustClose, rr)
.write(rr, req.body)
.onError {
case EOF => F.delay(shutdownWithError(EOF))
case t =>
F.delay(logger.error(t)("Error rendering request")) >> F.delay(shutdownWithError(t))
val idleTimeoutF: F[TimeoutException] = idleTimeoutStage match {
case Some(stage) => F.async_[TimeoutException](stage.setTimeout)
case None => F.never[TimeoutException]
idleTimeoutF.start.flatMap { timeoutFiber =>
// the request timeout, the response header timeout, and the idle timeout
val mergedTimeouts = cancellation.race(timeoutFiber.joinWithNever).map(_.merge)
)(writeFiber =>
doesntHaveBody = req.method == Method.HEAD,,
).map(response =>
// We need to finish writing before we attempt to recycle the connection. We consider three scenarios:
// - The write already finished before we got the response. This is the most common scenario. `join` completes immediately.
// - The whole request was already transmitted and we received the response from the server, but we did not yet notice that the write is complete. This is sort of a race, it happens frequently enough when load testing. We need to wait just a moment for the `join` to finish.
// - The server decided to reject our request before we finished sending it. The server responded (typically with an error) and closed the connection. We shouldn't wait for the `writeFiber`. This connection needs to be disposed.
Resource.make(F.pure(response))(_ =>
writeFiber.join.attempt.race(closed.get >> writeFiber.cancel.start).void
) {
case (_, Outcome.Succeeded(_)) => F.unit
case (_, Outcome.Canceled()) => F.delay(shutdown())
case (_, Outcome.Errored(e)) => F.delay(shutdownWithError(e))
.flatMap {
case Left(r) => F.pure(r)
case Right(t) => F.raiseError(t)
}.adaptError { case EOF =>
new SocketException(s"HTTP connection closed: ${requestKey}")
private def receiveResponse(
closeOnFinish: Boolean,
doesntHaveBody: Boolean,
idleTimeoutS: F[Either[Throwable, Unit]],
idleRead: Option[Future[ByteBuffer]],
): F[Response[F]] =
F.async[Response[F]] { cb =>
F.delay {
idleRead match {
case Some(read) =>
handleRead(read, cb, closeOnFinish, doesntHaveBody, "Initial Read", idleTimeoutS)
case None =>
"Initial Read",
// this method will get some data, and try to continue parsing using the implicit ec
private def readAndParsePrelude(
cb: Callback[Response[F]],
closeOnFinish: Boolean,
doesntHaveBody: Boolean,
phase: String,
idleTimeoutS: F[Either[Throwable, Unit]],
): Unit =
handleRead(channelRead(), cb, closeOnFinish, doesntHaveBody, phase, idleTimeoutS)
private def handleRead(
read: Future[ByteBuffer],
cb: Callback[Response[F]],
closeOnFinish: Boolean,
doesntHaveBody: Boolean,
phase: String,
idleTimeoutS: F[Either[Throwable, Unit]],
): Unit =
read.onComplete {
case Success(buff) => parsePrelude(buff, closeOnFinish, doesntHaveBody, cb, idleTimeoutS)
case Failure(EOF) =>
stageState.get match {
case Error(e) => cb(Left(e))
case _ =>
case Failure(t) =>
fatalError(t, s"Error during phase: $phase")
private def parsePrelude(
buffer: ByteBuffer,
closeOnFinish: Boolean,
doesntHaveBody: Boolean,
cb: Callback[Response[F]],
idleTimeoutS: F[Either[Throwable, Unit]],
): Unit =
if (!parser.finishedResponseLine(buffer))
"Response Line Parsing",
else if (!parser.finishedHeaders(buffer))
readAndParsePrelude(cb, closeOnFinish, doesntHaveBody, "Header Parsing", idleTimeoutS)
parsePreludeFinished(buffer, closeOnFinish, doesntHaveBody, cb, idleTimeoutS)
catch {
case t: Throwable =>
logger.error(t)("Error during client request decode loop")
// it's called when headers and response line parsing are finished
private def parsePreludeFinished(
buffer: ByteBuffer,
closeOnFinish: Boolean,
doesntHaveBody: Boolean,
cb: Callback[Response[F]],
idleTimeoutS: F[Either[Throwable, Unit]],
): Unit = {
// Get headers and determine if we need to close
val headers: Headers = parser.getHeaders()
val status: Status = parser.getStatus()
val httpVersion: HttpVersion = parser.getHttpVersion()
val (attributes, body): (Vault, EntityBody[F]) = if (doesntHaveBody) {
// responses to HEAD requests do not have a body
cleanUpAfterReceivingResponse(closeOnFinish, headers)
(Vault.empty, EmptyBody)
} else {
// We are to the point of parsing the body and then cleaning up
val (rawBody, _): (EntityBody[F], () => Future[ByteBuffer]) =
collectBodyFromParser(buffer, onEofWhileReadingBody _)
// to collect the trailers we need a cleanup helper and an effect in the attribute map
val (trailerCleanup, attributes): (() => Unit, Vault) =
if (parser.getHttpVersion().minor == 1 && parser.isChunked()) {
val trailers = new AtomicReference(Headers.empty)
val attrs = Vault.empty.insert[F[Headers]](
F.defer {
if (parser.contentComplete()) F.pure(trailers.get())
new IllegalStateException(
"Attempted to collect trailers before the body was complete."
(() => trailers.set(parser.getHeaders()), attrs)
} else
(() => (), Vault.empty)
if (parser.contentComplete()) {
cleanUpAfterReceivingResponse(closeOnFinish, headers)
attributes -> rawBody
} else
attributes -> rawBody.onFinalizeCaseWeak {
case ExitCase.Succeeded =>
F.delay { trailerCleanup(); cleanUpAfterReceivingResponse(closeOnFinish, headers); }
case ExitCase.Errored(_) | ExitCase.Canceled =>
F.delay {
trailerCleanup(); cleanUpAfterReceivingResponse(closeOnFinish, headers);
status = status,
httpVersion = httpVersion,
headers = headers,
body = body.interruptWhen(idleTimeoutS),
attributes = attributes,
// It's called when an EOF is received while reading response body.
// It's responsible for deciding if the EOF should be considered an error or an indication of the end of the body.
private def onEofWhileReadingBody(): Either[Throwable, Option[Chunk[Byte]]] =
stageState.get match { // if we don't have a length, EOF signals the end of the body.
case Error(e) if e != EOF => Either.left(e)
case _ =>
if (parser.definedContentLength() || parser.isChunked())
Either.left(InvalidBodyException("Received premature EOF."))
else Either.right(None)
private def cleanUpAfterReceivingResponse(closeOnFinish: Boolean, headers: Headers): Unit =
if (closeOnFinish || headers.get[HConnection].exists(_.hasClose)) {
logger.debug("Message body complete. Shutting down.")
} else {
logger.debug(s"Resetting $name after completing request.")
// /////////////////////// Private helpers /////////////////////////
/** Validates the request, attempting to fix it if possible,
* returning an Exception if invalid, None otherwise
@tailrec private def validateRequest(req: Request[F]): Either[Exception, Request[F]] = {
val minor: Int = getHttpMinor(req)
minor match {
// If we are HTTP/1.0, make sure HTTP/1.0 has no body or a Content-Length header
case 0 if req.headers.get[`Content-Length`].isEmpty =>
logger.warn(s"Request $req is HTTP/1.0 but lacks a length header. Transforming to HTTP/1.1")
case 1 if => // this is unlikely if not impossible
// Ensure we have a host header for HTTP/1.1
req.headers.get[Host] match {
case Some(host) =>
val newAuth = req.uri.authority match {
case Some(auth) => auth.copy(host = RegName(, port = host.port)
case None => Authority(host = RegName(, port = host.port)
validateRequest(req.withUri(req.uri.copy(authority = Some(newAuth))))
case None if req.headers.get[`Content-Length`].nonEmpty =>
// translate to HTTP/1.0
case None =>
Left(new IllegalArgumentException("Host header required for HTTP/1.1 request"))
case _ if req.uri.path == Uri.Path.empty =>
Right(req.withUri(req.uri.copy(path = Uri.Path.Root)))
case _ if req.uri.path.renderString.exists(ForbiddenUriCharacters) =>
Left(new IllegalArgumentException(s"Invalid URI path: ${req.uri.path}"))
case _ =>
Right(req) // All appears to be well
private def getChunkEncoder(
req: Request[F],
closeHeader: Boolean,
rr: StringWriter,
): Http1Writer[F] =
getEncoder(req, rr, getHttpMinor(req), closeHeader)
private object Http1Connection {
case object InProgressException extends Exception("Stage has request in progress")
// ADT representing the state that the ClientStage can be in
private sealed trait State
private final case class ReadIdle(idleRead: Option[Future[ByteBuffer]]) extends State
private case object ReadActive extends State
private final case class Error(exc: Throwable) extends State
private def getHttpMinor[F[_]](req: Request[F]): Int = req.httpVersion.minor
private def encodeRequestLine[F[_]](req: Request[F], writer: Writer): writer.type = {
val uri = req.uri
writer << req.method << ' ' << uri.toOriginForm << ' ' << req.httpVersion << "\r\n"
if (
getHttpMinor(req) == 1 &&
) { // need to add the host header for HTTP/1.1 match {
case Some(host) =>
writer << "Host: " << host.value
if (uri.port.isDefined) writer << ':' << uri.port.get
writer << "\r\n"
case None =>
// TODO: do we want to do this by exception?
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Request URI must have a host.")
} else writer
private val ForbiddenUriCharacters = CharPredicate(0x0.toChar, '\r', '\n')
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