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org.http4s.blaze.client.PoolManager.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Copyright 2014
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.http4s
package blaze
package client

import cats.effect._
import cats.effect.std.Semaphore
import cats.effect.syntax.all._
import cats.syntax.all._
import org.http4s.client.RequestKey
import org.log4s.getLogger

import java.time.Instant
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.util.Random

final case class WaitQueueFullFailure() extends RuntimeException {
  override def getMessage: String = "Wait queue is full"

/** @param maxIdleDuration the maximum time a connection can be idle
  * and still be borrowed
private final class PoolManager[F[_], A <: Connection[F]](
    builder: ConnectionBuilder[F, A],
    maxTotal: Int,
    maxWaitQueueLimit: Int,
    maxConnectionsPerRequestKey: RequestKey => Int,
    responseHeaderTimeout: Duration,
    requestTimeout: Duration,
    semaphore: Semaphore[F],
    implicit private val executionContext: ExecutionContext,
    maxIdleDuration: Duration,
)(implicit F: Async[F])
    extends ConnectionManager.Stateful[F, A] { self =>

  private sealed case class PooledConnection(conn: A, borrowDeadline: Option[Deadline])

  private sealed case class Waiting(
      key: RequestKey,
      callback: Callback[NextConnection],
      at: Instant,

  private[this] val logger = getLogger

  private var isClosed = false
  private var curTotal = 0
  private val allocated = mutable.Map.empty[RequestKey, Int]
  private val idleQueues = mutable.Map.empty[RequestKey, mutable.Queue[PooledConnection]]
  private var waitQueue = mutable.Queue.empty[Waiting]

  private def stats =
    s"curAllocated=$curTotal idleQueues.size=${idleQueues.size} waitQueue.size=${waitQueue.size} maxWaitQueueLimit=$maxWaitQueueLimit closed=${isClosed}"

  private def getConnectionFromQueue(key: RequestKey): F[Option[PooledConnection]] =
    F.delay {
      idleQueues.get(key).flatMap { q =>
        if (q.nonEmpty) {
          val pooled = q.dequeue()
          if (q.isEmpty) idleQueues.remove(key)
        } else None

  private def incrConnection(key: RequestKey): F[Unit] =
    F.delay {
      curTotal += 1
      allocated.update(key, allocated.getOrElse(key, 0) + 1)

  private def decrConnection(key: RequestKey): F[Unit] =
    F.delay {
      curTotal -= 1
      val numConnections = allocated.getOrElse(key, 0)
      // If there are no more connections drop the key
      if (numConnections == 1) {
      } else
        allocated.update(key, numConnections - 1)

  private def numConnectionsCheckHolds(key: RequestKey): Boolean =
    curTotal < maxTotal && allocated.getOrElse(key, 0) < maxConnectionsPerRequestKey(key)

  private def isRequestExpired(t: Instant): Boolean = {
    val elapsed = - t.toEpochMilli
    (requestTimeout.isFinite && elapsed >= requestTimeout.toMillis) || (responseHeaderTimeout.isFinite && elapsed >= responseHeaderTimeout.toMillis)

  /** This method is the core method for creating a connection which increments allocated synchronously
    * then builds the connection with the given callback and completes the callback.
    * If we can create a connection then it initially increments the allocated value within a region
    * that is called synchronously by the calling method. Then it proceeds to attempt to create the connection
    * and feed it the callback. If we cannot create a connection because we are already full then this
    * completes the callback on the error synchronously.
    * @param key      The RequestKey for the Connection.
    * @param callback The callback to complete with the NextConnection.
  private def createConnection(key: RequestKey, callback: Callback[NextConnection]): F[Unit] =
      incrConnection(key) *> F.start {
          .flatMap {
            case Right(conn) =>
              F.delay(callback(Right(NextConnection(conn, fresh = true))))
            case Left(error) =>
              disposeConnection(key, None) *> F.delay(callback(Left(error)))
      addToWaitQueue(key, callback),

  private def addToWaitQueue(key: RequestKey, callback: Callback[NextConnection]): F[Unit] =
    F.delay {
      if (waitQueue.length < maxWaitQueueLimit) {
        waitQueue.enqueue(Waiting(key, callback,
      } else {
          s"Max wait queue for limit of $maxWaitQueueLimit for $key reached, not scheduling."

  private def addToIdleQueue(conn: A, key: RequestKey): F[Unit] =
    F.delay {
      val borrowDeadline = maxIdleDuration match {
        case finite: FiniteDuration => Some( + finite)
        case _ => None
      val q = idleQueues.getOrElse(key, mutable.Queue.empty[PooledConnection])
      q.enqueue(PooledConnection(conn, borrowDeadline))
      idleQueues.update(key, q)

  private[this] val noopCancelToken = Some(F.unit)

  /** This generates a effect of Next Connection. The following calls are executed asynchronously
    * with respect to whenever the execution of this task can occur.
    * If the pool is closed the effect failure is executed.
    * If the pool is not closed then we look for any connections in the idleQueues that match
    * the RequestKey requested.
    * If a matching connection exists and it is still open the callback is executed with the connection.
    * If a matching connection is closed we deallocate and repeat the check through the idleQueues.
    * If no matching connection is found, and the pool is not full we create a new Connection to perform
    * the request.
    * If no matching connection is found and the pool is full, and we have connections in the idleQueues
    * then a connection in the idleQueues is shutdown and a new connection is created to perform the request.
    * If no matching connection is found and the pool is full, and all connections are currently in use
    * then the Request is placed in a waitingQueue to be executed when a connection is released.
    * @param key The Request Key For The Connection
    * @return An effect of NextConnection
  def borrow(key: RequestKey): F[NextConnection] =
    F.async { callback =>
        .surround {
          if (!isClosed) {
            def go(): F[Unit] =
              getConnectionFromQueue(key).flatMap {
                case Some(pooled) if pooled.conn.isClosed =>
                  F.delay(logger.debug(s"Evicting closed connection for $key: $stats")) *>
                    decrConnection(key) *>

                case Some(pooled) if pooled.borrowDeadline.exists(_.isOverdue()) =>
                    logger.debug(s"Shutting down and evicting expired connection for $key: $stats")
                  ) *>
                    decrConnection(key) *>
                    F.delay(pooled.conn.shutdown()) *>

                case Some(pooled) =>
                  F.delay(logger.debug(s"Recycling connection for $key: $stats")) *>
                    F.delay(callback(Right(NextConnection(pooled.conn, fresh = false))))

                case None if numConnectionsCheckHolds(key) =>
                    logger.debug(s"Active connection not found for $key. Creating new one. $stats")
                  ) *>
                    createConnection(key, callback)

                case None if maxConnectionsPerRequestKey(key) <= 0 =>

                case None if curTotal == maxTotal =>
                  val keys = idleQueues.keys
                  if (keys.nonEmpty)
                        s"No connections available for the desired key, $key. Evicting random and creating a new connection: $stats"
                    ) *>
                      F.delay(keys.iterator.drop(Random.nextInt(keys.size)).next()).flatMap {
                        randKey =>
                              logger.warn(s"No connection to evict from the idleQueue for $randKey")
                          ) *>
                      } *>
                      createConnection(key, callback)
                        s"No connections available for the desired key, $key. Adding to waitQueue: $stats"
                    ) *>
                      addToWaitQueue(key, callback)

                case None => // we're full up. Add to waiting queue.
                      s"No connections available for $key.  Waiting on new connection: $stats"
                  ) *>
                    addToWaitQueue(key, callback)

            F.delay(logger.debug(s"Requesting connection for $key: $stats")).productR(go())
          } else
            F.delay(callback(Left(new IllegalStateException("Connection pool is closed"))))

  private def releaseRecyclable(key: RequestKey, connection: A): F[Unit] =
    F.delay(waitQueue.dequeueFirst(_.key == key)).flatMap {
      case Some(Waiting(_, callback, at)) =>
        if (isRequestExpired(at))
          F.delay(logger.debug(s"Request expired for $key")) *>
            F.delay(callback(Left(WaitQueueTimeoutException))) *>
            releaseRecyclable(key, connection)
          F.delay(logger.debug(s"Fulfilling waiting connection request for $key: $stats")) *>
            F.delay(callback(Right(NextConnection(connection, fresh = false))))

      case None if waitQueue.isEmpty =>
        F.delay(logger.debug(s"Returning idle connection to pool for $key: $stats")) *>
          addToIdleQueue(connection, key)

      case None =>
        findFirstAllowedWaiter.flatMap {
          case Some(Waiting(k, cb, _)) =>
            // This is the first waiter not blocked on the request key limit.
            // close the undesired connection and wait for another
            F.delay(connection.shutdown()) *>
              decrConnection(key) *>
              createConnection(k, cb)

          case None =>
            // We're blocked not because of too many connections, but
            // because of too many connections per key.
            // We might be able to reuse this request.
            addToIdleQueue(connection, key)

  private def releaseNonRecyclable(key: RequestKey, connection: A): F[Unit] =
    decrConnection(key) *>
      F.delay {
        if (!connection.isClosed) {
          logger.debug(s"Connection returned was busy for $key. Shutting down: $stats")
      } *>
      findFirstAllowedWaiter.flatMap {
        case Some(Waiting(k, callback, _)) =>
                s"Connection returned could not be recycled, new connection needed for $key: $stats"
          ) *>
            createConnection(k, callback)

        case None =>
              s"Connection could not be recycled for $key, no pending requests. Shrinking pool: $stats"

  /** This is how connections are returned to the ConnectionPool.
    * If the pool is closed the connection is shutdown and logged.
    * If it is not closed we check if the connection is recyclable.
    * If the connection is Recyclable we check if any of the connections in the waitQueue
    * are looking for the returned connections RequestKey.
    * If one is the first found is given the connection.And runs it using its callback asynchronously.
    * If one is not found and the waitingQueue is Empty then we place the connection on the idle queue.
    * If the waiting queue is not empty and we did not find a match then we shutdown the connection
    * and create a connection for the first item in the waitQueue.
    * If it is not recyclable, and it is not shutdown we shutdown the connection. If there
    * are values in the waitQueue we create a connection and execute the callback asynchronously.
    * Otherwise the pool is shrunk.
    * @param connection The connection to be released.
    * @return An effect of Unit
  def release(connection: A): F[Unit] = {
    val key = connection.requestKey
    semaphore.permit.use { _ =>
        .ifM(releaseRecyclable(key, connection), releaseNonRecyclable(key, connection))

  private def findFirstAllowedWaiter: F[Option[Waiting]] =
    F.delay {
      val (expired, rest) = waitQueue.span(w => isRequestExpired(
      if (expired.nonEmpty) {
        logger.debug(s"expired requests: ${expired.length}")
        waitQueue = rest
        logger.debug(s"Dropped expired requests: $stats")
      waitQueue.dequeueFirst { waiter =>
        allocated.getOrElse(waiter.key, 0) < maxConnectionsPerRequestKey(waiter.key)

  /** This invalidates a Connection. This is what is exposed externally, and
    * is just an effect wrapper around disposing the connection.
    * @param connection The connection to invalidate
    * @return An effect of Unit
  override def invalidate(connection: A): F[Unit] =
    semaphore.permit.use { _ =>
      val key = connection.requestKey
      decrConnection(key) *>
        F.delay(if (!connection.isClosed) connection.shutdown()) *>
        findFirstAllowedWaiter.flatMap {
          case Some(Waiting(k, callback, _)) =>
              logger.debug(s"Invalidated connection for $key, new connection needed: $stats")
            ) *>
              createConnection(k, callback)

          case None =>
                s"Invalidated connection for $key, no pending requests. Shrinking pool: $stats"

  /** Synchronous Immediate Disposal of a Connection and Its Resources.
    * By taking an Option of a connection this also serves as a synchronized allocated decrease.
    * @param key        The request key for the connection. Not used internally.
    * @param connection An Option of a Connection to Dispose Of.
  private def disposeConnection(key: RequestKey, connection: Option[A]): F[Unit] =
    semaphore.permit.use { _ =>
      F.delay(logger.debug(s"Disposing of connection for $key: $stats")) *>
        decrConnection(key) *>
        F.delay {
          connection.foreach { s =>
            if (!s.isClosed) s.shutdown()

  /** Shuts down the connection pool permanently.
    * Changes isClosed to true, no methods can reopen a closed Pool.
    * Shutdowns all connections in the IdleQueue and Sets Allocated to Zero
    * @return An effect Of Unit
  def shutdown: F[Unit] =
    semaphore.permit.use { _ =>
      F.delay {"Shutting down connection pool: $stats")
        if (!isClosed) {
          isClosed = true
          curTotal = 0

  def state: BlazeClientState[F] =
    new BlazeClientState[F] {
      def isClosed: F[Boolean] = F.delay(self.isClosed)
      def allocated: F[Map[RequestKey, Int]] = F.delay(self.allocated.toMap)
      def idleQueueDepth: F[Map[RequestKey, Int]] =
      def waitQueueDepth: F[Int] = F.delay(self.waitQueue.size)

final case class NoConnectionAllowedException(key: RequestKey)
    extends IllegalArgumentException(s"No client connections allowed to $key")

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