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* Copyright 2014
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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* limitations under the License.
package org.http4s
package client
package middleware
import cats.effect.kernel.Resource
import cats.effect.kernel.Temporal
import cats.effect.std.Hotswap
import cats.syntax.all._
import org.http4s.Status._
import org.http4s.headers.`Idempotency-Key`
import org.http4s.headers.`Retry-After`
import org.typelevel.vault.Key
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.math.min
import scala.math.pow
import scala.math.random
object Retry {
private[this] val logger = Platform.loggerFactory.getLogger
/** This key tracks the attempt count, the retry middleware starts the very
* first request with 1 as the first request, even with no retries
* (aka the first attempt). If one wants to monitor retries
* explicitly and not the attempts one may want to subtract the
* value of this key by 1.
val AttemptCountKey: Key[Int] = Key.newKey[cats.effect.SyncIO, Int].unsafeRunSync()
def apply[F[_]](
policy: RetryPolicy[F],
redactHeaderWhen: CIString => Boolean = Headers.SensitiveHeaders.contains,
)(client: Client[F])(implicit F: Temporal[F]): Client[F] =
create[F](policy, redactHeaderWhen)(client)
def create[F[_]](
policy: RetryPolicy[F],
redactHeaderWhen: CIString => Boolean = Headers.SensitiveHeaders.contains,
logRetries: Boolean = true,
)(client: Client[F])(implicit F: Temporal[F]): Client[F] = {
def showRequest(request: Request[F], redactWhen: CIString => Boolean): String = {
val headers = request.headers.mkString(",", redactWhen)
val uri = request.uri.renderString
val method = request.method
s"method=$method uri=$uri headers=$headers"
def nextAttempt(
req: Request[F],
attempts: Int,
duration: FiniteDuration,
retryHeader: Option[`Retry-After`],
hotswap: Hotswap[F, Either[Throwable, Response[F]]],
): F[Response[F]] = {
val headerDuration =
.map { h =>
h.retry match {
case Left(date) => - _)
case Right(secs) => secs.seconds.pure[F]
val sleepDuration =
sleepDuration.flatMap(F.sleep(_)) >> retryLoop(req, attempts + 1, hotswap)
def retryLoop(
req: Request[F],
attempts: Int,
hotswap: Hotswap[F, Either[Throwable, Response[F]]],
): F[Response[F]] =
hotswap.clear *> // Release the prior connection before allocating the next, or we can deadlock the pool
.run(req.withAttribute(AttemptCountKey, attempts))
.map(_.withAttribute(AttemptCountKey, attempts))
.flatMap {
case Right(response) =>
policy(req, Right(response), attempts) match {
case Some(duration) =>
if (logRetries)
s"Request ${showRequest(req, redactHeaderWhen)} has failed on attempt #${attempts} with reason ${response.status}. Retrying after ${duration}."
nextAttempt(req, attempts, duration, response.headers.get[`Retry-After`], hotswap)
case None =>
case Left(e) =>
policy(req, Left(e), attempts) match {
case Some(duration) =>
// info instead of error(e), because e is not discarded
if (logRetries)
s"Request threw an exception on attempt #$attempts. Retrying after $duration"
nextAttempt(req, attempts, duration, None, hotswap)
case None =>
if (logRetries)
s"Request ${showRequest(req, redactHeaderWhen)} threw an exception on attempt #$attempts. Giving up."
Client { req =>
Hotswap.create[F, Either[Throwable, Response[F]]].flatMap { hotswap =>
Resource.eval(retryLoop(req, 1, hotswap))
object RetryPolicy {
/** Decomposes a retry policy into components that are typically configured
* individually.
* @param backoff a function of attempts to an optional
* FiniteDuration. Return None to stop retrying, or some
* duration after which the request will be retried. See
* `exponentialBackoff` for a useful implementation.
* @param retriable determines whether the request is retriable
* from the request and either the throwable or response that was
* returned. Defaults to `defaultRetriable`.
def apply[F[_]](
backoff: Int => Option[FiniteDuration],
retriable: (Request[F], Either[Throwable, Response[F]]) => Boolean = defaultRetriable[F] _,
): RetryPolicy[F] = { (req, result, retries) =>
if (retriable(req, result)) backoff(retries)
else None
/** Statuses that are retriable, per HTTP spec */
val RetriableStatuses: Set[Status] = Set(
// TODO Leaving PayloadTooLarge out until we model Retry-After
/** Returns true if (the request method is idempotent or request contains Idempotency-Key header)
* and the result is either a throwable or has one of the `RetriableStatuses`.
* Caution: if the request body is effectful, the effects will be
* run twice. The most common symptom of this will be resubmitting
* an idempotent request.
def defaultRetriable[F[_]](req: Request[F], result: Either[Throwable, Response[F]]): Boolean =
(req.method.isIdempotent || req.headers.contains[`Idempotency-Key`]) &&
/** Like [[defaultRetriable]], but returns true even if the request method
* is not idempotent. This is useful if failed requests are assumed to
* have not reached their destination, which is a dangerous assumption.
* Use at your own risk.
* Caution: if the request body is effectful, the effects will be
* run twice. The most common symptom of this will be resubmitting
* an empty request body.
def recklesslyRetriable[F[_]](result: Either[Throwable, Response[F]]): Boolean =
/** Returns true if parameter is a Left or if the response contains a retriable status(as per HTTP spec) */
def isErrorOrRetriableStatus[F[_]](result: Either[Throwable, Response[F]]): Boolean =
isErrorOrStatus(result, RetriableStatuses)
/** Like `isErrorOrRetriableStatus` but allows the caller to specify which statuses are considered retriable */
def isErrorOrStatus[F[_]](result: Either[Throwable, Response[F]], status: Set[Status]): Boolean =
result match {
case Right(resp) => status(resp.status)
case Left(WaitQueueTimeoutException) => false
case _ => true
def exponentialBackoff(maxWait: Duration, maxRetry: Int): Int => Option[FiniteDuration] = {
val maxInMillis = maxWait.toMillis
k => if (k > maxRetry) None else Some(expBackoff(k, maxInMillis))
private def expBackoff(k: Int, maxInMillis: Long): FiniteDuration = {
val millis = (pow(2.0, k.toDouble) - 1.0) * 1000.0
val interval = min(millis, maxInMillis.toDouble)
FiniteDuration((random() * interval).toLong, MILLISECONDS)