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org.http4s.client.Client.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * Copyright 2014
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.http4s
package client

import cats.effect._
import cats.effect.implicits.genSpawnOps
import cats.effect.implicits.monadCancelOps_
import cats.effect.kernel.CancelScope
import cats.effect.kernel.Poll
import cats.effect.kernel.Resource
import cats.syntax.all._
import cats.~>
import fs2._
import fs2.concurrent.Channel
import org.http4s.headers.Host

import scala.util.control.NoStackTrace

/** A [[Client]] submits [[Request]]s to a server and processes the [[Response]].
  * When a connection is "released" and the HTTP semantics of the
  * request and response permit, the connection may be kept alive by
  * the backend and used for a subsequent request.  When HTTP
  * semantics require it, or at the backend's discretion, a released
  * connection may also be closed.
trait Client[F[_]] {
  def run(req: Request[F]): Resource[F, Response[F]]

  /** Returns this client as a [[]].  All connections created
    * by this service are released on completion of callback task f.
    * This method effectively reverses the arguments to [[run]] followed by `use`, and is
    * preferred when an HTTP client is composed into a larger Kleisli function,
    * or when a common response callback is used by many call sites.
  def toKleisli[A](f: Response[F] => F[A]): Kleisli[F, Request[F], A]

  /** Returns this client as an [[HttpApp]].  It is the responsibility
    * of callers of this service to run the response body to release
    * the underlying HTTP connection.
    * This is intended for use in proxy servers.  [[run]], [[fetchAs[A](req:org\.http4s\.Request[F])*]],
    * [[toKleisli]] are safer alternatives, as their
    * signatures guarantee release of the HTTP connection.
  def toHttpApp: HttpApp[F]

  /** Run the request as a stream.  The response lifecycle is equivalent
    * to the returned Stream's.
  def stream(req: Request[F]): Stream[F, Response[F]]

  def expectOr[A](req: Request[F])(onError: Response[F] => F[Throwable])(implicit
      d: EntityDecoder[F, A]
  ): F[A]

  /** Submits a request and decodes the response on success.  On failure, the
    * status code is returned.  The underlying HTTP connection is released at the
    * completion of the decoding.
  def expect[A](req: Request[F])(implicit d: EntityDecoder[F, A]): F[A]

  def expectOr[A](req: F[Request[F]])(onError: Response[F] => F[Throwable])(implicit
      d: EntityDecoder[F, A]
  ): F[A]

  @deprecated("Use req.flatMap(expect(_))", "0.23.16")
  def expect[A](req: F[Request[F]])(implicit d: EntityDecoder[F, A]): F[A]

  def expectOr[A](uri: Uri)(onError: Response[F] => F[Throwable])(implicit
      d: EntityDecoder[F, A]
  ): F[A]

  /** Submits a GET request to the specified URI and decodes the response on
    * success.  On failure, the status code is returned.  The underlying HTTP
    * connection is released at the completion of the decoding.
  def expect[A](uri: Uri)(implicit d: EntityDecoder[F, A]): F[A]

  def expectOr[A](s: String)(onError: Response[F] => F[Throwable])(implicit
      d: EntityDecoder[F, A]
  ): F[A]

  /** Submits a GET request to the URI specified by the String and decodes the
    * response on success.  On failure, the status code is returned.  The
    * underlying HTTP connection is released at the completion of the decoding.
  def expect[A](s: String)(implicit d: EntityDecoder[F, A]): F[A]

  def expectOptionOr[A](req: Request[F])(onError: Response[F] => F[Throwable])(implicit
      d: EntityDecoder[F, A]
  ): F[Option[A]]

  def expectOption[A](req: Request[F])(implicit d: EntityDecoder[F, A]): F[Option[A]]

  /** Submits a request and decodes the response, regardless of the status code.
    * The underlying HTTP connection is released at the completion of the
    * decoding.
  def fetchAs[A](req: Request[F])(implicit d: EntityDecoder[F, A]): F[A]

  /** Submits a request and decodes the response, regardless of the status code.
    * The underlying HTTP connection is released at the completion of the
    * decoding.
  @deprecated("Use req.flatMap(fetchAs(_))", "0.23.16")
  def fetchAs[A](req: F[Request[F]])(implicit d: EntityDecoder[F, A]): F[A]

  /** Submits a request and returns the response status */
  def status(req: Request[F]): F[Status]

  /** Submits a request and returns the response status */
  @deprecated("Use req.flatMap(status(_))", "0.23.16")
  def status(req: F[Request[F]]): F[Status]

  /** Submits a GET request to the URI and returns the response status */
  def statusFromUri(uri: Uri): F[Status]

  /** Submits a GET request to the URI and returns the response status */
  def statusFromString(s: String): F[Status]

  /** Submits a request and returns true if and only if the response status is
    * successful
  def successful(req: Request[F]): F[Boolean]

  /** Submits a request and returns true if and only if the response status is
    * successful
  @deprecated("Use req.flatMap(successful(_))", "0.23.16")
  def successful(req: F[Request[F]]): F[Boolean]

  /** Submits a GET request, and provides a callback to process the response.
    * @param uri The URI to GET
    * @param f A callback for the response to a GET on uri.  The underlying HTTP connection
    *          is released when the returned task completes.  Attempts to read the
    *          response body afterward will result in an error.
    * @return The result of applying f to the response to req
  def get[A](uri: Uri)(f: Response[F] => F[A]): F[A]

  /** Submits a request and decodes the response on success.  On failure, the
    * status code is returned.  The underlying HTTP connection is released at the
    * completion of the decoding.
  def get[A](s: String)(f: Response[F] => F[A]): F[A]

  /** As [[expectOptionOr]], but defined in terms of [[]]. */
  final def expectOptionOrT[A](req: Request[F])(onError: Response[F] => F[Throwable])(implicit
      d: EntityDecoder[F, A]
  ): OptionT[F, A] =

  /** As [[expectOption]], but defined in terms of [[]]. */
  final def expectOptionT[A](req: Request[F])(implicit d: EntityDecoder[F, A]): OptionT[F, A] =

  /** Translates the effect type of this client from F to G
  def translate[G[_]](
      fk: F ~> G
  )(gK: G ~> F)(implicit F: MonadCancelThrow[F]): Client[G] = {
    implicit val G: MonadCancelThrow[G] = liftMonadCancel(F)(fk)(gK)
    Client[G]((req: Request[G]) =>

  private[this] def liftMonadCancel[G[_]](
      F: MonadCancelThrow[F]
  )(fk: F ~> G)(gk: G ~> F): MonadCancelThrow[G] =
    new MonadCancelThrow[G] {
      def pure[A](x: A): G[A] = fk(F.pure(x))

      // Members declared in cats.ApplicativeError
      def handleErrorWith[A](ga: G[A])(f: Throwable => G[A]): G[A] =
        fk(F.handleErrorWith(gk(ga))(ex => gk(f(ex))))

      def raiseError[A](e: Throwable): G[A] = fk(F.raiseError[A](e))

      // Members declared in cats.FlatMap
      def flatMap[A, B](ga: G[A])(f: A => G[B]): G[B] =
        fk(F.flatMap(gk(ga))(a => gk(f(a))))

      def tailRecM[A, B](a: A)(f: A => G[Either[A, B]]): G[B] =
        fk(F.tailRecM(a)(a => gk(f(a))))

      // Members declared in cats.effect.kernel.MonadCancel
      def canceled: G[Unit] = fk(F.canceled)

      def forceR[A, B](ga: G[A])(gb: G[B]): G[B] =

      def onCancel[A](ga: G[A], fin: G[Unit]): G[A] =
        fk(F.onCancel(gk(ga), gk(fin)))

      def rootCancelScope: CancelScope = F.rootCancelScope

      def uncancelable[A](body: Poll[G] => G[A]): G[A] =
        fk(F.uncancelable { pollF =>
          gk(body(new Poll[G] {
            def apply[B](gb: G[B]): G[B] = fk(pollF(gk(gb)))

object Client {
  def apply[F[_]](
      f: Request[F] => Resource[F, Response[F]]
  )(implicit F: MonadCancelThrow[F]): Client[F] =
    new DefaultClient[F] {
      def run(req: Request[F]): Resource[F, Response[F]] = f(req)

  /** Creates a client from the specified [[HttpApp]].  Useful for
    * generating pre-determined responses for requests in testing.
    * @param app the [[HttpApp]] to respond to requests to this client
  def fromHttpApp[F[_]](
      app: HttpApp[F]
  )(implicit F: Concurrent[F]): Client[F] = {
    def until[A](disposed: Ref[F, Boolean])(source: Stream[F, A]): Stream[F, A] = {
      def go(stream: Stream[F, A]): Pull[F, A, Unit] =
        stream.pull.uncons.flatMap {
          case Some((chunk, stream)) =>
            Pull.eval(disposed.get).flatMap {
              case true => Pull.raiseError[F](new IOException("response was disposed"))
              case false => Pull.output(chunk) >> go(stream)

          case None => Pull.done

    def processResponse(
        response: Response[F],
        disposed: Ref[F, Boolean],
    ): Resource[F, Response[F]] =
      response.entity match {
        case Entity.Empty | Entity.Strict(_) =>
        case Entity.Streamed(_, _) =>
          for {
            channel <- Resource.eval(Channel.synchronous[F, Chunk[Byte]])

            producer = response.body.chunks

            _ <- Resource.make(producer.start)(p =>

            r = response.withBodyStream(
                  Stream.raiseError[F](new IOException("response was disposed")),

            _ <- Resource.onFinalize {

          } yield r

    def run(req: Request[F]): Resource[F, Response[F]] =
      Resource.eval(Ref[F].of(false)).flatMap { disposed =>
        val reqAugmented =
          .flatMap(processResponse(_, disposed))


  /** This method introduces an important way for the effectful backends to allow tracing. As Kleisli types
    * form the backend of tracing and these transformations are non-trivial.
  def liftKleisli[F[_]: MonadCancelThrow, A](client: Client[F]): Client[Kleisli[F, A, *]] =
    Client { (req: Request[Kleisli[F, A, *]]) =>
      Resource.eval(Kleisli.ask[F, A]).flatMap { a =>
          .run(req.mapK(Kleisli.applyK[F, A](a)))
          .mapK(Kleisli.liftK[F, A])
          .map(_.mapK(Kleisli.liftK[F, A]))

  private def addHostHeaderIfUriIsAbsolute[F[_]](req: Request[F]): Request[F] = match {
      case Some(host) if !req.headers.contains[Host] =>
        req.withHeaders(req.headers.put(Host(host.value, req.uri.port)))
      case _ => req

final case class UnexpectedStatus(status: Status, requestMethod: Method, requestUri: Uri)
    extends RuntimeException
    with NoStackTrace {
  override def getMessage: String =
    s"unexpected HTTP status: $status for request $requestMethod $requestUri"

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