org.http4s.Uri.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Core http4s library for servers and clients
package org.http4s
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
import scala.language.experimental.macros
import scala.reflect.macros.Context
import org.http4s.Uri._
import org.http4s.parser.{ ScalazDeliverySchemes, RequestUriParser }
import org.http4s.util.{ Writer, Renderable, CaseInsensitiveString, UrlCodingUtils, UrlFormCodec }
import org.http4s.util.string.ToCaseInsensitiveStringSyntax
import org.http4s.util.option.ToOptionOps
/** Representation of the [[Request]] URI
* @param scheme optional Uri Scheme. eg, http, https
* @param authority optional Uri Authority. eg, localhost:8080, www.foo.bar
* @param path url-encoded string representation of the path component of the Uri.
* @param query optional Query. url-encoded.
* @param fragment optional Uri Fragment. url-encoded.
// TODO fix Location header, add unit tests
case class Uri(
scheme: Option[CaseInsensitiveString] = None,
authority: Option[Authority] = None,
path: Path = "",
query: Query = Query.empty,
fragment: Option[Fragment] = None)
extends QueryOps with Renderable
def withPath(path: Path): Uri = copy(path = path)
def /(newFragment: Path): Uri = {
val newPath = if (path.isEmpty || path.last != '/') path + "/" + newFragment else path + newFragment
copy(path = newPath)
def host: Option[Host] = authority.map(_.host)
def port: Option[Int] = authority.flatMap(_.port)
def userInfo: Option[UserInfo] = authority.flatMap(_.userInfo)
def resolve(relative: Uri): Uri = Uri.resolve(this,relative)
* Representation of the query string as a map
* In case a parameter is available in query string but no value is there the
* sequence will be empty. If the value is empty the the sequence contains an
* empty string.
* =====Examples=====
* Query String Map
* ?param=v
Map("param" -> Seq("v"))
* ?param=
Map("param" -> Seq(""))
* ?param
Map("param" -> Seq())
* ?=value
Map("" -> Seq("value"))
* ?p1=v1&p1=v2&p2=v3&p2=v3
Map("p1" -> Seq("v1","v2"), "p2" -> Seq("v3","v4"))
* The query string is lazily parsed. If an error occurs during parsing
* an empty `Map` is returned.
def multiParams: Map[String, Seq[String]] = query.multiParams
* View of the head elements of the URI parameters in query string.
* In case a parameter has no value the map returns an empty string.
* @see multiParams
def params: Map[String, String] = query.params
override lazy val renderString: String =
override def render(writer: Writer): writer.type = this match {
case Uri(Some(s), Some(a), "/", q, None) if q.isEmpty =>
renderSchemeAndAuthority(writer, s, a)
case Uri(Some(s), Some(a), path, params, fragment) =>
renderSchemeAndAuthority(writer, s, a)
renderParamsAndFragment(writer, params, fragment)
case Uri(Some(s), None, path, params, fragment) =>
renderScheme(writer, s)
renderParamsAndFragment(writer, params, fragment)
case Uri(None, Some(a), path, params, fragment) =>
writer << a << path
renderParamsAndFragment(writer, params, fragment)
case Uri(None, None, path, params, fragment) =>
renderParamsAndFragment(writer, params, fragment)
/////////// Query Operations ///////////////
override protected type Self = Uri
override protected def self: Self = this
override protected def replaceQuery(query: Query): Self = copy(query = query)
object Uri extends UriFunctions {
object macros {
def uriLiteral(c: Context)(s: c.Expr[String]): c.Expr[Uri] = {
import c.universe._
s.tree match {
case Literal(Constant(s: String)) =>
e => c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, e.details),
qValue => c.Expr(q"org.http4s.Uri.fromString($s).valueOr(throw _)")
case _ =>
c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, s"only supports literal Strings")
/** Decodes the String to a [[Uri]] using the RFC 3986 uri decoding specification */
def fromString(s: String): ParseResult[Uri] = new RequestUriParser(s, StandardCharsets.UTF_8).Uri
/** Decodes the String to a [[Uri]] using the RFC 7230 section 5.3 uri decoding specification */
def requestTarget(s: String): ParseResult[Uri] = new RequestUriParser(s, StandardCharsets.UTF_8).RequestUri
type Scheme = CaseInsensitiveString
type UserInfo = String
type Path = String
type Fragment = String
case class Authority(
userInfo: Option[UserInfo] = None,
host: Host = RegName("localhost"),
port: Option[Int] = None) extends Renderable {
override def render(writer: Writer): writer.type = this match {
case Authority(Some(u), h, None) => writer << u << '@' << h
case Authority(Some(u), h, Some(p)) => writer << u << '@' << h << ':' << p
case Authority(None, h, Some(p)) => writer << h << ':' << p
case Authority(_, h, _) => writer << h
case _ => writer
sealed trait Host extends Renderable {
final def value: String = this match {
case RegName(h) => h.toString
case IPv4(a) => a.toString
case IPv6(a) => a.toString
override def render(writer: Writer): writer.type = this match {
case RegName(n) => writer << n
case IPv4(a) => writer << a
case IPv6(a) => writer << '[' << a << ']'
case _ => writer
case class RegName(host: CaseInsensitiveString) extends Host
case class IPv4(address: CaseInsensitiveString) extends Host
case class IPv6(address: CaseInsensitiveString) extends Host
object RegName { def apply(name: String) = new RegName(name.ci) }
object IPv4 { def apply(address: String) = new IPv4(address.ci) }
object IPv6 { def apply(address: String) = new IPv6(address.ci) }
private def renderScheme(writer: Writer, s: Scheme): writer.type =
writer << s << ':'
private def renderSchemeAndAuthority(writer: Writer, s: Scheme, a: Authority): writer.type =
renderScheme(writer, s) << "//" << a
private def renderParamsAndFragment(writer: Writer, p: Query, f: Option[Fragment]): writer.type = {
if (p.nonEmpty) writer << '?' << p
if (f.isDefined) writer << '#' << UrlCodingUtils.urlEncode(f.get, spaceIsPlus = false)
trait UriFunctions {
* Literal syntax for URIs. Invalid or non-literal arguments are rejected
* at compile time.
def uri(s: String): Uri = macro Uri.macros.uriLiteral
* Resolve a relative Uri reference, per RFC 3986 sec 5.2
def resolve(base: Uri, reference: Uri): Uri = {
/** Merge paths per RFC 3986 5.2.3 */
def merge(base: Path, reference: Path): Path =
base.substring(0, base.lastIndexOf('/')+1) + reference
val target = (base,reference) match {
case (_, Uri(Some(_),_,_,_,_)) => reference
case (Uri(s,_,_,_,_), Uri(_,a@Some(_),p,q,f)) => Uri(s,a,p,q,f)
case (Uri(s,a,p,q,_), Uri(_,_,"",Query.empty,f)) => Uri(s,a,p,q,f)
case (Uri(s,a,p,_,_), Uri(_,_,"",q,f)) => Uri(s,a,p,q,f)
case (Uri(s,a,bp,_,_), Uri(_,_,p,q,f)) =>
if (p.headOption.contains('/')) Uri(s,a,p,q,f)
else Uri(s,a,merge(bp,p),q,f)
* Remove dot sequences from a Path, per RFC 3986 Sec 5.2.4
private[http4s] def removeDotSequences(path: Path): Path = {
def loop(input: List[Char], output: List[Char], depth: Int = 0): Path = input match {
case Nil => output.reverse.mkString
case '.' :: '.' :: '/' :: rest => loop(rest, output, depth) // remove initial ../
case '.' :: '/' :: rest => loop(rest, output, depth) // remove initial ./
case '/' :: '.' :: '/' :: rest => loop('/' :: rest, output, depth) // collapse initial /./
case '/' :: '.' :: Nil => loop('/' :: Nil, output, depth) // collapse /.
case '/' :: '.' :: '.' :: '/' :: rest => // collapse /../ and pop dir
if (depth == 0) loop('/' :: rest, output, depth)
else loop('/' :: rest, output.dropWhile(_ != '/').drop(1), depth-1)
case '/' :: '.' :: '.' :: Nil => // collapse /.. and pop dir
if (depth == 0) loop('/' :: Nil, output, depth)
else loop('/' :: Nil, output.dropWhile(_ != '/').drop(1), depth-1)
case ('.' :: Nil) | ('.' :: '.' :: Nil) => // drop orphan . or ..
case ('/' :: rest) => // move "/segment"
val (take,leave) = rest.span(_ != '/')
loop(leave, ('/' :: take).reverse ++ output, depth+1)
case _ => // move "segment"
val (take,leave) = input.span(_ != '/')
loop(leave, take.reverse ++ output, depth+1)
loop(path.toList, Nil, 0)
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