org.http4s.EntityDecoder.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Core http4s library for servers and clients
package org.http4s
import java.io.{File, FileOutputStream, StringReader}
import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser
import org.xml.sax.{InputSource, SAXParseException}
import java.io.{File, FileOutputStream}
import org.http4s.headers.`Content-Type`
import org.http4s.multipart.{Multipart, MultipartDecoder}
import scodec.bits.ByteVector
import scala.annotation.unchecked.uncheckedVariance
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import scalaz.Liskov.{<~<, refl}
import scalaz.concurrent.Task
import scalaz.std.string._
import scalaz.stream.{io, process1}
import scalaz.syntax.monad._
import scalaz.{-\/, EitherT, \/, \/-}
import util.UrlFormCodec.{ decode => formDecode }
import util.byteVector._
/** A type that can be used to decode a [[Message]]
* EntityDecoder is used to attempt to decode a [[Message]] returning the
* entire resulting A. If an error occurs it will result in a failed Task
* The default decoders provided here are not streaming, but one could implement
* a streaming decoder by having the value of A be some kind of streaming construct.
* @tparam T result type produced by the decoder
trait EntityDecoder[T] { self =>
/** Attempt to decode the body of the [[Message]] */
def decode(msg: Message, strict: Boolean): DecodeResult[T]
/** The [[MediaRange]]s this [[EntityDecoder]] knows how to handle */
def consumes: Set[MediaRange]
/** Make a new [[EntityDecoder]] by mapping the output result */
def map[T2](f: T => T2): EntityDecoder[T2] = new EntityDecoder[T2] {
override def consumes: Set[MediaRange] = self.consumes
override def decode(msg: Message, strict: Boolean): DecodeResult[T2] = self.decode(msg, strict).map(f)
def flatMapR[T2](f: T => DecodeResult[T2]): EntityDecoder[T2] = new EntityDecoder[T2] {
override def decode(msg: Message, strict: Boolean): DecodeResult[T2] = self.decode(msg, strict).flatMap(f)
override def consumes: Set[MediaRange] = self.consumes
/** Combine two [[EntityDecoder]]'s
* The new [[EntityDecoder]] will first attempt to determine if it can perform the decode,
* and if not, defer to the second [[EntityDecoder]]
* @param other backup [[EntityDecoder]]
def orElse[T2](other: EntityDecoder[T2])(implicit ev: T <~< T2): EntityDecoder[T2] =
new EntityDecoder.OrDec(widen[T2], other)
/** true if this [[EntityDecoder]] knows how to decode the provided [[MediaType]] */
def matchesMediaType(mediaType: MediaType): Boolean =
// shamelessly stolen from IList
def widen[B](implicit ev: T <~< B): EntityDecoder[B] =
ev.subst[({type λ[-α] = EntityDecoder[α @uncheckedVariance] <~< EntityDecoder[B]})#λ](refl)(this)
/** EntityDecoder is used to attempt to decode an [[EntityBody]]
* This companion object provides a way to create `new EntityDecoder`s along
* with some commonly used instances which can be resolved implicitly.
object EntityDecoder extends EntityDecoderInstances {
// This is not a real media type but will still be matched by `*/*`
private val UndefinedMediaType = new MediaType("UNKNOWN","UNKNOWN")
/** summon an implicit [[EntityEncoder]] */
def apply[T](implicit ev: EntityDecoder[T]): EntityDecoder[T] = ev
/** Create a new [[EntityDecoder]]
* The new [[EntityDecoder]] will attempt to decode messages of type `T`
* only if the [[Message]] satisfies the provided [[MediaRange]]s
def decodeBy[T](r1: MediaRange, rs: MediaRange*)(f: Message => DecodeResult[T]): EntityDecoder[T] = new EntityDecoder[T] {
override def decode(msg: Message, strict: Boolean): DecodeResult[T] = {
try {
if (strict) msg.headers.get(`Content-Type`) match {
case Some(c) if matchesMediaType(c.mediaType) => f(msg)
case Some(c) => DecodeResult.failure(MediaTypeMismatch(c.mediaType, consumes))
case None if matchesMediaType(UndefinedMediaType) => f(msg)
case None => DecodeResult.failure(MediaTypeMissing(consumes))
else f(msg)
catch {
case NonFatal(e) => DecodeResult.failure(MalformedMessageBodyFailure("Error decoding body", Some(e)))
override val consumes: Set[MediaRange] = (r1 +: rs).toSet
private class OrDec[T](a: EntityDecoder[T], b: EntityDecoder[T]) extends EntityDecoder[T] {
override def decode(msg: Message, strict: Boolean): DecodeResult[T] = {
msg.headers.get(`Content-Type`) match {
case Some(contentType) =>
if (a.matchesMediaType(contentType.mediaType)) a.decode(msg, strict)
else b.decode(msg, strict).leftMap{
case MediaTypeMismatch(actual, expected) =>
MediaTypeMismatch(actual, expected ++ a.consumes)
case other => other
case None =>
if (a.matchesMediaType(UndefinedMediaType)) a.decode(msg, strict)
else b.decode(msg, strict).leftMap{
case MediaTypeMissing(expected) =>
MediaTypeMissing(expected ++ a.consumes)
case other => other
override val consumes: Set[MediaRange] = a.consumes ++ b.consumes
/** Helper method which simply gathers the body into a single ByteVector */
def collectBinary(msg: Message): DecodeResult[ByteVector] =
/** Decodes a message to a String */
def decodeString(msg: Message)(implicit defaultCharset: Charset = DefaultCharset): Task[String] =
/** Implementations of the EntityDecoder instances */
trait EntityDecoderInstances {
import org.http4s.EntityDecoder._
/////////////////// Instances //////////////////////////////////////////////
/** Provides a mechanism to fail decoding */
def error[T](t: Throwable) = new EntityDecoder[T] {
override def decode(msg: Message, strict: Boolean): DecodeResult[T] = {
DecodeResult(msg.body.kill.run.flatMap(_ => Task.fail(t)))
override def consumes: Set[MediaRange] = Set.empty
implicit val binary: EntityDecoder[ByteVector] = {
implicit def text(implicit defaultCharset: Charset = DefaultCharset): EntityDecoder[String] =
EntityDecoder.decodeBy(MediaRange.`text/*`)(msg =>
collectBinary(msg).map(bs => new String(bs.toArray, msg.charset.getOrElse(defaultCharset).nioCharset))
// File operations // TODO: rewrite these using NIO non blocking FileChannels, and do these make sense as a 'decoder'?
def binFile(file: File): EntityDecoder[File] =
EntityDecoder.decodeBy(MediaRange.`*/*`){ msg =>
val p = io.chunkW(new java.io.FileOutputStream(file))
DecodeResult.success(msg.body.to(p).run).map(_ => file)
def textFile(file: java.io.File): EntityDecoder[File] =
EntityDecoder.decodeBy(MediaRange.`text/*`){ msg =>
val p = io.chunkW(new java.io.PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(file)))
DecodeResult.success(msg.body.to(p).run).map(_ => file)
implicit def multipart: EntityDecoder[Multipart] =
object DecodeResult {
def apply[A](task: Task[DecodeFailure \/ A]): DecodeResult[A] = EitherT(task)
def success[A](a: Task[A]): DecodeResult[A] = EitherT.right(a)
def success[A](a: A): DecodeResult[A] = EitherT(Task.now(\/.right[DecodeFailure, A](a)))
def failure[A](e: Task[DecodeFailure]): DecodeResult[A] = EitherT.left(e)
def failure[A](e: DecodeFailure): DecodeResult[A] = EitherT(Task.now(-\/(e): DecodeFailure\/A))
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