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org.http4s.Message.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

There is a newer version: 0.16.6a
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package org.http4s

import{InetSocketAddress, InetAddress}
import org.http4s.headers._
import org.http4s.server.ServerSoftware
import scalaz.concurrent.Task
import scalaz.syntax.monad._

 * Represents a HTTP Message. The interesting subclasses are Request and Response
 * while most of the functionality is found in [[MessageSyntax]] and [[ResponseOps]]
 * @see [[MessageSyntax]], [[ResponseOps]]
sealed trait Message extends MessageOps { self =>
  type Self <: Message { type Self = self.Self }

  def httpVersion: HttpVersion
  def headers: Headers
  def body: EntityBody

  final def bodyAsText(implicit defaultCharset: Charset = DefaultCharset): Process[Task, String] = {
    (charset getOrElse defaultCharset) match {
      case Charset.`UTF-8` =>
        // suspect this one is more efficient, though this is superstition
        body |> utf8Decode
      case cs =>
        body |> util.decode(cs)

  /** True if and only if the body is composed solely of Emits and Halt.  This
    * indicates that the body can be re-run without side-effects. */
  def isBodyPure: Boolean =
  def attributes: AttributeMap
  protected def change(body: EntityBody = body,
                       headers: Headers = headers,
                       attributes: AttributeMap = attributes): Self

  override def transformHeaders(f: Headers => Headers): Self =
    change(headers = f(headers))

  override def withAttribute[A](key: AttributeKey[A], value: A): Self =
    change(attributes = attributes.put(key, value))

  /** Replace the body of this message with a new body
    * @param b body to attach to this method
    * @param w [[EntityEncoder]] with which to convert the body to an [[EntityBody]]
    * @tparam T type of the Body
    * @return a new message with the new body
  def withBody[T](b: T)(implicit w: EntityEncoder[T]): Task[Self] = {
    w.toEntity(b).map { entity =>
      val hs = entity.length match {
        case Some(l) => `Content-Length`(l)::w.headers.toList
        case None    => w.headers
      change(body = entity.body, headers = headers ++ hs)

  def contentLength: Option[Long] = headers.get(`Content-Length`).map(_.length)

  def contentType: Option[`Content-Type`] = headers.get(`Content-Type`)

  /** Returns the charset parameter of the `Content-Type` header, if present.
    * Does not introspect the body for media types that define a charset internally. */
  def charset: Option[Charset] = contentType.flatMap(_.charset)

  def isChunked: Boolean = headers.get(`Transfer-Encoding`).exists(_.values.contains(TransferCoding.chunked))

   * The trailer headers, as specified in Section 3.6.1 of RFC 2616.  The resulting
   * task might not complete unless the entire body has been consumed.
  def trailerHeaders: Task[Headers] = attributes.get(Message.Keys.TrailerHeaders).getOrElse(

  /** Decode the [[Message]] to the specified type
    * @param decoder [[EntityDecoder]] used to decode the [[Message]]
    * @tparam T type of the result
    * @return the `Task` which will generate the `DecodeResult[T]`
  override def attemptAs[T](implicit decoder: EntityDecoder[T]): DecodeResult[T] =
    decoder.decode(this, strict = false)

object Message {
  object Keys {
    val TrailerHeaders = AttributeKey.http4s[Task[Headers]]("trailer-headers")

/** Representation of an incoming HTTP message
  * A Request encapsulates the entirety of the incoming HTTP request including the
  * status line, headers, and a possible request body.
  * @param method [[Method.GET]], [[Method.POST]], etc.
  * @param uri representation of the request URI
  * @param httpVersion the HTTP version
  * @param headers collection of [[Header]]s
  * @param body[Task,Chunk] defining the body of the request
  * @param attributes Immutable Map used for carrying additional information in a type safe fashion
case class Request(
  method: Method = Method.GET,
  uri: Uri = Uri(path = "/"),
  httpVersion: HttpVersion = HttpVersion.`HTTP/1.1`,
  headers: Headers = Headers.empty,
  body: EntityBody = EmptyBody,
  attributes: AttributeMap = AttributeMap.empty
) extends Message with RequestOps {
  import Request._

  type Self = Request

  override protected def change(body: EntityBody, headers: Headers, attributes: AttributeMap): Self =
    copy(body = body, headers = headers, attributes = attributes)

  lazy val authType: Option[AuthScheme] = headers.get(Authorization).map(_.credentials.authScheme)

  lazy val (scriptName, pathInfo) = {
    val caret = attributes.get(Request.Keys.PathInfoCaret).getOrElse(0)

  def withPathInfo(pi: String): Request =
    copy(uri = uri.withPath(scriptName + pi))

  lazy val pathTranslated: Option[File] = attributes.get(Keys.PathTranslated)

  def queryString: String = uri.query.renderString

   * Representation of the query string as a map
   * In case a parameter is available in query string but no value is there the
   * sequence will be empty. If the value is empty the the sequence contains an
   * empty string.
   * =====Examples=====
Query StringMap
?param=vMap("param" -> Seq("v"))
?param=Map("param" -> Seq(""))
?paramMap("param" -> Seq())
?=valueMap("" -> Seq("value"))
?p1=v1&p1=v2&p2=v3&p2=v3Map("p1" -> Seq("v1","v2"), "p2" -> Seq("v3","v4"))
* * The query string is lazily parsed. If an error occurs during parsing * an empty `Map` is returned. */ def multiParams: Map[String, Seq[String]] = uri.multiParams /** * View of the head elements of the URI parameters in query string. * * In case a parameter has no value the map returns an empty string. * * @see multiParams */ def params: Map[String, String] = uri.params private lazy val connectionInfo = attributes.get(Keys.ConnectionInfo) lazy val remote: Option[InetSocketAddress] = lazy val remoteAddr: Option[String] = lazy val remoteHost: Option[String] = lazy val remotePort: Option[Int] = lazy val remoteUser: Option[String] = None lazy val server: Option[InetSocketAddress] = lazy val serverAddr: String = { .orElse( .orElse(headers.get(Host).map( .getOrElse(InetAddress.getLocalHost.getHostName) } lazy val serverPort: Int = { .orElse(uri.port) .orElse(headers.get(Host).flatMap(_.port)) .getOrElse(80) } /** Whether the Request was received over a secure medium */ lazy val isSecure: Option[Boolean] = def serverSoftware: ServerSoftware = attributes.get(Keys.ServerSoftware).getOrElse(ServerSoftware.Unknown) def decodeWith[A](decoder: EntityDecoder[A], strict: Boolean)(f: A => Task[Response]): Task[Response] = decoder.decode(this, strict = strict).fold(_.toHttpResponse(httpVersion), f).join override def toString: String = s"""Request(method=$method, uri=$uri, headers=${headers}""" /** A request is idempotent if and only if its method is idempotent and its body * is pure. If true, this request can be submitted multipe times. */ def isIdempotent: Boolean = method.isIdempotent && isBodyPure } object Request { case class Connection(local: InetSocketAddress, remote: InetSocketAddress, secure: Boolean) object Keys { val PathInfoCaret = AttributeKey.http4s[Int]("request.pathInfoCaret") val PathTranslated = AttributeKey.http4s[File]("request.pathTranslated") val ConnectionInfo = AttributeKey.http4s[Connection]("request.remote") val ServerSoftware = AttributeKey.http4s[ServerSoftware]("request.serverSoftware") } } /** Representation of the HTTP response to send back to the client * * @param status [[Status]] code and message * @param headers [[Headers]] containing all response headers * @param body[Task,Chunk] representing the possible body of the response * @param attributes [[AttributeMap]] containing additional parameters which may be used by the http4s * backend for additional processing such as object */ case class Response( status: Status = Status.Ok, httpVersion: HttpVersion = HttpVersion.`HTTP/1.1`, headers: Headers = Headers.empty, body: EntityBody = EmptyBody, attributes: AttributeMap = AttributeMap.empty) extends Message with ResponseOps { type Self = Response override def withStatus(status: Status): Self = copy(status = status) override protected def change(body: EntityBody, headers: Headers, attributes: AttributeMap): Self = copy(body = body, headers = headers, attributes = attributes) override def toString: String = s"""Response(status=${status.code}, headers=$headers)""" } object Response { def notFound(request: Request): Task[Response] = { val body = s"${request.pathInfo} not found" Response(Status.NotFound).withBody(body) } }

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