org.http4s.UriTemplate.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Core http4s library for servers and clients
package org.http4s
import java.net.URLEncoder
import org.http4s.Uri.{Authority, Host, IPv4, IPv6, RegName, Scheme}
import org.http4s.UriTemplate._
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
* Simple representation of a URI Template that can be rendered as RFC6570
* conform string.
* This model reflects only a subset of RFC6570.
* Level 1 and Level 2 are completely modeled and
* Level 3 features are limited to:
* - Path segments, slash-prefixed
* - Form-style query, ampersand-separated
* - Fragment expansion
case class UriTemplate(
scheme: Option[Scheme] = None,
authority: Option[Authority] = None,
path: Path = Nil,
query: UriTemplate.Query = Nil,
fragment: Fragment = Nil) {
* Replaces any expansion type that matches the given `name`. If no matching
* `expansion` could be found the same instance will be returned.
def expandAny[T: QueryParamEncoder](name: String, value: T): UriTemplate =
expandPath(name, value).expandQuery(name, value).expandFragment(name, value)
* Replaces any expansion type in `fragment` that matches the given `name`.
* If no matching `expansion` could be found the same instance will be
* returned.
def expandFragment[T: QueryParamEncoder](name: String, value: T): UriTemplate = {
if (fragment.isEmpty) this
else copy(fragment = expandFragmentN(fragment, name, String.valueOf(value)))
* Replaces any expansion type in `path` that matches the given `name`. If no
* matching `expansion` could be found the same instance will be returned.
def expandPath[T: QueryParamEncoder](name: String, values: List[T]): UriTemplate =
copy(path = expandPathN(path, name, values.map(QueryParamEncoder[T].encode)))
* Replaces any expansion type in `path` that matches the given `name`. If no
* matching `expansion` could be found the same instance will be returned.
def expandPath[T: QueryParamEncoder](name: String, value: T): UriTemplate =
copy(path = expandPathN(path, name, QueryParamEncoder[T].encode(value)::Nil))
* Replaces any expansion type in `query` that matches the specified `name`.
* If no matching `expansion` could be found the same instance will be
* returned.
def expandQuery[T: QueryParamEncoder](name: String, values: List[T]): UriTemplate = {
if (query.isEmpty) this
else copy(query = expandQueryN(query, name, values.map(QueryParamEncoder[T].encode(_).value)))
* Replaces any expansion type in `query` that matches the specified `name`.
* If no matching `expansion` could be found the same instance will be
* returned.
def expandQuery(name: String): UriTemplate = expandQuery(name, List[String]())
* Replaces any expansion type in `query` that matches the specified `name`.
* If no matching `expansion` could be found the same instance will be
* returned.
def expandQuery[T: QueryParamEncoder](name: String, values: T*): UriTemplate =
expandQuery(name, values.toList)
override lazy val toString =
* If no expansion is available an `Uri` will be created otherwise the
* current instance of `UriTemplate` will be returned.
def toUriIfPossible: Try[Uri] =
if (containsExpansions(this)) Failure(new IllegalStateException(s"all expansions must be resolved to be convertable: $this"))
else Success(toUri(this))
object UriTemplate {
type Path = List[PathDef]
type Query = List[QueryDef]
type Fragment = List[FragmentDef]
protected val unreserved = (('a' to 'z') ++ ('A' to 'Z') ++ ('0' to '9') :+ '-' :+ '.' :+ '_' :+ '~').toSet
// protected val genDelims = ':' :: '/' :: '?' :: '#' :: '[' :: ']' :: '@' :: Nil
// protected val subDelims = '!' :: '$' :: '&' :: '\'' :: '(' :: ')' :: '*' :: '+' :: ',' :: ';' :: '=' :: Nil
// protected val reserved = genDelims ::: subDelims
def isUnreserved(s: String) = s.forall(unreserved.contains)
def isUnreservedOrEncoded(s: String): Boolean =
URLEncoder.encode(s, "UTF-8").forall(c => unreserved.contains(c) || c == '%')
protected def expandPathN(path: Path, name: String, values: List[QueryParameterValue]): Path = {
val acc = new ArrayBuffer[PathDef]()
def appendValues() = values foreach { v => acc.append(PathElm(v.value)) }
path foreach {
case p@PathElm(_) => acc.append(p)
case p@VarExp(Seq(n)) =>
if (n == name) appendValues()
else acc.append(p)
case p@VarExp(ns) =>
if (ns.contains(name)) {
acc.append(VarExp(ns.filterNot(_ == name)))
} else acc.append(p)
case p@ReservedExp(Seq(n)) =>
if (n == name) appendValues()
else acc.append(p)
case p@ReservedExp(ns) =>
if (ns.contains(name)) {
acc.append(VarExp(ns.filterNot(_ == name)))
} else acc.append(p)
case p@PathExp(Seq(n)) =>
if (n == name) appendValues()
else acc.append(p)
case p@PathExp(ns) =>
if (ns.contains(name)) {
acc.append(PathExp(ns.filterNot(_ == name)))
} else acc.append(p)
protected def expandQueryN(query: Query, name: String, values: List[String]): Query = {
val acc = new ArrayBuffer[QueryDef]()
query.foreach {
case p@ParamElm(_, _) => acc.append(p)
case p@ParamVarExp(r, List(n)) =>
if (n == name) acc.append(ParamElm(r, values))
else acc.append(p)
case p@ParamVarExp(r, ns) =>
if (ns.contains(name)) {
acc.append(ParamElm(r, values))
acc.append(ParamVarExp(r, ns.filterNot(_ == name)))
} else acc.append(p)
case p@ParamReservedExp(r, List(n)) =>
if (n == name) acc.append(ParamElm(r, values))
else acc.append(p)
case p@ParamReservedExp(r, ns) =>
if (ns.contains(name)) {
acc.append(ParamElm(r, values))
acc.append(ParamReservedExp(r, ns.filterNot(_ == name)))
} else acc.append(p)
case p@ParamExp(Seq(n)) =>
if (n == name) acc.append(ParamElm(name, values))
else acc.append(p)
case p@ParamExp(ns) =>
if (ns.contains(name)) {
acc.append(ParamElm(name, values))
acc.append(ParamExp(ns.filterNot(_ == name)))
} else acc.append(p)
case p@ParamContExp(Seq(n)) =>
if (n == name) acc.append(ParamElm(name, values))
else acc.append(p)
case p@ParamContExp(ns) =>
if (ns.contains(name)) {
acc.append(ParamElm(name, values))
acc.append(ParamContExp(ns.filterNot(_ == name)))
} else acc.append(p)
protected def expandFragmentN(fragment: Fragment, name: String, value: String): Fragment = {
val acc = new ArrayBuffer[FragmentDef]()
fragment.foreach {
case p@FragmentElm(_) => acc.append(p)
case p@SimpleFragmentExp(n) => if (n == name) acc.append(FragmentElm(value)) else acc.append(p)
case p@MultiFragmentExp(Seq(n)) => if (n == name) acc.append(FragmentElm(value)) else acc.append(p)
case p@MultiFragmentExp(ns) =>
if (ns.contains(name)) {
acc.append(MultiFragmentExp(ns.filterNot(_ == name)))
} else acc.append(p)
protected def renderAuthority(a: Authority): String = a match {
case Authority(Some(u), h, None) => u + "@" + renderHost(h)
case Authority(Some(u), h, Some(p)) => u + "@" + renderHost(h) + ":" + p
case Authority(None, h, Some(p)) => renderHost(h) + ":" + p
case Authority(_, h, _) => renderHost(h)
case _ => ""
protected def renderHost(h: Host): String = h match {
case RegName(n) => n.toString
case IPv4(a) => a.toString
case IPv6(a) => "[" + a.toString + "]"
case _ => ""
protected def renderScheme(s: Scheme): String = s + ":"
protected def renderSchemeAndAuthority(t: UriTemplate): String = t match {
case UriTemplate(None, None, _, _, _) => ""
case UriTemplate(Some(s), Some(a), _, _, _) => renderScheme(s) + "//" + renderAuthority(a)
case UriTemplate(Some(s), None, _, _, _) => renderScheme(s)
case UriTemplate(None, Some(a), _, _, _) => renderAuthority(a)
protected def renderQuery(ps: Query): String = {
val parted = ps partition {
case ParamElm(_, _) => false
case ParamVarExp(_, _) => false
case ParamReservedExp(_, _) => false
case ParamExp(_) => true
case ParamContExp(_) => true
val elements = new ArrayBuffer[String]()
parted._2 foreach {
case ParamElm(n, Nil) => elements.append(n)
case ParamElm(n, List(v)) => elements.append(n + "=" + v)
case ParamElm(n, vs) => vs.foreach(v => elements.append(n + "=" + v))
case ParamVarExp(n, vs) => elements.append(n + "=" + "{" + vs.mkString(",") + "}")
case ParamReservedExp(n, vs) => elements.append(n + "=" + "{+" + vs.mkString(",") + "}")
case u => throw new IllegalStateException(s"type ${u.getClass.getName} not supported")
val exps = new ArrayBuffer[String]()
def separator = if (elements.isEmpty && exps.isEmpty) "?" else "&"
parted._1 foreach {
case ParamExp(ns) => exps.append("{" + separator + ns.mkString(",") + "}")
case ParamContExp(ns) => exps.append("{" + separator + ns.mkString(",") + "}")
case u => throw new IllegalStateException(s"type ${u.getClass.getName} not supported")
if (elements.isEmpty) exps.mkString
else "?" + elements.mkString("&") + exps.mkString
protected def renderFragment(f: Fragment): String = {
val elements = new mutable.ArrayBuffer[String]()
val expansions = new mutable.ArrayBuffer[String]()
f map {
case FragmentElm(v) => elements.append(v)
case SimpleFragmentExp(n) => expansions.append(n)
case MultiFragmentExp(ns) => expansions.append(ns.mkString(","))
if (elements.nonEmpty && expansions.nonEmpty)
"#" + elements.mkString(",") + "{#" + expansions.mkString(",") + "}"
else if (elements.nonEmpty)
"#" + elements.mkString(",")
else if (expansions.nonEmpty)
"{#" + expansions.mkString(",") + "}"
protected def renderFragmentIdentifier(f: Fragment): String = {
val elements = new mutable.ArrayBuffer[String]()
f map {
case FragmentElm(v) => elements.append(v)
case SimpleFragmentExp(_) => throw new IllegalStateException("SimpleFragmentExp cannot be converted to a Uri")
case MultiFragmentExp(_) => throw new IllegalStateException("MultiFragmentExp cannot be converted to a Uri")
if (elements.isEmpty) ""
else elements.mkString(",")
protected def buildQuery(q: Query): org.http4s.Query = {
val elements = Query.newBuilder
q map {
case ParamElm(n, Nil) => elements += ((n, None))
case ParamElm(n, List(v)) => elements += ((n, Some(v)))
case ParamElm(n, vs) => vs.foreach(v => elements += ((n, Some(v))))
case u => throw new IllegalStateException(s"${u.getClass.getName} cannot be converted to a Uri")
protected def renderPath(p: Path): String = p match {
case Nil => "/"
case ps =>
val elements = new ArrayBuffer[String]()
ps foreach {
case PathElm(n) => elements.append("/" + n)
case VarExp(ns) => elements.append("{" + ns.mkString(",") + "}")
case ReservedExp(ns) => elements.append("{+" + ns.mkString(",") + "}")
case PathExp(ns) => elements.append("{/" + ns.mkString(",") + "}")
case u => throw new IllegalStateException(s"type ${u.getClass.getName} not supported")
protected def renderPathAndQueryAndFragment(t: UriTemplate): String = t match {
case UriTemplate(_, _, Nil, Nil, Nil) => "/"
case UriTemplate(_, _, Nil, Nil, f) => "/" + renderFragment(f)
case UriTemplate(_, _, Nil, query, Nil) => "/" + renderQuery(query)
case UriTemplate(_, _, Nil, query, f) => "/" + renderQuery(query) + renderFragment(f)
case UriTemplate(_, _, path, Nil, Nil) => renderPath(path)
case UriTemplate(_, _, path, query, Nil) => renderPath(path) + renderQuery(query)
case UriTemplate(_, _, path, Nil, f) => renderPath(path) + renderFragment(f)
case UriTemplate(_, _, path, query, f) => renderPath(path) + renderQuery(query) + renderFragment(f)
case _ => ""
protected def renderUriTemplate(t: UriTemplate): String = t match {
case UriTemplate(None, None, Nil, Nil, Nil) => "/"
case UriTemplate(Some(s), Some(a), Nil, Nil, Nil) => renderSchemeAndAuthority(t)
case UriTemplate(Some(s), Some(a), List(), Nil, Nil) => renderSchemeAndAuthority(t)
case UriTemplate(scheme, authority, path, params, fragment) => renderSchemeAndAuthority(t) + renderPathAndQueryAndFragment(t)
case _ => ""
protected def fragmentExp(f: FragmentDef): Boolean = f match {
case FragmentElm(_) => false
case SimpleFragmentExp(_) => true
case MultiFragmentExp(_) => true
protected def pathExp(p: PathDef): Boolean = p match {
case PathElm(n) => false
case VarExp(ns) => true
case ReservedExp(ns) => true
case PathExp(ns) => true
protected def queryExp(q: QueryDef): Boolean = q match {
case ParamElm(_, _) => false
case ParamVarExp(_, _) => true
case ParamReservedExp(_, _) => true
case ParamExp(_) => true
case ParamContExp(_) => true
protected def containsExpansions(t: UriTemplate): Boolean = t match {
case UriTemplate(_, _, Nil, Nil, Nil) => false
case UriTemplate(_, _, Nil, Nil, f) => f exists fragmentExp
case UriTemplate(_, _, Nil, q, Nil) => q exists queryExp
case UriTemplate(_, _, Nil, q, f) => (q exists queryExp) || (f exists fragmentExp)
case UriTemplate(_, _, p, Nil, Nil) => p exists pathExp
case UriTemplate(_, _, p, Nil, f) => (p exists pathExp) || (f exists fragmentExp)
case UriTemplate(_, _, p, q, Nil) => (p exists pathExp) || (q exists queryExp)
case UriTemplate(_, _, p, q, f) => (p exists pathExp) || (q exists queryExp) || (f exists fragmentExp)
protected def toUri(t: UriTemplate): Uri = t match {
case UriTemplate(s, a, Nil, Nil, Nil) => Uri(s, a)
case UriTemplate(s, a, Nil, Nil, f) => Uri(s, a, fragment = Some(renderFragmentIdentifier(f)))
case UriTemplate(s, a, Nil, q, Nil) => Uri(s, a, query = buildQuery(q))
case UriTemplate(s, a, Nil, q, f) => Uri(s, a, query = buildQuery(q), fragment = Some(renderFragmentIdentifier(f)))
case UriTemplate(s, a, p, Nil, Nil) => Uri(s, a, renderPath(p))
case UriTemplate(s, a, p, q, Nil) => Uri(s, a, renderPath(p), buildQuery(q))
case UriTemplate(s, a, p, Nil, f) => Uri(s, a, renderPath(p), fragment = Some(renderFragmentIdentifier(f)))
case UriTemplate(s, a, p, q, f) => Uri(s, a, renderPath(p), buildQuery(q), Some(renderFragmentIdentifier(f)))
sealed trait PathDef
/** Static path element */
case class PathElm(value: String) extends PathDef
sealed trait QueryDef
sealed trait QueryExp extends QueryDef
/** Static query parameter element */
case class ParamElm(name: String, values: List[String]) extends QueryDef
object ParamElm {
def apply(name: String): ParamElm = new ParamElm(name, Nil)
def apply(name: String, values: String*): ParamElm = new ParamElm(name, values.toList)
* Simple string expansion for query parameter
case class ParamVarExp(name: String, variables: List[String]) extends QueryDef {
require(variables forall isUnreserved, "all variables must consist of unreserved characters")
object ParamVarExp {
def apply(name: String): ParamVarExp = new ParamVarExp(name, Nil)
def apply(name: String, variables: String*): ParamVarExp = new ParamVarExp(name, variables.toList)
* Reserved string expansion for query parameter
case class ParamReservedExp(name: String, variables: List[String]) extends QueryDef {
require(variables forall isUnreserved, "all variables must consist of unreserved characters")
object ParamReservedExp {
def apply(name: String): ParamReservedExp = new ParamReservedExp(name, Nil)
def apply(name: String, variables: String*): ParamReservedExp = new ParamReservedExp(name, variables.toList)
* URI Templates are similar to a macro language with a fixed set of macro
* definitions: the expression type determines the expansion process.
* The default expression type is simple string expansion (Level 1), wherein a
* single named variable is replaced by its value as a string after
* pct-encoding any characters not in the set of unreserved URI characters
* (Section 1.5).
* Level 2 templates add the plus ("+") operator, for expansion of values that
* are allowed to include reserved URI characters
* (Section 1.5),
* and the crosshatch ("#") operator for expansion of fragment identifiers.
* Level 3 templates allow multiple variables per expression, each
* separated by a comma, and add more complex operators for dot-prefixed
* labels, slash-prefixed path segments, semicolon-prefixed path
* parameters, and the form-style construction of a query syntax
* consisting of name=value pairs that are separated by an ampersand
* character.
sealed trait ExpansionType
sealed trait FragmentDef
/** Static fragment element */
case class FragmentElm(value: String) extends FragmentDef
* Fragment expansion, crosshatch-prefixed
* (Section 3.2.4)
case class SimpleFragmentExp(name: String) extends FragmentDef {
require(name.nonEmpty, "at least one character must be set")
require(isUnreserved(name), "name must consist of unreserved characters")
* Level 1 allows string expansion
* (Section 3.2.2)
* Level 3 allows string expansion with multiple variables
* (Section 3.2.2)
case class VarExp(names: List[String]) extends PathDef {
require(names.nonEmpty, "at least one name must be set")
require(names forall isUnreserved, "all names must consist of unreserved characters")
object VarExp {
def apply(names: String*): VarExp = new VarExp(names.toList)
* Level 2 allows reserved string expansion
* (Section 3.2.3)
* Level 3 allows reserved expansion with multiple variables
* (Section 3.2.3)
case class ReservedExp(names: List[String]) extends PathDef {
require(names.nonEmpty, "at least one name must be set")
require(names forall isUnreserved, "all names must consist of unreserved characters")
object ReservedExp {
def apply(names: String*): ReservedExp = new ReservedExp(names.toList)
* Fragment expansion with multiple variables, crosshatch-prefixed
* (Section 3.2.4)
case class MultiFragmentExp(names: List[String]) extends FragmentDef {
require(names.nonEmpty, "at least one name must be set")
require(names forall isUnreserved, "all names must consist of unreserved characters")
object MultiFragmentExp {
def apply(names: String*): MultiFragmentExp = new MultiFragmentExp(names.toList)
* Path segments, slash-prefixed
* (Section 3.2.6)
case class PathExp(names: List[String]) extends PathDef {
require(names.nonEmpty, "at least one name must be set")
require(names forall isUnreserved, "all names must consist of unreserved characters")
object PathExp {
def apply(names: String*): PathExp = new PathExp(names.toList)
* Form-style query, ampersand-separated
* (Section 3.2.8)
case class ParamExp(names: List[String]) extends QueryExp {
require(names.nonEmpty, "at least one name must be set")
require(names forall isUnreservedOrEncoded, "all names must consist of unreserved characters or be encoded")
object ParamExp {
def apply(names: String*): ParamExp = new ParamExp(names.toList)
* Form-style query continuation
* (Section 3.2.9)
case class ParamContExp(names: List[String]) extends QueryExp {
require(names.nonEmpty, "at least one name must be set")
require(names forall isUnreserved, "all names must consist of unreserved characters")
object ParamContExp {
def apply(names: String*): ParamContExp = new ParamContExp(names.toList)
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