org.http4s.EntityDecoder.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Core http4s library for servers and clients
* Copyright 2013
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.http4s
import cats.Applicative
import cats.Functor
import cats.Monad
import cats.SemigroupK
import cats.effect.Concurrent
import cats.effect.Resource
import cats.syntax.all._
import fs2._
import org.http4s.Charset.`UTF-8`
import org.http4s.multipart.Multipart
import org.http4s.multipart.MultipartDecoder
import scodec.bits.ByteVector
import scala.annotation.implicitNotFound
/** A type that can be used to decode a [[Message]]
* EntityDecoder is used to attempt to decode a [[Message]] returning the
* entire resulting A. If an error occurs it will result in a failed effect.
* The default decoders provided here are not streaming, but one could implement
* a streaming decoder by having the value of A be some kind of streaming construct.
* @tparam T result type produced by the decoder
"Cannot decode into a value of type ${T}, because no EntityDecoder[${F}, ${T}] instance could be found."
trait EntityDecoder[F[_], T] { self =>
/** Attempt to decode the body of the [[Message]] */
def decode(m: Media[F], strict: Boolean): DecodeResult[F, T]
/** The [[MediaRange]]s this [[EntityDecoder]] knows how to handle */
def consumes: Set[MediaRange]
/** Make a new [[EntityDecoder]] by mapping the output result */
def map[T2](f: T => T2)(implicit F: Functor[F]): EntityDecoder[F, T2] =
new EntityDecoder[F, T2] {
override def consumes: Set[MediaRange] = self.consumes
override def decode(m: Media[F], strict: Boolean): DecodeResult[F, T2] =
self.decode(m, strict).map(f)
def flatMapR[T2](f: T => DecodeResult[F, T2])(implicit F: Monad[F]): EntityDecoder[F, T2] =
new EntityDecoder[F, T2] {
override def decode(m: Media[F], strict: Boolean): DecodeResult[F, T2] =
self.decode(m, strict).flatMap(f)
override def consumes: Set[MediaRange] = self.consumes
def handleError(f: DecodeFailure => T)(implicit F: Functor[F]): EntityDecoder[F, T] =
transform {
case Left(e) => Right(f(e))
case r @ Right(_) => r
def handleErrorWith(
f: DecodeFailure => DecodeResult[F, T]
)(implicit F: Monad[F]): EntityDecoder[F, T] =
transformWith {
case Left(e) => f(e)
case Right(r) => DecodeResult.successT(r)
def bimap[T2](f: DecodeFailure => DecodeFailure, s: T => T2)(implicit
F: Functor[F]
): EntityDecoder[F, T2] =
transform {
case Left(e) => Left(f(e))
case Right(r) => Right(s(r))
def transform[T2](
t: Either[DecodeFailure, T] => Either[DecodeFailure, T2]
)(implicit F: Functor[F]): EntityDecoder[F, T2] =
new EntityDecoder[F, T2] {
override def consumes: Set[MediaRange] = self.consumes
override def decode(m: Media[F], strict: Boolean): DecodeResult[F, T2] =
self.decode(m, strict).transform(t)
def biflatMap[T2](f: DecodeFailure => DecodeResult[F, T2], s: T => DecodeResult[F, T2])(implicit
F: Monad[F]
): EntityDecoder[F, T2] =
transformWith {
case Left(e) => f(e)
case Right(r) => s(r)
def transformWith[T2](
f: Either[DecodeFailure, T] => DecodeResult[F, T2]
)(implicit F: Monad[F]): EntityDecoder[F, T2] =
new EntityDecoder[F, T2] {
override def consumes: Set[MediaRange] = self.consumes
override def decode(m: Media[F], strict: Boolean): DecodeResult[F, T2] =
F.flatMap(self.decode(m, strict).value)(r => f(r).value)
/** Combine two [[EntityDecoder]]'s
* The new [[EntityDecoder]] will first attempt to determine if it can perform the decode,
* and if not, defer to the second [[EntityDecoder]]
* @param other backup [[EntityDecoder]]
def orElse[T2 >: T](other: EntityDecoder[F, T2])(implicit F: Functor[F]): EntityDecoder[F, T2] =
widen[T2] <+> other
/** true if this [[EntityDecoder]] knows how to decode the provided [[MediaType]] */
def matchesMediaType(mediaType: MediaType): Boolean =
def widen[T2 >: T]: EntityDecoder[F, T2] =
this.asInstanceOf[EntityDecoder[F, T2]]
/** EntityDecoder is used to attempt to decode an [[EntityBody]]
* This companion object provides a way to create `new EntityDecoder`s along
* with some commonly used instances which can be resolved implicitly.
object EntityDecoder {
// This is not a real media type but will still be matched by `*/*`
private val UndefinedMediaType = new MediaType("UNKNOWN", "UNKNOWN")
/** summon an implicit [[EntityDecoder]] */
def apply[F[_], T](implicit ev: EntityDecoder[F, T]): EntityDecoder[F, T] = ev
implicit def semigroupKForEntityDecoder[F[_]: Functor]: SemigroupK[EntityDecoder[F, *]] =
new SemigroupK[EntityDecoder[F, *]] {
override def combineK[T](
a: EntityDecoder[F, T],
b: EntityDecoder[F, T],
): EntityDecoder[F, T] =
new EntityDecoder[F, T] {
override def decode(m: Media[F], strict: Boolean): DecodeResult[F, T] = {
val mediaType = m.contentType.fold(UndefinedMediaType)(_.mediaType)
if (a.matchesMediaType(mediaType))
a.decode(m, strict)
b.decode(m, strict).leftMap {
case MediaTypeMismatch(actual, expected) =>
MediaTypeMismatch(actual, expected ++ a.consumes)
case MediaTypeMissing(expected) =>
MediaTypeMissing(expected ++ a.consumes)
case other => other
override def consumes: Set[MediaRange] = a.consumes ++ b.consumes
/** Create a new [[EntityDecoder]]
* The new [[EntityDecoder]] will attempt to decode messages of type `T`
* only if the [[Message]] satisfies the provided [[MediaRange]].
* Exceptions thrown by `f` are not caught. Care should be taken that
* recoverable errors are returned as a [[DecodeResult#failure]], or that
* system errors are raised in `F`.
def decodeBy[F[_]: Applicative, T](r1: MediaRange, rs: MediaRange*)(
f: Media[F] => DecodeResult[F, T]
): EntityDecoder[F, T] =
new EntityDecoder[F, T] {
override def decode(m: Media[F], strict: Boolean): DecodeResult[F, T] =
if (strict)
m.contentType match {
case Some(c) if matchesMediaType(c.mediaType) => f(m)
case Some(c) => DecodeResult.failureT(MediaTypeMismatch(c.mediaType, consumes))
case None if matchesMediaType(UndefinedMediaType) => f(m)
case None => DecodeResult.failureT(MediaTypeMissing(consumes))
override val consumes: Set[MediaRange] = (r1 +: rs).toSet
/** Helper method which simply gathers the body into a single Chunk */
def collectBinary[F[_]: Concurrent](m: Media[F]): DecodeResult[F, Chunk[Byte]] =
/** Helper method which simply gathers the body into a single ByteVector */
private def collectByteVector[F[_]: Concurrent](m: Media[F]): DecodeResult[F, ByteVector] =
/** Decodes a message to a String */
def decodeText[F[_]](
m: Media[F]
)(implicit F: Concurrent[F], defaultCharset: Charset = `UTF-8`): F[String] =
// ///////////////// Instances //////////////////////////////////////////////
/** Provides a mechanism to fail decoding */
def error[F[_], T](t: Throwable)(implicit F: Concurrent[F]): EntityDecoder[F, T] =
new EntityDecoder[F, T] {
override def decode(m: Media[F], strict: Boolean): DecodeResult[F, T] =
DecodeResult(m.body.compile.drain *> F.raiseError(t))
override def consumes: Set[MediaRange] = Set.empty
implicit def binary[F[_]: Concurrent]: EntityDecoder[F, Chunk[Byte]] =
implicit def byteArrayDecoder[F[_]: Concurrent]: EntityDecoder[F, Array[Byte]] =
implicit def byteVector[F[_]: Concurrent]: EntityDecoder[F, ByteVector] =
implicit def text[F[_]](implicit
F: Concurrent[F],
defaultCharset: Charset = `UTF-8`,
): EntityDecoder[F, String] =
EntityDecoder.decodeBy(MediaRange.`text/*`)(msg =>
collectBinary(msg).map(chunk =>
new String(chunk.toArray, msg.charset.getOrElse(defaultCharset).nioCharset)
implicit def charArrayDecoder[F[_]: Concurrent]: EntityDecoder[F, Array[Char]] =
// File operations
@deprecated("Use overload with", "0.23.5")
def binFile[F[_]: Files: Concurrent](file: File): EntityDecoder[F, File] =
binFile(Path.fromNioPath(file.toPath())).map(_ => file)
@deprecated("Use overload with", "0.23.5")
def textFile[F[_]: Files: Concurrent](file: File): EntityDecoder[F, File] =
textFile(Path.fromNioPath(file.toPath())).map(_ => file)
def binFile[F[_]: Files: Concurrent](path: Path): EntityDecoder[F, Path] =
binFileImpl(path, Files[F].writeAll(path))
def binFile[F[_]: Files: Concurrent](path: Path, flags: Flags): EntityDecoder[F, Path] =
binFileImpl(path, Files[F].writeAll(path, flags))
private[this] def binFileImpl[F[_]: Concurrent](
path: Path,
pipe: Pipe[F, Byte, Nothing],
): EntityDecoder[F, Path] =
EntityDecoder.decodeBy(MediaRange.`*/*`) { msg =>
def textFile[F[_]: Files: Concurrent](path: Path): EntityDecoder[F, Path] =
textFileImpl(path, Files[F].writeAll(path))
def textFile[F[_]: Files: Concurrent](path: Path, flags: Flags): EntityDecoder[F, Path] =
textFileImpl(path, Files[F].writeAll(path, flags))
private[this] def textFileImpl[F[_]: Concurrent](
path: Path,
pipe: Pipe[F, Byte, Nothing],
): EntityDecoder[F, Path] =
EntityDecoder.decodeBy(MediaRange.`text/*`) { msg =>
implicit def multipart[F[_]: Concurrent]: EntityDecoder[F, Multipart[F]] =
/** Multipart decoder that streams all parts past a threshold
* (anything above `maxSizeBeforeWrite`) into a temporary file.
* The decoder is only valid inside the `Resource` scope; once
* the `Resource` is released, all the created files are deleted.
* Note that no files are deleted until the `Resource` is released.
* Thus, sharing and reusing the resulting `EntityDecoder` is not
* recommended, and can lead to disk space leaks.
* The intended way to use this is as follows:
* {{{
* mixedMultipartResource[F]()
* .flatTap(request.decodeWith(_, strict = true))
* .use { multipart =>
* // Use the decoded entity
* }
* }}}
* @param headerLimit the max size for the headers, in bytes. This is required as
* headers are strictly evaluated and parsed.
* @param maxSizeBeforeWrite the maximum size of a particular part before writing to a file is triggered
* @param maxParts the maximum number of parts this decoder accepts. NOTE: this also may mean that a body that doesn't
* conform perfectly to the spec (i.e isn't terminated properly) but has a lot of parts might
* be parsed correctly, despite the total body being malformed due to not conforming to the multipart
* spec. You can control this by `failOnLimit`, by setting it to true if you want to raise
* an error if sending too many parts to a particular endpoint
* @param failOnLimit Fail if `maxParts` is exceeded _during_ multipart parsing.
* @param chunkSize the size of chunks created when reading data from temporary files.
* @return A supervised multipart decoder.
def mixedMultipartResource[F[_]: Concurrent: Files](
headerLimit: Int = 1024,
maxSizeBeforeWrite: Int = 52428800,
maxParts: Int = 50,
failOnLimit: Boolean = false,
chunkSize: Int = 8192,
): Resource[F, EntityDecoder[F, Multipart[F]]] =
/** Multipart decoder that streams all parts past a threshold
* (anything above maxSizeBeforeWrite) into a temporary file.
* Note: (BIG NOTE) Using this decoder for multipart decoding is good for the sake of
* not holding all information in memory, as it will never have more than
* `maxSizeBeforeWrite` in memory before writing to a temporary file. On top of this,
* you can gate the # of parts to further stop the quantity of parts you can have.
* That said, because after a threshold it writes into a temporary file, given
* bincompat reasons on 0.18.x, there is no way to make a distinction about which `Part[F]`
* is a stream reference to a file or not. Thus, consumers using this decoder
* should drain all `Part[F]` bodies if they were decoded correctly. That said,
* this decoder gives you more control about how many part bodies it parses in the first place, thus you can have
* more fine-grained control about how many parts you accept.
* @param headerLimit the max size for the headers, in bytes. This is required as
* headers are strictly evaluated and parsed.
* @param maxSizeBeforeWrite the maximum size of a particular part before writing to a file is triggered
* @param maxParts the maximum number of parts this decoder accepts. NOTE: this also may mean that a body that doesn't
* conform perfectly to the spec (i.e isn't terminated properly) but has a lot of parts might
* be parsed correctly, despite the total body being malformed due to not conforming to the multipart
* spec. You can control this by `failOnLimit`, by setting it to true if you want to raise
* an error if sending too many parts to a particular endpoint
* @param failOnLimit Fail if `maxParts` is exceeded _during_ multipart parsing.
* @return A multipart/form-data encoded vector of parts with some part bodies held in
* temporary files.
@deprecated("Use mixedMultipartResource", "0.23")
def mixedMultipart[F[_]: Concurrent: Files](
headerLimit: Int = 1024,
maxSizeBeforeWrite: Int = 52428800,
maxParts: Int = 50,
failOnLimit: Boolean = false,
): EntityDecoder[F, Multipart[F]] =
MultipartDecoder.mixedMultipart(headerLimit, maxSizeBeforeWrite, maxParts, failOnLimit)
@deprecated("Broken. An entity decoder cannot return a Stream", "0.23.17")
implicit def eventStream[F[_]: Applicative]: EntityDecoder[F, EventStream[F]] =
EntityDecoder.decodeBy(MediaType.`text/event-stream`) { msg =>
/** An entity decoder that ignores the content and returns unit. */
implicit def void[F[_]: Concurrent]: EntityDecoder[F, Unit] =
EntityDecoder.decodeBy(MediaRange.`*/*`) { msg =>
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