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org.http4s.Message.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Copyright 2013
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.http4s

import cats.Applicative
import cats.Monad
import cats.effect.Concurrent
import cats.effect.Sync
import cats.effect.SyncIO
import cats.syntax.all._
import cats.~>
import fs2.Chunk
import fs2.Pipe
import fs2.Pull
import fs2.Pure
import fs2.Stream
import fs2.text.utf8
import org.http4s.Message.EntityStreamException
import org.http4s.headers._
import org.http4s.internal.CurlConverter
import org.http4s.syntax.KleisliSyntax
import org.typelevel.vault._

import scala.util.control.NoStackTrace
import scala.util.hashing.MurmurHash3

/** Represents a HTTP Message. The interesting subclasses are Request and Response.
sealed trait Message[F[_]] extends Media[F] { self =>
  type SelfF[F2[_]] <: Message[F2] { type SelfF[F3[_]] = self.SelfF[F3] }
  type Self = SelfF[F]

  def httpVersion: HttpVersion

  def headers: Headers

  def body: EntityBody[F]

  def attributes: Vault

  protected def change(
      httpVersion: HttpVersion = httpVersion,
      body: EntityBody[F] = body,
      headers: Headers = headers,
      attributes: Vault = attributes,
  ): Self

  def withHttpVersion(httpVersion: HttpVersion): Self =
    change(httpVersion = httpVersion)

  def withHeaders(headers: Headers): Self =
    change(headers = headers)

  def withHeaders(headers: Header.ToRaw*): Self =
    withHeaders(Headers(headers: _*))

  def withAttributes(attributes: Vault): Self =
    change(attributes = attributes)

  // Body methods

  /** Replace the body of this message with a new body
    * @param b body to attach to this method
    * @param w [[EntityEncoder]] with which to convert the body to an [[EntityBody]]
    * @tparam T type of the Body
    * @return a new message with the new body
  def withEntity[T](b: T)(implicit w: EntityEncoder[F, T]): Self = {
    val entity = w.toEntity(b)

    val hsBase = headers ++ w.headers
    val cl: Option[`Content-Length`] = entity.length match {
      case Some(l) =>
            _ => {
                .warn(s"Attempt to provide a negative content length of $l")
      case None => None

    change(body = entity.body, headers = cl.fold(hsBase)(hsBase.withContentLength))

  /** Sets the entity body without affecting headers such as `Transfer-Encoding`
    * or `Content-Length`. Most use cases are better served by [[withEntity]],
    * which uses an [[EntityEncoder]] to maintain the headers.
    * WARNING: this method does not modify the headers of the message, and as
    * a consequence headers may be incoherent with the body.
  def withBodyStream(body: EntityBody[F]): Self =
    change(body = body)

  /** Set an empty entity body on this message, and remove all payload headers
    * that make no sense with an empty body.
  def withEmptyBody: Self =

  /** Applies the given pipe to the entity body (byte-stream) of this message.
    * WARNING: this method does not modify the headers of the message, and as
    * a consequence headers may be incoherent with the body.
  private[http4s] def pipeBodyThrough(pipe: Pipe[F, Byte, Byte]): Self =

  // General header methods

  def transformHeaders(f: Headers => Headers): Self =
    change(headers = f(headers))

  /** Keep headers that satisfy the predicate
    * @param f predicate
    * @return a new message object which has only headers that satisfy the predicate
  def filterHeaders(f: Header.Raw => Boolean): Self =

  def removeHeader(key: CIString): Self =
    transformHeaders(_.transform(_.filterNot( == key)))

  def removeHeader[A](implicit h: Header[A, _]): Self =

  /** Add the provided headers to the existing headers, replacing those
    * of the same header name
    * {{{
    * >>> import cats.effect.IO
    * >>> import org.http4s.headers.Accept
    * >>> val req = Request[IO]().putHeaders(Accept(MediaRange.`application/*`))
    * >>> req.headers.get[Accept]
    * Some(Accept(NonEmptyList(application/*)))
    * >>> val req2 = req.putHeaders(Accept(MediaRange.`text/*`))
    * >>> req2.headers.get[Accept]
    * Some(Accept(NonEmptyList(text/*)))
    * }}}
    * */*/*/*/
  def putHeaders(headers: Header.ToRaw*): Self =
    transformHeaders(_.put(headers: _*))

  /** Add a header to these headers.  The header should be a type with a
    * recurring `Header` instance to ensure that the new value can be
    * appended to any existing values.
    * {{{
    * >>> import cats.effect.IO
    * >>> import org.http4s.headers.Accept
    * >>> val req = Request[IO]().addHeader(Accept(MediaRange.`application/*`))
    * >>> req.headers.get[Accept]
    * Some(Accept(NonEmptyList(application/*)))
    * >>> val req2 = req.addHeader(Accept(MediaRange.`text/*`))
    * >>> req2.headers.get[Accept]
    * Some(Accept(NonEmptyList(application/*, text/*)))
    * }}}
    * */*/*/*/*/
  def addHeader[H: Header[*, Header.Recurring]](h: H): Self =

  def withTrailerHeaders(trailerHeaders: F[Headers]): Self =
    withAttribute(Message.Keys.TrailerHeaders[F], trailerHeaders)

  def withoutTrailerHeaders: Self =

  /** The trailer headers, as specified in Section 3.6.1 of RFC 2616. The resulting
    * F might not complete until the entire body has been consumed.
  def trailerHeaders(implicit F: Applicative[F]): F[Headers] =

  // Specific header methods

  def withContentType(contentType: `Content-Type`): Self =

  def withoutContentType: Self =

  def withContentTypeOption(contentTypeO: Option[`Content-Type`]): Self =

  def isChunked: Boolean =

  // Attribute methods

  /** Generates a new message object with the specified key/value pair appended
    * to the [[attributes]].
    * @param key [[org.typelevel.vault.Key]] with which to associate the value
    * @param value value associated with the key
    * @tparam A type of the value to store
    * @return a new message object with the key/value pair appended
  def withAttribute[A](key: Key[A], value: A): Self =
    change(attributes = attributes.insert(key, value))

  /** Returns a new message object without the specified key in the
    * [[attributes]].
    * @param key [[org.typelevel.vault.Key]] to remove
    * @return a new message object without the key
  def withoutAttribute(key: Key[_]): Self =
    change(attributes = attributes.delete(key))

  /** Lifts this Message's body to the specified effect type.
  override def covary[F2[x] >: F[x]]: SelfF[F2] = this.asInstanceOf[SelfF[F2]]

  /** Compiles the body stream to a single chunk and sets it as the
    * body. Replaces any `Transfer-Encoding: chunked` with a
    * `Content-Length` header. It is the caller's responsibility to
    * assure there is enough memory to materialize the entity body and
    * control the time limits of that materialization.
    * @param maxBytes maximum length of the entity stream. If the stream
    *                 exceeds the limit then processing fails with the [[Message.EntityStreamException]].
    *                 Pass the [[scala.None]] if you don't want to limit the entity body.
  def toStrict(maxBytes: Option[Long])(implicit F: Concurrent[F]): F[Self] = {
    def withLimit(entityBody: EntityBody[F]) = maxBytes match {
      case Some(limit) =>
          .flatMap {
            case Some(_) =>
            case None =>

      case None =>

    withLimit(body) { chunk =>

object Message {
  final case class EntityStreamException(msg: String) extends Exception(msg) with NoStackTrace

  object EntityStreamException {
    def createWithDefaultMsg(maxBytes: Long): EntityStreamException =
      EntityStreamException(s"Entity stream has exceeded the maximum of $maxBytes bytes")

  private[http4s] val logger = Platform.loggerFactory.getLogger
  object Keys {
    private[this] val trailerHeaders: Key[Any] = Key.newKey[SyncIO, Any].unsafeRunSync()
    def TrailerHeaders[F[_]]: Key[F[Headers]] = trailerHeaders.asInstanceOf[Key[F[Headers]]]

/** Representation of an incoming HTTP message
  * A Request encapsulates the entirety of the incoming HTTP request including the
  * status line, headers, and a possible request body.
  * @param method [[Method.GET]], [[Method.POST]], etc.
  * @param uri representation of the request URI
  * @param httpVersion the HTTP version
  * @param headers collection of [[Header]]s
  * @param body fs2.Stream[F, Byte] defining the body of the request
  * @param attributes Immutable Map used for carrying additional information in a type safe fashion
final class Request[F[_]] private (
    val method: Method,
    val uri: Uri,
    val httpVersion: HttpVersion,
    val headers: Headers,
    val body: EntityBody[F],
    val attributes: Vault,
) extends Message[F]
    with Product
    with Serializable {
  import Request._

  type SelfF[F0[_]] = Request[F0]

  private def copy(
      method: Method = this.method,
      uri: Uri = this.uri,
      httpVersion: HttpVersion = this.httpVersion,
      headers: Headers = this.headers,
      body: EntityBody[F] = this.body,
      attributes: Vault = this.attributes,
  ): Request[F] =
      method = method,
      uri = uri,
      httpVersion = httpVersion,
      headers = headers,
      body = body,
      attributes = attributes,

  def mapK[G[_]](f: F ~> G): Request[G] =
      method = method,
      uri = uri,
      httpVersion = httpVersion,
      headers = headers,
      body = body.translate(f),
      attributes = attributes,

  def withMethod(method: Method): Request[F] =
    copy(method = method)

  def withUri(uri: Uri): Request[F] =
    copy(uri = uri, attributes = attributes.delete(Request.Keys.PathInfoCaret))

  override protected def change(
      httpVersion: HttpVersion,
      body: EntityBody[F],
      headers: Headers,
      attributes: Vault,
  ): Request[F] =
      httpVersion = httpVersion,
      body = body,
      headers = headers,
      attributes = attributes,

  lazy val (scriptName, pathInfo) = {
    val (l, r) = uri.path.splitAt(caret)
    (l.toAbsolute, r.toAbsolute)

  private def caret =

  @deprecated(message = "Use {withPathInfo(Uri.Path)} instead", since = "0.22.0-M1")
  def withPathInfo(pi: String): Request[F] =
  def withPathInfo(pi: Uri.Path): Request[F] =
    // Don't use withUri, which clears the caret
    copy(uri = uri.withPath(scriptName.concat(pi)))

  def pathTranslated: Option[File] = attributes.lookup(Keys.PathTranslated)

  def queryString: String = uri.query.renderString

  /** cURL representation of the request.
    * Supported cURL-Parameters are: --request, --url, --header.
    * Note that `asCurl` will not print the request body.
  def asCurl(redactHeadersWhen: CIString => Boolean = Headers.SensitiveHeaders.contains): String =
    CurlConverter.requestToCurlWithoutBody(this, redactHeadersWhen)

  /** Representation of the query string as a map
    * In case a parameter is available in query string but no value is there the
    * sequence will be empty. If the value is empty the the sequence contains an
    * empty string.
    * =====Examples=====
Query StringMap
?param=vMap("param" -> Seq("v"))
?param=Map("param" -> Seq(""))
?paramMap("param" -> Seq())
?=valueMap("" -> Seq("value"))
?p1=v1&p1=v2&p2=v3&p2=v4Map("p1" -> Seq("v1","v2"), "p2" -> Seq("v3","v4"))
* * The query string is lazily parsed. If an error occurs during parsing * an empty `Map` is returned. */ def multiParams: Map[String, Seq[String]] = uri.multiParams /** View of the head elements of the URI parameters in query string. * * In case a parameter has no value the map returns an empty string. * * @see multiParams */ def params: Map[String, String] = uri.params /** Parses all available [[org.http4s.headers.Cookie]] headers into a list of * [[RequestCookie]] objects. This implementation is compatible with cookie * headers formatted per HTTP/1 and HTTP/2, or even both at the same time. */ def cookies: List[RequestCookie] = headers.get[Cookie].fold(List.empty[RequestCookie])(_.values.toList) /** Add a Cookie header for the provided [[org.http4s.headers.Cookie]] */ def addCookie(cookie: RequestCookie): Request[F] = putHeaders { headers .get[Cookie] .fold(Cookie(NonEmptyList.of(cookie))) { preExistingCookie => Cookie(preExistingCookie.values.append(cookie)) } } /** Add a Cookie header with the provided values */ def addCookie(name: String, content: String): Request[F] = addCookie(RequestCookie(name, content)) def authType: Option[AuthScheme] = headers.get[Authorization].map(_.credentials.authScheme) private def connectionInfo: Option[Connection] = attributes.lookup(Keys.ConnectionInfo) def remote: Option[SocketAddress[IpAddress]] = /** Returns the the X-Forwarded-For value if present, else the remote address. */ def from: Option[IpAddress] = headers .get[`X-Forwarded-For`] .fold( def remoteAddr: Option[IpAddress] = @deprecated("Use the variant requiring ip4s.Dns[F]", "0.23.7") def remoteHost(F: Sync[F]): F[Option[Hostname]] = { val inetAddress = } def remoteHost(implicit F: Monad[F], dns: Dns[F]): F[Option[Hostname]] = OptionT.fromOption( def remotePort: Option[Port] = def remoteUser: Option[String] = None def server: Option[SocketAddress[IpAddress]] = def serverAddr: Option[IpAddress] = server .map( .orElse( .orElse(headers.get[Host].flatMap(h => IpAddress.fromString( def serverPort: Option[Port] = server .map(_.port) .orElse(uri.port.flatMap(Port.fromInt)) .orElse(headers.get[Host].flatMap(_.port.flatMap(Port.fromInt))) /** Whether the Request was received over a secure medium */ def isSecure: Option[Boolean] = def serverSoftware: ServerSoftware = attributes.lookup(Keys.ServerSoftware).getOrElse(ServerSoftware.Unknown) /** A request is idempotent if its method is idempotent or it contains * an `Idempotency-Key` header. */ def isIdempotent: Boolean = method.isIdempotent || headers.contains[`Idempotency-Key`] def decodeWith[A](decoder: EntityDecoder[F, A], strict: Boolean)( f: A => F[Response[F]] )(implicit F: Monad[F]): F[Response[F]] = decoder .decode(this, strict = strict) .fold(_.toHttpResponse[F](httpVersion).pure[F], f) .flatten /** Helper method for decoding [[Request]]s * * Attempt to decode the [[Request]] and, if successful, execute the continuation to get a [[Response]]. * If decoding fails, an `UnprocessableEntity` [[Response]] is generated. */ def decode[A]( f: A => F[Response[F]] )(implicit F: Monad[F], decoder: EntityDecoder[F, A]): F[Response[F]] = decodeWith(decoder, strict = false)(f) /** Helper method for decoding [[Request]]s * * Attempt to decode the [[Request]] and, if successful, execute the continuation to get a [[Response]]. * If decoding fails, an `UnprocessableEntity` [[Response]] is generated. If the decoder does not support the * [[MediaType]] of the [[Request]], a `UnsupportedMediaType` [[Response]] is generated instead. */ def decodeStrict[A]( f: A => F[Response[F]] )(implicit F: Monad[F], decoder: EntityDecoder[F, A]): F[Response[F]] = decodeWith(decoder, strict = true)(f) override def hashCode(): Int = MurmurHash3.productHash(this) def canEqual(that: Any): Boolean = that match { case _: Request[_] => true case _ => false } def productArity: Int = 6 def productElement(n: Int): Any = n match { case 0 => method case 1 => uri case 2 => httpVersion case 3 => headers case 4 => body case 5 => attributes case _ => throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException() } /** A projection of this request without the body. */ def requestPrelude: RequestPrelude = RequestPrelude.fromRequest(this) override def toString: String = s"""Request(method=$method, uri=$uri, httpVersion=${httpVersion}, headers=${headers .redactSensitive()})""" } object Request { /** Representation of an incoming HTTP message * * A Request encapsulates the entirety of the incoming HTTP request including the * status line, headers, and a possible request body. * * @param method [[Method.GET]], [[Method.POST]], etc. * @param uri representation of the request URI * @param httpVersion the HTTP version * @param headers collection of [[Header]]s * @param body fs2.Stream[F, Byte] defining the body of the request * @param attributes Immutable Map used for carrying additional information in a type safe fashion */ def apply[F[_]]( method: Method = Method.GET, uri: Uri = Uri(path = Uri.Path.Root), httpVersion: HttpVersion = HttpVersion.`HTTP/1.1`, headers: Headers = Headers.empty, body: EntityBody[F] = EmptyBody, attributes: Vault = Vault.empty, ): Request[F] = new Request[F]( method = method, uri = uri, httpVersion = httpVersion, headers = headers, body = body, attributes = attributes, ) def unapply[F[_]]( request: Request[F] ): Option[(Method, Uri, HttpVersion, Headers, EntityBody[F], Vault)] = Some( ( request.method, request.uri, request.httpVersion, request.headers, request.body, request.attributes, ) ) final case class Connection( local: SocketAddress[IpAddress], remote: SocketAddress[IpAddress], secure: Boolean, ) object Keys { val PathInfoCaret: Key[Int] = Key.newKey[SyncIO, Int].unsafeRunSync() val PathTranslated: Key[File] = Key.newKey[SyncIO, File].unsafeRunSync() val ConnectionInfo: Key[Connection] = Key.newKey[SyncIO, Connection].unsafeRunSync() val ServerSoftware: Key[ServerSoftware] = Key.newKey[SyncIO, ServerSoftware].unsafeRunSync() val UnixSocketAddress: Key[UnixSocketAddress] = Key.newKey[SyncIO, UnixSocketAddress].unsafeRunSync() } } /** Representation of the HTTP response to send back to the client * * @param status [[Status]] code and message * @param headers [[Headers]] containing all response headers * @param body EntityBody[F] representing the possible body of the response * @param attributes [[org.typelevel.vault.Vault]] containing additional * parameters which may be used by the http4s backend for * additional processing such as object */ final class Response[F[_]] private ( val status: Status, val httpVersion: HttpVersion, val headers: Headers, val body: EntityBody[F], val attributes: Vault, ) extends Message[F] with Product with Serializable { type SelfF[F0[_]] = Response[F0] def mapK[G[_]](f: F ~> G): Response[G] = Response[G]( status = status, httpVersion = httpVersion, headers = headers, body = body.translate(f), attributes = attributes, ) def withStatus(status: Status): Response[F] = copy(status = status) override protected def change( httpVersion: HttpVersion, body: EntityBody[F], headers: Headers, attributes: Vault, ): Response[F] = copy( httpVersion = httpVersion, body = body, headers = headers, attributes = attributes, ) /** Add a Set-Cookie header for the provided [[ResponseCookie]] */ def addCookie(cookie: ResponseCookie): Response[F] = transformHeaders(_.add(`Set-Cookie`(cookie))) /** Add a [[org.http4s.headers.`Set-Cookie`]] header with the provided values */ def addCookie(name: String, content: String, expires: Option[HttpDate] = None): Response[F] = addCookie(ResponseCookie(name, content, expires)) /** Add a [[org.http4s.headers.`Set-Cookie`]] which will remove the specified * cookie from the client */ def removeCookie(cookie: ResponseCookie): Response[F] = addCookie(cookie.clearCookie) /** Add a [[org.http4s.headers.`Set-Cookie`]] which will remove the specified cookie from the client */ def removeCookie(name: String): Response[F] = addCookie(ResponseCookie(name, "").clearCookie) /** Returns a list of cookies from the [[org.http4s.headers.`Set-Cookie`]] * headers. Includes expired cookies, such as those that represent cookie * deletion. */ def cookies: List[ResponseCookie] = headers.get[`Set-Cookie`].foldMap(_.toList).map(_.cookie) override def hashCode(): Int = MurmurHash3.productHash(this) def copy( status: Status = this.status, httpVersion: HttpVersion = this.httpVersion, headers: Headers = this.headers, body: EntityBody[F] = this.body, attributes: Vault = this.attributes, ): Response[F] = Response[F]( status = status, httpVersion = httpVersion, headers = headers, body = body, attributes = attributes, ) def canEqual(that: Any): Boolean = that match { case _: Response[_] => true case _ => false } def productArity: Int = 5 def productElement(n: Int): Any = n match { case 0 => status case 1 => httpVersion case 2 => headers case 3 => body case 4 => attributes case _ => throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException() } /** A projection of this response without the body. */ def responsePrelude: ResponsePrelude = ResponsePrelude.fromResponse(this) override def toString: String = s"""Response(status=${status.code}, httpVersion=${httpVersion}, headers=${headers .redactSensitive()})""" } object Response extends KleisliSyntax { /** Representation of the HTTP response to send back to the client * * @param status [[Status]] code and message * @param headers [[Headers]] containing all response headers * @param body EntityBody[F] representing the possible body of the response * @param attributes [[org.typelevel.vault.Vault]] containing additional * parameters which may be used by the http4s backend for * additional processing such as object */ def apply[F[_]]( status: Status = Status.Ok, httpVersion: HttpVersion = HttpVersion.`HTTP/1.1`, headers: Headers = Headers.empty, body: EntityBody[F] = EmptyBody, attributes: Vault = Vault.empty, ): Response[F] = new Response(status, httpVersion, headers, body, attributes) def unapply[F[_]]( response: Response[F] ): Option[(Status, HttpVersion, Headers, EntityBody[F], Vault)] = Some( (response.status, response.httpVersion, response.headers, response.body, response.attributes) ) private[this] val pureNotFound: Response[Pure] = Response( Status.NotFound, body = Stream("Not found").through(utf8.encode), headers = Headers( `Content-Type`(MediaType.text.plain, Charset.`UTF-8`), `Content-Length`.unsafeFromLong(9L), ), ) def notFound[F[_]]: Response[F] = pureNotFound.covary[F] def notFoundFor[F[_]: Applicative](request: Request[F])(implicit encoder: EntityEncoder[F, String] ): F[Response[F]] = Response[F](Status.NotFound).withEntity(s"${request.pathInfo} not found").pure[F] def timeout[F[_]]: Response[F] = Response[F](Status.ServiceUnavailable).withEntity("Response timed out") }

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