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org.http4s.Uri.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

There is a newer version: 1.0.0-M43
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 * Copyright 2013
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

 * Copyright 2013-2020
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
 * Based on
 * Copyright (c) 2011 Mojolly Ltd.
 * See licenses/LICENSE_rl

package org.http4s

import cats.Contravariant
import cats.Eval
import cats.Hash
import cats.Order
import cats.Show
import cats.kernel.Semigroup
import cats.parse.Parser0
import cats.parse.{Parser => P}
import cats.syntax.all._
import org.http4s.internal.UriCoding
import org.http4s.internal.compareField
import org.http4s.internal.hashLower
import org.http4s.internal.parsing.Rfc3986
import org.http4s.internal.reduceComparisons
import org.http4s.util.Renderable
import org.http4s.util.Writer

import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import java.nio.CharBuffer
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
import java.nio.charset.{Charset => JCharset}
import scala.collection.immutable
import scala.util.hashing.MurmurHash3

/** Representation of the [[Request]] URI
  * @param scheme     optional Uri Scheme. eg, http, https
  * @param authority  optional Uri Authority. eg, localhost:8080,
  * @param path       url-encoded string representation of the path component of the Uri.
  * @param query      optional Query. url-encoded.
  * @param fragment   optional Uri Fragment. url-encoded.
final case class Uri(
    scheme: Option[Uri.Scheme] = None,
    authority: Option[Uri.Authority] = None,
    path: Uri.Path = Uri.Path.empty,
    query: Query = Query.empty,
    fragment: Option[Uri.Fragment] = None,
) extends QueryOps
    with Renderable {

  /** Adds the path exactly as described. Any path element must be urlencoded ahead of time.
    * @param path the path string to replace
  @deprecated("Use {withPath(Uri.Path)} instead", "0.22.0-M1")
  def withPath(path: String): Uri = copy(path = Uri.Path.unsafeFromString(path))

  def withPath(path: Uri.Path): Uri = copy(path = path)

  def withFragment(fragment: Uri.Fragment): Uri = copy(fragment = Option(fragment))

  def withoutFragment: Uri = copy(fragment = Option.empty[Uri.Fragment])

  /** Urlencodes and adds a path segment to the Uri
    * @param newSegment the segment to add.
    * @return a new uri with the segment added to the path
  def addSegment(newSegment: String): Uri = addSegment[String](newSegment)

  /** Urlencodes and adds a path segment to the Uri
    * @tparam Type to be encoded to a Uri Segment
    * @param newSegment the segment to add.
    * @return a new uri with the segment added to the path
  def addSegment[A: Uri.Path.SegmentEncoder](newSegment: A): Uri =
    copy(path = path / newSegment)

  /** This is an alias to [[addSegment(*]]
  def /(newSegment: String): Uri = addSegment[String](newSegment)

  /** This is an alias to [[addSegment[*]]]
  def /[A: Uri.Path.SegmentEncoder](newSegment: A): Uri = addSegment[A](newSegment)

  /** Splits the path segments and adds each of them to the path url-encoded.
    * A segment is delimited by /
    * @param morePath the path to add
    * @return a new uri with the segments added to the path
  def addPath(morePath: String): Uri =
    copy(path = morePath.split("/").foldLeft(path)((p, segment) => p.addSegment(segment)))

  def host: Option[Uri.Host] =
  def port: Option[Int] = authority.flatMap(_.port)
  def userInfo: Option[Uri.UserInfo] = authority.flatMap(_.userInfo)

  def resolve(relative: Uri): Uri = Uri.resolve(this, relative)

  /** Representation of the query string as a map
    * In case a parameter is available in query string but no value is there the
    * sequence will be empty. If the value is empty the the sequence contains an
    * empty string.
    * =====Examples=====
Query StringMap
?param=vMap("param" -> Seq("v"))
?param=Map("param" -> Seq(""))
?paramMap("param" -> Seq())
?=valueMap("" -> Seq("value"))
?p1=v1&p1=v2&p2=v3&p2=v3Map("p1" -> Seq("v1","v2"), "p2" -> Seq("v3","v4"))
* * The query string is lazily parsed. If an error occurs during parsing * an empty `Map` is returned. */ def multiParams: Map[String, immutable.Seq[String]] = query.multiParams /** View of the head elements of the URI parameters in query string. * * In case a parameter has no value the map returns an empty string. * * @see multiParams */ def params: Map[String, String] = query.params override lazy val renderString: String = super.renderString override def render(writer: Writer): writer.type = { def renderScheme(s: Uri.Scheme): writer.type = writer << s << ':' this match { case Uri(Some(s), Some(a), _, _, _) => renderScheme(s) << "//" << a case Uri(Some(s), None, _, _, _) => renderScheme(s) case Uri(None, Some(a), _, _, _) => writer << "//" << a // case Uri(None, None, _, _, _) => } this match { case Uri(_, Some(_), p, _, _) if p.nonEmpty && !p.absolute => writer << "/" << p case Uri(None, None, p, _, _) => if (!p.absolute && p.segments.headOption.fold(false)(_.toString.contains(":"))) { writer << "./" << p // last paragraph } else { writer << p } case Uri(_, _, p, _, _) => writer << p } if (query.nonEmpty) writer << '?' << query fragment.foreach { f => writer << '#' << Uri.encode(f, spaceIsPlus = false) } writer } // ///////// Query Operations /////////////// override protected type Self = Uri override protected def self: Self = this override protected def replaceQuery(query: Query): Self = copy(query = query) /** Converts this request to origin-form, which is the absolute path and optional * query. If the path is relative, it is assumed to be relative to the root. */ def toOriginForm: Uri = Uri(path = path.toAbsolute, query = query) } object Uri extends UriPlatform { /** Decodes the String to a [[Uri]] using the RFC 3986 uri decoding specification */ def fromString(s: String): ParseResult[Uri] = ParseResult.fromParser(Parser.uriReferenceUtf8, "Invalid URI")(s) /** Parses a String to a [[Uri]] according to RFC 3986. If decoding * fails, throws a [[ParseFailure]]. * * For totality, call [[fromString]]. For compile-time * verification of literals, call [[uri]]. */ def unsafeFromString(s: String): Uri = fromString(s).valueOr(throw _) /** Decodes the String to a [[Uri]] using the RFC 7230 section 5.3 uri decoding specification */ def requestTarget(s: String): ParseResult[Uri] = ParseResult.fromParser(Parser.requestTargetParser, "Invalid request target")(s) /** A [[org.http4s.Uri]] may begin with a scheme name that refers to a * specification for assigning identifiers within that scheme. * * If the scheme is defined, the URI is absolute. If the scheme is * not defined, the URI is a relative reference. * * @see [[ RFC 3986, Section 3.1, Scheme]] */ final class Scheme private[http4s] (val value: String) extends Ordered[Scheme] { override def equals(o: Any): Boolean = o match { case that: Scheme => this.value.equalsIgnoreCase(that.value) case _ => false } private[this] var hash = 0 override def hashCode(): Int = { if (hash == 0) hash = hashLower(value) hash } override def toString: String = s"Scheme($value)" override def compare(other: Scheme): Int = value.compareToIgnoreCase(other.value) } object Scheme { val http: Scheme = new Scheme("http") val https: Scheme = new Scheme("https") @deprecated("Renamed to fromString", "0.21.0-M2") def parse(s: String): ParseResult[Scheme] = fromString(s) def fromString(s: String): ParseResult[Scheme] = ParseResult.fromParser(Parser.scheme, "Invalid scheme")(s) /** Like `fromString`, but throws on invalid input */ def unsafeFromString(s: String): Scheme = fromString(s).fold(throw _, identity) implicit val http4sOrderForScheme: Order[Scheme] = Order.fromComparable implicit val http4sShowForScheme: Show[Scheme] = Show.fromToString implicit val http4sInstancesForScheme: HttpCodec[Scheme] = new HttpCodec[Scheme] { def parse(s: String): ParseResult[Scheme] = Scheme.fromString(s) def render(writer: Writer, scheme: Scheme): writer.type = writer << scheme.value } } type Fragment = String final case class Authority( userInfo: Option[UserInfo] = None, host: Host = RegName("localhost"), port: Option[Int] = None, ) extends Renderable { override def render(writer: Writer): writer.type = this match { case Authority(Some(u), h, None) => writer << u << '@' << h case Authority(Some(u), h, Some(p)) => writer << u << '@' << h << ':' << p case Authority(None, h, Some(p)) => writer << h << ':' << p case Authority(_, h, _) => writer << h } } object Authority { implicit val catsInstancesForHttp4sAuthority : Hash[Authority] with Order[Authority] with Show[Authority] = new Hash[Authority] with Order[Authority] with Show[Authority] { override def hash(x: Authority): Int = x.hashCode override def compare(x: Authority, y: Authority): Int = { def compareAuthorities[A: Order](focus: Authority => A): Int = compareField(x, y, focus) reduceComparisons( compareAuthorities(_.userInfo), Eval.later(compareAuthorities(, Eval.later(compareAuthorities(_.port)), ) } override def show(a: Authority): String = a.renderString } } final class Path private ( val segments: Vector[Path.Segment], val absolute: Boolean, val endsWithSlash: Boolean, ) extends Renderable { def isEmpty: Boolean = segments.isEmpty def nonEmpty: Boolean = segments.nonEmpty override def equals(obj: Any): Boolean = obj match { case p: Path => doEquals(p) case _ => false } private def doEquals(path: Path): Boolean = this.segments == path.segments && path.absolute == this.absolute && path.endsWithSlash == this.endsWithSlash override def hashCode(): Int = { var hash = Path.hashSeed hash = MurmurHash3.mix(hash, segments.##) hash = MurmurHash3.mix(hash, absolute.##) hash = MurmurHash3.mix(hash, endsWithSlash.##) MurmurHash3.finalizeHash(hash, 3) } def render(writer: Writer): writer.type = { val start = if (absolute) "/" else "" writer << start << segments.iterator.mkString("/") if (endsWithSlash && segments.nonEmpty) writer << "/" else writer } override val renderString: String = super.renderString override def toString: String = renderString /** This is an alias to [[addSegment(*]] */ def /(segment: Path.Segment): Path = addSegment(segment) /** This is an alias to [[addSegment[*]] */ def /[A: Path.SegmentEncoder](segment: A): Path = addSegment[A](segment) def addSegment(segment: Path.Segment): Path = { val segments = this.segments :+ segment val endsWithSlash = if (segment.isEmpty) this.endsWithSlash else false Path( segments = segments, absolute = absolute || this.segments.isEmpty, endsWithSlash = endsWithSlash, ) } def addSegment[A](segment: A)(implicit encoder: Path.SegmentEncoder[A]): Path = addSegment(encoder.toSegment(segment)) def addSegments(value: Seq[Path.Segment]): Path = if (value.isEmpty) this else { val segments = this.segments ++ value val endsWithSlash = value match { case Nil | Seq(Path.Segment.empty) => this.endsWithSlash case _ => false } Path( segments = segments, absolute = absolute || this.segments.isEmpty, endsWithSlash = endsWithSlash, ) } def normalize: Path = Path(segments.filterNot(_.isEmpty)) /* Merge paths per RFC 3986 5.2.3 */ def merge(path: Path): Path = { val merge = if (isEmpty || endsWithSlash) segments else segments.init Path(merge ++ path.segments, absolute = absolute, endsWithSlash = path.endsWithSlash) } def concat(path: Path): Path = Path( segments ++ path.segments, absolute = this.absolute || (this.isEmpty && path.absolute), endsWithSlash = path.endsWithSlash || (path.isEmpty && this.endsWithSlash), ) def startsWith(path: Path): Boolean = segments.startsWith(path.segments) def startsWithString(path: String): Boolean = startsWith(Path.unsafeFromString(path)) @deprecated("Misnamed, use findSplit(prefix) instead", since = "0.22.0-M1") def indexOf(prefix: Path): Option[Int] = findSplit(prefix) @deprecated("Misnamed, use findSplitOfString(prefix) instead", since = "0.22.0-M1") def indexOfString(path: String): Option[Int] = findSplit(Path.unsafeFromString(path)) def findSplit(prefix: Path): Option[Int] = if (startsWith(prefix)) Some(prefix.segments.size) else None def findSplitOfString(path: String): Option[Int] = findSplit(Path.unsafeFromString(path)) def splitAt(idx: Int): (Path, Path) = if (idx <= 0) { (Path.empty, this) } else if (idx < segments.size) { val (start, end) = segments.splitAt(idx) ( Path(start, absolute = absolute), Path(end, absolute = true, endsWithSlash = endsWithSlash), ) } else if (idx == segments.size) { (Path(segments, absolute = absolute), if (endsWithSlash) Path.Root else Path.empty) } else { (this, Path.empty) } private def copy( segments: Vector[Path.Segment] = segments, absolute: Boolean = absolute, endsWithSlash: Boolean = endsWithSlash, ): Path = Path(segments, absolute, endsWithSlash) def dropEndsWithSlash: Path = copy(endsWithSlash = false) def addEndsWithSlash: Path = copy(endsWithSlash = true) def toAbsolute: Path = copy(absolute = true) def toRelative: Path = copy(absolute = false) } object Path { val empty: Path = new Path(Vector.empty, absolute = false, endsWithSlash = false) val Root: Path = new Path(Vector.empty, absolute = true, endsWithSlash = true) lazy val Asterisk: Path = new Path(Vector(Segment("*")), absolute = false, endsWithSlash = false) private val hashSeed: Int = MurmurHash3.mix(MurmurHash3.productSeed, "Uri.Path".##) final class Segment private (val encoded: String) { def isEmpty = encoded.isEmpty override def equals(obj: Any): Boolean = obj match { case s: Segment => s.encoded == encoded case _ => false } override def hashCode(): Int = encoded.hashCode def decoded( charset: JCharset = StandardCharsets.UTF_8, plusIsSpace: Boolean = false, toSkip: Char => Boolean = Function.const(false), ): String = Uri.decode(encoded, charset, plusIsSpace, toSkip) override val toString: String = encoded } object Segment extends (String => Segment) { def apply(value: String): Segment = new Segment(pathEncode(value)) def encoded(value: String): Segment = new Segment(value) val empty: Segment = Segment("") implicit val http4sInstancesForSegment: Order[Segment] = new Order[Segment] { def compare(x: Segment, y: Segment): Int = } } trait SegmentEncoder[A] extends Serializable { def toSegment(a: A): Segment final def contramap[B](f: B => A): SegmentEncoder[B] = b => this.toSegment(f(b)) } object SegmentEncoder { def apply[A](implicit segmentEncoder: SegmentEncoder[A]): SegmentEncoder[A] = segmentEncoder def instance[A](f: A => Segment): SegmentEncoder[A] = f.apply _ def fromToString[A]: SegmentEncoder[A] = v => Segment(v.toString()) def fromShow[A](implicit show: Show[A]): SegmentEncoder[A] = v => Segment( implicit val segmentSegmentEncoder: SegmentEncoder[Segment] = identity[Segment] _ implicit val charSegmentEncoder: SegmentEncoder[Char] = fromToString implicit val stringSegmentEncoder: SegmentEncoder[String] = Segment.apply _ implicit val booleanSegmentEncoder: SegmentEncoder[Boolean] = fromToString implicit val byteSegmentEncoder: SegmentEncoder[Byte] = fromToString implicit val shortSegmentEncoder: SegmentEncoder[Short] = fromToString implicit val intSegmentEncoder: SegmentEncoder[Int] = fromToString implicit val longSegmentEncoder: SegmentEncoder[Long] = fromToString implicit val bigIntSegmentEncoder: SegmentEncoder[BigInt] = fromToString implicit val floatSegmentEncoder: SegmentEncoder[Float] = fromToString implicit val doubleSegmentEncoder: SegmentEncoder[Double] = fromToString implicit val bigDecimalSegmentEncoder: SegmentEncoder[BigDecimal] = fromToString implicit val uuidSegmentEncoder: SegmentEncoder[java.util.UUID] = fromToString implicit val contravariantInstance: Contravariant[SegmentEncoder] = new Contravariant[SegmentEncoder] { override def contramap[A, B](fa: SegmentEncoder[A])(f: B => A): SegmentEncoder[B] = fa.contramap(f) } } /** This constructor allows you to construct the path directly. * Each path segment needs to be encoded for it to be used here. * * @param segments the segments that this path consists of. MUST be Urlencoded. * @param absolute if the path is absolute. I.E starts with a "/" * @param endsWithSlash if the path is a "directory", ends with a "/" * @return a Uri.Path that can be used in Uri, or by itself. */ def apply( segments: Vector[Segment], absolute: Boolean = false, endsWithSlash: Boolean = false, ): Path = // make sure that we never end up with Path(Vector(), true, true) or Path(Vector(), false, true) if (segments.isEmpty && (absolute || endsWithSlash)) Root else new Path(segments, absolute, endsWithSlash) // def unapply(path: Path): Some[(Vector[Segment], Boolean, Boolean)] = // Some((path.segments, path.absolute, path.endsWithSlash)) @deprecated(message = "Use unsafeFromString instead", since = "0.22.0-M6") def fromString(fromPath: String): Path = unsafeFromString(fromPath) def unsafeFromString(fromPath: String): Path = fromPath match { case "" => empty case "/" => Root case pth => val absolute = pth.startsWith("/") val relative = if (absolute) pth.substring(1) else pth Path( segments = relative .split("/") .foldLeft(Vector.empty[Segment])((path, segment) => path :+ Segment.encoded(segment)), absolute = absolute, endsWithSlash = relative.endsWith("/"), ) } def http4sInstancesForPath: Order[Path] with Semigroup[Path] = http4sInstancesForPathBinCompat implicit val http4sInstancesForPathBinCompat: Order[Path] with Semigroup[Path] with Hash[Path] = new Order[Path] with Semigroup[Path] with Hash[Path] { def compare(x: Path, y: Path): Int = { def comparePaths[A: Order](focus: Path => A): Int = compareField(x, y, focus) reduceComparisons( comparePaths(_.absolute), Eval.later(comparePaths(_.segments)), Eval.later(comparePaths(_.endsWithSlash)), ) } def combine(x: Path, y: Path): Path = x.concat(y) def hash(x: Path): Int = x.## } } /** The userinfo subcomponent may consist of a user name and, * optionally, scheme-specific information about how to gain * authorization to access the resource. The user information, if * present, is followed by a commercial at-sign ("@") that delimits * it from the host. * * @param username The username component, decoded. * * @param password The password, decoded. Passing a password in * clear text in a URI is a security risk and deprecated by RFC * 3986, but preserved in this model for losslessness. * * @see [[ RFC 3986, Section 3.2.1, User Information]] */ final case class UserInfo private ( // scalafix:ok Http4sGeneralLinters.nonValidatingCopyConstructor; bincompat until 1.0 username: String, password: Option[String], ) extends Ordered[UserInfo] { override def compare(that: UserInfo): Int = username.compareTo(that.username) match { case 0 => Ordering.Option[String].compare(password, that.password) case cmp => cmp } } object UserInfo { /** Parses a userInfo from a percent-encoded string. */ def fromString(s: String): ParseResult[UserInfo] = fromStringWithCharset(s, StandardCharsets.UTF_8) /** Parses a userInfo from a string percent-encoded in a specific charset. */ def fromStringWithCharset(s: String, cs: JCharset): ParseResult[UserInfo] = ParseResult.fromParser(Parser.userinfo(cs), "Invalid userinfo")(s) implicit val http4sInstancesForUserInfo : HttpCodec[UserInfo] with Order[UserInfo] with Hash[UserInfo] with Show[UserInfo] = new HttpCodec[UserInfo] with Order[UserInfo] with Hash[UserInfo] with Show[UserInfo] { def parse(s: String): ParseResult[UserInfo] = UserInfo.fromString(s) def render(writer: Writer, userInfo: UserInfo): writer.type = { writer << encodeUsername(userInfo.username) userInfo.password.foreach(writer << ":" << encodePassword(_)) writer } private val SkipEncodeInUsername = Unreserved ++ "!$&'()*+,;=" private def encodeUsername(s: String, charset: JCharset = StandardCharsets.UTF_8): String = encode(s, charset, false, SkipEncodeInUsername) private val SkipEncodeInPassword = SkipEncodeInUsername ++ ":" private def encodePassword(s: String, charset: JCharset = StandardCharsets.UTF_8): String = encode(s, charset, false, SkipEncodeInPassword) def compare(x: UserInfo, y: UserInfo): Int = x.compareTo(y) def hash(x: UserInfo): Int = x.hashCode def show(x: UserInfo): String = x.toString } } sealed trait Host extends Renderable { def value: String override def render(writer: Writer): writer.type = this match { case RegName(n) => writer << encode(n.toString) case a: Ipv4Address => writer << a.value case a: Ipv6Address => writer << '[' << a << ']' } def toIpAddress: Option[ip4s.IpAddress] = this match { case Ipv4Address(a) => Some(a) case Ipv6Address(a) => Some(a) case RegName(_) => None } } object Host { def fromString(s: String): ParseResult[Host] = ParseResult.fromParser(, "Invalid host")(s) def unsafeFromString(s: String): Host = fromString(s).fold(throw _, identity) /** Create a [[Host]] value from an [[]]. * * This is a convenience method for creating the correct host based on * the underlying IP protocol version of the given address, either IPv4 * or IPv6. */ def fromIpAddress(value: ip4s.IpAddress): Host = value match { case value: ip4s.Ipv4Address => Ipv4Address(value) case value: ip4s.Ipv6Address => Ipv6Address(value) } /** Create a [[Host]] value from a [[]]. */ def fromIp4sHost(value: ip4s.Host): Host = value match { case address: ip4s.IpAddress => fromIpAddress(address) case hostname: ip4s.Hostname => RegName.fromHostname(hostname) case idn: ip4s.IDN => RegName.fromHostname(idn.hostname) } implicit val catsInstancesForHttp4sUriHost: Hash[Host] with Order[Host] with Show[Host] = new Hash[Host] with Order[Host] with Show[Host] { override def hash(x: Host): Int = x match { case x: Ipv4Address => x.hash case x: Ipv6Address => x.hash case x: RegName => x.hash } override def compare(x: Host, y: Host): Int = (x, y) match { case (x: Ipv4Address, y: Ipv4Address) => case (x: Ipv6Address, y: Ipv6Address) => case (x: RegName, y: RegName) => // Differing ADT constructors // Ipv4Address is arbitrarily considered > all Ipv6Address and RegName case (_: Ipv4Address, _) => 1 case (_, _: Ipv4Address) => -1 // Ipv6Address is arbitrarily considered > all RegName case (_: Ipv6Address, _) => 1 case (_, _: Ipv6Address) => -1 } override def show(a: Host): String = a.renderString } } final case class Ipv4Address(address: ip4s.Ipv4Address) extends Host with Ordered[Ipv4Address] with Serializable { override def toString: String = s"Ipv4Address($value)" override def compare(that: Ipv4Address): Int = def toByteArray: Array[Byte] = address.toBytes @deprecated("Use address.toInetAddress", "0.23.5") def toInet4Address: Inet4Address = address.toInetAddress def value: String = address.toString } object Ipv4Address { def fromString(s: String): ParseResult[Ipv4Address] = ParseResult.fromParser(Parser.ipv4Address, "Invalid IPv4 Address")(s) /** Like `fromString`, but throws on invalid input */ def unsafeFromString(s: String): Ipv4Address = fromString(s).fold(throw _, identity) def fromByteArray(bytes: Array[Byte]): ParseResult[Ipv4Address] = bytes match { case Array(a, b, c, d) => Right(fromBytes(a, b, c, d)) case _ => Left(ParseFailure("Invalid Ipv4Address", s"Byte array not exactly four bytes: ${bytes}")) } def fromBytes(a: Byte, b: Byte, c: Byte, d: Byte): Ipv4Address = apply(ip4s.Ipv4Address.fromBytes(a.toInt, b.toInt, c.toInt, d.toInt)) @deprecated("Use apply(ip4s.Ipv4Address.fromInet4Address(address))", "0.23.5") def fromInet4Address(address: Inet4Address): Ipv4Address = apply(ip4s.Ipv4Address.fromInet4Address(address)) implicit val http4sInstancesForIpv4Address: HttpCodec[Ipv4Address] with Order[Ipv4Address] with Hash[Ipv4Address] with Show[Ipv4Address] = new HttpCodec[Ipv4Address] with Order[Ipv4Address] with Hash[Ipv4Address] with Show[Ipv4Address] { def parse(s: String): ParseResult[Ipv4Address] = Ipv4Address.fromString(s) def render(writer: Writer, ipv4: Ipv4Address): writer.type = writer << ipv4.value def compare(x: Ipv4Address, y: Ipv4Address): Int = x.compareTo(y) def hash(x: Ipv4Address): Int = x.hashCode def show(x: Ipv4Address): String = x.toString } } final case class Ipv6Address(address: ip4s.Ipv6Address) extends Host with Ordered[Ipv6Address] with Serializable { override def compare(that: Ipv6Address): Int = def toByteArray: Array[Byte] = address.toBytes @deprecated("Use address.toInetAddress", "0.23.5") def toInetAddress: InetAddress = address.toInetAddress def value: String = address.toString } object Ipv6Address { def fromString(s: String): ParseResult[Ipv6Address] = ParseResult.fromParser(Parser.ipv6Address, "Invalid IPv6 address")(s) /** Like `fromString`, but throws on invalid input */ def unsafeFromString(s: String): Ipv6Address = fromString(s).fold(throw _, identity) def fromByteArray(bytes: Array[Byte]): ParseResult[Ipv6Address] = ip4s.Ipv6Address.fromBytes(bytes) match { case Some(address) => Right(Ipv6Address(address)) case None => Left( ParseFailure("Invalid Ipv6Address", s"Byte array not exactly 16 bytes: ${bytes.toSeq}") ) } @deprecated("Use apply(ip4s.Ipv6Address.fromInet6Address(address))", "0.23.5") def fromInet6Address(address: Inet6Address): Ipv6Address = apply(ip4s.Ipv6Address.fromInet6Address(address)) def fromShorts(a: Short, b: Short, c: Short, d: Short, e: Short, f: Short, g: Short, h: Short) : Ipv6Address = { val bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(16) bb.putShort(a) bb.putShort(b) bb.putShort(c) bb.putShort(d) bb.putShort(e) bb.putShort(f) bb.putShort(g) bb.putShort(h) fromByteArray(bb.array).valueOr(throw _) } implicit val http4sInstancesForIpv6Address: HttpCodec[Ipv6Address] with Order[Ipv6Address] with Hash[Ipv6Address] with Show[Ipv6Address] = new HttpCodec[Ipv6Address] with Order[Ipv6Address] with Hash[Ipv6Address] with Show[Ipv6Address] { def parse(s: String): ParseResult[Ipv6Address] = Ipv6Address.fromString(s) def render(writer: Writer, ipv6: Ipv6Address): writer.type = writer << ipv6.value def compare(x: Ipv6Address, y: Ipv6Address): Int = x.compareTo(y) def hash(x: Ipv6Address): Int = x.hashCode def show(x: Ipv6Address): String = x.toString } } final case class RegName(host: CIString) extends Host { def value: String = host.toString /** Converts this registered name to a Hostname. In the spec, for * generic schemes, a registered name need not be a valid host * name. In HTTP practice, this conversion should succeed. */ def toHostname: Option[ip4s.Hostname] = ip4s.Hostname.fromString(host.toString) } object RegName { def apply(name: String): RegName = new RegName(CIString(name)) def fromHostname(hostname: ip4s.Hostname): RegName = RegName(CIString(hostname.toString)) implicit val catsInstancesForHttp4sUriRegName : Hash[RegName] with Order[RegName] with Show[RegName] = new Hash[RegName] with Order[RegName] with Show[RegName] { override def hash(x: RegName): Int = x.hashCode override def compare(x: RegName, y: RegName): Int = override def show(a: RegName): String = a.toString } } /** Resolve a relative Uri reference, per RFC 3986 sec 5.2 */ def resolve(base: Uri, reference: Uri): Uri = { val target = (base, reference) match { case (_, Uri(Some(_), _, _, _, _)) => reference case (Uri(s, _, _, _, _), Uri(_, a @ Some(_), p, q, f)) => Uri(s, a, p, q, f) case (Uri(s, a, p, q, _), Uri(_, _, pa, Query.empty, f)) if pa.isEmpty => Uri(s, a, p, q, f) case (Uri(s, a, p, _, _), Uri(_, _, pa, q, f)) if pa.isEmpty => Uri(s, a, p, q, f) case (Uri(s, a, bp, _, _), Uri(_, _, p, q, f)) => if (p.absolute) Uri(s, a, p, q, f) else Uri(s, a, bp.merge(p), q, f) } target.withPath(removeDotSegments(target.path)) } /** Remove dot sequences from a Path, per RFC 3986 Sec 5.2.4 * Adapted from" * */ def removeDotSegments(path: Uri.Path): Uri.Path = { // (Bulleted comments are from RFC3986, section-5.2.4) // 1. The input buffer is initialized with the now-appended path // components and the output buffer is initialized to the empty // string. val in = new StringBuilder(path.renderString) val out = new StringBuilder // 2. While the input buffer is not empty, loop as follows: while (in.nonEmpty) // A. If the input buffer begins with a prefix of "../" or "./", // then remove that prefix from the input buffer; otherwise, if (startsWith(in, "../")) deleteStart(in, "../") else if (startsWith(in, "./")) deleteStart(in, "./") // B. if the input buffer begins with a prefix of "/./" or "/.", // where "." is a complete path segment, then replace that // prefix with "/" in the input buffer; otherwise, else if (startsWith(in, "/./")) replaceStart(in, "/./", "/") else if (equalStrings(in, "/.")) replaceStart(in, "/.", "/") // C. if the input buffer begins with a prefix of "/../" or "/..", // where ".." is a complete path segment, then replace that // prefix with "/" in the input buffer and remove the last // segment and its preceding "/" (if any) from the output // buffer; otherwise, else if (startsWith(in, "/../")) { replaceStart(in, "/../", "/") removeLastSegment(out) } else if (equalStrings(in, "/..")) { replaceStart(in, "/..", "/") removeLastSegment(out) } // D. if the input buffer consists only of "." or "..", then remove // that from the input buffer; otherwise, else if (equalStrings(in, "..")) deleteStart(in, "..") else if (equalStrings(in, ".")) deleteStart(in, ".") // E. move the first path segment in the input buffer to the end of // the output buffer, including the initial "/" character (if // any) and any subsequent characters up to, but not including, // the next "/" character or the end of the input buffer. else in.indexOf("/", 1) match { case nextSlashIndex if nextSlashIndex > -1 => out.append(in.substring(0, nextSlashIndex)) in.delete(0, nextSlashIndex) case _ => out.append(in) in.setLength(0) } // 3. Finally, the output buffer is returned as the result of // remove_dot_segments. Uri.Path.unsafeFromString(out.toString) } // Helper functions for removeDotSegments private def startsWith(b: StringBuilder, str: String): Boolean = b.indexOf(str) == 0 private def equalStrings(b: StringBuilder, str: String): Boolean = b.length == str.length && startsWith(b, str) private def deleteStart(b: StringBuilder, str: String): StringBuilder = b.delete(0, str.length) private def replaceStart(b: StringBuilder, target: String, replacement: String): StringBuilder = { deleteStart(b, target) b.insert(0, replacement) } private def removeLastSegment(b: StringBuilder): Unit = b.lastIndexOf("/") match { case -1 => b.setLength(0) case n => b.setLength(n) } private[http4s] def Unreserved = UriCoding.Unreserved /** Percent-encodes a string. Depending on the parameters, this method is * appropriate for URI or URL form encoding. Any resulting percent-encodings * are normalized to uppercase. * * @param toEncode the string to encode * @param charset the charset to use for characters that are percent encoded * @param spaceIsPlus if space is not skipped, determines whether it will be * rendreed as a `"+"` or a percent-encoding according to `charset`. * @param toSkip a predicate of characters exempt from encoding. In typical * use, this is composed of all Unreserved URI characters and sometimes a * subset of Reserved URI characters. */ def encode( toEncode: String, charset: JCharset = StandardCharsets.UTF_8, spaceIsPlus: Boolean = false, toSkip: Char => Boolean = toSkip, ): String = UriCoding.encode(toEncode, charset, spaceIsPlus, toSkip) private lazy val toSkip = UriCoding.Unreserved ++ "!$&'()*+,;=:/?@" private lazy val SkipEncodeInPath = UriCoding.Unreserved ++ ":@!$&'()*+,;=" def pathEncode(s: String, charset: JCharset = StandardCharsets.UTF_8): String = encode(s, charset, false, SkipEncodeInPath) /** Percent-decodes a string. * * @param toDecode the string to decode * @param charset the charset of percent-encoded characters * @param plusIsSpace true if `'+'` is to be interpreted as a `' '` * @param toSkip a predicate of characters whose percent-encoded form * is left percent-encoded. Almost certainly should be left empty. */ def decode( toDecode: String, charset: JCharset = StandardCharsets.UTF_8, plusIsSpace: Boolean = false, toSkip: Char => Boolean = Function.const(false), ): String = if (toDecode.indexOf('%') < 0) { if (plusIsSpace && toDecode.indexOf('+') >= 0) toDecode.replace('+', ' ') else toDecode } else { val in = CharBuffer.wrap(toDecode) // reserve enough space for 3-byte UTF-8 characters. 4-byte characters are represented // as surrogate pairs of characters, and will get a luxurious 6 bytes of space. val out = ByteBuffer.allocate(in.remaining() * 3) while (in.hasRemaining) { val mark = in.position() val c = in.get() if (c == '%') { if (in.remaining() >= 2) { val xc = in.get() val yc = in.get() val x = Character.digit(xc, 0x10) val y = Character.digit(yc, 0x10) if (x != -1 && y != -1) { val oo = (x << 4) + y if (!toSkip(oo.toChar)) { out.put(oo.toByte) } else { out.put('%'.toByte) out.put(xc.toByte) out.put(yc.toByte) } } else { out.put('%'.toByte) in.position(mark + 1) } } else { // This is an invalid encoding. Fail gracefully by treating the '%' as // a literal. out.put(c.toByte) while (in.hasRemaining) out.put(in.get().toByte) } } else if (c == '+' && plusIsSpace) { out.put(' '.toByte) } else { // normally `out.put(c.toByte)` would be enough since the url is %-encoded, // however there are cases where a string can be partially decoded // so we have to make sure the non us-ascii chars get preserved properly. if (toSkip(c)) { out.put(c.toByte) } else { out.put(charset.encode(String.valueOf(c))) } } } out.flip() charset.decode(out).toString } implicit val catsInstancesForHttp4sUri: Hash[Uri] with Order[Uri] with Show[Uri] = new Hash[Uri] with Order[Uri] with Show[Uri] { override def hash(x: Uri): Int = x.hashCode override def compare(x: Uri, y: Uri): Int = { def compareUris[A: Order](focus: Uri => A): Int = compareField(x, y, focus) reduceComparisons( compareUris(_.scheme), Eval.later(compareUris(_.authority)), Eval.later(compareUris(_.path)), Eval.later(compareUris(_.query)), Eval.later(compareUris(_.fragment)), ) } override def show(t: Uri): String = t.renderString } private[http4s] object Parser { /** port = *DIGIT * * Limitation: we only parse up to Int. The spec allows bigint! */ private[http4s] val port: Parser0[Option[Int]] = { import Rfc3986.digit digit.rep0.string.mapFilter { case "" => Some(None) case s => try Some(Some(s.toInt)) catch { case _: NumberFormatException => None } } } /* reg-name = *( unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims) */ private[http4s] val regName: Parser0[Uri.RegName] = { import Rfc3986.{pctEncoded, subDelims, unreserved} unreserved .orElse(pctEncoded) .orElse(subDelims) .rep0 .string .map(s => Uri.RegName(CIString(Uri.decode(s)))) } private[http4s] val ipv6Address: P[Uri.Ipv6Address] = private[http4s] val ipv4Address: P[Uri.Ipv4Address] = /* host = IP-literal / IPv4address / reg-name */ private[http4s] val host: Parser0[Uri.Host] = { import cats.parse.Parser.char // TODO This isn't in the 0.21 model. /* IPvFuture = "v" 1*HEXDIG "." 1*( unreserved / sub-delims / ":" ) */ val ipVFuture: P[Nothing] = /* IP-literal = "[" ( IPv6address / IPvFuture ) "]" */ val ipLiteral = char('[') *> ipv6Address.orElse(ipVFuture) <* char(']') ipLiteral.orElse(ipv4Address.backtrack).orElse(regName) } /* userinfo = *( unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":" ) */ private[http4s] def userinfo(cs: JCharset): Parser0[Uri.UserInfo] = { import cats.parse.Parser.{char, charIn, oneOf} import Rfc3986.{pctEncoded, subDelims, unreserved} val username = oneOf(unreserved :: pctEncoded :: subDelims :: Nil).rep0.string val password = oneOf(unreserved :: pctEncoded :: subDelims :: charIn(':') :: Nil).rep0.string (username ~ (char(':') *> password).?).map { case (u, p) => Uri.UserInfo(Uri.decode(u, cs),, cs))) } } /* segment = *pchar */ private[http4s] val segment: Parser0[Uri.Path.Segment] = /* segment-nz = 1*pchar */ private[http4s] val segmentNz: P[Uri.Path.Segment] = /* segment-nz-nc = 1*( unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / "@" ) ; non-zero-length segment without any colon ":" */ private[http4s] val segmentNzNc: P[Uri.Path.Segment] = Rfc3986.unreserved .orElse(Rfc3986.pctEncoded) .orElse(Rfc3986.subDelims) .orElse(P.char('@')) .rep .string .map(Uri.Path.Segment.encoded(_)) import cats.parse.Parser.{char, pure} /* path-abempty = *( "/" segment ) */ private[http4s] val pathAbempty: Parser0[Uri.Path] = (char('/') *> segment) { case Nil => Uri.Path.empty case List(Uri.Path.Segment.empty) => Uri.Path.Root case segments => val segmentsV = segments.toVector if (segmentsV.last.isEmpty) Uri.Path(segmentsV.dropRight(1), absolute = true, endsWithSlash = true) else Uri.Path(segmentsV, absolute = true, endsWithSlash = false) } /* path-absolute = "/" [ segment-nz *( "/" segment ) ] */ private[http4s] val pathAbsolute: P[Uri.Path] = (char('/') *> (segmentNz ~ (char('/') *> segment).rep0).?).map { case Some((head, tail)) => val segmentsV = head +: tail.toVector if (segmentsV.last.isEmpty) Uri.Path(segmentsV.dropRight(1), absolute = true, endsWithSlash = true) else Uri.Path(segmentsV, absolute = true, endsWithSlash = false) case None => Uri.Path.Root } /* path-rootless = segment-nz *( "/" segment ) */ private[http4s] val pathRootless: P[Uri.Path] = (segmentNz ~ (char('/') *> segment).rep0).map { case (head, tail) => val segmentsV = head +: tail.toVector if (segmentsV.last.isEmpty) Uri.Path(segmentsV.dropRight(1), absolute = false, endsWithSlash = true) else Uri.Path(segmentsV, absolute = false, endsWithSlash = false) } /* path-empty = 0 */ private[http4s] val pathEmpty: Parser0[Uri.Path] = pure(Uri.Path.empty) /* path-noscheme = segment-nz-nc *( "/" segment ) */ private[http4s] val pathNoscheme: P[Uri.Path] = (segmentNzNc ~ (char('/') *> segment).rep0).map { case (head, tail) => val segmentsV = head +: tail.toVector if (segmentsV.last.isEmpty) Uri.Path(segmentsV.dropRight(1), absolute = false, endsWithSlash = true) else Uri.Path(segmentsV, absolute = false, endsWithSlash = false) } /* absolute-path = 1*( "/" segment ) */ private[http4s] val absolutePath: P[Uri.Path] = (char('/') *> segment) { case NonEmptyList(Uri.Path.Segment.empty, Nil) => Uri.Path.Root case segments => val segmentsV = segments.toList.toVector if (segmentsV.last.isEmpty) Uri.Path(segmentsV.dropRight(1), absolute = true, endsWithSlash = true) else Uri.Path(segmentsV, absolute = true, endsWithSlash = false) } /* authority = [ userinfo "@" ] host [ ":" port ] */ private[http4s] def authority(cs: JCharset): Parser0[Uri.Authority] = ((userinfo(cs) <* char('@')).backtrack.? ~ host ~ (char(':') *> port).?).map { case ((ui, h), p) => Uri.Authority(userInfo = ui, host = h, port = p.flatten) } /* fragment = *( pchar / "/" / "?" ) * * Not URL decoded. */ private[http4s] val fragment: Parser0[Uri.Fragment] = Rfc3986.pchar.orElse(P.charIn("/?")).rep0.string /* scheme = ALPHA *( ALPHA / DIGIT / "+" / "-" / "." ) */ private[http4s] val scheme: P[Uri.Scheme] = { import cats.parse.Parser.{charIn, not, string} import Rfc3986.{alpha, digit} val unary = alpha.orElse(digit).orElse(charIn("+-.")) (string("https") <* not(unary)) .as(Uri.Scheme.https) .backtrack .orElse((string("http") <* not(unary)).as(Uri.Scheme.http)) .backtrack .orElse((alpha *> unary.rep0) Uri.Scheme(_))) } /* request-target = origin-form / absolute-form / authority-form / asterisk-form */ private[http4s] val requestTargetParser: Parser0[Uri] = { import cats.parse.Parser.{char, oneOf0} import Query.{parser => query} /* origin-form = absolute-path [ "?" query ] */ val originForm: P[Uri] = (absolutePath ~ (char('?') *> query).?).map { case (p, q) => Uri(scheme = None, authority = None, path = p, query = q.getOrElse(Query.empty)) } /* absolute-form = absolute-URI */ def absoluteForm: P[Uri] = absoluteUri(StandardCharsets.UTF_8) /* authority-form = authority */ val authorityForm: Parser0[Uri] = authority(StandardCharsets.UTF_8).map(a => Uri(authority = Some(a))) /* asterisk-form = "*" */ val asteriskForm: P[Uri] = char('*').as(Uri(path = Uri.Path.Asterisk)) oneOf0(originForm :: absoluteForm :: authorityForm :: asteriskForm :: Nil) } /* hier-part = "//" authority path-abempty * / path-absolute * / path-rootless * / path-empty */ def hierPart(cs: JCharset): Parser0[(Option[Uri.Authority], Uri.Path)] = { import P.string val rel: P[(Option[Uri.Authority], Uri.Path)] = (string("//") *> authority(cs) ~ pathAbempty).map { case (a, p) => (Some(a), p) } P.oneOf0( rel ::, _)) ::, _)) :: (None, _) ) :: Nil ) } /* absolute-URI = scheme ":" hier-part [ "?" query ] */ private[http4s] def absoluteUri(cs: JCharset): P[Uri] = { import cats.parse.Parser.char import Query.{parser => query} (scheme ~ (char(':') *> hierPart(cs)) ~ (char('?') *> query).?).map { case ((s, (a, p)), q) => Uri(scheme = Some(s), authority = a, path = p, query = q.getOrElse(Query.empty)) } } private[http4s] def uri(cs: JCharset): P[Uri] = { import cats.parse.Parser.char import Query.{parser => query} (scheme ~ (char(':') *> hierPart(cs)) ~ (char('?') *> query).? ~ (char('#') *> fragment).?) .map { case (((s, (a, p)), q), f) => Uri( scheme = Some(s), authority = a, path = p, query = q.getOrElse(Query.empty), fragment = f, ) } } /* relative-part = "//" authority path-abempty / path-absolute / path-noscheme / path-empty */ private[http4s] def relativePart(cs: JCharset): Parser0[(Option[Uri.Authority], Uri.Path)] = { import cats.parse.Parser.string P.oneOf0( (string("//") *> authority(cs) ~ pathAbempty).map { case (a, p) => (Some(a), p) } :: (pathAbsolute .map((None, _))) :: (, _))) :: (, _))) :: Nil ) } /* relative-ref = relative-part [ "?" query ] [ "#" fragment ] */ private[http4s] def relativeRef(cs: JCharset): Parser0[Uri] = { import cats.parse.Parser.char import Query.{parser => query} (relativePart(cs) ~ (char('?') *> query).? ~ (char('#') *> fragment).?).map { case (((a, p), q), f) => Uri( scheme = None, authority = a, path = p, query = q.getOrElse(Query.empty), fragment = f, ) } } private[http4s] val uriReferenceUtf8: Parser0[Uri] = uriReference(StandardCharsets.UTF_8) private[http4s] def uriReference(cs: JCharset): Parser0[Uri] = uri(cs).backtrack.orElse(relativeRef(cs)) } }

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