org.hyperscala.connect.Connect.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.hyperscala.connect
import{Actor, ActorSystem, Props}
import argonaut.Argonaut._
import argonaut._
import{HttpApplication, HttpHandler}
import{HttpResponse, HttpResponseStatus}
import org.hyperscala.html._
import org.hyperscala.javascript.JavaScriptContent
import org.hyperscala.jquery.jQuery
import org.hyperscala.module.Module
import org.hyperscala.web.{Webpage, Website}
import org.powerscala.concurrent.Time
import org.powerscala.event.Listenable
import org.powerscala.event.processor.UnitProcessor
import org.powerscala.log.Logging
import org.powerscala.{Unique, Version}
* Connect provides communication support to Hyperscala to allow the client to communicate to the server and the server
* to communicate back to the client.
* @author Matt Hicks
object Connect extends Module with Logging {
val name = "connect"
val version = Version(1)
System.setProperty("akka.daemonic", "on")
private val system = ActorSystem("RealtimePageActorSystem")
private[connect] def newActor() = system.actorOf(Props[AsynchronousFunctionActor])
object Error {
val InvalidRequest = 1
val PageNotFound = 2
val ConnectionNotFound = 3
val NoContent = 4
override def dependencies = List(jQuery)
override def init[S <: Session](website: Website[S]) = {
website.register("/js/hyperscala.connect.js", "hyperscala.connect.js")
website.register("/css/hyperscala.connect.css", "hyperscala.connect.css")
val handler = new ConnectHandler(website)(website.manifest)
website.addHandler(handler, "/hyperscala.connect/send")
website.addHandler(handler, "/hyperscala.connect/receive")
override def load[S <: Session](webpage: Webpage[S]) = {
webpage.head.contents += new tag.Link(href = "/css/hyperscala.connect.css")
webpage.head.contents += new tag.Script(src = "/js/hyperscala.connect.js")
webpage.head.contents += new tag.Script {
contents += ConnectSession(webpage)
if (!"hyperscala.connect.disableErrorDisplay", false)) {
webpage.body.contents += new tag.Div(id = "hyperscala_connect_error", clazz = List("hyperscala_connect_error_hidden")) {
contents += new tag.Div {
contents += new tag.A(id = "hyperscala_connect_error_close", titleText = "Close", clazz = List("close"))
contents += new tag.Div(id = "hyperscala_connect_error_message")
def disableErrorDisplay[S <: Session](webpage: Webpage[S]) ="hyperscala.connect.disableErrorDisplay", true)
def event[S <: Session](webpage: Webpage[S])(f: ((Connection[S], Message)) => Unit)(implicit manifest: Manifest[S]) = {
def on[S <: Session](webpage: Webpage[S], event: String)(f: Json => Unit)(implicit manifest: Manifest[S]) = {
def send[S <: Session](webpage: Webpage[S], event: String, data: Json, sendWhenConnected: Boolean = true)(implicit manifest: Manifest[S]) = {
connections(webpage).send2Client(event, data, sendWhenConnected)
def connections[S <: Session](page: Webpage[S])(implicit manifest: Manifest[S]) = {"hyperscala.connect", new Connections(page))
def createError(response: HttpResponse, code: Int, message: String) = {
warn(s"Connect.createError: $code - $message")
response.copy(status = HttpResponseStatus.BadRequest(s"$code:$message"))
class ConnectHandler[S <: Session](website: Website[S])(implicit manifest: Manifest[S]) extends HttpHandler {
def onReceive(request: HttpRequest, response: HttpResponse) = request.contentString match {
case Some(content) => {
val jsonOption = request.url.filename match {
case "receive" => content.decodeOption[ReceiveRequest]
case "send" => content.decodeOption[SendRequest]
jsonOption match {
case Some(json) => {
website.pages.byId[Webpage[S]](json.pageId) match {
case Some(page) => {
page.checkIn() // Let the page know it's still in-use
val conns = Connect.connections(page)
conns.byId(json.connectionId) match {
case Some(connection) => request.url.filename match {
case "receive" => {
val receive = json.asInstanceOf[ReceiveRequest]
connection.receive(response, receive.resend)
case "send" => {
val send = json.asInstanceOf[SendRequest]
send.messages.foreach {
case message => connection.send2Server(message)
val r = SendResponse("OK")
response.copy(content = StringContent(r.asJson.spaces2), status = HttpResponseStatus.OK)
case None => Connect.createError(response, Connect.Error.ConnectionNotFound, "Connection not found")
case None => Connect.createError(response, Connect.Error.PageNotFound, s"Page not found (id: ${json.pageId})")
case None => Connect.createError(response, Connect.Error.InvalidRequest, s"JSON ${request.url.filename} data was invalid. Actual content: [$content]")
case None => Connect.createError(response, Connect.Error.NoContent, "No content was sent in the request.")
class Connections[S <: Session](val webpage: Webpage[S])(implicit manifest: Manifest[S]) extends Listenable with Logging {
private var map = Map.empty[String, Connection[S]]
private var _backlog = List.empty[(String, Json)]
def backlog = _backlog
val created = new UnitProcessor[Connection[S]]("created")
webpage.html.onAfterRender {
if (_backlog.nonEmpty) { // Send backlog after render
_backlog.reverse.foreach {
case (event, data) => map.values.foreach(c => c.send2Client(event, data))
_backlog = Nil
def isEmpty = map.isEmpty
lazy val actor = Connect.newActor()
val messageEvent = new UnitProcessor[(Connection[S], Message)]("messageEvent")
def on(f: ((Connection[S], Message)) => Unit) = messageEvent.on(f)
def on(event: String)(f: Json => Unit) = {
messageEvent.on {
case (connection, message) => if (message.event == event) {
def create() = synchronized {
val connection = new Connection(this)
map += -> connection
def send2Client(event: String, data: Json, sendWhenConnected: Boolean) = synchronized {
if (webpage.rendered) {
map.values.foreach(c => c.send2Client(event, data))
} else if (sendWhenConnected) {
_backlog = event -> data :: _backlog
def byId(id: String) = map.get(id)
def update() = map.values.foreach(c => c.update())
class AsynchronousFunctionActor extends Actor {
def receive = {
case f: Function0[_] => f()
class Connection[S <: Session](connections: Connections[S]) extends Logging {
val id = Unique()
private var server2ClientId = 0
private var client2ServerId = 0
def nextServer2ClientId() = synchronized {
server2ClientId += 1
def webpage = connections.webpage
private var queue = List.empty[Message]
private var sentQueue = List.empty[Message]
def update() = {}
def send2Client(event: String, data: Json) = synchronized {
val m = Message(nextServer2ClientId(), event, data)
queue = m :: queue
def send2Server(message: Message) = synchronized {
val expectedId = client2ServerId + 1
if ( == expectedId) {
client2ServerId = expectedId
val website =
val request = website.request // Get the request for the current thread
val f = () => {
HttpApplication.around(request) { -> message)
} ! f // Process receives one at a time via actor
} else if ( < expectedId) { // We've already seen this one, ignore it
warn(s"ignoring already received message id: ${} (next expected: $expectedId)")
} else {
error(s"Lost messages. Expected: $expectedId but received ${}.")
def receive(response: HttpResponse, resend: Boolean) = {
if (!resend) {
Time.waitFor(30.0, precision = 0.05) { // Wait up to 30 seconds for an entry in the queue
webpage.checkIn() // Keep the page alive
synchronized {
sentQueue = queue.reverse
queue = List.empty[Message]
val q = sentQueue
val r = ReceiveResponse("OK", q)
val json = r.asJson.spaces2
response.copy(content = StringContent(json), status = HttpResponseStatus.OK)
trait Request {
def pageId: String
def connectionId: String
def timestamp: Long
case class ReceiveRequest(pageId: String, connectionId: String, timestamp: Long, resend: Boolean) extends Request
object ReceiveRequest {
implicit def ReceiveRequestCodecJson: CodecJson[ReceiveRequest] = casecodec4(ReceiveRequest.apply, ReceiveRequest.unapply)("pageId", "connectionId", "timestamp", "resend")
case class SendRequest(pageId: String, connectionId: String, timestamp: Long, messages: List[Message]) extends Request
object SendRequest {
implicit def SendRequestCodecJson: CodecJson[SendRequest] = casecodec4(SendRequest.apply, SendRequest.unapply)("pageId", "connectionId", "timestamp", "messages")
case class SendResponse(status: String)
object SendResponse {
implicit def SendResponseCodecJson: CodecJson[SendResponse] = casecodec1(SendResponse.apply, SendResponse.unapply)("status")
case class ReceiveResponse(status: String, messages: List[Message])
object ReceiveResponse {
implicit def ReceiveResonseCodecJson: CodecJson[ReceiveResponse] = casecodec2(ReceiveResponse.apply, ReceiveResponse.unapply)("status", "messages")
case class Message(id: Int, event: String, data: Json)
object Message {
implicit def MessageCodecJson: CodecJson[Message] = casecodec3(Message.apply, Message.unapply)("id", "event", "data")
case class ConnectSession[S <: Session](page: Webpage[S]) extends JavaScriptContent {
def content = { // Generate a new connection each rendering of the content
val connection ="hyperscala.connect.session", Connect.connections(page)(
|$$(document).ready(function() {
| HyperscalaConnect.init('${page.pageId}', '${}');
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