org.hyperscala.examples.comparison.PlayHelloWorldPage.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.hyperscala.examples.comparison
import org.hyperscala.css.attributes.Display
import org.hyperscala.examples.Example
import org.hyperscala.html._
import org.hyperscala.realtime._
import org.hyperscala.ui.dynamic.{DynamicContent, DynamicString}
import org.hyperscala.ui.validation._
import org.hyperscala.web.Webpage
import org.powerscala.Color
import scala.language.reflectiveCalls
* Comparison port of Play! Framework's Hello World example that's not really a Hello World example.
* Reference to the original code found here:
* @author Matt Hicks
class PlayHelloWorldPage extends Webpage with Example {
title := "The 'helloworld' application"
head.contents += new tag.Link(rel = "stylesheet", media = "screen", href = "/css/play_hello_world.css")
val main = DynamicContent.url(PlayHelloWorldPage.main, "main")
val header = main.load[tag.Header]("header")
val content = main.load[tag.Section]("content")
val submitButton = main.load[tag.Input]("submit")
val configuration = new PlayHelloWorldConfiguration(this) := Display.Block
content.contents += configuration
val results = new tag.Div(id = "results")
content.contents += results
body.contents += main
submitButton.clickEvent.on {
case evt => if ( == Display.None) {
} else if (ValidatableTag.validateAll(configuration)) {
def showResults() = {
title := "Here is the result:"
header.contents.replaceWith(new tag.A(href = "#", content = "Here is the result:") {
clickEvent := RealtimeEvent()
clickEvent.on {
case evt => showConfigure()
submitButton.value := "Back to the form" := Display.None := Display.Block
val resultName = configuration.nameInput.value()
val repeat = configuration.repeatInput.value().toInt
results.contents.replaceWith(new tag.Ul {
style.color := (configuration.colorSelect.value() match {
case "red" => Color.Red
case "green" => Color.Green
case "blue" => Color.Blue
case _ => Color.Black
(0 until repeat).foreach {
case index => contents += new tag.Li(content = resultName)
def showConfigure() = {
title := "The 'helloworld' application"
header.contents.replaceWith(new tag.A(href = "#", content = "The 'helloworld' application"))
submitButton.value := "Submit Query" := Display.Block := Display.None
class PlayHelloWorldConfiguration(page: PlayHelloWorldPage) extends DynamicContent("configure") {
def dynamicString = DynamicString.url("play_hello_world_configuration.html", PlayHelloWorldPage.configuration)
val nameContainer = load[tag.Dl]("name_field")
val nameInput = nameContainer.getById[tag.Input]("name")
val nameError = nameContainer.getById[tag.Dd]("name_error")
val repeatContainer = load[tag.Dl]("repeat_field")
val repeatInput = repeatContainer.getById[tag.Input]("repeat")
val repeatError = repeatContainer.getById[tag.Dd]("repeat_error")
val colorContainer = load[tag.Dl]("color_field")
val colorSelect = colorContainer.getById[tag.Select]("color")
val colorError = colorContainer.getById[tag.Dd]("color_error")
nameInput.addValidation(NotEmpty)(new ClassValidationHandler(classTag = nameContainer, errorContainer = nameError))
repeatInput.addValidation(IntBetween(min = 1, max = 100))(new ClassValidationHandler(classTag = repeatContainer, errorContainer = repeatError))
object PlayHelloWorldPage {
val main = url("play_hello_world.html")
val configuration = url("play_hello_world_configuration.html")
def url(filename: String) = getClass.getClassLoader.getResource(filename)