org.hyperscala.examples.ui.SocialMetadataExample.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.hyperscala.examples.ui
import org.hyperscala.BuildInfo
import org.hyperscala.bootstrap.Bootstrap
import org.hyperscala.bootstrap.component._
import org.hyperscala.css.SelectorStyleSheet
import org.hyperscala.css.attributes._
import org.hyperscala.examples.Example
import org.hyperscala.html.attributes.Target
import org.hyperscala.html.{tag, _}
import org.hyperscala.javascript.dsl.window
import org.hyperscala.selector.Selector
import org.hyperscala.ui.module.SocialMetadata
import org.hyperscala.ui.module.SocialMetadata._
import org.hyperscala.web.Webpage
import org.powerscala.{Color, IO}
import scala.language.reflectiveCalls
* @author Mark Mynsted [email protected]
* Example for Social Media Meta data [[org.hyperscala.ui.module.SocialMetadata]]
class SocialMetadataExample extends Webpage with Example {
//Common Social Meta Data values
val smTitle = "Hyperscala - SocialMetadata module"
val smDescription = """Hyperscala module, SocialMetadata provides meta data in meta tags to improve social media
|site linking and semantic search engine crawls.""".stripMargin
val smKeyWords = "Hyperscala, module, social, media, data, twitter, facebook, open, graph"
val smApplicationName = "Hyperscala"
val smImage = ""
title := smTitle
head.contents += new tag.Link(rel = "stylesheet", href = "/css/style.css")
head.contents += new tag.Link(href = "/css/social_meta_data.css")
//Meta data
head.contents += new tag.Comment("Social Meta Data: START")
//base data
head.contents += new tag.Comment("base data")
SocialMetadata.BaseData(description = smDescription, keywords = Some(smKeyWords),
applicationName = Some(smApplicationName)).tags foreach(head.contents += _)
head.contents += new tag.Comment("twitter")
SocialMetadata.TwitterData(title = smTitle,
description = smDescription, image = Some(smImage)). tags foreach(head.contents += _)
//Open Graph / Facebook
head.contents += new tag.Comment("open graph/facebook")
SocialMetadata.OpenGraphData(title = smTitle, contentType = "article",
image = smImage, canonicalUrl = "",
description = smDescription, siteName = Some(smApplicationName)).tags foreach(head.contents += _)
override lazy val html = new tag.HTML { this.makeScoped("Thing")}
head.contents += new tag.Comment("")
SocialMetadata.SchemaDotOrg(name = smTitle, description = smDescription,
image = smImage).tags foreach(head.contents += _)
head.contents += new tag.Comment("Social Meta Data: END")
//main body content
val main = new tag.Div {
contents += new StaticHTML(IO.copy(getClass.getClassLoader.getResource("social_meta_data.html")))
/* Cosmetic (Just make the content a little more readable)
body.role := "document"
new SelectorStyleSheet(Selector.element[tag.Body])(body) {
paddingTop := 100.px
paddingBottom := 30.px
val container = new Container {
clazz += "wrapper"
if (sourceURL != null) {
val filename = sourceURL.substring(sourceURL.lastIndexOf('/') + 1)
contents += new Button(s"View $filename on GitHub", buttonStyle = ButtonStyle.Primary) {
style.float := Float.Right
clickEvent :=, Target.Blank)
contents += main
body.contents += container
body.contents += new tag.Footer {
contents += new tag.I {
style.display := Display.Block
style.width := 1170.px
style.marginLeft := Length.Auto
style.marginRight := Length.Auto
style.color := Color.White
style.fontWeight := FontWeight.Bold
style.paddingBottom := 30.px
style.fontSize := FontSize.Small
style.textAlign := Alignment.Right
contents += s"©2015, version: ${BuildInfo.version}, built: ${f"${BuildInfo.buildTime}%tc"}"