org.hyperscala.ui.JustifiedGallery.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.hyperscala.ui
import org.hyperscala.realtime.Realtime
import org.hyperscala.html._
import org.powerscala.event.Listenable
import org.powerscala.{StorageComponent, Version}
import org.hyperscala.module._
import org.hyperscala.jquery.{jQueryComponent, JavaScriptCaller, jQuery}
import org.hyperscala.web._
import scala.language.implicitConversions
* Wrapper module around this jQuery project:
* @author Matt Hicks
object JustifiedGallery extends Module with JavaScriptCaller with StorageComponent[JustifiedGallery, tag.Div] {
val DefaultSizeRangeSuffixes = Map(
"lt100" -> "_t",
"lt240" -> "_m",
"lt320" -> "_n",
"lt500" -> "",
"lt640" -> "_z",
"lt1024" -> "_b"
def name = "justified-gallery"
def version = Version(3, 2, 0)
implicit def tag2Gallery(t: tag.Div) = apply(t)
override def apply(t: tag.Div) = {
protected def create(t: tag.Div) = new JustifiedGallery(t)
override def dependencies = List(InterfaceWithDefault(jQuery, jQuery.Latest), Realtime)
override def init[S <: Session](website: Website[S]) = {
website.addClassPath("/justified-gallery", "justified-gallery")
override def load[S <: Session](webpage: Webpage[S]) = {
webpage.head.contents += new tag.Link(href = "/justified-gallery/justifiedGallery.min.css")
webpage.head.contents += new tag.Script(mimeType = "text/javascript", src = "/justified-gallery/jquery.justifiedGallery.min.js")
class JustifiedGallery private(val wrapped: tag.Div, val autoInit: Boolean = true) extends jQueryComponent {
def functionName = "justifiedGallery"
implicit def listenable: Listenable = wrapped
val rowHeight = property("rowHeight", 120)
val maxRowHeight = property("maxRowHeight", 0)
val sizeRangeSuffixes = property("sizeRangeSuffixes", JustifiedGallery.DefaultSizeRangeSuffixes)
val lastRow = property("lastRow", "nojustify")
val fixedHeight = property("fixedHeight", false)
val captions = property("captions", true)
val margins = property("margins", 1)
val randomize = property("randomize", false)
val refreshTime = property("refreshTime", 250)
val rel = property("rel", "")
val target = property("target", "")
val justifyThreshold = property("justifyThreshold", 0.35)
val cssAnimation = property("cssAnimation", false)
val captionsAnimationDuration = property("captionsAnimationDuration", 500)
val imagesAnimationDuration = property("imagesAnimationDuration", 300)
val captionsVisibleOpacity = property("captionsVisibleOpacity", 0.7)
def refresh() = call()