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xml.xsd.FrankConfig-compatibility.xsd Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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        If the Configuration should automatically start all Adapters and Jobs.
        Configurations should be wired through Spring, which in turn should call #setBeanName(String).
 Once the ConfigurationContext has a name it should not be changed anymore, hence
 super.setBeanName(String) only sets the name once.
 If not created by Spring, the setIdCalled flag in AbstractRefreshableConfigApplicationContext wont be set, allowing the name to be updated.

 The DisplayName will always be updated, which is purely used for logging purposes.
        reference to a configuration to be included in the current.
        name of the adapter
        some functional description of the <code>Adapter</code>
        AutoStart indicates that the adapter should be started when the configuration
 is started. Default: <code>true</code>
        If <code>true</code> a null message is replaced by an empty message Default: <code>false</code>
        number of message displayed in ibisconsole Default: 10
        Defines behaviour for logging messages. Configuration is done in the MSG appender in Default: <code>INFO, unless overridden by property msg.log.level.default</code>
        If set to <code>true</code>, the length of the message is shown in the msg log instead of the content of the message Default: <code>false</code>
        Sets the name of the Receiver, as known to the Adapter.
 If the listener implements the name interface and <code>getName()</code>
 of the listener is empty, the name of this object is given to the listener.
        One of 'continue' or 'close'. Controls the behaviour of the Receiver when it encounters an error sending a reply or receives an exception asynchronously Default: CONTINUE
        The number of threads that may execute a Pipeline concurrently (only for pulling listeners) Default: 1
        The number of threads that are actively polling for messages concurrently. '0' means 'limited only by <code>numthreads</code>' (only for pulling listeners) Default: 1
        The number of seconds waited after an unsuccessful poll attempt, before another poll attempt is made. Only for polling listeners, not for e.g. ifsa, jms, webservice or javaListeners Default: 10
        timeout (in seconds) to start receiver. If this timeout is exceeded, the Receiver startup is
  aborted and all resources closed and the receiver will be in state {@code EXCEPTION_STARTING}
  and a new start command may be issued again.
        timeout (in seconds) to stop receiver. If this timeout is exceeded, stopping will be aborted
  and the receiver will be in state {@code EXCEPTION_STOPPING}.
  The receiver will no longer be running but some resources might not have been cleaned up properly.
        If set to <code>true</code>, each message is checked for presence in the messageLog. If already present, it is not processed again. Only required for non XA compatible messaging. Requires messageLog! Default: false
        (Only used when <code>checkForDuplicates=true</code>) Indicates whether the messageid or the correlationid is used for checking presence in the message log Default: MESSAGEID
        The maximum delivery count after which to stop processing the message (only for listeners that know the delivery count of received messages). If -1 the delivery count is ignored Default: 5
        The number of times a processing attempt is automatically retried after an exception is caught or rollback is experienced. If <code>maxRetries &lt; 0</code> the number of attempts is infinite Default: 1
        Size of the cache to keep process results, used by maxRetries Default: 100
        XPath expression to extract correlationid from message
        Namespace defintions for correlationIDXPath. Must be in the form of a comma or space separated list of <code>prefix=namespaceuri</code>-definitions
        Stylesheet to extract correlationID from message
        XPath expression to extract label from message
        Namespace defintions for labelXPath. Must be in the form of a comma or space separated list of <code>prefix=namespaceuri</code>-definitions
        Stylesheet to extract label from message
        If set (>=0) and the character data length inside a xml element exceeds this size, the character data is chomped (with a clear comment)
        If set, the character data in this XML element is stored inside a session key and in the message it is replaced by a reference to this session key: {sessionKey: + <code>elementToMoveSessionKey</code> + }
        (Only used when <code>elementToMove</code> or <code>elementToMoveChain</code> is set) Name of the session key wherein the character data is stored Default: ref_ + the name of the element
        Like <code>elementToMove</code> but element is preceded with all ancestor elements and separated by semicolons (e.g. adapter;pipeline;pipe)
        Regular expression to mask strings in the errorStore/logStore. Every character between to the strings in this expression will be replaced by a '*'. For example, the regular expression (?&lt;=&lt;party&gt;).*?(?=&lt;/party&gt;) will replace every character between keys &lt;party&gt; and &lt;/party&gt;
        Only used when hideRegex is not empty Default: all
        Comma separated list of keys of session variables which are available when the <code>PipelineSession</code> is created and of which the value will not be shown in the log (replaced by asterisks)
        If set to <code>true</code>, every message read will be processed as if it is being retried, by setting a session variable to retry. Default: false
        Number of connection attempts to put the adapter in warning status Default: 5
        Name of the parameter
        The target data type of the parameter, related to the database or XSLT stylesheet to which the parameter is applied.
        The value of the parameter, or the base for transformation using xpathExpression or stylesheet, or formatting.
        Key of a PipelineSession-variable. <br/>If specified, the value of the PipelineSession variable is used as input for
 the xpathExpression or stylesheet, instead of the current input message. <br/>If no xpathExpression or stylesheet are
 specified, the value itself is returned. <br/>If the value '*' is specified, all existing sessionkeys are added as
 parameter of which the name starts with the name of this parameter. <br/>If also the name of the parameter has the
 value '*' then all existing sessionkeys are added as parameter (except tsReceived)
        key of message context variable to use as source, instead of the message found from input message or sessionKey itself
        Instead of a fixed <code>sessionKey</code> it's also possible to use a XPath expression applied to the input message to extract the name of the session-variable.
        URL to a stylesheet that wil be applied to the contents of the message or the value of the session-variable.
        the XPath expression to extract the parameter value from the (xml formatted) input or session-variable.
        If set to <code>2</code> or <code>3</code> a Saxon (net.sf.saxon) xslt processor 2.0 or 3.0 respectively will be used, otherwise xslt processor 1.0 (org.apache.xalan). <code>0</code> will auto detect	 * @ff.default 0
        Namespace definitions for xpathExpression. Must be in the form of a comma or space separated list of
 <code>prefix=namespaceuri</code>-definitions. One entry can be without a prefix, that will define the default namespace.
        When set <code>true</code> namespaces (and prefixes) in the input message are removed before the stylesheet/xpathExpression is executed Default: <code>false</code>
        If the result of sessionKey, xpathExpression and/or stylesheet returns null or an empty string, this value is returned
        Comma separated list of methods (<code>defaultValue</code>, <code>sessionKey</code>, <code>pattern</code>, <code>value</code> or <code>input</code>) to use as default value. Used in the order they appear until a non-null value is found. Default: <code>defaultValue</code>
        Value of parameter is determined using substitution and formatting, following MessageFormat syntax with named parameters. The expression can contain references
 to session-variables or other parameters using {name-of-parameter} and is formatted using java.text.MessageFormat.
 <br/>If for instance <code>fname</code> is a parameter or session variable that resolves to Eric, then the pattern
 'Hi {fname}, how do you do?' resolves to 'Hi Eric, do you do?'.<br/>
 The following predefined reference can be used in the expression too:<ul>
 <li>{now}: the current system time</li>
 <li>{uid}: an unique identifier, based on the IP address and java.rmi.server.UID</li>
 <li>{uuid}: an unique identifier, based on the IP address and java.util.UUID</li>
 <li>{hostname}: the name of the machine the application runs on</li>
 <li>{username}: username from the credentials found using authAlias, or the username attribute</li>
 <li>{password}: password from the credentials found using authAlias, or the password attribute</li>
 <li>{fixeddate}: fake date, for testing only</li>
 <li>{fixeduid}: fake uid, for testing only</li>
 <li>{fixedhostname}: fake hostname, for testing only</li>
 A guid can be generated using {hostname}_{uid}, see also
 <a href=""></a> for more information about (g)uid's or
 <a href=""></a> for more information about uuid's.
 When combining a date or time <code>pattern</code> like {now} or {fixeddate} with a DATE, TIME, DATETIME or TIMESTAMP <code>type</code>, the effective value of the attribute
 <code>formatString</code> must match the effective value of the formatString in the <code>pattern</code>.
        Alias used to obtain username and password, used when a <code>pattern</code> containing {username} or {password} is specified
        Default username that is used when a <code>pattern</code> containing {username} is specified
        Default password that is used when a <code>pattern</code> containing {password} is specified
        If set <code>true</code> pattern elements that cannot be resolved to a parameter or sessionKey are silently resolved to an empty string
        Used in combination with types <code>DATE</code>, <code>TIME</code>, <code>DATETIME</code> and <code>TIMESTAMP</code> to parse the raw parameter string data into an object of the respective type Default: depends on type
        Used in combination with type <code>NUMBER</code> Default: system default
        Used in combination with type <code>NUMBER</code> Default: system default
        If set (>=0) and the length of the value of the parameter falls short of this minimum length, the value is padded Default: -1
        If set (>=0) and the length of the value of the parameter exceeds this maximum length, the length is trimmed to this maximum length Default: -1
        Used in combination with type <code>number</code>; if set and the value of the parameter exceeds this maximum value, this maximum value is taken
        Used in combination with type <code>number</code>; if set and the value of the parameter falls short of this minimum value, this minimum value is taken
        If set to <code>true</code>, the value of the parameter will not be shown in the log (replaced by asterisks) Default: <code>false</code>
        Set the mode of the parameter, which determines if the parameter is an INPUT, OUTPUT, or INOUT.
 This parameter only has effect for nl.nn.adapterframework.jdbc.StoredProcedureQuerySender.
 An OUTPUT parameter does not need to have a value specified, but does need to have the type specified.
 Parameter values will not be updated, but output values will be put into the result of the
 If not specified, the default is INPUT.
        Name of the first pipe to execute when a message is to be processed Default: first pipe of the pipeline
        Maximum number of threads that may execute this Pipeline simultaneously, use 0 to disable limit Default: 0
        If set <code>true</code> the original message without namespaces (and prefixes) is stored under the session key originalMessageWithoutNamespaces Default: false
        If messageSizeWarn>=0 and the size of the input or result pipe message exceeds the value specified a warning message is logged. You can specify the value with the suffixes <code>KB</code>, <code>MB</code> or <code>GB</code> Default: application default (30MB)
        when specified and <code>null</code> is received as a message the message is changed to the specified value
        when specified and an empty message is received the specified adapter is run before passing the message (response from specified adapter) to the pipeline
        the <code>name</code> is a symbolic reference to a <code>path</code>.<br/>
        The name of the next Pipe or Exit. When the Pipeline doesn't have an Exits element configured it will be
 initialized with one Exit having name READY and state SUCCESS
        Identifier for this lock
        Type for this lock: P(ermanent) or T(emporary). A temporary lock is released after the job has completed Default: T
        Format for date which is added after <code>objectid</code> (e.g. yyyyMMdd to be sure the job is executed only once a day)
        The time (for type=P in days and for type=T in hours) to keep the record in the database before making it eligible for deletion by a cleanup process Default: 30 days (type=P), 4 hours (type=T)
        The number of times an attempt should be made to acquire a lock, after this many times an exception is thrown when no lock could be acquired, when -1 the number of retries is unlimited Default: 0
        The time in ms to wait before the first attempt to acquire a lock is made Default: 0
        The time in ms to wait before another attempt to acquire a lock is made Default: 10000
        If > 0: The time in s to wait before the INSERT statement to obtain the lock is canceled. N.B. On Oracle hitting this lockWaitTimeout may cause the error: (SQLRecoverableException) SQLState [08003], errorCode [17008] connection closed Default: 0
        If set <code>true</code> and the IBISLOCK table does not exist in the database, the process continues as if the lock was obtained
        The <code>transactionAttribute</code> declares transactional behavior of execution. It applies both to database transactions and XA transactions.
 The pipeline uses this to start a new transaction or suspend the current one when required.
 For developers: it is equal to <a href=\"\">EJB transaction attribute</a>.
 Possible values for transactionAttribute:
   <table border=\"1\">
     <tr><th>transactionAttribute</th><th>callers Transaction</th><th>Pipeline excecuted in Transaction</th></tr>
     <tr><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"2\">Required</td>    <td>none</td><td>T2</td></tr>
 											      <tr><td>T1</td>  <td>T1</td></tr>
     <tr><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"2\">RequiresNew</td> <td>none</td><td>T2</td></tr>
 											      <tr><td>T1</td>  <td>T2</td></tr>
     <tr><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"2\">Mandatory</td>   <td>none</td><td>error</td></tr>
 											      <tr><td>T1</td>  <td>T1</td></tr>
     <tr><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"2\">NotSupported</td><td>none</td><td>none</td></tr>
 											      <tr><td>T1</td>  <td>none</td></tr>
     <tr><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"2\">Supports</td>    <td>none</td><td>none</td></tr>
  										      <tr><td>T1</td>  <td>T1</td></tr>
     <tr><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"2\">Never</td>       <td>none</td><td>none</td></tr>
 											      <tr><td>T1</td>  <td>error</td></tr>
   </table> Default: Supports
        Timeout (in seconds) of transaction started to process a message. Default: <code>0</code> (use system default)
        Authentication alias used to authenticate when connecting to database
        User name for authentication when connecting to database, when none found from <code>authAlias</code>
        Password for authentication when connecting to database, when none found from <code>authAlias</code>
        controls the use of transactions
        Name of the sender or the listener
        The name of the Exit that can be referenced by a PipeForward's <code>path</code> attribute. When a Pipeline doesn't have an Exits
 element configured it will be initialized with one Exit having name READY (and state SUCCESS)
        The state of the Pipeline that is returned to the Receiver for this Exit. When a Pipeline doesn't have an Exits
 element configured it will be initialized with one Exit having state SUCCESS (and name READY)
        HTTP statusCode e.g. <code>500</code> Default: 200
        Configures the responseRoot in the OpenAPI schema for this exit. If not set, the responseRoot value of the validator will be used. If that contains multiple (comma separated) values, the first will be used for the exits with state <code>SUCCESS</code>, the last for the other exits.
        If using RestListener and set to <code>true</code>, this removes the output and shows a blank page, the output is still logged in the ladybug testtool Default: <code>false</code>
        If set to <code>true</code>, the output will not be wrapped by the OutputWrapper. Default: <code>false</code>
        If set to <code>true</code>, the output will not be validated or transformed by the validator. Default: <code>false</code>
        Key under which this flow is registered in the manager
        Name of the manager to be used after handling this record
        Name of the recordHandler to be used to transform records of the type specified in the key (optional)
        Name of the manager to which this flow must be added
        Name of the resultHandler to be used to handle the transformed result
        Instructs the resultHandler to start a new block before the parsed line is processed
        Instructs the resultHandler to end the specified block before the parsed line is processed
        Instructs the resultHandler to start a new block after the parsed line is processed
        Instructs the resultHandler to end the specified block after the parsed line is processed
        If <code>true</code>, any open block of this type (and other nested open 'autoClose' block) is closed before a new one of the same type is opened. At a forced close, nested blocks are closed too (since 4.9) Default: true
        If &gt;0 the <code>openBlockBeforeLine</code> instruction is only performed when the current line number is a multiple of this value Default: 0
        directory to be cleaned up
        time (with suffix 'd', 'h', 'm' or 's' in milliseconds) that must have passed at least before a file will be deleted Default: 30d
        when <code>true</code>, files in subdirectories will be deleted, too Default: false
        when <code>true</code>, empty subdirectories will be deleted, too Default: false
        when set <code>true</code>, send warnings to logging and console about not existing directories Default: true
        Includes another realm into this one
        Set the name of this realm<br/>
        Set the name of the QueueConnectionFactory<br/>
        Set the name of the TopicConnectionFactory<br/>
        The functional name of the object.
        Set the name of the Adapter that this AdapterFilter filters on.
        The maximum number of elements in memory, before they are evicted Default: 100
        Either <code>LRU</code>=Least Recent Use,<code>LFU</code>=Least Frequent Use or <code>FIFO</code>=First In - First Out Default: LRU
        If <code>true</code>, the elements in the cache are eternal, i.e. never expire Default: false
        The amount of time <i>in seconds</i> to live for an element from its creation date Default: 36000
        The amount of time <i>in seconds</i> to live for an element from its last accessed or modified date Default: 36000
        If <code>true</code>, the elements that are evicted from memory are spooled to disk Default: false
        The maximum number of elements on disk, before they are removed Default: 10000
        If <code>true</code>, the the cache is reloaded after the JVM restarts Default: false
        How often to run the disk store expiry thread Default: 600
        name of the cache, will be lowercased Default: <code>&lt;ownerName&gt;</code>_cache
        xpath expression to extract cache key from request message
        output type of xpath expression to extract cache key from request message Default: text
        namespace defintions for keyxpath. must be in the form of a comma or space separated list of <code>prefix=namespaceuri</code>-definitions
        stylesheet to extract cache key from request message. Use in combination with cacheEmptyKeys to inhibit caching for certain groups of request messages
        session key to use as input for transformation of request message to key by keyxpath or keystylesheet
        controls whether empty keys are used for caching. when set true, cache entries with empty keys can exist. Default: false
        xpath expression to extract value to be cached key from response message. Use in combination with cacheEmptyValues to inhibit caching for certain groups of response messages
        namespace defintions for valuexpath. must be in the form of a comma or space separated list of <code>prefix=namespaceuri</code>-definitions
        stylesheet to extract value to be cached from response message
        session key to use as input for transformation of response message to cached value by valuexpath or valuestylesheet
        controls whether empty values will be cached. when set true, empty cache entries can exist for any key. Default: false
        The functional name of the object.
        Access key to access to the AWS resources owned by the account
        Secret key to access to the AWS resources owned by the account
        Alias used to obtain AWS credentials
        Setting this flag will result in disabling chunked encoding for all requests. Default: false
        Set whether the client should be configured with global bucket access enabled. Default: false
        Name of the region that the client will be created from Default: eu-west-1
        Name of the bucket to access. The bucketName can also be specified by prefixing it to the object name, separated from it by |
        Proxy host
        Proxy port
        The S3 service endpoint, either with or without the protocol. (e.g. or
        Maximum concurrent connections towards S3
        name of the sender
        If parameter [action] is set, then the attribute action value will be overridden with the value of the parameter.
        Filename to operate on. If not set, the parameter filename is used. If that is not set either, the input is used
        Destination for move, copy or rename. If not set, the parameter destination is used. If that is not set either, the input is used
        Folder that is scanned for files when action=list. When not set, the root is scanned
        If set <code>true</code>, the folder to create, write, move or copy the file to is created if it does not exist Default: false
        If set <code>true</code>, for actions create, move, copy or rename, the destination file is overwritten if it already exists Default: false
        For action=append: If set to a positive number, the file is rotated each day, and this number of files is kept. The inputFolder must point to the directory where the file resides Default: 0
        For action=append: If set to a positive number, the file is rotated when it has reached the specified size, and the number of files specified in numberOfBackups is kept. Size is specified in plain bytes, suffixes like 'K', 'M' or 'G' are not recognized. The inputFolder must point to the directory where the file resides Default: 0
        For the actions write and append, with rotateSize>0: the number of backup files that is kept. The inputFolder must point to the directory where the file resides Default: 0
        For actions read, write and append. When set the stream is base64 encoded or decoded
        Filter of files to look for in inputFolder e.g. '*.inp'. Works with actions move, copy, delete and list
        Filter of files to be excluded when looking in inputFolder. Works with actions move, copy, delete and list
        If set to <code>true</code> then the folder and the content of the non empty folder will be deleted.
        If set to <code>true</code> then the system specific line separator will be appended to the file after executing the action. Works with actions write and append Default: false
        Charset to be used for read and write action
        If set to true then the folder will be deleted if it is empty after processing the action. Works with actions delete, readDelete and move
        OutputFormat Default: XML
        If <code>true</code>, the sender operates in RR mode: A reply is expected, either on the queue specified in <code>replyToName</code>, or on a dynamically generated temporary queue Default: false
        (Only for <code>synchronous</code>=<code>true</code>). Maximum time in ms to wait for a reply. 0 means no timeout. Default: 5000
        Controls mode that messages are sent with Default: not set by application
        If <code>true</code>, messages sent are put in a SOAP envelope Default: false
        SOAPAction string sent as message property
        Name of the JMS destination (queue or topic) to use
        Controls whether messages are send under transaction control.
 If set <code>true</code>, messages are committed or rolled back under control of an XA-transaction. Default: false
        Alias used to obtain credentials for authentication to JMS server
        Name of the sender or the listener
        Specifies action to perform
        The maximum number of concurrent connections Default: 10
        The connection timeout in seconds Default: 10
        URL to connect to
        Repository ID
        Alias used to obtain credentials for authentication to host
        Username used in authentication to host
        Password used in authentication to host
        BindingType CMIS protocol to use
        If <code>action</code>=<code>create</code> the sessionKey that contains the file to use. If <code>action</code>=<code>get</code> and <code>getProperties</code>=<code>true</code> the sessionKey to store the result in
        If <code>action</code>=<code>create</code> the session key that contains the name of the file to use. If not set, the value of the property <code>filename</code> from the input message is used
        If <code>action</code>=<code>create</code> the session key that contains the input stream of the file to use. When <code>action</code>=<code>get</code> and <code>getProperties</code>=<code>true</code>: the session key in which the input stream of the document is stored
        If <code>action</code>=<code>create</code> the session key that contains the base64 encoded content of the file to use. When <code>action</code>=<code>get</code> and <code>getProperties</code>=<code>true</code>: the session key in which the base64 encoded content of the document is stored
        If <code>action</code>=<code>create</code> the mime type used to store the document when it's not set in the input message by a property Default: 'application/octet-stream'
        (Only used when <code>action</code>=<code>get</code>). If true, the content of the document is streamed to the HttpServletResponse object of the restservicedispatcher Default: false
        (Only used when <code>action</code>=<code>get</code>). If true, the content of the document is streamed to <code>fileInputStreamSessionKey</code> and all document properties are put in the result as a xml string Default: false
        (Only used when <code>action</code>=<code>get</code>). If true, the attachment for the document is the sender result or, if set, stored in <code>fileInputStreamSessionKey</code>. If false, only the properties are returned Default: true
        (Only used when <code>action</code>=<code>create</code>). If true, the document is created in the root folder of the repository. Otherwise the document is created in the repository Default: true
        (Only used when <code>action</code>=<code>get</code>) result returned when no document was found for the given id (e.g. '[not_found]'). If empty then 'notFound' is returned as forward name
        If true, the session is not closed at the end and it will be used in the next call Default: true
        Override entrypoint WSDL by reading it from the classpath, overrides url attribute
        Resource url to keystore or certificate. If none specified, the JVMs default keystore will be used.
        Type of keystore Default: pkcs12
        Authentication alias used to obtain keystore password
        Default password to access keystore
        Alias to obtain specific certificate or key in keystore
        Authentication alias to authenticate access to certificate or key indicated by <code>keystoreAlias</code>
        Default password to authenticate access to certificate or key indicated by <code>keystoreAlias</code>
        Key manager algorithm. Can be left empty to use the servers default algorithm
        Resource url to truststore. If none specified, the JVMs default truststore will be used.
        Type of truststore Default: jks
        Authentication alias used to obtain truststore password
        Default password to access truststore
        Trust manager algorithm. Can be left empty to use the servers default algorithm
        If <code>true</code>, the hostname in the certificate will be checked against the actual hostname of the peer
        If <code>true</code>, self signed certificates are accepted Default: false
        If <code>true</code>, CertificateExpiredExceptions are ignored Default: false
        Proxy host url
        Proxy host port Default: 80
        Alias used to obtain credentials for authentication to proxy
        Proxy Username
        Proxy Password
        The command to be executed. Note: Executing a command in WAS requires &lt;&lt;ALL FILES&gt;&gt; execute permission to avoid that provide the absolute path of the command. Absolute path can be found with the following command 'which -a {commandName}'
        The number of seconds to execute a command. If the limit is exceeded, a TimeoutException is thrown. A value of 0 means execution time is not limited Default: 0
        In case the command that will be executed contains arguments then this flag should be set to true Default: false
        The time <i>in milliseconds</i> the thread will be put to sleep Default: 5000 [ms]
        The number of seconds the JDBC driver will wait for a statement object to execute. If the limit is exceeded, a TimeoutException is thrown. A value of 0 means execution time is not limited Default: 0
        Authentication alias used to authenticate when connecting to database
        User name for authentication when connecting to database, when none found from <code>authAlias</code>
        Password for authentication when connecting to database, when none found from <code>authAlias</code>
        controls the use of transactions
        Type of query to be executed Default: OTHER
        The maximum number of rows to be returned from the output of <code>select</code> queries, -1 means unlimited rows Default: -1
        The number of the first row to be returned from the output of <code>select</code> queries. Rows before this are skipped from the output. Default: 1
        Comma separated list of columns whose values are to be returned. Works only if the driver implements jdbc 3.0 getGeneratedKeys().
 Note: not all drivers support multiple values and returned field names may vary between drivers.
 Works for H2 and Oracle. Could work for MS_SQL with a single identity column, with name GENERATED_KEYS, if a identity has been generated. Not supported for other DBMSes.
        If specified, the rowid of the processed row is put in the pipelinesession under the specified key (only applicable for <code>querytype=other</code>). <b>Note:</b> If multiple rows are processed a SqlException is thrown.
        If set, the SQL dialect in which the queries are written and should be translated from to the actual SQL dialect
        When set <code>true</code>, exclusive row-level locks are obtained on all the rows identified by the select statement (e.g. by appending ' FOR UPDATE NOWAIT SKIP LOCKED' to the end of the query) Default: false
        when set and >=0, ' FOR UPDATE WAIT #' is used instead of ' FOR UPDATE NOWAIT SKIP LOCKED' Default: -1
        Only for querytype 'updateBlob': column that contains the BLOB to be updated Default: 1
        For querytype 'updateBlob': key of session variable that contains the data (String or InputStream) to be loaded to the BLOB. When empty, the input of the pipe, which then must be a String, is used.
 For querytype 'select': key of session variable that contains the OutputStream, Writer or Filename to write the BLOB to
        controls whether blobdata is stored compressed in the database Default: true
        controls whether the streamed blobdata will need to be base64 <code>encode</code> or <code>decode</code> or not.
        Charset that is used to read and write BLOBs. This assumes the blob contains character data.
 If blobCharset and blobSmartGet are not set, BLOBs are returned as bytes. Before version 7.6, blobs were base64 encoded after being read to accommodate for the fact that senders need to return a String. This is no longer the case
        Controls automatically whether blobdata is stored compressed and/or serialized in the database Default: false
        Only for querytype 'updateClob': column that contains the CLOB to be updated Default: 1
        For querytype 'updateClob': key of session variable that contains the CLOB (String or InputStream) to be loaded to the CLOB. When empty, the input of the pipe, which then must be a String, is used.
 For querytype 'select': key of session variable that contains the OutputStream, Writer or Filename to write the CLOB to
        If true, then select queries are executed in a way that avoids taking locks, e.g. with isolation mode 'read committed' instead of 'repeatable read'. Default: false
        The type of output. If not set then defaults to old-style XML. If set to XML, new-style XML is used. EXPERIMENTAL: datatypes like numbers are not yet rendered correctly Default: false
        hack to allow to introduce a correlationid Default: true
        protocol of ESB service to be called
        receiver timeout, in milliseconds
 ff.default 20000 (20s)
        if messageProtocol=<code>RR</code> then <code>deliveryMode</code> defaults to <code>NON_PERSISTENT</code> Default: not set by application
        if messageProtocol=<code>RR</code> then <code>replyTimeout</code> defaults to <code>timeOut</code> Default: 5000
        if messageProtocol=<code>RR</code> then <code>synchronous</code> defaults to <code>true</code> Default: false
        if messageProtocol=<code>RR</code> then if <code>soapAction</code> is empty then it is derived from the element MessageHeader/To/Location in the SOAP header of the input message (if $messagingLayer='P2P' then '$applicationFunction' else '$operationName_$operationVersion)
        If <code>true</code>, messages sent are put in a SOAP envelope Default: false
        The mail address of the mailbox connected to (also used for auto discovery)
        Url of the Exchange server. Set to e.g. to speed up startup, leave empty to use autodiscovery
        Client ID that represents a registered application in Azure AD which could be found at Azure AD -> App Registrations -> MyApp -> Overview.
        Client secret that belongs to registered application in Azure AD which could be found at Azure AD -> App Registrations -> MyApp -> Certificates and Secrets
        Tenant ID that represents the tenant in which the registered application exists within Azure AD which could be found at Azure AD -> App Registrations -> MyApp -> Overview.
        Username for authentication to Exchange mail server. Ignored when tenantId is also specified
        Password for authentication to Exchange mail server. Ignored when tenantId is also specified
        Alias used to obtain client ID and secret or username and password for authentication to Exchange mail server.
 If the attribute tenantId is empty, the deprecated Basic Authentication method is used.
 If the attribute tenantId is not empty, the username and password are treated as the client ID and secret.
        Folder (subfolder of root or of inbox) to look for mails. If empty, the inbox folder is used
        If empty, all mails are retrieved. If set to <code>NDR</code> only Non-Delivery Report mails ('bounces') are retrieved
        Comma separated list of fields to try as response address Default: replyTo,from,sender,Return-Path
        proxy host
        proxy port Default: 8080
        proxy username
        proxy password
        proxy authAlias
        proxy domain
        Separator character used when working with multiple mailboxes, specified before the separator in the object name <code>[email protected]|My sub folder</code> or <code>[email protected]|AAMkADljZDMxYzIzLTFlMjYtNGY4Mi1hM2Y1LTc2MjE5ZjIyZmMyNABGAAAAAAAu/9EmV5M6QokBRZwID1Q6BwDXQXY+F44hRbDfTB9v8jRfAAAEUqUVAADXQXY+F44hRbDfTB9v8jRfAAKA4F+pAAA=</code>.
 Please consider when moving emails across mailboxes that there will be a null value returned instead of the newly created identifier. Default: |
        Resource url to keystore or certificate. If none specified, the JVMs default keystore will be used.
        Type of keystore Default: pkcs12
        Authentication alias used to obtain keystore password
        Default password to access keystore
        Key manager algorithm. Can be left empty to use the servers default algorithm
        Alias to obtain specific certificate or key in keystore
        Authentication alias to authenticate access to certificate or key indicated by <code>keystoreAlias</code>
        Default password to authenticate access to certificate or key indicated by <code>keystoreAlias</code>
        Resource url to truststore. If none specified, the JVMs default truststore will be used.
        Type of truststore Default: jks
        Authentication alias used to obtain truststore password
        Default password to access truststore
        Trust manager algorithm. Can be left empty to use the servers default algorithm
        If <code>true</code>, the hostname in the certificate will be checked against the actual hostname of the peer
        If <code>true</code>, self signed certificates are accepted Default: false
        If <code>true</code>, CertificateExpiredExceptions are ignored Default: false
        The functional name of the object.
        the charset to be used when transforming a string to a byte array and/or the other way around Default: the value of the system property file.encoding
        either <code>string</code>, <code>bytes</code>, <code>stream</code> or <code>base64</code> Default: string
        either <code>filesystem</code> or <code>classpath</code> (classpath will only work for actions 'read' and 'info' and for 'info' only when resources are available as a file (i.e. doesn't work for resources in jar files and war files which are deployed without being extracted by the application server)) Default: filesystem
        Sets actions the pipe has to perform. Possible action values:
   <li>write: create a new file and write input to it</li>
   <li>write_append: create a new file if it does not exist, otherwise append to existing file; then write input to it</li>
   <li>create: create a new file, but do not write anything to it</li>
   <li>read: read from file</li>
   <li>delete: delete the file</li>
   <li>read_delete: read the contents, then delete (when outputType is stream the file is deleted after the stream is read)</li>
   <li>encode: encode base64</li> <li>decode: decode base64</li>
   <li>list: returns the files and directories in the directory that satisfy the specified filter (see Dir2Xml). If a directory is not specified, the fileName is expected to include the directory</li>
   <li>info: returns information about the file</li>
        Sets the directory in which the file resides or has to be created
        Sets suffix of the file that is written (only used if filename and filenamesession are not set)
        Sets filename of the file that is written
        Sets filenameSessionKey the session key that contains the name of the file to be created (only used if filename is not set)
        test if the specified directory exists at configure() Default: true
        when set to <code>true</code>, the directory to read from or write to is created if it does not exist Default: false
        when set to <code>true</code>, a line separator is written after the content is written Default: false
        when set to <code>true</code>, a test is performed to find out if a temporary file can be created and deleted in the specified directory (only used if directory is set and combined with the action write, write_append or create) Default: true
        when set to <code>true</code>, a possible bytes order mark (bom) at the start of the file is skipped (only used for the action read and encoding uft-8) Default: false
        (only used when actions=delete) when set to <code>true</code>, the directory from which a file is deleted is also deleted when it contains no other files Default: false
        (only used when outputtype=stream) if set, the result is streamed to the httpservletresponse object Default: false
        The SQL query text to be excecuted each time sendMessage() is called
        should values between ${ and } be resolved from the pipelinesession Default: false
        Name of the file containing the result message
        returned message
        pathname of the file or directory to list. Default: Home folder of the ftp user
        Name or ip address of remote host
        Port number of remote host Default: 21
        Name of the alias to obtain credentials to authenticatie on remote server
        Name of the user to authenticatie on remote server
        Password to authenticatie on remote server
        Proxy hostname
        Proxy port Default: 1080
        FTP protocol to use Default: FTP
        If <code>true</code>, passive ftp is used: before data is sent, a pasv command is issued, and the connection is set up by the server Default: true
        (ftps) Transport type in case of sftp Default: SOCKS5
        (ftps) Resource url to keystore or certificate to be used for authentication. If none specified, the JVMs default keystore will be used.
        (ftps) Type of keystore Default: pkcs12
        (ftps) Authentication alias used to obtain keystore password
        (ftps) Default password to access keystore
        (ftps) Alias to obtain specific certificate or key in keystore
        (ftps) Authentication alias to authenticate access to certificate or key indicated by <code>keystoreAlias</code>
        (ftps) Default password to authenticate access to certificate or key indicated by <code>keystoreAlias</code>
        (ftps) Key manager algorithm. Can be left empty to use the servers default algorithm
        (ftps) Resource url to truststore to be used for authenticating peer. If none specified, the JVMs default truststore will be used.
        (ftps) Type of truststore Default: jks
        (ftps) Authentication alias used to obtain truststore password
        (ftps) Default password to access truststore
        (ftps) Trust manager algorithm. Can be left empty to use the servers default algorithm
        (ftps) If <code>true</code>, the hostname in the certificate will be checked against the actual hostname of the peer
        (ftps) If <code>true</code>, self signed certificates are accepted Default: false
        (ftps) If <code>true</code>, CertificateExpiredExceptions are ignored Default: false
        Sets the <code>Data Channel Protection Level</code>. Default: C
        If <code>methodType</code>=<code>POST</code>, <code>PUT</code> or <code>PATCH</code>, the type of post request Default: RAW
        If false and <code>methodType</code>=<code>POST</code>, request parameters are put in the request body instead of in the url Default: true
        (Only used when <code>methodType</code>=<code>POST</code> and <code>postType</code>=<code>URLENCODED</code>, <code>FORM-DATA</code> or <code>MTOM</code>) Prepends a new BodyPart using the specified name and uses the input of the Sender as content
        If set, the result is streamed to a file (instead of passed as a string)
        If set, a pointer to an input stream of the result is put in the specified sessionkey (as the sender interface only allows a sender to return a string a sessionkey is used instead to return the stream)
        If true, the result is Base64 encoded Default: false
        If set, the result is streamed to the HhttpServletResponse object of the RestServiceDispatcher (instead of passed as a string) Default: false
        If true and <code>methodType<code>=<code>POST</code> and <code>paramsInUrl</code>=<code>false</code>, request parameters are put in a multipart/form-data entity instead of in the request body Default: false
        If true the response body is expected to be in mime multipart which is the case when a soap message with attachments is received (see also <a href=\"\"></a>). the first part will be returned as result of this sender. other parts are returned as streams in sessionkeys with names multipart1, multipart2, etc. the http connection is held open until the last stream is read. Default: false
        If set and <code>methodType</code>=<code>POST</code> and <code>paramsInUrl</code>=<code>false</code>, a multipart/form-data entity is created instead of a request body.
 For each part element in the session key a part in the multipart entity is created. Part elements can contain the following attributes:
 <li>name: optional, used as 'filename' in Content-Disposition</li>
 <li>sessionKey: mandatory, refers to contents of part</li>
 <li>mimeType: optional MIME type</li>
 The name of the part is determined by the name attribute, unless that is empty, or the contents is binary. In those cases the sessionKey name is used as name of the part.
        Specifies whether messages will encoded, e.g. spaces will be replaced by '+' etc. Default: false
        If <code>true</code>, the input will be added to the URL for <code>methodType</code>=<code>GET</code>, or for <code>methodType</code>=<code>POST</code>, <code>PUT</code> or <code>PATCH</code> if <code>postType</code>=<code>RAW</code>. This used to be the default behaviour in framework version 7.7 and earlier Default: for methodType=<code>GET</code>: <code>false</code>,<br/>for methodTypes <code>POST</code>, <code>PUT</code>, <code>PATCH</code>: <code>true</code>
        URL or base of URL to be used
        (Only used when xHtml=<code>true</code>) stylesheet to apply to the HTML response
        The functional name of the object.
        Timeout in ms of obtaining a connection/result. 0 means no timeout Default: 10000
        Authentication alias used for authentication to the host
        Username used for authentication to the host
        Password used for authentication to the host
        Timeout in ms of obtaining a connection/result. 0 means no timeout Default: 10000
        Authentication alias used for authentication to the host
        Username used for authentication to the host
        Password used for authentication to the host
        The transaction code that should be added in the header, must be 8 characters
        ServiceName of the JavaListener that should be called.
        Key of session variable to specify ServiceName of the JavaListener that should be called.
        Comma separated list of keys of session variables that will be returned to caller, for correct results as well as for erroneous results.
 The set of available sessionKeys to be returned might be limited by the returnedSessionKeys attribute of the corresponding JavaListener.
        Currently used to mimic the HttpSender when it is stubbed locally. It could be useful in other situations too although currently the response string is used which isn't streamed, it would be better to pass the multipart as an input stream in the context map in which case content type and charset could also be passed Default: false
        Set to 'DLL' to make the dispatcher communicate with a DLL set on the classpath
        Name of the WebServiceListener that should be called
        Name of the JavaListener that should be called (will be ignored when javaListenerSessionKey is set)
        Name of the sessionKey which holds the name of the JavaListener that should be called
        Comma separated list of keys of session variables that will be returned to caller, for correct results as well as for erroneous results.
 The set of available sessionKeys to be returned might be limited by the returnedSessionKeys attribute of the corresponding JavaListener.
        If set <code>false</code>, the call is made asynchronously. This implies isolated=<code>true</code> Default: true
        If <code>true</code>, the call is made in a separate thread, possibly using separate transaction Default: false
        If <code>true</code>, the sender waits upon open until the called JavaListener is opened Default: true
        Maximum time (in seconds) the sender waits for the listener to start. A value of -1 indicates to wait indefinitely Default: 60
        If set <code>false</code>, the xml-string \"&lt;error&gt;could not find JavaListener [...]&lt;/error&gt;\" is returned instead of throwing a senderexception Default: true
        This is the contract number for iDIN the Merchant received from its Acquirer after registration,
 and is used to unambiguously identify the Merchant. This number is 10-digits long, where the
 first four digits are equal to the AcquirerID.
        The SubID that uniquely defines the name and address of the Merchant to be used for iDIN,
 if operating under different brands or trading entities. The Merchant obtains the SubID
 from its Acquirer after registration for iDIN. A Merchant can request permission from
 the Acquirer to use one or more SubIDs.
        The web address provided by the Merchant in the transaction request that is used to redirect the
 Consumer back to the Merchant after completing the authentication in the Issuer domain. The URL
 does not necessarily begin with http:// or https://, it can also start with an app handler
 e.g. companyname-nlservice://.
        The Java iDIN Software Library needs to access a keystore located in the Java classpath to
 store all the required certificates
        The password used to access the keystore
        The AuthAlias used to access the keystore
        This is the certificate owned by the Merchant. It's the private certificate
 used to sign messages sent by the Merchant to the Acquirer's Routing Service platform. Its public
 key is also used by the Acquirer to authenticate incoming messages from the Merchant. The
 Merchant certificate must be in PKCS#12 format which has the extension .p12 or .pfx
        In case the merchant certificate has been password protected
        In case the merchant certificate has been password protected
        This is the public certificate used to authenticate incoming messages from the Acquirer. The library
 only needs its public key. The public certificate must be in PEM format (base64 ASCII) and typically
 has the file extension .cer,.crt or .pem.
        This is the public certificate used to authenticate incoming messages from the Acquirer. The library
 only needs its public key. The public certificate must be in PEM format (base64 ASCII) and typically
 has the file extension .cer,.crt or .pem.
        This is the certificate owned by the Merchant. Its public key is used by the Issuer to encrypt information.
 The Merchant can then use the private key to decrypt that information. The SAML certificate must be in
 PKCS#12 format which has the extension .p12 or .pfx;
        In case the SAML certificate has been password protected
        In case the SAML certificate has been password protected
        Load configuration from XML. Attributes may overwrite this 'default'.
        Session key in which LUW information is stored. If set, actions that share a LUW-handle will be executed using the same destination. Can only be used for synchronous functions
        Name of the parameter used to indicate the name of the SapSystem used by this object if the attribute <code>sapSystemName</code> is empty Default: sapSystemName
        Name of the Ibis-object
        Name of the SapSystem used by this object
        Protocol of the IFSA-Service to be called.
 When the protocol equals to <code>FF</code>, transacted is set to true.
        set the IFSA service Id, for requesters only
        the ApplicationID, in the form of "IFSA://<i>AppId</i>"
        The functional name of the object.
        The receive timeout in milliseconds. To use the timeout defined as IFSA expiry, set this value to -1 Default: 20000
        The hostname of the IMAP server
        The port of the IMAP server Default: 993
        Alias used to obtain accessToken or username and password for authentication to Exchange mail server.
 If the alias refers to a combination of a username and a password, the deprecated Basic Authentication method is used.
 If the alias refers to a password without a username, the password is treated as the accessToken.
        Username for authentication to mail server.
        Password for authentication to mail server.
        Folder (subfolder of root or of inbox) to look for mails. If empty, the inbox folder is used
        Comma separated list of fields to try as response address Default: replyTo,from,sender,Return-Path
        the name of the javascript file containing the functions to run
        the name of the javascript function that will be called (first) Default: main
        the name of the JavaScript engine to be used. Default: J2V8
        If set, input is taken from this session key, instead of regular input
        If set, this fixed value is taken as input, instead of regular input
        If set <code>true</code>, the input of a pipe is restored before processing the next one Default: false
        If set, the result is stored under this session key
        If set, the input is stored under this session key
        When <code>true</code>, the xml result of the transformation is converted back to json Default: true
        Namespace defintions for xpathExpression. Must be in the form of a comma or space separated list of <code>prefix=namespaceuri</code>-definitions Default: j=
        If true, then this sender will process the XSLT while streaming in a different thread. Can be used to switch streaming off for debugging purposes Default: set by appconstant xslt.streaming.default
        Location of stylesheet to apply to the input message
        Session key to retrieve stylesheet location. Overrides stylesheetName or xpathExpression attribute
        Size of cache of stylesheets retrieved from styleSheetNameSessionKey Default: 100
        Alternatively: XPath-expression to create stylesheet from
        Omit the XML declaration on top of the output. If not set, the value specified in the stylesheet is followed Default: false, if not set in stylesheet
        If set <code>true</code>, any output is reparsed before being handled as XML again. If not set, the stylesheet is searched for <code>@disable-output-escaping='yes'</code> and the value is set accordingly Default: false, if not set in stylesheet
        For xpathExpression only Default: text
        If set <code>true</code>, result is pretty-printed. If not set, the value specified in the stylesheet is followed Default: false, if not set in stylesheet
        If set <code>true</code> namespaces (and prefixes) in the input message are removed before transformation Default: false
        If set <code>true</code>, the transformer is enabled to handle lexical events, allowing it for example to process comments and to distinghuish CDATA from escaped text.
 Beware that this option can cause spurious NullPointerExceptions due to a race condition in streaming XSLT 1.0 processing in Xalan 2.7.2 Default: false
        If set <code>true</code> empty tags in the output are removed after transformation Default: false
        If set to <code>2</code> or <code>3</code> a Saxon (net.sf.saxon) xslt processor 2.0 or 3.0 respectively will be used, otherwise xslt processor 1.0 (org.apache.xalan). <code>0</code> will auto detect Default: 0
        If true, then this sender will process the XSLT while streaming in a different thread. Can be used to switch streaming off for debugging purposes Default: set by appconstant xslt.streaming.default
        Location of stylesheet to apply to the input message
        Session key to retrieve stylesheet location. Overrides stylesheetName or xpathExpression attribute
        Size of cache of stylesheets retrieved from styleSheetNameSessionKey Default: 100
        Alternatively: XPath-expression to create stylesheet from
        Omit the XML declaration on top of the output. If not set, the value specified in the stylesheet is followed Default: false, if not set in stylesheet
        If set <code>true</code>, any output is reparsed before being handled as XML again. If not set, the stylesheet is searched for <code>@disable-output-escaping='yes'</code> and the value is set accordingly Default: false, if not set in stylesheet
        Namespace defintions for xpathExpression. Must be in the form of a comma or space separated list of <code>prefix=namespaceuri</code>-definitions. For some other use cases (NOT xpathExpression), one entry can be without a prefix, that will define the default namespace.
 If left empty, an the xpathExpression will match any namespace
        For xpathExpression only Default: text
        If set <code>true</code>, result is pretty-printed. If not set, the value specified in the stylesheet is followed Default: false, if not set in stylesheet
        If set <code>true</code> namespaces (and prefixes) in the input message are removed before transformation Default: false
        If set <code>true</code>, the transformer is enabled to handle lexical events, allowing it for example to process comments and to distinghuish CDATA from escaped text.
 Beware that this option can cause spurious NullPointerExceptions due to a race condition in streaming XSLT 1.0 processing in Xalan 2.7.2 Default: false
        If set <code>true</code> empty tags in the output are removed after transformation Default: false
        If set to <code>2</code> or <code>3</code> a Saxon (net.sf.saxon) xslt processor 2.0 or 3.0 respectively will be used, otherwise xslt processor 1.0 (org.apache.xalan). <code>0</code> will auto detect Default: 0
        Specifies LDAP operation to perform Default: read
        URL to context to search in, e.g. 'ldap://, o=ing' to search in te people group of ing cds. Used to overwrite the providerURL specified in jmsRealm.
        Specifies subject to perform operation on. Default: attribute
        Comma separated list of attributes to return. When no are attributes specified, all the attributes from the object read are returned. Default: <i>all attributes</i>
        Specifies whether connection pooling is used or not Default: true when principal not set as parameter, false otherwise
        Specifies the time (in ms) that is spent searching for results for operation search Default: 20000
        Key of session variable used to store cause of errors Default: errorReason
        The maximum number of entries to be returned by a search query, or <code>0</code> for unlimited Default: 0
        When <code>true</code> the attributes passed by the input xml are scanned for an attribute with id unicodepwd, when found the value of this attribute will be encoded as required by active directory (a UTF-16 encoded unicode string containing the password surrounded by quotation marks) before sending it to the LDAP server Default: false
        (Only used when <code>operation=search/deepsearch</code>) when <code>true</code> the xml '&lt;ldapresult&gt;object not found&lt;/ldapresult&gt;' is returned instead of the PartialResultException 'unprocessed continuation reference(s)' Default: false
        Optional base folder, that serves as root for all other folders
        category under which messages are logged Default: name of the sender
        level on which messages are logged Default: info
        Name of the SMTP-host by which the messages are to be send
        Port of the SMTP-host by which the messages are to be send Default: 25
        authAlias used to obtain credentials for authentication
        password of userid
        Timeout <i>in milliseconds</i> for socket connection timeout and socket i/o timeouts Default: 20000
        Comma separated list of sessionKey's to be stored together with the message. Please note: corresponding MessageStoreListener must have the same value for this attribute.
        If set to <code>true</code>, the message is stored only if the MessageId is not present in the store yet. Default: <code>true</code>
        If set to <code>true</code>, the messages are stored compressed Default: true
        If set to <code>true</code>, the messages are stored compressed Default: true
        If set to <code>true</code>, the message is stored only if the MessageId is not present in the store yet. Default: false
        Name of the table messages are stored in. Default: IBISSTORE
        Name of the index, to be used in hints for query optimizer too (only for Oracle). Default: IX_IBISSTORE
        The name of the column that contains the primary key of the table Default: MESSAGEKEY
        The name of the column messageIds are stored in Default: MESSAGEID
        The name of the column correlation-ids are stored in Default: CORRELATIONID
        The name of the column message themselves are stored in Default: MESSAGE
        The name of the column the timestamp is stored in Default: MESSAGEDATE
        The name of the column comments are stored in Default: COMMENTS
        The name of the column the timestamp for expiry is stored in Default: EXPIRYDATE
        The name of the column labels are stored in Default: LABEL
        Prefix to be prefixed on all database objects (tables, indices, sequences), e.g. to access a different Oracle schema
        Regular expression to mask strings in the errorStore/logStore. Every character between to the strings in this expression will be replaced by a '*'. For example, the regular expression (?&lt;=&lt;party&gt;).*?(?=&lt;/party&gt;) will replace every character between keys &lt;party&gt; and &lt;/party&gt;
        (Only used when hideRegex is not empty) Specifies the way to hide Default: ALL
        The MongoDB datasource Default: mongodb.datasource.default
        Database to connect to. Can be overridden by parameter database
        Collection to act upon. Can be overridden by parameter collection
        Filter. Can contain references to parameters between ?{ and }. Can be overridden by parameter filter
        Limit to number of results returned. A value of 0 means 'no limit'. Can be overridden by parameter limit. Default: 0
        Only for find operation: return only the count and not the full document(s) Default: false
        OutputFormat Default: JSON
        Format the output in easy legible way (currently only for XML)
        The functional name of the object.
        see <a href="" target="_blank">MqttClient(java.lang.String serverURI, java.lang.String clientId, MqttClientPersistence persistence)</a>
        see <a href="" target="_blank">MqttClient(java.lang.String serverURI, java.lang.String clientId, MqttClientPersistence persistence)</a>
        see <a href="" target="_blank">MqttClient.subscribe(java.lang.String topicFilter)</a>
        see <a href="" target="_blank">MqttClient(java.lang.String serverURI, java.lang.String clientId, MqttClientPersistence persistence)</a> Default: 2
        see <a href="" target="_blank">MqttConnectOptions.setCleanSession(boolean cleanSession)</a> Default: true
        see <a href="" target="_blank">MqttDefaultFilePersistence</a> and <a href="" target="_blank">MqttClient</a>
        see <a href="" target="_blank">MqttConnectOptions.setAutomaticReconnect(boolean automaticReconnect)</a> (apart from this recover job will also try to recover) Default: true
        character encoding of received messages Default: UTF-8
        Only works in combination with the UPLOAD action. If set, and not specified as parameter, the sender will sign the file to be uploaded.
        NetStorage action to be used
        At the time of writing, NetStorage only supports version 1 Default: 1
        NetStorage CP Code of the storage group
        The destination URL for the Akamai NetStorage. (Only the hostname, without CpCode; eq.
        Login is done via a Nonce and AccessToken
        Version to validate queries made to NetStorage backend. Default: 5
        Login is done via a Nonce and AccessToken
        Root directory (appended to the url + cpCode)
        Alias used to obtain credentials for nonce (username) and accesstoken (password)
        (Only used when xHtml=<code>true</code>) stylesheet to apply to the HTML response
        The functional name of the object.
        Timeout in ms of obtaining a connection/result. 0 means no timeout Default: 10000
        Username used for authentication to the host
        Password used for authentication to the host
        Set the upper limit to the amount of concurrent threads that can be run simultaneously. Use 0 to disable. Default: 0
        reload the configuration regardless of the version Default: false
        type of the optional status field which is set after the row is written to the file: timestamp
        Key of session variable that contains the name of the file to use.
        If set <code>true</code> and the file already exists, the resultset rows are written to the end of the file. Default: false
        If set (and &gt;=0), this session key contains the maximum number of records which are processed.
 If <code>query</code> contains a group field (3), then also following records with the same group field value as the last record are processed
        the destination, aka smb://xxx/yyy share
        the smb share username
        the smb share password
        alias used to obtain credentials for the smb share
        domain, in case the user account is bound to a domain
        when <code>true</code>, intermediate directories are created also Default: false
        controls whether hidden files are seen or not Default: false
        Hostname of the SMB share.
        Port to connect to. Default: 445
        Type of the authentication either 'NTLM' or 'SPNEGO'.
 When setting SPNEGO, the host must use the FQDN, and must be registered on the KDC with a valid SPN. Default: SPNEGO
        alias used to obtain credentials for the smb share
        the smb share username
        the smb share password
        domain, in case the user account is bound to a domain
        Key Distribution Center, typically hosted on a domain controller.
 Stored in <code></code>
        Kerberos Realm, case sensitive. Typically upper case and the same as the domain name.
 An Active Directory domain acts as a Kerberos Realm.
 Stored in <code></code>
        the destination, aka smb://xxx/yyy share
        possible values: delete, download, list, mkdir, rename, rmdir, upload
        used when creating folders or overwriting existing files (when renaming or moving) Default: false
        in case the user account is bound to a domain
        the smb share username
        the smb share password
        alias used to obtain credentials for the smb share
        If <code>false</code>, the sender operates in RR mode: the a reply is expected from SAP, and the sender does not participate in a transaction. When <code>false</code>, the sender operates in FF mode: no reply is expected from SAP, and the sender joins the transaction, that must be present. The SAP transaction is committed right after the XA transaction is completed. Default: false
        Name of the RFC-function to be called in the SAP system
        Name of the parameter used to obtain the functionName from if the attribute <code>functionName</code> is empty Default: functionName
        expression that generates the cron trigger
        job group in which the new trigger is to be created (optional)
        pattern that leads to the name of the registered trigger(optional)
        java listener to be called when scheduler trigger fires
        Timeout in ms of obtaining a connection/result. 0 means no timeout Default: 10000
        The maximum number of concurrent connections Default: 10
        The maximum number of times the execution is retried Default: 1 (for repeatable messages) else 0
        Proxy host
        Proxy port Default: 80
        Alias used to obtain credentials for authentication to proxy
        Proxy username
        Proxy password
        Proxy realm
        resource URL to keystore or certificate to be used for authentication. If none specified, the JVMs default keystore will be used.
        Type of keystore Default: pkcs12
        Authentication alias used to obtain keystore password
        Default password to access keystore
        Alias to obtain specific certificate or key in keystore
        Authentication alias to authenticate access to certificate or key indicated by <code>keystoreAlias</code>
        Default password to authenticate access to certificate or key indicated by <code>keystoreAlias</code>
        Key manager algorithm. Can be left empty to use the servers default algorithm
        Resource URL to truststore to be used for authenticating peer. If none specified, the JVMs default truststore will be used.
        Type of truststore Default: jks
        Authentication alias used to obtain truststore password
        Default password to access truststore
        Trust manager algorithm. Can be left empty to use the servers default algorithm
        If <code>true</code>, the hostname in the certificate will be checked against the actual hostname of the peer
        If <code>true</code>, self signed certificates are accepted Default: false
        If <code>true</code>, CertificateExpiredExceptions are ignored Default: false
        If <code>true</code>, a redirect request will be honoured, e.g. to switch to HTTPS Default: true
        Controls whether connections checked to be stale, i.e. appear open, but are not. Default: true
        Used when StaleChecking=<code>true</code>. Timeout after which an idle connection will be validated before being used. Default: 5000 ms
        Secure socket protocol (such as 'TLSv1.2') to use when a SSLContext object is generated. Default: TLSv1.2
        authAlias used to obtain credentials for authentication
        password of userid
        Path of the file or directory to start working. Default: Home folder of the sftp user
        Name or ip address of remote host
        Port number of remote host Default: 21
        Name of the alias to obtain credentials to authenticatie on remote server
        Name of the user to authenticatie on remote server
        Password to authenticatie on remote server
        Proxy hostname
        Proxy port Default: 1080
        alias to obtain credentials to authenticate on proxy
        Default user name in case proxy requires authentication
        Default password in case proxy requires authentication
        Transport type in case of sftp Default: SOCKS5
        Optional preferred encryption from client to server for sftp protocol
        Optional preferred encryption from server to client for sftp protocol
        Path to private key file for sftp authentication
        Name of the alias to obtain credentials for passphrase of private key file
        Passphrase of private key file
        Path to file with knownhosts
        Verify the hosts againt the knownhosts file. Default: true
        Name of the sender that is considered that is considered to be the golden standard, i.e. the source of truth. Default: the first sender specified
        The sender name which will process the results Default: the last sender specified
        If set <code>true</code> the sender will wait for all shadows to have finished. Otherwise the collection of results will happen in a background thread. Default: false
        A SQL statement that calls a stored procedure. The statement should begin with the <code>CALL</code> or <code>EXEC</code>
 SQL keyword depending on SQL dialect. In case of doubt, the safe choice is to always start with <code>CALL</code> and choose Oracle dialect.
        The query type. For stored procedures, valid query types are JdbcQuerySenderBase.QueryType#SELECT and JdbcQuerySenderBase.QueryType#OTHER.
 Use JdbcQuerySenderBase.QueryType#SELECT when your stored procedure returns a row set (not supported by Oracle and PostgreSQL).
 Use JdbcQuerySenderBase.QueryType#OTHER when your stored procedure returns values via <code>OUT</code> or <code>INOUT</code> parameters, or does not return
 anything at all.
 Using any other value will be rejected.
 </p> Default: OTHER
        If set, the SQL dialect in which the queries are written and should be translated from to the actual SQL dialect
        The type of output. If not set then defaults to old-style XML. If set to XML, new-style XML is used. EXPERIMENTAL: datatypes like numbers are not yet rendered correctly Default: false
        URL (hostname and port, separated by ':') of Tibco-Server
        content-type of the request Default: text/html; charset=utf-8
        url or base of url to be used
        timeout in ms of obtaining a connection/result. 0 means no timeout Default: 10000
        the maximum number of concurrent connections Default: 10
        alias used to obtain credentials for authentication to host
        username used in authentication to host
        password used to authenticate with the host
        Default: 80
        the soapactionuri to be set in the requestheader
        when <code>true</code>, messages sent are put in a soap envelope and the soap envelope is removed from received messages (soap envelope will not be visible to the pipeline) Default: true
        the soapactionuri to be set in the requestheader
        parameter to obtain the soapactionuri
        the encodingstyle to be set in the messageheader
        controls whether soap faults generated by the application generate an exception, or are treated as 'normal' messages Default: true
        the namespace of the message sent. identifies the service to be called. may be overriden by an actual namespace setting in the message to be sent
        parameter to obtain the servicenamespace
        namespace defintions to be added in the soap envelope tag. must be in the form of a comma or space separated list of <code>prefix=namespaceuri</code>-definitions
        username used to obtain credentials for authentication to web services security
        password used to obtain credentials for authentication to web services security
        alias used to obtain credentials for authentication to web services security
        when true, the password is sent digested. otherwise it is sent in clear text Default: true
        one of create, append or replace
        remote directory is prefixed witht the remote file
        characterset conversion
        name of logfile for xcomtcp to be used
        password of user on remote system
        port of remote host
        set queue off or on
        hostname or tcpip adres of remote host
        set between 0 (no trace) and 10
        set truncation off or on
        loginname of user on remote system
        remote file to create. if empty, the name is equal to the local file
        directory in which to run the xcomtcp command
        path to xcomtcp command
        name of the alias to obtain credentials to authenticatie on remote server
        Full pathname to the XFB script to be executed to transfer the file
        When set to <code>true</code>, the file is copied before calling the XFB script. 
 Reasons to copy the file:
 - XFB will rename the file (prefix it with FXB_) and delete it.
 - On Linux the sticky bit (drwxrws--- wasadmin xfbgw) isn't honoured with a move (only with a copy) (on AIX the sticky bit works for both move and copy).
        Prefix for the name of the copied or original filename. When the name of the original file starts with this prefix, it is removed. Otherwise this prefix is added to the filename of the copied file.
        The functional name of the object.
        Enable full schema grammar constraint checking, including checking which
 may be time-consuming or memory intensive. Currently, particle unique
 attribution constraint checking and particle derivation restriction
 checking are controlled by this option.
 see property
 </p> Default: <code>false</code>
        Should the XmlValidator throw a PipeRunexception on a validation error. If not, a forward with name 'failure' must be defined. Default: false
        If set: key of session variable to store reasons of mis-validation in Default: failureReason
        Like <code>reasonSessionKey</code> but stores reasons in xml format and more extensive Default: xmlFailureReason
        If set <code>true</code>, the input is assumed to be the name of the file to be validated. Otherwise the input itself is validated Default: false
        Characterset used for reading file, only used when <code>validateFile</code> is <code>true</code> Default: utf-8
        If set <code>true</code>, send warnings to logging and console about syntax problems in the configured schema('s).
 Alternatively, warnings can be switched off using suppression properties XSD_VALIDATION_WARNINGS_SUPPRESS_KEY, XSD_VALIDATION_ERROR_SUPPRESS_KEY and XSD_VALIDATION_FATAL_ERROR_SUPPRESS_KEY Default: true
        Ignore namespaces in the input message which are unknown Default: true when <code>schema</code> or <code>noNamespaceSchemaLocation</code> is used, false otherwise
        If set <code>true</code>, the number for caching validators in appConstants is ignored and no caching is done (for this validator only) Default: false
        If set to <code>1.0</code>, Xerces's previous XML Schema factory will be used, which would make all XSD 1.1 features illegal. The default behaviour can also be set with <code>xsd.processor.version</code> property. Default: <code>1.1</code>
        Session key used to refer to zip session. Must be specified with another value if ZipWriterPipes are nested Default: zipwriterhandle
        Input will be 'piped' to the output, and the message will be preserved. Avoid using this if possible.
        Session key used to refer to collection. Must be specified with another value if multiple CollectorPipes are active at the same time in the same session Default: collection
        HTTP method to listen to Default: GET
        URI pattern to register this listener on, eq. `/my-listener/{something}/here`
        The required contentType on requests, if it doesn't match the request will fail Default: ANY
        The specified contentType on response. When <code>ANY</code> the response will determine the content type based on the return data. Default: ANY
        The specified character encoding on the response contentType header. NULL or empty
 values will be ignored. Default: UTF-8
        Automatically generate and validate etags Default: <code>false</code>, can be changed by setting the property <code>api.etag.enabled</code>.
        Enables security for this listener. If you wish to use the application servers authorisation roles [AUTHROLE], you need to enable them globally for all ApiListeners with the `servlet.ApiListenerServlet.securityRoles=IbisTester,IbisWebService` property Default: <code>NONE</code>
        Only active when AuthenticationMethod=AUTHROLE. Comma separated list of authorization roles which are granted for this service, eq. IbisTester,IbisObserver", ""})
        Specify the form-part you wish to enter the pipeline Default: name of the first form-part
        Name of the header which contains the Message-Id. Default: Message-Id
        Name of the header which contains the Correlation-Id. Default: Correlation-Id
        Unique string used to identify the operation. The id MUST be unique among all operations described in the OpenApi schema.
        Comma separated list of parameters passed as http header. Parameters will be stored in 'headers' sessionkey.
        Session key that provides the Content-Disposition header in the response
        Issuer to validate JWT
        Keysource URL to validate JWT
        Header to extract JWT from
        Comma separated list of required claims
        Comma separated key value pairs to exactly match with JWT payload. e.g. "sub=UnitTest, aud=test"
        Comma separated key value pairs to one-of match with JWT payload. e.g. "appid=a,appid=b"
        Claim name which specifies the role
        Claim name which specifies the principal name (maps to GetPrincipalPipe)
        Name of the listener as known to the adapter
        By default, the JmsListener takes the Correlation-ID (if present) as the ID that has to be used as Correlation-ID of the reply.
 When set to <code>true</code>, the messageID is used as Correlation-ID of the reply. Default: false
        Receive timeout <i>in milliseconds</i> as specified by the JMS API, see Default: 1000
        Flag if reply-to queue from the request message should be used or not. Default: true
        If <code>true</code>, messages sent are put in a SOAP envelope Default: false
        Name of the JMS destination (queue or topic) to use
        Interval <i>in milliseconds</i> for the poll guard to check whether a successful poll was done by the receive
 ( since last check. If polling has stopped this will be logged
 and the listener will be stopped and started in an attempt to workaround problems with polling.
 Polling might stop due to bugs in the JMS driver/implementation which should be fixed by the supplier. As the poll time includes reading
 and processing of the message no successful poll might be registered since the last check when message processing takes a long time, hence
 while messages are being processed the check on last successful poll will be skipped. Set to -1 to disable. Default: ten times the specified timeout
        Controls whether messages are send under transaction control.
 If set <code>true</code>, messages are committed or rolled back under control of an XA-transaction. Default: false
        Alias used to obtain credentials for authentication to JMS server
        Optional base folder, that serves as root for all other folders
        Name of the listener
        Determines the contents of the message that is sent to the pipeline. Can be 'name', for the filename, 'path', for the full file path, 'contents' for the contents of the file, 'info' for file information. For any other value, the attributes of the file are searched and used Default: path
        Charset to be used for extracting the contents
        OutputFormat of message for messageType=info Default: XML
        protocol of ESB service to be called
        if true, all JMS properties in the request starting with "ae_" are copied to the reply. Default: false
        By default, the JmsListener takes the Correlation-ID (if present) as the ID that has to be used as Correlation-ID of the reply.
 When set to <code>true</code>, the messageID is used as Correlation-ID of the reply. Default: if messageProtocol=<code>RR</code>: </td><td><code>true</code>
        Flag if reply-to queue from the request message should be used or not. Default: if messageProtocol=<code>FF</code>: <code>false</code>
        Comma separated list of all XPath keys that need to be logged. (overrides <code>msg.log.keys</code> property)
        Receive timeout <i>in milliseconds</i> as specified by the JMS API, see Default: 1000
        If <code>true</code>, messages sent are put in a SOAP envelope Default: false
        Controls whether messages are send under transaction control.
 If set <code>true</code>, messages are committed or rolled back under control of an XA-transaction. Default: false
        Alias used to obtain credentials for authentication to JMS server
        The mail address of the mailbox connected to (also used for auto discovery)
        Url of the Exchange server. Set to e.g. to speed up startup, leave empty to use autodiscovery
        Client ID that represents a registered application in Azure AD which could be found at Azure AD -> App Registrations -> MyApp -> Overview.
        Client secret that belongs to registered application in Azure AD which could be found at Azure AD -> App Registrations -> MyApp -> Certificates and Secrets
        Tenant ID that represents the tenant in which the registered application exists within Azure AD which could be found at Azure AD -> App Registrations -> MyApp -> Overview.
        Username for authentication to Exchange mail server. Ignored when tenantId is also specified
        Password for authentication to Exchange mail server. Ignored when tenantId is also specified
        Alias used to obtain client ID and secret or username and password for authentication to Exchange mail server.
 If the attribute tenantId is empty, the deprecated Basic Authentication method is used.
 If the attribute tenantId is not empty, the username and password are treated as the client ID and secret.
        Folder (subfolder of root or of inbox) to look for mails. If empty, the inbox folder is used
        If empty, all mails are retrieved. If set to <code>NDR</code> only Non-Delivery Report mails ('bounces') are retrieved
        Comma separated list of fields to try as response address Default: replyTo,from,sender,Return-Path
        proxy host
        proxy port Default: 8080
        proxy username
        proxy password
        proxy authAlias
        proxy domain
        Separator character used when working with multiple mailboxes, specified before the separator in the object name <code>[email protected]|My sub folder</code> or <code>[email protected]|AAMkADljZDMxYzIzLTFlMjYtNGY4Mi1hM2Y1LTc2MjE5ZjIyZmMyNABGAAAAAAAu/9EmV5M6QokBRZwID1Q6BwDXQXY+F44hRbDfTB9v8jRfAAAEUqUVAADXQXY+F44hRbDfTB9v8jRfAAKA4F+pAAA=</code>.
 Please consider when moving emails across mailboxes that there will be a null value returned instead of the newly created identifier. Default: |
        Resource url to keystore or certificate. If none specified, the JVMs default keystore will be used.
        Type of keystore Default: pkcs12
        Authentication alias used to obtain keystore password
        Default password to access keystore
        Key manager algorithm. Can be left empty to use the servers default algorithm
        Alias to obtain specific certificate or key in keystore
        Authentication alias to authenticate access to certificate or key indicated by <code>keystoreAlias</code>
        Default password to authenticate access to certificate or key indicated by <code>keystoreAlias</code>
        Resource url to truststore. If none specified, the JVMs default truststore will be used.
        Type of truststore Default: jks
        Authentication alias used to obtain truststore password
        Default password to access truststore
        Trust manager algorithm. Can be left empty to use the servers default algorithm
        If <code>true</code>, the hostname in the certificate will be checked against the actual hostname of the peer
        If <code>true</code>, self signed certificates are accepted Default: false
        If <code>true</code>, CertificateExpiredExceptions are ignored Default: false
        when set to <code>true</code>, the xml string passed to the pipeline only contains the subject of the mail (to save memory) Default: false
        Determines the contents of the message that is sent to the Pipeline. can be one of:
 <li><code>email</code>, for an XML containing most relevant information, except the body and the attachments</li>
 <li><code>contents</code>, for the body of the message</li>
 <li><code>mime</code>, for the MIME contents of the message</li>
 <li><code>name</code> or <code>path</code>, for an internal handle of mail message, that can be used by a related MailFileSystemSender</li>
 <li>the key of any header present in the message context</li>
 </ul> Default: email
        Name of the listener
        Charset to be used for extracting the contents
        OutputFormat of message for messageType=info Default: XML
        name of the listener as known to the adapter.
        the directory name to look in for files.
        the wildcard to look for files in the specified directory, e.g. \"*.inp\"
        the directory to store processed files in
        The time <i>in milliseconds</i> to delay when no records are to be processed, and this class has to look for the arrival of a new file Default: 1000
        when set, the name of the read file is stored under this session key
        pathname of the file or directory to list. Default: Home folder of the ftp user
        Name or ip address of remote host
        Port number of remote host Default: 21
        Name of the alias to obtain credentials to authenticatie on remote server
        Name of the user to authenticatie on remote server
        Password to authenticatie on remote server
        Proxy hostname
        Proxy port Default: 1080
        FTP protocol to use Default: FTP
        If <code>true</code>, passive ftp is used: before data is sent, a pasv command is issued, and the connection is set up by the server Default: true
        (ftps) Transport type in case of sftp Default: SOCKS5
        (ftps) Resource url to keystore or certificate to be used for authentication. If none specified, the JVMs default keystore will be used.
        (ftps) Type of keystore Default: pkcs12
        (ftps) Authentication alias used to obtain keystore password
        (ftps) Default password to access keystore
        (ftps) Alias to obtain specific certificate or key in keystore
        (ftps) Authentication alias to authenticate access to certificate or key indicated by <code>keystoreAlias</code>
        (ftps) Default password to authenticate access to certificate or key indicated by <code>keystoreAlias</code>
        (ftps) Key manager algorithm. Can be left empty to use the servers default algorithm
        (ftps) Resource url to truststore to be used for authenticating peer. If none specified, the JVMs default truststore will be used.
        (ftps) Type of truststore Default: jks
        (ftps) Authentication alias used to obtain truststore password
        (ftps) Default password to access truststore
        (ftps) Trust manager algorithm. Can be left empty to use the servers default algorithm
        (ftps) If <code>true</code>, the hostname in the certificate will be checked against the actual hostname of the peer
        (ftps) If <code>true</code>, self signed certificates are accepted Default: false
        (ftps) If <code>true</code>, CertificateExpiredExceptions are ignored Default: false
        Sets the <code>Data Channel Protection Level</code>. Default: C
        name of the session key to store the name of the received file in Default: fxfFile
        If set to <code>true</code>, the received file is moved after being processed Default: true
        (only used when <code>moveProcessedFile=true</code>) <b>sibling</b> directory (related to the parent directory of the file to process) where files are stored after being processed Default: processed
        (only used when <code>moveProcessedFile=true</code>) when set to <code>true</code>, the directory to move processed files in is created if it does not exist Default: false
        name of the service that is provided by the adapter of this listener
        Name of the WebSphere listener port that this JMS Listener binds to. Optional.

 This property is only used in EJB Deployment mode and has no effect otherwise.
 If it is not set in EJB Deployment Mode, then the listener port name is
 constructed by the EjbListenerPortConnector from
 the Listener name, Adapter name and the Receiver name.
        Controls caching of JMS objects. Must be one of CACHE_NONE, CACHE_CONNECTION, CACHE_SESSION, CACHE_CONSUMER
        The hostname of the IMAP server
        The port of the IMAP server Default: 993
        Alias used to obtain accessToken or username and password for authentication to Exchange mail server.
 If the alias refers to a combination of a username and a password, the deprecated Basic Authentication method is used.
 If the alias refers to a password without a username, the password is treated as the accessToken.
        Username for authentication to mail server.
        Password for authentication to mail server.
        Folder (subfolder of root or of inbox) to look for mails. If empty, the inbox folder is used
        Comma separated list of fields to try as response address Default: replyTo,from,sender,Return-Path
        Internal name of the listener, as known to the adapter. An IbisLocalSender refers to this name in its <code>javaListener</code>-attribute.
        External Name of the listener. An IbisJavaSender refers to this name in its <code>serviceName</code>-attribute.
        If set <code>false</code>, the request is executed asynchronously. N.B. be aware that there is no limit on the number of threads generated Default: true
        Comma separated list of keys of session variables that should be returned to caller, for correct results as well as for erroneous results.
 If not set (not even to an empty value), all session keys can be returned. Default: all session keys can be returned
        Should the JavaListener throw a ListenerException when it occurs or return an error message Default: true
        If <code>true</code>, the WSDL of the service provided by this listener will available for download Default: false
        Primary key field of the table, used to identify messages. For optimal performance, there should be an index on this field.
        Field containing the message data Default: <i>same as keyField</i>
        Type of the field containing the message data Default: <i>String</i>
        Field containing the message Id Default: <i>same as keyField</i>
        Field containing the correlationId Default: <i>same as messageIdField</i>
        If set, the SQL dialect in which the queries are written and should be translated from to the actual SQL dialect
        Controls whether BLOB is considered stored compressed in the database Default: true
        Controls automatically whether blobdata is stored compressed and/or serialized in the database. N.B. When set true, then the BLOB will be converted into a string Default: false
        SQL statement to set the status of a row to 'processed'. Must contain one parameter, that is set to the value of the key
        SQL statement to set the status of a row to 'error'. Must contain one parameter, that is set to the value of the key Default: same as <code>updateStatusToProcessedQuery</code>
        SQL statement to set the status of a row to 'in process'. Must contain one parameter, that is set to the value of the key. 
 Can be left emtpy if database has SKIP LOCKED functionality and the Receiver can be (and is) set to Required or RequiresNew.
        SQL statement to set the status of a row to 'available'. Must contain one parameter, that is set to the value of the key. 
 Only used in rollbacks, when updateStatusToInProcessQuery is specified
        Name of the table to be used
        Field containing the status of the message. For optimal performance, and index should exist that starts with this field, contains all fields that are used with a fixed value in the select condition, and end with the orderField.
        (optional) Field used to store the date and time of the last change of the statusField
        (optional) Field used to store the reason of the last change of the statusField
        (optional) Value of statusField indicating row is available to be processed. If not specified, any row not having any of the other status values is considered available.
        Value of statusField indicating the processing of the row resulted in an error
        Value of status field indicating row is processed OK
        Value of status field indicating is being processed. Can be left emtpy if database has SKIP LOCKED functionality and the Receiver can be (and is) set to Required or RequiresNew.
        Value of status field indicating message is on Hold, temporarily
        Identifier for this service
        Comma separated list of sessionKey's to be read together with the message. Please note: corresponding MessageStoreSender must have the same value for this attribute
        Name of the table to be used Default: IBISSTORE
        Primary key field of the table, used to identify messages. For optimal performance, there should be an index on this field. Default: MESSAGEKEY
        Field containing the message data Default: MESSAGE
        Field containing the message Id Default: MESSAGEID
        Field containing the correlationId Default: CORRELATIONID
        Type of the field containing the message data Default: BLOB
        Controls automatically whether blobdata is stored compressed and/or serialized in the database. N.B. When set true, then the BLOB will be converted into a string Default: <code>true</code>
        Field containing the status of the message. For optimal performance, and index should exist that starts with this field, contains all fields that are used with a fixed value in the select condition, and end with the orderField. Default: TYPE
        (optional) Field used to store the date and time of the last change of the statusField Default: MESSAGEDATE
        (optional) Field used to store the reason of the last change of the statusField Default: COMMENTS
        Value of statusField indicating row is available to be processed. If set empty, any row not having any of the other status values is considered available. Default: <code>M</code>
        Value of status field indicating is being processed. Set to <code>I</code> if database has no SKIP LOCKED functionality, the Receiver cannot be set to <code>Required</code> or <code>RequiresNew</code>, or to support programmatic retry.
        Value of statusField indicating the processing of the row resulted in an error Default: <code>E</code>
        Value of status field indicating row is processed OK Default: <code>A</code>
        Value of status field indicating message is on Hold, temporarily. If required, suggested value is <code>H</code>.
        Move to messageLog after processing, as the message is already stored in the ibisstore only some fields need to be updated. When set <code>false</code>, messages are deleted after being processed Default: <code>true</code>
        If set, the SQL dialect in which the queries are written and should be translated from to the actual SQL dialect
        Controls whether BLOB is considered stored compressed in the database Default: true
        Uri pattern to match, the {uri} part in{uri}, where and ibis4something refer to 'your ibis'.
        Method (e.g. GET or POST) to match
        Key of session variable to store etag
        Key of Session variable that determines requested content type, overrides produces
        Can be either <code>/rest</code> or <code>/rest-public</code> and must correspond with the available RestListenerServlet path(s).
        Indicates whether this listener supports a view (and a link should be put in the ibis console) Default: if <code>method=get</code> then <code>true</code>, else <code>false</code>
        Comma separated list of authorization roles which are granted for this rest service Default: IbisAdmin,IbisDataAdmin,IbisTester,IbisObserver,IbisWebService
        Indicates whether the parts of a multipart entity should be retrieved and put in session keys. This can only be done once! Default: true
        Mediatype (e.g. XML, JSON, TEXT) the RestServiceDispatcher receives as input Default: XML
        Mediatype (e.g. XML, JSON, TEXT) the RestServiceDispatcher sends as output, if set to json the ibis will automatically try to convert the xml message Default: XML
        If set to true the ibis will automatically validate and process etags Default: false
        If set to true the ibis will automatically create an etag Default: false
        Uses an JsonPipe to convert the json-input to xml, and xml-output to json.
 Use with caution, a properly configured Input/Output-wrapper can do much more and is more robust! Default: true
        Hostname of the SMB share.
        Port to connect to. Default: 445
        Type of the authentication either 'NTLM' or 'SPNEGO'.
 When setting SPNEGO, the host must use the FQDN, and must be registered on the KDC with a valid SPN. Default: SPNEGO
        alias used to obtain credentials for the smb share
        the smb share username
        the smb share password
        domain, in case the user account is bound to a domain
        Key Distribution Center, typically hosted on a domain controller.
 Stored in <code></code>
        Kerberos Realm, case sensitive. Typically upper case and the same as the domain name.
 An Active Directory domain acts as a Kerberos Realm.
 Stored in <code></code>
        Name of the SapSystem used by this object
        Name of the RFC-destination to be registered in the SAP system
        The number of connections that should be registered at the gateway Default: 2
        Name of the Ibis-object
        Path of the file or directory to start working. Default: Home folder of the sftp user
        Name or ip address of remote host
        Port number of remote host Default: 21
        Name of the alias to obtain credentials to authenticatie on remote server
        Name of the user to authenticatie on remote server
        Password to authenticatie on remote server
        Proxy hostname
        Proxy port Default: 1080
        alias to obtain credentials to authenticate on proxy
        Default user name in case proxy requires authentication
        Default password in case proxy requires authentication
        Transport type in case of sftp Default: SOCKS5
        Optional preferred encryption from client to server for sftp protocol
        Optional preferred encryption from server to client for sftp protocol
        Path to private key file for sftp authentication
        Name of the alias to obtain credentials for passphrase of private key file
        Passphrase of private key file
        Path to file with knownhosts
        Verify the hosts againt the knownhosts file. Default: true
        count query that returns the number of available records. when there are available records the pipeline is activated
        If <code>true</code> the SOAP envelope is removed from received messages and a SOAP envelope is added to returned messages (SOAP envelope will not be visible to the pipeline) Default: true
        Namespace of the service that is provided by the adapter of this listener.
 If specified, requests posted to that have this namespace in their body  will be handled by this listener,
 where and ibis4something refer to 'your ibis'.
        The address to listen to, e.g the part &lt;address&gt; in;address&gt;,
 where and ibis4something refer to 'your ibis'.
        If set, MTOM is enabled on the SOAP binding
        Comma separated list of session keys to hold contents of attachments of the request
        Key of session variable that holds the description (name, sessionKey, mimeType) of the parts present in the request. Only used if attachmentSessionKeys are specified Default: multipartXml
        Optional identifier for this storage, to be able to share the physical storage between a number of receivers and pipes.
        Possible values are <code>E</code> (error store), <code>M</code> (message store), <code>L</code> (message log for Pipe) or <code>A</code> (message log for Receiver).<br/>
 Receiver will always set type to <code>E</code> for errorStorage and always set type to <code>A</code> for messageLog. SenderPipe will set type to <code>L</code> for messageLog (when type isn't specified).<br/>
 See MessageStoreSender for type <code>M</code>. Default: <code>E</code> for errorStorage on Receiver<br/><code>A</code> for messageLog on Receiver<br/><code>L</code> for messageLog on Pipe
        Timeout <i>in milliseconds</i> for receiving a message from the queue Default: 3000
        Regular expression to mask strings in the errorStore/logStore. Every character between to the strings in this expression will be replaced by a '*'. For example, the regular expression (?&lt;=&lt;party&gt;).*?(?=&lt;/party&gt;) will replace every character between keys &lt;party&gt; and &lt;/party&gt;
        (Only used when hideRegex is not empty) Specifies the way to hide Default: ALL
        returned message
        name of the file containing the resultmessage
        URL to the stylesheet used to transform the output of the standard ErrorMessageFormatter
        xPathExpression to use for transformation
        indicates whether the message is multipart/form-data. If so, the wsdl only represents the first part, other parts are attachments. This attribute is only used for generating the 'real' wsdl which is available in the ibis console (../rest/webservices) Default: false
        The functional name of this pipe. Can be referenced by the <code>path</code> attribute of a PipeForward.
        The WSDL to read the XSDs from
        Name of the child element of the SOAP body, or a comma separated list of names to choose from (only one is allowed) (WSDL generator will use the first element) (use empty value to allow an empty SOAP body, for example to allow element x and an empty SOAP body use: x,). In case the request contains SOAPAction header and the WSDL contains an element specific to that SOAPAction, it will use that element as SOAP body.
        Pairs of URI references which will be added to the WSDL
        Creates <code>schemaLocation</code> attribute based on the WSDL and replaces the namespace of the soap body element
        Characterset used for reading file, only used when <code>validateFile</code> is <code>true</code> Default: utf-8
        The functional name of this pipe. Can be referenced by the <code>path</code> attribute of a PipeForward.
        Name of the child element of the SOAP body, or a comma separated list of names to choose from (only one is allowed) (wsdl generator will use the first element) (use empty value to allow an empty soap body, for example to allow element x and an empty soap body use: x,)
        Characterset used for reading file, only used when <code>validateFile</code> is <code>true</code> Default: utf-8
        The functional name of this pipe. Can be referenced by the <code>path</code> attribute of a PipeForward.
        Only for JSON input: namespace of the resulting XML. Need only be specified when the namespace of root name is ambiguous in the schema
        Default format of the result, that is used if the format cannot be found from outputFormatSessionKey or from inputFormatSessionKey (when validating responses and autoFormat=true) Default: XML
        Session key to retrieve outputFormat from Default: outputFormat
        Session key to store the inputFormat in, to be able to set the outputformat when autoFormat=true. Can also be used to pass the value of an HTTP Accept header, to obtain a properly formatted response Default: Json2XmlValidator.inputFormat &lt;name of the pipe&gt;
        If true, the format on 'output' is set to the same as the format of the input message on 'input'. The format of the input message is stored in and retrieved from the session variable specified by outputFormatSessionKey Default: true
        If true assume arrays in JSON do not have the element containers like in XML Default: true
        If true check that incoming JSON adheres to the specified syntax (compact or full), otherwise both types are accepted for conversion from JSON to XML Default: false
        If true, assume that JSON contains/must contain a root element Default: false
        If true, and converting from JSON to XML, parameter substitutions are searched for optional sub elements too. By default, only mandatory elements are searched for parameter substitutions. N.B. Currently this option might cause problems. Please try using more qualified parameters names (using '/') first Default: false
        If true, and converting from JSON to XML, elements in JSON that are not found in the XML Schema are ignored Default: false
        If true, an exception is thrown when a wildcard is found in the XML Schema when parsing an object. This often indicates that an element is not properly typed in the XML Schema, and could lead to ambuigities. Default: true
        If true, all XML is allowed to be without namespaces. If no namespaces are detected (by the presence of the string 'xmlns') in the XML, the root namespace is added to the XML Default: false
        If true, all XML that is generated is without a namespace set Default: false
        If true, and converting to or from JSON, then the message root is the only rootValidation, ignoring root validations like for SOAP envelope and header set by descender classes like SoapValidator Default: true
        Allow JSON input Default: true
        Name of the root element, or a comma separated list of element names. The validation fails if the root element is not present in the list. N.B. for WSDL generation only the first element is used
        Characterset used for reading file, only used when <code>validateFile</code> is <code>true</code> Default: utf-8
        Ignore namespaces in the input message which are unknown Default: true when <code>schema</code> or <code>noNamespaceSchemaLocation</code> is used, false otherwise
        The functional name of this pipe. Can be referenced by the <code>path</code> attribute of a PipeForward.
        Name of the root element
        Name of the response root element
        The functional name of this pipe. Can be referenced by the <code>path</code> attribute of a PipeForward.
        If set, the processing continues directly at the forward of this pipe, without executing the pipe itself, if the input is empty Default: false
        If set, this pipe is only executed when the value of parameter with name <code>ifParam</code> equals <code>ifValue</code> (otherwise this pipe is skipped)
        See <code>ifParam</code>
        Key of session variable to check if action must be executed. The pipe is only executed if the session variable exists and is not null
        Value of session variable 'onlyIfSessionKey' to check if action must be executed. The pipe is only executed if the session variable has the specified value
        Key of session variable to check if action must be executed. The pipe is not executed if the session variable exists and is not null
        Value of session variable 'unlessSessionKey' to check if action must be executed. The pipe is not executed if the session variable has the specified value
        Only used when <code>mode=reg</code>!</b> Sets the Common Message Header version. 1 or 2 Default: 1
        either 3.1 or 3.2 Default: 3.1
        The JSON Schema to validate to
        Prefix to element name to find subschema in schema Default: /definitions/
        If set: key of session variable to store reasons of mis-validation in Default: failureReason
        name of the root element
        The functional name of this pipe. Can be referenced by the <code>path</code> attribute of a PipeForward.
        Default: wrap
        Soap version to use Default: auto
        (only used when direction=<code>wrap</code>) Namespace of the soap envelope Default: auto determined from soapVersion
        Key of session variable to store auto detected soapNamespace Default: If configured as Pipeline Input Wrapper or PipeLine Output Wrapper: soapNamespace
        Key of session variable to store soap header Default: If configured as Pipeline Input Wrapper and direction=<code>unwrap</code>: soapHeader
        The encodingStyle to be set in the soap header
        The default for the namespace of the message sent. Identifies the service to be called. May be overriden by an actual namespace setting in the message to be sent
        (only used when direction=<code>wrap</code>) Stylesheet to create the content of the soap header. As input for this stylesheet a dummy xml string is used. Note: outputType=<code>xml</code> and xsltVersion=
        (only used when direction=<code>wrap</code>) Stylesheet to apply to the input message. Note: outputType=<code>xml</code> and xsltVersion=2
        (only used when direction=<code>unwrap</code>) If <code>true</code>, namespaces (and prefixes) in the content of the soap body are removed Default: false
        (only used when direction=<code>unwrap</code> and <code>removeoutputnamespaces=false</code>) If <code>true</code>, unused namespaces in the content of the soap body are removed Default: true
        (only used when direction=<code>wrap</code>) If not empty, this namespace is added to the root element in the soap body
        If not empty, the root element in the soap body is changed to this value
        (only used when direction=<code>unwrap</code>) If <code>false</code> and the soap body contains a soap fault, a PipeRunException is thrown Default: false
        For direction=<code>unwrap</code> only: if true, allow unwrapped xml too Default: false
        alias used to obtain credentials for authentication to WebServiceSecurity
        Default username for WebServiceSecurity
        Default password for WebServiceSecurity
        If true, the password is sent digested; Otherwise it is sent in clear text Default: true
        The functional name of this pipe. Can be referenced by the <code>path</code> attribute of a PipeForward.
        Default: REG
        <b>Only used when <code>mode=reg</code>!</b> Sets the Common Message Header version. 1 or 2 Default: 1
        (only used when <code>direction=wrap</code>) when <code>true</code>, <code>outputNamespace</code> is automatically set using the parameters (if $messagingLayer='P2P' then '$businessDomain/$applicationName/$applicationFunction' else is serviceContext is not empty '$businessDomain/$serviceName/$serviceContext/$serviceContextVersion/$operationName/$operationVersion' else '$businessDomain/$serviceName/$serviceVersion/$operationName/$operationVersion') Default: false
        (only used when <code>direction=wrap</code>) when <code>true</code>, the physical destination is retrieved from the queue instead of using the parameter <code>destination</code> Default: true
        If <code>true</code>, the fields CorrelationId, MessageId and Timestamp will have a fixed value (for testing purposes only) Default: false
        (only used when <code>direction=wrap</code>) when <code>true</code> and the Result tag already exists, the namespace is changed Default: false
        When the messagingLayer part of the destination has this value interpret it as P2P
        When the messagingLayer part of the destination has this value interpret it as ESB
        The flowId of the file transfer when direction=wrap. When direction=unwrap the flowId will be extracted from the incoming message and added as a sessionKey to the pipeline.
        specifies the output folder if transformFilename=<code>false</code> and direction=wrap
        when <code>true</code> and direction=wrap, the input which is expected to be a local filename will be transformed to the filename as known on the IUF State machine. Default: true
        either 3.1 or 3.2 Default: 3.1
        when set to <code>true</code>, the folder corresponding fxf.dir property will be created in case it does not exist Default: false
        when set to <code>true</code>, ServerFileName from the input will be used as the filename Default: false
        position of field that identifies the recordtype (position of first field is 1)
        separator that separates the fields in the record
        Name of the manager
        This manager is the initial manager, i.e. to be used for the first record Default: false
        Start position of the field in the record that identifies the recordtype (first character is 0) Default: 0
        If endposition &gt;= 0 then this field contains the endPosition of the recordtype field in the record; All characters beyond this position are ignored. Else, if endPosition &lt; 0 then it depends on the length of the recordkey in the flow Default: -1
        semicolon separated list of output record field specifications (see table below)
        optional separator to add between the fields
        comma separated list of numbers of those fields that are compared with the previous record to determine if a prefix must be written. if any of these fields is not equal in both records, the record types are assumed to be different
        Name of the recordhandler
        Comma separated specification of field lengths. if neither this attribute nor <code>inputSeparator</code> is specified then the entire record is parsed
        Separator that separates the fields in the input record. If neither this attribute nor <code>inputFields</code> is specified then the entire record is parsed
        If set <code>true</code>, trailing spaces are removed from each field Default: false
        comma separated string with tagnames for the individual input fields (related using there positions). if you leave a tagname empty, the field is not xml-ized
        Root tag for the generated xml document that will be send to the Sender Default: record
        Name of stylesheet to transform an individual record
        Alternatively: xpath-expression to create stylesheet from
        Namespace defintions for xpathExpression. Must be in the form of a comma or space separated list of <code>prefix=namespaceuri</code>-definitions. One entry can be without a prefix, that will define the default namespace.
        Only valid for <code>xpathExpression</code> Default: text
        Force the transformer generated from the xpath-expression to omit the xml declaration Default: true
        String which ends the record and must be ignored
        Column that contains the BLOB to be updated Default: 1
        controls whether blobdata is stored compressed in the database Default: true
        Charset that is used to read and write BLOBs. This assumes the blob contains character data.
 If blobCharset and blobSmartGet are not set, BLOBs are returned as bytes. Before version 7.6, blobs were base64 encoded after being read to accommodate for the fact that senders need to return a String. This is no longer the case
        The functional name of the object.
        Prefix that has to be written before each record, if the record is in another block than the previous record
        <i>deprecated</i> suffix that has to be written after the record, if the record is in another block than the next record. <br/>n.b. if a suffix is set without a prefix, it is only used at the end of processing (i.e. at the end of the file) as a final close
        if set <code>true</code>, this resulthandler is the default for all flows that do not have a handler specified Default: false
        When set <code>true</code>(default), every group of records, as indicated by RecordHandler.newRecordType is handled as a block. Default: true
        The SQL query text
        JNDI name of datasource to be used, can be configured via jmsRealm, too Default: jdbc.datasource.default
        loads JNDI (and other) properties from a JmsRealm
        string that is written before any data of results is written Default: &lt;document name=&quot;#name#&quot;&gt;
        string that is written after all data of results is written Default: &lt;/document&gt;
        string that is written before the start of each logical block, as defined in the flow Default: &lt;#name#&gt;
        string that is written after the end of each logical block, as defined in the flow Default: &lt;/#name#&gt;
        string that is replaced by name of block or name of stream in above strings Default: #name#
        Column that contains the CLOB to be updated Default: 1
        Directory in which the resultfile must be stored
        Directory to which the created file must be moved after finalization (is optional)
        Name of the file is created using the messageformat. Params: 1=inputfilename, 2=extension of file, 3=current date
        separator placed between each string read Default: |
        the maximum length of each string. each string is preceded by a one byte length indication. Default: 50
        the number of strings read for each record. 0 means file consists of one logical record Default: 0
        replacement character, used when separator is found in string read Default: _
        sets URL to the pascal file with label-constants generated by the ADIOS-utility. Default: nnrscons.pas
        Transformation direction. Default: Adios2Xml
        Sets name of the rekenbox to be called
        Name of the SessionKey to retrieve the rekenbox name from
        Sets the name of the forward used when no conversion to XML was performed, because the input was already XML. Default: noconversion
        Charset to be used to encode the given input string Default: UTF-8
        (only used for parameter <code>httprequest</code>) when true the first part is not put in a session key but returned to the pipeline (as the result of this pipe) Default: false
        (only used when <code>extractfirststringpart=true</code>) the session key to put the xml in with info about the stored parts Default: <code>multipartxml</code>
        (only used for parameter <code>httprequest</code>) when true parts are checked for antivirus scan returncode. these antivirus scan parts have been added by another application (so the antivirus scan is not performed in this pipe). for each file part an antivirus scan part have been added by this other application (directly after this file part) Default: false
        (only used for parameter <code>httprequest</code> and when <code>checkantivirus=true</code>) name of antivirus scan status parts Default: <code>antivirus_rc</code>
        (only used for parameter <code>httprequest</code> and when <code>checkantivirus=true</code>) name of antivirus scan message parts Default: <code>antivirus_msg</code>
        (only used for parameter <code>httprequest</code> and when <code>checkantivirus=true</code>) message of antivirus scan parts which indicates the antivirus scan passed Default: <code>pass</code>
        (only used for parameter <code>httprequest</code> and when <code>checkantivirus=true</code>) when true and the antivirusfailed forward is specified and the antivirus scan did not pass, a soap fault is returned instead of only a plain error message Default: false
        (only used for parameter <code>httprequest</code> and when <code>checkantivirus=true</code>) if not empty and the antivirusfailed forward is specified and the antivirus scan did not pass, the error message (or soap fault) is stored in this session key and the first string part is returned to the pipeline
        Default: ENCODE
        Either <code>string</code> for character output or <code>bytes</code> for binary output. The value <code>stream</code> is no longer used. Streaming is automatic where possible Default: string for direction=encode, bytes for direction=decode
        Character encoding to be used to when reading input from strings for direction=encode or writing data for direction=decode.
        (Only used when direction=encode) Defines separator between lines. Special values: <code>auto</code>: platform default, <code>dos</code>: crlf, <code>unix</code>: lf Default: auto
        (Only used when direction=encode) Each line of encoded data will be at most of the given length (rounded down to nearest multiple of 4). If linelength &lt;= 0, then the output will not be divided into lines Default: 76
        If true, then this pipe can provide an OutputStream to the previous pipe, to write its output to. Can be used to switch this streaming off for debugging purposes Default: set by appconstant
        controls whether blobdata is stored compressed in the database Default: true
        If set <code>true</code> the original block is stored under the session key <code>originalBlock</code>. Default: false
        If set to <code>false</code>, the inputstream is not closed after it has been used. Default: true
        Characterset used for reading file or inputstream" Default: UTF-8
        The SQL query text to be excecuted each time sendMessage() is called
        JNDI name of datasource to be used, can be configured via jmsRealm, too Default: jdbc.datasource.default
        loads JNDI (and other) properties from a JmsRealm
        Directory in which the transformed file(s) is stored
        Directory to which the inputfile is moved in case an error occurs
        Number of copies held of a file with the same name. Backup files have a dot and a number suffixed to their name. If set to 0, no backups will be kept. Default: 5
        If set <code>true</code>, the destination file will be deleted if it already exists Default: false
        If set <code>true</code>, the file processed will deleted after being processed, and not stored Default: false
        Stylesheet to apply to each message, before sending it
        Alternatively: xpath-expression to create stylesheet from
        Only valid for xpathexpression Default: text
        Force the transformer generated from the xpath-expression to omit the xml declaration Default: true
        Controls multiline behaviour. When set to a value greater than 0, it specifies the number of rows send, in a one block, to the sender. Default: 0
        For asynchronous communication, the server side may either use the messageID or the correlationID
 in the correlationID field of the reply message. Use this property to set the behaviour of the reply-listener. Default: CORRELATIONID
        Stylesheet to extract correlationid from message
        XPath expression to extract correlationid from message
        Namespace defintions for correlationIDXPath. Must be in the form of a comma or space separated list of <code>prefix=namespaceUri</code>-definitions
        Key of a PipelineSession-variable. If specified, the value of the PipelineSession variable is used as input for the XPathExpression or stylesheet, instead of the current input message
        Stylesheet to extract label from message
        XPath expression to extract label from message
        Namespace defintions for labelXPath. Must be in the form of a comma or space separated list of <code>prefix=namespaceUri</code>-definitions
        XPath expression to extract audit trail from message
        Namespace defintions for auditTrailXPath. Must be in the form of a comma or space separated list of <code>prefix=namespaceUri</code>-definitions
        Key of a PipelineSession-variable. If specified, the value of the PipelineSession variable is used as audit trail (instead of the default 'no audit trail)
        If set <code>true</code>, the input of the Pipe is used to extract audit trail, correlationid and label (instead of the wrapped input) Default: true
        Next to common usage in AbstractPipe, also strings in the error/logstore are masked
        (Only used when hideRegex is not empty and only applies to error/logstore) Default: all
        If set <code>true</code>, the XML Well-Formedness of the result is checked Default: false
        If set, besides the XML Well-Formedness the root element of the result is checked to be equal to the value set
        The message (e.g. 'receiver timed out') that is returned when the time listening for a reply message
 exceeds the timeout, or in other situations no reply message is received.
        The number of times a processing attempt is retried after a timeout or an exception is caught or after an incorrect reply is received (see also <code>retryXPath</code>) Default: 0
        The starting number of seconds waited after an unsuccessful processing attempt before another processing attempt is made. Each next retry this interval is doubled with a upper limit of <code>retryMaxInterval</code> Default: 1
        The maximum number of seconds waited after an unsuccessful processing attempt before another processing attempt is made Default: 600
        XPath expression evaluated on each technical successful reply. Retry is done if condition returns true
        Namespace defintions for retryXPath. Must be in the form of a comma or space separated list of <code>prefix=namespaceUri</code>-definitions
        If the previous call was a timeout, the maximum time <i>in seconds</i> after this timeout to presume the current call is also a timeout. Default: 0
        If set, the result is first base64 decoded and then streamed to the HttpServletResponse object Default: false
        If set, the pipe returns a message from a file, instead of doing the regular process
        If not empty, a TimeoutException is thrown when the result equals this value (for testing purposes only)
        If not empty, a PipeRunException is thrown when the result equals this value (for testing purposes only)
        The functional name of this pipe. Can be referenced by the <code>path</code> attribute of a PipeForward.
        The SQL query text to be excecuted each time sendMessage() is called. When not set, the input message is taken as the query
        JNDI name of datasource to be used, can be configured via jmsRealm, too Default: jdbc.datasource.default
        Named parameters will be auto detected by default. Every string in the query which equals <code>?{paramname}</code> will be replaced by the value of the corresponding parameter. The parameters don't need to be in the correct order and unused parameters are skipped.
        Remove trailing blanks from all result values. Default: true
        If set, the SQL dialect in which the queries are written and should be translated from to the actual SQL dialect
        When set <code>true</code>, exclusive row-level locks are obtained on all the rows identified by the select statement (e.g. by appending ' FOR UPDATE NOWAIT SKIP LOCKED' to the end of the query) Default: false
        when set and >=0, ' FOR UPDATE WAIT #' is used instead of ' FOR UPDATE NOWAIT SKIP LOCKED' Default: -1
        If true, then select queries are executed in a way that avoids taking locks, e.g. with isolation mode 'read committed' instead of 'repeatable read'. Default: false
        Charset that is used to read and write BLOBs. This assumes the blob contains character data.
 If blobCharset and blobSmartGet are not set, BLOBs are returned as bytes. Before version 7.6, blobs were base64 encoded after being read to accommodate for the fact that senders need to return a String. This is no longer the case
        Controls automatically whether blobdata is stored compressed and/or serialized in the database Default: false
        controls whether blobdata is stored compressed in the database Default: true
        Controls multiline behaviour. If set to a value greater than 0, it specifies the number of rows send in a block to the sender. Default: 0 (one line at a time, no prefix of suffix)
        If <code>startPosition &gt;= 0</code>, this field contains the start position of the key in the current record (first character is 0);
 A sequence of lines with the same key is put in one block and send to the sender. Cannot be used in combination with blockSize. Default: -1
        If <code>endPosition &gt;= startPosition</code>, this field contains the end position of the key in the current record Default: -1
        If <code>true</code>, all items in a block are sent at once. If set false, items are sent individually, potentially leveraging block enabled sending capabilities of the sender Default: true
        If <code>combineBlocks = true</code>, this string is inserted at the start of each block. Requires <code>blockSize</code> or <code>startPosition</code> and <code>endPosition</code> to be set too. Default: &lt;block&gt;
        If <code>combineBlocks = true</code>, this string is inserted at the end of the set of lines. Requires <code>blockSize</code> or <code>startPosition</code> and <code>endPosition</code> to be set too. Default: &lt;/block&gt;
        This string is inserted at the start of each item
        This string is appended at the end of each item
        Escape XML characters in each item Default: false
        Stylesheet to apply to each message, before sending it
        Alternatively: xpath-expression to create stylesheet from
        Only valid for xpathexpression Default: text
        Force the transformer generated from the xpath-expression to omit the xml declaration Default: true
        Character encoding to be used to encode message before calculating checksum.
        Type of checksum to be calculated Default: MD5
        If set <code>true</code>, the input is assumed to be a filename; otherwise the input itself is used in the calculations. Default: false
        files that match this pattern will be deleted. parameters of the pipe are applied to this pattern. if this attribute is not set, the input of the pipe is interpreted as the file to be removed
        session key that contains the pattern of files to be deleted, only used if filePattern is not set
        time in milliseconds after last modification that must have passed at least before a file will be deleted (set to negative value to disable) Default: 0
        when <code>true</code>, files  in subdirectories will be deleted, too Default: false
        when <code>true</code>, empty subdirectories will be deleted, too Default: false
        filter of files to delete. if not set and a directory is specified, all files in the directory are interpreted to be deleted
        filter of files to be excluded for deletion
        Minimal age of file <i>in milliseconds</i>, to avoid deleting a file while it is still being written (only used when wildcard is set) (set to 0 to disable) Default: 1000
        reference to one of the session variables to be compared. Do not use, but use Parameter operand1 instead
        reference to the other session variables to be compared. Do not use, but use Parameter operand2 instead
        when set <code>true</code> the string values to compare are considered to be xml strings and before the actual compare both xml strings are transformed to a canonical form Default: false
        if <code>true</code> the pipe compresses, otherwise it decompress Default: false
        required if result is a file, the pattern for the result filename. Can be set with variables e.g. {file}.{ext}.zip in this example the {file} and {ext} variables are resolved with sessionKeys with the same name
        flag indicates whether the message is the content or the path to a file with the contents. for multiple files use ';' as delimiter Default: false
        required if result is a file, the directory in which to store the result file
        flag indicates whether the result must be written to the message or to a file (filename = message) Default: false
        the pattern for the zipentry name in case a zipfile is read or written
        if <code>true</code> result is returned as character data, otherwise as binary data Default: false
        CICS userId of account perform operation
        Password corresponding with userId
        Optional URL of XSLT-stylesheet to apply to message before calling proxy
        Optional URL of XSLT-stylesheet to apply to result of proxy
        Optional URL of XML-Schema of proxy input message. If specified it is used to validate the input message
        Default: 2
        Name of the sessionKey that holds the certificate of the issuer who signed the CRL.
        Specifies if the first line should be treated as header or as data Default: true
        Comma separated list of header names. If set, then <code>fileContainsHeader</code> defaults to false. If not set, headers are taken from the first line
        Character that separates fields Default: ,
        When set, character casing will be changed for the header
        Format the XML output in easy legible way
        The time <i>in milliseconds</i> the thread will be put to sleep Default: 5000
        when <code>true</code>, a piperunexception is thrown. otherwise the output is only logged as an error (and returned in a xml string with 'error' tags) Default: true
        timeout in seconds of obtaining a result Default: 30
        the name of the table that contains the mapping Default: mapping
        the name of the column labels are stored in Default: label
        the name of the column source values are stored in Default: valuein
        the name of the column destination values are stored in Default: valueout
        substring to start translation
        substring to end translation
        when set <code>true</code> special characters in <code>substringstart</code> and <code>substringend</code> are first translated to their xml equivalents Default: false
        when <code>true</code>, a piperunexception is thrown. otherwise the output is only logged as an error (and no rollback is performed). Default: true
        Directory where input file is moved to in case of a successful transformation
        Directory where input file is moved to in case an error occurred
        Default charset attribute Default: UTF-8
        If set, each record has to end with this string. If a line read doesn't end with this string more lines are added (including line separators) until the total record ends with the given string
        Marks the start of a new record. If set, a new record is started when this line is read.
        If set to <code>false</code>, the inputstream is not closed after it has been used Default: true
        forward returned when the forward or pipename derived from the filename that was the input could not be found.
        convert the result to lowercase, before searching for a corresponding forward Default: true
        Should values between ${ and } be resolved. If true, the search order of replacement values is:
 system properties (1), pipelinesession variables (2), application properties (3). Default: false
        Name of the file containing the result message.
        Name of the session key containing the file name of the file containing the result message.
        Returned message.
        If set, every occurrence of this attribute's value is replaced by the value of <code>replaceTo</code>.
        See <code>replaceFrom</code>.
        File name of XSLT stylesheet to apply.
        When set <code>true</code>, parameter replacement matches <code>name-of-parameter</code>, not <code>${name-of-parameter}</code> Default: false
        comma separated list of attachment properties to list
        comma separated list of attachment properties not to list. When specified, 'onlyProperties' is ignored
        When set <code>true</code>, the input is assumed to be the name of a file to be processed. Otherwise, the input itself is transformed. The character encoding will be read from the XML declaration Default: false
        Element name (not an XPath-expression), qualified via attribute <code>namespaceDefs</code>, used to determine the 'root' of elements to be iterated over, i.e. the root of the set of child elements.
 When empty, the pipe will iterate over each direct child element of the root
        Element name (not an XPath-expression), qualified via attribute <code>namespaceDefs</code>, used to determine the type of elements to be iterated over, i.e. the element name of each of the child elements.
 When empty, the pipe will iterate over any direct child element of the root or specified containerElement
        XPath-expression used to determine the set of elements to be iterated over, i.e. the set of child elements. When empty, the effective value is \/*\/*, i.e. the pipe will iterate over each direct child element of the root.
 Be aware that memory consumption appears to increase with file size when this attribute is used. When possible, use containerElement and/or targetElement instead.
        If set to <code>2</code> or <code>3</code> a Saxon (net.sf.saxon) XSLT processor 2.0 or 3.0 will be used, supporting XPath 2.0 or 3.0 respectively, otherwise an XSLT processor 1.0 (org.apache.xalan), supporting XPath 1.0. N.B. Be aware that setting this other than 1 might cause the input file being read as a whole in to memory, as XSLT Streaming is currently only supported by the XSLT Processor that is used for xsltVersion=1 Default: 1
        If set <code>true</code> namespaces (and prefixes) are removed from the items just before forwarding them to the sender. N.B. This takes place <strong>after</strong> the transformation for <code>elementXPathExpression</code> if that is specified
        Key of the session variable to retrieve the output message from. When left unspecified, the input message is used as the key of the session variable
        <ul><li><code>string</code>: renders the contents</li><li><code>map</code>: converts a Map&lt;String, String&gt; object to a xml-string (&lt;items&gt;&lt;item name='...'&gt;...&lt;/item&gt;&lt;item name='...'&gt;...&lt;/item&gt;&lt;/items&gt;)</li></ul> Default: string
        URL or base of URL to be used. When multiple URLs are defined (comma separated list), the first URL is used of which the server has an active state
        alias used to obtain credentials for authentication to host
        username used in authentication to host
        password used in authentication to host
        when set to <code>true</code>, temporary queues are skipped Default: false
        when set to <code>true</code>, the length of the queue message is returned instead of the queue message self (when parameter <code>queueName</code> is not empty) Default: false
        Hash Algorithm to use Default: HmacSHA256
        Character set to use for converting the secret from String to bytes Default: UTF-8
        Method to use for converting the hash from bytes to String Default: Base64
        The secret to hash with. Only used if no parameter secret is configured. The secret is only used when there is no authAlias specified, by attribute or parameter
        authAlias to retrieve the secret from (password field). Only used if no parameter authAlias is configured
        Reference to the session variable whose value is to be increased
        amount to increment the value. Can be set from the attribute or the parameter 'increment' Default: 1
        the j2ee role to check.
        name of forward returned if user is not allowed to assume the specified role Default: notInRole
        forward returned when <code>'true'</code> Default: then
        forward returned when 'false' Default: else
        return elseforward when input is empty (or thenforward) Default: true
        Direction of the transformation. Default: JSON2XML
        When direction is JSON2XML, it wraps a root element around the converted message. 
 When direction is XML2JSON, it includes the name of the root element as a key in the converted message. Default: TRUE when JSON2XML and FALSE when XML2JSON
        Format the output in easy legible way (currently only for XML)
        When <code>true</code>, the xml result of the transformation is converted back to json Default: true
        Namespace defintions for xpathExpression. Must be in the form of a comma or space separated list of <code>prefix=namespaceuri</code>-definitions Default: j=
        If true, then this pipe will process the XSLT while streaming in a different thread. Can be used to switch streaming xslt off for debugging purposes Default: set by appconstant xslt.streaming.default
        Location of stylesheet to apply to the input message
        Session key to retrieve stylesheet location. Overrides stylesheetName or xpathExpression attribute
        Size of cache of stylesheets retrieved from styleSheetNameSessionKey Default: 100
        Alternatively: XPath-expression to create stylesheet from
        Omit the XML declaration on top of the output. If not set, the value specified in the stylesheet is followed Default: false, if not set in stylesheet
        If set <code>true</code>, any output is reparsed before being handled as XML again. If not set, the stylesheet is searched for <code>@disable-output-escaping='yes'</code> and the value is set accordingly Default: false, if not set in stylesheet
        For xpathExpression only Default: text
        If set <code>true</code>, result is pretty-printed. If not set, the value specified in the stylesheet is followed Default: false, if not set in stylesheet
        If set <code>true</code> namespaces (and prefixes) in the input message are removed before transformation Default: false
        If set <code>true</code>, the transformer is enabled to handle lexical events, allowing it for example to process comments and to distinghuish CDATA from escaped text.
 Beware that this option can cause spurious NullPointerExceptions due to a race condition in streaming XSLT 1.0 processing in Xalan 2.7.2 Default: false
        If set <code>true</code> empty tags in the output are removed after transformation Default: false
        If set to <code>2</code> or <code>3</code> a Saxon (net.sf.saxon) xslt processor 2.0 or 3.0 respectively will be used, otherwise xslt processor 1.0 (org.apache.xalan). <code>0</code> will auto detect Default: 0
        If true, then this pipe will process the XSLT while streaming in a different thread. Can be used to switch streaming xslt off for debugging purposes Default: set by appconstant xslt.streaming.default
        Location of stylesheet to apply to the input message
        Session key to retrieve stylesheet location. Overrides stylesheetName or xpathExpression attribute
        Size of cache of stylesheets retrieved from styleSheetNameSessionKey Default: 100
        Alternatively: XPath-expression to create stylesheet from
        Omit the XML declaration on top of the output. If not set, the value specified in the stylesheet is followed Default: false, if not set in stylesheet
        If set <code>true</code>, any output is reparsed before being handled as XML again. If not set, the stylesheet is searched for <code>@disable-output-escaping='yes'</code> and the value is set accordingly Default: false, if not set in stylesheet
        Namespace defintions for xpathExpression. Must be in the form of a comma or space separated list of <code>prefix=namespaceuri</code>-definitions. For some other use cases (NOT xpathExpression), one entry can be without a prefix, that will define the default namespace.
 If left empty, an the xpathExpression will match any namespace
        For xpathExpression only Default: text
        If set <code>true</code>, result is pretty-printed. If not set, the value specified in the stylesheet is followed Default: false, if not set in stylesheet
        If set <code>true</code> namespaces (and prefixes) in the input message are removed before transformation Default: false
        If set <code>true</code>, the transformer is enabled to handle lexical events, allowing it for example to process comments and to distinghuish CDATA from escaped text.
 Beware that this option can cause spurious NullPointerExceptions due to a race condition in streaming XSLT 1.0 processing in Xalan 2.7.2 Default: false
        If set <code>true</code> empty tags in the output are removed after transformation Default: false
        If set to <code>2</code> or <code>3</code> a Saxon (net.sf.saxon) xslt processor 2.0 or 3.0 respectively will be used, otherwise xslt processor 1.0 (org.apache.xalan). <code>0</code> will auto detect Default: 0
        Auth Alias for the SharedSecret to be used when signing the JWT (using the HmacSHA256 algorithm)
        Shared secret to be used when signing the JWT (using the HmacSHA256 algorithm)
        JWT expirationTime in seconds, 0 to disable Default: 600
        sets transformation direction. Possible values
   <li>"Xml2Label": transform an XML file to ascii</li>
   <li>"Label2Xml": transform an ascii file to XML</li>
 default: None
        whether or not to write results to the logfile (testtool4&lt;;) Default: false
        whether or not to write results to system out Default: false
        Set to <code>true</code> when the pipeline is triggered by a user (e.g. using an http based listener
 that will add a securityHandler session key) and you don't want the listener to check whether the user
 is autorised and/or you want the enforce the roles as configured for the Ladybug Default: false
        Set to <code>true</code> to enable Ladybug's report generator for the duration of the scheduled report runs
 then revert it to its original setting Default: false
        When set, reports with a full path (path + name) that matches with the specified regular expression are skipped. For example, \"/Unscheduled/.*\" or \".*SKIP\".
        Default: false
        Default: false
        The scenario sub directory to execute
        the larva log level: one of [debug], [pipeline messages prepared for diff], [pipeline messages], [wrong pipeline messages prepared for diff], [wrong pipeline messages], [step passed/failed], [scenario passed/failed], [scenario failed], [totals], [error] Default: wrong pipeline messages
        Default: 100ms
        the larva timeout Default: 10000
        url to the ldap server. <br/>example: ldap://su05b9.itc.intranet
        class to use as initial context factory Default: com.sun.jndi.ldap.ldapctxfactory
        key of session variable used to store cause of errors
        when <code>true</code>, the memberOf attribute is also searched in all the found members Default: true
        Url to context to search in, e.g. 'ldaps://DOMAIN.EXT'.
        Host part of ldapProviderUrl. Only used when ldapProviderUrl not specified
        Port of ldapProviderUrl. Only used when ldapProviderUrl not specified
        Indication to use ldap or ldaps in ldapProviderUrl. Only used when ldapProviderUrl not specified Default: false
        BaseDN, e.g. CN=USERS,DC=DOMAIN,DC=EXT Default: false
        Alias used to obtain credentials to connect to ldap server
        Username used to obtain credentials to connect to ldap server
        Password used to obtain credentials to connect to ldap server
        PipeForward used when an exception is caught
        The dn of the group to search in when the parameter dnSearchIn is not set
        The dn of the member to search for when the parameter dnFind is not set
        when <code>true</code>, the member attribute is also searched in all the found members Default: true
        the folder that serves as the root of this virtual filesystem
        If parameter [action] is set, then the attribute action value will be overridden with the value of the parameter.
        Filename to operate on. If not set, the parameter filename is used. If that is not set either, the input is used
        Destination for move, copy or rename. If not set, the parameter destination is used. If that is not set either, the input is used
        Folder that is scanned for files when action=list. When not set, the root is scanned
        If set <code>true</code>, the folder to create, write, move or copy the file to is created if it does not exist Default: false
        If set <code>true</code>, for actions create, move, copy or rename, the destination file is overwritten if it already exists Default: false
        For action=append: If set to a positive number, the file is rotated each day, and this number of files is kept. The inputFolder must point to the directory where the file resides Default: 0
        For action=append: If set to a positive number, the file is rotated when it has reached the specified size, and the number of files specified in numberOfBackups is kept. Size is specified in plain bytes, suffixes like 'K', 'M' or 'G' are not recognized. The inputFolder must point to the directory where the file resides Default: 0
        For the actions write and append, with rotateSize>0: the number of backup files that is kept. The inputFolder must point to the directory where the file resides Default: 0
        For actions read, write and append. When set the stream is base64 encoded or decoded
        Filter of files to look for in inputFolder e.g. '*.inp'. Works with actions move, copy, delete and list
        Filter of files to be excluded when looking in inputFolder. Works with actions move, copy, delete and list
        If set to <code>true</code> then the folder and the content of the non empty folder will be deleted.
        If set to <code>true</code> then the system specific line separator will be appended to the file after executing the action. Works with actions write and append Default: false
        Charset to be used for read and write action
        If set to true then the folder will be deleted if it is empty after processing the action. Works with actions delete, readDelete and move
        OutputFormat Default: XML
        If set to <code>true</code> the ThreadContext parameters will be exported from the current PipeLine up in the call tree. Default: false
        If set {@code true} the pipe will never forward to the {@code ExceptionForward} even if an error occurred during execution. Default: false
        name of the file to move (if not specified, the input for this pipe is assumed to be the name of the file
        base directory where files are moved from
        session key that contains the name of the filter to use (only used if wildcard is not set)
        filter of files to replace
        destination directory
        name of the destination file (if not specified, the name of the file to move is taken)
        session key that contains the name of the file to use (only used if move2file is not set)
        maximum number of attempts before throwing an exception Default: 10
        Time <i>in milliseconds</i> between attempts Default: 1000
        number of copies held of a file with the same name. backup files have a dot and a number suffixed to their name. if set to 0, no backups will be kept. Default: 5
        when set <code>true</code>, the destination file will be deleted if it already exists. when set <code>false</code> and <code>numberofbackups</code> set to 0, a counter is added to the destination filename ('basename_###.ext') Default: false
        when set <code>true</code> and the destination file already exists, the content of the file to move is written to the end of the destination file. this implies <code>overwrite=false</code> Default: false
        when set to <code>true</code>, the directory from which a file is moved is deleted when it contains no other files Default: false
        when set to <code>true</code>, the directory to move to is created if it does not exist Default: false
        string which is inserted at the start of the destination file
        string which is inserted at the end of the destination file (and replaces the extension if present)
        when <code>true</code>, <code>numberofbackups</code> is set to 0 and the destination file already exists a piperunexception is thrown (instead of adding a counter to the destination filename) Default: false
        Action to be taken when pipe is executed.
        Recipients to be used during encryption stage. If multiple, separate with ';' (semicolon)
        Emails of the senders. This will be used to verify that all the senders have signed the given message.
 If not set, and the action is verify; this pipe will validate that at least one person has signed.
 For signing action, it needs to be set to the email that was used to generate the private key
 "that is being used for this process.
        Path to the private key. It will be used when signing or decrypting.
        Password for the private key.
        Path to the recipient's public key. It will be used for encryption and verification.
        whether the securerandom algorithm is to be used (slower) Default: true
        the lowercase characters to use Default: ('a'..'z')
        the uppercase characters to use Default: ('A'..'Z')
        the numbers to use Default: ('0'..'9')
        the signs to use Default: (;:_%$#@!&gt;&lt;)
        the number of lowercase characters in the generated password Default: 2
        the number of digits in the generated password Default: 2
        the number of sign characters in the generated password Default: 2
        the number of uppercase characters in the generated password Default: 2
        name of sessionkey that holds the hash which will be used to validate the password (input of the pipe)
        session key that contains the document that the attachments will be attached to. Only used when action is set to 'combine' Default: defaultMainDocumentSessionKey
        The session key used to store the main conversion result document. Only to be
 used when action is set to 'convert'.

 ff.default documents
        The session-key in which result files are stored when documents are converted to PDF.

 Conversion result files are stored as messages in the session, under keys numbered based
 on the value set here. If #isSaveSeparate() is {@code false} then only the main
 document is stored in the session, if it is {@code true} then each attachment is stored
     For example, if a file is converted that has 2 attachments and #setSaveSeparate(boolean)
     is set to {@code true} then there will be the following 3 session keys (assuming the default value
     is unchanged):
         <li>{@code pdfConversionResultFiles1}</li>
         <li>{@code pdfConversionResultFiles2}</li>
         <li>{@code pdfConversionResultFiles3}</li>
     Each session key will contain a FileMessage referencing the contents of that PDF.
 </p> Default: pdfConversionResultFiles
        session key that contains the filename to be attached. Only used when the action is set to 'combine' Default: defaultFileNameToAttachSessionKey
        fonts folder to load the fonts. If not set then a temporary folder will be created to extract fonts from everytime. Having fontsDirectory to be set will improve startup time
        charset to be used to decode the given input message in case the input is not binary but character stream Default: UTF-8
        aspose license location including the file name. It can also be used without license but there some restrictions on usage. If license is in resource, license attribute can be license file name. If the license is in somewhere in filesystem then it should be full path to file including filename and starting with file://// prefix. classloader.allowed.protocols property should contain 'file' protocol
        when sets to false, converts the file including the attachments attached to the main file. when it is true, saves each attachment separately Default: false
        directory to save resulting pdf files after conversion. If not set then a temporary directory will be created and the conversion results will be stored in that directory.
        when set to true, external resources, such as stylesheets and images found in HTML pages, will be loaded from the internet Default: false
        result when no object is on postbox Default: empty postbox
        Key of the session variable to store the input in
        Value to store in the <code>pipeLineSession</code>. If not set, the input of the pipe is stored
        Key of session variable to store systemdate in Default: systemDate
        Format to store date in Default: full ISO format: DateUtils.fullIsoFormat
        Time zone to use for the formatter Default: the default time zone for the JVM
        Set to a time <i>in milliseconds</i> to create a value that is different to the previous returned value by a PutSystemDateInSession pipe in
 this virtual machine or <code>-1 to disable</code>. The thread will sleep for the specified time before recalculating a new value. Set the
 timezone to a value without Daylight Saving Time (like GMT+1) to prevent this pipe to generate two equal value's when the clock is set back.
 <b>note:</b> When you're looking for a GUID parameter for your XSLT it might be better to use
 &lt;param name=&quot;guid&quot; pattern=&quot;{hostname}_{uid}&quot;/&gt;, see Parameter. Default: -1
        If <code>true</code>, the date/time returned will always be 2001-12-17 09:30:47 (for testing purposes only). It is overridden by the value of the pipelinesession key <code>stub4testtool.fixeddate</code> when it exists Default: false
        If set to 'true' then current time stamp in millisecond will be stored in the sessionKey Default: false
        Fixed name of the rekenbox (or wrapper) to be called. If empty, the name is determined from the request
        Directory on server where rekenbox-executable can be found
        Rekenbox template directory on server
        Directory on server where input and output files are (temporarily) stored
        Format of commandline of rekenbox. Possible values
 "straight": rekenbox is called like: rekenbox.exe inputFileName outputFileName templateDir
 "switches": rekenbox is called like: rekenbox.exe /IinputFileName /UoutputFileName /PtemplateDir
 "redirected": rekenbox is called like: rekenbox.exe inputFileName templateDir > outputFileName; (This method has not been fully tested)
        Extension of rekenbox-executable
        If <code>true</code>, input and output files are removed after the call to the rekenbox is finished
        Key in pipeLineSession to store rekenbox name in
        First part of filenames that communicate requests and replies to rekenbox
        Maximal number that will be concatenated to dataFilenamePrefix
        Name of the cache from which items are to be removed
        XPath expression to extract cache key from request message
        Output type of xpath expression to extract cache key from request message, must be 'xml' or 'text' Default: text
        Namespace defintions for keyXPath. Must be in the form of a comma or space separated list of <code>prefix=namespaceuri</code>-definitions
        Stylesheet to extract cache key from request message. Use in combination with cacheEmptyKeys to inhibit caching for certain groups of request messages
        Session key to use as input for transformation of request message to key by keyXPath or keyStyleSheet
        name of the key of the entry in the <code>pipelinesession</code> to remove. if this key is empty the input message is interpretted as key. for multiple keys use ',' as delimiter
        Sets the string that is searched for. Newlines can be represented
 by the #setLineSeparatorSymbol(String).
        Sets the string that will replace each of the occurrences of the find-string. Newlines can be represented
 	 * by the #setLineSeparatorSymbol(String).
        sets the string that will represent the line-separator in the #setFind(String) and #setReplace(String) strings.
        Replace all characters that are non-printable according to the XML specification with
 the value specified in #setReplaceNonXmlChar(String).
     <b>NB:</b> This will only replace or remove characters considered non-printable. This
     will not check if a given character is valid in the particular way it is used. Thus it will
     not remove or replace, for instance, a single {@code '&'} character.
 See also:
 	    <li>XmlEncodingUtils replaceNonValidXmlCharacters</li>
 	    <li><a href="">Character ranges specified in the XML Specification</a></li>
 </p> Default: false
        character that will replace each non valid xml character (empty string is also possible) (use &amp;#x00bf; for inverted question mark) Default: empty string
        Whether to allow Unicode supplementary characters (like a smiley) during replaceNonValidXmlCharacters Default: false
        when set <code>true</code> or set to something else then \"true\", (even set to the empty string), the debugging is not active Default: true
        name of the file containing the Java-script Functions as base input
        The name of the function in the java-script library to run
        The arguments to run the function in the java-script library to run
        when set <code>true</code>, the lookup of the file will be done at runtime instead of at configuration time Default: false
        the destination, aka smb://xxx/yyy share
        the smb share username
        the smb share password
        alias used to obtain credentials for the smb share
        domain, in case the user account is bound to a domain
        when <code>true</code>, intermediate directories are created also Default: false
        controls whether hidden files are seen or not Default: false
        Hostname of the SMB share.
        Port to connect to. Default: 445
        Type of the authentication either 'NTLM' or 'SPNEGO'.
 When setting SPNEGO, the host must use the FQDN, and must be registered on the KDC with a valid SPN. Default: SPNEGO
        alias used to obtain credentials for the smb share
        the smb share username
        the smb share password
        domain, in case the user account is bound to a domain
        Key Distribution Center, typically hosted on a domain controller.
 Stored in <code></code>
        Kerberos Realm, case sensitive. Typically upper case and the same as the domain name.
 An Active Directory domain acts as a Kerberos Realm.
 Stored in <code></code>
        Name of the SapSystem used by this object
        One of: begin, commit, rollback, release
        Session key under which information is stored
        URL or base of URL to be used. When multiple URLs are defined (comma separated list), the first URL is used of which the server has an active state
        alias used to obtain credentials for authentication to host
        username used in authentication to host
        password used in authentication to host
        The name of the queue which is used for browsing one queue
        Protocol of Tibco service to be called
        Maximum time in milliseconds to wait for a reply. 0 means no timeout. (Only for messageProtocol=RR) Default: 5000
        If empty then derived from queueName (if $messagingLayer='P2P' then '$applicationFunction' else '$operationName_$operationVersion)
        Action to be taken when pipe is executed. Default: SIGN
        The signing algorithm Default: ALGORITHM_DEFAULT
        Cryptography provider
        if true, the signature is (expected to be) base64 encoded Default: true
        Keystore to obtain signing key
        Type of keystore, can be pkcs12 or pem Default: pkcs12
        Alias used to obtain keystore password
        Keystore password
        Alias in keystore
        Alias used to obtain keystoreAlias password
        KeystoreAlias password
        Key manager algorithm. Can be left empty to use the servers default algorithm
        Number of bytes (for binary input) or characters (for character input) to skip. An empty byte array or string is returned when skip is larger then the length of the input Default: 0
        If length>=0 only these number of bytes (for binary input) or characters (for character input) is returned. Default: -1
        The xml tag to encapsulate the text in
        Controls whether the lines of the input are places in separated &lt;line&gt; tags Default: false
        Replace all non xml chars (not in the <a href="">character range as specified by the xml specification</a>)
 with the inverted question mark (0x00bf) Default: true
        Controls whether the text to encapsulate should be put in a cdata section Default: true
        Set the maximum number of characters of a block Default: 160
        If true, try to break up the message at spaces, instead of in the middle of words Default: false
        Format of generated string. Default: alphanumeric
        Directory to extract the archive to
        Sessionkey with a directory value to extract the archive to
        If true, file is automatically deleted upon normal JVM termination Default: true
        If set <code>false</code>, only a small summary (count of items in zip) is returned Default: true
        If set <code>true</code>, the contents of the files in the zip are returned in the result xml message of this pipe. Please note this can consume a lot of memory for large files or a large number of files Default: false
        Comma separated list of file extensions. Files with an extension which is part of this list will be base64 encoded. All other files are assumed to have UTF-8 when reading it from the zip and are added as escaped xml with non-unicode-characters being replaced by inverted question mark appended with #, the character number and ; Default: false
        If set <code>false</code>, a suffix is added to the original filename to be sure it is unique Default: false
        If set <code>true</code>, the path of the zip entry will be preserved. Otherwise, the zip entries will be extracted to the root folder Default: false
        If set <code>true</code>, validation of directory is ignored Default: false
        If set <code>true</code>, the input is assumed to be the name of a file to be processed. Otherwise, the input itself is used. Default: false
        base directory where files are unzipped to
        the session key that contains the base directory where files are unzipped to Default: destination
        name of the key in the <code>pipelinesession</code> which contains the inputstream Default: file
        either parent (adapter of pipeline which contains this pipe) or input (name of adapter specified by input of pipe), adapter must be within the same Configuration Default: parent
        name of the file (resource) on the classpath to read the xquery from
        name of the file on the file system to read the xquery from
        substring to start translation
        substring to end translation
        the name of the element to iterate over (alternatively: <code>elementchain</code>)
        the name of the element to iterate over, preceded with all ancestor elements and separated by semicolons (e.g. adapter;pipeline;pipe)
        name of the key in the <code>pipelinesession</code> to retrieve the input-message from. if not set, the current input message of the pipe is taken. n.b. same as <code>getinputfromsessionkey</code>
        a string to compare the result of the xpathexpression (or the input-message itself) to. if not specified, a non-empty result leads to the 'then'-forward, an empty result to 'else'-forward
        forward returned when <code>'true'</code> Default: then
        forward returned when 'false' Default: else
        xpath expression to be applied to the input-message. if not set, no transformation is done
        regular expression to be applied to the input-message (ignored if xpathexpression is specified). the input-message matching the given regular expression leads to the 'then'-forward
        If set to <code>2</code> or <code>3</code> a Saxon (net.sf.saxon) xslt processor 2.0 or 3.0 respectively will be used, otherwise xslt processor 1.0 (org.apache.xalan) Default: 2
        namespace defintions for xpathExpression. Must be in the form of a comma or space separated list of <code>prefix=namespaceuri</code>-definitions.
        controls namespace-awareness of XSLT transformation Default: true
        stylesheet may return a string representing the forward to look up Default: <i>a stylesheet that returns the name of the root-element</i>
        stylesheet may return a string representing the forward to look up Default: <i>a stylesheet that returns the name of the root-element</i>
        xpath-expression that returns a string representing the forward to look up. It's possible to refer to a parameter (which e.g. contains a value from a sessionkey) by using the parameter name prefixed with $
        Namespace defintions for xpathExpression. Must be in the form of a comma or space separated list of <code>prefix=namespaceuri</code>-definitions. For some use other cases (NOT xpathExpression), one entry can be without a prefix, that will define the default namespace.
        Name of the key in the <code>PipeLineSession</code> to retrieve the input message from, if a styleSheetName or a xpathExpression is specified.
 If no styleSheetName or xpathExpression is specified, the value of the session variable is used as the name of the forward.
 If none of sessionKey, styleSheetName or xpathExpression are specified, the element name of the root node of the input message is taken as the name of forward.
        Forward returned when the pipename derived from the stylesheet could not be found.
        Forward returned when the content, on which the switch is performed, is empty. if <code>emptyforwardname</code> is not specified, <code>notfoundforwardname</code> is used.
        If set to <code>2</code> or <code>3</code> a Saxon (net.sf.saxon) xslt processor 2.0 or 3.0 respectively will be used, otherwise xslt processor 1.0 (org.apache.xalan). <code>0</code> will auto detect Default: 0
        when set <code>true</code> xslt processor 2.0 (net.sf.saxon) will be used, otherwise xslt processor 1.0 (org.apache.xalan) Default: false
        Selected forward name will be stored in the specified session key.
        Session key that will be used to get the forward name from.
        controls namespace-awareness of XSLT transformation Default: true
        Session key used to store contents of each zip entry Default: zipdata
        If set to <code>false</code>, a string containing the contents of the entry is placed under the session key, instead of the inputstream to the contents Default: true
        If set to <code>false</code>, the inputstream is not closed after it has been used Default: true
        Charset used when reading the contents of the entry (only used if streamingContents=false) Default: utf-8
        If set to <code>true</code>, a possible bytes order mark (BOM) at the start of the file is skipped (only used for encoding uft-8) Default: false
        If set <code>true</code>, the each entry is assumed to be the name of a file to be compressed. Otherwise, the input itself is compressed. Default: false
        Session key used to refer to zip session. Must be specified with another value if ZipWriterPipes are nested. Deprecated, use collectionName instead. Default: zipwriterhandle
        Only for action='write': If set to <code>true</code>, the fields 'crc-32', 'compressed size' and 'uncompressed size' in the zip entry file header are set explicitly (note: compression ratio is zero) Default: false
        When action is OPEN: If input is a string, it's assumed it's the location where to save the Zip Archive.
 When action is WRITE: Input will be 'piped' to the output, and the message will be preserved.
 Avoid using this if possible.
        Collectors must be opened before you can write content to them, after it's closed you can no longer write to it. Default: WRITE
        Session key used to refer to collection. Must be specified with another value if multiple CollectorPipes are active at the same time in the same session Default: collection
        Name of the job
        Description of the job
        CRON expression that determines the frequency of execution.
 Can <code>not</code> be used in combination with Interval.
        Triggers the Job at the specified number of milliseconds. Keep cronExpression empty in order to use interval.
 Value <code>0</code> may be used to run once at startup of the application.
 A value of 0 in combination with function 'sendMessage' will set dependencyTimeout on the IbisLocalSender to -1 to keep waiting indefinitely instead of 60 seconds for the adapter to start.
        Number of threads that may execute concurrently Default: 1
        Number of messages displayed in ibisconsole Default: 10
        The number of seconds the database driver will wait for a statement to execute. If the limit is exceeded, a TimeoutException is thrown. 0 means no timeout Default: 0
        The SQL query text to be executed
        JNDI name of datasource to be used Default: jdbc.datasource.default
        The number of seconds the database driver will wait for a statement to execute. If the limit is exceeded, a TimeoutException is thrown. 0 means no timeout Default: 0
        Configuration on which job operates
        Adapter on which job operates
        Receiver on which job operates
        JavaListener to send the message to
        message to be sent into the pipeline
        The functional name of the object.
        The functional name of the object.
        Timeout in ms of obtaining a connection/result. 0 means no timeout Default: 10000
        Authentication alias used for authentication to the host
        Username used for authentication to the host
        Password used for authentication to the host
      Parameter that is used, if specified and not empty, to determine the destination. Overrides the <code>destination</code> attribute
      Name of the queue the reply is expected on. This value is sent in the JMSReplyTo-header with the message. Default: a dynamically generated temporary destination
      (Only used when <code>synchronous</code>=<code>true</code> and <code>replyToName</code> is set). Indicates whether the server uses the correlationId from the pipeline, the correlationId from the message or the messageId in the correlationId field of the reply. This requires the sender to have set the correlationId at the time of sending. Default: MESSAGEID
      Value of the JMSType field Default: not set by application
      Sets the priority that is used to deliver the message. Ranges from 0 to 9. Defaults to -1, meaning not set. Effectively the default priority is set by JMS to 4 Default: -1
      SOAP encoding style URI
      SOAP service namespace URI
      Name of parameter containing SOAP header Default: soapHeader
      session key to store SOAP header of reply Default: replySoapHeader
      A list of JMS headers of the response to add to the PipeLineSession
      The JMS javax.jms.Message class for the outgoing message.
 Currently supported are MessageClass#TEXT for JMS TextMessage,
 MessageClass#BYTES for JMS BytesMessage, or MessageClass#AUTO for auto-determination
 based on whether the input Message is binary or character.
 Defaults to MessageClass#AUTO, unless the default is overridden in AppConstants with property {@code jms.messageClass.default}
      Type of the messageing destination.
 This function also sets the <code>useTopicFunctions</code> field,
 that controls whether Topic functions are used or Queue functions. Default: QUEUE
      Sets the JMS-acknowledge mode. This controls for non transacted listeners the way messages are acknowledged.
 See the jms-documentation.
      If not transacted, the way the application informs the JMS provider that it has successfully received a message. Default: auto
      Controls whether messages are processed persistently.

 When set <code>true</code>, the JMS provider ensures that messages aren't lost when the application might crash.
      Only applicable for topics Default: DURABLE
      Used when destinationType = QUEUE.
 The JNDI-name of the queueConnectionFactory to use to connect to a <code>queue</code> if #isTransacted() returns <code>false</code>.
 The corresponding connection factory should be configured not to support XA transactions.
      Used when destinationType = TOPIC.
 The JNDI-name of the connection factory to use to connect to a <i>topic</i> if #isTransacted() returns <code>false</code>.
 The corresponding connection factory should be configured not to support XA transactions.
      Controls the use of JMS transacted session.
 In versions prior to 4.1, this attribute was called plainly 'transacted'. The transacted
 attribute, however, is now in uses to indicate the use of XA-transactions. XA transactions can be used
 in a pipeline to simultaneously (in one transaction) commit or rollback messages send to a number of queues, or
 even together with database actions.
      Transform the value of the correlationid to a hexadecimal value if it starts with id: (preserving the id: part).
 Useful when sending messages to MQ which expects this value to be in hexadecimal format when it starts with id:, otherwise generating the error: MQJMS1044: String is not a valid hexadecimal number Default: false
      Prefix to check before executing correlationIdToHex. If empty (and correlationIdToHex equals true) all correlationid's are transformed, this is useful in case you want the entire correlationId to be transformed (for example when the receiving party doesn't allow characters like a colon to be present in the correlationId). Default: id:
      The time <i>in milliseconds</i> it takes for the message to expire. If the message is not consumed before, it will be lost. Must be a positive value for request/reply type of messages, 0 disables the expiry timeout Default: 0
      If set (>=0) and the length of the correlationId exceeds this maximum length, the correlationId is trimmed from the left side of a string to this maximum length Default: -1
      If set, the value of this attribute is used as a selector to filter messages. Default: 0 (unlimited)
      If set <code>false</code>, the destinationName is used directly instead of performing a JNDI lookup Default: true
      maps to the field context.security_authentication
      username to connect to context, maps to context.security_credentials
      class to use as initial context factory
      Sets the value of providerURL
      maps to the field context.security_protocol
      maps to the field context.url_pkg_prefixes
      loads JNDI (and other) properties from a JmsRealm
      username to connect to context, maps to context.security_principal
      authentication alias, may be used to override principal and credential-settings
      JNDI name of datasource to be used, can be configured via jmsRealm, too Default: jdbc.datasource.default
      informs the sender that the obtained connection is from a pool (and thus connections are reused and never closed) Default: true
      Controls wheter the returned package content is db2 format or xml format.
 Possible values:
 <li>select:</li> xml content s expected
 <li><i>anything else</i>:</li> db2 content is expected
      When <code>true</code>, the value of the first column of the first row (or the startrow) is returned as the only result, as a simple non-xml value Default: false
      When <code>true</code> and <code>scalar</code> is also <code>true</code>, but returns no value, one of the following is returned:
 <li>'[absent]' no row is found</li>
 <li>'[null]' a row is found, but the value is a SQL-NULL</li>
 <li>'[empty]' a row is found, but the value is a empty string</li>
 </ul> Default: false
      Value used in result as contents of fields that contain no value (sql-null) Default: <i>empty string</i>
      Query that can be used to obtain result of side-effect of update-query, like generated value of sequence. Example: SELECT mysequence.currval FROM dual
      Named parameters will be auto detected by default. Every string in the query which equals <code>?{paramname}</code> will be replaced by the value of the corresponding parameter. The parameters don't need to be in the correct order and unused parameters are skipped.
      when <code>true</code>, the result contains besides the returned rows also includes a header with information about the fetched fields Default: application default (true)
      Remove trailing blanks from all result values. Default: true
      If set, the result is streamed to the HttpServletResponse object of the RestServiceDispatcher (instead of passed as bytes or as a String) Default: false
      When <code>true</code>, the result of sendMessage is the reply of the request. Default: true
      When set to <code>false</code>, the Inputstream is not closed after it has been used to update a BLOB or CLOB Default: true
      When set to <code>false</code>, the Outputstream is not closed after BLOB or CLOB has been written to it Default: true
      Charset used when reading a stream (that is e.g. going to be written to a BLOB or CLOB). When empty, the stream is copied directly to the BLOB, without conversion
      If true and scalar=false, multiline indented XML is produced Default: false
      When set larger than 0 and used as a child of an IteratingPipe, then the database calls are made in batches of this size. Only for queryType=other. Default: 0
      Parameter that is used to obtain URL; overrides url-attribute. Default: url
      The HTTP Method used to execute the request Default: <code>GET</code>
      Content-Type (superset of mimetype + charset) of the request, for <code>POST</code>, <code>PUT</code> and <code>PATCH</code> methods Default: text/html, when postType=<code>RAW</code>
      Charset of the request. Typically only used on <code>PUT</code> and <code>POST</code> requests. Default: UTF-8
      Comma separated list of parameter names which should be set as HTTP headers
      Comma separated list of parameter names that should not be added as request or body parameter, or as HTTP header, if they are empty. Set to '*' for this behaviour for all parameters
      If <code>true</code>, the HTML response is transformed to XHTML Default: false
      If set, the status code of the HTTP response is put in the specified sessionKey and the (error or okay) response message is returned.
 Setting this property has a side effect. If a 4xx or 5xx result code is returned and if the configuration does not implement
 the specific forward for the returned HTTP result code, then the success forward is followed instead of the exception forward.
      The maximum number of concurrent connections Default: 10
      The maximum number of times the execution is retried Default: 1 (for repeatable messages) else 0
      Corporate domain name. Should only be used in combination with sAMAccountName, never with an UPN.<br/>
 Assuming the following user:<br/>
 UPN: [email protected]<br/>
 sAMAccountName: CORPDOMAIN\john.doe<br/>
 The username attribute may be set to <code>john.doe</code><br/>
 The AuthDomain attribute may be set to <code>CORPDOMAIN</code><br/>
      Endpoint to obtain OAuth accessToken. If <code>authAlias</code> or <code>username</code>( and <code>password</code>) are specified,
 then a PasswordGrant is used, otherwise a ClientCredentials grant. The obtained accessToken will be added to the regular requests
 in an HTTP Header 'Authorization' with a 'Bearer' prefix.
      If set to a non-negative value, then determines the time (in seconds) after which the token will be refreshed. Otherwise the token
 will be refreshed when it is half way its lifetime as defined by the <code>expires_in</code> clause of the token response,
 or when the regular server returns a 401 status with a challenge.
 If not specified, and the accessTokens lifetime is not found in the token response, the accessToken will not be refreshed preemptively. Default: -1
      Alias used to obtain client_id and client_secret for authentication to <code>tokenEndpoint</code>
      Client_id used in authentication to <code>tokenEndpoint</code>
      Client_secret used in authentication to <code>tokenEndpoint</code>
      Space or comma separated list of scope items requested for accessToken, e.g. <code>read write</code>. Only used when <code>tokenEndpoint</code> is specified
      if set true, clientId and clientSecret will be added as Basic Authentication header to the tokenRequest, instead of as request parameters
      Proxy host
      Proxy port Default: 80
      Alias used to obtain credentials for authentication to proxy
      Proxy username
      Proxy password
      Proxy realm
      Create a pre-emptive login context for the proxy connection(s).
      Disables the use of cookies, making the sender completely stateless Default: false
      resource URL to keystore or certificate to be used for authentication. If none specified, the JVMs default keystore will be used.
      Type of keystore Default: pkcs12
      Authentication alias used to obtain keystore password
      Default password to access keystore
      Key manager algorithm. Can be left empty to use the servers default algorithm
      Alias to obtain specific certificate or key in keystore
      Authentication alias to authenticate access to certificate or key indicated by <code>keystoreAlias</code>
      Default password to authenticate access to certificate or key indicated by <code>keystoreAlias</code>
      Resource URL to truststore to be used for authenticating peer. If none specified, the JVMs default truststore will be used.
      Authentication alias used to obtain truststore password
      Default password to access truststore
      Type of truststore Default: jks
      Trust manager algorithm. Can be left empty to use the servers default algorithm
      If <code>true</code>, the hostname in the certificate will be checked against the actual hostname of the peer
      If <code>true</code>, self signed certificates are accepted Default: false
      If <code>true</code>, CertificateExpiredExceptions are ignored Default: false
      If <code>true</code>, a redirect request will be honoured, e.g. to switch to HTTPS Default: true
      If true, besides http status code 200 (OK) also the code 301 (MOVED_PERMANENTLY), 302 (MOVED_TEMPORARILY) and 307 (TEMPORARY_REDIRECT) are considered successful Default: false
      Controls whether connections checked to be stale, i.e. appear open, but are not. Default: true
      Used when StaleChecking=<code>true</code>. Timeout after which an idle connection will be validated before being used. Default: 5000 ms
      Maximum Time to Live for connections in the pool. No connection will be re-used past its timeToLive value. Default: 900 s
      Maximum Time for connection to stay idle in the pool. Connections that are idle longer will periodically be evicted from the pool Default: 10 s
      Secure socket protocol (such as 'TLSv1.2') to use when a SSLContext object is generated. Default: TLSv1.2
      Allows you to choose which CipherSuites are used when connecting to an endpoint. Works in tandem with {@code protocol} as the provided Suite may not be valid for the provided Protocol
 See the Java Security Standard Algorithm Names Specification for all available options. Note that these may differ depending on the JRE you're using.
      Index of the field in the ImportParameterList of the RFC function that contains the correlationId Default: 0
      Name of the field in the ImportParameterList of the RFC function that contains the correlationId
      Index of the field in the ImportParameterList of the RFC function that contains the whole request message contents Default: 0
      Name of the field in the ImportParameterList of the RFC function that contains the whole request message contents
      Index of the field in the ExportParameterList of the RFC function that contains the whole reply message contents Default: 0
      Name of the field in the ExportParameterList of the RFC function that contains the whole reply message contents
      If set <code>true</code> the input is written to the log file, at DEBUG level Default: false
      userId on the smtphost
      alias used to obtain credentials for authentication to smtphost
      userId on the smtphost
      password of userid on the smtphost
      value of the subject: header if not specified in message itself
      value of the from: header if not specified in message itself
      When this name is used, it will be followed by a number which is equal to the node's position Default: attachment
      when messageType is not specified defaultMessageType will be used Default: text/plain
      when messageBase64 is not specified defaultMessageBase64 will be used Default: false
      NDR return address when mail cannot be delivered. This adds a Return-Path header Default: MAIL FROM attribute
      Comma separated list of domains to which mails can be send, domains not on the list are filtered out. Empty allows all domains
      Optional identifier for this storage, to be able to share the physical storage between a number of receivers and pipes.
      Possible values are <code>E</code> (error store), <code>M</code> (message store), <code>L</code> (message log for Pipe) or <code>A</code> (message log for Receiver).<br/>
 Receiver will always set type to <code>E</code> for errorStorage and always set type to <code>A</code> for messageLog. SenderPipe will set type to <code>L</code> for messageLog (when type isn't specified).<br/>
 See MessageStoreSender for type <code>M</code>. Default: <code>E</code> for errorStorage on Receiver<br/><code>A</code> for messageLog on Receiver<br/><code>L</code> for messageLog on Pipe
      The name of the column slotids are stored in Default: SLOTID
      The name of the column types are stored in Default: TYPE
      The name of the column that stores the hostname of the server Default: HOST
      The name of the sequence used to generate the primary key, for DBMSes that use sequences, like Oracle Default: seq_ibisstore
      If set to <code>true</code>, checks are performed if the table exists and is properly created Default: false
      If set to <code>true</code>, the table is created if it does not exist Default: false
      The type of the column message themselves are stored in
      The type of the column that contains the primary key of the table
      The type of the column the timestamps are stored in
      The type of the columns messageId and correlationId, slotId and comments are stored in. N.B. <code>(100)</code> is appended for id's, <code>(1000)</code> is appended for comments.
      The time (in days) to keep the record in the database before making it eligible for deletion by a cleanup process. when set to -1, the record will live on forever Default: 30
      Schema owner to be used to check the database Default: &lt;current_schema&gt; (only for oracle)
      If set to <code>true</code>, the full message is stored with the log. Can be set to <code>false</code> to reduce table size, by avoiding to store the full message Default: true
      Name of the JMS destination (queue or topic) to use for sending replies. If <code>useReplyTo</code>=<code>true</code>,
 the sender specified reply destination takes precedence over this one.
      Value of the JMSType field of the reply message Default: not set by application
      Controls mode that reply messages are sent with Default: NON_PERSISTENT
      Sets the priority that is used to deliver the reply message. Ranges from 0 to 9. Effectively the default priority is set by JMS to 4, <code>-1</code> means not set and thus uses the JMS default Default: -1
      Time <i>in milliseconds</i> after which the reply-message will expire Default: 0
      sessionKey to store the SOAP header of the incoming message Default: soapHeader
      Folder that is scanned for files. If not set, the root is scanned
      Folder where files are stored <i>while</i> being processed
      Folder where files are stored <i>after</i> being processed
      Folder where files are stored <i>after</i> being processed, in case the exit-state was not equal to <code>success</code>
      Folder where messages from the error folder can be put on Hold, temporarily
      Folder where a copy of every file that is received is stored
      If set to <code>true</code>, the folders to look for files and to move files to when being processed and after being processed are created if they are specified and do not exist Default: false
      If set <code>true</code>, the file processed will be deleted after being processed, and not stored Default: false
      Number of copies held of a file with the same name. Backup files have a dot and a number suffixed to their name. If set to 0, no backups will be kept. Default: 0
      If set <code>true</code>, the destination file will be deleted if it already exists Default: false
      If <code>true</code>, the file modification time is used in addition to the filename to determine if a file has been seen before Default: false
      Minimal age of file <i>in milliseconds</i>, to avoid receiving a file while it is still being written Default: 1000
      Key of Property to use as messageId. If not set, the filename of the file as it was received in the inputFolder is used as the messageId Default: for MailFileSystems: Message-ID
      If set <code>true</code>, no browsers for process folders are generated Default: false
      Filter of files to look for in inputFolder e.g. '*.inp'.
      Filter of files to be excluded when looking in inputFolder.
      If set, an XML with all message properties is provided under this key
      when true, then PollingListener container will execute getRawMessage() only when hasRawMessageAvailable() has returned true. This avoids rolling back a lot of XA transactions, that appears to be problematic on MS SQL Server Default: true
      (only used when <code>peekUntransacted</code>=<code>true</code>) peek query to determine if the select query should be executed. Peek queries are, unlike select queries, executed without a transaction and without a rowlock Default: selectQuery
      Charset used to read BLOB. When specified, then the BLOB will be converted into a string
      Alias of the table, that can be used in selectCondition Default: t
      (optional) Comma separated list of fields determining the order in which messages are processed
      (optional) Maximum length of strings to be stored in commentField, or -1 for unlimited Default: 1000
      Additional condition for a row to belong to this TableListener. Impacts all process states
      Timeout (in seconds) of transaction started to process a message. Default: <code>0</code> (use system default)
      The <code>transactionAttribute</code> declares transactional behavior of execution. It applies both to database transactions and XA transactions.
 The pipeline uses this to start a new transaction or suspend the current one when required.
 For developers: it is equal to <a href=\"\">EJB transaction attribute</a>.
 Possible values for transactionAttribute:
   <table border=\"1\">
     <tr><th>transactionAttribute</th><th>callers Transaction</th><th>Pipeline excecuted in Transaction</th></tr>
     <tr><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"2\">Required</td>    <td>none</td><td>T2</td></tr>
 											      <tr><td>T1</td>  <td>T1</td></tr>
     <tr><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"2\">RequiresNew</td> <td>none</td><td>T2</td></tr>
 											      <tr><td>T1</td>  <td>T2</td></tr>
     <tr><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"2\">Mandatory</td>   <td>none</td><td>error</td></tr>
 											      <tr><td>T1</td>  <td>T1</td></tr>
     <tr><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"2\">NotSupported</td><td>none</td><td>none</td></tr>
 											      <tr><td>T1</td>  <td>none</td></tr>
     <tr><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"2\">Supports</td>    <td>none</td><td>none</td></tr>
  										      <tr><td>T1</td>  <td>T1</td></tr>
     <tr><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"2\">Never</td>       <td>none</td><td>none</td></tr>
 											      <tr><td>T1</td>  <td>error</td></tr>
   </table> Default: Supports
      If set, input is taken from this session key, instead of regular input
      If set, this fixed value is taken as input, instead of regular input
      If set and the input is empty, this fixed value is taken as input
      If set <code>true</code>, the result of the pipe is replaced with the original input (i.e. the input before configured replacements of <code>getInputFromSessionKey</code>, <code>getInputFromFixedValue</code> or <code>emptyInputReplacement</code>)
      If set, the pipe result is copied to a session key that has the name defined by this attribute. The
 pipe result is still written as the output message as usual.
      The maximum number of threads that may messages simultaneously.
 A value of 0 indicates an unlimited number of threads. Default: 0
      If set (>=0) and the character data length inside a xml element exceeds this size, the character data is chomped (with a clear comment)
      If set, the character data in this element is stored under a session key and in the message replaced by a reference to this session key: {sessionKey: + <code>elementToMoveSessionKey</code> + }
      (Only used when <code>elementToMove</code> is set) Name of the session key under which the character data is stored Default: ref_ + the name of the element
      Like <code>elementToMove</code> but element is preceded with all ancestor elements and separated by semicolons (e.g. 'adapter;pipeline;pipe')
      If durationThreshold >=0 and the duration of the message processing exceeded the value specified (in milliseconds) the message is logged informatory to be analyzed Default: -1
      If set <code>true</code>, compacted messages in the result are restored to their original format (see also  #setElementToMove(java.lang.String))
      when set to <code>true</code> a record is written to the security log when the pipe has finished successfully
      (only used when <code>writeToSecLog=true</code>) comma separated list of keys of session variables that is appended to the security log record
      when set, the value in AppConstants is overwritten (for this pipe only)
      Regular expression to mask strings in the log. For example, the regular expression <code>(?&lt;=&lt;password&gt;).*?(?=&lt;/password&gt;)</code>
 will replace every character between keys '&lt;password&gt;' and '&lt;/password&gt;'. <b>note:</b> this feature is used at adapter level,
 so one pipe affects all pipes in the pipeline (and multiple values in different pipes are merged)
      always envelope (not allowed to change) Default: envelope
      Identical to the <code>soapBody</code> attribute except that it's used for the output message instead of the input message. For more information see <a href=\"#note1\">note 1</a>
      Name of the child element of the SOAP header, or a comma separated list of names to choose from (only one is allowed) (wsdl generator will use the first element) (use empty value to allow an empty soap header, for example to allow element x and an empty soap header use: x,)
      Can be used when the SOAP header element exists multiple times
      SOAP envelope XSD version to use Default: 1.1
      Allow plain XML, without a SOAP Envelope, too. Be aware that setting this true inhibits the capability to test for exit specific response roots in SOAP messages Default: false
      Ignore namespaces in the input message which are unknown. If the XSD used has elementFormDefault=unqualified, it is necessary to set this to true. Be aware, however, that
 this will inhibit the validator to detect validation failures of namespaceless subelements of the SoapBody. Default: true when <code>schema</code> or <code>noNamespaceSchemaLocation</code> is used, false otherwise
      The filename of the schema on the classpath. It is not possible to specify a namespace using this attribute. (effectively the same as noNamespaceSchemaLocation)
 An example value would be "xml/xsd/GetPartyDetail.xsd".
 The value of the schema attribute is only used if the schemaLocation attribute and the noNamespaceSchemaLocation are not set.
      Pairs of URI references (one for the namespace name, and one for a hint as to the location of a schema document defining names for that namespace name).<br/>
 The syntax is the same as for schemaLocation attributes in instance documents: e.g, " file%20name.xsd".<br/>
 The user can specify more than one XML Schema in the list.<br/>
 <b>Note</b> that spaces are considered separators for this attributed. This means that, for example, spaces in filenames should be escaped to %20.
      A uri reference as a hint as to the location of a schema document with no target namespace.
      Name of the response root element, or a comma separated list of element names. The validation fails if the root element is not present in the list. N.B. for WSDL generation only the first element is used
      Enable full schema grammar constraint checking, including checking which
 may be time-consuming or memory intensive. Currently, particle unique
 attribution constraint checking and particle derivation restriction
 checking are controlled by this option.
 see property
 </p> Default: <code>false</code>
      Should the XmlValidator throw a PipeRunexception on a validation error. If not, a forward with name 'failure' must be defined. Default: false
      If set: key of session variable to store reasons of mis-validation in Default: failureReason
      Like <code>reasonSessionKey</code> but stores reasons in xml format and more extensive Default: xmlFailureReason
      If set <code>true</code>, the input is assumed to be the name of the file to be validated. Otherwise the input itself is validated Default: false
      If set <code>true</code>, the namespace from schemalocation is added to the schema document as targetnamespace Default: false
      Comma separated list of schemaLocations which are excluded from an import or include in the schema document
      If set <code>true</code>, the comparison for importedSchemaLocationsToIgnore is done on base filename without any path Default: false
      Comma separated list of namespaces which are excluded from an import or include in the schema document
      If set <code>true</code>, send warnings to logging and console about syntax problems in the configured schema('s).
 Alternatively, warnings can be switched off using suppression properties XSD_VALIDATION_WARNINGS_SUPPRESS_KEY, XSD_VALIDATION_ERROR_SUPPRESS_KEY and XSD_VALIDATION_FATAL_ERROR_SUPPRESS_KEY Default: true
      If set <code>true</code>, the number for caching validators in appConstants is ignored and no caching is done (for this validator only) Default: false
      If set to <code>1.0</code>, Xerces's previous XML Schema factory will be used, which would make all XSD 1.1 features illegal. The default behaviour can also be set with <code>xsd.processor.version</code> property. Default: <code>1.1</code>
      The namespace of the SOAP envelope, when this property has a value and the input message is a SOAP message,
 the content of the SOAP Body is used for validation, hence the SOAP Envelope and SOAP Body elements are not considered part of the message to validate.
 Please note that this functionality is deprecated, using SoapValidator is now the preferred solution in case a SOAP
 message needs to be validated, in other cases give this property an empty value. Default:
      Key of session variable to store the name of the root element
      Key of session variable to store the namespace of the root element
      Session key for retrieving a schema
      If set <code>true</code>, the failure forward is replaced by the success forward (like a warning mode)
      Namespace defintions for xpathExpression. Must be in the form of a comma or space separated list of <code>prefix=namespaceuri</code>-definitions. For some use other cases (NOT xpathExpression), one entry can be without a prefix, that will define the default namespace.
      Key of session variable to store number of items processed, i.e. the position or index in the set of items to be processed. When handling the first item, the value will be 1.
      The maximum number of items returned. The (default) value of 0 means unlimited, all available items will be returned. Special forward maxItemsReached can be configured to follow Default: 0
      Expression evaluated on each result and forwards to [stopConditionMet] forward if configured.
 Iteration stops if condition returns anything other than an empty result. To test for the root element to have an attribute 'finished' with the value 'yes', the expression <code>*[@finished='yes']</code> can be used.
 This can be used if the condition to stop can be derived from the item result. To stop after a maximum number of items has been processed, use <code>maxItems</code>.
 Previous versions documented that <code>position()=2</code> could be used. This is not working as expected; Use maxItems instead
      When <code>true</code> ignore any exception thrown by executing sender Default: false
      Controls whether all the results of each iteration will be collected in one result message. If set <code>false</code>, only a small summary is returned.
 Setting this attributes to <code>false</code> is often required to enable processing of very large files. N.B. Remember in such a case that setting transactionAttribute to NotSupported might be necessary too Default: true
      Postprocess each partial result, to remove the xml-declaration, as this is not allowed inside an xml-document Default: false
      When <code>true</code> the input is added to the result in an input element Default: false
      When <code>true</code> duplicate input elements are removed, i.e. they are handled only once Default: false
      When set <code>true</code>, the calls for all items are done in parallel (a new thread is started for each call). when collectresults set <code>true</code>, this pipe will wait for all calls to finish before results are collected and pipe result is returned Default: false
      Maximum number of child threads that may run in parallel simultaneously (combined total of all threads calling this pipe). Use <code>0</code> for unlimited threads Default: 0
      If set, then the XsltPipe stores it result in the session using the supplied sessionKey, and returns its input as result
      If defined and empty or false, then this element and all its children are ignored

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