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nl.nn.testtool.TestTool Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Created on 01-Nov-07
* To change the template for this generated file go to
* Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation>Code and Comments
package nl.nn.testtool;
import java.rmi.server.UID;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import nl.nn.testtool.transform.MessageTransformer;
import nl.nn.testtool.util.LogUtil;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
* @author m00f069
* To change the template for this generated type comment go to
* Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation>Code and Comments
public class TestTool {
private static Logger log = LogUtil.getLogger(TestTool.class);
public final static String LOGGING_STORAGE_NAME = "Logging";
private String configName;
private String configVersion;
private int maxCheckpoints = 2500;
private Debugger debugger;
private boolean reportGeneratorEnabled = true;
private List reportsInProgress = new ArrayList();
private Map reportsInProgressByCorrelationId = new HashMap();
private long numberOfReportsInProgress = 0;
private long reportsInProgressEstimatedMemoryUsage = 0;
private Map originalReports = new HashMap();
private List startpointProviders = new ArrayList();
private List startpointProviderNames = new ArrayList();
private LogStorage logStorage;
private MessageTransformer messageTransformer;
private List reportsToSkip = new ArrayList();
private String regexFilter;
public void setConfigName(String configName) {
this.configName = configName;
public String getConfigName() {
return configName;
public void setConfigVersion(String configVersion) {
this.configVersion = configVersion;
public String getConfigVersion() {
return configVersion;
public void setMaxCheckpoints(int maxCheckpoints) {
this.maxCheckpoints = maxCheckpoints;
public int getMaxCheckpoints() {
return maxCheckpoints;
public void setDebugger(Debugger debugger) {
this.debugger = debugger;
public void setLogStorage(LogStorage logStorage) {
this.logStorage = logStorage;
public LogStorage getLogStorage() {
return logStorage;
public void setMessageTransformer(MessageTransformer messageTransformer) {
this.messageTransformer = messageTransformer;
public MessageTransformer getMessageTransformer() {
return messageTransformer;
public void setReportGeneratorEnabled(boolean reportGeneratorEnabled) {
this.reportGeneratorEnabled = reportGeneratorEnabled;
public boolean getReportGeneratorEnabled() {
return reportGeneratorEnabled;
public void setRegexFilter(String regexFilter) {
this.regexFilter = regexFilter;
public String getRegexFilter() {
return regexFilter;
private Object checkpoint(String correlationId, String threadId,
String sourceClassName, String name, Object message, int checkpointType,
int levelChangeNextCheckpoint) {
synchronized(reportsInProgress) {
if (checkpointType == Checkpoint.TYPE_STARTPOINT
&& StringUtils.isNotEmpty(regexFilter)
&& name != null && !name.matches(regexFilter)) {
if (reportsToSkip.contains(correlationId)) {
} else {
Report report = (Report)reportsInProgressByCorrelationId.get(correlationId);
if (report == null && reportGeneratorEnabled) {
if (checkpointType == Checkpoint.TYPE_STARTPOINT) {
log.debug("Create new report for '" + correlationId + "'");
report = new Report();
Report originalReport;
synchronized(originalReports) {
originalReport = (Report)originalReports.remove(correlationId);
if (originalReport == null) {
} else {
reportsInProgress.add(0, report);
reportsInProgressByCorrelationId.put(correlationId, report);
} else {
log.warn("Report for '" + correlationId + "' is null, could not add checkpoint '" + name + "'");
if (report != null) {
reportsInProgressEstimatedMemoryUsage = reportsInProgressEstimatedMemoryUsage - report.getEstimatedMemoryUsage();
message = report.checkpoint(threadId, sourceClassName, name, message, checkpointType, levelChangeNextCheckpoint);
reportsInProgressEstimatedMemoryUsage = reportsInProgressEstimatedMemoryUsage + report.getEstimatedMemoryUsage();
if (report.finished()) {
log.debug("Report is finished for '" + correlationId + "'");
reportsInProgressEstimatedMemoryUsage = reportsInProgressEstimatedMemoryUsage - report.getEstimatedMemoryUsage();
if (checkpointType == Checkpoint.TYPE_ENDPOINT
&& StringUtils.isNotEmpty(regexFilter)
&& name != null && !name.matches(regexFilter)) {
return message;
public Object startpoint(String correlationId, String sourceClassName, String name, Object message) {
return checkpoint(correlationId, null, sourceClassName, name, message, Checkpoint.TYPE_STARTPOINT, 1);
public Object endpoint(String correlationId, String sourceClassName, String name, Object message) {
return checkpoint(correlationId, null, sourceClassName, name, message, Checkpoint.TYPE_ENDPOINT, -1);
public Object inputpoint(String correlationId, String sourceClassName, String name, Object message) {
return checkpoint(correlationId, null, sourceClassName, name, message, Checkpoint.TYPE_INPUTPOINT, 0);
public Object outputpoint(String correlationId, String sourceClassName, String name, Object message) {
return checkpoint(correlationId, null, sourceClassName, name, message, Checkpoint.TYPE_OUTPUTPOINT, 0);
public Object infopoint(String correlationId, String sourceClassName, String name, Object message) {
return checkpoint(correlationId, null, sourceClassName, name, message, Checkpoint.TYPE_INFOPOINT, 0);
public Object checkpoint(String correlationId, String sourceClassName, String name, Object message) {
return checkpoint(correlationId, null, sourceClassName, name, message, Checkpoint.TYPE_NONE, 0);
* Specify the name of a previous startpoint to abort to or a unique name
* to finish the report or thread.
public Object abortpoint(String correlationId, String sourceClassName, String name, Object message) {
return checkpoint(correlationId, null, sourceClassName, name, message, Checkpoint.TYPE_ABORTPOINT, -1);
* Set a marker in the report for a child thread to appear. This method
* should be called by the parent thread. Specify a threadId that will also
* be used by the child thread when calling threadStartpoint. The name of the
* child thread can be used as threadId (when known at this point).
public void threadCreatepoint(String correlationId, String threadId) {
checkpoint(correlationId, threadId, null, null, null, Checkpoint.TYPE_THREADCREATEPOINT, 0);
* Startpoint for a child thread. Specify a threadId that was also used on
* calling threadStartpoint.
public Object threadStartpoint(String correlationId, String threadId, String sourceClassName, String name, Object message) {
return checkpoint(correlationId, threadId, sourceClassName, name, message, Checkpoint.TYPE_THREADSTARTPOINT, 1);
* Startpoint for a child thread. This method can be used when the name of
* the child thread was used as threadId on calling threadCreatepoint.
public Object threadStartpoint(String correlationId, String sourceClassName, String name, Object message) {
return threadStartpoint(correlationId, Thread.currentThread().getName(), sourceClassName, name, message);
public Object threadEndpoint(String correlationId, String sourceClassName, String name, Object message) {
return checkpoint(correlationId, null, sourceClassName, name, message, Checkpoint.TYPE_THREADENDPOINT, -1);
public static String getCorrelationId() {
return getName().replaceAll(" ", "_")
+ "-" + getVersion().replaceAll(" ", "_")
+ "-" + new UID().toString();
public String rerun(Report report, SecurityContext securityContext) {
return rerun(null, report, securityContext);
public String rerun(String correlationId, Report report, SecurityContext securityContext) {
String errorMessage = null;
if (correlationId == null) {
correlationId = getCorrelationId();
boolean reportGeneratorEnabled = getReportGeneratorEnabled();
if (reportGeneratorEnabled) {
synchronized(originalReports) {
originalReports.put(correlationId, report);
try {
errorMessage = debugger.rerun(correlationId, report, securityContext);
} finally {
if (reportGeneratorEnabled) {
Report originalReport;
synchronized(originalReports) {
originalReport = (Report)originalReports.remove(correlationId);
if (errorMessage == null && originalReport != null) {
errorMessage = "Rerun didn't trigger any checkpoint";
return errorMessage;
* Get the endpoint for the current level from the original report. The
* optional found and returned checkpoint can be used to check whether the
* next endpoint will be stubbed, hence code until the next endpoint can
* be skipped. This method will always return null when report is not in
* rerun.
public Checkpoint getOriginalEndpointOrAbortpointForCurrentLevel(String correlationId) {
Checkpoint result = null;
synchronized(reportsInProgress) {
Report report = (Report)reportsInProgressByCorrelationId.get(correlationId);
if (report != null) {
result = report.getOriginalEndpointOrAbortpointForCurrentLevel();
return result;
// TODO vorige methode niet meer nodig?! hier nog documentern dat je met geturnde report voorzicht moet zijn omdat het nog in progress is?
public Report getReportInProgress(String correlationId) {
synchronized(reportsInProgress) {
return (Report)reportsInProgressByCorrelationId.get(correlationId);
public List getStubStrategies() {
return debugger.getStubStrategies();
public String getDefaultStubStrategy() {
return debugger.getDefaultStubStrategy();
* Check whether the checkpoint should be stubbed for the given stub
* strategy.
* @param checkpoint
* @param strategy
* @return whether the checkpoint should be stubbed
public boolean stub(Checkpoint checkpoint, String strategy) {
return debugger.stub(checkpoint, strategy);
public Report getReportInProgress(int index) {
Report reportClone = null;
synchronized(reportsInProgress) {
if (index > -1 && index < reportsInProgress.size()) {
Report report = (Report)reportsInProgress.get(index);
try {
reportClone = (Report)report.clone();
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
log.error("Unable to clone report in progress", e);
return reportClone;
public long getNumberOfReportsInProgress() {
return numberOfReportsInProgress;
public long getReportsInProgressEstimatedMemoryUsage() {
return reportsInProgressEstimatedMemoryUsage;
public void register(StartpointProvider startpointProvider) {
synchronized(startpointProviders) {
public List getStartpointProviderNames() {
synchronized(startpointProviders) {
return startpointProviderNames;
public StartpointProvider getStartpointProvider(String name) {
synchronized(startpointProviders) {
int i = startpointProviderNames.indexOf(name);
if (i == -1) {
return null;
} else {
return (StartpointProvider)startpointProviders.get(i);
public static String getName() {
return Package.getPackage("nl.nn.testtool").getSpecificationTitle();
public static String getVersion() {
String version;
String state = getProperty("version.state");
if ("final".equals(state)) {
version = getReleaseVersion();
} else {
version = getImplementationVersion() + " " + state + " " + getProperty("version.timestamp");
return version;
public static String getSpecificationVersion() {
return Package.getPackage("nl.nn.testtool").getSpecificationVersion();
public static String getReleaseVersion() {
return Package.getPackage("nl.nn.testtool").getSpecificationVersion() + "." + getProperty("version.release");
public static String getImplementationVersion() {
return Package.getPackage("nl.nn.testtool").getImplementationVersion();
public static String getProperty(String property) {
Properties properties = new Properties();
InputStream inputStream = TestTool.class.getResourceAsStream("/nl/nn/testtool/");
try {
} catch(IOException e) {
return properties.getProperty(property);