borg.immutables.fixture.packoutput.impl.PacksRepository Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package borg.immutables.fixture.packoutput.impl;
import com.google.common.annotations.Beta;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
import com.mongodb.DBCollection;
import com.mongodb.DBObject;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import javax.annotation.CheckReturnValue;
import javax.annotation.ParametersAreNonnullByDefault;
import javax.annotation.concurrent.Immutable;
import javax.annotation.concurrent.NotThreadSafe;
import javax.annotation.concurrent.ThreadSafe;
import org.bson.codecs.Encoder;
import org.bson.codecs.configuration.CodecRegistry;
import org.bson.conversions.Bson;
import org.immutables.fixture.packoutput.Packs;
import org.immutables.mongo.concurrent.FluentFuture;
import org.immutables.mongo.repository.Repositories;
import org.immutables.mongo.repository.RepositorySetup;
import org.immutables.mongo.repository.internal.Constraints;
import org.immutables.mongo.repository.internal.Support;
import org.immutables.value.Generated;
* A {@code PacksRepository} provides type-safe access for storing and retrieving documents
* from the MongoDB collection {@code "packs"}.
@Generated(from = "org.immutables.fixture.packoutput.Packs", generator = "Repositories")
public class PacksRepository extends Repositories.Repository {
private static final String DOCUMENT_COLLECTION_NAME = "packs";
private final Serialization serialization;
private final Criteria anyCriteria;
* Constructs a {@link Packs} repository using {@link RepositorySetup configuration}.
* @param configuration The repository configuration
public PacksRepository(RepositorySetup configuration) {
super(configuration, DOCUMENT_COLLECTION_NAME, Packs.class);
this.serialization = new Serialization(codecRegistry(), fieldNamingStrategy());
this.anyCriteria = new Criteria(this.serialization, Constraints.nilConstraint());
* Inserts a single document into the collection.
* @param document The packs to insert
* @return A future representing the number of inserted documents (1) if WriteConcern allows the insertion.
public FluentFuture insert(Packs document) {
return super.doInsert(ImmutableList.of(document));
* Insert documents into the collection.
* @param documents The documents to insert
* @return A future representing the number of inserted documents if WriteConcern allows the insertion.
public FluentFuture insert(Iterable extends Packs> documents) {
return super.doInsert(ImmutableList.copyOf(documents));
* Finds all documents. Use the returned {@link Finder} object to complete
* {@link Finder#fetchAll() fetch all} or other operations.
* @return A finder object used to complete operations
public Finder findAll() {
return find(criteria());
* Find documents by the criteria expressed as a JSON string. Use the returned {@link Finder} object to complete
* {@link Finder#fetchAll() fetch} or {@link Finder#fetchFirst() fetch} operations.
* @param jsonCriteria A JSON string for native criteria
* @return A finder object used to complete operations
public Finder find(String jsonCriteria) {
return new Finder(this, Support.jsonQuery(jsonCriteria));
* Find a document by the given {@link PacksRepository#criteria() criteria}. Use the returned {@link Finder} object to complete
* {@link Finder#fetchAll() fetch} operations.
* You can also use {@link Finder#andModifyFirst() modify} or {@link Finder#deleteFirst() delete}
* operations to update / delete the document(s).
* @param criteria The search criteria
* @return A finder object used to complete operations
public Finder find(Criteria criteria) {
return new Finder(this, criteria.constraint);
* The finder object used to proceed with find operations via the
* {@link Finder#fetchAll()}, {@link Finder#fetchFirst()}, {@link Finder#andModifyFirst()}, or {@link Finder#deleteFirst()} methods.
* Configure exclusion and sort ordering for results using the family of {@code exclude*()} and {@code orderBy*()} attribute-specific methods.
* @see PacksRepository#find(Criteria)
@Generated(from = "org.immutables.fixture.packoutput.Packs", generator = "Repositories")
public static final class Finder extends Repositories.FinderWithDelete {
private final Serialization serialization;
private Finder(PacksRepository repository, Constraints.ConstraintHost criteria) {
this.criteria = criteria;
this.serialization = repository.serialization;
* Order by {@link Packs#perk() perk} in the ascending direction.
* Specify that the next attribute to sort will be the {@link Packs#perk() perk} attribute using ascending order
* in the the chain of comparisons performed to sort results.
* @return {@code this} finder for use in a chained invocation
public Finder orderByPerk() {
ordering = ordering.equal(serialization.perkName, false, 1);
return this;
* Order by {@link Packs#perk() perk} in the descending direction.
* Specify that the next attribute to sort will be the {@link Packs#perk() perk} attribute using descending order
* in the the chain of comparisons performed to sort results.
* @return {@code this} finder for use in a chained invocation
public Finder orderByPerkDesceding() {
ordering = ordering.equal(serialization.perkName, false, -1);
return this;
* Turn a find operation into an atomic {@link DBCollection#findAndModify(DBObject, DBObject, DBObject, boolean, DBObject, boolean, boolean) findAndModify}
* operation. Use the family of {@code set*()}, {@code unset*()}, {@code add*()}, {@code remove*()}, {@code put*()}m and {@code init*()}
* (and other attribute-specific) methods to describe the modification.
* @return A modifier object to complete the {@code findAndModify} operation
public Modifier andModifyFirst() {
return new Modifier((PacksRepository) repository, criteria, ordering, exclusion);
* Used to replace in-place existing version of the document
public Replacer andReplaceFirst(Packs document) {
return new Replacer((PacksRepository) repository, document, criteria, ordering);
* Update the set of {@code "packs"} documents.
* @param criteria The search criteria for update
* @return An updater object that will be used to complete the update.
public Updater update(Criteria criteria) {
return new Updater(this, criteria);
* {@link #update(Criteria) Given} the criteria updater describes how to perform
* update operations on sets of documents.
@Generated(from = "org.immutables.fixture.packoutput.Packs", generator = "Repositories")
public static final class Updater extends Repositories.Updater {
private final Serialization serialization;
private Updater(PacksRepository repository, Criteria criteria) {
this.criteria = criteria.constraint;
this.serialization = repository.serialization;
* Specify a new value for the {@code perk} attribute.
* Corresponds to the MongoDB {@code $set} operator.
* @param value A new value for the {@code perk} attribute
* @return {@code this} updater to be used to complete the update operation
public Updater setPerk(Packs.Perk value) {
setFields = setFields.equal(serialization.perkName, false, Support.writable(serialization.perkEncoder, value));
return this;
* Specify an initial value for the {@code perk} attribute. The value will be used if the document is
* to be inserted. If one or more documents are found for an update, this value will not be used.
* Corresponds to the MongoDB {@code $setOnInsert} operator.
* @param value The {@code perk} value for an insert.
* @return {@code this} updater to be used to complete the update operation
public Updater initPerk(Packs.Perk value) {
setOnInsertFields = setOnInsertFields.equal(serialization.perkName, false, Support.writable(serialization.perkEncoder, value));
return this;
@Generated(from = "org.immutables.fixture.packoutput.Packs", generator = "Repositories")
public static final class Modifier extends Repositories.Modifier {
private final Serialization serialization;
private Modifier(
PacksRepository repository,
Constraints.ConstraintHost criteria,
Constraints.Constraint ordering,
Constraints.Constraint exclusion) {
this.serialization = repository.serialization;
this.criteria = criteria;
this.ordering = ordering;
this.exclusion = exclusion;
* Specify a new value for the {@code perk} attribute.
* Corresponds to the MongoDB {@code $set} operator.
* @param value A new value for the {@code perk} attribute
* @return {@code this} modifier to be used to complete the update operation
public Modifier setPerk(Packs.Perk value) {
setFields = setFields.equal(serialization.perkName, false, Support.writable(serialization.perkEncoder, value));
return this;
* Specify an initial value for the {@code perk} attribute. The value will be used if the document is
* to be inserted. If one or more documents are found for an update, this value will not be used.
* Corresponds to the MongoDB {@code $setOnInsert} operator.
* @param value The {@code perk} value for an insert.
* @return {@code this} modifier to be used to complete the update operation
public Modifier initPerk(Packs.Perk value) {
setOnInsertFields = setOnInsertFields.equal(serialization.perkName, false, Support.writable(serialization.perkEncoder, value));
return this;
@Generated(from = "org.immutables.fixture.packoutput.Packs", generator = "Repositories")
public static final class Replacer extends Repositories.Replacer {
protected Replacer(PacksRepository repository, Packs document, Constraints.ConstraintHost criteria, Constraints.Constraint ordering) {
super(repository, document, criteria, ordering);
* {@link DBCollection#createIndex(DBObject, DBObject) Ensure an index} on collection packs by one or
* more attributes using the family of {@code with*()} attribute-specific methods.
* While indexes will usually be maintained by special administration scripts, for simple cases it is convenient
* to ensure an index on application startup.
* @see Indexer#named(String)
* @see Indexer#unique()
* @return An indexer object to be completed with the {@link Indexer#ensure()} operation.
public Indexer index() {
return new Indexer(this);
* An indexer used to create an index on the {@code "packs"} collection if it does not exist by one or more attributes.
* @see DBCollection#createIndex(DBObject, DBObject)
@Generated(from = "org.immutables.fixture.packoutput.Packs", generator = "Repositories")
public static final class Indexer extends Repositories.Indexer {
private final Serialization serialization;
private Indexer(PacksRepository repository) {
this.serialization = repository.serialization;
* Specify that the next attribute to index will be {@link Packs#perk() perk}, in the ascending direction.
* @return {@code this} indexer for use in a chained invocation
public Indexer withPerk() {
fields = fields.equal(serialization.perkName, false, 1);
return this;
* Specify that the next attribute to index will be {@link Packs#perk() perk}, in the descending direction.
* @return {@code this} indexer for use in a chained invocation
public Indexer withPerkDesceding() {
fields = fields.equal(serialization.perkName, false, -1);
return this;
* Search criteria.
* Returns an initial object to create criteria by invoking methods that describe attribute specific constraints.
* @return An empty immutable criteria
public Criteria criteria() {
return anyCriteria;
Bson toBson(Criteria criteria) {
return Support.convertToBson(criteria.constraint);
* {@code PacksRepository.Criteria} is a Packs document search query.
* Call methods on the criteria to add constraints for search queries.
@Generated(from = "org.immutables.fixture.packoutput.Packs", generator = "Repositories")
public static final class Criteria extends Repositories.Criteria {
private final Constraints.Constraint constraint;
private final Serialization serialization;
Criteria(Serialization serialization, Constraints.Constraint constraint) {
this.constraint = constraint;
this.serialization = serialization;
public Criteria perk(Packs.Perk value) {
return new Criteria(serialization, constraint.equal(serialization.perkName, false, Support.writable(serialization.perkEncoder, value)));
public Criteria perkNot(Packs.Perk value) {
return new Criteria(serialization, constraint.equal(serialization.perkName, true, Support.writable(serialization.perkEncoder, value)));
public Criteria perkIn(Iterable values) {