Download org.immutables JAR files with all dependencies
mongo from group org.immutables (version 2.2.4)
Annotation and runtime support to generate Mongodb repositories.
Mongo java driver, Gson, Jackson, Bson4jackson and Guava are required runtime dependencies,
which included as transitive dependencies.
android-stub from group org.immutables (version 2.2.4)
Compile only library for libraries which want to compile immutable objects for Android.
It contains `android.R` class to indicate presense of android API. If you using android sdk as dependency,
you don't need this stub
ordinal from group org.immutables (version 2.2.4)
API and support runtime classes for implementing immutable objects as
set enum-like object values, accumulated in so called "domains". This
allows for special performance optiomization, like using bit-sets to
efficiently calculate inclusion in set or set differences.
value-processor from group org.immutables (version 2.2)
Immutable objects processor, new generation
testing from group org.immutables (version 2.2.6)
Testing dependencies and utilities. Expected to be used only in test scope
metainf from group org.immutables (version 2.2.1)
Simple, but superior to others, META-INF/service file generator
cases from group org.immutables (version 2.2.12)
API for generating visitor-like constructs for ADT-like case classes.
value-processor from group org.immutables (version 2.2.1)
Immutable objects processor, new generation
gson from group org.immutables (version 2.2.4)
Gson integration for Immutables. Also includes optional integration with Jackson to speed-up
streaming parsing of Gson, while using all of gson binding infrastructure.
generator from group org.immutables (version 2.2.6)
Meta modelling framework to write cutting-edge annotation processors
check from group org.immutables (version 0.18)
Checkers toolkit built on top of hamcrest matchers. Expected to be used only in test scope
cases from group org.immutables (version 2.2-beta-5)
API for generating visitor-like constructs for ADT-like case classes.
value-fixture from group org.immutables (version 2.2-beta-5)
Module that contains all tests for the code generation capability
value from group org.immutables (version 2.2.6)
Compile time annotations and compile time annotation processor to generate consistent value object using
either abstract class, interface or annotation as a base.
serial from group org.immutables (version 2.2-beta-5)
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