ops.Java.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Show all versions of psp-std_2.11 Show documentation
psp's non-standard standard library
The newest version!
package psp
package std
import api._, all._
import java.util.stream.Stream.{ builder => jStreamBuilder }
object Java extends JavaCollections
trait StdJava0 {
implicit def viewJavaStream[A, CC[X] <: jStream[X]](xs: CC[A]): AtomicView[A, CC[A]] = new StreamView(xs)
implicit def viewJavaIterable[A, CC[X] <: jIterable[X]](xs: CC[A]): AtomicView[A, CC[A]] = new LinearView(Each java xs)
implicit def viewJavaMap[K, V, CC[K, V] <: jMap[K, V]](xs: CC[K, V]): AtomicView[K -> V, CC[K, V]] = new LinearView(Each javaMap xs)
trait StdJava extends StdJava0 {
implicit def unbuildJavaIterable[A, CC[X] <: jIterable[X]] : UnbuildsAs[A, CC[A]] = Unbuilds[A, CC[A]](Each java _)
implicit def unbuildJavaMap[K, V, CC[K, V] <: jMap[K, V]] : UnbuildsAs[K -> V, CC[K, V]] = Unbuilds[K -> V, CC[K, V]](Each javaMap _)
implicit def opsJavaIterator[A](x: jIterator[A]): ops.JavaIteratorOps[A] = new ops.JavaIteratorOps(x)
implicit def opsJavaStream[A](x: jStream[A]): ops.JavaStreamOps[A] = new ops.JavaStreamOps(x)
implicit def opsJavaOptional[A](x: jOptional[A]): ops.OptionOps[A] = new ops.OptionOps[A](cond(x.isPresent, Some(x.get), None)) // XXX
implicit def convertToJavaPredicate[A](p: ToBool[A]): jPredicate[A] = new jPredicate[A] { def test(x: A) = p(x) }
implicit def convertToJavaFunction[A, B](f: A => B): jFunction[A, B] = new jFunction[A, B] { def apply(x: A): B = f(x) }
implicit def convertToJavaConsumer[A](f: A => Unit): jConsumer[A] = new jConsumer[A] { def accept(x: A): Unit = f(x) }
trait JavaBuilders0 {
def genericJavaListBuilder[A, M[A] <: jList[A]](z: M[A]): Builds[A, M[A]] = Builds(xs => doto(z)(z => xs foreach (x => z add x)))
def genericJavaSetBuilder[A, M[A] <: jSet[A]](z: M[A]): Builds[A, M[A]] = Builds(xs => doto(z)(z => xs foreach (x => z add x)))
def genericJavaMapBuilder[K, V, M[K, V] <: jMap[K, V]](z: M[K, V]): Builds[K->V, M[K, V]] = Builds(xs => doto(z)(z => xs foreach (x => z.put(fst(x), snd(x)))))
implicit def javaSetBuilder[A]: Builds[A, jSet[A]] = genericJavaSetBuilder(new jHashSet[A])
implicit def javaListBuilder[A]: Builds[A, jList[A]] = genericJavaListBuilder(new jArrayList[A])
implicit def javaMapBuilder[K, V]: Builds[K -> V, jMap[K, V]] = genericJavaMapBuilder(new jHashMap[K, V])
implicit def javaStreamBuilder[A]: Builds[A, jStream[A]] = Builds(xs => doto(jStreamBuilder[A]())(xs foreach _.add).build)
trait JavaBuilders extends JavaBuilders0 {
implicit def javaSortedSetBuilder[A: Order]: Builds[A, jSortedSet[A]] = genericJavaSetBuilder(new jTreeSet[A](Order.comparator[A]))
implicit def javaSortedMapBuilder[K: Order, V]: Builds[K -> V, jSortedMap[K, V]] = genericJavaMapBuilder(new jTreeMap[K, V](Order.comparator[K]))
trait JavaCollections extends JavaBuilders {
def ConcurrentMap[K: Eq, V](xs: (K -> V)*): jConcurrentMap[K, V] = Built(xs)(genericJavaMapBuilder(new jConcurrentHashMap[K, V]))
def SortedMap[K: Order, V](xs: (K -> V)*): jSortedMap[K, V] = Built(xs)
def List[A](xs: A*): jList[A] = Built(xs)
def Map[K, V](xs: (K -> V)*): jMap[K, V] = Built(xs)
def Set[A](xs: A*): jSet[A] = Built(xs)
def SortedSet[A: Order](xs: A*): jSortedSet[A] = Built(xs)
def Stream[A](xs: A*): jStream[A] = Built(xs)
package ops {
final class JavaIteratorOps[A](it: jIterator[A]) {
def foreach(f: A => Unit): Unit = while (it.hasNext) f(it.next)
final class CmpEnumOps(val cmp: Cmp) {
def |(that: => Cmp): Cmp = if (cmp == Cmp.EQ) that else cmp
final class JavaStreamOps[A](xs: jStream[A]) {
def slice(n: VindexRange): jStream[A] = xs drop n.startInt take n.size.getInt
def take(n: Precise): jStream[A] = xs limit n.getInt
def drop(n: Precise): jStream[A] = xs skip n.getInt
def forall(p: ToBool[A]): Bool = xs allMatch p
def exists(p: ToBool[A]): Bool = xs anyMatch p
def foreach(f: A => Unit): Unit = xs forEach f
def zhead(implicit z: Empty[A]): A = xs.findFirst.zget
// def forEachOrdered(x$1: java.util.function.Consumer[_ >: A]): Unit = ???
// def close(): Unit = ???
// def isParallel(): Boolean = ???
// def iterator(): java.util.Iterator[A] = ???
// def onClose(x$1: Runnable): java.util.stream.Stream[A] = ???
// def parallel(): java.util.stream.Stream[A] = ???
// def sequential(): java.util.stream.Stream[A] = ???
// def spliterator(): java.util.Spliterator[A] = ???
// def unordered(): java.util.stream.Stream[A] = ???
// def collect[R, A](x$1: java.util.stream.Collector[_ >: A, A, R]): R = ???
// def collect[R](x$1: java.util.function.Supplier[R],x$2: java.util.function.BiConsumer[R, _ >: A],x$3: java.util.function.BiConsumer[R,R]): R = ???
// def count(): Long = ???
// def distinct(): java.util.stream.Stream[A] = ???
// def filter(x$1: java.util.function.Predicate[_ >: A]): java.util.stream.Stream[A] = ???
// def findAny(): java.util.Optional[A] = ???
// def flatMap[R](x$1: java.util.function.Function[_ >: A, _ <: java.util.stream.Stream[_ <: R]]): java.util.stream.Stream[R] = ???
// def flatMapToDouble(x$1: java.util.function.Function[_ >: A, _ <: java.util.stream.DoubleStream]): java.util.stream.DoubleStream = ???
// def flatMapToInt(x$1: java.util.function.Function[_ >: A, _ <: java.util.stream.IntStream]): java.util.stream.IntStream = ???
// def flatMapToLong(x$1: java.util.function.Function[_ >: A, _ <: java.util.stream.LongStream]): java.util.stream.LongStream = ???
// def map[R](x$1: java.util.function.Function[_ >: A, _ <: R]): java.util.stream.Stream[R] = ???
// def mapToDouble(x$1: java.util.function.ToDoubleFunction[_ >: A]): java.util.stream.DoubleStream = ???
// def mapToInt(x$1: java.util.function.ToIntFunction[_ >: A]): java.util.stream.IntStream = ???
// def mapToLong(x$1: java.util.function.ToLongFunction[_ >: A]): java.util.stream.LongStream = ???
// def max(x$1: java.util.Comparator[_ >: A]): java.util.Optional[A] = ???
// def min(x$1: java.util.Comparator[_ >: A]): java.util.Optional[A] = ???
// def noneMatch(x$1: java.util.function.Predicate[_ >: A]): Boolean = ???
// def peek(x$1: java.util.function.Consumer[_ >: A]): java.util.stream.Stream[A] = ???
// def reduce[U](x$1: U,x$2: java.util.function.BiFunction[U, _ >: A, U],x$3: java.util.function.BinaryOperator[U]): U = ???
// def reduce(x$1: java.util.function.BinaryOperator[A]): java.util.Optional[A] = ???
// def reduce(x$1: A,x$2: java.util.function.BinaryOperator[A]): A = ???
// def sorted(x$1: java.util.Comparator[_ >: A]): java.util.stream.Stream[A] = ???
// def sorted(): java.util.stream.Stream[A] = ???
// def toArray[A](x$1: java.util.function.IntFunction[Array[A with Object]]): Array[A with Object] = ???
// def toArray(): Array[Object] = ???
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