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ops.View.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package psp
package std
package ops

import api._, all._, StdShow._, StdEq._

trait ViewOps[+A] extends Any {
  def xs: View[A]

  private def directIsEmpty: Boolean = {
    xs foreach (_ => return false)

  def fold[@fspec B](implicit z: Empty[B]): HasInitialValue[A, B] = foldFrom(z.empty)
  def zfirst[B](pf: A ?=> B)(implicit z: Empty[B]): B             = find(pf.isDefinedAt).fold(z.empty)(pf)
  def zfoldl[B](f: (B, A) => B)(implicit z: Empty[B]): B          = foldl(z.empty)(f)
  def zfoldr[B](f: (A, B) => B)(implicit z: Empty[B]): B          = foldr(z.empty)(f)

  def isEmpty: Boolean                                               = xs.size.isZero || directIsEmpty
  def nonEmpty: Boolean                                              = xs.size.isNonZero || !directIsEmpty
  def apply(index: Index): A                                         = xs drop index.sizeExcluding head
  def count(p: ToBool[A]): Int                                       = foldl[Int](0)((res, x) => if (p(x)) res + 1 else res)
  def dropIndex(index: Index): View[A]                               = xs splitAt index mapRight (_ drop 1) rejoin
  def exists(p: ToBool[A]): Boolean                                  = foldl(false)((res, x) => if (p(x)) return true else res)
  def filter(p: ToBool[A]): View[A]                                  = xs withFilter p
  def filterNot(p: ToBool[A]): View[A]                               = xs withFilter !p
  def find(p: ToBool[A]): Option[A]                                  = foldl(none[A])((res, x) => if (p(x)) return Some(x) else res)
  def first[B](pf: A ?=> B): Option[B]                               = find(pf.isDefinedAt) map pf
  def foldFrom[@fspec B](zero: B): HasInitialValue[A, B]             = new HasInitialValue(xs, zero)
  def foldl[@fspec B](zero: B)(f: (B, A) => B): B                    = foldFrom(zero) left f
  def foldr[@fspec B](zero: B)(f: (A, B) => B): B                    = foldFrom(zero) right f
  def forall(p: ToBool[A]): Boolean                                  = foldl(true)((_, x) => p(x) || { return false })
  def forallTrue(implicit ev: A <:< Boolean): Boolean                = forall(ev)
  def gatherClass[B: CTag] : View[B]                                 = xs collect classFilter[B]
  def grep(regex: Regex)(implicit z: Show[A]): View[A]               = xs filter (regex isMatch _)
  def head: A                                                        = (xs take 1).force.head
  def indexWhere(p: ToBool[A]): Index                                = zipIndex findLeft p map snd or NoIndex
  def indexed: WithIndex[A]                                          = new WithIndex[A](xs)
  def indicesWhere(p: ToBool[A]): View[Index]                        = zipIndex filterLeft p rights
  def init: View[A]                                                  = xs dropRight 1
  def join_s(implicit z: Show[A]): String                            = this mk_s ""
  def last: A                                                        = xs takeRight 1 head
  def mapApply[B, C](x: B)(implicit ev: A <:< (B => C)): View[C]     = xs map (f => ev(f)(x))
  def mapNow[B](f: A => B): Vec[B]                                   = xs map f toVec
  def mapZip[B](f: A => B): ZipView[A, B]                            = Zip.zip2(xs, xs map f)
  def mk_s(sep: Char)(implicit z: Show[A]): String                   = this mk_s sep.to_s
  def mk_s(sep: String)(implicit z: Show[A]): String                 = (xs map[String]((res, x) => if (res == "") x else res append sep append x)
  def slice(range: VindexRange): View[A]                             = xs drop range.startInt take range.size
  def sliceWhile(p: ToBool[A], q: ToBool[A]): View[A]                = xs dropWhile p takeWhile q
  def tail: View[A]                                                  = xs drop 1
  def takeToFirst(p: ToBool[A]): View[A]                             = xs span !p mapRight (_ take 1) rejoin
  def tee(f: A => String): View[A]                                   = xs map (x => sideEffect(x, println(f(x))))
  def toRefs: View[Ref[A]]                                           = xs map (_.toRef)
  def unzip[L, R](implicit z: Splitter[A, L, R]): View[L] -> View[R] = zipped[L, R] |> (x => x.lefts -> x.rights)
  def withSize(size: Size): View[A]                                  = new Each.Impl[A](size, xs foreach _)
  def zipIndex: ZipView[A, Index]                                    = xs zip indices.all
  def zip[B](ys: View[B]): ZipView[A, B]                             = Zip.zip2[A, B](xs, ys)
  def zipped[L, R](implicit z: Splitter[A, L, R]): ZipView[L, R]     = Zip.zip0[A, L, R](xs)(z)

final class IViewOps[A](val xs: View[A]) extends ViewOps[A] {
  def +:(elem: A): View[A] = view(elem) ++ xs
  def :+(elem: A): View[A] = xs ++ view(elem)

  def cross[B](ys: View[B]): View[A -> B]                      = for (x <- xs ; y <- ys) yield x -> y
  def findOr(p: ToBool[A], alt: => A): A                       = find(p) | alt
  def gather[B](p: Partial[A, View[B]]): View[B]               = xs flatMap p.zapply
  def intersperse(ys: View[A]): View[A]                        = Split(xs, ys).intersperse
  def mapBy[B: Eq, C](f: A => B, g: View[A] => C): ExMap[B, C] = groupBy[B](f) map g // Probably this should be groupBy
  def mapPartial(pf: Partial[A, A]): View[A]                   = xs map (x => pf.applyOr(x, x))
  def maxOf[B: Order](f: A => B): B                            = xs map f max
  def memo: Indexed.Memo[A]                                    = new Indexed.Memo(xs)
  def minOf[B: Order](f: A => B): B                            = xs map f min
  def product(implicit z: MultiplicativeMonoid[A]): A          = z prod xs.trav
  def quotientSet(implicit z: Eq[A]): View[ExSet[A]]           = groupBy[A](identity).values map (_.toExSet)
  def reducel(f: BinOp[A]): A                                  = tail.foldl(head)(f)
  def reducer(f: BinOp[A]): A                                  = init.foldr(last)(f)
  def sortBy[B](f: A => B)(implicit z: Order[B]): View[A]      = orderOps(orderBy[A](f)).sorted
  def sortWith(cmp: OrderRelation[A]): View[A]                 = orderOps(Order(cmp)).sorted
  def splitAround(index: Index): A -> Split[A]                 = splitAt(index) |> (lr => (lr onRight (_.head)) -> (lr mapRight (_ tail)))
  def splitAt(index: Index): Split[A]                          = Split(xs take index.sizeExcluding, xs drop index.sizeExcluding)
  def sum(implicit z: AdditiveMonoid[A]): A                    = z sum xs.trav
  def transpose[B](implicit ev: A <:< View[B]): View2D[B]      = indices.all map (n => xs flatMap (_ drop n.sizeExcluding take 1))
  def zreducel(f: BinOp[A])(implicit z: Empty[A]): A           = if (isEmpty) z.empty else reducel(f)
  def zreducer(f: BinOp[A])(implicit z: Empty[A]): A           = if (isEmpty) z.empty else reducer(f)

  /** This is kind of horrific but has the advantage of not being as busted.
   *  We need to not be using scala's map because it will always compare keys based
   *  on the inherited equals.
  def groupBy[B: Eq](f: A => B): ExMap[B, View[A]] = {
    var seen: Vec[B] = vec()
    val buf = bufferMap[Index, Vec[A]]()
    xs foreach { x =>
      val fx: B = f(x)
      val idx: Index = seen.m indexOf fx match {
        case NoIndex => seen = seen :+ fx ; seen.lastIndex
        case idx     => idx
      buf(idx) :+= x
    val res = buf.toMap map { case (k, v) => seen(k) -> v.m }
  def mpartition(p: View[A] => ToBool[A]): View2D[A] = (
    inView[View[A]](mf => xs.toEach partition p(memo) match {
      case Split(xs, ys) =>
        ys mpartition p foreach mf
  def distinctBy[B: Eq](f: A => B): View[A] = inView { mf =>
    zfoldl[ExSet[B]] { (seen, x) =>
      val y = f(x)
      if (seen(y)) seen else {
        seen + y

  private[this] def orderOps(z: Order[A]): HasOrder[A] = new HasOrder[A](xs)(z)

final class View2DOps[A](val xss: View2D[A]) {
  def flatten: View[A]              = xss flatMap identity
  def mmap[B](f: A => B): View2D[B] = xss map (_ map f)

/** Methods requiring us to have additional knowledge, by parameter or type class.
 *  We keep the interface simple and foolproof by establishing thet instance
 *  first and only offering the methods after that.
 *  But.
 *  This approach, so nice in principle, stretches scala's willingness to connect
 *  implicits past its abilities. It works on psp collections, but when we depend on
 *  an implicit to entire Viewville in the first place, then these methods become
 *  out of reach without an implicit call to .m to become a view.
 *  The search continues.
class HasEq[A](xs: View[A])(implicit z: Eq[A]) {
  def contains(x: A): Boolean                     = xs exists (_ === x)
  def distinct: View[A]                           = xs.zfoldl[Vec[A]]((res, x) => if (res.m contains x) res else res :+ x)
  def indexOf(x: A): Index                        = xs indexWhere (_ === x)
  def indicesOf(x: A): View[Index]                = xs indicesWhere (_ === x)
  def mapOnto[B](f: A => B): ExMap[A, B]          = toSet mapOnto f
  def toBag: Bag[A]                               = xs groupBy identity map (_.size.getInt)
  def toSet: ExSet[A]                             = xs.toExSet
  def without(x: A): View[A]                      = xs filterNot (_ === x)
  def withoutEmpty(implicit z: Empty[A]): View[A] = this without z.empty
class HasHash[A](xs: View[A])(implicit z: Hash[A]) extends HasEq[A](xs)(z) {
  override def toSet: ExSet[A] = xs.toHashSet
final class HasOrder[A](xs: View[A])(implicit z: Order[A]) extends HasEq[A](xs) {
  def max: A          = xs reducel (_ max _)
  def min: A          = xs reducel (_ min _)
  def sorted: View[A] = xs.toRefArray.inPlace.sort
final class HasEmpty[A](xs: View[A])(implicit z: Empty[A]) {
  def zfind(p: ToBool[A]): A = xs.findOr(p, emptyValue)
  def zhead: A = xs take 1 zfoldl ((zero: A, head: A) => head)
final class HasInitialValue[+A, B](xs: View[A], initial: B) {
  def indexed(f: (B, A, Index) => B): B = lowlevel.ll.foldLeftIndexed(xs, initial, f)
  def left(f: (B, A) => B): B           = lowlevel.ll.foldLeft(xs, initial, f)
  def right(f: (A, B) => B): B          = lowlevel.ll.foldRight(xs, initial, f)
final class WithIndex[+A](xs: View[A]) {
  def fold[@fspec B](zero: B)(f: (B, A, Index) => B): B = xs.foldFrom(zero) indexed f
  def foreach(f: (A, Index) => Unit): Unit              = lowlevel.ll.foldLeftIndexed[A, Unit](xs, (), (acc, x, i) => f(x, i))
  def map[B](f: Index => A => B): View[B]               = zipped map ((x, i) => f(i)(x))
  def mapZip[B](f: Index => A => B): ZipView[A, B]      = Zip.zipf(xs)(f)
  def zipped: ZipView[A, Index]                         = xs zip indices.all

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