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org.infinispan.persistence.rocksdb.RocksDBStore Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.infinispan.persistence.rocksdb;
import static org.infinispan.util.logging.Log.PERSISTENCE;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption;
import java.util.AbstractMap;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletionException;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReferenceArray;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import org.infinispan.AdvancedCache;
import org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException;
import org.infinispan.commons.configuration.ConfiguredBy;
import org.infinispan.commons.marshall.MarshallUtil;
import org.infinispan.commons.marshall.Marshaller;
import org.infinispan.commons.marshall.ProtoStreamTypeIds;
import org.infinispan.commons.reactive.RxJavaInterop;
import org.infinispan.commons.time.TimeService;
import org.infinispan.commons.util.AbstractIterator;
import org.infinispan.commons.util.IntSet;
import org.infinispan.commons.util.IntSets;
import org.infinispan.commons.util.Util;
import org.infinispan.commons.util.Version;
import org.infinispan.commons.util.concurrent.CompletableFutures;
import org.infinispan.commons.util.concurrent.CompletionStages;
import org.infinispan.marshall.persistence.PersistenceMarshaller;
import org.infinispan.marshall.persistence.impl.MarshallableEntryImpl;
import org.infinispan.metadata.Metadata;
import org.infinispan.metadata.impl.PrivateMetadata;
import org.infinispan.persistence.internal.PersistenceUtil;
import org.infinispan.persistence.rocksdb.configuration.RocksDBStoreConfiguration;
import org.infinispan.persistence.rocksdb.logging.Log;
import org.infinispan.persistence.spi.InitializationContext;
import org.infinispan.persistence.spi.MarshallableEntry;
import org.infinispan.persistence.spi.MarshallableEntryFactory;
import org.infinispan.persistence.spi.MarshalledValue;
import org.infinispan.persistence.spi.NonBlockingStore;
import org.infinispan.persistence.spi.PersistenceException;
import org.infinispan.protostream.annotations.ProtoFactory;
import org.infinispan.protostream.annotations.ProtoField;
import org.infinispan.protostream.annotations.ProtoTypeId;
import org.infinispan.util.concurrent.BlockingManager;
import org.infinispan.util.logging.LogFactory;
import org.reactivestreams.Publisher;
import org.rocksdb.BuiltinComparator;
import org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyDescriptor;
import org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyHandle;
import org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions;
import org.rocksdb.DBOptions;
import org.rocksdb.Options;
import org.rocksdb.ReadOptions;
import org.rocksdb.RocksDB;
import org.rocksdb.RocksDBException;
import org.rocksdb.RocksIterator;
import org.rocksdb.WriteBatch;
import org.rocksdb.WriteOptions;
import io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Flowable;
import io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Maybe;
import io.reactivex.rxjava3.processors.FlowableProcessor;
import io.reactivex.rxjava3.processors.UnicastProcessor;
public class RocksDBStore implements NonBlockingStore {
private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(MethodHandles.lookup().lookupClass(), Log.class);
private static final byte[] BEGIN_KEY = createAndFillArray(1, (byte) 0x00);
private static final byte[] END_KEY = createAndFillArray(128, (byte) 0xff);
static final String DATABASE_PROPERTY_NAME_WITH_SUFFIX = "database.";
static final String COLUMN_FAMILY_PROPERTY_NAME_WITH_SUFFIX = "data.";
static final byte[] META_COLUMN_FAMILY = "meta-cf".getBytes();
static final byte[] META_COLUMN_FAMILY_KEY = "metadata".getBytes();
protected RocksDBStoreConfiguration configuration;
private RocksDB db;
private RocksDB expiredDb;
private InitializationContext ctx;
private TimeService timeService;
private WriteOptions dataWriteOptions;
private RocksDBHandler handler;
private Properties databaseProperties;
private Properties columnFamilyProperties;
private Marshaller marshaller;
private KeyPartitioner keyPartitioner;
private MarshallableEntryFactory entryFactory;
private BlockingManager blockingManager;
public CompletionStage start(InitializationContext ctx) {
this.configuration = ctx.getConfiguration();
this.ctx = ctx;
this.timeService = ctx.getTimeService();
this.marshaller = ctx.getPersistenceMarshaller();
this.entryFactory = ctx.getMarshallableEntryFactory();
this.blockingManager = ctx.getBlockingManager();
this.keyPartitioner = ctx.getKeyPartitioner();
ctx.getPersistenceMarshaller().register(new PersistenceContextInitializerImpl());
// Has to be done before we open the database, so we can pass the properties
Properties allProperties =;
for (Map.Entry entry : allProperties.entrySet()) {
String key = entry.getKey().toString();
if (databaseProperties == null) {
databaseProperties = new Properties();
databaseProperties.setProperty(key.substring(DATABASE_PROPERTY_NAME_WITH_SUFFIX.length()), entry.getValue().toString());
if (columnFamilyProperties == null) {
columnFamilyProperties = new Properties();
columnFamilyProperties.setProperty(key.substring(COLUMN_FAMILY_PROPERTY_NAME_WITH_SUFFIX.length()), entry.getValue().toString());
return blockingManager.runBlocking(() -> {
try {
MetadataImpl existingMeta = handler.loadMetadata();
if (existingMeta == null && !configuration.purgeOnStartup()) {
String cacheName = ctx.getCache().getName();
// Metadata does not exist, therefore we must be reading from a pre-12.x store. Migrate the old data
// Update the metadata entry to use the current Infinispan version
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new CacheConfigurationException("Unable to open database", e);
}, "rocksdb-open");
private void initDefaultHandler() throws RocksDBException {
this.handler = createHandler(getLocation(), getExpirationLocation());
this.db = handler.db;
this.expiredDb = handler.expiredDb;
private RocksDBHandler createHandler(Path data, Path expired) throws RocksDBException {
AdvancedCache, ?> cache = ctx.getCache().getAdvancedCache();
if (configuration.segmented()) {
return new SegmentedRocksDBHandler(data, expired, cache.getCacheConfiguration().clustering().hash().numSegments());
return new NonSegmentedRocksDBHandler(data, expired, keyPartitioner);
private void migrateFromV11() throws IOException, RocksDBException {
IntSet segments;
if (configuration.segmented()) {
int numSegments = ctx.getCache().getCacheConfiguration().clustering().hash().numSegments();
segments = IntSets.immutableRangeSet(numSegments);
} else {
segments = null;
// If no entries exist in the store, then nothing to migrate
if (CompletionStages.join(handler.size(segments)) == 0)
Path newDbLocation = getQualifiedLocation("new_data");
Path newExpiredDbLocation = getQualifiedLocation("new_expired");
try {
// Create new DB and open handle
RocksDBHandler migrationHandler = createHandler(newDbLocation, newExpiredDbLocation);
Function>> function =
it -> Flowable.fromIterable(() -> new RocksLegacyEntryIterator(it));
// Iterate and convert entries from old handle
Publisher> publisher = configuration.segmented() ?
((SegmentedRocksDBHandler) handler).handleIteratorFunction(function, segments) :
handler.publish(-1, function);
WriteBatch batch = new WriteBatch();
Set> expirableEntries = new HashSet<>();
.blockingSubscribe(e -> {
ColumnFamilyHandle handle = migrationHandler.getHandle(keyPartitioner.getSegment(e.getKey()));
batch.put(handle, e.getKeyBytes().copy().getBuf(), marshall(e.getMarshalledValue()));
if (e.expiryTime() > 1)
if (batch.count() <= 0)
migrationHandler.db.write(dataWriteOptions(), batch);
for (MarshallableEntry e : expirableEntries)
addNewExpiry(migrationHandler.expiredDb, e);
// Close original and new handler
// Copy new db to original location
Path dataLocation = getLocation();
Path expirationLocation = getExpirationLocation();
Files.move(newDbLocation, dataLocation, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);
Files.move(newExpiredDbLocation, expirationLocation, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);
// Open db handle to new db at original location
} finally {
// In the event of a failure, always remove the new dbs
private Path getQualifiedLocation(String qualifier) {
return org.infinispan.persistence.PersistenceUtil.getQualifiedLocation(ctx.getGlobalConfiguration(), configuration.location(), ctx.getCache().getName(), qualifier);
private Path getLocation() {
return getQualifiedLocation("data");
private Path getExpirationLocation() {
return getQualifiedLocation("expired");
private WriteOptions dataWriteOptions() {
if (dataWriteOptions == null)
dataWriteOptions = new WriteOptions().setDisableWAL(false);
return dataWriteOptions;
private DBOptions dataDbOptions() {
DBOptions dbOptions;
if (databaseProperties != null) {
dbOptions = DBOptions.getDBOptionsFromProps(databaseProperties);
if (dbOptions == null) {
throw log.rocksDBUnknownPropertiesSupplied(databaseProperties.toString());
} else {
dbOptions = new DBOptions();
return dbOptions
// We have to create missing column families on open.
// Otherwise when we start we won't know what column families this database had if any - thus
// we must specify all of them and later remove them.
protected Options expiredDbOptions() {
return new Options()
// Make sure keys are sorted by bytes - we use this sorting to remove entries that have expired most recently
* Creates database if it doesn't exist.
protected static RocksDB openDatabase(Path location, Options options) throws RocksDBException {
File dir = location.toFile();
return, location.toString());
public CompletionStage stop() {
return blockingManager.runBlocking(() -> {
// it could be null if an issue occurs during the initialization
if (handler != null) {
}, "rocksdb-stop");
public Set characteristics() {
return EnumSet.of(Characteristic.BULK_READ, Characteristic.EXPIRATION, Characteristic.SEGMENTABLE);
public CompletionStage isAvailable() {
return blockingManager.supplyBlocking(() -> getLocation().toFile().exists() && getExpirationLocation().toFile().exists(),
public CompletionStage clear() {
return handler.clear();
public CompletionStage size(IntSet segments) {
return handler.size(segments);
public CompletionStage approximateSize(IntSet segments) {
return handler.approximateSize(segments);
public CompletionStage containsKey(int segment, Object key) {
// This might be able to use RocksDB#keyMayExist - but API is a bit flaky
return load(segment, key)
public Publisher publishKeys(IntSet segments, Predicate super K> filter) {
return Flowable.fromPublisher(handler.publishEntries(segments, filter, false))
public Publisher> publishEntries(IntSet segments, Predicate super K> filter, boolean includeValues) {
return handler.publishEntries(segments, filter, includeValues);
public CompletionStage delete(int segment, Object key) {
return handler.delete(segment, key);
public CompletionStage write(int segment, MarshallableEntry extends K, ? extends V> entry) {
return handler.write(segment, entry);
public CompletionStage> load(int segment, Object key) {
return handler.load(segment, key);
public CompletionStage batch(int publisherCount, Publisher> removePublisher,
Publisher>> writePublisher) {
WriteBatch batch = new WriteBatch();
Set> expirableEntries = new HashSet<>();
.subscribe(sp -> {
ColumnFamilyHandle handle = handler.getHandle(sp.getSegment());
.subscribe(removed -> batch.delete(handle, marshall(removed)));
.subscribe(sp -> {
ColumnFamilyHandle handle = handler.getHandle(sp.getSegment());
.subscribe(me -> {
batch.put(handle, marshall(me.getKey()), marshall(me.getMarshalledValue()));
if (me.expiryTime() > -1) {
if (batch.count() <= 0) {
return CompletableFutures.completedNull();
return blockingManager.runBlocking(() -> {
try {
db.write(dataWriteOptions(), batch);
for (MarshallableEntry me : expirableEntries) {
addNewExpiry(expiredDb, me);
} catch (RocksDBException e) {
throw new PersistenceException(e);
}, "rocksdb-batch").whenComplete((ignore, t) -> batch.close());
public Publisher> purgeExpired() {
Publisher>> purgedBatches = blockingManager.blockingPublisher(Flowable.defer(() -> {
// We check expiration based on time of subscription only
long now = timeService.wallClockTime();
return actualPurgeExpired(now)
// We return a buffer of expired entries emitted to the non blocking thread
// This prevents waking up the non blocking thread for every entry as they will most likely be
// consumed much faster than emission (since each emission performs a get and remove)
return Flowable.fromPublisher(purgedBatches)
private Flowable> actualPurgeExpired(long now) {
// The following flowable is responsible for emitting entries that have expired from expiredDb and removing the
// given entries
Flowable expiredFlowable = Flowable.using(() -> {
ReadOptions readOptions = new ReadOptions().setFillCache(false);
return new AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry<>(readOptions, expiredDb.newIterator(readOptions));
}, entry -> {
if (entry.getValue() == null) {
return Flowable.empty();
RocksIterator iterator = entry.getValue();
return Flowable.fromIterable(() ->
new BaseRocksIterator<>(iterator) {
protected byte[] getNext() {
byte[] keyBytes = readKey();
if (keyBytes == null)
return null;
Long time = unmarshall(keyBytes);
if (time > now)
return null;
try {
} catch (RocksDBException e) {
throw new PersistenceException(e);
byte[] value = readValue();
return value;
}, entry -> {
RocksIterator rocksIterator = entry.getValue();
if (rocksIterator != null) {
synchronized (rocksIterator) {
Flowable> expiredEntryFlowable = expiredFlowable.flatMap(expiredBytes -> {
Object bucketKey = unmarshall(expiredBytes);
if (bucketKey instanceof ExpiryBucket) {
return Flowable.fromIterable(((ExpiryBucket) bucketKey).entries)
.flatMapMaybe(marshalledKey -> {
ColumnFamilyHandle columnFamilyHandle = handler.getHandleForMarshalledKey(marshalledKey);
MarshalledValue mv = handlePossiblyExpiredKey(columnFamilyHandle, marshalledKey, now);
return mv == null ? Maybe.empty() : Maybe.just(entryFactory.create(unmarshall(marshalledKey), mv));
} else {
// The bucketKey is an actual key
ColumnFamilyHandle columnFamilyHandle = handler.getHandle(bucketKey);
MarshalledValue mv = handlePossiblyExpiredKey(columnFamilyHandle, marshall(bucketKey), now);
return mv == null ? Flowable.empty() : Flowable.just(entryFactory.create(bucketKey, mv));
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
// Note this tracing only works properly for one subscriber
FlowableProcessor> mirrorEntries = UnicastProcessor.create();
expiredEntryFlowable = expiredEntryFlowable
.doOnSubscribe(subscription -> log.tracef("Purging entries from RocksDBStore"));
.subscribe(count -> log.tracef("Purged %d entries from RocksDBStore", count));
return expiredEntryFlowable;
private MarshalledValue handlePossiblyExpiredKey(ColumnFamilyHandle columnFamilyHandle, byte[] marshalledKey,
long now) throws RocksDBException {
byte[] valueBytes = db.get(columnFamilyHandle, marshalledKey);
if (valueBytes == null) {
return null;
MarshalledValue mv = unmarshall(valueBytes);
if (mv != null) {
// TODO race condition: the entry could be updated between the get and delete!
Metadata metadata = unmarshall(MarshallUtil.toByteArray(mv.getMetadataBytes()));
if (MarshallableEntryImpl.isExpired(metadata, now, mv.getCreated(), mv.getLastUsed())) {
// somewhat inefficient to FIND then REMOVE... but required if the value is updated
db.delete(columnFamilyHandle, marshalledKey);
return mv;
return null;
public CompletionStage addSegments(IntSet segments) {
return handler.addSegments(segments);
public CompletionStage removeSegments(IntSet segments) {
return handler.removeSegments(segments);
private byte[] marshall(Object entry) {
try {
return marshaller.objectToByteBuffer(entry);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new PersistenceException(e);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new PersistenceException(e);
private E unmarshall(byte[] bytes, Marshaller marshaller) {
if (bytes == null)
return null;
try {
//noinspection unchecked
return (E) marshaller.objectFromByteBuffer(bytes);
} catch (IOException | ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw new PersistenceException(e);
private E unmarshall(byte[] bytes) {
return unmarshall(bytes, this.marshaller);
private MarshallableEntry unmarshallEntry(Object key, byte[] valueBytes) {
MarshalledValue value = unmarshall(valueBytes);
if (value == null) return null;
return entryFactory.create(key, value.getValueBytes(), value.getMetadataBytes(), value.getInternalMetadataBytes(),
value.getCreated(), value.getLastUsed());
private void addNewExpiry(RocksDB expiredDb, MarshallableEntry extends K, ? extends V> entry) throws RocksDBException {
long expiry = entry.expiryTime();
long maxIdle = entry.getMetadata().maxIdle();
if (maxIdle > 0) {
// Coding getExpiryTime() for transient entries has the risk of being a moving target
// which could lead to unexpected results, hence, InternalCacheEntry calls are required
expiry = maxIdle + ctx.getTimeService().wallClockTime();
byte[] keyBytes = entry.getKeyBytes().copy().getBuf();
putExpireDbData(expiredDb, new ExpiryEntry(expiry, keyBytes));
static final class ExpiryBucket {
@ProtoField(number = 1, collectionImplementation = ArrayList.class)
List entries;
ExpiryBucket() {
ExpiryBucket(byte[] existingKey, byte[] newKey) {
entries = new ArrayList<>(2);
static final class MetadataImpl {
@ProtoField(number = 1, defaultValue = "-1")
short version;
MetadataImpl(short version) {
this.version = version;
private static final class ExpiryEntry {
final long expiry;
final byte[] keyBytes;
ExpiryEntry(long expiry, byte[] keyBytes) {
this.expiry = expiry;
this.keyBytes = keyBytes;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
ExpiryEntry that = (ExpiryEntry) o;
return expiry == that.expiry &&
Arrays.equals(keyBytes, that.keyBytes);
public int hashCode() {
int result = Objects.hash(expiry);
result = 31 * result + Arrays.hashCode(keyBytes);
return result;
private class RocksLegacyEntryIterator extends BaseRocksIterator> {
private final long now;
private final PersistenceMarshaller pm;
private final Marshaller userMarshaller;
RocksLegacyEntryIterator(RocksIterator it) {
super(it); = timeService.wallClockTime(); = ctx.getPersistenceMarshaller();
this.userMarshaller = pm.getUserMarshaller();
protected MarshallableEntry getNext() {
MarshallableEntry entry = null;
while (entry == null) {
K key = unmarshall(readKey(), userMarshaller);
if (key == null) break;
MarshalledValue mv = unmarshall(readValue(), pm);
if (mv == null) break;
V value = unmarshall(mv.getValueBytes().getBuf(), userMarshaller);
Metadata meta;
try {
meta = unmarshall(mv.getMetadataBytes().getBuf(), userMarshaller);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// For metadata we need to attempt to read with user-marshaller first in case custom metadata used, otherwise use the persistence marshaller
meta = unmarshall(mv.getMetadataBytes().getBuf(), pm);
PrivateMetadata internalMeta = unmarshall(mv.getInternalMetadataBytes().copy().getBuf(), userMarshaller);
MarshallableEntry me = entryFactory.create(key, value, meta, internalMeta, mv.getCreated(), mv.getLastUsed());
if (me != null && !me.isExpired(now)) {
entry = me;
return entry;
private static abstract class BaseRocksIterator extends AbstractIterator {
private final RocksIterator it;
private BaseRocksIterator(RocksIterator it) { = it;
protected boolean isValid() {
synchronized (it) {
return it.isOwningHandle() && it.isValid();
protected byte[] readKey() {
synchronized (it) {
if (!isValid()) return null;
return it.key();
protected byte[] readValue() {
synchronized (it) {
if (!isValid()) return null;
return it.value();
protected void moveNext() {
synchronized (it) {
if (isValid()) {;
private class RocksEntryIterator extends BaseRocksIterator> {
private final Predicate super K> filter;
private final long now;
RocksEntryIterator(RocksIterator it, Predicate super K> filter, long now) {
this.filter = filter; = now;
protected MarshallableEntry getNext() {
MarshallableEntry entry = null;
while (entry == null) {
K key = unmarshall(readKey());
if (key == null) break;
if (filter == null || filter.test(key)) {
MarshallableEntry me = unmarshallEntry(key, readValue());
if (me != null && !me.isExpired(now)) {
entry = me;
return entry;
private abstract class RocksDBHandler {
protected RocksDB db;
protected RocksDB expiredDb;
protected ColumnFamilyHandle metaColumnFamilyHandle;
abstract RocksDB open(Path location, DBOptions options) throws RocksDBException;
abstract void close();
abstract ColumnFamilyHandle getHandle(int segment);
abstract ColumnFamilyHandle getHandle(Object key);
abstract ColumnFamilyHandle getHandleForMarshalledKey(byte[] marshalledKey);
void writeMetadata() throws RocksDBException {
MetadataImpl metadata = new MetadataImpl(Version.getVersionShort());
db.put(metaColumnFamilyHandle, META_COLUMN_FAMILY_KEY, marshall(metadata));
MetadataImpl loadMetadata() throws RocksDBException {
return unmarshall(db.get(metaColumnFamilyHandle, META_COLUMN_FAMILY_KEY));
ColumnFamilyDescriptor newDescriptor(byte[] name) {
ColumnFamilyOptions columnFamilyOptions;
if (columnFamilyProperties != null) {
columnFamilyOptions = ColumnFamilyOptions.getColumnFamilyOptionsFromProps(columnFamilyProperties);
if (columnFamilyOptions == null) {
throw log.rocksDBUnknownPropertiesSupplied(columnFamilyProperties.toString());
} else {
columnFamilyOptions = new ColumnFamilyOptions();
if (configuration.attributes().attribute(RocksDBStoreConfiguration.COMPRESSION_TYPE).isModified()) {
return new ColumnFamilyDescriptor(name, columnFamilyOptions);
CompletionStage> load(int segment, Object key) {
ColumnFamilyHandle handle = getHandle(segment);
if (handle == null) {
log.trace("Ignoring load as handle is not currently configured");
return CompletableFutures.completedNull();
try {
CompletionStage entryByteStage = blockingManager.supplyBlocking(() -> {
try {
return db.get(handle, marshall(key));
} catch (RocksDBException e) {
throw new CompletionException(e);
}, "rocksdb-load");
return entryByteStage.thenApply(entryBytes -> {
MarshallableEntry me = unmarshallEntry(key, entryBytes);
if (me == null || me.isExpired(timeService.wallClockTime())) {
return null;
return me;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new PersistenceException(e);
CompletionStage write(int segment, MarshallableEntry extends K, ? extends V> me) {
ColumnFamilyHandle handle = getHandle(segment);
if (handle == null) {
log.trace("Ignoring write as handle is not currently configured");
return CompletableFutures.completedNull();
try {
byte[] marshalledKey = MarshallUtil.toByteArray(me.getKeyBytes());
byte[] marshalledValue = marshall(me.getMarshalledValue());
return blockingManager.runBlocking(() -> {
try {
db.put(handle, marshalledKey, marshalledValue);
if (me.expiryTime() > -1) {
addNewExpiry(expiredDb, me);
} catch (RocksDBException e) {
throw new PersistenceException(e);
}, "rocksdb-write");
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new PersistenceException(e);
CompletionStage delete(int segment, Object key) {
try {
byte[] keyBytes = marshall(key);
ColumnFamilyHandle handle = getHandle(segment);
return blockingManager.supplyBlocking(() -> {
try {
db.delete(handle, keyBytes);
return null;
} catch (RocksDBException e) {
throw new PersistenceException(e);
}, "rocksdb-delete");
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new PersistenceException(e);
abstract CompletionStage clear();
abstract Publisher> publishEntries(IntSet segments, Predicate super K> filter,
boolean fetchValue);
CompletionStage size(IntSet segments) {
return Flowable.fromPublisher(publishKeys(segments, null))
abstract CompletionStage approximateSize(IntSet segments);
publish(int segment, Function> function) {
ReadOptions readOptions = new ReadOptions().setFillCache(false);
return blockingManager.blockingPublisher(Flowable.using(() -> wrapIterator(db, readOptions, segment), iterator -> {
if (iterator == null) {
return Flowable.empty();
// Called first, no need for synchronization.
return function.apply(iterator);
}, iterator -> {
if (iterator != null) {
synchronized (iterator) {
abstract RocksIterator wrapIterator(RocksDB db, ReadOptions readOptions, int segment);
abstract CompletionStage addSegments(IntSet segments);
abstract CompletionStage removeSegments(IntSet segments);
private final class NonSegmentedRocksDBHandler extends RocksDBHandler {
private final KeyPartitioner keyPartitioner;
private ColumnFamilyHandle defaultColumnFamilyHandle;
private NonSegmentedRocksDBHandler(Path data, Path expired, KeyPartitioner keyPartitioner) throws RocksDBException {
this.db = open(data, dataDbOptions());
this.expiredDb = openDatabase(expired, expiredDbOptions());
this.keyPartitioner = keyPartitioner;
ColumnFamilyHandle getHandle(int segment) {
return defaultColumnFamilyHandle;
ColumnFamilyHandle getHandle(Object key) {
return defaultColumnFamilyHandle;
ColumnFamilyHandle getHandleForMarshalledKey(byte[] marshalledKey) {
return defaultColumnFamilyHandle;
RocksDB open(Path location, DBOptions options) throws RocksDBException {
File dir = location.toFile();
List descriptors = new ArrayList<>(2);
List handles = new ArrayList<>(2);
RocksDB rocksDB =, location.toString(), descriptors, handles);
defaultColumnFamilyHandle = handles.get(0);
metaColumnFamilyHandle = handles.get(1);
return rocksDB;
CompletionStage clear() {
return clear(null);
CompletionStage clear(IntSet segments) {
return blockingManager.runBlocking(() -> {
if (segments == null) {
} else {
try (ReadOptions readOptions = new ReadOptions().setFillCache(false)) {
try (RocksIterator it = db.newIterator(defaultColumnFamilyHandle, readOptions)) {
for (it.seekToFirst(); it.isValid(); {
byte[] keyBytes = it.key();
Object key = unmarshall(keyBytes);
int segment = keyPartitioner.getSegment(key);
if (segments.contains(segment)) {
db.delete(defaultColumnFamilyHandle, keyBytes);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new PersistenceException(e);
}, "rocksdb-clear");
void close() {
protected RocksIterator wrapIterator(RocksDB db, ReadOptions readOptions, int segment) {
return db.newIterator(defaultColumnFamilyHandle, readOptions);
Publisher> publishEntries(IntSet segments, Predicate super K> filter, boolean fetchValue) {
Predicate super K> combinedFilter = PersistenceUtil.combinePredicate(segments, keyPartitioner, filter);
return publish(-1, it -> Flowable.fromIterable(() -> {
// Make sure this is taken when the iterator is created
long now = timeService.wallClockTime();
return new RocksEntryIterator(it, combinedFilter, now);
CompletionStage addSegments(IntSet segments) {
// Do nothing
return CompletableFutures.completedNull();
CompletionStage removeSegments(IntSet segments) {
// Unfortunately we have to clear all entries that map to each entry, which requires a full iteration and
// segment check on every entry
return clear(segments);
CompletionStage approximateSize(IntSet segments) {
return blockingManager.supplyBlocking(() -> {
try {
return Long.parseLong(db.getProperty(defaultColumnFamilyHandle, "rocksdb.estimate-num-keys"));
} catch (RocksDBException e) {
throw new PersistenceException(e);
}, "rocksdb-approximateSize");
private class SegmentedRocksDBHandler extends RocksDBHandler {
private final AtomicReferenceArray handles;
private SegmentedRocksDBHandler(Path data, Path expired, int segmentCount) throws RocksDBException {
this.handles = new AtomicReferenceArray<>(segmentCount);
this.db = open(data, dataDbOptions());
this.expiredDb = openDatabase(expired, expiredDbOptions());
byte[] byteArrayFromInt(int val) {
return new byte[]{
(byte) (val >>> 24),
(byte) (val >>> 16),
(byte) (val >>> 8),
(byte) (val)
ColumnFamilyHandle getHandle(int segment) {
return handles.get(segment);
ColumnFamilyHandle getHandle(Object key) {
return handles.get(keyPartitioner.getSegment(key));
ColumnFamilyHandle getHandleForMarshalledKey(byte[] marshalledKey) {
return getHandle(unmarshall(marshalledKey));
RocksDB open(Path location, DBOptions options) throws RocksDBException {
File dir = location.toFile();
int segmentCount = handles.length();
List descriptors = new ArrayList<>(segmentCount + 2);
List outHandles = new ArrayList<>(segmentCount + 2);
// You have to open the default column family
descriptors.add(new ColumnFamilyDescriptor(RocksDB.DEFAULT_COLUMN_FAMILY, new ColumnFamilyOptions()));
// Create the meta column family
descriptors.add(new ColumnFamilyDescriptor(META_COLUMN_FAMILY, new ColumnFamilyOptions()));
for (int i = 0; i < segmentCount; ++i) {
RocksDB rocksDB =, location.toString(), descriptors, outHandles);
metaColumnFamilyHandle = outHandles.get(1);
for (int i = 0; i < segmentCount; ++i) {
handles.set(i, outHandles.get(i + 2));
return rocksDB;
CompletionStage clear() {
return blockingManager.runBlocking(() -> {
for (int i = 0; i < handles.length(); ++i) {
}, "rocksdb-clear");
* Clear out the entries for a segment
* @param segment the segment to clear out
private void clearForSegment(int segment) {
ColumnFamilyHandle handle = handles.get(segment);
void close() {
for (int i = 0; i < handles.length(); ++i) {
ColumnFamilyHandle handle = handles.getAndSet(i, null);
if (handle != null) {
Publisher> publishEntries(IntSet segments, Predicate super K> filter, boolean fetchValue) {
Function>> function = it -> Flowable.fromIterable(() -> {
long now = timeService.wallClockTime();
return new RocksEntryIterator(it, filter, now);
return handleIteratorFunction(function, segments);
Publisher handleIteratorFunction(Function> function, IntSet segments) {
// Short circuit if only a single segment - assumed to be invoked from persistence thread
if (segments != null && segments.size() == 1) {
return publish(segments.iterator().nextInt(), function);
IntSet segmentsToUse = segments == null ? IntSets.immutableRangeSet(handles.length()) : segments;
return Flowable.fromStream(segmentsToUse.intStream().mapToObj(i -> publish(i, function)))
RocksIterator wrapIterator(RocksDB db, ReadOptions readOptions, int segment) {
ColumnFamilyHandle handle = handles.get(segment);
if (handle != null) {
return db.newIterator(handle, readOptions);
return null;
CompletionStage addSegments(IntSet segments) {
Flowable segmentFlowable = Flowable.fromIterable(segments)
.filter(segment -> handles.get(segment) == null);
return blockingManager.subscribeBlockingConsumer(segmentFlowable, segment -> {
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.tracef("Creating column family for segment %d", segment);
byte[] cfName = byteArrayFromInt(segment);
try {
ColumnFamilyHandle handle = db.createColumnFamily(newDescriptor(cfName));
handles.set(segment, handle);
} catch (RocksDBException e) {
throw new PersistenceException(e);
}, "testng-addSegments");
CompletionStage removeSegments(IntSet segments) {
Flowable handleFlowable = Flowable.fromIterable(segments)
.map(segment -> {
ColumnFamilyHandle cf = handles.getAndSet(segment, null);
return cf != null ? cf : this;
return blockingManager.subscribeBlockingConsumer(handleFlowable, handle -> {
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.tracef("Dropping column family %s", handle);
try {
} catch (RocksDBException e) {
throw new PersistenceException(e);
}, "testng-removeSegments");
CompletionStage approximateSize(IntSet segments) {
return blockingManager.supplyBlocking(() -> {
long size = 0;
for (int segment : segments) {
ColumnFamilyHandle handle = getHandle(segment);
try {
size += Long.parseLong(db.getProperty(handle, "rocksdb.estimate-num-keys"));
} catch (RocksDBException e) {
throw new PersistenceException(e);
return size;
}, "rocksdb-approximateSize");
private void putExpireDbData(RocksDB expiredDb, ExpiryEntry entry) throws RocksDBException {
final byte[] expiryBytes = marshall(entry.expiry);
final byte[] existingBytes = expiredDb.get(expiryBytes);
if (existingBytes != null) {
// in the case of collision make the value a List ...
final Object existing = unmarshall(existingBytes);
if (existing instanceof ExpiryBucket) {
((ExpiryBucket) existing).entries.add(entry.keyBytes);
expiredDb.put(expiryBytes, marshall(existing));
} else {
ExpiryBucket bucket = new ExpiryBucket(existingBytes, entry.keyBytes);
expiredDb.put(expiryBytes, marshall(bucket));
} else {
expiredDb.put(expiryBytes, entry.keyBytes);
* Instead of iterate in RocksIterator we use the first and last byte array
private void clearColumnFamily(ColumnFamilyHandle handle) {
try {
// when the data under a segment was removed, the handle will be null
if (handle != null) {
db.deleteRange(handle, BEGIN_KEY, END_KEY);
// We don't control the keys, the marshaller does.
// In theory it is possible that a custom marshaller would generate a key of 10k 0xff bytes
// That key would be after END_KEY, so the deleteRange call wouldn't remove it
// If there are remaining keys, remove.
try (ReadOptions iteratorOptions = new ReadOptions().setFillCache(false)) {
try (RocksIterator it = db.newIterator(handle, iteratorOptions)) {
for (it.seekToFirst(); it.isValid(); {
db.delete(handle, it.key());
} catch (RocksDBException e) {
throw new PersistenceException(e);
private static byte[] createAndFillArray(int length, byte value) {
byte[] array = new byte[length];
Arrays.fill(array, value);
return array;