org.infinispan.cli.logging.Messages Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.infinispan.cli.logging;
import java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException;
import java.nio.file.FileAlreadyExistsException;
import java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import org.aesh.command.CommandException;
import org.aesh.command.parser.RequiredOptionException;
import org.infinispan.cli.patching.PatchInfo;
import org.infinispan.cli.patching.PatchOperation;
import org.infinispan.cli.resources.Resource;
import org.infinispan.cli.user.UserTool;
import org.jboss.logging.Logger;
import org.jboss.logging.annotations.Cause;
import org.jboss.logging.annotations.Message;
import org.jboss.logging.annotations.MessageBundle;
* @since 10.0
@MessageBundle(projectCode = "ISPN")
public interface Messages {
Messages MSG = org.jboss.logging.Messages.getBundle(Messages.class);
Logger CLI = Logger.getLogger("CLI");
@Message(value = "Username: ")
String username();
@Message(value = "Password: ")
String password();
@Message("Not Found: %s")
IOException notFound(String s);
@Message("The supplied credentials are invalid %s")
AccessDeniedException unauthorized(String s);
@Message("Error: %s")
IOException error(String s);
@Message("The user is not allowed to access the server resource: %s")
AccessDeniedException forbidden(String s);
@Message("Error while configuring SSL")
String keyStoreError(@Cause Exception e);
@Message("No such resource '%s'")
IllegalArgumentException noSuchResource(String name);
@Message("Command invoked from the wrong context")
IllegalStateException illegalContext();
@Message("Illegal arguments for command")
IllegalArgumentException illegalCommandArguments();
@Message("The options '%s' and '%s' are mutually exclusive")
IllegalArgumentException mutuallyExclusiveOptions(String arg1, String arg2);
@Message("One of the '%s' and '%s' options are required")
RequiredOptionException requiresOneOf(String arg1, String arg2);
@Message("Could not connect to server: %s")
ConnectException connectionFailed(String message);
@Message("Invalid resource '%s'")
IllegalArgumentException invalidResource(String name);
@Message("No patches installed")
String patchNoPatchesInstalled();
String patchInfo(PatchInfo patchInfo);
@Message("The supplied patch cannot be applied to %s %s")
IllegalStateException patchCannotApply(String brandName, String version);
@Message("File %s SHA mismatch. Expected = %s, Actual = %s")
String patchShaMismatch(Path path, String digest, String sha256);
@Message("The following errors were encountered while validating the installation:%n%s")
IllegalStateException patchValidationErrors(String errors);
@Message("No installed patches to roll back")
IllegalStateException patchNoPatchesInstalledToRollback();
@Message("Cannot find the infinispan-commons jar under %s")
IllegalStateException patchCannotFindCommons(Path lib);
@Message("Cannot create patch %s with patches for %s")
IllegalStateException patchIncompatibleProduct(String localBrand, String patchBrand);
@Message("Could not write patches file")
IllegalStateException patchCannotWritePatchesFile(@Cause IOException e);
@Message("Rolled back patch %s")
String patchRollback(PatchInfo patchInfo);
@Message("[Dry run] ")
String patchDryRun();
@Message("Backing up '%s' to '%s'")
String patchBackup(Path from, Path to);
@Message("Error while creating patch")
RuntimeException patchCreateError(@Cause IOException e);
@Message("Adding file '%s'")
String patchCreateAdd(Path target);
@Message("Rolling back file '%s'")
String patchRollbackFile(Path file);
@Message("Could not read %s")
IllegalStateException patchCannotRead(Path patchesFile, @Cause IOException e);
@Message("File '%s' already exists")
FileAlreadyExistsException patchFileAlreadyExists(Path patch);
@Message("At least three arguments are required: the patch file, the target server path and one or more source server paths")
IllegalArgumentException patchCreateArgumentsRequired();
@Message("You must specify the path to a patch archive")
IllegalArgumentException patchArchiveArgumentRequired();
@Message("Cannot create a patch from identical source and target server versions: %s")
IllegalArgumentException patchServerAndTargetMustBeDifferent(String version);
@Message("The patch archive appears to have a corrupt entry for: %s")
String patchCorruptArchive(PatchOperation operation);
@Message("Downloaded file '%s'")
String downloadedFile(String filename);
@Message(value = "Specify a username: ")
String userToolUsername();
@Message(value = "Set a password for the user: ")
String userToolPassword();
@Message(value = "Confirm the password for the user: ")
String userToolPasswordConfirm();
@Message(value = "User `%s` already exists")
IllegalStateException userToolUserExists(String username);
@Message("Error accessing file '%s'")
RuntimeException userToolIOError(Path path, @Cause IOException e);
@Message("Unkown password encryption algorithm: '%s'")
IllegalArgumentException userToolUnknownAlgorithm(String algorithm);
@Message(value = "User `%s` does not exist")
IllegalArgumentException userToolNoSuchUser(String username);
@Message(value = "{ username: \"%s\", realm: \"%s\", groups = %s }")
String userDescribe(String username, String realm, String[] userGroups);
@Message(value = "Invalid Unicode sequence '%s'")
IOException invalidUnicodeSequence(String sequence, @Cause NoSuchElementException e);
@Message(value = "Attempt to use %s passwords, but only %s passwords are allowed")
IllegalArgumentException userToolIncompatibleEncrypyion(UserTool.Encryption encryption1, UserTool.Encryption encryption2);
@Message(value = "Attempted to use a different realm '%s' than the already existing one '%s'")
IllegalArgumentException userToolWrongRealm(String realm1, String realm2);
@Message(value = "Unable to load CLI configuration from `%s`. Using defaults.")
String configLoadFailed(String path);
@Message(value = "Unable to store CLI configuration to '%s'.")
String configStoreFailed(String path);
@Message(value = "Wrong argument count: %d.")
IllegalArgumentException wrongArgumentCount(int size);
@Message("Cannot find service '%s' in namespace '%s'")
IllegalArgumentException noSuchService(String serviceName, String namespace);
@Message("Cannot find or access generated secrets for service '%s'")
IllegalStateException noGeneratedSecret(String serviceName);
@Message("A namespace was not specified and a default has not been set")
IllegalStateException noDefaultNamespace();
@Message(value = "Enter the password for the credential keystore: ")
String credentialToolPassword();
@Message(value = "Confirm the password for the credential store: ")
String credentialToolPasswordConfirm();
@Message(value = "Set a credential for the alias: ")
String credentialToolCredential();
@Message(value = "Confirm the credential: ")
String credentialToolCredentialConfirm();
@Message(value = "Filter rule '%s' is not in the format [ACCEPT|REJECT]/{CIDR}")
IllegalArgumentException illegalFilterRule(String rule);
@Message(value = "Error executing file: %s, line %d: '%s'")
CommandException batchError(String file, int lineNumber, String line, @Cause Throwable t);
@Message("Option '%s' requires option '%s'")
RequiredOptionException requiresAllOf(String option1, String option2);
@Message("The cache name is required")
IllegalArgumentException missingCacheName();
@Message("Could not determine catalog source")
IllegalStateException noCatalog();
@Message("Target namespaces must be specified when not installing globally")
IllegalArgumentException noTargetNamespaces();
@Message("Could not find a default operator namespace")
IllegalStateException noDefaultOperatorNamespace();
@Message("Kubernetes client is unavailable in this mode")
IllegalStateException noKubernetes();
@Message("Could not find an operator subscription in namespace '%s'")
IllegalStateException noOperatorSubscription(String namespace);
@Message("Expose type '%s' requires a port")
IllegalArgumentException exposeTypeRequiresPort(String exposeType);
@Message("Encryption type '%s' requires a secret name")
IllegalArgumentException encryptionTypeRequiresSecret(String encryptionType);
@Message("No running pods available in service %s")
IllegalStateException noRunningPodsInService(String name);
@Message("A username must be specified")
IllegalArgumentException usernameRequired();
@Message("Checksum for '%s' does not match. Supplied: %s Actual: %s")
SecurityException checksumFailed(String path, String checksum, String computed);
@Message("Checksum for '%s' verified")
String checksumVerified(String path);
@Message("Artifact '%s' not found")
IllegalArgumentException artifactNotFound(String path);
@Message("Retry download '%d/%d'")
String retryDownload(int retry, int retries);
@Message("The resource does not support the '%s' list format")
IllegalArgumentException unsupportedListFormat(Resource.ListFormat format);
@Message("File '%s' does not exist")
NoSuchFileException nonExistentFile( file);