org.infinispan.commons.logging.Log Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.infinispan.commons.logging;
import static org.jboss.logging.Logger.Level.ERROR;
import static org.jboss.logging.Logger.Level.INFO;
import static org.jboss.logging.Logger.Level.WARN;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException;
import org.infinispan.commons.CacheException;
import org.infinispan.commons.dataconversion.EncodingException;
import org.infinispan.commons.dataconversion.MediaType;
import org.jboss.logging.BasicLogger;
import org.jboss.logging.Logger;
import org.jboss.logging.annotations.Cause;
import org.jboss.logging.annotations.LogMessage;
import org.jboss.logging.annotations.Message;
import org.jboss.logging.annotations.MessageLogger;
import org.jboss.logging.annotations.Suppressed;
import org.jboss.logging.annotations.ValidIdRange;
import org.jboss.logging.annotations.ValidIdRanges;
* Infinispan's log abstraction layer on top of JBoss Logging.
* It contains explicit methods for all INFO or above levels so that they can
* be internationalized. For the commons module, message ids ranging from 0901
* to 1000 inclusively have been reserved.
* Log log = LogFactory.getLog( getClass() );
The above will get
* you an instance of Log, which can be used to generate log messages
* either via JBoss Logging which then can delegate to Log4J (if the libraries
* are present) or (if not) the built-in JDK logger.
* In addition to the 6 log levels available, this framework also supports
* parameter interpolation, similar to the JDKs {@link String#format(String, Object...)}
* method. What this means is, that the following block:
* if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("This is a message " + message + " and some other value is " + value); }
* ... could be replaced with ...
* if (log.isTraceEnabled()) log.tracef("This is a message %s and some other value is %s", message, value);
* This greatly enhances code readability.
* If you are passing a Throwable, note that this should be passed in
* before the vararg parameter list.
* @author Manik Surtani
* @since 4.0
* @api.private
@MessageLogger(projectCode = "ISPN")
@ValidIdRange(min = 901, max = 1000),
@ValidIdRange(min = 29501, max = 29600) // To be moved
public interface Log extends BasicLogger {
String LOG_ROOT = "org.infinispan.";
Log CONFIG = Logger.getMessageLogger(Log.class, LOG_ROOT + "CONFIG");
Log CONTAINER = Logger.getMessageLogger(Log.class, LOG_ROOT + "CONTAINER");
Log SECURITY = Logger.getMessageLogger(Log.class, LOG_ROOT + "SECURITY");
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "Property %s could not be replaced as intended!", id = 901)
void propertyCouldNotBeReplaced(String line);
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "Invocation of %s threw an exception %s. Exception is ignored.", id = 902)
void ignoringException(String methodName, String exceptionName, @Cause Throwable t);
// @LogMessage(level = ERROR)
// @Message(value = "Unable to set value!", id = 903)
// void unableToSetValue(@Cause Exception e);
@Message(value = "Error while initializing SSL context", id = 904)
CacheConfigurationException sslInitializationException(@Cause Throwable e);
@LogMessage(level = ERROR)
@Message(value = "Unable to load %s from any of the following classloaders: %s", id = 905)
void unableToLoadClass(String classname, String classloaders, @Cause Throwable cause);
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "Unable to convert string property [%s] to an int! Using default value of %d", id = 906)
void unableToConvertStringPropertyToInt(String value, int defaultValue);
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "Unable to convert string property [%s] to a long! Using default value of %d", id = 907)
void unableToConvertStringPropertyToLong(String value, long defaultValue);
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "Unable to convert string property [%s] to a boolean! Using default value of %b", id = 908)
void unableToConvertStringPropertyToBoolean(String value, boolean defaultValue);
@Message(value = "Unwrapping %s to a type of %s is not a supported", id = 909)
IllegalArgumentException unableToUnwrap(Object o, Class> clazz);
@Message(value = "Illegal value for thread pool parameter(s) %s, it should be: %s", id = 910)
CacheConfigurationException illegalValueThreadPoolParameter(String parameter, String requirement);
@Message(value = "Unwrapping of any instances in %s to a type of %s is not a supported", id = 911)
IllegalArgumentException unableToUnwrapAny(String objs, Class> clazz);
@Message(value = "Expecting a protected configuration for %s", id = 912)
IllegalStateException unprotectedAttributeSet(String name);
@Message(value = "Expecting an unprotected configuration for %s", id = 913)
IllegalStateException protectedAttributeSet(String name);
@Message(value = "Duplicate attribute '%s' in attribute set '%s'", id = 914)
IllegalArgumentException attributeSetDuplicateAttribute(String name, String setName);
@Message(value = "No such attribute '%s' in attribute set '%s'", id = 915)
IllegalArgumentException noSuchAttribute(String name, String setName);
@Message(value = "No attribute copier for type '%s'", id = 916)
IllegalArgumentException noAttributeCopierForType(Class> klass);
// @Message(value = "Cannot resize unbounded container", id = 917)
// UnsupportedOperationException cannotResizeUnboundedContainer();
@Message(value = "Cannot find resource '%s'", id = 918)
IOException cannotFindResource(String fileName);
@Message(value = "Multiple errors encountered while validating configuration", id = 919)
CacheConfigurationException multipleConfigurationValidationErrors();
@Message(value = "Unable to load file using scheme %s", id = 920)
UnsupportedOperationException unableToLoadFileUsingScheme(String scheme);
@Message(value = "The alias '%s' does not exist in the key store '%s'", id = 921)
SecurityException noSuchAliasInKeyStore(String keyAlias, String keyStoreFileName);
@LogMessage(level = ERROR)
@Message(value = "Exception during rollback", id = 922)
void errorRollingBack(@Cause Throwable e);
@LogMessage(level = ERROR)
@Message(value = "Error enlisting resource", id = 923)
void errorEnlistingResource(@Cause Throwable e);
@LogMessage(level = ERROR)
@Message(value = "beforeCompletion() failed for %s", id = 924)
void beforeCompletionFailed(String synchronization, @Cause Throwable t);
@LogMessage(level = ERROR)
@Message(value = "Unexpected error from resource manager!", id = 925)
void unexpectedErrorFromResourceManager(@Cause Throwable t);
@LogMessage(level = ERROR)
@Message(value = "afterCompletion() failed for %s", id = 926)
void afterCompletionFailed(String synchronization, @Cause Throwable t);
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "exception while committing", id = 927)
void errorCommittingTx(@Cause Throwable e);
@LogMessage(level = ERROR)
@Message(value = "end() failed for %s", id = 928)
void xaResourceEndFailed(String xaResource, @Cause Throwable t);
@Message(value = "Media type cannot be empty or null!", id = 929)
EncodingException missingMediaType();
@Message(value = "Invalid media type '%s': must contain a type and a subtype separated by '/'", id = 930)
EncodingException invalidMediaTypeSubtype(String mediaType);
@Message(value = "Invalid media type '%s': invalid param '%s'", id = 931)
EncodingException invalidMediaTypeParam(String mediaType, String param);
// @Message(value = "Invalid media type list '%s': comma expected", id = 932)
// EncodingException invalidMediaTypeListCommaMissing(String mediaType);
@Message(value = "Invalid media type list '%s': type expected after comma", id = 933)
EncodingException invalidMediaTypeListCommaAtEnd(String mediaType);
@Message(value = "Errors converting '%s' from '%s' to '%s'", id = 934)
EncodingException errorTranscoding(String content, MediaType contentType, MediaType requestType, @Cause Throwable t);
@Message(value = "Invalid Weight '%s'. Supported values are between 0 and 1.0", id = 935)
EncodingException invalidWeight(Object weight);
@Message(value = "Class '%s' blocked by deserialization allow list. Adjust the configuration serialization allow list regular expression to include this class.", id = 936)
CacheException classNotInAllowList(String className);
@Message(value = "Invalid media type. Expected '%s' but got '%s'", id = 937)
EncodingException invalidMediaType(String expected, String actual);
@Message(value = "Invalid text content '%s'", id = 938)
EncodingException invalidTextContent(Object content);
@Message(value = "Conversion of content '%s' from '%s' to '%s' not supported", id = 939)
EncodingException conversionNotSupported(Object content, String fromMediaType, String toMediaType);
@Message(value = "Invalid application/x-www-form-urlencoded content: '%s'", id = 940)
EncodingException cannotDecodeFormURLContent(Object content);
@Message(value = "Error encoding content '%s' to '%s'", id = 941)
EncodingException errorEncoding(Object content, MediaType mediaType);
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "Unable to convert property [%s] to an enum! Using default value of %d", id = 942)
void unableToConvertStringPropertyToEnum(String value, String defaultValue);
// @LogMessage(level = ERROR)
// @Message(value = "Could not register object with name: %s", id = 943)
// void couldNotRegisterObjectName(ObjectName objectName, @Cause Exception e);
@Message(value = "Feature %s is disabled!", id = 944)
CacheConfigurationException featureDisabled(String feature);
// @Message(value = "Unable to marshall Object '%s' wrapped by '%s', the wrapped object must be registered with the marshallers SerializationContext", id = 945)
// MarshallingException unableToMarshallRuntimeObject(String wrappedObjectClass, String wrapperClass);
// @LogMessage(level = INFO)
// @Message(value = "Using OpenSSL Provider", id = 946)
// void openSSLAvailable();
// @LogMessage(level = INFO)
// @Message(value = "Using Java SSL Provider", id = 947)
// void openSSLNotAvailable();
@Message(value = "Unsupported conversion of '%s' from '%s' to '%s'", id = 948)
EncodingException unsupportedConversion(String content, MediaType contentType, MediaType requestType);
@Message(value = "Unsupported conversion of '%s' to '%s'", id = 949)
EncodingException unsupportedConversion(String content, MediaType requestType);
@Message(value = "Encoding '%s' is not supported", id = 950)
EncodingException encodingNotSupported(String enc);
@Message(value = "Invalid value %s for attribute %s: must be a number greater than zero", id = 951)
CacheConfigurationException attributeMustBeGreaterThanZero(Number value, Enum> attribute);
@LogMessage(level = INFO)
@Message(value = "OpenTelemetry tracing instance loaded: %s", id = 952)
void telemetryLoaded(Object telemetry);
// @LogMessage(level = INFO)
// @Message(value = "OpenTelemetry tracing integration is disabled", id = 953)
// void telemetryDisabled();
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "OpenTelemetry tracing cannot be configured.", id = 954)
void errorOnLoadingTelemetry(@Cause Throwable t);
@Message(value = "'%s' is not a valid boolean value (true|false|yes|no|y|n|on|off)", id = 955)
IllegalArgumentException illegalBooleanValue(String value);
@Message(value = "'%s' is not one of %s", id = 956)
IllegalArgumentException illegalEnumValue(String value, EnumSet> set);
@LogMessage(level = ERROR)
@Message(value = "Cannot load %s", id = 957)
void cannotLoadMimeTypes(String mimeTypes);
@Message(value = "Cannot parse bytes quantity %s", id = 958)
IllegalArgumentException cannotParseQuantity(String str);
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "Property '%s' has been deprecated. Please use '%s' instead.", id = 959)
void deprecatedProperty(String oldName, String newName);
@Message(value = "No attribute '%s' in '%s'", id = 960)
IllegalArgumentException noAttribute(String name, String element);
@Message(value = "Incompatible attribute '%s.%s' existing value='%s', new value='%s'", id = 961)
IllegalArgumentException incompatibleAttribute(String parentName, String name, String v1, String v2);
@Message(value = "Cannot modify protected attribute '%s'", id = 962)
IllegalStateException protectedAttribute(String name);
@Message(value = "Invalid configuration in '%s'", id = 963)
IllegalArgumentException invalidConfiguration(String name);
@Message(value = "RESP cache '%s' key media type must be configured as application/octet-stream but was %s", id = 964)
IllegalArgumentException respCacheKeyMediaTypeSupplied(String cacheName, MediaType mediaType);
@Message(value = "Relation between segment and slots only for power 2, received: %s", id = 965)
IllegalArgumentException respCacheSegmentSizePow2(int configured);
@Message(value = "RESP cache '%s' should use RESPHashFunctionPartitioner but is using %s", id = 966)
IllegalArgumentException respCacheUseDefineConsistentHash(String cacheName, String configured);
@Message(value = "Cannot parse Prometheus URL for tracing.'", id = 967)
CacheConfigurationException errorOnParsingPrometheusURLForTracing(@Cause Throwable t);
@LogMessage(level = ERROR)
@Message(value = "Failed creating initial JNDI context", id = 968)
void failedToCreateInitialCtx(@Cause Throwable e);
@Message(value = "Error while reloading certificate", id = 970)
RuntimeException certificateReloadError(@Cause Exception ex);
@Message(value = "Cannot instantiate class '%s'", id = 29523)
CacheConfigurationException cannotInstantiateClass(String classname, @Suppressed Throwable t);
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