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org.infinispan.statetransfer.StateConsumerImpl Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.infinispan.statetransfer;
import static org.infinispan.context.Flag.CACHE_MODE_LOCAL;
import static org.infinispan.context.Flag.IGNORE_RETURN_VALUES;
import static org.infinispan.context.Flag.PUT_FOR_STATE_TRANSFER;
import static org.infinispan.context.Flag.SKIP_LOCKING;
import static org.infinispan.context.Flag.SKIP_OWNERSHIP_CHECK;
import static org.infinispan.context.Flag.SKIP_REMOTE_LOOKUP;
import static org.infinispan.context.Flag.SKIP_SHARED_CACHE_STORE;
import static org.infinispan.context.Flag.SKIP_XSITE_BACKUP;
import static org.infinispan.factories.KnownComponentNames.STATE_TRANSFER_EXECUTOR;
import static org.infinispan.persistence.manager.PersistenceManager.AccessMode.PRIVATE;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.PrimitiveIterator;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import javax.transaction.SystemException;
import javax.transaction.TransactionManager;
import io.reactivex.Flowable;
import net.jcip.annotations.GuardedBy;
import org.infinispan.Cache;
import org.infinispan.IllegalLifecycleStateException;
import org.infinispan.commands.CommandsFactory;
import org.infinispan.commands.write.InvalidateCommand;
import org.infinispan.commands.write.PutKeyValueCommand;
import org.infinispan.commons.CacheException;
import org.infinispan.commons.util.EnumUtil;
import org.infinispan.commons.util.IntSet;
import org.infinispan.commons.util.IntSets;
import org.infinispan.commons.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashSet;
import org.infinispan.configuration.cache.CacheMode;
import org.infinispan.configuration.cache.Configuration;
import org.infinispan.conflict.impl.InternalConflictManager;
import org.infinispan.container.entries.InternalCacheEntry;
import org.infinispan.container.impl.InternalDataContainer;
import org.infinispan.context.InvocationContext;
import org.infinispan.context.InvocationContextFactory;
import org.infinispan.context.impl.TxInvocationContext;
import org.infinispan.distexec.DistributedCallable;
import org.infinispan.distribution.DistributionInfo;
import org.infinispan.distribution.DistributionManager;
import org.infinispan.distribution.TriangleOrderManager;
import org.infinispan.executors.LimitedExecutor;
import org.infinispan.factories.KnownComponentNames;
import org.infinispan.factories.annotations.ComponentName;
import org.infinispan.factories.annotations.Inject;
import org.infinispan.factories.annotations.Start;
import org.infinispan.factories.annotations.Stop;
import org.infinispan.factories.impl.ComponentRef;
import org.infinispan.interceptors.AsyncInterceptorChain;
import org.infinispan.notifications.cachelistener.CacheNotifier;
import org.infinispan.persistence.manager.PersistenceManager;
import org.infinispan.remoting.inboundhandler.DeliverOrder;
import org.infinispan.remoting.responses.CacheNotFoundResponse;
import org.infinispan.remoting.responses.Response;
import org.infinispan.remoting.responses.SuccessfulResponse;
import org.infinispan.remoting.rpc.RpcManager;
import org.infinispan.remoting.rpc.RpcOptions;
import org.infinispan.remoting.transport.Address;
import org.infinispan.remoting.transport.impl.SingleResponseCollector;
import org.infinispan.remoting.transport.jgroups.SuspectException;
import org.infinispan.topology.CacheTopology;
import org.infinispan.topology.LocalTopologyManager;
import org.infinispan.transaction.impl.RemoteTransaction;
import org.infinispan.transaction.impl.TransactionTable;
import org.infinispan.transaction.totalorder.TotalOrderLatch;
import org.infinispan.transaction.totalorder.TotalOrderManager;
import org.infinispan.transaction.xa.CacheTransaction;
import org.infinispan.transaction.xa.GlobalTransaction;
import org.infinispan.util.concurrent.BlockingTaskAwareExecutorService;
import org.infinispan.util.concurrent.CommandAckCollector;
import org.infinispan.util.concurrent.CompletableFutures;
import org.infinispan.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
import org.infinispan.util.logging.Log;
import org.infinispan.util.logging.LogFactory;
import org.reactivestreams.Publisher;
* {@link StateConsumer} implementation.
* @author [email protected]
* @since 5.2
public class StateConsumerImpl implements StateConsumer {
private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(StateConsumerImpl.class);
private static final boolean trace = log.isTraceEnabled();
protected static final int NO_STATE_TRANSFER_IN_PROGRESS = -1;
protected static final long STATE_TRANSFER_FLAGS = EnumUtil.bitSetOf(PUT_FOR_STATE_TRANSFER, CACHE_MODE_LOCAL,
@Inject protected ComponentRef cache;
@Inject protected LocalTopologyManager localTopologyManager;
@Inject protected Configuration configuration;
@Inject protected RpcManager rpcManager;
@Inject protected TransactionManager transactionManager; // optional
@Inject protected CommandsFactory commandsFactory;
@Inject protected TransactionTable transactionTable; // optional
@Inject protected InternalDataContainer dataContainer;
@Inject protected PersistenceManager persistenceManager;
@Inject protected AsyncInterceptorChain interceptorChain;
@Inject protected InvocationContextFactory icf;
@Inject protected StateTransferLock stateTransferLock;
@Inject protected CacheNotifier cacheNotifier;
@Inject protected TotalOrderManager totalOrderManager;
@Inject @ComponentName(KnownComponentNames.REMOTE_COMMAND_EXECUTOR)
protected BlockingTaskAwareExecutorService remoteCommandsExecutor;
@Inject protected CommitManager commitManager;
protected ExecutorService stateTransferExecutor;
@Inject protected CommandAckCollector commandAckCollector;
@Inject protected TriangleOrderManager triangleOrderManager;
@Inject protected DistributionManager distributionManager;
@Inject protected KeyPartitioner keyPartitioner;
@Inject private InternalConflictManager conflictManager;
protected String cacheName;
protected long timeout;
protected boolean isFetchEnabled;
protected boolean isTransactional;
protected boolean isInvalidationMode;
protected boolean isTotalOrder;
protected volatile KeyInvalidationListener keyInvalidationListener; //for test purpose only!
protected volatile CacheTopology cacheTopology;
// The first topology in which the local node was a member. Any command with a lower
// topology id will be ignored.
private volatile int firstTopologyAsMember = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
* Indicates if there is a state transfer in progress. It is set to the new topology id when onTopologyUpdate with
* isRebalance==true is called.
* It is changed back to NO_REBALANCE_IN_PROGRESS when a topology update with a null pending CH is received.
protected final AtomicInteger stateTransferTopologyId = new AtomicInteger(NO_STATE_TRANSFER_IN_PROGRESS);
* Indicates if there is a rebalance in progress and there the local node has not yet received
* all the new segments yet. It is set to true when rebalance starts and becomes when all inbound transfers have completed
* (before stateTransferTopologyId is set back to NO_REBALANCE_IN_PROGRESS).
protected final AtomicBoolean waitingForState = new AtomicBoolean(false);
protected CompletableFuture stateTransferFuture = CompletableFutures.completedNull();
protected final Object transferMapsLock = new Object();
* A map that keeps track of current inbound state transfers by source address. There could be multiple transfers
* flowing in from the same source (but for different segments) so the values are lists. This works in tandem with
* transfersBySegment so they always need to be kept in sync and updates to both of them need to be atomic.
private final Map> transfersBySource = new HashMap<>();
* A map that keeps track of current inbound state transfers by segment id. There is at most one transfers per segment.
* This works in tandem with transfersBySource so they always need to be kept in sync and updates to both of them
* need to be atomic.
protected final Map> transfersBySegment = new HashMap<>();
* Push RPCs on a background thread
protected LimitedExecutor stateRequestExecutor;
private volatile boolean ownsData = false;
// Use the state transfer timeout for RPCs instead of the regular remote timeout
protected RpcOptions rpcOptions;
private volatile boolean running;
public StateConsumerImpl() {
* Stops applying incoming state. Also stops tracking updated keys. Should be called at the end of state transfer or
* when a ClearCommand is committed during state transfer.
public void stopApplyingState(int topologyId) {
if (trace) log.tracef("Stop keeping track of changed keys for state transfer in topology %d", topologyId);
public boolean hasActiveTransfers() {
synchronized (transferMapsLock) {
return !transfersBySource.isEmpty();
public boolean isStateTransferInProgress() {
return stateTransferTopologyId.get() != NO_STATE_TRANSFER_IN_PROGRESS;
public boolean isStateTransferInProgressForKey(Object key) {
if (isInvalidationMode) {
// In invalidation mode it is of not much relevance if the key is actually being transferred right now.
// A false response to this will just mean the usual remote lookup before a write operation is not
// performed and a null is assumed. But in invalidation mode the user must expect the data can disappear
// from cache at any time so this null previous value should not cause any trouble.
return false;
DistributionInfo distributionInfo = distributionManager.getCacheTopology().getDistribution(key);
return distributionInfo.isWriteOwner() && !distributionInfo.isReadOwner();
public boolean ownsData() {
return ownsData;
public CompletableFuture onTopologyUpdate(final CacheTopology cacheTopology, final boolean isRebalance) {
final boolean isMember = cacheTopology.getMembers().contains(rpcManager.getAddress());
final boolean startConflictResolution = !isRebalance && cacheTopology.getPhase() == CacheTopology.Phase.CONFLICT_RESOLUTION;
if (trace) log.tracef("Received new topology for cache %s, isRebalance = %b, isMember = %b, topology = %s", cacheName, isRebalance, isMember, cacheTopology);
if (!ownsData && isMember) {
ownsData = true;
} else if (ownsData && !isMember) {
// This can happen after a merge, if the local node was in a minority partition.
ownsData = false;
// If a member leaves/crashes immediately after a rebalance was started, the new CH_UPDATE
// command may be executed before the REBALANCE_START command, so it has to start the rebalance.
boolean startRebalance = isRebalance;
if (!isRebalance && !startConflictResolution) {
if (cacheTopology.getPendingCH() != null && this.cacheTopology.getPendingCH() == null) {
if (trace) log.tracef("Forcing startRebalance = true");
startRebalance = true;
if (startRebalance) {
// Only update the rebalance topology id when starting the rebalance, as we're going to ignore any state
// response with a smaller topology id
stateTransferTopologyId.compareAndSet(NO_STATE_TRANSFER_IN_PROGRESS, cacheTopology.getTopologyId());
cacheNotifier.notifyDataRehashed(cacheTopology.getCurrentCH(), cacheTopology.getPendingCH(),
cacheTopology.getUnionCH(), cacheTopology.getTopologyId(), true);
if (startConflictResolution) {
// This stops state being applied from a prior rebalance and also prevents tracking from being stopped
awaitTotalOrderTransactions(cacheTopology, startRebalance);
// Make sure we don't send a REBALANCE_CONFIRM command before we've added all the transfer tasks
// even if some of the tasks are removed and re-added
stateTransferFuture = new CompletableFuture<>();
final ConsistentHash newWriteCh = cacheTopology.getWriteConsistentHash();
final CacheTopology previousCacheTopology = this.cacheTopology;
final ConsistentHash previousReadCh =
previousCacheTopology != null ? previousCacheTopology.getCurrentCH() : null;
final ConsistentHash previousWriteCh =
previousCacheTopology != null ? previousCacheTopology.getWriteConsistentHash() : null;
// Ensures writes to the data container use the right consistent hash
// No need for a try/finally block, since it's just an assignment
beforeTopologyInstalled(cacheTopology.getTopologyId(), startRebalance, previousWriteCh, newWriteCh);
this.cacheTopology = cacheTopology;
IntSet newWriteSegments = getOwnedSegments(newWriteCh);
// Owned segments
// We need to track changes so that user puts during conflict resolution are prioritised over MergePolicy updates
// Tracking is stopped once the subsequent rebalance completes
if (startRebalance || startConflictResolution) {
if (trace) log.tracef("Start keeping track of keys for rebalance");
final boolean wasMember = previousWriteCh != null && previousWriteCh.getMembers().contains(rpcManager.getAddress());
try {
if (!wasMember && isMember) {
// fetch transactions and data segments from other owners if this is enabled
if (!startConflictResolution && (isTransactional || isFetchEnabled)) {
IntSet addedSegments, removedSegments;
if (previousWriteCh == null) {
// If we have any segments assigned in the initial CH, it means we are the first member.
// If we are not the first member, we can only add segments via rebalance.
removedSegments = IntSets.immutableEmptySet();
addedSegments = IntSets.immutableEmptySet();
if (trace) {
log.tracef("On cache %s we have: added segments: %s", cacheName, addedSegments);
} else {
IntSet previousSegments = getOwnedSegments(previousWriteCh);
if (newWriteSegments.size() == newWriteCh.getNumSegments()) {
// Optimization for replicated caches
removedSegments = IntSets.immutableEmptySet();
} else {
removedSegments = IntSets.mutableCopyFrom(previousSegments);
// This is a rebalance, we need to request the segments we own in the new CH.
addedSegments = IntSets.mutableCopyFrom(newWriteSegments);
if (trace) {
log.tracef("On cache %s we have: new segments: %s; old segments: %s", cacheName, newWriteSegments, previousSegments);
log.tracef("On cache %s we have: added segments: %s; removed segments: %s", cacheName, addedSegments, removedSegments);
// remove inbound transfers for segments we no longer own
// Scattered cache gets added segments on the first CH_UPDATE, and we want to keep these
if (!startRebalance && !addedSegments.isEmpty() && !configuration.clustering().cacheMode().isScattered()) {
// If the last owner of a segment leaves the cluster, a new set of owners is assigned,
// but the new owners should not try to retrieve the segment from each other.
// If this happens during a rebalance, we might have already sent our rebalance
// confirmation, so the coordinator won't wait for us to retrieve those segments anyway.
log.debugf("Not requesting segments %s because the last owner left the cluster",
// check if any of the existing transfers should be restarted from a different source because
// the initial source is no longer a member
restartBrokenTransfers(cacheTopology, addedSegments);
handleSegments(startRebalance, addedSegments, removedSegments);
int stateTransferTopologyId = this.stateTransferTopologyId.get();
if (trace) log.tracef("Topology update processed, stateTransferTopologyId = %d, startRebalance = %s, pending CH = %s",
(Object)stateTransferTopologyId, startRebalance, cacheTopology.getPendingCH());
if (stateTransferTopologyId != NO_STATE_TRANSFER_IN_PROGRESS && !startRebalance && !cacheTopology.getPhase().isRebalance()) {
// we have received a topology update without a pending CH, signalling the end of the rebalance
boolean changed = this.stateTransferTopologyId.compareAndSet(stateTransferTopologyId, NO_STATE_TRANSFER_IN_PROGRESS);
if (changed) {
// if the coordinator changed, we might get two concurrent topology updates,
// but we only want to notify the @DataRehashed listeners once
ConsistentHash nextConsistentHash = cacheTopology.getPendingCH();
if (nextConsistentHash == null) {
nextConsistentHash = cacheTopology.getCurrentCH();
cacheNotifier.notifyDataRehashed(previousReadCh, nextConsistentHash, previousWriteCh,
cacheTopology.getTopologyId(), false);
if (trace) {
log.tracef("Unlock State Transfer in Progress for topology ID %s", cacheTopology.getTopologyId());
if (isTotalOrder) {
} finally {
// Only set the flag here, after all the transfers have been added to the transfersBySource map
if (stateTransferTopologyId.get() != NO_STATE_TRANSFER_IN_PROGRESS && isMember) {
// Remove the transactions whose originators have left the cache.
// Need to do it now, after we have applied any transactions from other nodes,
// and after notifyTransactionDataReceived - otherwise the RollbackCommands would block.
try {
if (transactionTable != null) {
} catch (Exception e) {
// Do not fail state transfer when the cleanup fails. See ISPN-7437 for details.
// The rebalance (READ_OLD_WRITE_ALL/TRANSITORY) is completed through notifyEndOfStateTransferIfNeeded
// and STABLE does not have to be confirmed at all
switch (cacheTopology.getPhase()) {
// Any data for segments we do not own should be removed from data container and cache store
// We need to discard data from all segments we don't own, not just those we previously owned,
// when we lose membership (e.g. because there was a merge, the local partition was in degraded mode
// and the other partition was available) or when L1 is enabled.
if ((isMember || wasMember) && cacheTopology.getPhase() == CacheTopology.Phase.NO_REBALANCE) {
int numSegments = newWriteCh.getNumSegments();
IntSet removedSegments = IntSets.mutableEmptySet(numSegments);
IntSet newSegments = getOwnedSegments(newWriteCh);
for (int i = 0; i < numSegments; ++i) {
if (!newSegments.contains(i)) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new CacheException(e);
return stateTransferFuture;
private void fetchClusterListeners(CacheTopology cacheTopology) {
if (configuration.clustering().cacheMode().isDistributed() || configuration.clustering().cacheMode().isScattered()) {
Collection callables = getClusterListeners(cacheTopology);
for (DistributedCallable callable : callables) {
callable.setEnvironment(cache.wired(), null);
try {;
} catch (Exception e) {
protected void beforeTopologyInstalled(int topologyId, boolean startRebalance, ConsistentHash previousWriteCh, ConsistentHash newWriteCh) {
protected void handleSegments(boolean startRebalance, IntSet addedSegments, IntSet removedSegments) {
if (!addedSegments.isEmpty()) {
// add transfers for new or restarted segments
private void awaitTotalOrderTransactions(CacheTopology cacheTopology, boolean isRebalance) {
//in total order, we should wait for remote transactions before proceeding
if (isTotalOrder) {
if (trace) {
log.trace("State Transfer in Total Order cache. Waiting for remote transactions to finish");
try {
for (TotalOrderLatch block : totalOrderManager.notifyStateTransferStart(cacheTopology.getTopologyId(), isRebalance)) {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new CacheException(e);
if (trace) {
"State Transfer in Total Order cache. All remote transactions are finished. Moving on...");
protected boolean notifyEndOfStateTransferIfNeeded() {
if (waitingForState.get()) {
if (hasActiveTransfers()) {
if (trace)
log.tracef("No end of state transfer notification, active transfers still exist");
return false;
if (waitingForState.compareAndSet(true, false)) {
int topologyId = stateTransferTopologyId.get();
log.debugf("Finished receiving of segments for cache %s for topology %d.", cacheName, topologyId);
if (trace)
log.tracef("No end of state transfer notification, waitingForState already set to false by another thread");
return false;
if (trace)
log.tracef("No end of state transfer notification, waitingForState already set to false by another thread");
return true;
protected IntSet getOwnedSegments(ConsistentHash consistentHash) {
Address address = rpcManager.getAddress();
return consistentHash.getMembers().contains(address) ? IntSets.from(consistentHash.getSegmentsForOwner(address))
: IntSets.immutableEmptySet();
public void applyState(final Address sender, int topologyId, boolean pushTransfer, Collection stateChunks) {
ConsistentHash wCh = cacheTopology.getWriteConsistentHash();
// Ignore responses received after we are no longer a member
if (!wCh.getMembers().contains(rpcManager.getAddress())) {
if (trace) {
log.tracef("Ignoring received state because we are no longer a member of cache %s", cacheName);
// Ignore segments that we requested for a previous rebalance
// Can happen when the coordinator leaves, and the new coordinator cancels the rebalance in progress
int rebalanceTopologyId = stateTransferTopologyId.get();
if (rebalanceTopologyId == NO_STATE_TRANSFER_IN_PROGRESS && !pushTransfer) {
log.debugf("Discarding state response with topology id %d for cache %s, we don't have a state transfer in progress",
topologyId, cacheName);
if (topologyId < rebalanceTopologyId) {
log.debugf("Discarding state response with old topology id %d for cache %s, state transfer request topology was %b",
topologyId, cacheName, waitingForState);
if (trace) {
log.tracef("Before applying the received state the data container of cache %s has %d keys", cacheName,
final CountDownLatch countDownLatch = new CountDownLatch(stateChunks.size());
if (pushTransfer) {
// push-transfer is specific for scattered cache but this is the easiest way to integrate it
for (StateChunk stateChunk : stateChunks) {
if (stateChunk.getCacheEntries() != null) {
stateTransferExecutor.submit(() -> {
doApplyState(sender, stateChunk.getSegmentId(), stateChunk.getCacheEntries());
} else {
IntSet mySegments = IntSets.from(wCh.getSegmentsForOwner(rpcManager.getAddress()));
for (StateChunk stateChunk : stateChunks) {
stateTransferExecutor.submit(() -> {
try {
applyChunk(sender, mySegments, stateChunk);
} catch (Throwable e) {
log.error("Failed applying state", e);
log.tracef("Latch %d", countDownLatch.getCount());
try {
boolean await = countDownLatch.await(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
if (!await) {
throw new TimeoutException("Timed out applying state");
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new CacheException(e);
if (trace) {
log.tracef("After applying the received state the data container of cache %s has %d keys", cacheName,
synchronized (transferMapsLock) {
log.tracef("Segments not received yet for cache %s: %s", cacheName, transfersBySource);
private void applyChunk(Address sender, IntSet mySegments, StateChunk stateChunk) {
if (!mySegments.contains(stateChunk.getSegmentId())) {
log.warnf("Discarding received cache entries for segment %d of cache %s because they do not belong to this node.", stateChunk.getSegmentId(), cacheName);
// Notify the inbound task that a chunk of cache entries was received
InboundTransferTask inboundTransfer = null;
synchronized (transferMapsLock) {
List inboundTransfers = transfersBySegment.get(stateChunk.getSegmentId());
if (inboundTransfers != null) {
inboundTransfer = -> task.getSource().equals(sender)).findFirst().orElse(null);
if (inboundTransfer != null) {
if (stateChunk.getCacheEntries() != null) {
doApplyState(sender, stateChunk.getSegmentId(), stateChunk.getCacheEntries());
inboundTransfer.onStateReceived(stateChunk.getSegmentId(), stateChunk.isLastChunk());
} else {
if (cache.wired().getStatus().allowInvocations()) {
log.ignoringUnsolicitedState(sender, stateChunk.getSegmentId(), cacheName);
private void doApplyState(Address sender, int segmentId, Collection cacheEntries) {
if (trace) log.tracef("Applying new state chunk for segment %d of cache %s from node %s: received %d cache entries",
segmentId, cacheName, sender, cacheEntries.size());
// CACHE_MODE_LOCAL avoids handling by StateTransferInterceptor and any potential locks in StateTransferLock
boolean transactional = transactionManager != null;
for (InternalCacheEntry e : cacheEntries) {
try {
InvocationContext ctx;
if (transactional) {
ctx = icf.createInvocationContext(transactionManager.getTransaction(), true);
((TxInvocationContext) ctx).getCacheTransaction().setStateTransferFlag(PUT_FOR_STATE_TRANSFER);
} else {
// non-tx cache
ctx = icf.createSingleKeyNonTxInvocationContext();
PutKeyValueCommand put = commandsFactory.buildPutKeyValueCommand(e.getKey(), e.getValue(), segmentId,
e.getMetadata(), STATE_TRANSFER_FLAGS);
interceptorChain.invoke(ctx, put);
if (transactionManager != null) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (!cache.wired().getStatus().allowInvocations()) {
log.debugf("Cache %s is shutting down, stopping state transfer", cacheName);
} else {
log.problemApplyingStateForKey(ex.getMessage(), e.getKey(), ex);
} finally {
try {
if (transactional && transactionManager.getTransaction() != null) {
} catch (SystemException e1) {
// Ignore
if (trace) log.tracef("Finished applying chunk of segment %d of cache %s", segmentId, cacheName);
private void applyTransactions(Address sender, Collection transactions, int topologyId) {
log.debugf("Applying %d transactions for cache %s transferred from node %s", transactions.size(), cacheName, sender);
if (isTransactional) {
for (TransactionInfo transactionInfo : transactions) {
GlobalTransaction gtx = transactionInfo.getGlobalTransaction();
if (rpcManager.getAddress().equals(gtx.getAddress())) {
continue; // it is a transaction originated in this node. can happen with partition handling
// Mark the global transaction as remote. Only used for logging, hashCode/equals ignore it.
CacheTransaction tx = transactionTable.getLocalTransaction(gtx);
if (tx == null) {
tx = transactionTable.getRemoteTransaction(gtx);
if (tx == null) {
try {
tx = transactionTable.getOrCreateRemoteTransaction(gtx, transactionInfo.getModifications());
// Force this node to replay the given transaction data by making it think it is 1 behind
((RemoteTransaction) tx).setLookedUpEntriesTopology(topologyId - 1);
} catch (Throwable t) {
if (trace)
log.tracef(t, "Failed to create remote transaction %s", gtx);
if (tx != null) {
// Must run after the PersistenceManager
@Start(priority = 20)
public void start() {
cacheName = cache.wired().getName();
isInvalidationMode = configuration.clustering().cacheMode().isInvalidation();
isTransactional = configuration.transaction().transactionMode().isTransactional();
isTotalOrder = configuration.transaction().transactionProtocol().isTotalOrder();
timeout = configuration.clustering().stateTransfer().timeout();
CacheMode mode = configuration.clustering().cacheMode();
isFetchEnabled = mode.needsStateTransfer() &&
(configuration.clustering().stateTransfer().fetchInMemoryState() || configuration.persistence().fetchPersistentState());
rpcOptions = new RpcOptions(DeliverOrder.NONE, timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
stateRequestExecutor = new LimitedExecutor("StateRequest-" + cacheName, stateTransferExecutor, 1);
running = true;
@Stop(priority = 0)
public void stop() {
if (trace) {
log.tracef("Shutting down StateConsumer of cache %s on node %s", cacheName, rpcManager.getAddress());
running = false;
try {
synchronized (transferMapsLock) {
// cancel all inbound transfers
// make a copy and then clear both maps so that cancel doesn't interfere with the iteration
Collection> transfers = new ArrayList<>(transfersBySource.values());
for (List inboundTransfers : transfers) {
} catch (Throwable t) {
log.errorf(t, "Failed to stop StateConsumer of cache %s on node %s", cacheName, rpcManager.getAddress());
public CacheTopology getCacheTopology() {
return cacheTopology;
public void setKeyInvalidationListener(KeyInvalidationListener keyInvalidationListener) {
this.keyInvalidationListener = keyInvalidationListener;
// not used in scattered cache
private void addTransfers(IntSet segments) {
log.debugf("Adding inbound state transfer for segments %s", segments);
// the set of nodes that reported errors when fetching data from them - these will not be retried in this topology
Set excludedSources = new HashSet<>();
// the sources and segments we are going to get from each source
Map sources = new HashMap<>();
if (isTransactional && !isTotalOrder) {
requestTransactions(segments, sources, excludedSources);
if (isFetchEnabled) {
requestSegments(segments, sources, excludedSources);
if (trace) log.tracef("Finished adding inbound state transfer for segments %s", segments,
private void findSources(IntSet segments, Map sources, Set excludedSources) {
if (cache.wired().getStatus().isTerminated())
int numSegments = configuration.clustering().hash().numSegments();
IntSet segmentsWithoutSource = IntSets.mutableEmptySet(numSegments);
for (PrimitiveIterator.OfInt iter = segments.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
int segmentId = iter.nextInt();
Address source = findSource(segmentId, excludedSources);
// ignore all segments for which there are no other owners to pull data from.
// these segments are considered empty (or lost) and do not require a state transfer
if (source != null) {
IntSet segmentsFromSource = sources.computeIfAbsent(source, k -> IntSets.mutableEmptySet(numSegments));
} else {
if (!segmentsWithoutSource.isEmpty()) {
log.noLiveOwnersFoundForSegments(segmentsWithoutSource, cacheName, excludedSources);
private Address findSource(int segmentId, Set excludedSources) {
List owners = cacheTopology.getReadConsistentHash().locateOwnersForSegment(segmentId);
if (!owners.contains(rpcManager.getAddress())) {
// We prefer that transactions are sourced from primary owners.
// Needed in pessimistic mode, if the originator is the primary owner of the key than the lock
// command is not replicated to the backup owners. See PessimisticDistributionInterceptor.acquireRemoteIfNeeded.
for (Address o : owners) {
if (!o.equals(rpcManager.getAddress()) && !excludedSources.contains(o)) {
return o;
return null;
private void requestTransactions(IntSet segments, Map sources, Set excludedSources) {
findSources(segments, sources, excludedSources);
boolean seenFailures = false;
while (true) {
IntSet failedSegments = IntSets.mutableEmptySet(configuration.clustering().hash().numSegments());
int topologyId = cacheTopology.getTopologyId();
for (Map.Entry sourceEntry : sources.entrySet()) {
Address source = sourceEntry.getKey();
IntSet segmentsFromSource = sourceEntry.getValue();
boolean failed = false;
boolean exclude = false;
try {
Response response = getTransactions(source, segmentsFromSource, topologyId);
if (response instanceof SuccessfulResponse) {
List transactions = (List) ((SuccessfulResponse) response).getResponseValue();
applyTransactions(source, transactions, topologyId);
} else if (response instanceof CacheNotFoundResponse) {
log.debugf("Cache %s was stopped on node %s before sending transaction information", cacheName, source);
failed = true;
exclude = true;
} else {
log.unsuccessfulResponseRetrievingTransactionsForSegments(source, response);
failed = true;
} catch (SuspectException e) {
log.debugf("Node %s left the cluster before sending transaction information", source);
failed = true;
exclude = true;
} catch (Exception e) {
if (cache.wired().getStatus().isTerminated()) {
log.debugf("Cache %s has stopped while requesting transactions", cacheName);
} else {
log.failedToRetrieveTransactionsForSegments(cacheName, source, segments, e);
// The primary owner is still in the cluster, so we can't exclude it - see ISPN-4091
failed = true;
// If requesting the transactions failed we need to retry
if (failed) {
// If the primary owner is no longer running, we can retry on a backup owner
if (exclude) {
if (failedSegments.isEmpty()) {
// look for other sources for all failed segments
seenFailures = true;
findSources(failedSegments, sources, excludedSources);
if (seenFailures) {
// start fresh when next step starts (fetching segments)
private Collection getClusterListeners(CacheTopology topology) {
for (Address source : topology.getMembers()) {
// Don't send to ourselves
if (!source.equals(rpcManager.getAddress())) {
if (trace) {
log.tracef("Requesting cluster listeners of cache %s from node %s", cacheName, source);
// get cluster listeners
try {
StateRequestCommand cmd = commandsFactory.buildStateRequestCommand(StateRequestCommand.Type.GET_CACHE_LISTENERS,
rpcManager.getAddress(), topology.getTopologyId(), null);
Response response = rpcManager.blocking(
rpcManager.invokeCommand(source, cmd, SingleResponseCollector.validOnly(), rpcOptions));
if (response instanceof SuccessfulResponse) {
return (Collection) ((SuccessfulResponse) response).getResponseValue();
} else {
log.unsuccessfulResponseForClusterListeners(source, response);
} catch (CacheException e) {
log.exceptionDuringClusterListenerRetrieval(source, e);
if (trace) log.trace("Unable to acquire cluster listeners from other members, assuming none are present");
return Collections.emptySet();
private Response getTransactions(Address source, IntSet segments, int topologyId) {
if (trace) {
log.tracef("Requesting transactions from node %s for segments %s", source, segments);
// get transactions and locks
StateRequestCommand cmd = commandsFactory.buildStateRequestCommand(StateRequestCommand.Type.GET_TRANSACTIONS, rpcManager.getAddress(), topologyId, segments);
return rpcManager.blocking(rpcManager.invokeCommand(source, cmd, SingleResponseCollector.validOnly(), rpcOptions));
// not used in scattered cache
private void requestSegments(IntSet segments, Map sources, Set excludedSources) {
if (sources.isEmpty()) {
findSources(segments, sources, excludedSources);
for (Map.Entry e : sources.entrySet()) {
addTransfer(e.getKey(), e.getValue());
* Cancel transfers for segments we no longer own.
* @param removedSegments segments to be cancelled
protected void cancelTransfers(IntSet removedSegments) {
synchronized (transferMapsLock) {
List segmentsToCancel = new ArrayList<>(removedSegments);
while (!segmentsToCancel.isEmpty()) {
int segmentId = segmentsToCancel.remove(0);
List inboundTransfers = transfersBySegment.get(segmentId);
if (inboundTransfers != null) { // we need to check the transfer was not already completed
for (InboundTransferTask inboundTransfer : inboundTransfers) {
IntSet cancelledSegments = IntSets.mutableCopyFrom(removedSegments);
//this will also remove it from transfersBySource if the entire task gets cancelled
if (inboundTransfer.isCancelled()) {
protected void removeStaleData(final IntSet removedSegments) throws InterruptedException {
log.debugf("Removing no longer owned entries for cache %s", cacheName);
if (keyInvalidationListener != null) {
keyInvalidationListener.beforeInvalidation(removedSegments, IntSets.immutableEmptySet());
// Keys that we used to own, and need to be removed from the data container AND the cache stores
final ConcurrentHashSet keysToRemove = new ConcurrentHashSet<>();
// We have to invoke removeSegments above on the data container. This is always done in case if L1 is enabled. L1
// store removes all the temporary entries when removeSegments is invoked. However there is no reason to mess
// with the store if no segments are removed, so just exit early.
if (removedSegments.isEmpty())
// If there are no stores that couldn't remove segments, we don't have to worry about invaliding entries
if (!persistenceManager.removeSegments(removedSegments)) {
// gather all keys from cache store that belong to the segments that are being removed/moved to L1
try {
Predicate filter = key -> {
if (dataContainer.containsKey(key))
return false;
int keySegment = getSegment(key);
return (removedSegments.contains(keySegment));
Publisher publisher = persistenceManager.publishKeys(
filter, PRIVATE);
} catch (CacheException e) {
if (!keysToRemove.isEmpty()) {
try {
InvalidateCommand invalidateCmd = commandsFactory.buildInvalidateCommand(
EnumUtil.bitSetOf(CACHE_MODE_LOCAL, SKIP_LOCKING), keysToRemove.toArray());
InvocationContext ctx = icf.createNonTxInvocationContext();
interceptorChain.invoke(ctx, invalidateCmd);
if (trace) log.tracef("Removed %d keys, data container now has %d keys", keysToRemove.size(),
} catch (IllegalLifecycleStateException e) {
// Ignore shutdown-related errors, because InvocationContextInterceptor starts rejecting commands
// before any component is stopped
} catch (CacheException e) {
* Check if any of the existing transfers should be restarted from a different source because the initial source is no longer a member.
private void restartBrokenTransfers(CacheTopology cacheTopology, IntSet addedSegments) {
Set members = new HashSet<>(cacheTopology.getReadConsistentHash().getMembers());
synchronized (transferMapsLock) {
for (Iterator>> it = transfersBySource.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
Map.Entry> entry =;
Address source = entry.getKey();
if (!members.contains(source)) {
if (trace) {
log.tracef("Removing inbound transfers from source %s for cache %s", source, cacheName);
List inboundTransfers = entry.getValue();
for (InboundTransferTask inboundTransfer : inboundTransfers) {
// these segments will be restarted if they are still in new write CH
if (trace) {
log.tracef("Removing inbound transfers from node %s for segments %s", source, inboundTransfer.getSegments());
IntSet unfinishedSegments = inboundTransfer.getUnfinishedSegments();
// exclude those that are already in progress from a valid source
private int getSegment(Object key) {
// here we can use any CH version because the routing table is not involved in computing the segment
return keyPartitioner.getSegment(key);
// not used in scattered cache
private InboundTransferTask addTransfer(Address source, IntSet segmentsFromSource) {
final InboundTransferTask inboundTransfer;
synchronized (transferMapsLock) {
if (trace) {
log.tracef("Adding transfer from %s for segments %s", source, segmentsFromSource);
segmentsFromSource.removeAll(transfersBySegment.keySet()); // already in progress segments are excluded
if (segmentsFromSource.isEmpty()) {
if (trace) {
log.tracef("All segments are already in progress, skipping");
return null;
inboundTransfer = new InboundTransferTask(segmentsFromSource, source, cacheTopology.getTopologyId(),
rpcManager, commandsFactory, timeout, cacheName, true);
addTransfer(inboundTransfer, segmentsFromSource);
stateRequestExecutor.executeAsync(() -> {
CompletableFuture transferStarted = inboundTransfer.requestSegments();
if (trace)
log.tracef("Waiting for inbound transfer to finish: %s", inboundTransfer);
return transferStarted.whenComplete((aVoid, throwable) -> onTaskCompletion(inboundTransfer));
return inboundTransfer;
protected void addTransfer(InboundTransferTask inboundTransfer, IntSet segments) {
if (!running)
throw new IllegalLifecycleStateException("State consumer is not running for cache " + cacheName);
for (PrimitiveIterator.OfInt iter = segments.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
int segmentId = iter.nextInt();
transfersBySegment.computeIfAbsent(segmentId, s -> new ArrayList<>()).add(inboundTransfer);
transfersBySource.computeIfAbsent(inboundTransfer.getSource(), s -> new ArrayList<>()).add(inboundTransfer);
protected boolean removeTransfer(InboundTransferTask inboundTransfer) {
boolean found = false;
synchronized (transferMapsLock) {
if (trace) log.tracef("Removing inbound transfers from node %s for segments %s",
inboundTransfer.getSegments(), inboundTransfer.getSource(), cacheName);
List transfers = transfersBySource.get(inboundTransfer.getSource());
if (transfers != null && (found = transfers.remove(inboundTransfer)) && transfers.isEmpty()) {
// Box the segment as the map uses Integer as key
for (Integer segment : inboundTransfer.getSegments()) {
List innerTransfers = transfersBySegment.get(segment);
if (innerTransfers != null && innerTransfers.remove(inboundTransfer) && innerTransfers.isEmpty()) {
return found;
protected void onTaskCompletion(final InboundTransferTask inboundTransfer) {
if (trace) log.tracef("Inbound transfer finished: %s", inboundTransfer);
if (inboundTransfer.isCompletedSuccessfully()) {
public interface KeyInvalidationListener {
void beforeInvalidation(IntSet removedSegments, IntSet staleL1Segments);