org.infinispan.iteration.impl.DistributedEntryRetriever Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.infinispan.iteration.impl;
import org.infinispan.AdvancedCache;
import org.infinispan.commands.CommandsFactory;
import org.infinispan.commons.CacheException;
import org.infinispan.commons.util.CloseableIterator;
import org.infinispan.commons.util.CollectionFactory;
import org.infinispan.commons.util.concurrent.ParallelIterableMap;
import org.infinispan.container.entries.CacheEntry;
import org.infinispan.container.entries.InternalCacheEntry;
import org.infinispan.context.Flag;
import org.infinispan.distribution.DistributionManager;
import org.infinispan.factories.annotations.ComponentName;
import org.infinispan.factories.annotations.Inject;
import org.infinispan.factories.annotations.Start;
import org.infinispan.filter.CollectionKeyFilter;
import org.infinispan.filter.CompositeKeyFilter;
import org.infinispan.filter.CompositeKeyValueFilter;
import org.infinispan.filter.KeyFilter;
import org.infinispan.filter.KeyFilterAsKeyValueFilter;
import org.infinispan.filter.KeyValueFilter;
import org.infinispan.filter.KeyValueFilterAsKeyFilter;
import org.infinispan.filter.KeyValueFilterConverter;
import org.infinispan.lifecycle.ComponentStatus;
import org.infinispan.filter.Converter;
import org.infinispan.notifications.Listener;
import org.infinispan.notifications.cachelistener.annotation.DataRehashed;
import org.infinispan.notifications.cachelistener.annotation.TopologyChanged;
import org.infinispan.notifications.cachelistener.event.DataRehashedEvent;
import org.infinispan.notifications.cachelistener.event.TopologyChangedEvent;
import org.infinispan.persistence.manager.PersistenceManager;
import org.infinispan.remoting.responses.ExceptionResponse;
import org.infinispan.remoting.responses.Response;
import org.infinispan.remoting.rpc.ResponseMode;
import org.infinispan.remoting.rpc.RpcManager;
import org.infinispan.remoting.rpc.RpcOptions;
import org.infinispan.remoting.transport.Address;
import org.infinispan.remoting.transport.jgroups.SuspectException;
import org.infinispan.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashSet;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReferenceArray;
import static org.infinispan.factories.KnownComponentNames.REMOTE_COMMAND_EXECUTOR;
* This is an entry retriever designed to retrieve values for a distributed cache. This requests entries by segments
* to further optimize when a rehash occurs to request less data each time.
* The way this works is when a new entry retriever is acquired it first calculates the remote node that has the
* most segments and sends a request to it (this is done asynchronously). Also another thread is spawned off
* that processes the local data asynchronously. When either is done (remote sends response) then it will process
* the entries found and complete all segments that were marked as completed. If it is a remote invocation then it
* will send a new remote request to the node that now has the most remaining segments. If it is local it will
* complete those segments and stop running, unless a rehash has caused it to regain new local segments. If a rehash
* occurs during a remote node processing then those segments will automatically marked as suspect to not complete
* them.
* Values retrieved for suspect segments are sent to the iterator and it is noted that they were raised. When
* these segments are requested again the noted keys are sent along to reduce value payload size.
* @author wburns
* @since 7.0
public class DistributedEntryRetriever extends LocalEntryRetriever {
private final AtomicReference currentHash = new AtomicReference();
private DistributionManager distributionManager;
private PersistenceManager persistenceManager;
private CommandsFactory commandsFactory;
private Address localAddress;
private RpcManager rpcManager;
private ExecutorService remoteExecutorService;
class IterationStatus {
final DistributedItr ongoingIterator;
final SegmentListener segmentListener;
final KeyValueFilter super K, ? super V> filter;
final Converter super K, ? super V, ? extends C> converter;
final Set flags;
final AtomicReferenceArray> processedKeys;
final AtomicReference awaitingResponseFrom = new AtomicReference<>();
final AtomicReference localRunning = new AtomicReference<>(LocalStatus.IDLE);
public IterationStatus(DistributedItr ongoingIterator, SegmentListener segmentListener,
KeyValueFilter super K, ? super V> filter,
Converter super K, ? super V, ? extends C> converter,
Set flags, AtomicReferenceArray> processedKeys) {
this.ongoingIterator = ongoingIterator;
this.segmentListener = segmentListener;
this.filter = filter;
this.converter = converter;
this.flags = flags;
this.processedKeys = processedKeys;
private Map> iteratorDetails = CollectionFactory.makeConcurrentMap();
// This map keeps track of a listener when it is provided, this is useful to let caller know when a segment is
// completed so they can do additional optimizations. This is both used in local and remote iteration processing
private ConcurrentMap changeListener = CollectionFactory.makeConcurrentMap();
private enum LocalStatus {
public DistributedEntryRetriever(int batchSize, long timeout, TimeUnit unit) {
super(batchSize, timeout, unit);
* We need to listen to data rehash events in case if data moves while we are iterating over it. This is both
* important for the originator of the entry retriever request and remote nodes. If a rehash occurs causing this
* node to lose a segment and there is something iterating over the data container looking for values of that
* segment, we can't guarantee that the data has all been seen correctly, so we must therefore suspect that node
* and subsequently request it again from the new owner later.
* @param event The data rehash event
public void dataRehashed(DataRehashedEvent event) {
ConsistentHash startHash = event.getConsistentHashAtStart();
ConsistentHash endHash = event.getConsistentHashAtEnd();
boolean trace = log.isTraceEnabled();
if (event.isPre() && startHash != null && endHash != null) {
log.tracef("Data rehash occurring startHash: %s and endHash: %s", startHash, endHash);
if (!changeListener.isEmpty()) {
if (trace) {
log.tracef("Previous segments %s ", startHash.getPrimarySegmentsForOwner(localAddress));
log.tracef("After segments %s ", endHash.getPrimarySegmentsForOwner(localAddress));
// we don't care about newly added segments, since that means our run wouldn't include them anyways
Set beforeSegments = new HashSet(startHash.getPrimarySegmentsForOwner(localAddress));
// Now any that were there before but aren't there now should be added - we don't care about new segments
// since our current request shouldn't be working on it - it will have to retrieve it later
if (!beforeSegments.isEmpty()) {
// We have to make sure all current listeners get the newest hashes updated. This has to occur for
// new nodes and nodes leaving as the hash segments will change in both cases.
for (Map.Entry entry : changeListener.entrySet()) {
if (trace) {
log.tracef("Notifying %s through SegmentChangeListener", entry.getKey());
} else if (trace) {
log.tracef("No segments have been removed from data rehash, no notification required");
* We need to listen for topology change events. This is important for the originator so it can know when a node
* goes down that it needs to now send the new request to the next remote node. Also if the originator has
* acquired some of the segments
* @param event The topology change event
public void topologyChanged(TopologyChangedEvent event) {
if (event.isPre()) {
ConsistentHash beforeHash = event.getConsistentHashAtStart();
ConsistentHash afterHash = event.getConsistentHashAtEnd();
boolean trace = log.isTraceEnabled();
if (beforeHash != null && afterHash != null) {
if (trace) {
log.tracef("Rehash hashes before %s after %s", beforeHash, afterHash);
Set leavers = new HashSet(beforeHash.getMembers());
if (!leavers.isEmpty() && trace) {
log.tracef("Found leavers are %s", leavers);
for (Map.Entry> details : iteratorDetails.entrySet()) {
UUID identifier = details.getKey();
final IterationStatus extends Object> status = details.getValue();
Set remoteSegments = findMissingRemoteSegments(status.processedKeys, afterHash);
if (!remoteSegments.isEmpty()) {
Map.Entry> route = findOptimalRoute(remoteSegments, afterHash);
boolean sendRequest;
AtomicReference awaitingResponsefrom = status.awaitingResponseFrom;
Address waitingFor = awaitingResponsefrom.get();
// If the node we are waiting from a response from has gone down we have to resubmit it - note we just
// call sendRequest without checking awaitingResponseFrom
if (sendRequest = leavers.contains(waitingFor)) {
if (trace) {
log.tracef("Resending new segment request %s for identifier %s since node %s has gone down",
route.getValue(), identifier, waitingFor);
} else if (sendRequest = (waitingFor == null && awaitingResponsefrom.compareAndSet(null, route.getKey()))) {
// This clause is in case if we finished all remote segment retrievals and now we need to send
// a new one due to rehash
if (trace) {
log.tracef("There is no pending remote request for identifier %s, sending new one for segments %s",
identifier, route.getValue());
if (sendRequest) {
if (status.ongoingIterator != null) {
// We don't have to call the eventuallySendRequest, because if the node we are sending to
// is now gone we will get another topology update and retry again - also this is async
// so we aren't blocking during an update
sendRequest(false, route, identifier, status);
} else {
// Just in case if we did the putIfAbsent to free up reference if the iterator was shutdown
if (trace) {
log.tracef("Not sending request since iterator has been closed for identifier %s", identifier);
} else {
// If we get in here it means that all remaining segments are local - so we aren't waiting
// for a response any longer
Set processSegments = findMissingLocalSegments(status.processedKeys, afterHash);
if (!processSegments.isEmpty()) {
if (trace) {
log.tracef("Rehash caused our local node to acquire new segments %s for iteration %s processing",
processSegments, identifier);
startRetrievingValuesLocal(identifier, processSegments, status, new SegmentBatchHandler() {
public void handleBatch(UUID identifier, boolean complete, Set completedSegments, Set inDoubtSegments, Collection> entries) {
processData(identifier, localAddress, completedSegments, inDoubtSegments, entries);
public void handleException(CacheException e) {
public void initialize(DistributionManager distributionManager,
PersistenceManager persistenceManager, CommandsFactory commandsFactory,
RpcManager rpcManager,
@ComponentName(REMOTE_COMMAND_EXECUTOR) ExecutorService remoteExecutorService) {
this.distributionManager = distributionManager;
this.persistenceManager = persistenceManager;
this.commandsFactory = commandsFactory;
this.rpcManager = rpcManager;
this.remoteExecutorService = remoteExecutorService;
public void start() {
localAddress = rpcManager.getAddress();
public void startRetrievingValues(final UUID identifier, final Address origin, final Set segments,
KeyValueFilter super K, ? super V> filter,
Converter super K, ? super V, C> converter, Set flags) {
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.tracef("Received entry request for %s from node %s for segments %s", identifier, origin, segments);
wireFilterAndConverterDependencies(filter, converter);
startRetrievingValues(identifier, segments, filter, converter, flags, new SegmentBatchHandler() {
public void handleBatch(UUID identifier, boolean complete, Set completedSegments,
Set inDoubtSegments, Collection> entries) {
if (cache.getStatus() != ComponentStatus.RUNNING) {
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.tracef("Cache status is no longer running, all segments are now suspect");
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.tracef("Sending batch response for %s to origin %s with %s completed segments, %s in doubt segments and %s values",
identifier, origin, completedSegments, inDoubtSegments, entries.size());
EntryResponseCommand command = commandsFactory.buildEntryResponseCommand(identifier, completedSegments,
inDoubtSegments, entries, null);
rpcManager.invokeRemotely(Collections.singleton(origin), command, rpcManager.getRpcOptionsBuilder(
ResponseMode.SYNCHRONOUS).timeout(Long.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.SECONDS).build());
public void handleException(CacheException e) {
EntryResponseCommand command = commandsFactory.buildEntryResponseCommand(identifier, null, null, null, e);
rpcManager.invokeRemotely(Collections.singleton(origin), command, rpcManager.getRpcOptionsBuilder(
ResponseMode.SYNCHRONOUS).timeout(Long.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.SECONDS).build());
private void startRetrievingValues(final UUID identifier, final Set segments,
final KeyValueFilter super K, ? super V> filter,
final Converter super K, ? super V, C> converter,
final Set flags, final SegmentBatchHandler handler) {
ConsistentHash hash = getCurrentHash();
final Set inDoubtSegments = new HashSet<>(segments.size());
boolean canTryProcess = false;
Iterator iter = segments.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
Integer segment =;
// If we still own any segments try to process
if (localAddress.equals(hash.locatePrimaryOwnerForSegment(segment))) {
canTryProcess = true;
} else {
if (canTryProcess) {
executorService.execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
Set segmentsToUse = segments;
Set inDoubtSegmentsToUse = inDoubtSegments;
ConsistentHash hashToUse = getCurrentHash();
// this will stay as true for a local invocation until all local segments have been processed
// a non local will set this to false at the end every time
boolean repeat = true;
while (repeat) {
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.tracef("Starting retrieval of values for identifier %s", identifier);
SegmentChangeListener segmentChangeListener = new SegmentChangeListener();
changeListener.put(identifier, segmentChangeListener);
try {
final Set processedKeys = CollectionFactory.makeSet(keyEquivalence);
Queue> queue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue>() {
public boolean add(CacheEntry kcEntry) {
return super.add(kcEntry);
ParallelIterableMap.KeyValueAction super K, CacheEntry super K, ? super V>> action =
new MapAction(identifier, segmentsToUse, inDoubtSegmentsToUse, batchSize, converter, handler,
PassivationListener listener = null;
long currentTime = timeService.wallClockTime();
try {
for (InternalCacheEntry entry : dataContainer) {
if (!entry.isExpired(currentTime)) {
InternalCacheEntry clone = entryFactory.create(unwrapMarshalledvalue(entry.getKey()),
unwrapMarshalledvalue(entry.getValue()), entry);
K key = clone.getKey();
if (filter != null) {
if (converter == null && filter instanceof KeyValueFilterConverter) {
C converted = ((KeyValueFilterConverter)filter).filterAndConvert(
key, clone.getValue(), clone.getMetadata());
if (converted != null) {
clone.setValue((V) converted);
} else {
else if (!filter.accept(key, clone.getValue(), clone.getMetadata())) {
action.apply(key, clone);
if (shouldUseLoader(flags) && persistenceManager.getStoresAsString().size() > 0) {
KeyFilter loaderFilter;
if (passivationEnabled) {
listener = new PassivationListener();
if (filter == null || converter == null && filter instanceof KeyValueFilterConverter) {
loaderFilter = new CompositeKeyFilter(new SegmentFilter(hashToUse, segmentsToUse),
// We rely on this keeping a reference and not copying
// contents
new CollectionKeyFilter(processedKeys));
} else {
loaderFilter = new CompositeKeyFilter(new SegmentFilter(hashToUse, segmentsToUse),
new CollectionKeyFilter(processedKeys),
new KeyValueFilterAsKeyFilter(filter));
if (converter == null && filter instanceof KeyValueFilterConverter) {
action = new MapAction(identifier, segmentsToUse, inDoubtSegmentsToUse, batchSize, (KeyValueFilterConverter) filter, handler, queue);
persistenceManager.processOnAllStores(withinThreadExecutor, loaderFilter,
new KeyValueActionForCacheLoaderTask(action), true, true);
} finally {
if (listener != null) {
AdvancedCache advancedCache = cache.getAdvancedCache();
// Now we have to check all the activated keys, as it is possible it got promoted to the
// in memory data container after we would have seen it
for (K key : listener.activatedKeys) {
// If we didn't process it already we have to look it up
if (!processedKeys.contains(key)) {
CacheEntry entry = advancedCache.getCacheEntry(key);
if (entry != null) {
// We don't want to modify the entry itself
CacheEntry clone = entry.clone();
if (filter != null) {
if (converter == null && filter instanceof KeyValueFilterConverter) {
C converted = ((KeyValueFilterConverter)filter).filterAndConvert(
key, clone.getValue(), clone.getMetadata());
if (converted != null) {
clone.setValue((V) converted);
} else {
else if (!filter.accept(key, clone.getValue(), clone.getMetadata())) {
action.apply(clone.getKey(), clone);
Set completedSegments = new HashSet();
for (Integer segment : segmentsToUse) {
if (localAddress.equals(getCurrentHash().locatePrimaryOwnerForSegment(segment)) &&
!segmentChangeListener.changedSegments.contains(segment)) {
// this segment should be complete then.
} else {
// No type to work around generics in sub sub types :)
Collection entriesToSend = new ArrayList<>(queue);
handler.handleBatch(identifier, true, completedSegments, inDoubtSegmentsToUse, entriesToSend);
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.tracef("Completed data iteration for request %s with segments %s", identifier, segmentsToUse);
} catch (Throwable t) {
CacheException e = log.exceptionProcessingEntryRetrievalValues(t);
} finally {
repeat = shouldRepeatApplication(identifier);
if (repeat) {
// Only local would ever go into here
hashToUse = getCurrentHash();
IterationStatus extends Object> status = iteratorDetails.get(identifier);
if (status != null) {
segmentsToUse = findMissingLocalSegments(status.processedKeys, hashToUse);
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
if (!segmentsToUse.isEmpty()) {
log.tracef("Local retrieval found it should rerun - now finding segments %s for identifier %s",
segmentsToUse, identifier);
} else {
log.tracef("Local retrieval for identifier %s was told to rerun - however no new segments " +
"were found, looping around to try again", identifier);
} else {
log.tracef("Not repeating local retrieval since iteration was completed");
repeat = false;
} else {
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.tracef("Completed request %s for segments %s", identifier, segmentsToUse);
repeat = false;
} else {
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.tracef("Our node no longer has any of the segments %s that were requested for %s", inDoubtSegments,
executorService.execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
// If we don't have any of those segments just send back a response saying they are suspect with no values
Collection> emptyEntries = Collections.emptySet();
handler.handleBatch(identifier, true, segments, inDoubtSegments, emptyEntries);
private void startRetrievingValuesLocal(final UUID identifier, final Set segments,
IterationStatus status,
final SegmentBatchHandler handler) {
boolean shouldRun = updatedLocalAndRun(identifier);
if (shouldRun) {
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.tracef("Starting local request to retrieve segments %s for identifier %s", segments, identifier);
startRetrievingValues(identifier, segments, status.filter, status.converter, status.flags, handler);
} else if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.tracef("Not running local retrieval as another thread is handling it for identifier %s.", identifier);
public CloseableIterator> retrieveEntries(KeyValueFilter super K, ? super V> filter,
Converter super K, ? super V, ? extends C> converter,
Set flags,
SegmentListener listener) {
// If we are marked as local don't process distributed entries
if (flags != null && flags.contains(Flag.CACHE_MODE_LOCAL)) {
log.trace("Skipping distributed entry retrieval and processing local only as CACHE_MODE_LOCAL flag was set");
return super.retrieveEntries(filter, converter, flags, listener);
ConsistentHash hash = getCurrentHash();
// If we aren't in the hash then just run the command locally
if (!hash.getMembers().contains(localAddress)) {
log.trace("Skipping distributed entry retrieval and processing local since we are not part of the consistent hash");
return super.retrieveEntries(filter, converter, flags, listener);
UUID identifier = UUID.randomUUID();
final Converter super K, ? super V, ? extends C> usedConverter = checkForKeyValueFilterConverter(filter,
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.tracef("Processing entry retrieval request with identifier %s with filter %s and converter %s", identifier,
filter, usedConverter);
DistributedItr itr = new DistributedItr<>(batchSize, identifier, listener, hash);
registerIterator(itr, flags);
Set remoteSegments = new HashSet<>();
AtomicReferenceArray> processedKeys = new AtomicReferenceArray>(hash.getNumSegments());
for (int i = 0; i < processedKeys.length(); ++i) {
// Normally we only work on a single segment per thread. But since there is an edge case where
// a node that has left can still send a response, we need this to be a CHS.
processedKeys.set(i, new ConcurrentHashSet());
final IterationStatus status = new IterationStatus<>(itr, listener, filter, usedConverter, flags, processedKeys);
iteratorDetails.put(identifier, status);
Set ourSegments = hash.getPrimarySegmentsForOwner(localAddress);
if (!remoteSegments.isEmpty()) {
eventuallySendRequest(identifier, status);
if (!ourSegments.isEmpty()) {
wireFilterAndConverterDependencies(filter, usedConverter);
startRetrievingValuesLocal(identifier, ourSegments, status, new SegmentBatchHandler() {
public void handleBatch(UUID identifier, boolean complete, Set completedSegments, Set inDoubtSegments, Collection> entries) {
processData(identifier, localAddress, completedSegments, inDoubtSegments, entries);
public void handleException(CacheException e) {
return itr;
private ConsistentHash getCurrentHash() {
ConsistentHash hash = currentHash.get();
if (hash == null) {
currentHash.compareAndSet(null, distributionManager.getReadConsistentHash());
hash = currentHash.get();
return hash;
private boolean eventuallySendRequest(UUID identifier, IterationStatus extends Object> status) {
boolean sent = false;
while (!sent) {
// This means our iterator was closed explicitly
if (!iteratorDetails.containsKey(identifier)) {
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.tracef("Cannot send remote request as our iterator was concurrently closed for %s", identifier);
return false;
ConsistentHash hash = getCurrentHash();
Set missingRemoteSegments = findMissingRemoteSegments(status.processedKeys, hash);
if (!missingRemoteSegments.isEmpty()) {
Map.Entry> route = findOptimalRoute(missingRemoteSegments, hash);
// If another request came in we don't want to keep on trying. This could happen if a rehash caused
// our existing node request to go away.
if (status.awaitingResponseFrom.compareAndSet(null, route.getKey())) {
sent = sendRequest(true, route, identifier, status);
} else {
} else {
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.tracef("Cannot send remote request as there are no longer any remote segments missing for %s", identifier);
return sent;
private boolean sendRequest(boolean sync, Map.Entry> route, final UUID identifier,
IterationStatus extends Object> status) {
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.tracef("Sending request to %s for identifier %s", route, identifier);
Address address = route.getKey();
Set segments = route.getValue();
Set keysToFilter = new HashSet();
AtomicReferenceArray> ourEntries = status.processedKeys;
for (Integer segment : segments) {
Set valuesSeen = ourEntries.get(segment);
if (valuesSeen != null) {
KeyValueFilter super K, ? super V> filterToSend;
if (status.filter == null) {
if (!keysToFilter.isEmpty()) {
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.tracef("Applying filter for %s of keys", keysToFilter.size());
filterToSend = new KeyFilterAsKeyValueFilter(new CollectionKeyFilter(keysToFilter));
} else {
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.trace("No filter applied");
filterToSend = null;
} else {
if (!keysToFilter.isEmpty()) {
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.tracef("Applying filter for %s of keys with provided filter %s" , keysToFilter.size(), status.filter);
filterToSend = new CompositeKeyValueFilter(
new KeyFilterAsKeyValueFilter(new CollectionKeyFilter(keysToFilter)), status.filter);
} else {
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.tracef("Using provided filter %s", status.filter);
filterToSend = status.filter;
EntryRequestCommand command = commandsFactory.buildEntryRequestCommand(identifier, segments,
filterToSend, status.converter,
try {
// We don't want async with sync marshalling as we don't want the extra overhead time
RpcOptions options = rpcManager.getRpcOptionsBuilder(sync ? ResponseMode.SYNCHRONOUS :
Map responseMap = rpcManager.invokeRemotely(Collections.singleton(address), command, options);
if (sync) {
Response response = responseMap.values().iterator().next();
if (!response.isSuccessful()) {
Throwable cause = response instanceof ExceptionResponse ? ((ExceptionResponse) response).getException() : null;
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.tracef(cause, "Unsuccessful response received from node %s for %s, must resend to a new node!",
route.getKey(), identifier);
atomicRemove(status.awaitingResponseFrom, address);
return false;
return true;
} catch (SuspectException e) {
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.tracef("Request to %s for %s was suspect, must resend to a new node!", route, identifier);
atomicRemove(status.awaitingResponseFrom, address);
return false;
private Set findMissingLocalSegments(AtomicReferenceArray> processValues, ConsistentHash hash) {
Set ourSegments = hash.getPrimarySegmentsForOwner(localAddress);
Set returnSegments = new HashSet<>();
for (Integer segment : ourSegments) {
if (processValues.get(segment) != null) {
return returnSegments;
private boolean updatedLocalAndRun(UUID identifier) {
boolean shouldRun = false;
boolean updated = false;
IterationStatus> details = iteratorDetails.get(identifier);
if (details != null) {
AtomicReference localRunning = details.localRunning;
while (!updated) {
LocalStatus status = localRunning.get();
// Just ignore a null status
if (status == null) {
updated = true;
switch (status) {
case IDLE:
// If idle we try to update to running which means we should fire it off
updated = shouldRun = localRunning.compareAndSet(LocalStatus.IDLE, LocalStatus.RUNNING);
case REPEAT:
// If is repeat then we don't worry since it will have to be repeated still
updated = true;
// If it is running try to set to repeat to make sure they know about the new segments
updated = localRunning.compareAndSet(LocalStatus.RUNNING, LocalStatus.REPEAT);
return shouldRun;
private boolean shouldRepeatApplication(UUID identifier) {
boolean shouldRun = false;
boolean updated = false;
IterationStatus> details = iteratorDetails.get(identifier);
if (details != null) {
AtomicReference localRunning = details.localRunning;
while (!updated) {
LocalStatus status = localRunning.get();
if (status == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Status should never be null");
} else {
switch (status) {
case IDLE:
throw new IllegalStateException("This should never be seen as IDLE by the running thread");
case REPEAT:
updated = shouldRun = localRunning.compareAndSet(LocalStatus.REPEAT, LocalStatus.RUNNING);
updated = localRunning.compareAndSet(LocalStatus.RUNNING, LocalStatus.IDLE);
return shouldRun;
private boolean missingRemoteSegment(AtomicReferenceArray> processValues, ConsistentHash hash) {
boolean missingRemote = false;
if (processValues != null) {
Set localSegments = hash.getPrimarySegmentsForOwner(localAddress);
for (int i = 0; i < processValues.length(); ++i) {
if (processValues.get(i) != null) {
if (!localSegments.contains(i)) {
missingRemote = true;
return missingRemote;
private Set findMissingRemoteSegments(AtomicReferenceArray> processValues, ConsistentHash hash) {
Set localSegments = hash.getPrimarySegmentsForOwner(localAddress);
Set segments = new HashSet<>();
if (processValues != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < processValues.length(); ++i) {
if (processValues.get(i) != null) {
if (!localSegments.contains(i)) {
return segments;
* Finds the address with the most amount of segments to request and returns it - note this will never return
* the local address
* @param segmentsToFind The segments to find or null if all segments are desired
* @return
private Map.Entry> findOptimalRoute(Set segmentsToFind, ConsistentHash hash) {
Map.Entry> route = null;
Map> routes;
int segmentCount = hash.getNumSegments();
routes = new HashMap<>();
for (int i = 0; i < segmentCount; ++i) {
if (segmentsToFind == null || segmentsToFind.contains(i)) {
Address address = hash.locatePrimaryOwnerForSegment(i);
Set segments = routes.get(address);
if (segments == null) {
segments = new HashSet<>();
routes.put(address, segments);
for (Map.Entry> mappedRoute : routes.entrySet()) {
if (mappedRoute.getKey().equals(localAddress)) {
if (route == null) {
route = mappedRoute;
} else if (route.getValue().size() > mappedRoute.getValue().size()) {
route = mappedRoute;
return route;
public void receiveResponse(UUID identifier, Address origin, Set completedSegments,
Set inDoubtSegments, Collection> entries, CacheException e) {
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.tracef("Processing response for identifier %s", identifier);
if (e != null) {
log.tracef("Response for identifier %s contained exception", identifier, e);
} else {
try {
processData(identifier, origin, completedSegments, inDoubtSegments, entries);
} catch (Throwable t) {
e = log.exceptionProcessingIteratorResponse(identifier, e);
if (e != null) {
IterationStatus> status = iteratorDetails.get(identifier);
if (status != null) {
* This method is only called on the originator node to process values either retrieved remotely or locally.
* After processing data this method then determines if it needs to send another request to another remote node
* and also if it needs to do another local data mine in case if the topology changed.
* @param origin Where the data request came from
* @param identifier The unique identifier for this iteration request
* @param completedSegments The segments that were completed
* @param inDoubtSegments The segments that were found to be in doubt due to a rehash while iterating over them
* @param entries The entries retrieved
* @param The type for the entries value
private void processData(final UUID identifier, Address origin, Set completedSegments, Set inDoubtSegments,
Collection> entries) {
final IterationStatus status = (IterationStatus) iteratorDetails.get(identifier);
// This is possible if the iterator was closed early or we had duplicate requests due to a rehash.
if (status != null) {
final AtomicReferenceArray> processedKeys = status.processedKeys;
final DistributedItr itr = status.ongoingIterator;
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.tracef("Processing data for identifier %s completedSegments: %s inDoubtSegments: %s entryCount: %s", identifier,
completedSegments, inDoubtSegments, entries.size());
// Normally we shouldn't have duplicates, but rehash can cause that
Collection> nonDuplicateEntries = new ArrayList<>(entries.size());
Map> finishedKeysForSegment = new HashMap<>();
// We have to put the empty hash set, or else segments with no values would complete
for (int completedSegment : completedSegments) {
// Only notify segments that have completed once! Technically this can still occur twice, since the
// segments aren't completed until later, but this happening is not an issue since we only raise a key once,
// but this is here to reduce tracing output and false positives in tests.
if (processedKeys.get(completedSegment) != null) {
finishedKeysForSegment.put(completedSegment, new ConcurrentHashSet());
// We need to keep track of what we have seen in case if they become in doubt
ConsistentHash hash = getCurrentHash();
for (CacheEntry entry : entries) {
K key = entry.getKey();
int segment = hash.getSegment(key);
Set seenSet = processedKeys.get(segment);
// If the set is null means that this segment was already finished... so don't worry about those values
if (seenSet != null) {
// If we already saw the value don't raise it again
if (seenSet.add(key)) {
ConcurrentHashSet finishedKeys = finishedKeysForSegment.get(segment);
if (finishedKeys != null) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
// If we were interrupted then just shut down this processing completely
log.tracef("Iteration thread was interrupted, stopping iteration for identifier %s", identifier);
// We complete the segments after setting the entries
if (!completedSegments.isEmpty()) {
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.tracef("Completing segments %s for identifier %s", completedSegments, identifier);
for (Integer completeSegment : completedSegments) {
// Null out the set saying we completed this segment
processedKeys.set(completeSegment, null);
// If we are finished we need to request the next segments - currently the indoubt and completed are
// sent at the end
// Also don't check completion if we know we are waiting for another node to respond
if (!completedSegments.isEmpty() || !inDoubtSegments.isEmpty()) {
boolean complete = true;
// We have to use the same has for both local and remote just in case - note both will check the updated
// hash later
hash = getCurrentHash();
boolean isMissingRemoteSegments = missingRemoteSegment(processedKeys, hash);
if (isMissingRemoteSegments) {
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
// Note if a rehash occurs here and all our segments become local this could be an empty set
log.tracef("Request %s not yet complete, remote segments %s are still missing", identifier,
findMissingRemoteSegments(processedKeys, hash));
complete = false;
if (origin != localAddress) {
// Only perform if the awaitingResponse is still not null, which is our current response. If it
// is null that means the iterator was closed, if it was non null means this node went down while
// processing response
if (atomicRemove(status.awaitingResponseFrom, origin)) {
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.tracef("Sending request for %s via remote transport thread", identifier);
remoteExecutorService.submit(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
eventuallySendRequest(identifier, status);
} else if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.tracef("Not sending new remote request as %s was either stopped or %s went down", identifier,
} else if (origin != localAddress) {
// If we don't have another node to send to mark the response as no longer required
remoteExecutorService.submit(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
// We have to keep trying until either there are no more missing segments or we have sent a request
while (missingRemoteSegment(processedKeys, getCurrentHash()) && iteratorDetails.containsKey(identifier)) {
if (!eventuallySendRequest(identifier, status)) {
// We couldn't send a remote request, so remove the awaitingResponse and make sure there
// are no more missing remote segments
} else {
// This means we successfully sent the request so our job is done!
Set localSegments = findMissingLocalSegments(processedKeys, hash);
if (!localSegments.isEmpty()) {
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.tracef("Request %s not yet complete, local segments %s are still missing", identifier, localSegments);
complete = false;
// Have the local request check it's values again
startRetrievingValuesLocal(identifier, localSegments, status, new SegmentBatchHandler() {
public void handleBatch(UUID identifier, boolean complete, Set completedSegments, Set inDoubtSegments, Collection> entries) {
processData(identifier, localAddress, completedSegments, inDoubtSegments, entries);
public void handleException(CacheException e) {
if (complete) {
} else if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.tracef("Ignoring values as identifier %s was marked as complete", identifier);
private static boolean atomicRemove(AtomicReference ref, V object) {
V refObject = ref.get();
if (object.equals(refObject)) {
return ref.compareAndSet(refObject, null);
} else {
return false;
private void completeIteration(UUID identifier) {
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.tracef("Processing complete for identifier %s", identifier);
IterationStatus> status = iteratorDetails.get(identifier);
if (status != null) {
Itr> itr = status.ongoingIterator;
protected class DistributedItr extends Itr {
private final UUID identifier;
private final ConsistentHash hash;
private final ConcurrentMap> keysNeededToComplete = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private final SegmentListener segmentListener;
public DistributedItr(int batchSize, UUID identifier, SegmentListener segmentListener, ConsistentHash hash) {
this.identifier = identifier;
this.hash = hash;
this.segmentListener = segmentListener;
public CacheEntry next() {
CacheEntry entry =;
K key = entry.getKey();
int segment = hash.getSegment(key);
Set keys = keysNeededToComplete.get(segment);
if (keys != null) {
if (keys.isEmpty()) {
notifyListenerCompletedSegment(segment, true);
return entry;
private void notifyListenerCompletedSegment(int segment, boolean fromIterator) {
if (segmentListener != null) {
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.tracef("Notifying listener of segment %s being completed for %s", segment, identifier);
segmentListener.segmentTransferred(segment, fromIterator);
public void addKeysForSegment(Map> keysForSegment) {
for (Map.Entry> entry : keysForSegment.entrySet()) {
Set values = entry.getValue();
// If it is empty just notify right away
if (values.isEmpty()) {
// If we have keys to be notified, then don't complete the segment due to this response having no valid
// keys. This means a previous response came for this segment that had keys.
if (!keysNeededToComplete.containsKey(entry.getKey())) {
notifyListenerCompletedSegment(entry.getKey(), false);
} else {
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.tracef("No keys found for segment %s, but previous response had keys - so cannot complete " +
"segment", entry.getKey());
// Else we have to wait until we iterate over the values first
else {
Set prevValues = keysNeededToComplete.putIfAbsent(entry.getKey(), values);
if (prevValues != null) {
// Can't use addAll due to CHS impl
for (K value : values) {
protected void close(CacheException e) {
// When the iterator is closed we have to stop all other processing and remove any references to our identifier
protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
private class MapAction implements ParallelIterableMap.KeyValueAction> {
final UUID identifier;
final Set segments;
final int batchSize;
final Converter super K, ? super V, C> converter;
final SegmentBatchHandler handler;
final Queue> queue;
final AtomicInteger insertionCount = new AtomicInteger();
public MapAction(UUID identifier, Set segments, Set inDoubtSegments,
int batchSize, Converter super K, ? super V, C> converter, SegmentBatchHandler handler,
Queue> queue) {
this.identifier = identifier;
this.segments = segments;
this.batchSize = batchSize;
this.converter = converter;
this.handler = handler;
this.queue = queue;
public void apply(K k, CacheEntry kvInternalCacheEntry) {
ConsistentHash hash = getCurrentHash();
if (segments.contains(hash.getSegment(k))) {
CacheEntry clone = (CacheEntry)kvInternalCacheEntry.clone();
if (converter != null) {
C value = converter.convert(k, kvInternalCacheEntry.getValue(), kvInternalCacheEntry.getMetadata());
if (value == null && converter instanceof KeyValueFilterConverter) {
if (insertionCount.incrementAndGet() % batchSize == 0) {
Collection> entriesToSend = new ArrayList<>(batchSize);
while (entriesToSend.size() != batchSize) {
Set emptySet = Collections.emptySet();
// We always send back empty set for both completed and in doubt segments
handler.handleBatch(identifier, false, emptySet, emptySet, entriesToSend);
interface SegmentBatchHandler {
public void handleBatch(UUID identifier, boolean complete, Set completedSegments,
Set inDoubtSegments, Collection> entries);
public void handleException(CacheException e);
private static class SegmentFilter implements KeyFilter {
private final ConsistentHash hash;
private final Set segments;
public SegmentFilter(ConsistentHash hash, Set segments) {
this.hash = hash;
this.segments = segments;
public boolean accept(K key) {
return segments.contains(hash.getSegment(key));
private class SegmentChangeListener {
private final Set changedSegments = new ConcurrentHashSet();
public void changedSegments(Set changedSegments) {
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.tracef("Adding changed segments %s so iteration can properly suspect them", changedSegments);
for (Integer segment : changedSegments) {